Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) - 20160714-1981 Contract Tracking>Thank You https://work.bouldercolorado.gov/ContractTracking/servlevController
JUL 15 ?p;ri
Contract Routing Cover Sheet
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Routing Number 20160714-1981
Originating Dept Public Works
Contact Person Tim Head Phone Numher 303-441-3108
Project Manager/ Contract Tim Head E-mail headt@bouldercolorado.gov
Counter Parties Federal Aviation Adminstration
Contract Title/Type Approval of FAA Entitlement Dispersion
Description Attached Is approval for Boulder Airport to transfer its 2016 entitlement funds to Akron Airport.
More details are included on the attached memo. NOTE: CAO date must be on or after CMO date.
Special Instructions Please sign and return all three originals to Tim Head. Once the FAA signs and returns our original,
I will bring It to Central Records.
Amount $150,000 Expense Type OUTGOING
• Dept. Head Signature 'I
NOTE;Originating Departn Id ntify with a he k mark all areas document needs to be routed. ria --+
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• City Manager -
• Central Records CJ ,`gin
1 of 1 7/14/2016 12:01 PM
Department of Public Works
Transportation Division
Boulder Municipal Airport
3327 Airport Road
Boulder, Colorado 80301
TEL: 303-441-3108
TO: Jane Brautigam, City Manager
FROM: Tim Head, Airport Manager
DATE: July 11, 2016
SUBJECT: Approval of Federal Aviation Administration Entitlement Dispersion
In accordance with the United States "Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st
Century", enacted in April 2000, Boulder Municipal Airport receives $150,000 per year for
airport pavement maintenance from the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA).
Since $150,000 is not usually sufficient to cover most pavement projects, the FAA and the
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) developed a sharing program where funds are
pooled among a group of airports. With this program, an airport transfers its funds for a certain
amount of years and then receives the total amount when the cycle repeats. Boulder Airport is
currently on the following schedule:
2014 to Monte Vista Airport (Completed)
2015 to Pagosa Springs Airport, Archuleta County (Completed)
2016 to Akron Airport
2017 to Rifle Airport
In 2018, each of the above airports will transfer their grant money to Boulder in the amount of
$600,000, plus $41,500 that was left over from 2013. These funds will be used to help re-pave
our runway in 2019.
Please sign each of the 3 originals, allowing the transfer of funds to the Akron Airport.
U.S. Department Northwest Mountain Region Denver Airports District Offce
of Transportation Colorado, Idaho, Montana 26805 East 68th Ave.,Suite 224
Oregon, Utah,Washington, Denver,CO 80249-6361
Federal Aviation Wyoming (303)342-1254
June 22, 2016
The Honorable Suzanne Jones,Mayor
City of Boulder
1777 Broadway
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Dear Mayor Jones,
Enclosed are three copies of the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) "Agreement For Transfer of
Entitlements". This agreement will transfer $150,000 of fiscal years (FY) 2014 and 2016 of Federal
funds from Boulder Municipal Airport to Colorado Regional Plains Airport. Please complete this
agreement by having the authorized officials execute the appropriate sections. Certification by the
attorney should be completed following the acceptance and dated on or after the acceptance
(DRQ date.
Your normal procedures for accepting documents such as this in accordance with local and state law
should be followed, but evidence of such procedure is not required by the Federal Aviation
After execution and certification of the "Agreement For Transfer of Entitlements," please return
two copies to this office. The other copy is for your records.
& `lt4;
Christopher J. Stek66fer,Acting Manager
Denver Airports District Office
Request for FAA Approval of Agreement for Transfer of Entitlements
In accordance with 49 USC § 47117(c)(2),
Name of Transferring Sponsor: City of Boulder, Colorado
hereby waives receipt of the following amount of funds apportioned to it under 49 USC § 47117(c) for the:
Name of Transferring Airport (and Locid): Boulder Municipal Airport(BDU)
for each fiscal year listed below:
Entitlement Type
(Passenger, Cargo Fiscal Year Amount
or Nonprimary)
Nonprimary 2014 $32,856
Nonprimary 2016 $117,144
Total $150,000
The Federal Aviation Administration has determined that the waived amount will be made available to:
Name of Airport(and Locid) Receiving Transferred Entitlements: Colorado Plains Regional (AKO)
Name of Receiving Airport's Sponsor: Town of Akron, Colorado
a public use airport in the same state or geographical areas as the transferring airport for eligible projects
under 49 USC §47104(a),
The waiver expires on the earlier of September 30, 2016 or when the availability of apportioned funds
lapses under 49 USC § 47117(b).
For the United States of America, Federal Aviation Administration:
Name: Christopher J. S ffer,
Title: Actino Manager. Denver Airports District Office
Date: 6— aa." Wpb
Certification of Transferring Sponsor
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. I understand that knowingly and
willfully providing false information to the federal government is a violation of 18 USC § 1001 (False
Statements) and could subject me to fines, Imprisonment, or both.
Executed on this day of
Name of Sponsor. Clty of Boulder Colorado
Name of Sponsor's Authorized Official. ( kZ� k✓ � S
Title of Sponsor's Authorized Official:
Signature of Sponsor's Authorized Official:
Certificate of Transferring Sponsor''ss(A�tttorr 1
I, �lU�� V�VYf�IY acting as Attorney for the Sponsor do
hereby certify that in my opinion the Sponsor is empowered to enter into the foregoing Agreement under
the laws of the state of Colorado. Further, I have examined the foregoing Agreement and the actions
taken by said Sponsor and Sponsor's official representative has been duly authorized and that the
execution thereof is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the ws of the said state and
49 USC § 47101, at seq. (/�( /�
Dated atc �r?/� l 14LCity. State), this&day of
Signature of Sponsor's Attorney: u