PDS - Approval ConditionsAPPROVAL CONDITIONS LOCATION:4695 NAUTILUS CT Lighting alterations: replacing existing fluorescent lamp fixtures with LED fixtures. DESCRIPTION: PERMIT NUMBER:ELE2021-00383 Condition requirements must be met prior to requesting specific inspections as described below. To submit documentation that is required to satisfy a condition visit https://EnerGovCSS.bouldercolorado.gov Log in to your account and find your case number under "My Permits". Documents can be uploaded under the "Attachments" tab. Please provide a file name that describes the type of documentation that has been submitted (ie. Height Verification or Final Elevation Certificate). Documentation may also be submitted to a Project Specialist in the Planning and Development Service Center, 1739 Broadway, Third Floor. CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO SPECIFIED INSPECTION OR APPROVAL Land Use Land Use LIGHTING CERTIFICATION: Prior to Final Inspection approval (or request for a C.O. or Certificate of Completion) a signed Outdoor Lighting Certification form is required. Per 9-9-16 B.R.C. 1981, written certification is needed to confirm that the outdoor lighting as installed (or retrofitted) complies with the approved illumination plan AND all of the requirements of 9-9-16 B.R.C. Written certification of compliance includes the measurement of maximum lighting levels (to be measured no earlier than after 100 hours of operation), lumens, uniformity ratios, pole heights, etc. as applicable per 9-9-16 B.R.C. 1981. Written certification must clearly indicate compliance with all applicable requirements or standards, and shall include the name, title and applicable license number or professional stamp as appropriate. The Lighting Certification form available here: https://www-static.bouldercolorado.gov/docs/PDS/forms/outdoor-lighting-compliance.pdf The certification shall be completed by the architect, electrical engineer, electrical contractor, or lighting consultant responsible for the plans or the final installation. Written lighting certification must be uploaded to the permit case using the CSS portal. Please allow for a minimum of 3 business days for processing before scheduling inspections. For CSS related questions or issues please contact the CSS Help resource at 303/441.3132 or at CSSHelp@BoulderColorado.gov CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A LETTER OF COMPLETION OR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS 1 . Building permits are issued with the agreement that all work will be completed according to the approved plans and specifications, including all corrections and/or additions noted on the plans and shall comply with all applicable municipal, state and federal laws and regulations, including the and City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. Additionally, the work must specifically comply with all conditions set forth on these permits. Boulder Revised Code