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4699 S NAUTILUS CT_PMT2017-01979
Address :4699 S NAUTILUS CT Application No. : Scope of work : PMT2017-01979 Applied : 05/10/2017 Tenant interior remodel for an office suite. Scope includes removal of approximately 60 LF of partition wall, constructon of approximately 80 LF of new partition wall, relocation of doors, relocation of diffusers, installation of new lighting and receptacles. Includes no plumbing scope. 1 ■ Commercial Q Multi-Family Q Mixed Use □ Industrial □ Other DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WOftK __________________________________________ i| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Removal of approx. 60 LF of existing partition wall and install appro. 80 LF new partition wall, relocate exising doors arid install one new interior door. Repair Suspended ceiling grid. Relocate existing HVAC diffusers. Install new LED lighting and add electrical receptacles as shown on plans. Patch, paint and install new carpet (approximately (1,660 SF) and trim. For single use applications please complete the Type of Work and Primary Use sections below and then continue to page 3. For mixed use applications please complete the Type of Work and Use sections on pages 1 and 2 for each separate use. I TYPE OF WORK 1 Occupancy Classification Scope Specific Use I Construction Type Automatic Fire □ A1 □ F1 □ 11 □ R3 □ New Q Addition Finished Basement □ l-A □ II l-A Extinguishing System □ A2 □ F2 □ I2 □ R4 □ Core & Shell □ Mini-Warehousing □ l-B □ lll-B [x|Yes 1 Inq □ A3 □ H1 Q I3 □ S1 □ Tenant Finish □ Unfinished Basement □ ll-A □ IV Automatic Fire □ A4 □ H2 Q I4 □ S2 /Interior Sq.Ft □ ll-B □ V-A Alarm System Ivlvoc i iNr,□ A5 □ H3 □ m □ u □ Remodel/Exterior____Sq. Ft 1 □ V-B IAIY6S 1 1 INQ SB □ H4 □ R1 □ Repair ____Ft Total $27,7151 Sprinkler System □ E □ H5 □ R2 | 0 Tenant Remodel Sq pt a ua ion 0NFPA13 Q13-R D13-D PRIMARY USE (For multiple juses complete page 2) □ Amusement/Recreational Q Commercial/Retail □ Financial Institution Q Government Uses □ Hospital/Institutional □ Manufactured/Mobile Home CD Manufacturing □ Medical & Dental Clinics □ Motel/Hotel/B&B □ Multi-Family Dwellings CD Office - Administrative 0 Office - Professional □ Office - Technical □ Parking Garage □ Personal Service □ Religious Assembly □ Research & Dev. □ Restaurant CD School/Educational □ Service Industrial □ Service Station CD SF Attached Dwelling CD Warehousing □ Wholesale □ Carport - Attached CD Carport - Detached □ Deck □ Garage - Attached □ Garage - Detached CD Patio Cover □ Porch □ Public Works/Utilities □ Shed □ Shop □ Swimming Pool D Telecommunications □ Other (Describe Below) DETAILED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION! OF USE (please be as specific as possible) 306.pdf 1 Revised Feb 2010 ' Please‘complete this page for a Mixed Use application only. TYPE OF WORK Occupancy Classification —A1 F1 11 R3 —A2 =F2 = I2 ~R4 —A3 =H1 aa I3 = S1 —A4 —H2 ■“*I4 S2 —A5 H3 mm M U ""B mm H4 R1 E ""H5 R2 —L~J Scope |New | | Addition | |Core & Shell I [tenant Finish /Interior_______Sq. Ft I [Remodel/Exterior____ □Repair ____ □Tenant Remodel____ Specific Use I | Finished Basement I I Mini-Warehousing I I Unfinished Basement . Sq.Ft. . Sq.Ft. . Sq. Ft. .Valuation -Valuation - Valuation Construction Type □ l-A □ lll-A □ l-B □ lll-B □ H-A □ IV □ ll-B □ V-A □ V-B Automatic Fire Extinguishing System [~]Yes f~lNo Automatic Fire Alarm System [~~|Yes | |No Sprinkler System □ NFPA13 QI3-R ni3-D Amusement/Recreational □Motel/Hotel/B&B Research & Dev. Commercial/Retail □Multi-Family Dwellings Restaurant Financial Institution □Office - Administrative School/Educational = Government Uses □Office - Professional Service Industrial zz Hospital/Institutional =Office - Technical Service Station == Manufactured/Mobile Home Parking Garage SF Attached Dwelling Manufacturing Personal Service Warehousing Medical & Dental Clinics Religious Assembly Wholesale Carport - Attached Carport - Detached Deck Garage - Attached Garage - Detached Patio Cover Porch Public Works/Utilities Shed Shop Swimming Pool Telecommunications TYPE OF WORK Occupancy Classification A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B E F1 F2 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 11 12 13 14 M R1 R2 R3 R4 51 52 U Scope □iMew | | Addition □Core & Shell □Tenant Finish /interior Ft Specific Use □ Finished Basement I | Mini-Warehousing □ Unfinished Basement I Remodel/Exterior <tq Ft □Repair Sq.Ft Val nation ZlTenant Remodel Sq. Ft Valuation Construction Type □l-A □lll-A □l-B □lll-B □I l-A □IV □ll-B □<:>□CD>Automatic Fire Extinguishing System [X]Yes Dno Automatic Fire Alarm System I lYes rklNo Sprinkler System □ NFPA13 D3-R QJO USE = Amusement/Recreational Commercial/Retail Motel/Hotel/B&B Multi-Family Dwellings Financial Institution Office - Administrative Government Uses Office - Professional Hospital/Institutional Office - Technical Manufactured/Mobile Home Parking Garage Manufacturing Personal Service Medical & Dental Clinics □ Religious Assembly Research & Dev.Carport - Attached Restaurant Carport - Detached School/Educational Deck Service Industrial Garage - Attached Service Station Garage - Detached SF Attached Dwelling Patio Cover Warehousing Porch Wholesale Public Works/Utilities Shed Shop Swimming Pool Telecommunications 2 tLECTRiCAL Residential Valuation $____________ Type of Service tXl Non-Residential □ Residential I I Mobile Home Size of Service Non-Residential Valuation $ 975.00 ]Add □ New □ Replace Check the Included Items Residential Only New Wiring Sq.Ft. I I Rewiring Sq.Ft. I I Temporary Construction Power I | Other MECHANICAL Residential Valuation $_Non-Residential Valuation $1,250.00 | New □ Replace Indicate types of systems to be installed and their locations using locations listed below: Basement, Crawl Space, Garage, Kitchen, Rooftop, First Floor, Second Floor, Third Floor, Fourth Floor, Fifth Floor Water Heating System _ Low Pressure Boiler Water heater Location-------------------- Cooling System Comfort Cooling Refrigeration Ventilation Equipment Location---------------------- Building Heating System Duct Furnace Forced Air Furnace Heating and Cooling Unit High Pressure Boiler Low Pressure Boiler Sealed Combustion Heater Space Heater Unit Heater Location--------------------------- Gas System Fireplace Insert Gas Fireplace jGas Logs Gas Meter Move Gas Piping Gas Piping and Fireplace Location--------------------------- Hood □ Type I Location □ Type I Location Vent and Fan Hood I. Vent and Fan Hood PLUMBING Residential Valuation $_Non-Residential Valuation $0 00 Backflow Preventors — Baths Fire Line Quantity = # Set Irrigation Quantity # Roughed-in Domestic Quantity Plumbing System Fixture Relocate Only Sewer Interceptor Water Piping SITEWORK Residential Valuation $_Non-Residential Valuation $ 0.00 Landscaping Screen Service Area Street Trees Screened Rooftop Units Irrigation Systems Grading Cu. Yards Trash Enclosure Other________ Stormwater Management------------------------------------------------ | Detention Pond / Stormwater Quality Facility Erosion Control / Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)* Dates Erosion Control will be in place: From:___________________ To:____________________ *SWMP is required for all projects disturbing 1 acre of land or greater PROJECT DATA Total Gross Floor Area of Buildings Number of Floors Above Existing Grade Plane Number of Residential Units Number of Accessible Fair Housing Act Units Building Coverage or Lot Coverage 1660 Existing Sq.Ft. Upon Completion 1660 Sq.Ft. Zoning District:__________ Number of Affordable Units:. Floodplain Basement: Y|or yV Historic District:[Y~^)r[x| Landmarked Bldg.[~Y|or{x] If yes, Flood Permit Number_ Open Space (9-9-11(f) & 9-9-11(c)) Number of Parking Spaces _____ Provided ____Required (9-3.2 BRC) Number of Handicapped Spaces_____Provided ____Required Existing Sq.Ft ]] Not Applicable Upon Completion Sq.Ft. Lot Area:_______________Sq. Ft. (not acres) Height from Low Point:________________(The vertical distance from the lowest point within 25 feet of the tallest side of the structure to the uppermost point of the roof.) Has this property been part of an approved City of Boulder review (i.e., Site Review, Use Review, PUD, PRD, PD, etc.)? Y or N If yes, please list the project name and case number(s):______________________________________________________________. 3 FEES The fees were set by the Boulder City Council and are included in Title 4 Chapter 20 of the Boulder Revised Code. To calculate estimated fees, please reference the Schedule of Fees and Permit Fee Estimator Work Sheet. A plan check fee is required at time of application. NOTICE Contractors and subcontractors are required to have an active license with the City of Boulder. This application expires after 180 days if the permit is not obtained. AFFORDABLE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS Inclusionary Housing requirements apply to all new dwelling units as enumerated in chapter 9-13 B.R.C, 1981. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT FOR OWNER I agree to perform the work described herein, in accordance with the plans and/or specifications submitted and with all provisions of the Building Code, Zoning Ordinance, and Health Regulations of the City of Boulder as enumerated in the Boulder Revised Code, 1981. 05/01/2017 Signature:Date: 4 COM check Software Version Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code: 2012 IECC Project Title: Project Type: Alteration Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 4699 Nautilus Ct. South Suite 100, 101, 102 Boulder, CO 80301 Allowed Interior Lighting Power A B c D Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (ft2)Watts / ft2 (BXC) 1-reception (Common Space Types:Office - Open plan)232 1.00 232 2-Hall way (Common Space Types:Corridor / Transition)228 0.70 160 3-Nancy office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed)152 1.10 167 4-Kitchen (Common Space Types:Food preparation)92 1.20 110 5-restrooms (Common Space Types:Restroom)204 1.00 204 6-storage (Common Space Types:Storage)171 0.80 137 7-lighting lab (Common Space Types:Workshop)148 1.60 237 8-open office (Common Space Types:Office - Open plan)495 1.00 495 9-Conference Room (Common Space Types:Conference / Meeting / Multipurpose)544 1.20 653 Total Allowed Watts =2395 Proposed Interior Lighting Power A B c D E Fixture ID : Description / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp / Ballast Lamps/# of Fixture (CXD) Fixture Fixtures Watt. reception (Common Space Types:Qffice - Open plan 232 sq.ft.) LED 7: DN: 4' Ceiling wallwash-tamber offi: Other:1 1 36 36 LED 10: B: Down Lights Reception: Other:1 3 25 75 Track lighting 1: track: existing track light: Wattage based on 8 feet of track 0 0 0 240 Hall wav (Common Space Tvpes:Corridor / Transition 228 sq.ft.) LED 4: DN: 6’ ceiling wallwash-hall-darkro: Other:1 4 31 125 Nancv office ( Common SDace Tvoes:Office - Enclosed 152 sa.ft.) LED 5: DN: 6’ Ceiling Wallwash nancy offic: Other:1 2 54 108 Kitchen (Common Space Types:Food preparation 92 sq.ft.) LED 2: A: LED 2x2 recessed - kitchen: Other:1 2 27 54 restrooms ( Common Space Tvpes:Restroom 204 sq.ft.) LED 1: A: LED 2x2 recessed- bathrm.storag: Other:1 2 10 19 LED 3: C: 4' Vanity light in restroom: Other:1 2 52 104 storage ( Common Space Types:Storage 171 sq.ft.) LED 1: A: LED 2x2 recessed- bathrm.storag: Other:1 4 10 38 lighting lab ( Common Space Types:Workshop 148 sq.ft.) Project Title: Data filename: S:\Clanton Office Renovation\Documents\com Check.cck Report date: 04/20/17 Page 1 of 7 A Fixture ID : Description / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp / Ballast B Lamps/ Fixture C # of Fixtures D Fixture Watt. E (CXD) LED 4: DN: 6' ceiling wallwash-hall-darkro: Other:1 2 31 62 LED 9: G: conference room pendent: Other: open office f Common Space Tvpes:Office - Open plan 495 sq.ft.) 1 2 50 100 LED 8: F: 6' wall mounted linear: Other: 1 Conference Room l Common Space Types:Conference / Meeting / Multipurpose 544 sq.ft.) 3 41 124 LED 6: DN: 12' Ceiling wall wash-comf. roo: Other:1 2 62 125 LED 9: G: conference room pendent: Other:1 3 50 150 Total Proposed Watts =1360 Interior Lighting PASSES Interior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed interior lighting alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed interior lighting systems have been designed to meet the 2012 IECC requirements in COM check Version and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. Ay\lv Name - Title 1 Date Project Title: Data filename: S:\Clanton Office Renovation\Documents\com Check.cck Report date: 04/20/17 Page 2 of 7 COtAcheck Software Version Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2012 IECC Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the COMc/iec/c software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Section # & Req.lD Plan Review Complies?Comments/Assumptions C103.2 [PR4]1 Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide all information with which compliance can be determined for the interior lighting and electrical systems and equipment and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Information provided should include interior lighting power calculations, wattage of bulbs and ballasts, transformers and control devices. □Complies □Does Not □Not Observable □Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact (Tier 1)2 Medium Impact (Tier 2)3 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Data filename: S:\Clanton Office Renovation\Documents\com Check.cck Report date: 04/20/17 Page 3 of 7 Section # & Req.lD Rough-In Electrical Inspection Complies?Comments/Assumptions C405.2.2. 1 [EL22P Automatic controls to shut off all building lighting installed in all buildings. □Complies □ Does Not □Not Observable □Not Applicable C405.2.1. 1 [EL23]2 Independent lighting controls installed □Complies per approved lighting plans and all DDoes Not manual controls readily accessible and visible to occupants. ONot Observable □Not Applicable C405.2.1. 2 [EL15]1 Lighting controls installed to uniformly □Complies reduce the lighting load by at least nDoes Not 50%. .□Not Observable □Not Applicable C405.2.2. 3 [EL16]2 Daylight zones provided with individual controls that control the lights independent of general area lighting. □Complies □Does Not □Not Observable □Not Applicable C405.2.3 [EL17]3 Sleeping units have at least one master switch at the main entry door that controls wired luminaires and switched receptacles. □Complies □Does Not □Not Observable □Not Applicable C405.2.2. 2 [EL18]1 Occupancy sensors installed in required spaces. □Complies □ Does Not □Not Observable □Not Applicable C405.2.2. 3 [EL20]1 Primary sidelighted areas are equipped with required lighting controls. □complies □Does Not □Not Observable □Not Applicable C405.2.2. 3 [EL21]1 Enclosed spaces with daylight area under skylights and rooftop monitors are equipped with required lighting controls. □Complies □Does Not □Not Observable □Not Applicable C405.2.3 [EL4]1 Separate lighting control devices for specific uses installed per approved lighting plans. □Complies □Does Not □Not Observable □Not Applicable C405.3 [EL19]3 Fluorescent luminaires with odd numbered lamp configurations that are within 10 feet center to center (if recess mounted) or are within 1 foot edge to edge (if pendant or surface mounted) shall be tandem wired. □Complies □ Does Not □Not Observable □Not Applicable C405.4 [EL6]1 Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per face. □complies □ Does Not □Not Observable □Not Applicable C405.2.3 [EL8]1 Additional interior lighting power allowed for special functions per the approved lighting plans and is automatically controlled and separated from general lighting. □Complies □ Does Not □Not Observable □Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact (Tier 1)2 Medium Impact (Tier 2)3 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Data filename: S:\Clanton Office Renovation\Documents\com Check.cck Report date: 04/20/17 Page 4 of 7 1 High Impact (Tier 1)2 Medium Impact (Tier 2)3 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Data filename: S:\Clanton Office Renovation\Documents\com Check.cck Report date: 04/20/17 Page 5 of 7 Section # & Req.lD Final Inspection Complies?Comments/Assumptions C408.2.5. 1 [FI16]3 Furnished as-built drawings for □Complies electric power systems within 30 days DDoes Not of system acceptance. DNot Observable □Not Applicable C303.3, C408.2.5. 2 [FI17]3 Furnished O&M instructions for □Complies systems and equipment to the DDoes Not building owner or designatedrepresentative. DNot Observable □Not Applicable i I C405.5.2 [FI18]1 Interior installed lamp and fixture □Complies See the Interior Lighting fixture schedule for values. lighting power is consistent with what DDoes Not is shown on the approved lighting ■—... . _.plans, demonstrating proposed watts DNot Observable are less than or equal to allowed UNot Applicable watts. C408.3 Lighting systems have been tested to □Complies [FI33]1 ensure proper calibration, adjustment, DDoes Not programming, and operation. jnNot observable □Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact (Tier 1)2 Medium Impact (Tier 2)3 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Data filename: S:\Clanton Office Renovation\Documents\com Check.cck Report date: 04/20/17 Page 6 of 7 Project Title: Report date: Data filename: S:\Clanton Office Renovation\Documents\com Check.cck Page 04/20/17 7 of 7 WALL LEGEND LIGHTING AND ELECTRICAL LEGEND WALL TO CEILING ©4" HIGH WALL 54‘ HIGH WALL 36" HIGH WALL TYPE 'A' RECES5ED 2x2. 2TW - >CW t----<U-----1 TYPE BE>BR' SURFACE MOUNT TRACK. TYPE BE' = EXISTING. TYPE BR’ = RELOCATED. O TYPE B' DCYWLICHT, 25M ALLOW - RELOCATED. hO TYPE C- SCONCE, 52W - NEW. ___dL____ TYPE DE/DN' CEIL INC MOUNTED LlfCAR WALL WASH. ------------------- TYPE DE* = EXISTINC. TYPE W = NEW. NEW TYPE P’ WALL MOUNTED LUMINAIRE - LENOTH AS NOTED JUNCTION BOX.□ ec $ $3 $4 $D $D3 $oc > 0 hCW SINOLE FACE EXIT SICN NEW DUPLEX WALL RECEPTACLE SHALL BE I©* AJ=J=. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON PLANS. NEW WALL SWITCH AT 4©* AP.F. MAX. IEW 3-WAY WALL SWITCH AT 4©‘ A.FP. MAX. NEW 4-WAY WALL SWITCH AT 4©' A.FP. MAX. NEW DIMMER WALL SWITCH AT 4©‘ A.FE. MAX. NEW 3-WAY DIMMER WALL SWITCH AT 4©" AF.F. MAX. NEW WALL SWITCH WITH OCCUPANCY SENSOR AT 4©" A.FJ=. MAX. NEW DATA PORT AT l©‘ AJ=.F. MINIMUM WITH CAT© CABLE ROUTED TO TELEPHONE CLOSET UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4>, NEW CEIL INC MOUNTED DUAL TECH IR « ULTRASONIC OCCUPANCY SENSOR. LOWER CASE LETTER INDICATES CONTROL. EXISTINC DUPLEX OR 4-PLEX WALL RECEPTACLE TO REMAIN. EXISTINC WALL SWITCH TO REMAIN. EXISTINC DATA PORT TO REMAIN. EXISTINC TELEPHONE JACK TO REMAIN. EXISTINC EGRESS/EXIT SICN. EXISTINC EMERGENCY LIGHTS. EXISTINC J-BOX WITH COVER PLATE TO REMAIN. EXISTINC FIRE SPRINKLER TO REMAIN EXISTINC COAX MOUNTING FLUSH FEEDER:TOP PANEL P2* NEMA1ENCLOSURE Minimum AI.C.= 10,000 AMPS BRANCH BREAKER" 208Y/120V-3PH-4W (4#3/0 CU & 6GND)2’C. 200 AMPS MAIN LUGS ONLY LEFT PHASE LOAD RIGHT PHASE LOAD DESCRIPTION Size P Ckt#A-PH B-PH C-PH A-PH B-PH C-PH Ckt*Size P DESCRIPTION —60 1 4320 360 2 20 1 SERVER WALL QUAD ROOF TOP HVAC UNIT Y 3 4320 360 4 20 1 SERVER WALL QUAD —3 5 4320 720 6 20 1 CONF. RM. W. WALL VIDEO REC. WATER HEATER 30 7 2184 8 20 1 SPARE —2 9 2184 540 10 20 1 PRODUCTION ROOM REC. NANCYS 0FP1CE REC.20 1 11 360 360 12 20 1 OPEN OFFICE N. WALL REC. SPARE 20 1 13 1240 14 20 1 KITCHEN OUTLETS TELEPHONE REC.20 1 15 360 540 16 20 1 COPIER OUTLET SPARE 20 1 17 1080 18 20 1 COMPRESSOR RECEPTACLE RECEPTION/WORK RM. LTS.20 1 19a 900 540 20a 20 1 N.W. OFFICE REC. BATH/STORiDARKRM./HALL LTS.20 1 19b 900 720 20b 20 1 OFFICE REC. MECHANICS & ELECTRONICS LTS 20 1 21a 500 720 22a 20 1 RECEPT OFFICE & CONF.RM. REC LARGE COFERENCE RM. LTS.20 1 21b 520 22b 20 1 SPARE OPEN OFFICE LTS.20 1 23a 680 720 24a 20 1 KITCHEN REC E WALL ELECTRONICS OFF. REC.20 1 23b 720 540 24b 20 1 OPEN OFFICE W. WALL REC. SOUTH WALL REC 20 1 25 360 26 20 1 SPARE NORTH WALL REC 20 1 27 360 f;360 28 20 1 MECHANICS LAB OUTLETS EAST WALL REC 20 1 29 720 1080 30 20 1 ELECTRONICS LAB OUTLETS 8664 8244 6800 2860 2520 4500 11524 10764 11300 Total Connectec VA 33588 =Total Connected VA al (3) Phases LOAD CONNECTED D.FACT Est KVA AMPS LIGHTING 3500 VA 125 4 38 RECEPTACLES (1ST 10000)10000 VA 1 00 10.00 12760 VA=Total Receptacle Load RECEPTACLES (REMAINING)2760 VA 0 50 1.38 MOTOR (LARGEST)12960 VA 125 1620 MOTORS (REMAINING)0 VA 1 00 0.00 ELECTRICAL HEATING 4368 VA 125 5.46 ELECTRICAL MSC.0 VA 1 00 0.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED LOAD 33588 VA 37.42 104 D-' REMOVE 2-POLE IN CIRCUIT *6© < IIJ3 AND REPLACE WITH (A) 20A-IP FULL SIZE BREAKERS. (27NEW BREAKERS AND (2) FROM THE REMOVAL • CIRCUITS *22.24 2. REMOVE (2) 20A-IP FULL SIZE BREAKERS. PROVIDE AND INSTALL (4/20A-IP HALF BREAKERS RECONNECT NEW OUTLETS TO EXISTING CIRCUIT 36* A.FP. CLANTON 4 ASSOCIATES REFLECTED CEILING SCALE: W . T-C5’ 2. NO M:W MECHANICAL WORK TO BE PRFCRMtD. RELOCATE DIFFUSERS AS I«E.«D TO FIT SUSPENDED CEILING GRID LAYOUT. BALANCE MECHAMCAL SYSTEM AS NEEDED CAGE FINAL LAYOUT HAS BEEN COMPLETE. REMODEL AREA = 1CCO SF CLANTON & ASSOCIATES ------------------S------------------- 4699 Nautilus Court South Suite 100,101,102 Boulder, Colorado DATE: ©4-U-2©FI SHEET: DRAWN: JJE.RCP-1 CHECKED: NjC PROJECT: TENANT FINISH M M m—r WALL LEGEND WALL TO CEILING. ©4" man wall 54" Hiaa WALL 36" H»aw WALL LIGHTING 4 ELECTRICAL DEMO WALLS ■ \ DOORS TO BE REMOVED ’ft*T ▼ vj J, L DATA, POWER i WALL SWITCHES TO BE REMOVED. ^ l! LI&HTIN6 FIXTURES TO BE REMOVED PI 41269 ‘<£sr0mMJ CLANTON & ASSOCIATES -----------W 4699 Nautilus Court South Suite 100,101,102 Boulder, Colorado DATE:o4-e-2on SWEET: DRAWN:JE.D-1 CHECKED:NC. PROJECT:TENANT PINISW Address :4699 S NAUTILUS CT Application No. : PMT2017-01979 Applied : 05/10/2017 Scope of work : Tenant interior remodel for an office suite. Scope includes removal of approximately 60 LF of partition wall, constructon of approximately 80 LF of new partition wall, relocation of doors, relocation of diffusers, installation of new lighting and receptacles. Includes no plumbing scope. pejoij ss paAOjetdy _______________saoyvoc; ,<i(|pn ___________________ iS.>ripn.i}S __________ 6uiqujny leoiuepoeyM _______©Td Q|QA3t3 ' 11091=1------ .. ——tai •mo line .' ,ri*Q Tooy U'-Up-.'E-l ■#.it/r>spt ________ ________ uonep- osue.ij_ : ____________________a&eujBjp ___SuuaeujBug jaz^^yJSis/yi L I*?/? oG -jS SKVAOeadrsV NV Id B-3-J1008 dO AMO Sits tKM fHo&U- 6-9 if f