Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) - AIP PROJECT ~`a~oE r~'°O DENVER AIRPORTS DISTRICT OFFICE
ti~ qs 26805 EAST 68th AVENUE, SUITE 224
p DENVER,COLORAD080249-6361
~ (303) 342-1252
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Ms. Stephanie Grainger, Interim City Manager
City of Boulder
1777 Broadway Street
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Dear Ms. Grainger:
Boulder Municipal Airport, Boulder, Colorado
AIP Project No. 3-08-0004-11
Contract No. DOT-FA07NM-1073
DiJNS No. 07-575-9969
Letter Amendment No. Two
This is in response to the City's letter dated May 1, 2008 requesting an amendment to the
Grant Agreement for Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Project No. 3-08-0004-11 to
increase the maximum obligation of the United States, as set forth in the Grant Agreement
accepted by the sponsor on August 17, 2007.
This letter, together with your letter, effects the amendment, as requested, and commits the
Federal Aviation Administration, acting for and on behalf of the United States of America, to
increase the maximum obligation of the United States by $38,760 (from $1,454,192to
$1,492,952) to cover the Federal share of the total actual eligible and allowable project costs
of the above referenced Grant Agreement.
Under the terms of the Grant Agreement, this document is incorporated into and constitutes
Amendment No. Two to the above referenced Grant Agreement. All other terms and
conditions of the Grant Agreement remain in full force and effect.
Craig A. Spazks, Manager
Denver Airports District Office
cc: ANM-613
Colorado Division of Aeronautics