02.28.24 BAC PresentationBoulder Arts Commission Meeting February 28, 2024 Grant Program Matters Grant Reports a.2020 Arts Education Project Grants, Pro Musica Colorado Chamber Orchestra, Diverse Voices: Performance and coaching with Boulder MUSE, $3,000 b.2021 Community Projects for Organizations, Circle of Care Project, Arts on Call Project -A Virtual Performing Arts Center for Vulnerable Boulder Seniors, $10,000 c.2023 Community Projects for Individuals, Samuel Tomatz, Changing the Tide of Teen Mental Health & Suicide in Boulder ASAP, $3,925 d.2023 Arts Education Project Grants, LOCAL Theater Company, LocalWRITES, $3,000 e.2022 Community Project Grants for Organizations, Art in Community, Inc. (AiC), Temple of Tranquility, $10,000 Grant Reports At the meeting Commission members will vote on the approval of the reports. Commissioners have the options to: a.Approve all reports, b.Approve individual reports, c.Approve individual reports while submitting specific questions, d.Postpone approval of individual reports pending the answers to specific questions, and/or e.Not approve individual reports and cancel the final 20% payment. Grant Reports Vote Recommended Motion Language: “I move that we approve the grant reports from Pro Musica Colorado Chamber Orchestra, Circle of Care Project, Samuel Tomatz, and LOCAL Theater Company”. “I move that we approve the grant report from Art in Community”. Recertification of 2022-24 General Operating Support (GOS) Grant Reports At the meeting Commission members will vote on the approval of the reports. Commissioners have the options to: a.Approve all reports, b.Approve individual reports, c.Approve individual reports while submitting specific questions, d.Postpone approval of individual reports pending the answers to specific questions, and/or e.Not approve individual reports and cancel the final payment. Grant Reports Vote Recommended Motion Language: “I move that we approve the following reports for the 2022 –24 GOS Grants: 3rd Law Dance/Theater, Art Parts Creative Reuse Center, Band of Toughs, Boulder Chorale, Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company (BETC), Boulder International Film Festival, Boulder Metalsmithing Association, Boulder MUSE, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Boulder Opera, Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra, Boulder Samba School, Cantabile Singers, Colorado MahlerFest, Colorado Music Festival & Center for Musical Arts, Colorado Shakespeare Festival, Creativity Alive, Dairy Arts Center, east window, eTown, Frequent Flyers Productions, Inc., Greater Boulder Youth Orchestras, Junkyard Social Club, KGNU, Lemon Sponge Cake Contemporary Ballet, LOCAL Theater Company, Motus Theater, NoBo Art District, Parlando School for the Arts, Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, Street Wise Arts, Studio Arts Boulder, T2 Dance Company, The Catamounts, The Spark A Performing Arts Community.” I move that we approve the following report for the 2022-2024 GOS grants: Boulder Ballet, Museum of Boulder, and Pro Musica Colorado Chamber Orchestra. Reminder! Community Projects for Organizations preliminary review is due Wednesday, March 6 at noon. Letter to Council Priorities 1.Integrate art into city work 3 2.Arts in schools 3.Making artist space available and affordable 6 4.Salary support for creatives 5.Housing affordability for artists 5 6.Encouraging diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) 4 7.Advocacy at the state and federal level Dairy Board Position Recommended Motion Language: “I move that Jeffrey Kash act as Arts Commission board representative to the Dairy Arts Center”. Fin