Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) - Through-the-fence certification
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
Airport Improvement Program
-Oity-of Boulder Boulder Municipal Airport
(Sponsor) (Airport)
Title 49, United States Code, Section 47105(d), authorizes the Secretary to require certification
from the sponsor that it will comply with the statutory and administrative requirements in
carrying out a project under the Airport Improvement Program (AIP). General requirements on
Residential Through-the-Fence (RTTF) access are in the FAA's Interim Policy (76 Fed. Reg.
15028; March 18, 2011) and further explained in the FAA's Compliance Guidance Letter 2011-
1, FAA Implementation of Interim Policy Regarding Access to Airports From Residential
Property and Review of Access Arrangements (March 21, 2011). The AIP project grant
agreement contains a specific assurance on RTTF and may contain a special condition regarding
the status of RTTF at this airport.
Except for the certified items below marked not applicable (N/A), the list describes the current
status of RTTF at this airport. This certification does not relieve the sponsor from fully
complying with all applicable statutory and administrative standards.
Yes No
1. This airport has Existing Access from Residential Property as
defined in the FAA's Interim Policy (76 Fed. Reg. 15028; /
March 18, 2011).
2. This airport will submit an RTTF access plan in accordance
with the interim Policy prior to requesting its first ALP grant
after Fiscal Year 2012.
I certify the responses to the forgoing items are accurate as marked and further certify to the best
of my information and belief that all required RTTF submissions will be correct and complete.
City of Boulder 7/5/2012
(Name of Sponsor) (Date)
(Signature of Sponsor's D signated Official Representative)
Jane S. Brautigam
('Typed Name of Sponsor's Designated Official Represciitative)
City Manager ~.(Typed Title of Sponsor's Designated Official Representative)
March 2011
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Contract Routing Cover Sheet
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Routing Number 20120705-7625
Originating Dept Public Works
Contact Person Tim Head Phone Number 303-441-3108
Project Manager / Contract Tim Head E-mail headt@bouldercolorado.gov
Counter Parties FAA
Contract Title / Type Through-the-fence certification
Description See attached memo for details.
Special Instructions Please send one original to Tim Head and electronic copies to Tim Head and Kathy Haddock.
Amount $0 Expense Type INCOMING
• Dept. Head Signature /.w.,, VZ
NOTE; Originating Department: Identify with a check mark all areas document needs to be routed.
• PH T4a6i4g -
• Budget_
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• City Manager
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