4699 S NAUTILUS CT_PMT2012-00729Address: 4699 S NAUTILUS CT Application No. : PMT2O12-00729 Applied : 02/23/2012 Scope of work : Replacement roof top unit for unit 404, same size and location, 13 SEER - 1739 Broadway, 3rd Floor Boulder, CO 80306 I Date Received: Case No I City of Boulder Planning and Development Services o Please Note: Permit applications must be logged in by 11am and 4pm I \ 2- PMT: 2 I Phone: 303-441-1880 Fax: 303-441-3241 I Multi -Family and Non -Residential Building Permit Application IrLTr.ri Name: 1oIYA,AT11Ta Cokco.1r Ecc-ç Address: &UbkAjj Csurk 'k Ltf.9) Address: 7eLJOQX') D D1 Phone: Fax: Fax: E -Mail: Uxi L -D14 cTlt(i1i19.i Name: dlTI'ZEi1iUtTi pr'pç A\D\\ Rk Address: 2O )-tkk i+ Address: bQ-rJQc Cc Phone: ?7 Z, Fax: Fax: E -Mail: y- 1 License#. E1UC[S]: tsiJi Commercial LI Multi -Family RçioLcQ e)co rr LI Industrial LIOther For single use applications please complete aIype of Work and Primary Use sections below and then continue to page 3. For mixed use applications please complete the Type of Work and Use sections on pages 1 and 2 for each separate use. Occupancy Classification LIA1 LIF1 [111 LIR3 LIA2 DF2 [112 LIR4 LIA3 LJH1 [113 LIsi [1A4 DH2 [114 LIs2 LIA5 LIH3 [1M IJu [1B LIH4 IJR1 LIE L]H5 LIR2 LI Amusement/Recreational ICommercial/Retail LI Financial Institution LI Government Uses LI Hospital/Institutional LI Manufactured/Mobile Home LI Manufacturing LI Medical & Dental Clinics Scope I Specific Use I Construction Type LI New LI Addition I Finished Basement I u I -A 0 Ill -A LI Core & Shell I LI Mini -Warehousing I u I -B LI Ill -B LI Tenant Finish I LI Unfinished Basement I u u -is, [1 IV /lnterior Sq.Ft I LI Il-B LI V -A LI Remodel/Exterior sq.Ft LI V -B Repair suit Total $ 7I() LI Tenant Remodel Valuation Sq.Ft LI Motel/Hotel/B&B LI Multi -Family Dwellings [1 Office - Administrative LI Office - Professional LI Office - Technical [1 Parking Garage LI Personal Service [1 Religious Assembly LI Research & Dev. LI Restaurant LI School/Educational LI Service Industrial LI Service Station LI SF Attached Dwelling [1 Warehousing 0 Wholesale DETAILED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF USE (please be as specific as possible) LI Carport - Attached LI Carport - Detached LI Deck LI Garage -Attached LI Garage - Detached LI Patio Cover LI Porch LI Public Works/Utilities Automatic Fire Extinguishing System Dyes DNO Automatic Fire Alarm System DYes [1No Sprinkler System UNFPA13 D13 -R D13 -D LI Shed LI Shop LI Swimming Pool LI Telecommunications LI Other (Descnbe Below) 306.pdf 1 Revised Feb2010 Residential Valuation $________________ Non -Residential Valuation $ DAdd E New Replace Check the included Items Type of Service I Residential Only I LfZJ Non -Residential EJ Residential D New Wiring Sq. Ft. I i:i Temporary Construction Power Mobile Home Size of Service Rewiring Sq. Ft. J Other Residential Valuation $________________ Non -Residential Valuation 7 1 6 New indicate types of systems to be Installed and their locations using locations listed below: Basement. Crawl Space, Garage, Kitchen, Rooftop, First Floor, Second Floor, Third Floor, Fourth Floor, Fifth Floor Water Heating System Building Heating System 1=1 Low Pressure Boiler Duct Furnace Water heater U Forced Air Furnace Location JHeating and Cooling Unit High Pressure Boiler Cooling System OLow Pressure Boiler omfort Cooling LiSealed Combustion Heater Refrigeration IliSpace Heater Ventilation Equipment DUnit Heater Location Location Residential Valuation $ ________________ Non -Residential Valuation Backflow Preventors Baths fl Fire Line _________ 1-4 .1 # Set U Irrigation # Roughed -in []Domestic Gas System Fireplace Insert Gas Fireplace Gas Logs Gas Meter Move Gas Piping Gas Piping and Fireplace Location Replace Hood 0 Type I. Vent and Fan Hood Location J Type II. Vent and Fan Hood Location Plumbing System RFixture Relocate Only Sewer Interceptor El Water Piping Stormwater Management Residential Valuation $___________ Non -Residential Valuation 0 Detention Pond / Stormwater Quality Facility LiLandscaping Screen Service Area JTrash Enclosure [JErosion Control I Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) Street Trees 0 Screened Rooftop Units fl Other ________________ Dates Erosion Control will be in place: bIrrigation Systems El Grading Cu. Yards _____________ From:____________________ To: _____________________ SWMP is required for all projects disturbing 1 acre of land or greater ;(IJliI7'V Total Gross Floor Area of Buildings I Sq.Ft. Sq.Ft. Existing Upon Completion Number of Floors Above Existing Grade Plane I Number of Residential Units Number of Accessible Fair Housing Act Units Building Coverage or Lot Coverage Zoning District: Ftoodplain1r N; If yes. Flood Permit Number_________________________ Number of Affordable Units: Basement:I3r N Historic District:LJrI Landmarked Bldg.IJor1 Existing Upon Completion Open Space (9-9.11(f) & 9-9-11(c)) Sq.Ft. Sg.Ft. Number of Parking Spaces Provided Required (9-3.2 BRC) Number of Handicapped Spaces Provided Required [1 Not Applicable Lot Area: ________________Sq. Ft. (not acres) Height from Low Point: (The vertical distance from the lowest point within 25 feet of the tallest side of the structure to the uppermost point of the roof.) Has this property been part of an approved City of Boulder review (i.e., Site Review, Use Review, PUD, PRD, PD, etc.)? Y or N If yes, please list the project name and case number(s): 3 The fees were set by the Boulder City Council and are included in Title 4 Chapter 20 of the Boulder Revised Code. To calculate estimated fees, please reference the Schedule of Fees and Permit Fee Estimator Work Sheet. A plan check fee is required at time of application. Contractors and subcontractors are required to have an active license with the City of Boulder. This application expires after 180 days if the permit is not obtained. Inclusionary Housing requirements apply to all new dwelling units as enumerated in chapter 9-13 B.R.C, 1981. I agree to perform he work described herein, in accordance with the plans and/or specifications submitted and with all provisions of the Building C e, Zoning dinance, alth Re u ations of the City of Boulder as enumerated in the Boulder Revised Code, 1981. Signature: 9, Date: - 4 Certified Drawing for RTU-1 Project: -Untitled2 02/1 412012 Prepared By: 10:57AM C 181 ':1 . '0FIf8-3(. I =IA r =I '-II.l04l( .:11 .u. =F 14 ([(III 0671 I TIP I CURB I I R)D1Sl [6-1/8 14111 58-1/8 I 14S( I 1-' 51581 CO#DEISER ECTRICAL COIL :iJffl1tscos'ci IIOP 115 18-1/2 OPT liii IWSINILES - IU (4941 I 11 3 1/4 III CO/lVE61E/ICG __ III I INST 00 L_-' 8-5/8 I DISCO I 48-3!4 (11815 LEFT 33-3/8 1016) 56 COHOH1ZOF /000 [4583 OPTIONALS -- 13-1/8 [I/SOS RETURN AIR -, }l RETURN 8 AIR 1 29-3/8 [1411 88919 UPEKIHU 28-1/2 SUPPLY (RI BASOPAII [8131 I I I'II [Li;-=== 16.11 iH LLFiL-_ 35-I/B -I 8-3/8 17941 (2131 34-518 )l888) FRONT C01186C1(ON SIZES A [ 3/8' (351 818 PILLS P8988 SUPPLS /816 B r 501 01* P0916 SuPPLY RROCROUT C 1 314' (011 018 02881 ACCESS PLUG 7/8' (221 020 FOILS CONTROL NIRINO I/OlE 314'-I4 N/I CO8DE8SAIE DRAIN l/2' -I4 11/1 881 CONIIECTION 2 I/l - /84) 0)8 P0916 SUPPLY 692CR-OUT TI/RU-THE -8801 CHART TAESE HOLES 81081910 109 850 C98[8P98001AOI . 0034(1 - THREADED R1RE REDO I/OLE CONOUII 1121 USE SIZES 1880.) 1/2' 8CC 7/8' [22.2) 1/2' 288 3/8' 172.2) Ye 314' 1001.0031 P0818 I 1/0' (79.41 1.. 10031 1/2' FPT GAS I 3/56' (35.2 FOR THRU-T)4L-8ASEPOK' FACTORY OPTION. FITTINGS TSR URIS 1. 1. U 2 961 P RU V 10 12 SELECT 1111/ER 0/4' OR [/2' 609 POHER. DEPENDING OIl 8161 SIZE (0011 P6080010 3/4' EPT TI/RU C868 FLANGE & 13111110 25 -I/O 58-3/A 6381 RETURN OUTSIDE AIR 1423) SUPPLY AIR r U ! /4 I:i__t_.1_.__j 11321 - 26-5/4 16011 8RAONETRIC 13931 RELIEF FLOW SUPPLY AIR tRE1URN RIGHT AIR ELECTRICAL HEAT 481M501029 ITS 5.0 Packaged RTU Builder (Bryant) 1.1 9g Page 2 of 7 Certified Drawing for RTU-1 Project: -Untitled2 02/14/2012 Prepared By: 10:57AM 1gI-- CORNER A CORNER D CORNER S CORNER C Top FRONT UNITED p.o. Io ARl TECHNOLOGIES HOHH. fl CARRIER 3221 I I 580J 04-07 SINGLE ZONE ELECTRICAL I 48TM501029 OF U I 09-29-08 I 09-09-08 I COOLING WITH GAS HEAT I Packaged RTU Builder (Bryant) 1 .19g Page 3 of 7 Performance Summary For RTU-1 Project: -Untitled2 02/1 4/2012 Prepared By: 10:57AM Part Number:580JJ04A1 I5A2AOAA ARISEER: ..........- ........................_................ ------ BaseUnitWeight 483 lb Base Unit Dimensions UnitLength............---.-.--.--- .........____ _______ ...74.4 in UnitWidth................_ _____ ........_.44.0 in Unit Height: _.... ......33.4 in Unit Voltage -Phase -Hertz: . ..._______ .._.. 208-1-60 Air Discharge ___ ..................Vertical FanDriveType:.._..._.. .. _._...._..__________ _... Belt Actual Airflow:.. 1200 CFM Site Altitude: __.. .... - ........ . ---------.._..5300 ft Cooling Performance Condenser Entering Air DB: _........ --------------------- ....... ....95.0 Evaporator Entering Air DB--------------------... ....- ....................................-........................... -------80.0 Evaporator Entering Air WB............. - ........_ .............._ ...................._____ ....67.0 EnteringAir Enthalpy............................- ....- ........- ................- ------------.. ----._... .... EvaporatorLeaving Air DB:----------------------------------------- .................................................._ --------- --------59.3 Evaporator Leaving Air .................... ... ...._.._.... -- ------.57.6 Evaporator Leaving Air Enthalpy:___..---------_._. .........._. -----------.27.18 Gross Cooling Capacity- .. ........- ---- Gross Sensible Capacity -..........22.09 Compressor Power lnput:. ........ _._ ..........2.48 CoilBypassFactor:............._____._.. --------------------M.186 Heating Performance Heating Entering Air Temp............. Leaving Air Temp............. Gas Input Capacity:..... Gas Heating Capacity:.. Temperature Rise:........... Supply Fan External Static Pressure -- ...............0.50 Options / Accessories Static Pressure Economizer...................................................................................................... .......... ......- . ......................0.04 TotalExternal Static ........_ ................................ ._..._.. ..............-.---._...-...- ....-.- ...._...__...._... ....0.54 FanRPM- ........................* .........-....-...---.--..--.. ....- ----------------- .......................................................... ........- ............- .......................896 Fan Power -................................0.41 NOTE------ ----- Selected IFM RPM Range: 770-1175 Electrical Data Minimum Voltage-......._.... ._. ..______ 187 Maximum Voltage:.....__..._.... ... .... Compressor RLA................ .16.6 Compressor LRA..............._ ______ 79 Outdoor Fan Motor Qty: ......... .. .._....-------..... ___________ ..........I OutdoorFanFLA(ea)-----.----.-----...*-..----*.-.-.-....*.....- ...._ .- ........1.5 Indoor Fan Motor Type:......_ - MED Indoor Fan Motor FLA .--.. .4.9 Combustion Fan Motor FLA (ea). .... _____ ________ Power Supply MCA-............................... ---- Power Supply MOCP (Fuse or 40 Mm. Unit Disconnect ----------------- 26 Min.UnitDisconnectLRA------------_. ........_..._.._*_.._._._..._...........-..*...--.*.-----.-.---------.- ........................95 F F F BTU/lb F F BTU/lb MBH MBH kW CFM F F MBH MBH F in wg in wg in wg BHP I Packaged RTU Builder (Bryant) 1.1 9g Page 4 of 7 Performance Summary For RTU-1 Project: -Untitled2 02/14/2012 Prepared By: 10:57AM Electrical Convenience Outlet'............._.._.... ...None Acoustics Sound Power Levels, db re 1OE-12 Watts Discharge Inlet Outdoor 63 Hz 83.2 85.3 90.6 125 Hz 75.9 73.1 80.9 250 Hz 65.5 58.7 80.2 500 Hz 62.2 58.5 76.0 1000 Hz 58.9 58.2 74.6 2000 Hz 53.3 52.2 71.3 4000 Hz 54.4 47.1 68.5 8000 Hz 48.5 38.6 63.9 A -Weighted 66.2 64.3 80.0 Advanced Acoustics Advanced Accoustics Parameters 1. Unit height above ground: 30.0 ft 2. Horizontal distance from unit to receiver: .........50.0 ft 3. Receiver height above ground'....... .._...5.7 ft 4. Height of obstruction' ......................................................................0.0 ft 5. Horizontal distance from obstruction to receiver:.... ......0.0 ft 6. Horizontal distance from unit to obstruction:......_._... 0.0 ft Detailed Acoustics Information Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz 63 125 5O 500 1k 2k 4k 8k Overall 1. Sound Power Levels at Unit's Acoustic Center, Lw 90.6 80.9 80.2 76,0 74.6 71.3 68.5 63.9 91 .7 Lw 2. A -Weighted Sound Power Levels at Unit's Acoustic Center, LwA 64.4 64.8 71.6, 72.8 74.6 72.5 69.5 62.8 79.9 LwA 3. Sound Pressure Levels at Specific Distance from Unit, Lp 58.2 48.5 47.8 43.6 42.2 38.9 36.1 31.5 59.3 Lp 4. A -Weighted Sound Pressure Levels at Specific Distance from Unit, LpA 58.2 48.5 47.8 43.6 42.2 38.9 36.1 31.5 59.3 LpA Calculation methods used in this program are patterned after the ASHRAE Guide; other ASHRAE Publications and the AHRI Acoustical Standards. While a very significant effort has been made to insure the technical accuracy of this program, it is assumed that the user is knowledgeable in the art of system sound estimation and is aware of the tolerances involved in real world acoustical estimation. This program makes certain assumptions as to the dominant sound sources and sound paths which may not always be appropriate to the real system being estimated. Because of this, no assurances can be offered that this software will always generate an accurate sound prediction from user supplied input data. If in doubt about the estimation of expected sound levels in a space, an Acoustical Engineer or a person with sound prediction expeftse should be consulted. i Packaged RTU Builder (Bryant) 1 .19g Page 5 of 7 Performance Summary For RTU-1 Project: -Untitled2 02/14/2012 Prepared By: 10:57AM 18 16 14 FanCurve N / \' N \ / t _______ \ \. / _____ \ / N N' / ' \ 7 - - - 'N N _________ I I I Jit I -k 'W'k I I I 1 Q3 aD aD 12 15 18 ') 24 Airflv(CFM-tousands) 4. RPM=896BHP=O.41 MaximumRPM= 1175 Maximuml-IP=2.40 SC -S Curve RP-RatedPoint PP-PsuedoPoint Packaged RTU Builder (Bryant) 1.1 9g Page 6 of 7 Unit Feature Sheet for RTU-1 Project: -Untitled2 02114/2012 Prepared By: 10:57AM LEGACY - 580J PACKAGED ROOFTOP GAS HEATING!ELECTRIC COOLING UNITS 3,4, 5, 6, 7.5. 8.5, 10, 12.5 TONS Puro LEGACY SERIES Legacy (5.BDJ) units are one-piece gas heating, electiic cooling units that are pre-wrred end charged with Pixon (R-410) refrigerant. They are factory tested in both heatsng and cooling modes, and rated in accordance with ARt Standards 2101240 (04-06 sizes) and 3801360 107-14 czes). Legacy units are designed in accordance with UL Standard 1995, and listed by the Underwriters' Laboratories. Approved end certifled by O U C .Lus e__I,_ -ns p,o.c. p.,: - Certified to )SO 9001:2008 STANDARD FEATURES INCLUDE: Pjroi (R-'lltA) HFC refrigerait ASI-IRAE ac.- enegy oonant SoIl crsmoresxo-s dr kiternal One break and overload proteoton Sng e -sags cooing capaciiy control on 04-12 moods Two -stage cooling capsoly oontrol on 08-14 models SEERtupto 13.0.EER'spto 11.1 andlEER'supto itS AwtroI refrigerant metering system Exclusive noi-corros:ve composute coidensale pan ri acoondano. with ASIRAE S:a'ldara C2, sloolrig design. side or oenlr drain Standard cooling oseratuos xc to 1 15F 148C: aid oownr 40'F (4Ct -downta2SFi4'Cwhtiaintersta'tkc. Pre-painied exterior pa-nsls aid p'imer-ooated n:er.or panes teoted to 500 hous salt spray pratecdoi Fully insulated csb'net Eactusive tac sOlid-stSte corol for on -board d agnoElca wth LED c -no- code desigiation uie conitno log and energy sa'rng indoor fjn rnor delay Low I.lOx models lid: meet Cal 4orra Air Quarry Manager'-ent lndjced drat gas heat combu.uston des gr Redundait gas valvee with urn :o twx stages of 1-eaxru Low pressure ana hrgt"çressure wtcI- p'o:ec:ed. MAINTENANCE FERES: Acmess panels with .asyizip handles Inroad.,. easy s.arlrng. no-st)dsoews on x's: access pansis Twc.-n& in soosacle retjrn air titers and TOOl -Icon titer access door * Ecu dni., sivaporano-fan motor arid putey comb'sadonr New :prrnna ooara facilltati,g simpe-safecy clr..iit rmi.beslioatirg and simplified coitrcl box arrang.nle't Eucl,jsive IOC solid-state oorrrsol for on -board d agnoonwtl- LED ero' code desigiarini. brncr cant-cl logic atn$ emerçy'savirg ndoo' 'an motirselay. INSTALLATION FEA11JRES: Thrj-'se-botton oow entry capabrity Sng-e po'nt gas and elextiioco-in.obons Ful ner.meter base rail w't' built-in rigging adapce-s ano fork slots Co'iverdbie from ver-bct to Pnonzomal arrflow for slab mounntosg STANDARD WARRANTY: W -year lisa: exchanger- 15 -year stainless stad option 5 -year oomp.essor 1 -year pats 3 -year pals on lioxadon Conderreer coils - where availaole Many optor'sl ipgrades also available OP11ONS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: Muit Pnonocol0,recDigca Contros iDOC:' Supply arid Return Ari Smoke Detectors, hgl' sta:ic motors Lou,were:l condenser coil guards EcoruonnIw, d soonnect Snd cancer er'e oudt oç.tors Stairsess Stee- neat exchanger cot on Corrosion resistant coil ccatig. Exclusive er5eo 1-liarridity dehurniofcat or system ax at -c or sizes - Moto- Master I co*olier irOljaed Fe- a complete 1St of opt cr5 and uccesno-iso rsfe Sc :1-c Fro:lu,,c: Data Catacg'or*'s unit. r Packaged RTU Builder(Bryant) 1.19g Page 7 of 7 Page 1 of2 superpages.com we know maps around here Start: 3800 S Xanthia St, Denver, CO 80237 End: 1739 Broadway St, Boulder, CO 80302 Route Summary: 40.0 milesl 42.6 minutes ummer Road Johnstown Lae 4 Berthoud / 4'. L Glkthst Lrand 1aie - / 5tQdt)W MtIntoti Lcke Lyons Meaci patteLie (artiy . -t------_Eert pxon__jj( Peaks r Sr.'mieervofr tie Front Lafayette --Brighto Nedeiland / I raer R a n q e mfiel Aan- &ike N orthge Winter Park 12 T onton CentrCity Ar\a a. ommerce c il Forest Empire' Wheat R dge D nver Au a-'-' -. vergreen sori Enewo Montezuma Mount Evans Litt eton entennal Wildernea5 470 , _ Paer enosha Maintains ow Tarryal' Pike National Forest Llur Mountains Palmer Lake 10 mes 20 km 2010NAVQ Black Fort http://rnapserver.superpages.com//niapbasedsearch/printMap.j sp?SRC= 2/23/2012 Page 2 of 2 Notes: 0 Start at 3800 S Xanthia St, Denver, CO 80237 i Depart S Xanthia St toward E Mansfield Ave 0.2 miles 2 Turn left onto E Mansfield Aye, and then immediately turn right onto S 0.3 miles 'I Yosemite St 3 Turn right onto 1-225 Frontage Rd 0.6 miles 4 Take ramp left for 1-225 South 0.5 miles Minor Congestion 5 At exit 1B, take ramp right for 1-25 North toward Denver 16.6 miles j. Construction: in both directions at Alameda Av (#208) - Bridge work. Minor Congestion 6 At exit 217, take ramp left for US -36 West toward Boulder / Westminster 19Jiles j, Minor Congestion 7 Take ramp right and follow signs for Baseline Rd o.3 8 1 Turn left onto Baseline Rd 0.3Ii ' 0 Shell on the corner 9 ( Turn right onto CO -93 North I Broadway St 1.4 milF" Arby's on the corner 10 r Arrive at CO -93 / Broadway St on the left 0.0 miles 0 The last intersection is Arapa hoe Ave If you reach CO -7 North I CO-i 19 South I Canyon Blvd, you've gone too 'p far 0 End at 1739 Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80302 http://rnapserver.superpages.com//rnapbasedsearch/printMap.j sp?S RC= 2/23/2012 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING January 7,2013 TLM Construction Services Terry McClain 4875 Valkyre Drive Boulder, CO 80301 Re: Structural Engineer's Observations CMU Wall Opening Steel Reinforcing Observation o Revised Header/Lintel Detailing o Welded Connections Steel angles at CMU Closure Plate at Lintel Channels Tube Steel at Lintel o Bolted Connections Lintel Channels thru CMU Steel angles to CMU New Industrial OH Door Expansion 4699 Nautilus t:ofLLL. Boulder, CO Project No. 2012-0224 Dear Terry: At your request, representatives of Ascent Group, Inc. field reviewed the above referenced project for the purposes of observing the structural elements listed above on 12/19/12. Based upon this observation and comments made to you in the field it is the opinion of this office that the listed elements were installed in general conformance with the revised structural construction documents (attached) approved for use at this site. Our observations did not include verification of dimensions, elevations or site locations, nor did this office review means and methods used by the builders(s). Sincerely Ascent Group, Inc. Andrew C. Kelsey, PE Principal R STRUCT(,- oru.y ASCENT GROUP, INC. 4909 Pearl East Circle, #201 Boulder, CO 80301 303-499-3022 fax 303-499-3032