04.08.24 TAB Agenda 7 - VZAPCITY OF BOULDER
MEETING DATE: April 8, 2024
Vision Zero Action Plan Update
Natalie Stiffler, Director of Transportation and Mobility
Valerie Watson, Deputy Director of Transportation and Mobility
Devin Joslin, Principal Traffic Engineer
Vision Zero is Boulder’s goal to eliminate all severe crashes resulting in a fatality or serious injury.
Vision Zero is a priority of the Transportation Master Plan (TMP), and it also informs the city’s other
transportation plans and standards. The Citywide Strategic Plan includes Priority Actions in support of
achieving Vision Zero within the Sustainability, Equity, and Resiliency (SER) Framework goal area of
This memorandum provides an update on implementation of the Boulder Vision Zero Action Plan, May
2023, which includes a five-year list of actions for the period 2023-2027. The Vision Zero Action Plan
is oriented towards the implementation of improvements across Boulder’s transportation system that will
reduce the seven common crash types, as well as address other location-specific safety issues. The most
recent update to the Action Plan is innovative in that it takes a Safe Systems Approach to transportation
safety, which is a proactive and human centered approach rather than the historical reactive approach
based solely on crash data. The plan prioritizes implementation along the High Risk Network (HRN)
then expands to other streets. The Vision Zero Action Plan includes four categories of actions to achieve
Vision Zero through 20 specific actions (and numerous sub actions) as outlined in the plan document.
This memo also specifically details current progress on expanding photo enforcement, which is one of
the key actions in the Vision Zero Action Plan.
This memorandum also provides the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) with an update on citywide
crashes that occurred in 2023, including a summary of severe crashes, now that data for the year in full
is available since TAB was last updated in October 2023. Staff will discuss the severe crash trends in
more detail during the meeting.
The Vision Zero Action Plan and other community engagement materials associated with its
development can be reviewed on the project webpage, available at this link: Vision Zero Action Plan.
As previously mentioned, the Vision Zero Action Plan contains 20 specific actions (and numerous sub
actions) divided into four categories. The four categories include:
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• Implement and improve engineering solutions to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes (9
• Pair engineering solutions with education and enforcement (6 actions)
• Improve the city’s internal Vision Zero practices (2 actions)
• Improve Vision Zero data and transparency (3 actions)
Through a comprehensive crash data analysis, seven common crash types that account for 62% of fatal
and serious injury crashes on the HRN were identified. Focusing on the HRN will have an outsized
impact on reducing fatal and serious injury crashes. For this reason, the actions within the Vision Zero
Action Plan rely on a systemic safety approach that aims to: focus on common crash types and effective
solutions; prioritize locations with the most risk; and proactively implement solutions across the
transportation system.
The 2024 staff work plan includes focusing on the following key actions (found in the Action Plan
document starting on Page 64):
• Speed limit setting and signing framework (Action 7)
• Pedestrian Crossing Treatment Installation Guidelines Update (Action 6)
• Signal Timing Practices Update (Actions 1.A.ii, 1.A.iii, 1.B.ii, 1.C.i, 5)
• Photo Enforcement Expansion (Actions 11, 12, 13)
• Right Turn Slip Lane Signing/Marking Changes (Actions 1.E.i, 1.E.ii)
• Green Conflict Markings along the High Risk Network (Action 1.D.i)
• Traffic Signal Upgrades (Actions 4, 8)
In December 2023, the United States Department of Transportation awarded the city with a monumental
$23 million Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant. The city received an approximately $3.2
million Demonstration grant and an approximately $19.8 million Implementation grant. These funds will
significantly accelerate implementation of key actions to eliminate severe crashes. Projects will be in
design over 2024-2025 with implementation and construction phases occurring between 2026-2028. The
projects funded with the SS4A grant include the following and are shown in Figure 1:
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Figure 1.SS4A Project Locations
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• Demonstration Grant
o Conduct a demonstration to evaluate the safety of various configurations and traffic
control options for right turn slip lanes (Action 9).
Change 8 locations from wide angle to tighter angle design.
Change 8 locations from wide angle design to traffic signal control.
Implement changes to 16 locations (to configuration shown to maximize safety)
• Implementation Grant
o Enhance nine existing pedestrian crossing treatments (Action 8).
Broadway/Union Avenue – static signs to RRFB
Broadway/Norwood Avenue – RRFB to pedestrian signal
Folsom Street/Newton Court – static signs to RRFB
Folsom Street/Taft Drive – static signs to RRFB
28th Street south of Iris Avenue – RRFB to pedestrian signal
28th Street north of Spruce Street – RRFB to pedestrian signal
30th Street south of Spruce Street – RRFB to pedestrian signal
30th Street south of Walnut Street – RRFB to pedestrian signal
Pearl Street east of Target Access - RRFB to pedestrian signal
o Construct multimodal and safety improvements along Arapahoe Avenue from Culver
Court to 33rd Street (Actions, 3, 8).
o Construct multimodal and safety improvements at the intersection of Arapahoe Avenue
and 30th Street (Actions 3, 8).
o Construct multimodal and safety improvements along 30th Street from Pearl Street to
Diagonal Highway (Actions 3, 8).
o Construct improvements at key HRN intersections, as identified in the Vision Zero
Action Plan (Actions 1, 1.F.i).
Table 1 summarizes the actions, timeline, and implementation status.
Table 1. Vision Zero Action Plan Progress Summary
Action Status Time Frame
Implement and improve engineering solutions to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes
1 – Broadly implement low-cost projects on the HRN to
address top crash patterns Gold Ongoing
2 – Strategically implement higher cost solutions on the
HRN to address top crash patterns Gold Ongoing
3 – Implement capital projects to improve safety and comfort
along HRN and CAN corridors Gold By 2027
4 – Upgrade traffic signal equipment not built to current
standards Gold Ongoing
5 – Update signal timing practices for right turn on red and
left turn phases Gold 2024
6 – Update Pedestrian Crossing Treatment Installation
Guidelines; document existing marked crosswalk locations
that no longer meet the guidelines
Green 2024
7 – Update and implement polices and practices regarding
speed limit setting Green New practice by
2024; ongoing
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Action Status Time Frame
8 – Pursue and attract state and federal funding for high cost
projects Green Ongoing
9 – Study right-turn slip lane design Gold Begin study by
2025; evaluation
complete by 2027
Pair engineering solutions with education and enforcement
10 – Identify and enforce unsafe travel behaviors Green Ongoing
11 – Strategically deploy photo radar van along high-speed
corridors where allowed by state law Green Ongoing
12 – Expand the use of red light running cameras at eligible
locations Green Ongoing
13 – Support legislation to enable expanded photo
enforcement Green Ongoing
14 – Collaborate with regional partners to implement
campaigns focusing on behaviors of concern (e.g. distracted
Gold Ongoing
15 – Combine countermeasure deployment with
accompanying events, such as press releases, ribbon cuttings,
Green Ongoing
Improve the city’s internal Vision Zero practices
16 – Designate a representative to champion Vision Zero
across city departments Gold Ongoing
17 – Continue participation in the national Vision Zero Cities
Network Gold Ongoing
Improve Vision Zero data and transparency
18 – Maintain and update the crash data dashboard Green Ongoing
19 – Continue to refine and improve accuracy in and utility
of crash documentation Gold Ongoing
20 – Annually summarize progress in delivering the Vision
Zero Action Plan Gold Ongoing
Green = action on track to be completed or completed
Gold = action underway but less than 50 percent completed
Gray = action not yet started
The City of Boulder has had a photo enforcement program for 25 years. In that time, the program has
grown to include over 180 neighborhood photo radar van deployment locations, five full-time and two
part-time photo enforcement officers, two photo radar vans, and 11 red light running cameras.
Information about the city’s photo enforcement program can be found here: Photo Radar and Red Light
Camera Citations.
On December 7, 2023, City Council adopted Resolution 1342 to designate certain streets within the city
as automated vehicle identification corridors. This action was required to comply with state law.
Materials submitted to Council in support of the resolution, which designates both the city-owned and
state-owned corridors, can be found here:
• City Council Memo: Photo Enforcement Expansion Memo
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This press release contains information about the recent expansion of photo enforcement. On March 15,
2024, automated speed enforcement at the intersection of Broadway/Pine Street was activated. The
automated speed enforcement is being conducted for the northbound direction of Broadway using
functionality enabled within the existing red light running camera at this intersection. In accordance with
state law, there was a 30-day public notice period prior to activation on March 15, which began a 30-day
warning period. Citations will begin being issued on April 15, 2024.
In addition, two new red light running cameras are currently in the process of being installed at 28th
Street/Jay Road (southbound approach) and Canyon Boulevard/15th Street (westbound approach). The
new cameras are expected to be activated on April 1, 2024. Once activated, there will be a 30-day
warning period prior to citations being issued.
Staff are currently in the process of evaluating designated city-owned corridors to determine priority
locations for expanded deployment of the photo radar van. The Boulder Police Department recently
hired an additional photo enforcement officer and is currently in the process of acquiring an additional
photo radar van. In addition, the 2024 Police Department budget included funding for six new concrete
pads to facilitate deployment of the photo radar van along arterial corridors where there is no shoulder
available on which to park the van. The prioritized list of locations staff are currently developing will
determine where to install the concrete pads this year.
Staff are also evaluating and prioritizing designated state-owned corridors. For state-owned corridors,
staff are required to submit a request to conduct automated enforcement to the Colorado Department of
Transportation (CDOT). Automated enforcement activities cannot be conducted on a state highway until
CDOT has granted the city approval to do so, in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 42-4-110.5,
which was amended last year under SB 23-200. CDOT is expected to publish the implementation
guidelines related to automated enforcement on state highways in mid-April. At that time, staff can
begin to submit requests for priority state-owned corridors to CDOT for review. While the turnaround
time for CDOT review and approval is currently unknown, the city is taking steps to be prepared for
swift installation after approval is granted.
In 2023, there were 1,698 total crashes and 58 severe crashes (3 fatal and 55 serious injury) citywide, as
shown on Attachment A. Compared to 2022, the total number of crashes in 2023 was down 80, the
number of serious injury crashes was up 7, and the number of fatal crashes was up 2. Most severe
crashes in 2023 occurred on either Principal Arterial (53%) or Minor Arterial (26%) roadways. Of the
58 severe crashes, the crash modes are summarized below:
• Vehicle involved with bicyclist = 16 severe crashes
• Vehicle involved with vehicle = 14 severe crashes
• Vehicle involved with pedestrian = 10 severe crashes
• Vehicle involved with motorcycle or scooter = 7 severe crashes
1 The crash data reported in this memorandum and its attachments comes from the City of Boulder’s Transportation and
Mobility database, which is derived from the Police Department’s Record Management System. The information contained
in these databases is updated periodically and may change over time.
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•Bicyclist involved 2 = 7 severe crashes (4 involved a solo bicyclist and 3 involved a bicyclist
involved with either a pedestrian, bicyclist, or e-scooter rider)
•Standup scooter 3 involved = 3 severe crashes
•Motorcyclist involved = 1 severe crash
The most common severe crash types in 2023 include pedestrian, bicycle, fixed object, right angle, and
approach turn. The most common locations where severe crashes occurred in 2023 were at signalized
intersections (40%) or along roadway or multi-use path segments (29%). The age of the at-fault
driver/roadway user varies, but most range from 20-29 (37%) or 65+ (23%).
Comparing the 2023 severe crash trends to the findings of the Safe Streets Report, 4th Edition 2022,
which analyzed crash data from 2018-2020 reveals the following:
•The areas of concern noted in the Safe Streets Report were crashes involving people walking,
bicycling, making left turns, speeding and older adults (65+). These generally align with the
most common severe crash types in 2023.
•The percentage of severe crashes occurring on Principal Arterial or Minor Arterial roadways in
2023 was up 12% compared to 2018-2020.
•The percentage of severe crashes involving:
o People walking decreased by 1% in 2023.
o People bicycling increased by 4% in 2023.
o People traveling under the influence of alcohol or drugs decreased 9% in 2023.
o People speeding decreased by 20% in 2023.
o People making left turns decreased by 1% in 2023.
o People ages 65 and older decreased by 5% in 2023.
o People ages 15-19 decreased by 9% in 2023.
o People ages 20-29 decreased by 13% in 2023.
o Distracted road users increased by 2% in 2023.
o People riding a motorcycle increased by 3% in 2023.
Within the Safe Streets Report, trends that increased or decreased by more than 5% were noted as being
significant. The above comparison illustrates the importance of Vision Zero Action Plan actions geared
toward addressing the High Risk Network first, then focusing on other streets. In addition, the
comparison shows that a significant decrease (5% or greater) was experienced in five compared
categories, while none of the compared categories experienced a significant increase.
Table 2 illustrates the annual total and severe crash rates per million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) from
2018-2022, which is the most recent year for which VMT data is available.
2 None of the severe crashes with either a vehicle involved with bicyclist or bicyclist involved BCycle shared e-bikes.
3 Two of the three crashes involved Lime shared e-scooters.
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Table 2. Annual Total and Severe Crash Rates (2018-2022) per Million Vehicle Miles Traveled
Year Total Crashes Severe Crashes Annual VMT
Total Crash
Rate per
Million VMT
Severe Crash
Rate per
Million VMT
2018 2,797 62 1,154 2.4237 0.0537
2019 2,564 61 1,281 2.0016 0.0476
2020 1,441 40 850 1.6953 0.0471
2021 1,736 50 970 1.7897 0.0515
2022 1,778 49 1,047 1.6982 0.0468
The total crash rate per million VMT decreased approximately 30% in 2022 compared to 2018. The
severe crash rate per million VMT decreased approximately 12% in 2022 compared to 2018. These rates
indicate that despite the number of severe crashes remaining relatively steady, the rate at which they
occur relative to million VMT is decreasing.
One other way to calculate and compare crash rates is to consider the number of total and severe crashes
that occur compared to the population. Table 3 shows how Boulder compares to other cities along the
Front Range with populations over 100,000 people. Note that the rates are calculated based on 2022
crash data reported to the Department of Revenue and 2021 population data. Note that the total number
of crashes cited for Boulder in 2022 in Table 2 varies from Table 3. This is because Table 2 includes all
police reported crashes, which includes crashes police respond to on private property, as well as crashes
police respond to involving only bicycles or pedestrians. These crashes are not reported to the
Department of Revenue.
Table 3. Crash Rates per 100,000 People of Front Range Communities
Location 2021
2022 Fatal
2022 Total
Crash Rate
per 100,000
Crash Rate
per 100,000
Arvada 123,436 5 31 1,207 977.8 29.2
Boulder 104,175 1 38 1,350 1,295.9 37.4
Fort Collins 168,538 5 67 2,633 1,562.3 42.7
Westminster 114,561 13 39 2,003 1,748.4 45.4
Longmont 100,758 7 40 1,383 1,372.6 46.6
Thornton 142,610 13 58 2,386 1,673.1 49.8
Aurora 389,347 45 167 5,638 1,448.1 54.5
Lakewood 156,605 17 75 2,940 1,877.3 58.7
483,956 52 279 7,641 1,578.9 68.4
Denver 711,463 72 537 14,893 2,093.3 85.6
As can be seen in Table 3, Boulder has the second lowest crash rate per 100,000 population among the
10 Front Range cities that were compared. Among cities compared, Boulder had the fewest fatal crashes.
This indicates that while zero fatal and serious injury crashes remain the goal, Boulder is closer to
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achieving zero than many other Front Range cities.
Staff will continue to implement the Vision Zero Action Plan and keep TAB informed, as necessary, on
key actions and projects.
Staff will present an overview of Vision Zero activities to City Council on April 11, 2024.
1. What feedback does TAB have regarding progress on Vision Zero Action Plan implementation?
Attachment A – 2023 Severe Crash Summary
Attachment B – Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Award Fact Sheet
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Caseid Crashdate Crashtime Primarystreet Crossstreet T_Crashtype G_Roadcondition H_Lightingcondition T_Severity Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Crash Modes Location Street Class Left Turns Vulnerable Safety Special Causes Notes
2300333 1/11/2023 12:12 pm 63RD ST LONGBOW DR Other Foreign Material Daylight INCAP 74 58 Car - Car Segment Principal Arterial (PA) NA NA NA NB vehicle loses control because of beer mash spill by another vehicle ahead of them and hits utility pole
2300514 1/16/2023 10:15 am DIAGONAL HWY (CO 119) 28TH ST (US HWY 36)Pedestrian Dry Daylight INCAP 59 Car - Ped Signalized Intersection Expressway (E )NA NA NA WBR vehicle on right turn bypass lane hits pedestrian crossing EB on northern crosswalk
2300866 1/26/2023 3:48 pm FOOTHILLS PKY CO 119 FixedObject Dry Dawn or Dusk Fatal 28 65 42 Car - Car Segment Expressway (E )NA NA Speeding SB vehicle traveling at high speed crosses over median to opposite NB traffic and hits multiple vehicles
2301643 2/18/2023 8:12 am ARAPAHOE AVE CONESTOGA Approach Turn Dry Daylight INCAP 50 31 Car - Car Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) NA NA Speeding EBT vehicle speeding 100mph hit WBL vehicle
2301864 2/25/2023 4:19 pm COLORADO AVE 30TH ST Right Angle Dry Daylight INCAP 22 23 Car - Car Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) NA NA Red Light EBT vehicle ran red light and hit NBT
2301876 2/26/2023 1:58 am ARAPAHOE AVE 11TH ST Pedestrian Dry Dark Lighted INCAP 26 Car - Ped Two Way Stop Minor Arterial (MA) NA NA NA EBT vehicle hit pedestrian crossing SB on crosswalk
2302098 3/5/2023 2:39 am BROADWAY ST REGENT DR FixedObject Dry Dark Lighted INCAP 21 Car - Car Segment Principal Arterial (PA) NA NA NA Single vehicle NBT crash hit curb and tree
2302135 3/6/2023 10:41 am 13TH ST WALNUT ST Pedestrian Dry Daylight INCAP 48 Car - Ped Signalized Intersection Minor Arterial (MA) Permissive - green ball NA Distracted SBL vehicle turning on green hit SBT pedestrian on eastern crosswalk - sunglare/sneezing
2302267 3/10/2023 3:50 pm CHERRYVALE RD BASELINE RD Bicycle Dry Daylight INCAP 75 Car - Bike Four Way Stop Minor Arterial (MA) NA Helmet Property Used NA NBR vehicle hit WBT biker on crosswalk from sidewalk
2302493 3/17/2023 1:03 pm 19TH ST ELDER AVE Other Dry Daylight INCAP Bike Segment Minor Arterial (MA) NA Unknown NA Single NBT biker on bike lane hit rock and fell
2302511 3/17/2023 4:37 pm MARINE ST 9TH ST Pedestrian Dry Daylight INCAP Car - Ped Segment Local (L)NA NA NA WBT vehicle hit NBT pedestrian stepping out on road between two parked cars to retrieve ball; hit and run
2302901 3/30/2023 9:07 am 30TH ST MAPLETON AVE Bicycle Dry Daylight INCAP 36 Car - Bike Segment Minor Arterial (MA) NA Unknown NA SBT biker failed to stop for stopped vehicle SBT; construction
2302934 3/30/2023 9:15 pm BROADWAY NORTH ST Pedestrian Dry Dark Lighted INCAP 30 Car - Ped Segment Principal Arterial (PA) NA NA NA WBT pedestrian crossing 45' south of intersection midblock was hit by SBT vehicle
2303071 4/4/2023 9:07 pm VALMONT RD 28TH ST Pedestrian Wet Dark Lighted INCAP 51 Car - Ped Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) FYA NA NA SBL vehicle turning on FYA hit SB pedestrian on eastern crosswalk
2303346 4/11/2023 7:35 pm BROADWAY CANYON BLVD Bicycle Dry Daylight INCAP 22 Car - Bike Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) FYA Unknown NA WBL vehicle turning hit EBT cyclist on southern crosswalk; unsure about fault
2303434 4/13/2023 8:08 pm BASELINE RD 35TH ST Pedestrian Dry Dark Lighted INCAP 20 Car - Motorcycle/Scooter Two Way Stop Principal Arterial (PA) NA Unknown NA NBT vehicle hit EBT person on motor scooter on southern crosswalk
2303975 4/30/2023 2:00 am 75TH ST LOOKOUT RD FixedObject Dry Dark Lighted INCAP 30 Car - Car Four Way Stop Principal Arterial (PA) Left - unsignalized NA Speeding Single vehicle NBL crash hit light pole; witness says speeding
2304147 5/3/2023 10:45 pm 26TH ST PEARL ST Bicycle Dry Dark Lighted INCAP Car - Bike Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) Permissive - green ball Helmet Property Used NA WBL vehicle turning hit EBT cyclist on southern crosswalk
2304420 5/11/2023 11:52 am 22ND ST CANYON BLVD Right Angle Wet Daylight INCAP 32 18 Car - Car Two Way Stop Principal Arterial (PA) Left - unsignalized NA NA SBL vehicle did not yield to WBT vehicle
2304472 5/12/2023 3:56 pm 30TH ST DENTON AVE Right Angle Dry Daylight INCAP 61 Car - Bike One Way Stop Minor Arterial (MA) Left - unsignalized Unknown NA SBT biker traveling on NBT bike lane collided with WBR vehicle
2304710 5/19/2023 9:36 am ARAPAHOE AVE 48TH ST Pedestrian Wet Daylight INCAP 22 Car - Ped Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) Permissive - green ball NA NA NBL vehicle hit pedestrian crossing NBT on western crosswalk
2304775 5/21/2023 3:35 pm 28TH ST PALO PKWY Dry Daylight INCAP 67 Car - Car Segment Principal Arterial (PA) NA NA Impaired Single vehicle NBT vehicle hit guardrail; issued DUI
2304898 5/24/2023 9:42 pm BROADWAY ST 15TH ST Pedestrian Dry Dark Lighted INCAP 42 Car - Ped Segment Principal Arterial (PA) NA NA NA Pedestrian running on sidewalk steps into SBT vehicular lane to avoid a situation on the sidewalk
2305063 5/29/2023 6:21 am ARAPAHOE AVE 26TH ST Pedestrian Dry Daylight INCAP Bike Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) NA Unknown NA EBT cyclist crossing intersection on yellow hit NBT pedestrian crossing on eastern crosswalk
2305145 5/31/2023 8:12 pm 28TH ST MAPLETON AVE Bicycle Dry Dawn or Dusk INCAP 20 Car - Bike Segment Principal Arterial (PA) NA Unknown NA NBT cyclist weaving in and out of travel lanes and turned in front of vehicle
2305685 6/16/2023 11:00 am TABLE MESA DR FOOTHILLS PKWY Pedestrian Dry Daylight INCAP 85 Car - Motorcycle/Scooter Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) NA Unknown NA WBT vehicle traveling on green hit NBT e-scooter crossing NBT on western crosswalk against walk signal
2305444 6/9/2023 7:40 pm WALNUT ST 7TH ST Parked Vehicle Dry Daylight INCAP Bike Segment Minor Arterial (MA) NA Unknown Distracted Single bicycle crash, distracted
2305982 6/25/2023 10:55 am BROADWAY MAPLETON AVE Pedestrian Dry Daylight INCAP 60 Car - Ped Two Way Stop Principal Arterial (PA) Left - unsignalized NA NA Pedestrian darted/jogged west to east on southern leg of intersection where pedestrians are not allowed to cross (not an
unmarked crosswalk) and was hit by a WBL vehicle
2306338 7/5/2023 10:38 am VALMONT RD STERLING CT Daylight INCAP Standup Scooter Segment Minor Arterial (MA) NA Unknown NA WB Lime scooter riding on southern sidewalk lost control due to uneven terrain
2306446 7/8/2023 9:43 am BASLINE RD (BIKE PATH) PRIVATE Bicycle Daylight INCAP Bike Other Multiuse Path (MP) NA Unknown Speeding Bicyclist speeding and passing other cyclists on bike path
2306920 7/21/2023 7:03 am FOOTHILLS PKWY ARAPAHOE AVE Right Angle Dry Daylight INCAP 21 34 Car - Motorcycle/Scooter Signalized Intersection Expressway (E )NA NA NA NBT vehicle changed lanes to avoid slowing vehicle (signal was yellow) and drove into motorcyclist on other lane
2307139 7/26/2023 6:24 pm TWIN LAKES RD BRANDON CREEK DR Bicycle Dry Daylight INCAP Bike Two Way Stop Sidewalk NA Unknown NA Bike on bike crash on sidewalk
2307593 8/7/2023 6:31 pm PEARL PARKWAY FOOTHILLS PARKWAY NORTHBOUND OFF RAMPBicycle Dry Daylight INCAP 56 Car - Bike Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) NA Unknown Red Light Bike crossed road against signal and was hit by vehicle traveling eastbound
2307448 8/3/2023 7:22 pm 30TH ST EAGLE WAY Right Angle Dry Daylight Fatal 19 27 Car - Motorcycle/Scooter One Way Stop Minor Arterial (MA) Left - unsignalized Helmet Property Used Speeding NBL vehicle hit SBT motorcyclist. Motorcyclist action classified as reckless
2307729 8/9/2023 3:55 pm WALNUT ST 22ND ST Bicycle Dry Daylight INCAP 28 Car - Bike One Way Stop Collector (C)NA No Helmet EBR vehicle turned into intersection and hit EBT electric bike on bike lane
2307808 8/12/2023 2:24 pm TABLE MESA DR TANTRA DR Approach Turn Dry Daylight Fatal 45 57 Car - Motorcycle/Scooter Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) FYA Helmet Property Used Speeding WBL vehicle turning on FYA/yellow hit speeding EBT motorcyclist
2307982 8/17/2023 2:42 pm BROADWAY WALNUT ST Bicycle Dry Daylight INCAP 61 Car - Bike Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) NA Unknown Speeding NBR transit bus already making NBR hit NBT bike speeding on sidewalk trying to cross intersection
2308324 8/25/2023 3:05 pm 28TH ST OLSON DR Approach Turn Wet Daylight INCAP 24 62 Car - Car Driveway Principal Arterial (PA) Left - unsignalized NA NA NBL vehicle turning into driveway cleared first two SB lanes and hit a SBT vehicle on the SB3 lane
2308413 8/27/2023 8:12 am THUNDERBIRD CIR THUNDERBIRD DR FixedObject Dry Daylight INCAP 35 Car - Car Segment Expressway (E )NA NA Medical SBT vehicle on Foothills crosses grass to Thunderbird, hits utility pole, and parked vehicle. Due to medical episode.
2308565 8/31/2023 8:22 am SPRING VALLEY RD LAKEBRIAR DR Other Dry Daylight INCAP Bike Segment Local (L)NA Helmet Property Used NA Single biker hit compost pile on local street (no traffic control) and ejected off bike
2308850 9/5/2023 4:29 pm MOORHEAD AVE FULLER CT Right Angle Dry Daylight INCAP 68 Car - Bike One Way Stop Collector (C)Left - unsignalized Unknown NA WBL biker on bike lane turns left and gets hit by WBT vehicle
2309015 9/9/2023 12:36 am BROADWAY REGENT DR FixedObject Dry Dark Lighted INCAP 24 Car - Ped Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) prohibited NA NA Vehicle traveling northbound made illegal U-turn and swerved off street and hit pedestrians on sidewalk
2309809 9/28/2023 8:30 pm AVOCADO RD 19TH ST #268 Bicycle Dry Dawn or Dusk INCAP Bike Segment Local (L)NA NA NA E-bike and standup Lime scooter crash - rear end
2309573 9/22/2023 7:27 pm CANYON BLVD 23RD ST Bicycle Dry Daylight INCAP 30 Car - Bike Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) NA No Helmet Red Light NBT biker crossed against signal and was hit by WBT vehicle
2310344 10/13/2023 1:07 pm FOLSOM ST TAFT DR Bicycle Dry Daylight INCAP 19 Car - Bike One Way Stop Minor Arterial (MA) NA Helmet Property Used NA NBR vehicle hit NBT bicyclist
2310370 10/13/2023 9:18 pm BROADWAY COLLEGE Right Angle Dry Dark Lighted INCAP 26 19 Motorcycle Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) Yellow/Red Helmet Property Used Red Light NBL motorcyclist ran a red-light and was hit by a SBT motorcyclist
2310466 10/16/2023 6:54 pm 28TH ST WALNUT ST Bicycle Dry Dark Lighted INCAP 73 Car - Bike Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) FYA Helmet Property Used NA WBL vehicle turnign on FYA hit a WBT bicyclist crossing on southern crosswalk
2310625 10/20/2023 2:05 pm VALMONT RD 30TH ST Bicycle Dry Daylight INCAP 19 Car - Bike Driveway Minor Arterial (MA) NA Helmet Property Used NA EBR vehicle turning into a driveway collided with a EBT bicyclist on bike lane (witness mentioned cyclist was traveling fast)
2310637 10/20/2023 5:46 pm FOLSOM ST GROVE ST Pedestrian Dry Dawn or Dusk INCAP 53 Standup Scooter Segment Minor Arterial (MA) NA Unknown NA WBT lime scooter crossing on midblock did not wait for vehicles to stop and crossed into traffic
2310889 10/27/2023 11:49 am ARAPAHOE AVE 33RD ST Rear End Dry Daylight INCAP 38 67 Car - Car Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) NA NA Distracted WBT vehicle rear end WBT vehicle stopped due to traffic
2311028 10/31/2023 6:40 am FOOTHILLS PKWY BASELINE RD Head On Dry Dawn or Dusk INCAP 81 25 Car - Car Signalized Intersection Expressway (E )NA NA Distracted WBL vehicle turned in wrong way traffic and hit a northbound through vehicle
2310684 10/21/2023 8:16 pm REGENT DR COLORADO AVE Bicycle Dry Dark Lighted INCAP 32 Car - Bike Signalized Intersection Minor Arterial (MA) FYA No Helmet Red Light Bicyclist biked across southern crosswalk eastbound against pedestrian signal and was hit by WBL vehicle
2311244 11/4/2023 7:45 pm FOLSOM ST ARAPAHOE AVE Bicycle Dry Dark Unlighted INCAP 26 Car - Bike Segment Minor Arterial (MA) NA Unknown Distracted NBT bicyclist (drank earlier) was distracted and drifted out of bike lane into vehicle
2311264 11/5/2023 11:04 am SPRUCE ST 11TH ST Bicycle Dry Daylight INCAP 72 Car - Motorcycle/Scooter Two Way Stop Minor Arterial (MA) Left - unsignalized Unknown NA EBR vehicle hit WBL scooter
Attachment A – 2023 Severe Crash Summary
04.08.24 TAB Agenda 7 - VZ Action Plan Update
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Caseid Crashdate Crashtime Primarystreet Crossstreet T_Crashtype G_Roadcondition H_Lightingcondition T_Severity Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Crash Modes Location Street Class Left Turns Vulnerable Safety Special Causes Notes
2311722 11/16/2023 5:15 pm BROADWAY HAWTHORNE AVE Overturning Dry Dark Lighted INCAP 52 33 Car - Motorcycle/Scooter Two Way Stop Principal Arterial (PA) Left - unsignalized Helmet Property Used NA WBT scooter illegally went straight instead of right and hit a EBL vehicle
2311756 11/18/2023 12:54 pm ARAPAHOE AVE CHERRYVALE RD Right Angle Dry Daylight INCAP 87 38 Car - Car Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) NA NA Medical EBT vehicle ran a red-light and hit NBL vehicle (EBT potential medical emergency at time of event)
2312390 12/8/2023 4:06 pm ARAPAHOE AVE 55TH ST Approach Turn Dry Dawn or Dusk INCAP 79 66 23 Car - Car Signalized Intersection Principal Arterial (PA) FYA NA NA WBL vehicle turned on FYA and hit a EBT vehicle
2312703 12/17/2023 4:32 pm CANYON BLVD 18TH ST Bicycle Dry Dawn or Dusk INCAP 21 22 Standup Scooter Two Way Stop Principal Arterial (PA) NA No Helmet NA EBR vehicle turned into EBT standup scooter
Attachment A – 2023 Severe Crash Summary
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Car - Car 14
Car - Ped 10
Car - Bike 16
Car - Motorcycle/Scooter 7
Standup Scooter 3
Bike 7
Motorcycle 1
Signalized Intersection 23
One Way Stop 5
Two Way Stop 8
Four Way Stop 2
Uncontrolled 0
Driveway 2
Segment 17
Private Property 0
Other 1
Freeway (F)0
Expressway (E )5
Principal Arterial (PA)31
Minor Arterial (MA)15
Collector (C)2
Local (L)3
Sidewalk 1
Multiuse Path (MP)1
all D1-D3 D1
<15 0 15 0 0
15 - 19 15 20 5 3
20 - 29 20 30 20 13
30 -49 30 50 16 7
50 - 64 50 65 12 4
65+65 110 13 8
Print on 11x17 page
Car - Car
Car - Ped
Car - Bike
Car - Motorcycle/Scooter
Standup Scooter
Crash Modes
Signalized Intersection
One Way Stop
9%Two Way Stop
Four Way Stop
Crash Locations
Expressway (E )
Principal Arterial (PA)
Minor Arterial (MA)
Local (L)
Multiuse Path (MP)
Street Classification
15 - 19
20 - 29
30 -49
50 - 64
Age Range of D1
15 - 19…
20 -29
30 -49
50 - 64
Age Range of All D1-D3
Attachment A – 2023 Severe Crash Summary
04.08.24 TAB Agenda 7 - VZ Action Plan Update
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2023 - Total
Jan 1 2 12 17 105 137 Jan 0 2 15 22 112 151
Feb 0 3 9 15 107 134 Feb 0 0 8 20 133 161
Mar 0 7 5 7 86 105 Mar 0 6 14 23 93 136
Apr 0 4 13 14 92 123 Apr 0 5 14 18 86 123
May 0 8 22 18 107 155 May 0 6 12 17 120 155
Jun 0 3 10 25 118 156 Jun 0 6 7 23 98 134
Jul 0 4 14 17 91 126 Jul 0 3 12 16 106 137
Aug 2 6 23 22 99 152 Aug 0 5 25 29 121 180
Sep 0 4 27 26 106 163 Sep 1 7 27 13 116 164
Oct 0 8 21 19 131 179 Oct 0 2 17 23 126 168
Nov 0 4 22 20 101 147 Nov 0 2 13 28 96 139
Dec 0 2 12 15 92 121 Dec 0 4 14 10 102 130
Total 3 55 190 215 1235 1698 Total 1 48 178 242 1309 1778
Police Reported Crashes
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Fatality 5 2 4 3 1 1 0 6 0 3 3 3 4 1 3
Incapacitating 47 49 65 66 54 75 40 55 61 59 58 37 46 48 55
Non Incapacitating 222 201 198 221 218 205 198 238 161 183 161 100 160 178 190
Possible 338 351 401 347 431 384 450 426 405 404 381 218 215 242 215
PDO 2,087 2,084 2,113 2,087 2,299 2,169 2,256 2,349 2,265 2,148 1,961 1,083 1,311 1,309 1,235
Total 2,699 2,687 2,781 2,724 3,003 2,834 2,944 3,074 2,892 2,797 2,564 1,441 1,736 1,778 1,698
Severity 2022 - Total Severity
Month 2023 Crash Month 2022 Crash
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Crash Severity by Year
Fatality Incapacitating Non Incapacitating Possible PDO
Attachment A – 2023 Severe Crash Summary
04.08.24 TAB Agenda 7 - VZ Action Plan Update
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Safe Streets and Roads for All
(SS4A) Grants
Safe Streets for Boulder: Systemic Safety Countermeasure
Applicant: City of Boulder
Boulder, Colorado
SS4A Award: $23,032,000
Project Description
The City of Boulder, Colorado, is
awarded funds to address intersection
and corridor safety issues for pedestrians
and bicyclists. The project focuses on
three key problems: pedestrian safety at
marked, non-signalized crosswalks,
crashes affecting vulnerable road users
on priority arterial segments, and severe-
injury crashes at 6 key intersections.
To address these issues, the project will
implement safety best practices at 22
intersections in the City, including
installing leading pedestrian intervals,
rectangular rapid-flashing beacons, and
protected intersections. Project
components also include adding traffic
signals and retroreflective backplates,
constructing protected bike lanes and
bus lanes, completing missing segments
of an existing multi-use path, increasing
all-red clearance intervals, and
prohibiting right turns on red at key intersections. The project includes a demonstration activity
to study and address right-turn slip lanes across Boulder.
Attachment B - Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Award Fact Sheet
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