01.31.24 BAC Minutes CITY OF BOULDER BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES Name of Board/ Commission: Boulder Arts Commission Date of Meeting: January 31, 2024 Contact information preparing summary: Lisa Wuycheck, Executive Assistant Commission members present: Bruce Borowsky, Sheryl Cardozo, Maria Cole, Caroline Kert (Chair), Georgia Schmid (Vice-Chair), Yaelaed Whyel Commission members absent: Jeffrey Kash Staff present: Matt Chasansky, Interim Senior Manager of Cultural Vibrancy and District Vitality Elliott LaBonte, Community Vitality Business Services Senior Manager Lauren Click, Arts Program Manager, Office of Arts & Culture/Community Vitality Brendan Picker-Mahoney, Public Arts Program Manager, Office of Arts & Culture/Community Vitality Jake Hudson-Humphrey, Public Art Program Coordinator, Office of Arts & Culture/Community Vitality Lisa Wuycheck, Executive Assistant, Community Vitality Emi Smith, Communications Program Manager Members of the public present: Kate Gipson (Local Theater Co.), Liz Rowland (Boulder Chorale), Elaine Schnabel (Boulder Chorale), and Nettie Skievaski (Growing Up Boulder) attended remotely. Type of Meeting: Hybrid (Location: Penfield Tate II Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80302) Agenda Item 1: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. First motion by Whyel to approve the agenda. Second by Borowsky. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item 2: MINUTES [00:52:49 Audio min.] Item 2A: Approval of the 2023 November Minutes First motion by Borowsky to approve the minutes as amended. Second by Cardozo. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item 3: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION [00:01:15 Audio min.] Kate Gipson (Local Theater Co.), Liz Rowland (Boulder Chorale), Elaine Schnabel (Boulder Chorale), and Nettie Skievaski (Growing Up Boulder) attended remotely. No members of the public signed up to speak. Agenda Item 4: MATTERS FROM COMMISSIONERS [00:01:24 Audio min.] Item 4A: Liaison Updates Cole announced BMOCA issued their RFQ for the North Boulder Creative Camp. She said the qualifications are due on March 15. Whyel announced Junkyard Social Club had 206 free venue hours given to bypass event producers. Whyel said almost 1,000 children participated in educational programs and camps, and there were 22,000 visitations last year. Whyel added that Radium Girls will open soon at The Spark. Borowsky announced the Boulder County Film Commission will have an event on February 8 and invited everyone to attend. Kert reported KGNU has a new building that will open in 2025 on 14th Street behind BMOCA. Item 4B: Other Topics from the Community There were no topics from the Community. Agenda Item 5: COMMISSION BUSINESS [00:06:00 Audio min.] Item 5A: Arts Commission Recruitment Update Communications Program Manager Emi Smith details the City’s recruitment efforts during the recent commissioner application cycle. She said there was a press release that was sent out in the middle of December, information was shared throughout all the city social media channels, on Next Door, in the City’s newsletter, and in the Volunteer Cooperative Newsletter. Smith said a commissioner from the Downtown Management Commission did a segment on the Inside Boulder News. The interviews will be on February 13 and 15, and the new Commissioner will be appointed at the March 14 City Council meeting. Smith announced she is interviewing grant recipients, and the articles will be published in the Arts & Culture newsletter. She said she also plan to highlight public art through social media and newsletters. Agenda Item 6: PUBLIC ART [00:11:26 Audio min.] Item 6A: Implementation Plan Draft Public Arts Program Manager Brendan Picker-Mahoney reviewed the Public Art Action Items and 2024 Public Art Implementation Plan. Picker-Mahoney reviewed the plan’s mission and vision. He also explained the acquisition criteria. Picker-Mahoney discussed the Arts Commission’s role in the public art process and described the different types of public art. Picker-Mahoney said public art funding sources include the following. • General Fund • CAGID • ARPA • CCS • Future Funding Opportunities Picker-Mahoney reviewed the public art program’s recent accomplishments and outlined anticipated timelines for 2024-2026 public art projects, and the status of in-progress projects. The North Boulder Branch Library will open in summer of 2024 at Broadway and Violet. Picker-Mahoney described upcoming projects including the Alpine-Balsam Western City Campus. Picker-Mahoney announced the mural roster is open until March 1. He said Colorado artists will submit 2 to 4 images to the Office of Arts & Culture. Picker-Mahoney discussed upcoming experiments in public art and temporary artwork that will be funded with 2A funds. He also described Community Initiated Projects, the Art in Garages Program, the 2024 Public Art Maintenance and Conservation, and projects to watch for in 2024. Interim Senior Manager of Cultural Vibrancy and District Vitality Matt Chasansky advised anyone who sees public art damage to contact staff through the public arts email. Schmid said, ‘I move that the Public Art Implementation Plan be recommended to the City Manager for approval.’ Cardozo seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Item 6B: New Standing Selection Panel Member Picker-Mahoney announced new Standing Selection Panel member is Howard Rubin and described his experience and achievements. Cardozo said, ‘I move that we approve Howard Rubin to join the Standing Selection Panel, bringing the membership number up to five.’ Whyel seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item 7: GRANTS PROGRAM [00:54:22 Audio min.] Item 7A: Grant Reports Arts Program Manager Lauren Click reviewed the following grant reports. • Community Project Grant for Individuals, Amanda Berg Willson, Brown Sugar Nutcracker, The Studio Boulder, $5,000 • Community Project Grant for Organizations, Motus Theater, TRANSformative Monologues: Autobiographical Stories from Transgender Leaders, $10,000 • Community Project Grant for Organizations, Dairy Arts Center, Native American Heritage Month Arts Market, $10,000 • University of Colorado at Boulder Graduate Certificate in Arts Administration Scholarships, Carlie Ransom, $6,000 Chasansky discussed the conditions for recusal from voting on grant approvals. Click explained the Commission members will vote on the approval of the reports. She said commissioners have the options to: • Approve all reports, • Approve individual reports, • Approve individua reports while submitting specific questions, • Postpone approval of individual reports pending the answers to specific questions, and/or • Not approve individual reports and cancel the final 20% payment. Borowsky said, ‘I move that we approve the grant reports from the Dairy Arts Center, and Motus Theater.’. Second by Cardozo. The motion passed unanimously. Cole said, ‘I move that we approve the grant reports from Carlie Ransom.’ Second by Whyel. The motion passed unanimously. Schmid recused herself from the next vote. Borowsky said, ‘I move that we approve the grant report from Amanda Berg Wilson.’ Second by Whyel. The vote passed unanimously. The commissioners praised the Nutcracker performance. Item 7B: Roots Music Project Fee Waiver Program Click said the Roots Music Project is offering a fee waiver program. She said fees will be waived for 10 nights a year. She asked for the informal approval from the commissioners. The commissioners were all in agreement and were supportive of the program. Click said the 2024 Grant Application Schedule is posted on the city website. Agenda Item 8: MATTERS FROM STAFF [01:20:10 Audio min.] Item 8A: Questions about the Manager’s Memo Click said the general operating support survey is combined information from 2022 reports. Click announced that GOS grant applications are due on February 1. Kert asked for information regarding grant funding in proportion to an organization’s budget. Chasansky said, in 2015, staff conducted a study on the the best standards for the proportion of a healthy organization's budget that comes from government funding overall. He said the amount was determined to be 10% which is what staff is working towards. Click introduced Community Vitality’s Business Services Senior Manager Elliott LaBonte. Click announced that Arts Program Manager Cindy Sepucha restarted the Artist Forum. She said the first meeting will be at the Junkyard Social Club on the February 6. Item 8B: Ticket Fund Click said the Arts & Culture Department has a ticket fund that allows each commissioner to request 2 tickets per show/event in the local arts. APPROVED BY: ATTESTED: ____________________________________________________________________________ Board Chair Board Secretary ___________________________________________________________________________ Date Date Agenda Item 9: ADJOURNMENT [01:31:40 Audio min.] There being no further business to come before the commission at this time, Kert adjourned the meeting at 7:34 p.m. p.m. Date, time, and location of next meeting: The next Boulder Arts Commission meeting will be held, if needed, at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, February 28, 2024. This is a hybrid meeting to be held at The City of Boulder’s Community Vitality Department and via a Zoom webinar link. 2/1/24Mar 25, 2024 01.31.24 Arts Commission Minutes-Approved Final Audit Report 2024-03-25 Created:2024-03-22 By:Lisa Wuycheck (wuycheckl@bouldercolorado.gov) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAABsYbKUDaSAGZMOVbXQU4nh8kBWdFKCn0 "01.31.24 Arts Commission Minutes-Approved" History Document created by Lisa Wuycheck (wuycheckl@bouldercolorado.gov) 2024-03-22 - 4:10:15 PM GMT Document emailed to Caroline Kert (carolinekert@gmail.com) for signature 2024-03-22 - 4:10:36 PM GMT Email viewed by Caroline Kert (carolinekert@gmail.com) 2024-03-25 - 8:49:56 PM GMT Document e-signed by Caroline Kert (carolinekert@gmail.com) Signature Date: 2024-03-25 - 8:50:07 PM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2024-03-25 - 8:50:07 PM GMT