2024-2568 - Carlson, Amber - Response Public • • • Response Form Request Number assigned at submission Number* 2024-2568 Please see belowfor additional information regarding this request(relevant paragraphs have been checked). Search Results We will withhold any material that is not a public record or is within the scope of applicable non-disclosure provisions, including C.R.S.24-72-204(3)(a). Forwarding r- ">I-he record(s)you requested can be accessed using the below link. Responsive Records: Link: No Responsive W "11-he search of our records resulted in"no responsive records were Records Found found". Additional Information: Extension of Time (extenuating circumstances apply) If extenuating circumstances exist(as checked below),your records will be ready for transmittal or reviewwithin 10 business days of your request. If research, retrieval or additional services require a payment,the 10 business days shall begin upon receipt of payment. Request Large Volume Of Records Requiring Your request involves such a large volume of records that II cannot Additional Action reasonably prepare or gather the records within the 3-day period without substantially interfering with rmyobligations to perform yother public service responsibilities. Request Request Broadly Stated Requiring 1 Your request is broadly stated one,encompassing all or substantially all Additional Action of a large category of records,without sufficient specificity to allow me, as custodian, reasonably to prepare or gather the records within 3 business days. Request Records Inactive Requiring ">I-he records you have requested are in storage/inactive/not readily Additional Action available. Fees Under the City's policy on "Access to Public Records",there are attendant costs you will need to pay before we start gathering the requested records.The City's fee for research and retrieval is$41 per hour(after the first hour). Additional services,such as manipulating data and/or redaction,are$41 per hour. V you request copies,we will assess a$0.25 per page, payable when you pick up the copies. s rc / etrieva 41 per Ihour after the first Ihour Hours Cost Total 41.00 Review/Redaction $41 per Ihour Hours Cost Total 41.00 Paper Copies $0.25 per page Number of pages Cost per page Total 0.25 Please make your payment by cash or check to the Office of Central Records, located in the municipal building at 1777 Broadway, Second Floor, Monday thru Friday, 08:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 5:00.We will then begin gathering the records Wien we have recieved the payment,at which time the 3 or 10 business day response requirement shall begin. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 1— Your request references the F01A,5 U.S.C.Sect.552. II arm advised that F01A governs access to records of federal agencies only and does not applyto municipal corporations.