11.21.23 PB MinutesCITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD ACTION MINUTES November 21, 2023 Hybrid Meeting A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Laura Kaplan Mark McIntyre, Acting Chair ml Robles Kurt Nordback PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Sarah Silver, Chair Lisa Smith Jorge Boone STAFF PRESENT: Brad Mueller, Planning & Development Services Director Charles Ferro, Planning Senior Manager Hella Pannewig, Assistant City Attorney Amanda Cusworth, Board Specialist Vivian Castro-Wooldridge, Planning Engagement Specialist Chris Ranglos, Senior City Planner Chandler VanSchaack, Principal City Planner 1. CALL TO ORDER Acting Chair, M. McIntyre, declared a quorum at 6:06 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION a. Lynn Segal 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The October 17, 2023 were set for approval, but K. Nordback was not in attendance at that meeting so the board could not vote due to not having a quorum for those particular minutes. 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS / CONTINUATIONS There were no call up items. 5. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS A. AGENDA TITLE: Public Hearing and consideration of a Use Review to allow for the Jarrow Montessori Elementary School to replace the former Harmony Pre-School at 3990 15th Street within the Residential - Estate (RE) zoning district. The proposal includes a request for a 25% parking reduction to allow for six parking spaces where eight spaces would otherwise be required. Reviewed under case number LUR2023-00025. Staff Presentation: C. Van Schaack introduced and presented the item to the board. C. Van Schaack answered questions from the board Applicant Presentation: H. Zuckerman presented to the board. H. Zuckerman answered questions from the board. Public Hearing: In Person Participation: a) Jessica Creevy b) Justin Gold c) Maeghan Rouch d) Emily Recker Virtual Participation: a) Cauley Kim Board Comments: On a motion by L. Kaplan and seconded by ml Robles, the Planning Board voted 4-0 (S. Silver, L Smith, J. Boone absent) to approve Use Review no. LUR2023-00025 incorporating the staff memorandum, including its attachments, as findings of fact and subject to the recommended conditions of approval. L. Kaplan said staff did a really good job of outlining why this project meets all of the conditions of approval. It seems like a wonderful reuse of an existing space that will reduce impacts upon the community. She thanked the public commenters and staff and was happy to support it. ml Robles said she loved to see a project that gives so much back to the community. She was happy to support. K. Nordback agreed with his colleagues. Jarrow has been a long-time community institution and benefit to Boulder. It’s important to provide additional preschool spots to the community. M. McIntyre acknowledged the importance of the right preschools for the right children that accommodate different styles. B. AGENDA TITLE: Public hearing and consideration of the following related to Boulder Junction Phase 2 Implementation: 1. Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) Land Use Map Changes Staff Presentation A. Ranglos presented the item to the board C. Ranglos answered questions from the board Public Hearing No one spoke. Board Comments: On a motion by K. Nordback and seconded by L. Kaplan, the Planning Board voted 4-0 (S. Silver, L. Smith, J. Boone absent) to approve the proposed changes to the BVCP Land Use Map for the Phase 2 Area of Boulder Junction. 6. ADDITIONAL MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY • B. Mueller provided updates regarding work planning efforts for next year. He thanked the staff for their efforts to keep the land use map simple and straightforward. He mentioned that the planning department has been reviewing code items and amendments that they plan to bring to council late in the first quarter of 2024. They also anticipate a second bucket of “clean-up” code changes to be brought forward later in the year. He noted some upcoming work plan items including: a comprehensive review and potential revision of parking regulations, updates to the Energy Code and the future of embodied energy, and a review of upcoming downtown projects. • The board thanked the planning department for all their work this past year. The board asked about a letter to Council and what that process is like. The board also asked about the timeline regarding updates to the BVCP and who is responsible for that project. • K. Johnson provided insight, stating that the BVCP update will be handled by multiple departments including several divisions within P&DS and the City Attorney’s Office. He also stated that they are spending a lot of time in 2024 doing policy research, pre-work, and developing an engagement strategy. The project is anticipated to be formally launched at the beginning of 2025 and will likely take between 15 to 18 months to develop. To be adopted, the document then requires a review by four bodies including the Planning Board, City Council, Board of County Commissioners, and the County Planning Commission. 7. DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK 8. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm APPROVED BY Board Chair 01/16/2024 DATE