2024 - 2550 - Ramsey, Corey - Request III Maim Corey
ILast IMaim Rarnsey
Addiress* & ::k Adih'a::Ss
Oty uta 11 b vill xx::,
Boulder Colorado
11 baa tJ/J113 Q IdI:, QIunhy
80304 Boulder
I Addire ss„* 111 la fuwa Raza advlsa::d.11 is a::n'ndl adih' xis W 111111 Ilae usa::d to Q'](P:6113na�d w di .11 1111
,a::gards n iiii rf annnfia��-m�d sIaI.m
Maim /Type/IDe scirillpt!loin of Records affiliated with a clean up crew and ranger interaction that
IlRecoird(s) Requested* happened July 2nd iiia the morning iiia which a medical emergency
11 was talken to the If vila arnbulance which prompted the staff
to talke iiterms to storage. 11 dild inot aslk for that and multiple tirnes
advocated for things to stay with rne.
I'm looking for both the body carnera and photos of the silte VVh ich
was cleaned, including the iiterns talken to storage and also the
photos and body carnera of iiterms handled during storage.
A full bag of iiterms was inot returned and multiple partiles iInvolved
have directed rne to rnalke a request for the footage and photos.
Michael Brown was directly iInvolved iiia the Incident.
This Incident also was railsed to the attention of Joanna Bloorn
Utilities Deputy Director of Policy and Planning.
11 iiia cludI::,as nudl�!III fi(IT-nt!(A�8S VsnsS11111.uNa:,sudl as dak:!,dak::,in-m�g:!,suty:d rintk:!r,
u113X JI k;11 M-M T-IaS a if 113M'S1M S 8KIA CAI:GAN1131.km
Ilio You Know®What IDelpairfiIniis r Yes
IIIwird !is IM a!I in ta!I in e d 11 in?* r No
r Not Sure
Spe clify IDe III int (11 a A aq::, IM
Public Works
IMalke RecordsAccessillbIle W Yes
Ateirinatilve Access Requested NtA
IDIIscIIaIIiI Ilagree
III III Screenshot 2024-07-09 1 73959.ping 51.15KB