11.27.23 PRAB MinutesCITY OF BOULDER
To listen to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meetings in their entirety, please go to the
following link: www.boulderparks-rec.org
Name of Board/Commission: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Date of Meeting: November 27, 2023
Contact Information Preparing Summary: Rosa Kougl; 303-413-7223
Board Members Present: Charles (Chuck) Brock, Elliott Hood, Andrew (Bernie) Bernstein, Sunny
van der Star, Anna Segur
Board Members Absent: Jason Unger, Anita Speirs
Staff Present: Ali Rhodes, Rosa Kougl, Scott Schuttenberg, Jackson Hite, Stacie Hoffmann, Megann
Lohman, Mark Davison, Stephanie Munro, Charlotte O’Donnell, Tina Briggs, Chris Passarelli,
Jonathan Thornton, Bryan Beary, Regina Elsner, Stacy Cole
Guests Present: Michael Svetz, Pros Consulting
Type of Meeting: Regular
Agenda Item 1: Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. A quorum was present for the conduct of business. Motion to
approve agenda. First motion by Hood, second by Bernstein. The motion passed 5-0.
Agenda Item 2: Future Board Items:
Rhodes, Director of Parks and Recreation, reviewed upcoming agenda items and events.
No PRAB follow up questions or comments.
Agenda Item 3: Public participation:
• Patrick O’Brian shared idea of new outdoor Japanese game called Park Golf; a cross between
croquet and real golf. It uses only one mallet and one ball to sink in a cup 8” across. The game
is extremely popular in Japan, with over 2,000 courses.
• Clifford Moss agrees that the results of the survey that Parks and Recreation shared regarding
the court study plan are accurately portrayed. He stated that he and the rest of the court
community enthusiastically support the Parks and Recreation Department in this project and
their thanks go to Tina and Charlotte specifically.
Agenda Item 4: Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes from October 23, 2023, Business Meeting
Motion to approve the minutes from the October 23, 2023, Regular PRAB meeting. First
motion by Hood, second by Segur. The motion passed 5-0.
B, C, D. Updates from the Director, Project Updates, Operations & Development
No PRAB follow up questions or comments
Agenda Item 5: Items for Action
A. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve the Fee Schedule
Hite presented this item.
PRAB had the following questions or comments:
• During normal operating hours at the reservoir, is there a fee for large vehicles?
• Do tennis courts have to be reserved every time or is it first come first served?
• How do you calculate break-even for outside of business hours at the reservoir?
• What are other similar sized municipal courses charging for similar passes to our value plan
card? $100 increase sounds like a lot.
• Does the fee schedule contemplate for dockage fees for boats stored at the reservoir?
Public hearing opened.
• Larry McKeogh shared that access to the Boulder reservoir should not be universally labeled as
an individual benefit when the user groups are operating in alignment to augment the city
services at no cost to the city. Meeting or exceeding the 100% cost recovery should be
Motion to adopt Attachment B – Proposed Parks and Recreation Department Fee Schedule for fee
setting for 2024 and direct staff to publicly notice the 2024 fee updates pursuant to the Boulder Revised
Code Section 8-2-8.: Motion by Hood. Second by Segur. The motion passed 5-0.
B. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to authorize the City Manager to enter into an
Agreement with Tanoa Inc, covering a full-service restaurant at Flatirons Golf Course.
Munro presented this item.
PRAB had the following questions or comments:
• What are the terms of the agreement?
Public hearing opened. As there was no one who wanted to speak, the public hearing closed.
Motion to approve the Agreement between the City of Boulder Parks and Recreation Department and
Tanoa Inc. and to authorize the City Manager to make minor amendments prior to or during the term of
this agreement in order to ensure that the Flatirons Golf Course Food and Beverage Restaurant is
managed in a manner that is consistent with applicable laws and the policies and regulations of the City
of Boulder.: Motion by Brock. Second by Hood. The motion passed 5-0.
Agenda Item 6: Matters for Discussion
• Facility Evaluation: Updated Annual Process
Lohman and Munro presented this item. PRAB had the following questions/comments:
• What were key takeaways from the feedback?
• How are people prompted to fill out this survey?
• It would help if the results showed what benefits these places have for the community.
•Do we do intercept surveys, for example for people at the reservoir?
•What are some possible strategies to increase participation from financial aid recipients?
•Shared that there is a lot more benefit from using texting programs to get people to engage,
rather than emails.
•Is there anything reasonable to do about goose poop at the reservoir?
Agenda Item 7: Matters from the Department
•Court System Plan: Process and Community Engagement Findings
O’Donnell and Svetz presented this item. PRAB had the following questions/comments:
•Do we know how many known tennis players there are in Boulder?
•Is this survey a statistically valid representation of the community?
•There should be a potential for getting some of our low-income communities and immigrant
communities engaged in tickle ball.
•How do we let people, who are not already engaged in one of these two sports, know the work
Boulder is planning here?
•What are some strategies for sound reduction and absorption?
Agenda Item 8: Matters from the Board Members
a.PRAB Recruitment: Prospective Board Member Application Questions
PRAB had the following questions or comment:
•No changes
b. Future meetings coordination and planning
PRAB had the following questions or comment:
•Doodle Poll in lieu of Google Form for Study Session date
Agenda Item 9: Next Board Meeting
Next Board meeting. Joint Study Session with Landmarks Board, Monday, December 18, 2023, Hybrid
Agenda Item 10: Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Approved by: Attested:
Chuck Brock
Board Member
Date: ______________
Rosa Kougl
BPR Staff