02.12.24 TAB Agenda 7A1 - Moorhead Mobility EnhancementsMoorhead Mobility Enhancements Transportation Advisory Board February 12, 2024 Project Area Moorhead Ave (looking north)Moorhead Ave Work to date Ramp with Directional Warning SurfaceLevel pedestrian path of travel at driveways Jan 6 Corridor Walk: What We Heard •Desire for traffic calming; more comfortable bike lanes •Improved connections at north and south ends of corridor •Limited visibility at driveways, pedestrian crossings, and transit stops Saturday, Jan. 6th Corridor Walk at Moorhead & Bear Creek Existing Conditions •Posted speed limit •85th percentile speed of 35 mph •Bi-directional average daily traffic (ADT): 2,400 – 3,330 •Critical corridor for local and regional bike/scooter trips •Average peak hour volume: 36 •Low Stress Walk and Bike Network Plan Recommends Buffered Bike Lanes •Curb to curb width: 40’ Concept Design Elements •Restriping •Traffic Calming •Intersection visibility and bus stop access •Improvements to multi-use path connections at 27th Way and Table Mesa Drive Concept Design Existing (looking north) RESTRIPING Parking Lane 8’BufferGutterBike LaneBike Lane 7’20’ Travel Lanes (no centerline)Parking LaneGutterBike LaneTravel Lane Travel Lane Bike Lane +2’-2’+1’ -1’ Proposed (looking north) •Curb-to-curb width: 40’ •Proposed changes: •Add buffer to southbound bike lane by narrowing travel lanes •Widen northbound bike lane by narrowing parking lane Concept Design TRAFFIC CALMING •Considering traffic calming measures at priority crossings •Splitter Islands, Raised Crossings or Speed Cushions Concept Design South End Connections •Green crossbike markings across Table Mesa Drive to US36 Bikeway •Addition of a painted southbound bike lane on approach to intersection Moorhead & Table Mesa (looking south) Concept Design North End Connections •Frontage Road connections to Baseline Rd MUPs •27th Way underpass connects to: •Main Campus and points north via 27th Way sidewalk •Baseline Rd east of US-36 via informal parking lot connection Concept Design North End Connections •Northbound cyclists on Moorhead use midblock crossing to connect to 27th Way Underpass and points west of Broadway •Westbound movements from US-36 on- ramp underpass and Moorhead are challenging To Underpass Concept Design North End Connections To Underpass •Recommend short segment of on-street two-way cycletrack to connect westbound cyclists from crossing to 27th Way underpass Open House •Engagement continues with an open house Tuesday, 2/13 •Time: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. •Location: Alvarado Village Community Center, 3310 Berkley Ct (north side building entrance) •Door-to-door along Moorhead through end of February Next Steps Late Fall 2023 to January 2024 •Advance concrete work January and February 2024 •Community engagement for mobility enhancements Feedback on concept designs: 2/12-29 March and April 2024 •Mobility enhancements construction  Late Spring/Early Summer 2024 •Repaving and restriping •April 8 •Update on overall Pavement Management/Mobility Enhancements program Tentative TAB Item bldr.fyi/pmp_moorhead