10.25.23 HAB MinutesHOUSING ADVISORY BOARD Summary Minutes: 10/25/23 HAB Members In person: Brenton Building, 1136 Alpine Ave, Community Virtual (Zoom) BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Michael Leccese, Chair Danny Teodoru, Vice Chair Philip Ogren Karin Hoskin Karen Klerman Julianne Ramsey Terry Palmos Laura Kaplan, Planning Board Liaison BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Jay Sugnet Tiffany Boller 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL / 6:00 p.m. 2. AGENDA REVIEW 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. August 23, 2023 b. September 27, 2023 i. Klerman motions to approve both months, Ramsey seconds. Approved 5-0 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION / 6:03 p.m. a. Open comment i. no one present at this time 5. MATTERS FROM THE BOARD / 6:05 p.m. a. Letter to Council re: 2024-2025 city work plan related to Housing i. What are the priorities for HAB with the new council ii. Klerman – Ways to create less expensive costs for building affordable housing a. One idea is using office space or existing buildings into housing space iii. Ogren – would like to discuss and consider community covenants regulating and requiring car-light communities. iv. Leccese – Suggest allowing to increase occupancy if landlord keeps cost in affordable range v. Leccese – would like to have an agenda item to discuss this further. vi. January HAB meeting will have a presentation by City Long Range Planner regarding the Boulder Comprehensive Plan.