Item 5B - TVAP Phase 2 BVCP Land Use Map ChangesCITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: November 21, 2023 AGENDA TITLE Public hearing and consideration of the following related to Boulder Junction Phase 2 Implementation: 1. Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) Land Use Map Changes REQUESTING DEPARTMENT / PRESENTERS Planning & Development Services Brad Mueller, Director Kristofer Johnson, Comprehensive Planning Manager Chris Ranglos, Senior City Planner Rebecca Hieb, Planning and Zoning Specialist Vivian Castro-Wooldridge, Community Engagement Planning Sr Project Manager OBJECTIVE 1. Planning Board hears staff presentation 2. Hold Public Hearing 3. Planning Board action to approve or reject proposed changes to the BVCP Land Use Map for the Phase 2 area of Boulder Junction. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this item is to consider updates to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) Land Use Map concurrent with the approved Phase 2 Amendment to the Transit Village Area Plan (TVAP). Item 5B - TVAP Phase 2 BVCP Land Use Map Changes On August 22, 2023, the Planning Board held a public hearing and moved to approve the Transit Village Area Plan Phase 2 Amendment. On September 21, 2023, City Council held a public hearing and moved to approve the TVAP Phase 2 amendment. As a concurrent step, the BVCP Land Use Map is proposed to be updated to reflect the approved land use changes in the TVAP Phase 2 amendment. During the planning process, staff worked closely with the community at the Consult and Involve levels, and with other city departments to analyze the existing 2007 Transit Village Area Plan, learn more about the outcomes in Phase 1, and make recommendations for necessary amendments to better meet current community needs. The newly approved amendments to the area plan focus on land use, transportation connections, and urban design and character of the Phase 2 area. Existing policies related to the Phase 1 area remain. Based on a range of community and departmental input, the TVAP Phase 2 land use amendments include: • Revisions to the land uses to include Mixed Use Transit Oriented Development (MUTOD), Mixed Use Industrial (MUI), Park, Urban & Other (PK-U/O), and Open Space, Development Rights or Restrictions (OS-DR). STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning staff finds that the proposed land use map changes meet the criteria for land use map changes in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, staff recommends Planning Board consideration of these matters and action in form of the following motion: Suggested Motion Language: Motion to approve the proposed changes to the BVCP land use map for the Phase 2 Area of Boulder Junction. BACKGROUND Community feedback during the planning process clearly indicated support for allowing a wider range of commercial uses, neighborhood services, and residential types. In addition, market research identified a need for flexibility to support market demand for residential uses and be nimble to respond to on-going changes as Boulder lives into the post-COVID recovery. Staff identified the following key takeaways from the community, Boards, and City Council when developing the TVAP Phase 2 land use amendment: 1. Maximize opportunities for new housing and mixed-use outcomes by allowing greater flexibility for many different types of uses and overall density. 2. Retain and encourage new local and small businesses (particularly light industrial and service commercial uses where feasible). 3. Incorporate more green areas and gathering spaces. Item 5B - TVAP Phase 2 BVCP Land Use Map Changes These comments were addressed in the TVAP Phase 2 land use amendment in the following ways: 1. Mixed Use Transit Oriented Development (MUTOD) is a flexible BVCP land use category and specifically intended for areas with multi-modal transit resources. This land use category is applied to the majority of the Phase 2 area to transform existing, disparate uses into mixed use, transit-oriented neighborhoods rich with amenities and services. MUTOD encourages retail, food & beverage, personal services, and other community serving uses, and also allows residential uses where appropriate. 2. Mixed Use Industrial (MUI) also provides flexibility for residential uses, but prioritizes other uses on the ground floor. This land use category is applied to the area along Old Pearl Street where many light industrial and service uses currently exist and are encouraged in the future. This land use type differs slightly from MUTOD in that it encourages small maker spaces, workshops, breweries, and other creative spaces and does not prioritize retail on the ground floor. It is also not intended for larger industrial or warehousing uses that would be encouraged in other Industrial land use categories. 3. Park, Urban & Other (PK-U/O) is applied along the Goose Creek greenway to establish the intention for this area to be enhanced as a community amenity. 4. Open Space, Development Rights or Restrictions (OS-DR) is applied to a small section along the Pearl Parkway right-of-way as a clean-up item to recognize an existing scenic easement managed by the Open Space & Mountain Parks department. ANALYSIS OF KEY ISSUE(S) Does Planning Board support changes to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map to align with the amended Transit Village Area Plan? The BVCP Land Use Map depicts a plan of the desired land use pattern in the Boulder Valley. The map is intended to serve as a guide for future land use and transportation decisions and should be used in conjunction with the policies, figures, and principles of the BVCP. Land use designations and land use map descriptions, which are outlined in Chapter 4 of the BVCP, should also be used to guide future zoning decisions. Figure 1 below represents the existing BVCP land uses in the Phase 2 area of Boulder Junction. These uses include Light Industrial (LI), Community Industrial (CI), and Open Space, Other (OS-O) designations. Figure 2 below represents the proposed BVCP Land Use Map changes staff is proposing to align with the land use plan approved in the TVAP Phase 2 Amendment. These uses include Mixed Use Transit Oriented Development (MUTOD), Mixed Use Industrial (MUI), Park, Urban & Other (PK-U/O), and Open Space, Development Rights or Restrictions (OS-DR). Item 5B - TVAP Phase 2 BVCP Land Use Map Changes Figure 1: Existing BVCP Land Use Item 5B - TVAP Phase 2 BVCP Land Use Map Changes Figure 2: Proposed BVCP Land Use BVCP Land Use Map changes may occur at any time concurrent with adoption or amendment of an area plan and require approval by both the Planning Board and City Council. To be eligible for a Land Use Map change, the proposed change must meet the following criteria: a) On balance, is consistent with the policies and overall intent of the comprehensive plan; Item 5B - TVAP Phase 2 BVCP Land Use Map Changes The Transit Village Area Plan is intended to implement the policies of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan at the local level. The TVAP Phase 2 land use amendment offers a myriad of opportunities to move BVCP policies towards action and implementation. The proposed land use changes will enable the implementation of the following key BVCP policies in Phase 2 of Boulder Junction: • 2.16 Mixed Use & Higher-Density Development • 2.21 Light Industrial Areas • 2.33 Sensitive Infill & Redevelopment • 5.01 Revitalizing Commercial & Industrial Areas • 7.07 Mixture of Housing Types • 7.11 Balancing Housing Supply with Employment Base b) Would not have significant cross-jurisdictional impacts that may affect residents, properties or facilities outside the city; City staff have coordinated planning efforts with outside agencies. There are no cross-jurisdictional impacts of the proposed land use map changes that cannot be accommodated. c) Would not materially affect the land use and growth projections that were the basis of the comprehensive plan The 2015 BVCP growth projections give a broad sense of the type, location and pace of new housing that might occur communitywide based on the total amount allowed by current zoning at the time (2015). The TVAP Phase 2 land use amendment proposes changes to the previously assumed land uses and results in an increase in housing units and population that is greater than the 2015 BVCP projections. This overall growth does not materially affect the basis of the comprehensive plan as it is consistent with BVCP policies and within the capacity of established or planned municipal services and capital improvements as described below in item (d). d) Does not materially affect the adequacy or availability of urban facilities and services to the immediate area or to the overall service area of the City of Boulder Land use map changes are anticipated to result in gradual redevelopment of this area over a 20-year horizon and will not materially affect the availability of urban facilities or services. Redevelopment will be accommodated through increased revenue associated with additional growth and development that will fund urban facilities and services. For example, the existing utilities have capital and regulatory requirements that must be satisfied prior to development. Other urban services include: • Parks and Recreation. With the land use changes and associated projections, the parks and recreation levels of service will remain above the city’s benchmark. • Fire and Emergency Response. An increase in population in Boulder Junction will lead to an increase in request for fire and emergency service. This will require additional FTE staffing, equipment, and vehicles. Item 5B - TVAP Phase 2 BVCP Land Use Map Changes • Police. An increase in population in Boulder Junction will lead to an increase in request for police services. The police department anticipates a need for additional officers to accommodate full build-out of the plan as well as additional patrol cars. • Schools. Local schools can currently absorb additional students from new housing and Boulder High School is also positioned to absorb additional students in the coming years, as enrollment numbers are trending down. e) Would not materially affect the adopted Capital Improvement Program (CIP) of the City of Boulder; The proposed BVCP land use map changes implement the Transit Village Area Plan and will result in rezoning and land use changes over time. Development will be expected to pay its own way, however, future potential capital improvements that would support the envisioned mixed-use neighborhoods in Boulder Junction may be necessary and will be further analyzed in future implementation steps. The proposed BVCP land use map changes would not materially affect the currently adopted CIP. f) Would not affect the Area II/III boundaries in the comprehensive plan. The proposed BVCP land use map changes would not affect the Area II/III boundaries in the comprehensive plan. All proposed land use map changes are in Area I. It should be noted that approximately 7.71 acres of land designated as Open Space – Other (OS-O) on the BVCP Land Use Map exists within the Phase 2 area of Boulder Junction. OS-O is defined in the BVCP as: 1. Open Space, Other (OS-O) applies to other public and private land designated prior to 1981 that the city and county would like to preserve through various preservation methods, including but not limited to intergovernmental agreements, dedications or acquisitions. By itself, this designation does not ensure open space protection. When the mapping designation applies to some Area 1 linear features such as water features or ditches, the intent is to interpret the map in such a way that the designation follows the linear feature, OS-O may be applied to ditches; however, the category should not be used to interfere with the operation of private irrigation ditches without voluntary agreement by the ditch company The existing OS-O land use designation near Boulder Left Hand Ditch/North Boulder Farmer’s Ditch between the railroad tracks and Foothills Parkway north of Pearl Parkway is believed to originally have been intended to help protect the Boulder Left Hand and North Boulder Farmer’s ditches. These ditches and ditch companies’ interests are already protected via existing easements. These ditches are concrete lined (a decision controlled by the ditch companies). The areas adjacent to these ditches were permitted to be developed and have been impacted by the allowed development to the point that they are no longer of interest to Open Space preservation. Therefore, staff is proposing to remove the existing 7.71-acre OS-O designation. In place of OS-O, staff is recommending redesignation to Mixed Use Transit Oriented Development (MUTOD) and Mixed Use Industrial (MUI), with a small portion along the Goose Creek Greenway changing to Item 5B - TVAP Phase 2 BVCP Land Use Map Changes Parks, Urban and Other (PK-U/O). This redesignation better reflects the existing conditions and future vision for the area as defined in the TVAP Phase 2 amendment. The City Charter (Article XII, section 175) states that the Open Space Board of Trustees (OSBT) “shall review the open space elements of the BVCP and make recommendations concerning any open-space related changes to the plan.” On July 12, 2023, OSBT held a public hearing and consideration of a motion to recommend approval of the removal of the OS-O designation in the Phase 2 area, which received unanimous support from the board. Public Process A notice of proposed changes was mailed to all property owners in Boulder Junction Phase 2 whose property is considered for a BVCP Land Use Map change. Notices were also mailed to all property owners whose property is located within 600 feet of a proposed BVCP land use change. City staff received minimal inquiry from community members related to this item. Those who did inquire asked general questions related to process, current and future regulations, and next steps. NEXT STEPS Following the approval of the BVCP Land Use Map updates, there are a number of significant projects requiring cross-department staff time and potential funding to implement Phase 2 of the Transit Village Area Plan. Staff will establish an approach to the regulatory, physical, and programmatic infrastructure required to ensure successful redevelopment of Phase 2 in line with the amended Transit Village Area Plan. This will begin with an exploration of expanding the Boulder Junction Form-Based Code and General Improvement Districts (in current or revised form) to the Phase 2 area and developing a strategy for phasing and funding of any necessary public improvements. Approved By: ________________________ Brad Mueller, Director Department of Planning & Development Services Item 5B - TVAP Phase 2 BVCP Land Use Map Changes