Item 3B - Approval of 07.18.23 PB MinutesCITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD ACTION MINUTES July 18, 2023 Virtual Meeting A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jorge Boone Kurt Nordback Laura Kaplan Mark McIntyre Sarah Silver, Chair ml Robles PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Lisa Smith STAFF PRESENT: Brad Mueller, Planning & Development Services Director Charles Ferro, Planning Senior Manager Devin Saunders, Board Specialist Vivian Castro-Wooldridge, Planning Engagement Strategist Chandler Van Schaack, Principal Planner Alison Blaine, Senior City Planner Shannon Moeller, Planning Manager 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair, S. Silver, declared a quorum at 6:00 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by S. Silver and seconded by ml Robles, the Planning Board voted 6-0 (L. Smith absent) to approve the June 20, 2023 Planning Board minutes as amended. 3.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 1.No one spoke 4.DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS / CONTINUATIONS Item 3B - Approval of 07.18.23 PB Minutes A. CALL UP ITEM: The Registry Boutique Hotel Use Review (LUR2020-00005): Use Review for a proposed thirty-seven (37) room boutique hotel located at 1111 Spruce St in the Downtown-2 (DT-2) zoning district. B. CALL UP ITEM: Use Review for restaurant uses with rooftop and ground-level outdoor dining at 1346 Pearl Street in the building formerly occupied by Lazy Dog Sports Bar & Grill for new restaurants SkinnyFATS and Cheba Hut. These items were not called up 5. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS A. AGENDA TITLE: Public Hearing for 1576 Hawthorn Site Review Amendment (LUR2022- 00058). Staff Presentation: C. Ferro introduced the item. C. Van Schaack presented the item to the board. Applicant Presentation: T. Bender presented the item to the board. Board Questions: C. Van Schaack answered questions from the board. Public Hearing: 1) No one spoke Board Comments: Key Issue #1: Is the proposed project consistent with the Site Review Criteria of the Land Use Code section 9-2-14(h) including findings related to consistency with the BVCP policies? K. Nordback noted concerns about losing possible pedestrian access and the parking area, which he believed could be preserved to be consistent with access, transportation, and overall mobility subsections of the site review criteria. Finally, he raised concerns with property size increase and noted it is approximately a 40% increase in floor areas based on the F.A.R. limits which he does not believe would be consistent with the BVCP goals and objectives. On a motion by M. McIntyre and seconded by ml Robles, the Boulder Planning Board voted 6-0 (L. Smith absent) to approve Site Review application #LUR2022-00024, adopting the staff memorandum as findings of fact, including the attached analysis of review criteria. Upon making the motion, M McIntyre thanked staff for all the work that went into bringing this back to the board. He noted that while small, this is an example of privatization of public space and a promise by the developer to provide a community asset, and that promise had gone unfulfilled. And, that we as Item 3B - Approval of 07.18.23 PB Minutes a board and staff, need to use this as a lesson to help ensure that projects that we work on and approve, fulfill the promises that are made to the community. B. AGENDA TITLE: Public Hearing for 4910 and 4920 Nautilus Court North (Avery Brewing) Review for a 7,062-sf patio expansion with associated landscape improvements. Staff Presentation: C. Ferro introduced the item. C. Van Schaack presented the item to the board. Board Questions: C. Van Schaack answered questions from the board. Public Hearing: 1) Lynn Segal Board Comments: Key Issue #1: Is the proposed project consistent with the Use Review Criteria of the Land Use Code section 9-2-15(e) including findings related to the use being reasonably compatible with and having minimal negative impact on the use of nearby properties? S. Silver thanked staff for the extra effort on this and noted that the extra information addressed her concerns. On a motion by S. Silver and seconded by L. Kaplan, the Boulder Planning Board voted 6-0 (L. Smith absent) to approve Use Review application #LUR2022-00028, subject to the recommended conditions of approval provided in the staff memorandum, and adopting the staff memorandum as findings of fact, including the attached analysis of review criteria. 6. ADDITIONAL MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY C. Ferro discussed the possibility of a retreat for the board. M. McIntyre and K. Nordback will meet with D. Saunders to organize an agenda and date. L. Kaplan briefed the board on the latest happenings with the Airport Community Conversation Process. She encouraged the board to participate in the BeHeard Boulder online questionnaire to provide feedback. ml Robles requested a Planning Board member attend the September 13th, 2023 DAB meeting. K. Nordback requested info on Proposition 123 and asked if Boulder meets all requirements/criteria for Item 3B - Approval of 07.18.23 PB Minutes the affordable housing fund. 7. DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK 8. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 7:35 pm APPROVED BY ___________________ Board Chair ___________________ DATE Item 3B - Approval of 07.18.23 PB Minutes