04.08.24 TAB Agenda 9A3 Valmont Multi-Use Path UpdateValmont Road Multi-Use Path (South Boulder Creek to 61st Street) PROJECT MANAGER: LINDSAY MERZ, PE, PMP, ENV-SP Project Overview New multi-use path near Valmont Road to provide an off-street connection from 61st Street to the existing pedestrian bridge and multi-use path at South Boulder Creek. 10-foot-wide concrete path Crosswalk on the east side of Valmont Road and Butte Mill intersection Crosswalk on Butte Mill Road to connect to Stazio Drive Ditch Crossing using existing structure –this project will construct new walls and railing Temporary connection to Indian Road while Boulder County continues planning of the Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT) Project partners include Boulder County, city OSMP, Regional Transportation District (RTD), Butte Mill and Jones Donnelly ditches. Project Map Project Timeline Conceptual Design –2017-2020 RTD Agreement to use existing railroad alignment –finalized 2020 Complete design and permitting –2020-current Advertise for Construction –April 2024 Start Construction –June 2024