05.16.23 PB MinutesItem 3A - Approval of Updated 05.16.23 PB Minutes
May 16, 2023
Virtual Meeting
A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are
retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available
on the web at: http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/
Jorge Boone
Kurt Nordback
Laura Kaplan
Mark McIntyre
ml Robles
Lisa Smith
Sarah Silver, Chair
Brad Mueller, Planning & Development Services Director
Laurel Witt, Assistant City Attorney
Devin Saunders, Board Specialist
Karl Guiler, Senior Policy Advisor
Vivian Castro-Wooldridge, Planning Engagement Specialist
Chandler Van Schaack, Principal Planner
Shannon Moeller, Planning Manager
Acting Chair, L. Smith, declared a quorum at 6:01 p.m. and the following business was conducted.
a) Lynn Segal
A. The draft Planning Board Minutes from March 21, 2023 are set for approval.
The Planning Board moved the March 21, 2023 Draft Minutes to a future meeting pending
further discussion on minute format.
B. The draft Planning Board Minutes from April 4, 2023 are set for approval.
On a motion by L. Kaplan and seconded by M. McIntyre, the Planning Board voted 6-0 (S.
Silver absent) to approve the April 4, 2023 Planning Board Meeting minutes as amended.
Item 3A - Approval of Updated 05.16.23 PB Minutes
A. Final Plat to replat a 6.78-acre property into three lots and two outlots. The lots are sized as
follows: Lot 1 – 53,592 square feet (1.23 acres); Lot 2 - 107,891 square feet (2.48 acres); and Lot
3 – 57,626 square feet (1.32 acres). Outlot A is 12,993 square feet (0.3 acres) and will be used as
a common open space for the development. Outlot B is 5,441 square feet (0.12 acres) and will be
used for stormwater detention/water quality and drainage purposes. The replat includes the
dedication of Hibiscus Avenue and Hawthorn rights of way and new easements. This replat is
consistent with the conditions of approval associated with Site Review case LUR2021 00037 for
the Diagonal Plaza development.
This item was not called up.
B. Site Review Amendment to amend The Orchard PUD to expand the property at 1576
Hawthorn Ave to include adjacent common area
This item was called up by M. McIntyre. This item will come to the Planning Board as a Public
Hearing item within the next 60 days.
A. Review and Comment on the proposed site development plan for New Vista High School
proposing to replace the existing school building at 700 20th St. with a new approximately
74,000 square-foot two-story high school, new sports field, an enlarged parking lot, and updated
access. Reviewed under case no. LUR2023-00017.
Staff Presentation:
S. Moeller introduced the item.
S. Moeller presented the item to the board.
Prior to comments and questions, the board was asked to identify and disclose anything that may present
a potential conflict of interest. No members spoke.
Board Questions:
S. Moeller answered questions from the board.
Applicant Presentation:
K. Stoppenhagen, representing the applicant, presented the item to the board.
Applicant Questions:
K. Stoppenhagen, representing the applicant, answered questions from the board.
Public Hearing:
1) No one spoke
Item 3A - Approval of Updated 05.16.23 PB Minutes
Board Comments:
L. Kaplan thanked BVSD for their presentation and appreciated the working group that included
parents, teachers, staff and students. She appreciated the decision-making matrix regarding the logic to
rebuild rather than renovate.
K. Nordback appreciated the design of the building and the energy efficiency aspects they are
incorporating. His biggest concern surrounded the site layout, specifically about keeping the current
school intact while building the new school. He noted that the parking seemed very auto centric and
would not be appealing to bike/walk the area with the extensive asphalt. He referenced BVCP policies
2.41(c), 2.41(e), 2.41(f), and 8.11 He would like to see greater consideration of designing a site that
encourages more walking, biking, and taking other buses to school. He thought there is more
opportunity for improvement in terms of the site designed to make a straightforward pedestrian centric
site design. He also had concerns of having larger expanses of turf and didn’t think it would be very
efficient use of the amount of water that will be required.
M. McIntyre seconded K. Nordback’s comments and wanted to reinforce the comments regarding
the design being parking forward and parking centric. He calculated the square footage of bike
facility space to be about 1,200 sq. ft. versus about 30,000 sq.ft of auto parking. This is
approximately 25-30 times more area dedicated to parking than to bike parking. He also noted that
by doubling the number of parking spaces while there is no increase in students or staff, BVSD is
creating an induced demand for car travel.
ml Robles encouraged a process to determine right sized parking depending on needs. She also
encouraged BVSD to plan for obsolescence, as the need for parking will eventually diminish. She
encouraged pervious paving and/or a plan for that land to be utilized. Finally, she encouraged BVSD to
achieve the highest level of standard for energy efficiency.
J. Boone supported the comments by ml Robles regarding energy efficiency. He noted understanding
for the rational for the parking and automotive use for the school area.
L. Smith agreed that investments in a long-lasting building are worth it, particularly with energy
efficiency investments. She was not a fan of parking on the street but noted how it may be inevitable.
Finally, she appreciated tracking of enrollment and noted considering more EV charging locations
within the proposed parking.
On a motion by K. Nordback and seconded by M. McIntyre, the Planning Board directs staff to draft a
letter to the BVSD Board of Directors, incorporating the city’s comments and requesting any proposed
On a motion to amend by M. McIntyre, and seconded by K. Nordback, the Planning Board voted 6-0
to strike from the motion “requesting any proposed changes”, and adding in its place “and summarizing
and noting the board’s input on the future school design”, and pass the amended motion.
B. Public hearing and consideration a request to rezone a 1.01-acre parcel located at 5405 Spine
Road and adjacent rights-of-way currently zoned Industrial-General (IG) to Business –
Community 2 (BC-2) for consistency with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan and the
Gunbarrel Community Center Plan. Reviewed under application LUR2022-00057
Staff Presentation:
Item 3A - Approval of Updated 05.16.23 PB Minutes
C. Van Schaack introduced the item.
C. Van Schaack presented the item to the board.
Prior to comments and questions, the board was asked to identify and disclose anything that may present
a potential conflict of interest. No members spoke.
Board Questions:
C. Van Schaack answered questions from the board.
Applicant Presentation:
B. Curl, representing the applicant, presented the item to the board.
Applicant Questions:
S. Eckert, representing the applicant, answered questions from the board.
Public Hearing:
1) No one spoke
Board Comments:
02:27:12 Key Issue #1: Is the rezoning request consistent with required review criteria for rezoning?
L. Kaplan agreed with a previous comment that this is a slam dunk based on BVCP recommendations
for the site.
On a motion by and seconded by L. Kaplan and seconded by ml Robles, the Planning Board voted 6-0
to recommend for City Council approval of the application to rezone 1.01 acres of land located at 5405
Spine Rd. from the Industrial General (IG) zone district to Business – Community 2 (BC-2).
L. Kaplan requested information on the city’s height modification requirements and the previous
ballot measures around height limits.
J. Boone recommended more gatherings for the Planning Board to engage more with fellow
members within the community.
Item 3A - Approval of Updated 05.16.23 PB Minutes
The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 8:49 pm.
DATE: August 15, 2023