2024 - 3596 - Smith, Kennedy - Request III Maim Kennedy
ILast IMaim SiI
AddIre ss* Riik Adih'a::Ss
1200 18th St INK Suite 700
Oty Rak:!/11 tcIv11ncI:!/
Washington DC
11 baa tJ/J113 Q IdI:, QIunhy
20036 USA
I Addire ss„* 11 .11his a::n'ndl adihSs W11111 Ilaeusa::d
'a::gards sIaI.ItIs
Maim /Type/IDe scirillpt!loin of Please tell rne ilf the Cilty of Boulder used AWS(Arnazon Web
IlRecoird(s) IlRequested* Services)iiia calendar year 2023 and, iif so, how iI It spent iiia
2023 for AWS.
11 iiia cludI::,as nudl�!III fi(IT-nt!(A�8S 3nsS11.*:'sudl as dak:!'dak::'in-m�g:!'suty:d 1 T'ntk:!r'
S113FC11 uC 11 M-IIT-IaS Of 113KSCIM S 8KFOC dI::Sa'Ij3I.km
IDo You IKinow What IDe pairtim I!is r Yes
III !is IMallintallined II r No
r Not Sure
Spe clify IDe 1pairtim int y1111 a;11 w¢ins a IM
Ilio You III We III Any Yes
IlReslpoinsilve Records III Ilin a No
III fin Accordance Wilth the
ALcessillblillilty ILaw®fair Colloirado State
and ILocall GoveiriniI(III10)*
Ateirinatilve Access Requested
IDIIscIIaIIiI 11 agree
III Ulplload