06.26.23 PRAB MinutesCITY OF BOULDER BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES To listen to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meetings in their entirety, please go to the following link: www.boulderparks-rec.org Name of Board/Commission: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Date of Meeting: June 26, 2023 Contact Information Preparing Summary: Rosa Kougl; 303-413-7223 Board Members Present: Elliott Hood, Jason Unger, Andrew (Bernie) Bernstein, Sunny van der Star, Anita Speirs, Anna Segur Board Members Absent: Charles (Chuck) Brock Staff Present: Ali Rhodes, Rosa Kougl, Scott Schuttenberg, Jackson Hite, Tina Briggs, Stacie Hoffmann, Mark Davison, Regina Elsner, Megann Lohman, Stephanie Munro, Bryan Beary, Jonathan Thornton Guests Present: Kristofer Johnson, Marcy Gerwing Type of Meeting: Regular Agenda Item 1: Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00p.m. A quorum was present for the conduct of business. Motion to approve agenda with an approved amendment to move Agenda Item VI before Agenda Item V. First motion by Hood, second by Unger. The motion passed 6-0. Agenda Item 2: Future Board Items: Rhodes, Director of Parks and Recreation, reviewed upcoming agenda items and events. No PRAB follow up questions or comments. Agenda Item 3: Public participation: x MaryAnn Briggs shared concern for tennis court availability. x Matt Richtel shared concern for tennis court availability. x Dewi Win shared concern for tennis court availability. x Leonard Segel shared comments on the HIPP report and the proposed Cultural Landscape Assessment, x Greg Mionske shared concern for the need for multi-court facilities. Agenda Item 4: Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes from May 22, 2023, Business Meeting Motion to approve the minutes from the May 22, 2023, Regular PRAB meeting. First motion by Hood, second by Segur. The motion passed 6-0. B, C, D. Updates from the Director, Project Updates, Operations & Development x No PRAB follow up questions or comments. Agenda Item 5: Items for Action A. Public Hearing and Consideration of Motions Approving the 2024 Expenditures from the Permanent Parks and Recreation Fund and Recommending the 2024-2029 Parks and Recreation Department Capital Improvement Program for Planning Board and City Council approval. Hite and Hoffmann presented this item. PRAB had the following questions/comments: x Were the community connectors involved in the process for the park recreation activity survey? x Is there a vision for doing more along the Boulder Creek Linear Parkway? x Why is the South Boulder Recreation Center not on the list of Proposed Fundings? x When will the main scoping for Pearl Street begin? x What is the difference between the increase revenue from $28 million to $36 million over a six- year period? x What is the amount required for the underfunded projects list? x Why are bathrooms and shelters not being funded at the level they need to be? x How were the board comments and survey ranking the underfunded park priorities factored into this process? x It would be helpful to distinguish between under funded projects vs unfunded projects. Public hearing opened. As there was no one who wanted to speak, the public hearing closed. Motion to approve the 2024 recommended expenditures from the Permanent Park and Recreation Fund to City Council for appropriation: Motion by Unger. Second by Bernstein. The motion passed 6-0. Agenda Item 6: Matters for Discussion A. Historic Places Plan (HiPP) Final Draft Briggs, Johnson, and Gerwing presented this item. PRAB had the following questions/comments: x What is the difference between individual landmark designation and a historic district? x What are the limitations of a historic district parking lot? x Request for a timeline and the role of PRAB so that the public understands what next steps for this are. B. 2024 Budget Strategy and Fee Policy Hite presented this item. PRAB had the following questions/comments: x How was subsidy level determined in Recreation? x Suggest an appendix with examples of the classification of community recreation and exclusive benefit. x Use of the word “exclusive” could be “individual.” x Is there a fee schedule that is readily accessible to where the fee policy lives? x If there is a group does not agree with the designation, is there an outline process by which this group can appeal and present data? x Request for a communication strategy of the final rollout and benefits of the fee policy Motion to recommend the 2024 Parks and Recreation Operating Budget to City Council for approval and appropriation. Motion by van der Star. Second by Bernstein. The motion passed 6-0. Agenda Item 7: Matters from the Department A. None Agenda Item 8: Matters from the Board Members a. PRAB Handbook PRAB had the following questions or comment: x Hood will incorporate recommendations and changes from the City’s Attorney’s Office to the Handbook for a first reading at the July meeting. b. PRAB liaisons to BPR Projects PRAB had the following questions or comment: x Continued discussions (refer to Attachment A of the minutes). c. PRAB Matters PRAB had the following questions or comment: x Shout out to Summer Camps! x Excitement shared about the golf course facility, it is a great place to direct attention and funds for the community. x Opening lanes at Scott Carpenter Pool for young kids has been helpful, it provides balance for all. x Request for Schuttenberg for an update from the conversation with Dr. Anderson of BVSD. Agenda Item 9: Next Board Meeting Next Board meeting: Study Session, Monday, July 24, 2023, Hybrid Agenda Item 10: Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m. Attested:Approved by: ___________________ Elliott Hood Board Member Date: -XO\ _____________________ Rosa Kougl BPR Staff Date: 7-25-23_________ Approved by: ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2023-2024 Opportunities Board Liaisons to BPR Projects Park Plans Violet Park Development, Design through Q1-2024 Chuck Brock, Anita Speirs Civic Area Phase II, Design through 2025 Jason Unger, maybe Chuck Brock Boulder Creek Management Plan, Design through (2024?) Jason Unger Public Private Partnerships: Q2 2023 Q2 2024 x Flatirons Golf Course x Boulder Reservoir Flatirons & Reservoir: Sunny van der Star, Anita Speirs System Plans and Initiatives Courts System Plan, Q2 2023 - Q4 2023 BPR Fee Policy, Q2 2023 - Q2 2024 Recreation Centers Future, Q2 2023 - Q3 2024 Sunny van der Star, %HUQLH %HUQVWHLQ Regional Facility Business Plans, Q3 2024 - Q2 2024 Jason Unger Boulder Junction Phase II, Q2-2023- Q4 2024 Elliott Hood selected at March 2023 meeting PLAY Boulder**, Q2-2023 Option exists to serve as an informal liaison or as a board member of PLAY Liaison: Anna Segur Board Member: Chuck Brock, Anita Speirs will consider