October 2013 summary minutes City of Boulder BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING SUMMARY FORM NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Human Relations Commission DATE OF MEETING: October 21, 2013 NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Kelly Williams (303) 441-4003 NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: Commissioners– Jonathan Dings, Amy Zuckerman, Emilia Pollauf, Shirly White Staff – Karen Rahn, Carmen Atilano, Kelly Williams WHAT TYPE OF MEETING (CIRCLE ONE) [REGULAR] [SPECIAL] [QUASI-JUDICIAL] AGENDA ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER – The October 21, 2013 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by J. Dings. AGENDA ITEM 2 – AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS – Dental Aid was moved from Section VI.A to V.A.; Sigma Psi Sorority will present at November HRC meeting; Community Foundation TRENDS Report moved from Section VI.B.1 to V. AGENDA ITEM 3 – APPROVAL OF MINUTES – A. Zuckerman moved to accept the September 16, 2013 minutes. E. Pollauf seconded the motion. Motion carries 4-0. AGENDA ITEM 4 – COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION (non-agenda action items) – None. AGENDA ITEM 5 – ACTION ITEMS A. Community Impact Fund Proposals 1. Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA) – A. Zuckerman moved to accept the Request for Proposal in the amount of $5,000. S. White seconded the motion. Motion carries 4-0. 2. Dental Aid – not in attendance. Proposal will be considered at the next meeting. B. 2013 Community Event Fund Reports 1. BMoCA – Funding supported three projects, 1.) Provided Spanish translations for various texts and exhibitions, 2.) Made the museum A.D.A. compliant, 3.) Dia De Nino embraced the Latino community. E. Pollauf moved to accept the report. A. Zuckerman seconded the motion. Motion carries 4-0. 2. Sigma Psi Sorority – will report at November HRC meeting. 3. Village Arts Coalition – Reported that the event was a success despite the fact that their budget was $60 in deficit. Also, they experienced issues with low levels of volunteerism. S. White moved to accept the report. A. Zuckerman seconded the motion. Motion carries 4-0. C. 2013 Community Impact Fund Reports 1. Bridge House – not in attendance. Report will be considered at the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM 6 – DISCUSSION/INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. 2014 Community Event Fund Applications 1. BMoCA – Moving into 4 major exhibitions; will be increasing amount of translated wall text/labels; interested in translating exhibit guides; continue subsidizing tours for youth and adults; continue building their current “Meeting Me at MoMA” project. 2. Sigma Psi Sorority – will present at November HRC meeting. 3. Village Arts Coalition – Program structure will remain unchanged with 2.5 days of cultural and ethnic performances. Also, there will be a marketplace for fair trade and international crafts/goods. 4. Pi Delta Psi Fraternity – not in attendance. 5. Bridge House – not in attendance. B. Work Plan Updates: 1. Boulder County Trends Report, Community Foundation – Reported on the necessity for Boulder County to pay equal attention to social and environmental welfare of community; in addition to inequality as the income gap continues to grow. 2. Flood Recovery Update – K. Rahn briefed the short-term, transitional, and long-term processes and partnerships in Boulder County during emergency situations. 3. Community Mediation Services – C. Fong talked about importance of CMS and the impact they have made in helping resolve landlord/tenant issues in the aftermath of the flood. 4. Ballot Question 2G – Council passed resolution in support of ballot question 2G. C. Event Reports – A. Zuckerman attended Intercambio’s “La Fiesta”; E. Pollauf attended the 25th Anniversary of the Multicultural Awards Banquet; A. Zuckerman notified Commission that Pridefest has been rescheduled for November 22, 2013. D. Follow Up Tasks – execute contract for BMoCA, inquire about attendance of groups not present and reschedule for November meeting, schedule the groups to present their 2014 CEF proposals for November, send Commissioners an email with location(s) of the next four HRC meetings. AGENDA ITEM 8 – Adjournment – S. White moved to adjourn the October 21, 2013 meeting. E. Pollauf seconded the motion. Motion carries 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. TIME AND LOCATION OF ANY FUTURE MEETINGS, COMMITTEES OR SPECIAL HEARINGS: The next regular meeting of the HRC will be November 18, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the 13th Street Conference Room, 1720 13th Street.