2024 - 3570 - Pearlman, Ben - RequestFirst Name * Last Name * Addre ss * Email Addre ss:* Name / Type / De scription of Re cord(s) Re que ste d * Do Y ou Know What De partme nt This Re cord is M aintaine d In?* Spe cify De partme nt Do You Re quire We Prov ide Any Re sponsiv e Re cords Found In a Format in Accordance With the Acce ssibility Law for Colorado State and Local Gov e rnme nt (HB21-1110)* Alte rnativ e Acce ss Re que ste d Disclaime r * File Upload Ben Pearlman City BOULDER State / Province / Region CO Postal / Zip Code 80304 Country United States Street Address 1458 Periwinkle Dr Address Line 2 1458 Periwinkle Dr Please be advised this email address w ill be used to correspond w ith the requester in regards to inf ormation and status. pearlmanbenjamin@gmail.com Current contracts between the City and Boulder Indoor Soccer concerning the management of the City of Boulder Outdoor Adult Soccer Leagues at Pleasant View fields. If I can be more specific or help narrow the request, please contact me at 720-273-1458 or pearlmanbenjamin@gmail.com Please include as much information as possible such as date, date range, subject matter, specific names of persons and/or description Yes No Not Sure (Please choose one) Yes No Please note any specific accommodations, modifications or alternative access you w ould like to request. I agree