10.23.23 PRAB Meeting MinutesCITY OF BOULDER
To listen to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meetings in their entirety, please go to the
following link: www.boulderparks-rec.org
Name of Board/Commission: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Date of Meeting: October 23, 2023
Contact Information Preparing Summary: Rosa Kougl; 303-413-7223
Board Members Present: Charles (Chuck) Brock, Elliott Hood, Jason Unger, Sunny van der Star,
Anita Speirs
Board Members Absent: Andrew (Bernie) Bernstein, Anna Segur
Staff Present: Ali Rhodes, Rosa Kougl, Scott Schuttenberg, Jackson Hite, Stacie Hoffmann, Stephanie
Munro, Dennis Warrington
Guests Present: N/A
Type of Meeting: Regular
Agenda Item 1: Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. A quorum was present for the conduct of business. Motion to
approve agenda. First motion by Hood, second by Unger. The motion passed 5-0.
Agenda Item 2: Future Board Items:
Rhodes, Director of Parks and Recreation, reviewed upcoming agenda items and events.
No PRAB follow up questions or comments.
Agenda Item 3: Public participation:
• Mark Eller shared concerns on recreational use at the Boulder Reservoir
• Heather Novickis shared concerns on lack of sufficient swimming pools in Boulder to support
the youth and adult recreational and competitive swimming community in Boulder. Requests a
reexamination of the study to convert Scott Carpenter into a year-round facility.
• Callie Marks shared experiences on the importance of swimming in her life and the lack of pool
space in Boulder.
• Tristan Maiorino shared concern on the closure of the community pools in Boulder and its
direct impact on them as a teen Boulder resident.
• Susan Adams shared views on the new fee proposal for reservoir rental and reservoir hours.
• Darren De Reuck shared concern on the current lack of sufficient swimming pools in Boulder to
support the adult recreational and competitive swimming community in Boulder.
• Larry McKeogh shared the value of the Boulder Aquatic Masters and the Boulder Community
Rowers and shared concerns that Parks & Rec does not have the bandwidth or budget to support
community recreation.
Agenda Item 4: Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes from September 25, 2023, Business Meeting
Motion to approve the minutes from the August 28, 2023, Regular PRAB meeting. First motion
by Unger, second by Hood. The motion passed 5-0.
B, C, D. Updates from the Director, Project Updates, Operations & Development
• No PRAB follow up questions or comments.
Agenda Item 5: Items for Action
• None
Agenda Item 6: Matters for Discussion
A. Fee Schedule
Hite and Hoffmann presented this item. PRAB had the following questions/comments:
• Request that language “and that have been prioritized by the community” be modified to more
clearly convey the intent of the phrase.
• Questions about the reason for on-season and off-season rates at the Golf Course.
• Questions about effectiveness of sustainability discounts (for carpooling) for the reservoir?
Interest in evaluating city efforts to reduce carbon emissions through operations.
B. Flatirons Golf Course Food and Beverage Lease and Agreement
Munro presented this item. PRAB had the following questions/comments:
• Share how the team explored the partner’s ability to operate this important community facility.
• Were there lessons learned from the experience at the reservoir that helped inform this contract
and partnership?
• Does the contract address the risks of alcohol licensure?
Agenda Item 7: Matters from the Department
C. 2023 Budget Review & 2024 Budget update
Hite and Hoffmann presented this item. PRAB had the following questions/comments:
• What budget requests from Parks and Recreation were not approved? Regarding personnel,
Parks & Rec requested 14 full-time equivalent positions, and received six. What were the eight
that did not get funded by the city? And what is missing?
D. Snow Removal Update
Warrington presented this item. PRAB had the following questions/comments:
• Are the numbers presented for parkland or citywide snow control?
• Are any areas prioritized? Or are all routes and paths treated the same?
Agenda Item 8: Matters from the Board Members
a. PRAB Study Session Planning
PRAB had the following questions or comment:
• van der Star and Unger will manage the coordination of the agenda.
• Agenda items would include:
a. Programs addressing access.
b. Sharing information and strategy for next steps, as well as a long-term vision, for
how BPR can meet the needs of every child in the community for swim lessons
c. A deep dive into BPR equity and access programs: What the programs are, how
they're structured.
d. Review of PRAB Handbook procedures, board governance, and expectations.
b. Future Meetings Coordination and Planning
PRAB had the following questions or comment:
• PRAB Secretary to send out poll for December meeting dates and PRAB Study Session
c. PRAB Handbook input to clarify council communications
PRAB had the following questions or comment:
• Clerical changes received and motion to approve the handbook with an amendment that
PRAB can add commentary when appropriate to City Council. First motion by Brock,
second by van der Star. The motion passed 5-0.
Agenda Item 9: Next Board Meeting
Next Board meeting: Study Session, Monday, November 27, 2023, Hybrid
Agenda Item 10: Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
Approved by: Attested:
___________________ _____________________
Chuck Brock Rosa Kougl
Board Member BPR Staff
Date: ______________ Date: _________________