2024 - 3579 - ODea, Robert - RequestFirst Name * Last Name * Addre ss * Email Addre ss:* Name / Type / De scription of Re cord(s) Re que ste d * Do Y ou Know What De partme nt This Re cord is M aintaine d In?* Spe cify De partme nt Do You Re quire We Prov ide Any Re sponsiv e Re cords Found In a Format in Accordance With the Acce ssibility Law for Colorado State and Local Gov e rnme nt (HB21-1110)* Alte rnativ e Acce ss Re que ste d Disclaime r * File Upload Robert ODea City Boulder State / Province / Region CO Postal / Zip Code 80301 Country USA Street Address 7774 Durham Cir Address Line 2 Please be advised this email address w ill be used to correspond w ith the requester in regards to inf ormation and status. rob@barracudamad.com All emails and/or voice and/or text messages including the terms: "891 12th" and/or "Ash House" between the date of July 23, 2024 and July 29, 2024. Please include as much information as possible such as date, date range, subject matter, specific names of persons and/or description Yes No Not Sure (Please choose one) Planning & Develeopment Services Yes No Please note any specific accommodations, modifications or alternative access you w ould like to request. I agree