2024 - 3575 - Pergolizzi, Joseph - Request III Maim Joseph ILast IMaim Pergolizi, Addiress* Riik Adih's::Ss 2365 Grape Ave Adih'a::ss 11 iiii�a:!2 Oty Rak:!/11 tcIv11ncI:!/ Boulder CO 11 baa tJ/J113 Q IdI:, QIunhy 80304 United States I Addire ss„* joe@( joeperg.corn Maim /Type/IDe scirillpt!loin of Hi 11 arn looking for any post assessment natural disaster reports IlRecoird(s) Requested* for the Fourimile Canyon Fire, Cold Springs Fire, Cal-M.od- Left Hand Canyon Fire, Marshall Fire and the 100 year flood of 2012. Basically,any report that discusses what went right,wrong,what could have been done better,why It may have happened for these Incidents. 11 nudh!III fi(IT-nt!(A�8S 3nsS11.*:'SudhaS dak:!' suty:d T'ntk:!r' S113FX JI k;11 M-M T-IaS a if 113M'Sa 1M S 8o KIA CAI::SAN1131.km IDo You IKinow What IDelpairtiIniis r Yes IIIwird !is IM a!I in ta!I in e d 11 in?* r No r Not Sure Spe clify IDe III int IM Ilio You III We III Any j Yes lRespoinslive Records III Ilin a No III fin Accordance Wlth the AccessiIII ILaw-Fair Colloirado State and ILocall GoveiriniI(III10)* Ateirinatilve Access Requested IDIIscIIaIIiI 11 agree III III