2024-2547 - Young, Kathleen - ResponsePublic Records Request - Response Form Please see below for additional information regarding this requst (relevant paragraphs have been checked). Re que st Numbe r * Routine Re que sts: Link: Re que st Re quiring Additional Action Re que st Re quiring Additional Action Re que st Re quiring Additional Action Re se arch/Re trie v al Hours Cost Total Re v ie w/Re daction Hours Cost Total Number assigned at submission 2024-2547 Records Attached The record(s) you requested can be accessed using the below link. https://documents.bouldercolorado.gov/Web Link/Browse.aspx? id=185087&dbid=0&repo=LF8PROD2 Extension of Time (extinuating circumstances apply) If Extenuating circumstances exist (as checked below ), your records w ill be ready for transmittal or review w ithin 10 business days of your request. If research, retrieval or additional services require a payment, the 10 business days shall begin upon receipt of payment. Large Volume Of Records Your request involves such a large volume of records that I cannot reasonably prepare or gather the records within the 3-day period without substantially interfering with my obligations to perfom y other public service responsibilities. Request Broadly Stated Your request is broadly stated one, encompassing all or substantially all of a large category of records, without sufficient specificity to allow me, as custodian, reasonably to prepare or gather the records within 3 business days. Records Inactive The records you have requested are in storage / inactive / not readily available. Fees Under the City's policy on "Access to Public Records", there are attendant costs you w ill need to pay bef ore w e start gathering the requested records. The City's f ee for research and retrieval is $41 per hour (af ter the f irst hour). Additional services, such as manipulating data and/or redaction, are $41 per hour. If you request copies, w e w ill assess a $0.25 per page, payable w hen you pick up the copies. $41 per hour after the first hour $41.00 $ $41 per hour $41.00 $ Pape r Copie s Numbe r of page s Cost pe r page Total $0.25 per page $0.25 $ Please make your payment by cash or check to the Of f ice of Central Records, located in the municipal building at 1777 Broadw ay, Second Floor, Monday thru Friday, 08:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 5:00. We w ill then begin gathering the records w hen w e have recieved the payment, at w hich time the 3 or 10 business day response requirement shall begin. We w ill w ithhold any material that is not a public record or is w ithin the scope of applicable non-disclosure provisions, including C.R.S. 24-72-204(3)(a). Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Your request references the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. Sect. 552. I am advised that FOIA governs access to records of federal agencies only and does not apply to municipal corporations.