01.15.24 IPM ReportCity of BoulderJanuary 2024 Boulder Police Oversight Panel Meeting Independent Police Monitor’s Report 1 January 2024 Boulder Police Oversight Panel Meeting Independent Police Monitor’s Report Boulder Police Oversight Panel Full Case File Review Data Full case file review(s) completed in December 2023: 1 Full case file review(s) completed and pending BPD disposition: 1 Cases awaiting Panel review: 1 (MI2023-011) Completed Cases since December 1, 2023 MI2023-021 Department DeterminaƟon(s) IPM RecommendaƟon(s) AllegaƟon(s) Summary Case Number Officer 1 -Exonerated -Exonerated -Exonerated Coaching to remind Officer 1 to depend on other officers when he believes the situation may escalate. Officer 1 -Exonerated -Exonerated -Not Sustained Officer 1 -Rule 6 (Use of Force) GO225 – Officer 1 used force against the complainant - Rule 5 (Police Authority and Public Trust) – Officer 1 detained and handcuffed the complainant - Rule 4 (Respect for Others) Officer 1 did not speak to the complainant respectfully and/or fairly Officer 1 responded to a request for assistance from two urban park rangers because the complainant refused to provide identification for the issuance of a summons. Officer 1 advised that the complainant could be transported to jail for fingerprinting if he refused to identify himself. The complainant referred to the officer and rangers as “Nazis.” Officer 1 warned the complainant against escalating and advised that he could be handcuffed. The complainant provided his name and date of birth and began arguing over the summons. The complainant told them to go fuck themselves and tried to walk away. The complainant expressed his wish that the officers would take off their badges so he could beat their asses. Officer 1 grabbed and released the complainant’s arm and yelled at him to sit down. The complainant refused and Officer 1 warned him that if he continued, he would be placed into handcuffs. The complainant refused to sit down and Officer 1 and a ranger forced him to the ground and handcuffed him. When the situation calmed, Officer 1 removed the handcuffs and the ranger served the summons to the complainant. MI2023- 021 Completed Cases since December 1, 2023 MI2023-022 Department DeterminaƟon(s) IPM RecommendaƟon(s) AllegaƟon(s) Summary Case Number Photo Enforcement Officer 1: - Exonerated BPD to review Photo Enforcement Radar Policies and ensure there is clarity on this issue within 45 days. Photo Enforcement Officer 1: - Unfounded Photo Enforcement Officer 1: -Rule 1 (Compliance with Values, Rules and General Orders)/Customer Service Value – PEO did not identify herself upon request to complainant Photo Enforcement Officer 1 (PEO) parked her radar van with “Public Works” under the city of Boulder logo for enforcement. The complainant and her friend approached her van and began yelling and pounding on van windows and tampered with the van’s exterior camera. The complainant reported that she was enraged during this interaction and complained that the PEO failed to identify herself. MI2023- 022 Completed Cases since December 1, 2023 MI2023-024 Department DeterminaƟon(s) IPM RecommendaƟon(s) AllegaƟon(s) Summary Case Number Officer 1: -Unfounded Officer 1: - Unfounded Officer 1: Rule 1 (Compliance with Values, Rules, and General Orders), GO204-7 Property and Evidence, Inventory for Members Submitting Items to P&E, denied the complainant access to her medication The complainant was arrested and transported to the jail. The complainant alleged that Officer 1 would not allow her to retrieve her medication. Video footage of the incident and her transportation did not capture the complainant asking for medication; at times she denied that she took medication. MI2023- 024 December 2023 Boulder Police Oversight Panel Meeting Independent Police Monitor’s Report December 2023 Monthly Case Statistics Number of complaints that IPM classified: 2 Misconduct: 2 Serious misconduct: 0 Community inquiries: 0 Interviews IPM observed: 0 BPD investigations IPM deemed thorough and complete: 1 Case investigations BPD closed: 3 (MI2023-021, MI2023-022, MI2023-024) Open Docket As of January 5, 2024, open IPM-BPOP docket: 13 January 2024 Boulder Police Oversight Panel Meeting Independent Police Monitor’s Report