01.17.24 BAC PacketArts Market Budget
Expense Budget Actual
Tent & Set-Up, Tables, and Tablecloths 2,000.00$ $75.00
Lanyards 100.00$ $0.00
Paper IDs for Lanyards 30.00$ $0.00
Food for Green Room 1,500.00$ $1,880.00
Supplies Subtotal 3,630.00$ $1,955.00
Advertising 700.00$ $0.00
Event Posters with Schedule 200.00$ $341.00
Postcards with Schedule 400.00$ $0.00
Brochures 200.00$ $0.00
Marketing Subtotal 1,500.00$ $341.00
Market Artist Fees
Hororariums 600.00$ $600.00
Sundance Shorts Licensing 700.00$ $0.00
Lodging 2,000.00$ $5,571.00
Community Feed 3,000.00$ $0.00
Artist Travel -$ $1,300.00
Performer Stipend -$ $6,600.00
Artist Fee Subtotal 6,300.00$ $14,071.00
Total 11,430.00$ $16,367.00
Notes on variance: Performer stipends & Artist travel not covered in the
original budget as we wanted to first cover baseline costs of running the
market. However, it became apparent that performers and travel were
more integral to the market and its success than certain supplies and
event costs (already within the Dairy's overall budget). Additionally one of
the main challenges that most deviated from our original proposal was in
finding a food vendor. No one vendor was availalbe this year and so all
artist meals were purchased individually and reflected in the "Food for
Green Room" line. As addressed in the narrative, marketing was also
behind schedule this year.
Butterfly Effect Theatre of Colorado Touring Theatre Truck
2022-23 Touring Season Budget
REVENUE Budgeted Actual Variance
Project Sales
expressed as
Contracted Performances (fully paid by partners)$10,000.00 $12,000.00
Host Partner Portions of Show Costs (subsidized partial shows)$5,000.00 $5,300.00
$15,000.00 $17,300.00 15.33%
Indirect Revenue
Portion of SCFD Jefferson County project $6,677.00 $6,677.00
Portion of SCFD Boulder County GOS $5,000.00 $5,000.00
BCAA Equipment Support Grant $2,000.00 $2,000.00
Colorado Creatives Individual ARP grant, pending at deadline $25,000.00 $0.00
Boulder Arts Commission Community Project grant $10,000.00 $10,000.00
Other grants received $0.00 $8,100.00
40% Season Sponsorships $17,500.00 $17,500.00
Corporate Tour Sponsorship $15,000.00 $50,000.00
Artist Sponsorships $8,000.00 $0.00
Production Sponsorships $10,000.00 $5,000.00
Portion of season individual donations $8,450.00 $21,504.00
$107,627.00 $125,781.00 16.9%
Google Ad Grant google ad services $0.00 $20,000.00
Other production materials/services/rental $1,000.00 $1,000.00
$1,000.00 $21,000.00 2000.0%
Total Revenue (w/o in-kind)$122,627.00 $143,081.00 16.7%
Artist Fees
Co-Writer Commissions (3@$2000) $6,000.00 $6,000.00
6 Actors; 5 weeks @$225/wk, 8 weeks @$450/wk $28,350.00 $38,300.00 ( g , ;
shows)$2,500.00 $5,500.00
Music Director; 5 weeks@$225/wk (added cost: music transcriptions)$1,125.00 $1,625.00
Production Stage Manager: 6 weeks@$360/wk, 10 weeks @$600/wk $8,160.00 $10,000.00
2 Assistant Stage Managers: 5 weeks @$225/wk, 9 weeks @ $500/week $11,250.00 $11,250.00
Designers $3,400.00 $9,187.00
Build/Overhire $4,500.00 $5,000.00
$65,285.00 $86,862.00 33.1%
Staff and Artist Payroll Expenses
Portion of staff time: Production/Touring Manager, 25% of time $10,000.00 $10,000.00
Pension, Health, per diem $379.00 $379.00
Payroll fees and taxes $6,700.00 $6,700.00
$17,079.00 $17,079.00 0.0%
Production Costs
Royalties (@$150/performance, 20 shows) $3,000.00 $1,500.00
Scenic materials/rental $1,000.00 $1,179.00
Costume materials/rental $1,000.00 $457.00
Lighting equipment/rental $750.00 $750.00
Sound equipment/rental $1,000.00 $1,000.00
Props materials/rental $500.00 $819.00
Lodging for three night mountain town tour (shortened tour to 2 days 1 night)$2,016.00 $1,126.00
Per diem for four days mountain town tour (shortened to 2 days 1 night)$1,925.00 $792.00
Gas/vehicle cast and crew reimbursement $300.00 $300.00
General production expenses $1,500.00 $2,250.00
Production contingency/discretionary (7%) $650.00 $650.00
$13,641.00 $10,823.00 -20.7%
Facilities & Equipment
Truck and related equipment and materials $20,000.00 $20,000.00
$20,000.00 $20,000.00 0.0%
Professional Marketing & PR services $800.00 $850.00
Posters, Rackcards, Business Cards, Distribution $866.00 $1,500.00
Print Advertising (includes photography)$2,278.00 $2,378.00
Digital Advertising (includes videography, CPR radio ads)$2,678.00 $3,589.00
$6,622.00 $8,317.00 25.6%
Google Ad Grant google ad services $0.00 $20,000.00
Other production materials/services/rental $1,000.00 $1,000.00
$1,000.00 $21,000.00 2000.0%
Total Expenses (w/o in-kind)$122,627.00 $143,081.00 16.7%
Over/Under $0.00 $0.00
General Operating Support Grant Report 2023
Financial Overview
Fiscal Year End 7/31/2022
2020 Completed Fiscal Year
2021 Completed Fiscal Year
Earned Revenue 1335841 516173
Contributed Revenue 324066 584362
TOTAL REVENUE 1659907 1100535
In-Kind Support 25000 25000
2020 Completed Fiscal Year
2021 Completed Fiscal Year
Program Expenses 1266914 751660
Admin Expenses 220500 184567
Fundraising Expenses 69923 118230
TOTAL EXPENSES 1557337 1054457
In-Kind Support
NET 102570 46078
2022 Completed Fiscal Year
Total Assets 1273068 Current Assets
Total Liabilities 1273068 Current Liabilities
NET ASSETS 0 Working Capital
Average 2022 monthly expenses
Months of working capital
Please fill the green squares below and attach it in the Boulder Arts Commission online system to your ap
2022 Completed Fiscal Year
(Actuals)2023 Current Fiscal Year (Budget)
2024 Upcoming Fiscal Year
1250235 1047650 1050000
783726 398000 400000
2033961 1445650 1450000
25000 25000 25000
2022 Completed Fiscal Year
(Actuals)2023 Current Fiscal Year (Budget)
2024 Upcoming Fiscal Year
831241 1045650 1050000
212512 250000 250000
140100 150000 150000
1183853 1445650 1450000
850108 0 0
2022 Completed Fiscal Year
pplication as an excel or PDF