10.25.23 HAB Packet CITY OF BOULDER HOUSING ADVISORY BOARD MEETING AGENDA DATE: October 25, 2023 TIME: 6 PM LOCATION: Hybrid Meeting – HAB Members will meet at the Brenton Building at 1136 Alpine Avenue – Public will access the meeting via a link posted the day of meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL / 6:00 p.m. 2. AGENDA REVIEW 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. August 23, 2023 and September 27, 2023 – See attached 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION / 6:05 p.m. a. Open comment 5. MATTERS FROM THE BOARD / 6:10 p.m. a. Letter to Council re: 2024-2025 city work plan related to Housing b. Reschedule November HAB meeting to December 6th (Decision) c. Cancel December meeting (Decision) d. Updates (airport, Boulder Junction Phase 2) 6. MATTERS FROM STAFF / 8:40 p.m. 7. DEBRIEF MEETING AND CALENDAR CHECK / 8:50 p.m. 8. ADJOURNMENT / 9:00 p.m. Informational Item: Updates and education; no action to be taken Feedback: Discussion of board processes and items of interest; may result in action Input: Discussion and comments to shape staff work on housing issues, projects, and policies; no action taken Decision: Vote on board processes, work plan, agenda items, etc. Recommendation: Vote on the board’s input to city council For more information, please contact the HAB Secretary at 303.441.3097, or via email at bollert@bouldercolorado.gov. Board agendas are available online at: https://bouldercolorado.gov/boards- commissions/housing-advisory-board. Please note agenda item times are approximate. HOUSING ADVISORY BOARD Summary Minutes: 08/23/23 HAB Members In person: Brenton Building, 1136 Alpine Ave, Community Virtual (Zoom) BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Michael Leccese, Chair Danny Teodoru, Vice Chair Julianne Ramsey Philip Ogren Karen Klerman Laura Kaplan, Planning Board Liaison Ben Doyle, TRG Pamm Gibson, TRG BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Terry Palmos Karin Hoskin STAFF PRESENT: Jay Sugnet Tiffany Boller Karl Guiler Michelle Allen Crystal Lauder Sloane Walbert 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL / 6:01 p.m. 2. AGENDA REVIEW 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. July 26, 2023 – Ramsey motions, Ogren seconds, Klerman abstains. Approved 3-0 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION / 6:08 p.m. a. Open comment i. Lynn Segal 5. MATTERS FROM THE BOARD / 6:15 p.m. a. Inclusionary Housing Update i. Staff presentation – Michelle Allen & Sloane Walbert ii. Board questions and discussion 1. Teodoru – would like to see stronger agreements for keeping HOA costs down for affordable units, will send information to Jay Sugnet b. Zoning for Affordable Housing Public Hearing 7:35pm i. Staff presentation – Karl Guiler ii. Questions for HAB: 1. Does the Housing Advisory Board find that the proposed ordinance implements the adopted policies of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP)? 2. Does the Housing Advisory Board recommend any modifications to the ordinance? iii. Board questions iv. Public comment 1. Lynn Segal v. Board discussion and decision 1. Leccese – does the board have any desire to alter the recommendation written by Karl Guiler – Teodoru believes the recommendation as written is good first step. 2. Teodoru motions to adopt Ordinance 8599, Klerman seconds. 5-0 approved c. Updates (airport, Boulder Junction Phase 2) i. Kaplan – Planning board approved staff recommendation for Boulder Junction Phase 2 ii. Ogren – provided update on the Boulder Airport scenarios that will be brought to council on 8/24 6. MATTERS FROM STAFF / 8:51 p.m. a. Volunteer Appreciation Beach Party – Aug. 29 (4-7pm) rsvp by Aug. 25 b. Also complete board survey sent out by city clerk c. Sugnet – will create a doodle poll for bike tour 7. DEBRIEF MEETING AND CALENDAR CHECK / 8:53 p.m. a. Next meeting 9/27/23 8. ADJOURNMENT / 8:54 p.m. a. Tedorou motions to adjourn, Ramsey seconded APPROVED BY      _________________________________  Board Chair      _________________________________  DATE    HOUSING ADVISORY BOARD Summary Minutes: 09/27/23 HAB Members In person: Brenton Building, 1136 Alpine Ave, Community Virtual (Zoom) BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Philip Ogren Karin Hoskin Karen Klerman Laura Kaplan, Planning Board Liaison BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Michael Leccese, Chair Danny Teodoru, Vice Chair Terry Palmos Julianne Ramsey STAFF PRESENT: Jay Sugnet Tiffany Boller Michelle Allen Sloane Walbert 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL / 6:06 p.m. i. No quorum 2. AGENDA REVIEW 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. August 23, 2023 – unable to approve with no quorum 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION / 6:08 p.m. a. Open comment i. Becky Davies 5. MATTERS FROM THE BOARD / 6:20 p.m. a. Inclusionary Housing Update b. Staff presentation – Michelle Allen & Sloane Walbert i. Questions for HAB: 1. Does the Housing Advisory Board agree with the changes to the Inclusionary Housing ordinance? 2. Does the Housing Advisory Board agree with the changes to the Community Benefit requirements in the Site Review criteria for projects with a fourth or fifth story? 3. ii. Board questions 1. Ogren – Has there been discussion about expanding the community benefit under the Inclusionary Housing umbrella? 2. Klerman – If this gets implemented, what can we expect to see over the next few years? iii. Public comment 1. Lynn Segal iv. Board discussion and decision 1. Klerman – Is supportive of indicated changes 2. Hoskin – Would prefer a way to promote more on site homes but is supportive. 3. Klerman – Will there be a linkage fee discussed? 4. Ogren – motions that the Boulder City Council adopts Ordinance 8601, Klerman seconds. Approved 3-0 c. Updates (airport, Boulder Junction Phase 2) i. Council has accepted staff proposal for Boulder Junction Phase 2 ii. Airport – Ogren – The community working group has wrapped it’s meetings and input. There are 4 scenarios being discussed iii. Be Heard survey sent out to community members to give feedback but the population that uses the airport was statistically overrepresented 6. MATTERS FROM STAFF / 7:45 p.m. a. 9/28/23 – Annual Homelessness Update at Council b. Affordable Housing Tour – last Friday – great participation c. RTD Bus Pass benefit reminder 7. DEBRIEF MEETING AND CALENDAR CHECK / 7:48 p.m. a. Next meeting is 10/25/2023 8. ADJOURNMENT / 7:51 p.m. a. Klerman motions to adjourn, Hoskin seconds, approved 3-0 APPROVED BY      _________________________________  Board Chair      _________________________________  DATE