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Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review
CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: August 15, 2023 AGENDA TITLE Public hearing and consideration of a Site Review for a 112,600 square-foot, two-story life sciences facility at 3675 and 3825 Walnut Street within the Industrial General (IG) zoning district. The proposal includes modifications to building and fence height and a 25% vehicle parking reduction, and a and a request to amend the TVAP (Transit Village Area Plan) Transportation Connections Plan. The applicant has requested Vested Rights. Reviewed under case no. LUR2022-00041. Applicant: Danica Powell, Trestle Strategy Owner: Daniel Aizenman, West Meadow LLC REQUESTING DEPARTMENT / PRESENTERS Brad Mueller, Director Planning & Development Services Charles Ferro, Senior Planning Manager Shannon Moeller, Planning Manager OBJECTIVE Define the steps for Planning Board consideration of this request: 1.Planning Board hears applicant and staff presentations. 2. Hold quasi-judicial public hearing. 3. Planning Board action to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the Site Review application and to approve or deny the TVP Connections Plan amendment. SUMMARY Project Name: RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Location: 3675 and 3825 Walnut St. Size of Property: 225,205 square feet (5.17 acres) Zoning: Industrial - General (IG) Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Comprehensive Plan: Light Industrial EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this item is for the Planning Board to review and take action on the Site Review application for 112,600 square-foot, two-story life sciences facility at 3675 and 3825 Walnut within the Industrial General (IG) zoning district and on a request for an amendment to the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan. Staff is recommending approval of the Site Review application and amendment to the transportation connections plan, finding the proposal consistent with relevant criteria as outlined in within this memorandum, subject to conditions of approval. Planning Board approval of the Site Review application is required at a public hearing due to the requests for height modification and intent to create Vested Rights (see ‘Project Description’ and ‘Process’ section below for more details). Planning Board action is also required to approve the requested amendment to the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan. Staff’s full analysis of the Site Review criteria for the approval recommendation by staff can be found in Attachment A. The applicant’s proposed plans can be found in Attachment B and a written statement within Attachment C. PROCESS & REVIEW CRITERIA Site Review: The applicant is requesting approval of a Site Review application. The proposal is required to undergo a Site Review as it exceeds the 100,000 square feet threshold for the subject zoning district found in Section 9-2-14, Table 2-2, “Site Review Threshold Table”, B.R.C. 1981. Additionally, the following modifications under the Land Use Code are requested: •9-9-6, Parking Standards: Vehicle parking reduction of 25% to provide 212 vehicle parking spaces where 281 spaces are required. •9-7-1, Schedule of Form and Bulk Standards: Height modification to permit a 52’- 11” tall building, where a maximum of 45’ is otherwise permitted. •9-9-15, Fences and Walls: Fence height modification to permit a 12’-tall utility screen wall at the rear utility yard, where a maximum of 7’ is otherwise permitted. The above-referenced subsections, and all references throughout this document, refer to the Land Use Code in effect on the date of application submittal (September 30, 2022). The proposal is not subject to changes to the Land Use Code that occurred after that date, including changes related to the Site Review criteria adopted with Ord. 8515 as the application was submitted prior to the effective date of those code changes. For the applicable review criteria, please refer to Attachment A. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Vested Rights: The applicant is requesting to establish vested rights pursuant to Section 9-2-20, “Creation of Vested Rights,” B.R.C. 1981. A request to establish Vested Rights requires a public hearing per section 9-2-20(b)(1), B.R.C. 1981. The proposed height modifications and request for vested rights require the Planning Board to be the decision authority on the application. TVAP Transportation Connections Plan Amendment: TVAP allows for amendments of planned connections due to either a physical hardship or practical hardship that would prevent construction of the connection. The applicant has requested an amendment. Per Chapter 4 of TVAP the elimination of a collector street requires approval by the Planning Board and City Council and can be done in conjunction with a Site Review. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that the proposed project meets criteria of Section 9-2-14, B.R.C. 1981 and the criteria in TVAP for an amendment and is recommending that Planning Board approve the application and the amendment to the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan in the form of the following motion: Suggested Motion Language: Motion to approve Site Review application #LUR2022-00041 and the proposed amendment to the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan, adopting the staff memorandum as findings of fact, including the attached analysis of review criteria, and subject to the conditions of approval recommended in the staff memorandum. KEY ISSUES 1.Is the proposed project, with its modifications to height and vehicle parking standards, consistent with the Site Review Criteria of the Land Use Code section 9-2-14(h)? 2.Is the proposed amendment to the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan consistent with the applicable amendment criteria? PUBLIC FEEDBACK Consistent with Section 9-4-3, “Public Notice Requirements,” B.R.C. 1981, staff provided notification to all property owners within 600 feet of the subject location of the application, and signs have been posted by the applicant. No public comments on the proposal were received by staff. BOARD FEEDBACK Concept Plan: The proposal was reviewed by Planning Board as part of a Concept Plan Review and Comment at its April 28, 2022 meeting (case number LUR2022-00006), Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review which provided initial feedback on the proposal prior to the submittal of more detailed plans. The meeting video is available here (item begins at 22:00). The Planning Board discussed a number of items, including: • Clarification and confirmation that the proposal is eligible to pursue a height modification as a two-story structure in the IG zoning district per 9-2-14(b)(1)(E), B.R.C. 1981, under criterion #2. Discussion regarding the rationale for the request including the specific structural and mechanical needs of the future building users, the elevation of the overall building due to floodplain requirements, and the intent of the building design to conceal mechanical equipment within or behind sloped roof features rather than mechanical units on a flat rooftop. • Discussion of Transportation Master Plan connections and staff recommendations. Engineering staff clarified that an at-grade connection across the railroad tracks of any type including pedestrian, bicycle or vehicular is not recommended by staff due to technical and regulatory issues including likely opposition from the railroad and Public Utilities Commission related to significant safety and liability concerns. Additionally, staff noted that the existing quiet zone exemption in the area would likely no longer be permitted by the Federal Railroad Administration if a pedestrian/bike at-grade connection was added due to safety issues inherent with such crossings, which would have impacts for the broader community in the area. • Clarification that the multi-use path depicted adjacent to Foothills Parkway on the Transportation Master Plan would likely be constructed as a future attachment to the Foothills Parkway bridge, rather than a separate underpass. Because that infrastructure improvement is off-site and the need for it is not being primarily generated by the subject proposal, a requirement for its construction cannot be required as part of the subject proposal. • Discussion of the proposed parking area and the proposed parking reduction and whether the proposal constitutes an efficient use of land. It was discussed that the maximum floor area ratio limits the amount of building area and that a greater parking reduction could be considered. • Questions regarding the potential emissions generated by the proposal and any applicable regulations regarding air quality. It was discussed the Environmental Protection Agency regulations provide for air quality standards rather than city regulations. The Board provided feedback on the key issues identified as part of the Concept Plan. A detailed description of the Board’s feedback is listed in the 04.28.2022 meeting minutes. Generally, topics included: • Transportation Connections: General support for additional attention to enhancing the proposal through transportation connections, given the technical challenges. • Building Design: o Support for building entrance design to relate to the public street. o Support for the roofline creating a sense of place and appreciation for the creative approach. o Recommendation for more specificity and context regarding the height modification request, and for the applicant to clearly address the Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review applicable site review criteria. Address how the proposal is compatible with surroundings and consider modifications to the building design and amount of parking reduction. Provide justification for height request based on similar local examples such as CU labs. o Support for the sustainability and energy efficiency aspects of the proposal and addressing human needs. • Parking and TDM: Encouragement for the proposed parking reduction to be supported by a TDM plan going beyond minimum standards. Items mentioned included B-Cycle, car and bike charging, partnerships with ride shares, unbundled parking, and others. During the Concept Plan Review process, staff received emailed comments from Community Cycles about the Concept Plan, indicating that Community Cycles strongly opposes eliminating the connection from Walnut St. to Frontier Ave. indicated on the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan. However, they would support a multi-use path connection over the railroad right-of-way. At the Concept Plan public hearing, a representative from Community Cycles addressed the Board regarding the email communication and reiterated concerns about removing all planned connections. At the time of the Concept Plan Review call-up discussion on May 17, 2022, City Council did not call up the item but referred the proposal to the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB). See below for description of TAB feedback. Transportation Advisory Board (TAB): At its Jul. 11, 2022, meeting, TAB reviewed the proposal and provided feedback on the request to amend the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan. The applicant team provided detailed information regarding the technical and regulatory feasibility of multiple connection options that were considered including underpass, overpass, and at-grade crossing at the BNSF railway. In relation to enhancing multi-modal connectivity, the applicant team and board members discussed how the conceptual proposal could be updated to allow for connectivity via a path south of the BNSF right-of-way, on the subject property, with connections to Walnut Street. The Board was generally supportive of the request to amend the transportation connections plan due to the feasibility issues and noted that pedestrian enhancements could help implement the connectivity intent of the plan and support a shift towards multi-modal transportation. The board packet and meeting minutes are available in the 7.11.22 TAB Meeting archive. The meeting video is available here (begins at 57:10). BACKGROUND Existing Site. The 5.17-acre site is comprised of two properties at 3825 and 3675 Walnut St., located west of Foothills Parkway, east of 33rd St. and north of Walnut St. (Figure 1). The site is bounded by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad right-of-way to the north. An approximately 100,800 square-foot warehouse building constructed in 1967 crosses the property line between the two parcels. The building includes wholesale distribution and manufacturing businesses, including a restaurant supply company. The majority of the site is paved, accessed via three curb cuts to the public right-of-way and includes multiple loading docks and surface parking area facing Walnut Street. Along Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Walnut Street, the existing public sidewalk varies from detached to attached and overhead utility lines run along the front of the site. Refer to Figure 2. Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. Existing South Façade Surrounding Context – Buildings and Uses. The immediate context is characterized by a mix of industrial, service, and office uses: • To the west at 3333 Walnut, Google offices are located in an approximately 158,199 square-foot, 3-story building on 7.8 acres. A portion was constructed in 1997 with an addition in 2013. The building and addition were approved by multiple discretionary reviews including Height Review H-92-80, Site Review SI- 97-16 and Site Review LUR2012-00049. The building constructed in 1997 was built at a height of 46’-4” and a conditional height modification was approved in 2012 for the addition at 45’ in height. Atop the 2012 addition, areas of mechanical screening extends an additional 11’ in height above the rooftop. The property 3675 Walnut 3825 Walnut Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review provided an excess of parking spaces (461 spaces where 396 were required) resulting in a large surface parking area to the north and east of the L-shaped building which fronts 33rd and Walnut. • To the east at 3865 Walnut, fabrication uses (Standard Metal Works, Moros Fabrication) are located in one-story buildings built between 1963 and 1965, totaling approximately 12,700 square-feet on a 0.9-acre property. • To the south across Walnut St., a mix of uses exist, including: o Pfizer research and development at 1865 33rd St consisting of four buildings totaling approximately 138,000 square-feet on 4.8 acres. The most recent building, along Walnut, is a three-story, 38’-tall building approved by Height Review H-92-1. Screening extends an additional 11’ in height above the rooftop. o Warehouse and distribution uses at 3300 Walnut in an approximately 149,000 square-foot building constructed circa 1959 on 6.7 acres, including Rudi’s Organic Bakery and CU Boulder Distribution Center. o Tree services (Dinah Tree Service) at 3620 Walnut in an approximately 7,800 square-foot building constructed circa 1963 on 0.55 acres. o Vacant property at 3624 Walnut (0.51 acres). o Shredder Indoor Ski and Snowboard School and The Pet Spot pet boarding services at 3640 Walnut in an approximately 20,000 square-foot, two-story building constructed circa 1987 on 1.34 acres. o Rocky Mountain Rescue Group at 3720 Walnut in an approximately 1,575 square-foot, one-story building constructed circa 1965 on 0.92 acres. o General Air Service & Supply at 3750 Walnut in two buildings totaling approximately 7,162 square-feet constructed between 1966 and 1968 on 0.58 acres. o Riversmith fly fishing manufacturer at 1835 38th St in an approximately 15,000 square-foot building constructed circa 1970 on 0.86 acres. o Modular Robotics at 1860 38th St in an approximately 14,062 square-foot building constructed circa 1969 on 2.02 acres. • To the north across the BNSF railway, La Sportiva at 3850 Frontier Ave. includes warehouse, offices, and factory store in an approximately 63,000 square-foot building constructed circa 1969 on 2.5 acres. • To the northwest across the BNSF railway, multiple uses are located at 3550 Frontier Ave. within the approximately 125,000 square-foot building constructed circa 1968 on 8.1 acres, including Sanitas Brewing Company, Black Lab Sports, Boulder Pickball, and other uses. Generally, the surrounding buildings are located in one to three story buildings, with extensive surface parking lots. Refer to Figure 3 for context images. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 3300 Walnut 3720 and 3640 Walnut 3750 Walnut 1865 33rd (Pfizer) 3850 Frontier (La Sportiva) 3350 Frontier 3333 Walnut (Google) 3865 Walnut (Fabrication) Foothills Pkwy Overpass Figure 3. Surrounding Context Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Surrounding Context – Area Plans: The site is located in central Boulder in an area characterized by industrial zoning and uses. The site itself is not within any defined area plans, but is located near areas with adopted area plans. Refer to Figures 4, 5, and 6. Less than a quarter mile to the west of the site, the Boulder Valley Regional Center (BVRC) encompasses one of the city’s high- intensity regional commercial centers, providing a variety of retail, daily amenities, transportation facilities, and housing, including the Twenty Ninth Street Mall. This area is subject to the BVRC Design Guidelines and BVRC Connections Plan. Just to the north of the site, the Transit Village Area Plan (TVAP) establishes the vision for the area bounded by the railway and the North Boulder Farmer’s Ditch on the south, 30th Street on the west, Foothills Parkway on the east, and Valmont on the north, now known as Boulder Junction. The area immediately north of the subject property is within Boulder Junction Phase 2, the area in which the city is currently engaging the community for feedback on planning and implementation strategies over the next two years. To the east of the site across Foothills Parkway lies the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan, recently adopted in 2022. Many businesses in East Boulder specialize in scientific, research, technology and manufacturing. 3675 - 3825 Walnut Figure 5. Site Location and TVAP 3675 - 3825 Walnut Figure 4. Site Location and BVRC 3675 - 3825 Walnut Figure 6. Site Location and East Boulder Subcommunity Plan Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Surrounding Context – Transportation Facilities: The built environment of the surrounding area is notably impacted by existing transportation facilities. To the north, the BNSF railway exists in an approximately 80’-wide right-of-way that extends through this area of Boulder. Potential changes impacting the railway including at-grade crossings, underpasses, or overpasses require review and approval by BNSF and the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). To the east, Foothills Pkwy exists in a raised/overpass condition, passing over Walnut Street, the railway, and Pearl Pkwy, before returning to an at-grade condition further north and south of the subject property. The substantial embankments and raised condition of Foothills Pkwy impacts the perception of massing and height in this area to both users of the subject property and surrounding areas, and those traveling on the raised parkway. Refer to Figures 7 and 8. BVCP Land Use Designation. The Site Review criteria of the land use code in Section 9-2-14(h), B.R.C. 1981, are used to evaluate the project and to make findings on Figure 7. Walnut Street, Foothills Parkway overpass and embankments Figure 8. View facing west over the site from Foothills Parkway Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review the application. Among the findings are consistency with the BVCP Land Use designation and, on balance, with the BVCP policies. The site is designated Light Industrial on the land use map of the BVCP, as defined below: BVCP Policy 2.21, Light Industrial Areas, includes specific guidance for Boulder’s light industrial areas including guiding principles which focus on preserving opportunities for industrial businesses, encouraging more housing in appropriate locations, offering a mix of uses and exploring more enhanced transportation amenities and parking management strategy. Refer to page 46 of the BVCP on light industrial areas. Zoning: As shown in Figure 9, the project site is zoned Industrial-General (IG), which is defined in Section 9-5-2 of the Land Use Code as: “General industrial areas where a wide range of light industrial uses, including research and manufacturing operations and service industrial uses, are located. Residential uses and other complementary uses may be allowed in appropriate locations.” Figure 9. Zoning Map Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Transit Village Area Plan (TVAP): As indicated in Figure 10 below, the site itself is not included in either phase of TVAP. However, the site is included in the Transit Village Area Plan Transportation Connections Plan as shown in Figure 11. Figure 10. Project site located outside of TVAP Phase 2 Consistent with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) and Transportation Master Plan (TMP), the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan was developed in conjunction with the proposed area land uses and to support the city’s sustainability goals. The Connections Plan is a right-of-way plan that is administered according to Section 9-9-8, B.R.C. 1981. The Plan is incorporated into TMP and replaced the portions of earlier network plans that cover the Transit Village area. The transportation improvements included in the Connections Plan are anticipated to be installed by property owners at the time of redevelopment or by the city. 3675 - 3825 Walnut Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review TVAP Connections Plan. As described above, the site is subject to the TVAP Connections Plan that includes planned connections through and adjacent to the site (Figure 11). A collector street connection (shown in black and highlighted in red) is planned running north-south from Walnut Street to Frontier Avenue with an underpass at the railroad tracks. The Connections Explanation of the collector street #62 is as follows (page 64 of TVAP): “Local connection: This road will connect Frontier Avenue to Walnut Street and include an underpass at the railroad tracks. This will significantly improve access to this area and support the planned increase in land use intensity. This connection was suggested by the property owners with the understanding that they will pay for the full cost of this street and underpass.” 3675 - 3825 Walnu Figure 11. Transportation Connections Plan (TVAP) Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Transportation Master Plan. The site is also included in the City’s Low-Stress Walk and Bike Network Plan that was adopted as part of the City’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The intent of the Low-Stress Walk and Bike Network Plan is to create a connected walking and cycling network providing a safe and accessible transportation experience. The plan identifies the need to improve the existing bike lane on westbound Walnut Street, adjacent to the site, to a buffered bike lane. See Figure 12. The TMP also shows a multi-use path connection adjacent to the north property line of the site, within the railroad right-of-way. Because the multi-use path is not on this property, it is not proposed nor required to be implemented as part of this project. Similarly, the TMP depicts a proposed multi-use path connection along Foothills Parkway. As discussed at the Concept Plan review public hearing, this connection is off- site and the need for it is not being primarily generated by the subject proposal, so its construction is not proposed nor required as part of this project. Transit Service. As shown in Figure 13, transit is not provided in the immediate vicinity but there are several transit lines accessible within ½ mile of the site. • The BOUND route provides local service along 30th Street between Broadway/Baseline (Basemar Shopping Center) and Diagonal Plaza. • The HOP route provides service along 30th Street and throughout central Boulder including to CU and the Twenty Ninth Street Mall. • The JUMP route provides service along Arapahoe Avenue between downtown Boulder and Lafayette / Erie. • The FLEX Boulder Express route, operated by Transfort through a regional partnership, provides service from 30th and Pearl to Longmont, Loveland, and Fort Collins. • The BOLT and 205 routes offer stops along 28th Street, which provide service to Longmont and Gunbarrel, respectively. RTD implements service modifications to transit schedules multiple times each year. 3675 - 3825 Walnut Figure 12. Low-Street Walk and Bike Network Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Recent and proposed updates are online at https://www.rtd-denver.com/service-changes. Currently, some routes along Pearl Pkwy and to the Boulder Junction Depot that have been reduced or suspended include the 206, AB2, FF4, FF6, and J. However, the Boulder Junction Depot is intended to serve both regional and local transit routes throughout Boulder and the front range. The facility is accessible via the recently constructed bridge extending across the North Boulder Farmer’s Ditch which connects Junction Place and 32nd St. with pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle connections, and can be reached from the subject property via Walnut St. and 32nd St. B-Cycle. The proposal includes improving transportation access via a new B-Cycle station. B-Cycle stations are available in the area and help facilitate “last mile” access to transit stops and other destinations. Boulder’s B-Cycle fleet consists of e-bikes with baskets for ease of travel and convenience. Locations of existing B-Cycle stations have been noted on Figure 13. Figure 13. Transit and B-Cycle Stations in Proximity to Site ¼ Mile Radius ½ Mile Radius SkyRide Route Regional Route Boulder Local Route Transit Stop B-Cycle https://www.rtd-denver.com/rider-info/system-map B B B B B B B B Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Floodplain. The site is impacted by the 100-year floodplain of the Boulder Slough, with some areas of conveyance and high hazard zone at the north end of the site. The proposal is required to floodproof or elevate the lowest floor to at or above the flood protection elevation. PROJECT DESCRIPTION As shown in Figure 15 and the Project Plans in Attachment B, the applicant is proposing a two-story, life sciences facility with spaces suitable for science and technology-based research and development companies. Site Plan. The site design locates the building towards the south and west areas of the site. Parking is located on the eastern portion of the site and the service yard is located on Figure 14. Floodplain Figure 15. Aerial Rendering of Site Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review the north of the property adjacent to the rail corridor. Refer to Figure 16. Access. The property is in a largely industrial area where parking-forward designs and substantially paved sites are typical. Access in the area is constrained by the BNSF railway to the north. The area is also visually impacted by the elevated condition of Foothills Parkway to the east. The existing site is accessed via three curb cuts from Walnut Street with loading docks and parking facing the street. The proposal would reduce access to the site to one centrally located vehicle access point and place loading and utility areas at the rear. A prominent entry plaza is designed to allow for clear and well-designed pedestrian and bicycle access to the building entry. Site circulation is further enhanced with a perimeter walking path at all edges of the site, and updates to Walnut Street including buffered bike lane, tree lawn and detached sidewalk. Landscaping. The existing site is largely paved, with little vegetation and was constructed prior to current water quality requirements. The proposal would provide improvements to water quality through the introduction of rain gardens and landscaped areas, and drainage improvements to address stormwater management. The proposed landscaping would provide parking lot shading and screening, enhance the design of the building and outdoor spaces, and meet or exceed all tree and shrub quantity requirements. Open Space. The proposal would provide well-designed usable outdoor spaces for employees and guests on the site where little to no such space exists today. The open Figure 16. Site Plan Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review space design provides a prominent entry plaza and outdoor café patio surrounded by gardens that feature interpretive signage and a sculpture, as well as an outdoor fitness area, perimeter walking path, rain gardens, and landscaped areas throughout the site. Overall, the proposal provides 35% of the site area as usable open space, where a minimum of 20% is required. Vehicle Parking: The proposal involves a request for a vehicle parking reduction. Per code, the proposal would require 281 parking spaces, and a total of 212 are proposed, resulting in a 25% parking reduction request. Bike Parking: The proposal provides for bike parking exceeding or consistent with code requirements, including providing 24 short-term bike parking spaces at the building entrances where a minimum of 19 are required, and providing 57 long-term bike parking spaces within the building where 57 are required. The proposal also includes a new B- Cycle station in a highly visible and accessible location along Walnut Street, e-bike charging within the indoor bike storage area, and bike repair stations both within the indoor bike storage area and at the short-term bike parking area at the front of the building. TDM: In support of the proposed vehicle parking reduction, the applicant has provided a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan to encourage the use of alternative transportation modes. The proposed TDM plan (Attachment D) includes: • Eco Passes for employees who wish to use transit funded and administered for an initial period of three years. • A $100 per year Alternative Transportation Subsidy Fund for employees that do not need a parking space. Funds can be used on alternative transportation options such as B-Cycle, Lime Scooter, car share memberships, and others. • B-Cycle station to facilitate access to nearby public transit stops and destinations. • Short- and long-term bicycle parking in excess of, or consistent with, minimum requirements (24 short-term spaces where 19 are required, and 57 long-term spaces where 57 are required). • E-bike charging within the long-term bike parking storage area. • Bike repair stations within the long-term bike parking storage area and at the short-term bike parking area at the front entrance. • Showers and locker room available for employees. • Infrastructure improvements along Walnut Street including improving the existing bike lane to a buffered bike lane and construction of an 8’-wide detached sidewalk with an 8’-wide tree lawn. Architecture and Building Design. The proposal includes a two-story building with a contemporary design featuring sloped roofs to conceal the substantial mechanical equipment necessary for research and development uses. The building exterior features high-quality materials including dark brick, metal panel, wood-look accents at building entries and windows, and substantial areas of glazing. The Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review southeast and southwest corners of the building provide an outdoor café patio and a second-level deck, respectively, increasing permeability and activity along Walnut. The proposed building entrance design was updated following the Concept Plan review to better address the public realm. The orientation of the entry was refined and made more prominent and integrated with a well-designed plaza area. The proposed plaza space and surrounding area incorporates numerous human scale elements such as gardens with sculpture and interpretive signage, an outdoor fitness area, seating, B- Cycle station, and bike parking, contributing to the pedestrian experience. Refer to Figures 17 and 18 for renderings, and Attachment B for additional views. Building Height. The proposed height of the building is 52’-11” from the low point of natural grade within 25’ of the building to the roof peak. The roof forms have sloped areas which serve to screen mechanical equipment interior to the building and in centralized areas of the roof. The property is located in the 100-year floodplain, which requires that the lowest level be elevated to the flood protection elevation and/or floodproofed. The finished floor elevation of the lower level of the building is proposed at approximately 5’ above existing grade. (Note that the height of the building is always measured in relation to the low point of natural grade, and not to the proposed elevated grade. The need to elevate the building due to flood constraints effectively reduces the potential height of the structure itself.) The overall height of the building is driven by the proposed interior laboratory uses. The interior spaces are designed to function flexibly for a variety of tenants that require various equipment configurations and research protocols. Laboratory uses also benefit from increased ceiling height for access to the building’s internal mechanical and ventilation/exhaust systems. Figure 17. View along Walnut Street Figure 18. View of updated building entry and plaza Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review The shape of the sloped rooflines is designed to accommodate mechanical penthouses and ductwork within the building, rather than as separate mechanical units on a flat rooftop as is typically seen. The proposed rooflines provide for a unique solution to conceal the large mechanical equipment required for lab operations rather than the typical, boxy screening methods associated with rooftop mechanical. This design also provides for placemaking through a distinctive building design. As depicted in the applicant’s section diagram (Figure 19, below), each of the two levels provides for approximately 16’ in floor-to-floor height, of which approximately 11’ is useable space for tenants and approximately 5’ is for structure and mechanical needs. The building is raised approximately 5’ above existing grade to achieve required flood protection elevation. Together, this equates to a total of 37’ in height. An additional approximately 16’ is proposed for the mechanical penthouse area, totaling just under 53’ in height altogether (52’-11”). As depicted in the applicant’s building elevations (Figure 20, below), the difference in height between what is permitted by-right (45’) and the proposed height (52’-11”) is 7’- 11”. Much of this portion of the building consists of areas of sloped roof forms, concealing mechanical installations. Staff is supportive of the proposed height modification which allows for sloped roof forms and supports efforts to conceal necessary mechanical equipment for the proposed Figure 19. Section diagram through building 52’-11” 45’-0” Figure 20. South elevation with permitted and proposed heights noted Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review research and development uses. The proposal provides for a cohesive and unique appearance to the building and appropriately addresses the need for mechanical screening for the laboratory use. Eligibility for a Height Modification Request. The proposed building design exceeds the permitted building height in Section 9-7-5, "Building Height," B.R.C. 1981. Per Table 7-1 of the land use code, buildings are limited to three stories and up to 45 feet in the IG zone, so long as the site is not adjacent to a residential zoning district or a property designated for low, medium, or high density residential uses in the BVCP. A modification to Section 9-7-5, "Building Height” is required as part of the site review to allow the height of the structure at the proposed 52’-11”. Per Section 9-2-14(g) a public hearing before Planning Board is required for an application that includes a height modification. Section 9-2-14(b)(1)(E), B.R.C. 1981 of the land use code defines specific circumstances in which a height modification can be considered as part of a Site Review. The proposal meets both criterion #1 and criterion #2, listed below: Criterion #1: 9-2-14(b)(1)(E)(i), B.R.C. 1981: “The height modification is to allow a roof that has a pitch of 2:12 or greater in a building with three or fewer stories and the proposed height does not exceed the maximum height permitted in the zoning district by more than ten feet.” Staff Response: The proposal meets criterion #1 to be eligible to request a height modification. The proposal provides a roof pitch greater than 2:12, in a building with two stories, and the proposed height does not exceed the maximum permitted height in the zoning district (45’) by more than 10 feet. Criterion #2: 9-2-14(b)(1)(E)(ii), B.R.C. 1981: “The building is in the Industrial General, Industrial Service, or Industrial Manufacturing Zoning District and has two or fewer stories or the height is necessary for a manufacturing, testing, or other industrial process or equipment.” Staff Response: The proposal meets criterion #2 to be eligible to request a height modification. The proposal is located in the Industrial General Zoning District and has two stories. Note that the proposal does not trigger the community benefit requirements required by criterion #6 (vi). Only projects requesting a height modification related to criterion #6 (vi) are subject to the adopted Community Benefit requirements for “bonus” floor area in Section 9-2-14(h)(2)(K), B.R.C. 1981. The proposal does not include any floor area or Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review density in a fourth or fifth story under 9-2-14(h)(2)(K), B.R.C. 1981, nor a land use intensity modification under 9-2-14(h)(2)(I), B.R.C. 1981. Site Review Criteria Related to Height Modification Request. The above-described criteria establish the eligibility of the project to request a height modification. The criteria by which the proposal is reviewed to determine support for the proposed height modification request are the Site Review criteria in 9-2-14(h) “Criteria for Review,” B.R.C. 1981. Staff recommends specifically considering the criteria related to building design, such as 9-2-14(h)(2)(F)(i), (ii), and (iii), B.R.C. 1981. Responses to these criteria are listed below and in Attachment A. 9-2-14(h)(2)(F) Building Design, Livability and Relationship to the Existing or Proposed Surrounding Area: (i) The building height, mass, scale, orientation, architecture and configuration are compatible with the existing character of the area or the character established by adopted design guidelines or plans for the area; The existing property is a 5.17-acre site, originally developed in 1967 as a 100,800 square-foot warehouse building. The existing character of the surrounding area is eclectic and industrial in nature, and consists of a mix industrial, service, and office uses in one- to three-story buildings with extensive surface parking areas. (A detailed list of surrounding properties is provided under “Background.”) The built form of the surrounding properties provides for individual buildings and parking areas on lots with limited landscaping and open space. The buildings vary in size and era of construction. Several large-format buildings of 100,000-160,000 square feet exist on multi-acre properties, as well as smaller buildings on properties of one acre or less in size. The properties were developed individually rather than as part of an overall planned development, and are not subject to any specific design guidelines or area plan, thus leading to a variety of building designs and uses. The built environment of the surrounding area is also notably impacted by existing transportation facilities. To the north, the BNSF railway exists in an approximately 80’- wide right-of-way that extends through this area of Boulder. To the east, Foothills Pkwy exists in a raised/overpass condition, passing over Walnut Street, the railway, and Pearl Pkwy, before returning to an at-grade condition further north and south of the subject property. The substantial embankments and raised condition of Foothills Pkwy impacts the perception of massing and height in this area to both users of the subject property and surrounding areas, and those traveling on the raised parkway. As noted earlier, the subject property and the adjacent properties along Walnut Street are not within any adopted area plan, and thus are not subject to specific design guidelines to guide the character of the area. The built form and character of the area is a product of the underlying zoning district, which is IG, Industrial General. The intensity and form and bulk standards of the IG zoning district generally allow for a built form of 1-3 story buildings, with a 0.5 FAR (floor area ratio) limitation in the zone district, which limits the Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review amount of floor area that can be built in relation to the size of the property. Due to the FAR limitation, site area is often available to accommodate surface parking and open space requirements, so structured parking is generally not provided and/or economically infeasible. Per Table 7-1 of the land use code, buildings are limited to three stories and up to 45 feet in the IG zone, so long as the site is not adjacent to a residential zoning district or a property designated for low, medium, or high density residential uses in the BVCP. The subject property and adjacent properties along Walnut are eligible for the 45-foot height per this standard. A modification to Section 9-7-5, "Building Height,” B.R.C. 1981 may be requested as part of a site review to allow a building up to 55-feet in height. Given that the character of the area is eclectic, staff finds that the proposed height, mass, scale, orientation, architecture and configuration of the building will be compatible with and improve the character of the area by meeting the design goals established in the site review: • Mass and Scale: The proposed mass and scale of the building is derived from the underlying zoning, resulting in a building size and massing proportionate to lot size. Given the property size of 5.17 acres, a large format building of substantial height would be appropriate and is similar to recently redeveloped properties in the area, in particular the Google office building just to the west at 3333 Walnut (158,199 square- feet, three stories, 45’ to 46’-4” in height, with areas of 11’-high rooftop mechanical screening). • Height: The proposed height of the building is 52’-11”, which is 7’-11” higher than would be permitted by-right and requires approval of a height modification. The proposed modification is requested to allow for the interior lab and mechanical spaces necessary to serve the research and development use, including mechanical penthouse space within a unique sloped roof form. The height modification proposal directly supports the Light Industrial Area Guiding Principles in the BVCP to provide for the opportunity for industrial businesses such as the proposed research and development use, and supports BVCP Policy 2.41 Enhanced Design as a placemaking feature of the building. Refer to the next criterion, 9-2-14(h)(2)(F)(ii), on the following page, for additional discussion regarding height. • Orientation and Configuration: The building is designed with an east-west primary wing adjacent to Walnut Street allowing for a prominent entry feature, activation and transparency along Walnut Street; and a north-south wing oriented to allow for a central circulation through the building and a rear service and loading area at the north end of the site. The configuration of the building design appropriately serves the needs to future research and development building users while providing a human- scale and pedestrian-oriented design at the front of the site and along the public right- of-way. The placement of the building at the west end of the site reduces impacts of the building on the adjacent properties, where the portion of the property to the west consists of an existing parking and access area, the property to the east is buffered Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review from the proposed building by the proposed parking area, landscaping, rain gardens, and perimeter pathway, and the properties to the north and south are buffered by the BNSF railway and Walnut Street, respectively. • Architecture: The proposal includes a two-story building with a contemporary design featuring sloped roofs to conceal the substantial mechanical equipment necessary for research and development uses. The building exterior features high-quality materials including dark brick, metal panel, wood-look accents at building entries and windows, and substantial areas of glazing. The southeast and southwest corners of the building provide an outdoor café patio and a second-level deck, respectively, increasing permeability and activity along Walnut. The shape of the sloped rooflines is designed to accommodate mechanical penthouses and ductwork within the building, rather than as separate mechanical units on a flat rooftop as is typically seen. The proposed rooflines provide for a unique solution to conceal the large mechanical equipment required for lab operations rather than the typical, boxy screening methods associated with rooftop mechanical. This design also provides for placemaking through a distinctive building design that adds to the eclectic mix of buildings and character in the area. (ii) The height of buildings is in general proportion to the height of existing buildings and the proposed or projected heights of approved buildings or approved plans or design guidelines for the immediate area; The proposed height of the building is 52’-11”, which is 7’-11” higher than would be permitted by-right and requires approval of a height modification. As depicted in the applicant’s plan set including section diagram and building elevations, much of this upper portion of the building consists of areas of sloped roof forms that are used to conceal mechanical installations necessary to serve the research and development use. The building is also required to be elevated by approximately 5’ due to the 100- year floodplain, which effectively reduces the potential height of the structure itself. (Refer to “Building Height” earlier in the memo for additional discussion and information.) Staff finds height of the proposed building is in general proportion to the height of existing buildings in the immediate area. The height of the building is in proportion with and similar to recently redeveloped properties in the area, including the office building just to the west at 3333 Walnut, which consists of a 158,199 square-feet, three story building, 45’ to 46’-4” in height, with areas of 11’ rooftop mechanical screening (approved by Height Review H-92- 80, Site Review SI-97-16 and Site Review LUR2012-00049). Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review The height of existing buildings immediately to the east, south, and north of the site vary in height based on the type of use (warehouse or industrial buildings often requiring higher floor-to-ceiling heights), the size of the lot, and the era of construction. The nearest of these properties include: • Two-story building at 3640 Walnut for Shredder Indoor Ski and Snowboard School and The Pet Spot pet boarding services, constructed circa 1987 on 1.34 acres. • One story buildings at 3720 Walnut and 3750 Walnut for Rocky Mountain Rescue Group and General Air Service & Supply, constructed in the 1960s on 0.5-1.0 acre lots. • One story building at 1860 38th St. for Modular Robotics, constructed in the 1960s on two acres. • To the north across the BNSF railway, two large multi-use industrial buildings for La Sportiva at 3850 Frontier Ave. (63,000 square-feet) and multiple tenants at 3550 Frontier Ave. (125,000 square-feet), constructed in the 1960s on 2.5 and 8.1 acres, respectively. The height of the proposed building has been designed to be in general proportion with the height of these existing buildings, including by providing substantial setbacks from these properties and by providing sloped roof forms to reduce the visual impact of the height. The proposal provides an over 250’ setback from the property to the east, and is buffered from that property by the proposed parking area, trees and landscaping, rain gardens, and perimeter pathway. The proposal provides substantial separation to the north and south via the approximately 80’ rights-of-way of both Walnut Street and the BNSF railway, in addition to placing the building consistent with minimum front and rear setback requirements. Finally, the proposed height of the building is proportional to surrounding buildings in that the portion of the building requiring a height modification consists primarily of a sloped roof form, which reduces the visual impact of the height. The proposed height modification is requested to allow for interior screening of mechanical equipment, which would otherwise be provided on a flat rooftop as mechanical units, that would potentially increase the perceived mass and bulk of the building. Additionally, staff finds that the height of the building is in proportion with the projected heights of buildings based on approved plans for the immediate area. All surrounding properties noted above are located in the IG and IS-1 zoning districts, and are eligible for a by-right height of up to 45’, which would be within 8’ of the proposed height of this building and proportional in height. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review (iii) The orientation of buildings minimizes shadows on and blocking of views from adjacent properties; Views are available from the site and the public right-of-way along Walnut towards the Flatirons to the southwest. As noted above, the proposal provides an over 250’ setback from the property to the east, limiting the impact of the building mass and height on blocking views from that property. Further to the east, Foothills Pkwy exists in a raised/overpass condition, passing over Walnut Street, the railway, and Pearl Pkwy, before returning to an at-grade condition further north and south of the subject property. The substantial embankments and raised condition of Foothills Pkwy impacts the perception of massing and height in this area and available views. Views across the property would still be available for users traveling on the Parkway, but the raised parkway itself and associated embankments significantly impact views at ground level further east. The building is required to meet solar access requirements for Solar Access Area II, which provides for a 25’ solar fence to protect solar access protection principally for rooftops. The subject property is surrounded to the north by the railroad right-of-way and to the west by an existing parking area covered by an easement, where no buildings would be constructed and thus no rooftop solar would be impacted. The proposal will be required to demonstrate final compliance with the solar access requirements at the time of technical document review. UPDATES SINCE CONCEPT PLAN Following the Concept Plan Review hearing on April 28, 2022, the applicant revised the proposal. Key revisions are described below. Figure 21. Comparison of site plan proposed at Concept Plan (left) and Site Review (right) Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review • Parking Reduction: It was discussed at the Concept Plan hearing that a greater parking reduction than proposed at Concept Plan could be considered. The parking reduction request was increased from 20% at the time of Concept Plan, to 25% with this Site Review proposal, reducing the amount of parking spaces on the site. • TDM Plan: Encouragement was provided at the Concept Plan hearing for the TDM plan to go beyond minimum standards. The proposed TDM plan includes a B-Cycle station, e-bike charging, bike repair stations, showers and lockers for employees, Eco Passes for employees, an Alternative Transportation Subsidy Fund for employees that do not need a parking space to use on alternative transportation, short- and long-term bike parking, and improvements to pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure along Walnut Street. • Transportation Connections: Given the technical and regulatory challenges involved in crossing the BNSF railway and staff recommendation against pursuing such a connection, the proposal was referred to the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) by City Council. The proposal to amend the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan was discussed and supported at TAB’s Jul. 11, 2022 meeting. Refer to ‘Board Feedback’ for additional details. At the TAB meeting, the applicant team and board members discussed how the proposal could be updated to allow for connectivity via a path south of the BNSF right-of-way, on the subject property, with connections to Walnut Street. The proposed path has been provided with this Site Review and includes a perimeter walking path providing access from the public right-of-way to all sides of the site. The proposal also enhances transportation connections along Walnut Street via an 8-foot buffered bike lane, an 8’-tree lawn, and 8’-detached sidewalk. • Building Design: At the Concept Plan hearing, there were recommendations to adjust the building entrance design to better relate to the public street. In response, the proposal was revised to refine the orientation of the main building entry to better relate to the public street and to provide a prominent entry plaza. The building entry and plaza provide numerous human scale elements such as outdoor café patio seating, gardens with sculpture and interpretive signage, an outdoor fitness area, B-Cycle station, and bike parking. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review • Height Modification: At the Concept Plan hearing, board members recommended more specificity and context regarding the height modification request, and for the applicant to clearly address the applicable site review criteria. As part of the Site Review proposal, the applicant provided information regarding buildings in the surrounding area, responses to site review criteria, and precedent information for a project utilizing the similar design approach to conceal mechanical within a sloped rooftop. This information is provided in the Applicant’s proposed plan set in Attachment B and the Applicant’s written statement in Attachment C. ANALYSIS / KEY ISSUES 1. KEY ISSUE 1: Is the proposed project, with its modifications to height and vehicular parking standards, consistent with the Site Review Criteria of the Land Use Code section 9-2-14(h)? Site Review Criteria: Staff finds that the proposal for a research and development facility in the industrial area is consistent with the land use map, service area map, and, on balance, the policies of the BVCP and designed in a manner that is consistent with the Site Review criteria Section 9-2-14(h), B.R.C. 1981. Refer to the full analysis with the Site Review criteria provided in Attachment A. Figure 22. Comparison of entry design at Concept Plan (top) and Site Review (bottom) Concept Plan Site Review Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review BVCP Designation and Policies: Staff finds the proposal is consistent with the Light Industrial land use designation of the BVCP and the uses envisioned in that plan, and consistent with the following BVCP goals and policies: • 2.03 Compact Development Pattern • 2.21 Light Industrial Areas • 2.25 Improve Mobility Grid & Connections • 2.36 Physical Design for People • 2.41 Enhanced Design for All Projects • 5.01 Revitalizing Commercial & Industrial Areas Refer to Attachment A for full responses regarding these BVCP policies. Building Height Modification: In order to permit the proposed building height above the 45-foot zoning district height limit of the IG zone, the project must meet one of the circumstances listed under 9-2-14(b)(1)(E) “Height Modifications, B.R.C. 1981, in addition to the site review criteria. The proposal is consistent with both 9-2- 14(b)(1)(E)(i) and (ii), B.R.C. 1981 and thus eligible to request a height modification. Refer to the earlier sections of this memo “Eligibility for a Height Modification Request” and “Site Review Criteria Related to Height Modification Request” for additional detail. Staff finds that the proposal meets the Site Review criteria of Section 9-2-14(h), B.R.C. 1981 and supports the height modification request. Full responses to the Site Review criteria can be found in Attachment A. Fence Height Modification: The proposal includes a request to allow for a 12’-tall utility screen wall at the rear utility yard, at the rear of the property, where a maximum of 7’ is otherwise permitted per 9-9-15, Fences and Walls, B.R.C. 1981. The proposal for a higher utility screen provides for improved screening of the rear utility area and staff is supportive of the proposal given the design intent and location. Parking Reduction: Staff finds that the request for a 25% vehicle parking reduction on the site is consistent with the criteria for a parking reduction in 9-2-14(h)(2)(L) “Additional Criteria for Parking Reductions,” B.R.C. 1981. Refer to the complete analysis in Attachment A and the applicant’s Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plan found in Attachment D. 2. KEY ISSUE 2: Is the proposed amendment to the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan consistent with the applicable amendment criteria? As described earlier, the site is located within the boundaries of the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan. Planned connections and the overall multi-modal mobility and access for a site are evaluated through the Site Review process. The Site Review criteria concerning circulation and site design require that a project provide safe and convenient connections that support multi-modal mobility through and Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review between properties, accessible to the public within the project and between the project and the existing and proposed transportation systems. The following connections are indicated on the plans that impact the proposed project: 1. Bike lane improvement contained in the Low-Stress Walk and Bike Network Plan within the current Transportation Master Plan. The Low-Street Walk and Bike Network Plan has identified the need to provide a buffer for the existing bike lanes on Walnut St. 2. Planned north-south street connection along the west property line in the Transportation Connections Plan within the Transit Village Area Plan. The indicated bike lane improvements have been provided with the proposal to help ensure consistency with the site review criteria described above. However, the street connection depicted in the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan is not supported by staff as part of the subject proposal and an amendment has been requested by the applicant to remove this connection from the plan. The connection depicted on the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan (Figure 23, below) is a new collector street indicated as a connection from Walnut Street to Frontier Avenue via an underpass at the BNSF railway. The Connections Explanation of the collector street #62 is as follows (page 64 of TVAP): Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review “Local connection: This road will connect Frontier Avenue to Walnut Street and include an underpass at the railroad tracks. This will significantly improve access to this area and support the planned increase in land use intensity. This connection was suggested by the property owners with the understanding that they will pay for the full cost of this street and underpass.” When the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan was created in 2007, it does not appear that preliminary engineering was done to identify the feasibility of constructing the planned street cross-section or determine how the planned street would impact adjacent private properties. Additionally, it is staff’s understanding that 3675 - 3825 Walnu Figure 23. Transportation Connections Plan (TVAP) Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review the proposed connection was not discussed with the State’s Public Utilities Commission (PUC) upon adoption. The State’s PUC regulates railroad crossings and is the approval agency for any work to be performed in the railroad right-of-way. Staff does not believe the PUC would approve a new underpass across the railroad right-of-way. The technical and regulatory issues surrounding construction of the planned connection were discussed at the Concept Plan review hearing before Planning Board on April 28, 2022, and at the TAB meeting on July 11, 2022. As part of the presentation to TAB, the applicant team provided a feasibility analysis of constructing the planned connection (Attachment F). The applicant’s analysis demonstrates the technical and regulatory infeasibility of constructing the planned connection as either an underpass or an overpass due to the vertical clearance required by BNSF to cross the railway, city Design and Construction Standards slope requirements, and lack of adequate distance on the subject property to accommodate the necessary height and slope. Additionally, an underpass condition would result in additional concerns related to the existing floodplain, conveyance, and high hazard zone that exists at the railroad tracks, and an overpass condition would result in a steeply sloped and imposing overpass similar to what exists just to the east at Foothills Parkway. Either proposal would be technically infeasible without variances from the city’s Design and Construction Standards, would require additional land from adjacent property owners, and would create a significant cost burden on the subject property owner. It is unlikely that the cost of constructing an underpass or overpass could be exacted from the property owner as part of the subject proposal. It should be noted that any underpass or overpass proposal including those limited to bike or pedestrian access would be required to meet ADA accessibility requirements, resulting in the same feasibility issues regarding vertical clearance, slope, adjacent property owners, and exactions, among other issues. The applicant’s analysis also evaluated an at-grade connection across the railway. Staff is not supportive of an at-grade connection of any type including pedestrian, bicycle or vehicular due to multiple technical, regulatory, and safety issues. BNSF and the PUC oppose new at-grade crossings due to significant safety and liability concerns. Additionally, staff’s understanding is that the existing quiet zone exemption in the area would likely no longer be permitted by the Federal Railroad Administration if a pedestrian/bike at-grade connection was added due to safety issues inherent with such crossings, which would have impacts for the broader community in the area. Consequently, the applicant’s proposed plans (Attachment B) do not show planned connection #62. TVAP allows for amendments of planned connections due to either a physical hardship or practical hardship that would prevent construction of the connection. The applicant has requested to amend the planned connections. Per Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Chapter 4 of TVAP the elimination of a collector street requires approval by the Planning Board and City Council. The TVAP Amendment Process (page 42 of TVAP) states: Any amendment to the Connections Plan will be permitted upon a finding that one of the criteria has been met: 1. Such amendment is due to a physical hardship or practical hardship that would prevent construction of the connection; 2. The connection is made in a manner that is equivalent to the connection shown on the Connections Plan; or 3. Such amendment is consistent with the objectives of the Connections Plan described above. Staff finds that the criteria to approve the proposed amendment to remove connection #62 is met due to both the physical hardship (technical infeasibility) of constructing the planned connection, and the practical hardship (regulatory infeasibility) of obtaining approval for a crossing within the railroad right-of-way. Therefore, staff supports the proposed amendment to remove this planned connection from the TVAP Connections Plan. Additionally, staff finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the objectives of the Connections Plan. The proposed amendment will allow for the development of the subject property through the Site Review process, resulting in a project that meets the TVAP Transportation Connections Objectives (page 41-42 of TVAP) to establish a pedestrian-friendly environment, create safe and convenient access to transit, and support other relevant goals of the BVCP and TMP. STAFF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that the proposed project meets the criteria of Section 9-2-14, B.R.C. 1981 and the criteria in TVAP for an amendment and is recommending that Planning Board approve the application and the amendment to the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan in the form of the following motion: Suggested Motion Language: Motion to approve Site Review application #LUR2022-00041 and the proposed amendment to the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan, adopting the staff memorandum as findings of fact, including the attached analysis of review criteria, and subject to the conditions of approval recommended in the staff memorandum. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR THE SITE REVIEW: Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 1. The Applicant shall ensure that the development shall be in compliance with all plans prepared by the Applicant on June 2, 2023, the written statement prepared by the Applicant on June 2, 2023, and the Transportation Demand Management (“TDM”) Plan dated June 2, 2023, all on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except to the extent that the development may be modified by the conditions of this approval. 2. Prior to building permit application, the Applicant shall submit, and obtain City Manager approval of, a Technical Document Review application for the following items: a. Final architectural plans, including material samples and colors, to ensure compliance with the intent of this approval and compatibility with the surrounding area. The architectural intent shown on the plans prepared by the Applicant on June 2, 2023 is acceptable. Planning staff will review plans to assure that the architectural intent is performed. b. A final site plan which includes detailed floor plans and section drawings. c. A final utility plan meeting the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. d. A final storm water report and plan meeting the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards and that has been approved by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Region 4 Hydraulics Unit to allow stormwater discharge onto and across CDOT right-of-way. e. Final transportation plans meeting the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards (DCS) for all transportation improvements. These plans must include, but are not limited to: public sidewalk plan and profile drawings with the information listed in DCS 1.03(E), signage and striping plans in conformance with Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards, and transportation detail drawings. f. A detailed landscape plan, including size, quantity, and type of plants existing and proposed; type and quality of non-living landscaping materials; any site grading proposed; and any irrigation system proposed, to ensure compliance with this approval and the City's landscaping requirements. Removal of trees must receive prior approval of the Planning Department. Removal of any tree in City right of way must also receive prior approval of the City Forester. g. A detailed outdoor lighting plan showing location, size, and intensity of illumination units, indicating compliance with section 9-9-16, B.R.C.1981. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review h. A detailed shadow analysis meeting the City's solar access requirements of section 9-9-17, B.R.C. 1981. i. An address plat following the city’s addressing policy to create a new address. 3. Prior to building permit application, the Applicant shall dedicate to the City, at no cost to the City, the easements necessary to serve the development, including but not limited to the following easements as shown on the plans prepared by the Applicant on June 2, 2023, meeting the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, as part of Technical Document Review applications, the form and final location of which shall be subject to the approval of the City Manager: a. A public access easement along Walnut Street extending to 1’ behind back of public sidewalk. b. A 25’ combined utility and emergency access easement for water main extension and emergency vehicle access within the site. c. A 20’ emergency access easement for emergency vehicle turnaround within the site. d. Drainage easements for stormwater quality improvements / rain gardens and for maintenance access to such improvements. 4. Prior to building permit application, the Applicant shall submit to the City, and obtain approval of, a Technical Document Review application meeting the requirements of Chapter 9-12, “Subdivision,” B.R.C. 1981, to eliminate the following lot line: a. The lot line between the parcel generally known as 3675 Walnut St. which is more particularly described in the Warranty Deed recorded on March 31, 1967 at Film 598, Rec. No. 842965 in the records of the Boulder County Clerk and Recorder (“Parcel E”) and the parcel generally known as 3825 Walnut St. which is more particularly described in the Warranty Deed recorded on December 7, 1976 at Film 947, Rec. No. 202253 in the records of the Boulder County Clerk and Recorder (“Parcel D"). 5. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit a financial guarantee, in a form acceptable to the City Manager, in an amount equal to the cost of providing eco-passes to the employees of the development for three years after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 6. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit a financial guarantee, in a form acceptable to the City Manager, to secure the creation of an Alternative Transportation Subsidy Fund which shall provide funds of no less than $100 per year for three years after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for each employee not using a parking space for the year, and shall submit a plan Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review for the management of the fund, subject to review and approval of the City Manager. 7. Prior to requesting a final inspection on any building permit, the Applicant shall construct and complete, subject to acceptance by the City, all improvements necessary to convey stormwater discharge over and across 3865 Walnut and CDOT right of way in conformance with the approved engineering plans and with the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. 8. Prior to submittal of a Technical Document review application, the Applicant must obtain City Council approval of the proposed amendment to Transit Village Area Plan (“TVAP”) Connections Plan connection number 62. 9. The Applicant shall be responsible for maintaining all stormwater quality improvements and stormwater detention improvements. 10. Prior to building permit application, the Applicant must demonstrate dedication by the owner(s) of the underlying property, to the City, at no cost to the City, of a 10’ off-site drainage easement for conveyance of stormwater drainage across the property to the east that is generally known as 3865 Walnut Street, as shown on the plans prepared by the Applicant on June 2, 2023, meeting the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, as part of a Technical Document Review application, the form and final location of which shall be subject to the approval of the City Manager. By: Brad Mueller, Secretary to the Planning Board ATTACHMENTS Attachment A – Analysis of review criteria Attachment B – Applicant’s proposed plans Attachment C – Applicant’s written statement Attachment D – Applicant’s Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan Attachment E – Applicant’s Vested Rights Form Attachment F – Applicant’s TAB Presentation Attachment G – Development Review Committee (DRC) comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 1 REVIEW CRITERIA 9-2-14, Site Review, B.R.C. 1981 . . . (b)(1)(E) Height Modifications: A development which exceeds the permitted height requirements of Section 9-7-5, "Building Height," or 9-7-6, "Building Height, Conditional," B.R.C. 1981, is required to complete a site review and is not subject to the minimum threshold requirements. No standard other than height may be modified under the site review unless the project is also eligible for site review. A development that exceeds the permitted height requirements of Section 9-7-5 or 9-7-6, B.R.C. 1981, must meet any one of the following circumstances in addition to the site review criteria: (i) The height modification is to allow a roof that has a pitch of 2:12 or greater in a building with three or fewer stories and the proposed height does not exceed the maximum height permitted in the zoning district by more than ten feet. The proposal meets this criterion to be eligible to request a height modification. The proposal provides a roof pitch greater than 2:12, in a building with two stories, and the proposed height does not exceed the maximum permitted height in the zoning district (45’) by more than 10 feet. (ii) The building is in the Industrial General, Industrial Service, or Industrial Manufacturing Zoning District and has two or fewer stories or the height is necessary for a manufacturing, testing, or other industrial process or equipment. The proposal meets this criterion to be eligible to request a height modification. The proposal is located in the Industrial General Zoning District and has two stories. n/a (iii) The height modification is to allow up to the greater of two stories or the maximum number of stories permitted in Section 9-7-1, B.R.C. 1981, in a building and the height modification is necessary because of the topography of the site. n/a (iv) At least forty percent of the floor area of the building is used for units that meet the requirements for permanently affordable units in Chapter 9-13, "Inclusionary Housing," B.R.C. 1981. n/a (v) The height modification is to allow an emergency operations antenna. n/a (vi) The building or use is located in an area designated in Appendix J, "Areas Where Height Modifications May Be Considered," and meets the requirements of Paragraph 9-2-14(h)(2)(K), "Additional Criteria for Height Bonuses and Land Use Intensity Modifications for Properties Designated Within Appendix J," B.R.C. 1981. [3] (Note: Appendix J expired on August 31, 2021 per Ordinance No. 8453.) . . . Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 2 (h) Criteria for Review: No site review application shall be approved unless the approving agency finds that: (1)Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan: (A) The proposed site plan is consistent with the land use map and the service area map and, on balance, the policies of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. Service Area Map. The property is located within Planning Area I, defined as, “the area within the City of Boulder that has adequate urban facilities and services and is expected to continue to accommodate urban development.” Redevelopment on the site is consistent with the service area map. BVCP Land Use. The property is designated as “Light Industrial” on the land use map of the BVCP, which is described as follows: The proposed redevelopment of the site as a research and development facility is an appropriate use for the site, and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan land use. BVCP Policies. Staff finds that the proposed project is consistent with several BVCP policies related to design including: 2.21 Light Industrial Areas – The proposal is part of the existing light industrial area that the city supports and seeks to preserve for a variety of uses, including research. The proposal allows for redevelopment contributing to improved placemaking. Consistent with the Light Industrial Area Guiding Principles in the BVCP, the proposal provides for the opportunity for businesses involved in research and development, provides a space for a café on the site to serve the daily needs of employees, includes improved bike and pedestrian transportation amenities, and uses parking management strategies via the proposed TDM plan. 2.03 Compact Development Pattern – The proposal provides a redevelopment and takes advantage of existing urban services on a site that has been fully developed since the 1960s. 2.25 Improve Mobility Grid & Connections – The proposal provides for improvements to pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure along Walnut Street, on-site pedestrian circulation, and mobility improvements such as a B-Cycle station, e-bike charging, bike repair stations, and short- and long-term bike parking. 2.36 Physical Design for People – The proposal provides for a design prioritizing human needs including for high-quality outdoor gathering spaces, an outdoor fitness area, and pedestrian and bicycle connections. Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 3 2.41 Enhanced Design for All Projects – The proposal relates positively to public streets with a well-designed face to the public realm; provides for a complete network of vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian connections; reduces the amount of parking provided through a parking reduction and screens parking areas from the street; provides a human scale plaza at the primary building entry incorporating sculptures/art; provides for permeability in the site design with multiple pathways in and through the site and on-site spaces contributing to a unique sense of place; includes well-designed functional open spaces such as gardens, a plaza, pathways, and outdoor exercise area; and provides an innovative building with an inviting entry, high quality materials, and a placemaking design that serves the specific programmatic needs of the use. 5.01 Revitalizing Commercial & Industrial Areas – The proposal provides for redevelopment that serves the specific needs of the proposed research and development use and will allow for revitalization of the existing property. n/a (B) The proposed development shall not exceed the maximum density associated with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan residential land use designation. Additionally, if the density of existing residential development within a three- hundred-foot area surrounding the site is at or exceeds the density permitted in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, then the maximum density permitted on the site shall not exceed the lesser of: Not applicable; not a residential use. (C) The proposed development's success in meeting the broad range of BVCP policies considers the economic feasibility of implementation techniques required to meet other site review criteria. The project is designed so it is economically feasible to meet, on balance, BVCP policies and the other site review criteria. (2) Site Design: Projects should preserve and enhance the community's unique sense of place through creative design that respects historic character, relationship to the natural environment, multi-modal transportation connectivity and its physical setting. Projects should utilize site design techniques which are consistent with the purpose of site review in Subsection (a) of this section and enhance the quality of the project. In determining whether this subsection is met, the approving agency will consider the following factors: (A) Open Space: Open space, including, without limitation, parks, recreation areas and playgrounds: (i) Useable open space is arranged to be accessible and functional and incorporates quality landscaping, a mixture of sun and shade and places to gather; Well-designed usable outdoor spaces are provided for employees and guests on the site where little to no such space exists today. The open space design provides a prominent entry plaza and outdoor café patio surrounded by Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 4 gardens that feature interpretive signage and a sculpture, as well as an outdoor fitness area, perimeter walking path, rain gardens, and landscaped areas throughout the site. n/a (ii) Private open space is provided for each detached residential unit; (iii) The project provides for the preservation of or mitigation of adverse impacts to natural features, including, without limitation, healthy long-lived trees, significant plant communities, ground and surface water, wetlands, riparian areas, drainage areas and species on the federal Endangered Species List, "Species of Special Concern in Boulder County" designated by Boulder County, or prairie dogs ( Cynomys ludiovicianus ), which is a species of local concern, and their habitat; The site has been developed since the 1960s and is largely paved with little to no existing natural features. (iv) The open space provides a relief to the density, both within the project and from surrounding development; The intensity standards for the IG zoning district are related to the provision of 10 to 20 percent of the site as open space depending on the height of the building per land use code section 9-8-1, B.R.C. 1981. The land use code section 9-9-11(c), B.R.C. 1981 specifies that any building forty-five to fifty-five feet in height shall provide at least twenty percent of the total land area as useable open space. The proposed building is 52’-11” and therefore, the required open space area is 20 percent of the site. The project plans illustrate that the proposal provides 35 percent of the site area as usable open space, exceeding the minimum requirement and providing a relief to density within the project site and surrounding development. (v) Open space designed for active recreational purposes is of a size that it will be functionally useable and located in a safe and convenient proximity to the uses to which it is meant to serve; The proposal is a research and development use designed for employees and visitors. The proposal includes passive outdoor spaces for sitting and gathering via an entry plaza and an outdoor café patio; and active outdoor spaces via a perimeter walking path connecting to the city’s sidewalk and bike system and an outdoor fitness station, allowing active recreational uses such as walking, running, biking, and exercising. (vi) The open space provides a buffer to protect sensitive environmental features and natural areas; and The site has been developed since the 1960s and is largely paved with little to no existing natural features on-site or adjacent to the property. The proposal would provide improvements to water quality through the introduction of rain gardens and landscaped areas, and drainage improvements to address Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 5 stormwater management. The site is located in the 100-year floodplain and the proposal would provide a project consistent with flood control requirements. (vii) If possible, open space is linked to an area- or city-wide system. The surrounding properties are developed as industrial uses and there is no adjacent open space as part of a city-wide system. However, the proposal is linked to the city’s transportation system and will enhance multi-modal connectivity by providing a buffered bike lane and detached sidewalk along Walnut Street and providing a perimeter walking path to allow for connectivity throughout the site. The proposal also includes provision of a B-Cycle station that allows users to travel to other B-Cycle facilities throughout the city. n/a (B) Open Space in Mixed Use Developments (Developments That Contain a Mix of Residential and Nonresidential Uses): (C) Landscaping: (i) The project provides for aesthetic enhancement and a variety of plant and hard surface materials, and the selection of materials provides for a variety of colors and contrasts and the preservation or use of local native vegetation where appropriate; The proposed landscaping includes a variety of plant and hardscape materials to enhance the aesthetics of the site. Featured prominently at the main building entry, garden areas are designed with stones and water-wise and native plant materials surrounding a pedestrian-oriented entry plaza. This area includes a mix of low-water demand perennials, shrubs, wildflowers, ornamental grasses, and trees, and will feature sculptures and interpretive signage to provide information to visitors. A shade garden is also provided north of southern wing of the building, and rain gardens are provided within the parking area and at the north end of the site, bringing a variety of plant materials to the project and improving stormwater management. Landscaping is also provided in the setbacks, right- Stone planting detail from applicant’s plan set Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 6 of-way, and parking areas to provide parking lot shading and screening, enhance the design of the building and outdoor spaces, and meet or exceed all tree and shrub quantity requirements. (ii) Landscape design attempts to avoid, minimize or mitigate impacts on and off site to important native species, healthy, long lived trees, plant communities of special concern, threatened and endangered species and habitat by integrating the existing natural environment into the project; There are no known important native species or those of special concern on the site or adjacent to the property. The site is largely paved with a few existing trees. Some existing trees are proposed to be removed, in particular at the front of the site where undergrounding the existing overhead power lines is necessary. There are approximately 15 existing trees on the site; following completion of the project the site will provide approximately 105 trees throughout. (iii) The project provides significant amounts of plant material sized in excess of the landscaping requirements of Sections 9-9-12, "Landscaping and Screening Standards," and 9-9-13, "Streetscape Design Standards," B.R.C. 1981; and The proposal meets or exceeds all landscaping plant material minimum requirements, including parking lot trees (32 required and 35 provided); site trees and shrubs (52 trees and 259 shrubs required and 57 trees and 259 shrubs provided); and street trees (13 required and 13 provided). Note that street trees are provided behind the public sidewalk due to utility conflicts in the tree lawn along Walnut Street where a minimum of 10’ of separation is required between the tree and utility lines. Additionally, the proposal provides a water-wise site design, with no areas of turf grass or high water use zones. (iv) The setbacks, yards and useable open space along public rights of way are landscaped to provide attractive streetscapes, to enhance architectural features and to contribute to the development of an attractive site plan. The front setback along Walnut Street has been thoughtfully landscaped with garden areas featuring boulders and interpretive signage, consistent with the front entry to the building. Landscape screening is provided along the parking area. An inviting, wide entry plaza/walkway allows for clear pedestrian and bike access into the site and to the building entry. A B-Cycle station is also located in a prominent location near the public sidewalk for use by employees, visitors, and the public. Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 7 (D) Circulation: Circulation, including, without limitation, the transportation system that serves the property, whether public or private and whether constructed by the developer or not: (i) High speeds are discouraged or a physical separation between streets and the project is provided; High speeds and potential conflicts with vehicles are discouraged through the elimination of two existing curb cuts, reducing the number of vehicular access points from the public right-of-way from three to one. Vehicular circulation through the site is clearly indicated on a central drive that moves through the site providing access to parking areas, the rear loading dock/service area, and a pick-up/drop-off area at the front entry. Physical separation is provided between vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation via raised and separated pedestrian areas including a raised crosswalk with differentiated surface material at the pick-up/drop-off area and lighted bollards. Improvements are provided to Walnut Street to provide a buffered bike lane and detached sidewalk as per city standards. Pedestrian access is enhanced throughout the site, including a pedestrian plaza at the center of the site and path at the perimeter. (ii) Potential conflicts with vehicles are minimized; See response to “i” above. The loading/service area has been placed at the rear of the site to allow for adequate vehicle turning and backing movements away from pedestrian-oriented areas at the center of the site. Accessible parking has been provided adjacent to the building, eliminating the need for persons entering the building from these spaces to cross the central access drive. (iii) Safe and convenient connections are provided that support multi-modal mobility through and between properties, accessible to the public within the project and between the project and the existing and proposed transportation systems, including, without limitation, streets, bikeways, pedestrianways and trails; Rendering of proposed landscaping along Walnut St. Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 8 The proposal provides safe and convenient connections through the property and connects to the city’s multi-modal transportation systems. The proposal will enhance multi-modal connectivity by providing a buffered bike lane and detached sidewalk along Walnut Street. Pedestrian access is enhanced throughout the site, including a wide pedestrian pathway and plaza at the center of the site and a walking path at the perimeter of the site on all sides. The proposal also includes provision of a B-Cycle station that allows users to travel to other B-Cycle facilities throughout the city. In addition, the proposal provides for 24 short-term and 57 long-term bike parking spaces at the building entrance and interior bike storage area, e-bike charging, and two bike repair stations. (iv) Alternatives to the automobile are promoted by incorporating site design techniques, land use patterns and supporting infrastructure that supports and encourages walking, biking and other alternatives to the single-occupant vehicle; Alternatives to the automobile are promoted through the site design, including the request for a 25% parking reduction to reduce the amount of parking provided on site, and through infrastructure improvements including buffered bike lane and detached sidewalk on Walnut. Walking and biking are encouraged with pedestrian pathways provided throughout the site, and the inclusion of a B-Cycle station, short- and long-term bike parking, e-bike charging, bike repair stations, shower and locker room facilities, and a TDM plan. (v) Where practical and beneficial, a significant shift away from single-occupant vehicle use to alternate modes is promoted through the use of travel demand management techniques; The applicant is requesting a 25 percent parking reduction that reduces the amount of required parking from 281 spaces to 212 spaces on the site. The proposal is supported by a TDM Plan (Attachment D) which includes: • Eco Passes for employees funded and administered for an initial period of three years. • A $100 per year Alternative Transportation Subsidy Fund for employees that do not need a parking space for an initial period of three years. Funds can be used on alternative transportation options such as B-Cycle, Lime Scooter, car share memberships, and others. • B-Cycle station to facilitate access to nearby public transit stops and destinations. • Short- and long-term bicycle parking in excess of, or consistent with, minimum requirements (24 short-term spaces where 19 are required, and 57 long-term spaces where 57 are required). • E-bike charging within the long-term bike parking storage area. Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 9 • Bike repair stations within the long-term bike parking storage area and at the short-term bike parking area at the front entrance. • Showers and locker room available for employees. • Infrastructure improvements along Walnut Street including improving the existing bike lane to a buffered bike lane and construction of an 8’-wide detached sidewalk with an 8’-wide tree lawn. (vi) On-site facilities for external linkage are provided with other modes of transportation, where applicable; The site is subject to the city’s Transportation Master Plan (including the Low- Stress Walk and Bike Network Plan), and the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan. The following connections are indicated on the plans: 1. Bike lane improvement to provide a buffer for the existing bike lanes on Walnut St. Response: The proposal provides for this buffered bike lane, as well as an 8’- wide detached sidewalk and 8’-wide tree lawn. 2. Multi-use path connection adjacent to the north property line of the site, within the railroad right-of-way. Response: Because the multi-use path is not on this property, it is not proposed nor required to be implemented as part of this project. The proposal provides for a perimeter pathway at the west, north, and east edges of the site to allow for pedestrian access throughout the site. 3. Planned north-south street underpass connection along the west property line in the Transit Village Area Plan (TVAP) Transportation Connections Plan (connection #62). Response: The technical and regulatory issues surrounding construction of the planned connection were discussed at the Concept Plan review hearing before Planning Board on April 28, 2022, and at the TAB meeting on July 11, 2022. As part of the presentation to TAB, the applicant team provided a feasibility analysis of constructing the planned connection (Attachment F). The applicant’s analysis demonstrates the technical and regulatory infeasibility of constructing the planned connection. Refer to Key Issue #2 in the staff memo for additional details. Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 10 Therefore, the applicant’s proposed plans (Attachment B) do not show planned connection #62. TVAP allows for amendments of planned connections due to either a physical hardship or practical hardship that would prevent construction of the connection. Staff finds that the criteria to approve the proposed amendment to remove connection #62 is met due to both the physical hardship (technical infeasibility) of constructing the planned connection, and the practical hardship (regulatory infeasibility) of obtaining approval for a crossing within the railroad right-of-way. Therefore, staff supports the proposed amendment to remove this planned connection from the TVAP Connections Plan. Additionally, staff finds that the proposal is consistent with the objectives of the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan. The applicant’s proposal will allow for the redevelopment of the subject property, resulting in a project that meets the TVAP Transportation Connections Objectives (page 41-42 of TVAP) to establish a pedestrian-friendly environment, create safe and convenient access to transit, and support other relevant goals of the BVCP and TMP. The proposal provides for infrastructure improvements along Walnut, pedestrian pathways throughout the site, a B-Cycle station, short- and long-term bike parking, e-bike charging, bike repair stations, eco-passes, and an alternative transportation subsidy fund, among other items. Refer to Key Issue #2 in the staff memo for additional details. (vii) The amount of land devoted to the street system is minimized; and The applicant is requesting a 25 percent parking reduction, which reduces the amount of land devoted to the street system. The proposal also eliminates two existing curb cuts, reducing the number of vehicular access points from the public right-of-way from three to one. (viii) The project is designed for the types of traffic expected, including, without limitation, automobiles, bicycles and pedestrians, and provides safety, separation from living areas and control of noise and exhaust. The proposed project is designed for the types of traffic expected, including automobiles, truck deliveries, bicycles, and pedestrians. The proposed project is designed to place delivery loading and unloading at the rear of the site, away from areas of pedestrian activity. Pedestrian circulation is clearly indicated via raised and separated pedestrian areas including a raised crosswalk with differentiated surface material at the pick-up/drop-off area and lighted bollards. Bicycle use is encouraged via an updated buffered bike lane and provision of a B-Cycle station, bike parking, bike repair stations, and e- bike charging. (E) Parking: Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 11 (i) The project incorporates into the design of parking areas measures to provide safety, convenience and separation of pedestrian movements from vehicular movements; The project design incorporates clearly indicated pedestrian and vehicular circulation through the site to provide safe and convenient pedestrian movements. Physical separation is provided between vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation from the main parking area via a raised crosswalk with differentiated surface material and lighted bollards. Accessible parking has been provided adjacent to the building, eliminating the need for persons entering the building from these spaces to cross the central access drive. (ii) The design of parking areas makes efficient use of the land and uses the minimum amount of land necessary to meet the parking needs of the project; The applicant is requesting a 25 percent parking reduction, reducing the amount of land necessary to meet parking needs. (iii) Parking areas and lighting are designed to reduce the visual impact on the project, adjacent properties and adjacent streets; and The proposal reduces the amount of surface parking through the request for a parking reduction and provides landscaping to screen parking areas from the public right-of-way and at the edges of the site. The proposal provides an outdoor lighting plan consistent with 9-9-16, Lighting, Outdoor, B.R.C. 1981 and a condition of approval requires review of a final lighting plan at the time of technical document review. (iv) Parking areas utilize landscaping materials to provide shade in excess of the requirements in Subsection 9-9-6(d), and Section 9-9-14, "Parking Lot Landscaping Standards," B.R.C. 1981. The proposal meets or exceeds all parking area landscaping materials requirements including parking lot trees (32 required and 35 provided) to provide shade in excess of minimum requirements. (F) Building Design, Livability and Relationship to the Existing or Proposed Surrounding Area: (i) The building height, mass, scale, orientation, architecture and configuration are compatible with the existing character of the area or the character established by adopted design guidelines or plans for the area; The existing property is a 5.17-acre site, originally developed in 1967 as a 100,800 square-foot warehouse building. The existing character of the surrounding area is eclectic and industrial in nature, and consists of a mix industrial, service, and office uses in one- to three-story buildings with extensive surface parking areas. (A detailed list of surrounding properties is provided in the Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 12 staff memo under “Background.”) The built form of the surrounding properties provides for individual buildings and parking areas on lots with limited landscaping and open space. The buildings vary in size and era of construction. Several large-format buildings of 100,000-160,000 square feet exist on multi-acre properties, as well as smaller buildings on properties of one acre or less in size. The properties were developed individually rather than as part of an overall planned development, and are not subject to any specific design guidelines or area plan, thus leading to a variety of building designs and uses. The built environment of the surrounding area is also notably impacted by existing transportation facilities. To the north, the BNSF railway exists in an approximately 80’-wide right-of-way that extends through this area of Boulder. To the east, Foothills Pkwy exists in a raised/overpass condition, passing over Walnut Street, the railway, and Pearl Pkwy, before returning to an at-grade condition further north and south of the subject property. The substantial embankments and raised condition of Foothills Pkwy impacts the perception of massing and height in this area to both users of the subject property and surrounding areas, and those traveling on the raised parkway. As noted in the staff memo, the subject property and the adjacent properties along Walnut Street are not within any adopted area plan, and thus are not subject to specific design guidelines to guide the character of the area. Therefore, the built form and character of the area is largely a product of the underlying zoning district, which is IG, Industrial General. The intensity and form and bulk standards of the IG zoning district generally allow for a built form of 1-3 story buildings, with a 0.5 FAR (floor area ratio) limitation in the zone district, which limits the amount of floor area that can be built in relation to the size of the property. Due to the FAR limitation, site area is often available to accommodate surface parking and open space requirements, so structured parking is generally not provided and/or economically infeasible. Per Table 7-1 of the land use code, buildings are limited to three stories and up to 45 feet in the IG zone, so long as the site is not adjacent to a residential zoning district or a property designated for low, medium, or high density residential uses in the BVCP. The subject property and adjacent properties along Walnut are eligible for the 45-foot height per this standard. A modification to Section 9-7-5, "Building Height,” B.R.C. 1981 may be requested as part of a site review to allow a building up to 55-feet in height. Given that the character of the area is eclectic, staff finds that the proposed height, mass, scale, orientation, architecture and configuration of the building will be compatible with and improve the character of the area by meeting the design goals established in the site review: Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 13 • Mass and Scale: The proposed mass and scale of the building is derived from the underlying zoning, resulting in a building size and massing proportionate to lot size. Given the property size of 5.17 acres, a large format building of substantial height would be appropriate and is similar to recently redeveloped properties in the area, in particular the Google office building just to the west at 3333 Walnut (158,199 square-feet, three stories, 45’ to 46’-4” in height, with areas of 11’ rooftop mechanical screening). • Height: The proposed height of the building is 52’-11”, which is 7’-11” higher than would be permitted by-right and requires approval of a height modification. The proposed modification is requested to allow for the interior lab and mechanical spaces necessary to serve the research and development use, including mechanical penthouse space within a unique sloped roof form. The height modification proposal directly supports the Light Industrial Area Guiding Principles to provide for the opportunity for industrial businesses such as the proposed research and development use, and supports Policy 2.41 Enhanced Design as a placemaking feature of the building. Additional detail is available in the staff memo under “Building Height” and under criterion 9-2-14(H)(2)(F)(ii), on the following page. • Orientation and Configuration: The building is designed with an east-west primary wing adjacent to Walnut Street allowing for a prominent entry feature, activation and transparency along Walnut Street; and a north- south wing oriented to allow for a central circulation through the building and a rear service and loading area at the north end of the site. The configuration of the building design appropriately serves the needs to future research and development building users while providing a human- scale and pedestrian-oriented design at the front of the site and along the public right-of-way. The placement of the building at the west end of the site reduces impacts of the building on the adjacent properties, where the portion of the property to the west consists of an existing parking area, the property to the east is buffered from the proposed building by the proposed parking area, landscaping, rain gardens, and perimeter pathway, and the properties to the north and south are buffered by the BNSF railway and Walnut Street, respectively. • Architecture: The proposal includes a two-story building with a contemporary design featuring sloped roofs to conceal the substantial mechanical equipment necessary for research and development uses. The building exterior features high-quality materials including dark brick, metal panel, wood-look accents at building entries and windows, and substantial areas of glazing. The southeast and southwest corners of the building provide an outdoor café patio and a second-level deck, respectively, increasing permeability and activity along Walnut. Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 14 The shape of the sloped rooflines is designed to accommodate mechanical penthouses and ductwork within the building, rather than as separate mechanical units on a flat rooftop as is typically seen. The proposed rooflines provide for a unique solution to conceal the large mechanical equipment required for lab operations rather than the typical, boxy screening methods associated with rooftop mechanical. This design also provides for placemaking through a distinctive building design that adds to the eclectic mix of buildings and character in the area. (ii) The height of buildings is in general proportion to the height of existing buildings and the proposed or projected heights of approved buildings or approved plans or design guidelines for the immediate area; The proposed height of the building is 52’-11”, which is 7’-11” higher than would be permitted by-right and requires approval of a height modification. As depicted in the applicant’s plan set including section diagram and building elevations, much of this upper portion of the building consists of areas of sloped roof forms that are used to conceal mechanical installations necessary to serve the research and development use. The building is also required to be elevated by approximately 5’ due to the 100-year floodplain, which effectively reduces the potential height of the structure itself. (Refer to “Building Height” in the staff memo for additional discussion and information.) Staff finds height of the proposed building is in general proportion to the height of existing buildings in the immediate area. The height of the building is in proportion with and similar to recently redeveloped properties in the area, including the office building just to the west at 3333 Walnut, which consists of a 158,199 square-feet, three story building, 45’ to 46’-4” in height, with areas of 11’ rooftop mechanical screening (approved by Height Review H-92-80, Site Review SI-97-16 and Site Review LUR2012-00049). The height of existing buildings immediately to the east, south, and north of the site vary in height based on the type of use (warehouse or industrial buildings often requiring higher floor-to-ceiling heights), the size of the lot, and the era of construction. The nearest of these properties include: • Two-story building at 3640 Walnut for Shredder Indoor Ski and Snowboard School and The Pet Spot pet boarding services, constructed circa 1987 on 1.34 acres. • One story buildings at 3720 Walnut and 3750 Walnut for Rocky Mountain Rescue Group and General Air Service & Supply, constructed in the 1960s on 0.5-1.0 acre lots. • One story building at 1860 38th St. for Modular Robotics, constructed in the 1960s on two acres. Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 15 • To the north across the BNSF railway, two large multi-use industrial buildings for La Sportiva at 3850 Frontier Ave. (63,000 square-feet) and multiple tenants at 3550 Frontier Ave. (125,000 square-feet), constructed in the 1960s on 2.5 and 8.1 acres, respectively. The height of the proposed building has been designed to be in general proportion with the height of these existing buildings, including by providing substantial setbacks from these properties and by providing sloped roof forms to reduce the visual impact of the height. The proposal provides an over 250’ setback from the property to the east, and is buffered from that property by the proposed parking area, trees and landscaping, rain gardens, and perimeter pathway. The proposal provides substantial separation to the north and south via the approximately 80’ rights- of-way of both Walnut Street and the BNSF railway, in addition to placing the building consistent with minimum front and rear setback requirements. Finally, the proposed height of the building is proportional to surrounding buildings in that the portion of the building requiring a height modification consists primarily of a sloped roof form, which reduces the visual impact of the height. The proposed height modification is requested to allow for interior screening of mechanical equipment, which would otherwise be provided on a flat rooftop as mechanical units, that would potentially increase the perceived mass and bulk of the building. Additionally, staff finds that the height of the building is in proportion with the projected heights of buildings based on approved plans for the immediate area. All surrounding properties noted above are located in the IG and IS-1 zoning districts, and are eligible for a by-right height of up to 45’, which would be within 8’ of the proposed height of this building and proportional in height. (iii) The orientation of buildings minimizes shadows on and blocking of views from adjacent properties; Views are available from the site and the public right-of-way along Walnut towards the Flatirons to the southwest. As noted above, the proposal provides an over 250’ setback from the property to the east, limiting the impact of the building mass and height on blocking views from that property. Further to the east, Foothills Pkwy exists in a raised/overpass condition, passing over Walnut Street, the railway, and Pearl Pkwy, before returning to an at-grade condition further north and south of the subject property. The substantial embankments and raised condition of Foothills Pkwy impacts the perception of massing and height in this area and available views. Views Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 16 across the property would still be available for users traveling on the Parkway, but the raised parkway itself and associated embankments significantly impact views at ground level further east. The building is required to meet solar access requirements for Solar Access Area II, which provides for a 25’ solar fence to protect solar access protection principally for rooftops. The subject property is surrounded to the north by the railroad right-of-way and to the west by an existing parking area covered by an easement, where no buildings would be constructed and thus no rooftop solar would be impacted. The proposal will be required to demonstrate final compliance with the solar access requirements at the time of technical document review. (iv) If the character of the area is identifiable, the project is made compatible by the appropriate use of color, materials, landscaping, signs and lighting; The proposal exists in an industrial area at the edges of several area plans and is not subject to any adopted area plans or design guidelines. The surrounding area consists of a mix of buildings and uses resulting in an eclectic appearance in an industrial context that does not lend itself to any readily identifiable character. The project provides for colors, materials, landscaping, and lighting in keeping with city requirements and appropriate for a research and development facility. Signage is subject to separate permit review per 9-9-21, B.R.C. 1981. (v) Projects are designed to a human scale and promote a safe and vibrant pedestrian experience through the location of building frontages along public streets, plazas, sidewalks and paths, and through the use of building elements, design details and landscape materials that include, without limitation, the location of entrances and windows, and the creation of transparency and activity at the pedestrian level; Following the Concept Plan hearing, the proposal was revised to refine the orientation of the main building entry to better relate to the public street and to provide a prominent entry plaza. The building entry and plaza provide numerous human scale elements such as outdoor café patio seating, gardens with sculpture and interpretive signage, an outdoor fitness area, B-Cycle station, and bike parking. The southeast and southwest corners of the building provide an outdoor café patio and a second-level deck, respectively, increasing permeability and activity along Walnut. Overall, the project provides for a safe and vibrant pedestrian experience, balancing the interior programmatic needs of a research and development facility with a high-quality building and site design to enhance the public realm. (vi) To the extent practical, the project provides public amenities and planned public facilities; Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 17 The applicant’s proposed plans (Attachment B) provide for planned public connections to the extent practical. The proposal provides a request to amend the TVAP Transportation Connections Plan due a physical and practical hardship that would prevent construction of the connection. As described elsewhere in the memo and criteria analysis, staff supports the proposed amendment due to both the physical hardship (technical infeasibility) of constructing the planned connection, and the practical hardship (regulatory infeasibility) of obtaining approval for a crossing within the railroad right-of- way. The proposal provides for other planned public connections, including infrastructure improvements along Walnut. There are no other specific public amenities or facilities planned for the site. n/a (vii) For residential projects, the project assists the community in producing a variety of housing types, such as multifamily, townhouses and detached single family units, as well as mixed lot sizes, number of bedrooms and sizes of units; n/a (viii) For residential projects, noise is minimized between units, between buildings and from either on-site or off-site external sources through spacing, landscaping and building materials; (ix) A lighting plan is provided which augments security, energy conservation, safety and aesthetics; The proposal provides an outdoor lighting plan consistent with 9-9-16, Lighting, Outdoor, B.R.C. 1981 and a condition of approval requires review of a final lighting plan at the time of technical document review. (x) The project incorporates the natural environment into the design and avoids, minimizes or mitigates impacts to natural systems; The site has been developed since the 1960s and is largely paved with little to no existing natural features. The proposal would provide improvements to water quality through the introduction of rain gardens and landscaped areas, and drainage improvements to address stormwater management. The site is located in the 100-year floodplain and the proposal would provide a project consistent with flood control requirements. (xi) Buildings minimize or mitigate energy use; support on-site renewable energy generation and/or energy management systems; construction wastes are minimized; the project mitigates urban heat island effects; and the project reasonably mitigates or minimizes water use and impacts on water quality; The project will be required to meet the city’s adopted Energy Conservation Code. Presently, the adopted code is the 2020 City of Boulder Energy Conservation Code, which is a localized version of the 2018 International Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 18 Energy Conservation Code that is 20% more efficient than the national code. The proposed project is designed to minimize and mitigate energy use by incorporating a number of energy saving measures appropriate for the proposed research and development use, including an anticipated net-zero ready design using efficient mechanical systems and a geothermal-exchange field. On-site renewable energy generation will be supported with rooftop solar panels. (xii) Exteriors of buildings present a sense of permanence through the use of authentic materials such as stone, brick, wood, metal or similar products and building material detailing; The building exterior features high-quality materials including dark brick, metal panel, wood-look accents at building entries and windows, and substantial areas of glazing, providing a cohesive building design. (xiii) Cut and fill are minimized on the site, the design of buildings conforms to the natural contours of the land, and the site design minimizes erosion, slope instability, landslide, mudflow or subsidence, and minimizes the potential threat to property caused by geological hazards; The site is impacted the 100-year floodplain, where the lowest floor of new proposed buildings must be elevated to at or above the flood protection elevation and/or floodproofed. Grading necessary to elevate the portions of the site that will house the building itself will be done to meet flood protection standards. n/a (xiv) In the urbanizing areas along the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan boundaries between Area II and Area III, the building and site design provide for a well-defined urban edge; and n/a (xv) In the urbanizing areas located on the major streets shown on the map in Appendix A to this title near the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan boundaries between Area II and Area III, the buildings and site design establish a sense of entry and arrival to the City by creating a defined urban edge and a transition between rural and urban areas. n/a (G) Solar Siting and Construction: For the purpose of ensuring the maximum potential for utilization of solar energy in the City, all applicants for residential site reviews shall place streets, lots, open spaces and buildings so as to maximize the potential for the use of solar energy in accordance with the following solar siting criteria: n/a (H) Additional Criteria for Poles Above the Permitted Height: n/a (I) Land Use Intensity Modifications: Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 19 n/a (J) Additional Criteria for Floor Area Ratio Increase for Buildings in the BR-1 District: n/a (K) Additional Criteria for Height Bonuses and Land Use Intensity Modifications for Properties Designated within Appendix J: A building proposed with a fourth or fifth story or addition thereto that exceeds the permitted height requirements of Section 9-7- 5, "Building Height," or 9-7-6, "Building Height, Conditional," B.R.C. 1981, together with any additional floor area or residential density approved under Subparagraph (h)(2)(I)(iii), may be approved if it meets the requirements of this Subparagraph (h)(2)(K). For purposes of this Subparagraph (h)(2)(K), bonus floor area shall mean floor area that is on a fourth or fifth story and is partially or fully above the permitted height and any floor area that is the result of an increase in density or floor area described in Subparagraph (h)(2)(I)(iii). The approving authority may approve a height up to fifty-five feet if the building is in an area designated in Appendix J, "Areas Where Height Modifications May Be Considered," and one of the following criteria is met: (Note: Appendix J expired on August 31, 2021 per Ordinance No. 8453.) Not applicable; the proposal does not include a fourth or fifth story or a land use intensity modification under 9-2-14(h)(2)(I), B.R.C. 1981, and is eligible for the requested height modification by meeting the requirements of 9-2-14(b)(1)(E)(i) and (ii), B.R.C. 1981. (L) Additional Criteria for Parking Reductions: The off-street parking requirements of Section 9-9-6, "Parking Standards," B.R.C. 1981, may be modified as follows: (i) Process: The city manager may grant a parking reduction not to exceed fifty percent of the required parking. The planning board or city council may grant a reduction exceeding fifty percent. The proposal includes a request for a 25% vehicle parking reduction. The planning board may grant this reduction request as part of the review of the proposal. (ii) Criteria: Upon submission of documentation by the applicant of how the project meets the following criteria, the approving agency may approve proposed modifications to the parking requirements of Section 9-9-6, "Parking Standards," B.R.C. 1981 (see tables 9-1, 9-2, 9-3 and 9-4), if it finds that: Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 20 n/a a. For residential uses, the probable number of motor vehicles to be owned by occupants of and visitors to dwellings in the project will be adequately accommodated; b. The parking needs of any nonresidential uses will be adequately accommodated through on-street parking or off-street parking; The applicant is requesting a 25 percent parking reduction that reduces the amount of required parking from 281 spaces to 212 spaces on the site. The vehicle parking needs of the facility will be adequately accommodated and are reduced by the proposed TDM Plan (Attachment D), which includes: • Eco Passes for employees funded and administered for an initial period of three years. • A $100 per year Alternative Transportation Subsidy Fund for employees that do not need a parking space for an initial period of three years. Funds can be used on alternative transportation options such as B-Cycle, Lime Scooter, car share memberships, and others. • B-Cycle station to facilitate access to nearby public transit stops and destinations. • Short- and long-term bicycle parking in excess of, or consistent with, minimum requirements (24 short-term spaces where 19 are required, and 57 long-term spaces where 57 are required). • E-bike charging within the long-term bike parking storage area. • Bike repair stations within the long-term bike parking storage area and at the short-term bike parking area at the front entrance. • Showers and locker room available for employees. • Infrastructure improvements along Walnut Street including improving the existing bike lane to a buffered bike lane and construction of an 8’-wide detached sidewalk with an 8’-wide tree lawn. n/a c. A mix of residential with either office or retail uses is proposed, and the parking needs of all uses will be accommodated through shared parking; n/a d. If joint use of common parking areas is proposed, varying time periods of use will accommodate proposed parking needs; and n/a e. If the number of off-street parking spaces is reduced because of the nature of the occupancy, the applicant provides assurances that the nature of the occupancy will not change. The number of off-street parking spaces is not being reduced specifically due to the nature of the facility. However, the existing structure is being purpose-built as a research and development facility; the nature of the occupancy is not expected to significantly change over time. Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 21 n/a (M) Additional Criteria for Off-Site Parking: The parking required under Section 9-9-6, "Parking Standards," B.R.C. 1981, may be located on a separate lot if the following conditions are met: Attachment A - Staff Response to Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | A-000COVER SHEET 2023.06.025 SHEET INDEX A-000 COVER SHEET A-100 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN A-101 LEVEL 01 AND LEVEL 02 FLOOR PLAN A-102 LEVEL 03 FLOOR PLAN AND ROOF PLAN A-200 NORTH AND EAST ELEVATIONS A-201 SOUTH AND WEST ELEVATIONS A-400 SHADOW ANALYSIS A-401 SHADOW ANALYSIS 2 A-500 SIGNAGE A-600 WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILS A-601 WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILS A-602 WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILS A-603 WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILS A-604 WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILS RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 3825 WALNUT STREET BOULDER, COLORADO 80301 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PARCELS D, E, F, AND G LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 70 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY AND COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO SITE DESCRIPTION: (506.3.2 and 202 FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE) The north side has a lot line. Distance to lot line = 59’-7” Length of perimeter facing lot line = 145’-6”This side is accessible from a street or approved fire lane. The east side has a lot line. Distance to lot line = 257’-6” Length of perimeter facing lot line = 352’-1”. This side is accessible from a street or approved fire lane. The south side has a lot line. Distance to lot line = 21’-0” Length of perimeter facing lot line = 219’-11”. This side is accessible from a street or approved fire lane. The west side has a lot line. Distance to lot line = 30’-0” Length of perimeter facing lot line = 317’-7”. This side is not accessible from a street or approved fire lane. Perimeter of the entire building = 1194 feet. Perimeter which fronts a public way or accessible open space = 718 feet. FIRE RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS: Fire resistance rating for fire barriers in hours: 1 (Table 414.2.2) The floor assembly of the control area and construction supporting the floor of the control area are allowed to be 1-hour fire-resistance-rated in buildings of Type lll-A, provided both of the following conditions exist: 1. The building is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.1.1. 2. The building is three or fewer stories above the grade plane. (414.2.4) Building has an NFPA13 sprinkler system. (903.3.1.1) DESIGN AND NUMBER OF CONTROL AREAS: Floor levels above grade plane: 2 Number of control areas per floor:Level 1: 4 allowable Level 2: 3 allowable Percentage of maximum allowable quantity per control area:Level 1: 100% MAQ Level 2: 75% MAQ BUILDING HEIGHT: 52'-11”. (504.1) ZONE DISTRICT: Industrial General (IG) LAND USE DESIGNATION: lndustrial Light (LI) ZONING STANDARDS: • Minimum front yard landscaped setback: 20'-0” • Minimum front yard setback for all covered and uncovered parking areas: 20'-0” • Minimum side yard landscaped setback from a street (a): 15'-0” • Minimum side yard setback from an interior lot line: 0’-0”, or 12'-0” • Minimum rear yard setback: 20'-0” • Maximum height for principal buildings and uses: 40' (in I-Zones) + 5' Conditional per 9-7-6* • Maximum number of stories: 3 • Intensity Standards: IG • Maximum height for all accessory buildings, structures and uses: 20' (25' in Industrial Zones) • Minimum Lot Area SF: 7,000 • Minimum Open Space on Lots (Non-Residential Uses): 10% -20% • Maximum Floor Area Ratio: 0.5:1 • Allowable FAR: 225, 205.2 x 0.5 = 112, 602.6 GSF *9-7-6. Building Height Conditional: The property is not adjacent to any residential district nor uses. REQUESTED CODE MODIFICATIONS: • 9-7-1:Schedule of Form and Bulk Standards, BRC 1981 to allow a 52'-11" high building where a max. 45'-0" is otherwise permitted. • 9-9-6:Parking Standards, BRC 1981 for a 25% parking reduction to provide 212 spaces where a min. of 281 are required. • 9-9-15:Fences and Walls, BRC 1981 to allow a 12'-0" high utility screen wall where a max. of 7'-0" fence or wall is permitted. PROJECT DATA: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Redevelopment of property at 3675 and 3825 Walnut Street to create 112,600 square foot new life science facility that includes research and development space and laboratory space suitable for science and technology. APPLICABLE CODES: 2018 IBC –International Building Code 2020 City of Boulder Energy Conservation Code 2018 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code 2018 IMC -International Mechanical Code 2018 IFGC -International Fuel Gas Code 2018 IPC -International Plumbing Code City of Boulder Municipal Code PROPOSED BUILDING DATA: PROPOSED AREA:112,600 SF GROSS LOT SIZE: 225,205 GSF, 5.17 Acres PROPOSED FLOOR AREA: Level 1: 57,799 sf Level 2: 54,801 sf Total:112,600 sf Occupancy Group: B Type of Construction = lll-A Frontage increase not used. Area allowable: 85,000 x 2 = 170,000 sf Area actual:112,600 sf *no single floor may exceed 85,000 sf Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 49 49 51 5151 5151 515252 5252 5252 5252535353 53 535450 50 5 0 50 50 50 PERIMETER PATHWAY RE: CIVIL, LANDSCAPE GENERATOR / TRANSFORMER YARD. LOADING / TRASH COMPACTOR / RECYCLING COMPACT PARKING. RE: CIVIL, LANDSCAPE STANDARD PARKING. RE: CIVIL, LANDSCAPE PERIMETER PATHWAY. RE: CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE PERIMETER PATHWAY. RE: CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE 12'-0" PROPERTY LINE SIDE SETBACK LINE ACCESSIBLE PARKING, TYP. RE: CIVIL, LANDSCAPE COMPACT PARKING. RE: CIVIL, LANDSCAPE 31'-5 3/8"20'-0"REAR SETBACK LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE SIDE SETBACK PROVIDED. NONE REQUIRED. PROPERTY LINE FRONT SETBACK LINE20'-0"STANDARD PARKING. RE: CIVIL, LANDSCAPE STANDARD PARKING. RE: CIVIL, LANDSCAPE COMPACT PARKING. RE: CIVIL, LANDSCAPE MONUMENTAL STAIR TO MAIN BUILDING ENTRANCE EMPLOYEE ENTRY TO BIKE STORAGE DUAL EV CHARGER DUAL EV CHARGER FOR SOUTH ROW DUAL EV CHARGER FOR NORTH ROW SINGLE EV CHARGER 11 MIN. QTY. EV CHARGING STATIONS ROOFTOP SOLAR PV ARRAY, TYP. FINAL QUANTITY AND LOCATIONS TBD SCULPTURES, TBD SCULPTURE, TBD 21'-0"TOTAL MECH LEVEL FLAT ROOF AREA = 26,352 SF. TOTAL MECHANICAL COVERAGE AREA: 3951 SF. 15% ROOF COVERAGE BY MECH EQUIPMENT 60'-8"MONUMENT SIGN STANDARD PARKING. RE: CIVIL, LANDSCAPE STANDARD PARKING. RE: CIVIL, LANDSCAPE20'-0"STAIR 02 ENCLOSURE BIKE PARKING MECH. EQUIP. MECH. EQUIP. MECH. EQUIP. MECH. EQUIP. 3 1 '-4 3 /4 " CLERESTORY POP-UP ACCESSIBLE ROUTE ACCESSIBLE ROUTE WALNUT STREET INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE SIDEWALK EXERCISE AREA INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE 5253 5252 5251 NATURAL GRADE CONTOURS, TYP RAIN GARDEN. RE: CIVIL RAIN GARDEN. RE: CIVIL LANDSCAPE. RE: LANDSCAPE NATURAL GRADE CONTOURS, TYP LOWEST POINT NATURAL GRADE25' - 0"25' - 0" 5 2 5 0 5 2 5 0 525225' - 0" 2 5' - 0 " 25' - 0"49.6 50.0 50.753.0 52.9 50.7 5251MECH. EQUIP. MECH. EQUIP. ACCESSIBLE PARKING TOTAL QUANTITY: 5 PARKING LEGEND ACCESSIBLE PARKING WITH EV CHARGER TOTAL QUANTITY: 2 PARKING WITH EV CHARGER TOTAL QUANTITY: 8 COMPACT VEHICLE PARKING TOTAL QUANTITY: 111 STANDARD PARKING TOTAL QUANTITY: 86 RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | A-100ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN 2023.06.025 1" = 30'-0" ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN SEE PROJECT DATA ON COVER SHEET A-000 FOR ADDITIONAL CODE AND ZONING INFORMATION. REQUESTED CODE MODIFICATIONS: • 9-7-1:Schedule of Form and Bulk Standards, BRC 1981 to allow a 52'-11" high building where a max. 45'-0" is otherwise permitted. • 9-9-6:Parking Standards, BRC 1981 for a 25% parking reduction to provide 212 spaces where a min. of 281 are required. • 9-9-15:Fences and Walls, BRC 1981 to allow a 12'-0" high utility screen wall where a max. of 7'-0" fence or wall is permitted. NOTE: SIGNAGE NOT APPROVED BY THIS PLAN SET. SIGNAGE REQUIRES SEPARATE REVIEW AND APPROVAL. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review ELECTRICAL AMENITY PASSENGER ELEV. FUTURE TENANT LAB CORRIDOR STAIR 03 LOADING BIKE STORAGE MEN'S LOCKER WOMEN'S LOCKER STAIR 02 WOMEN'S RR MEN'S RR BIKE REPAIR STATION, WORK BENCH, PARTS VENDING E BIKE CHARGING. QTY. INCLUDED IN TOTAL 57 TOTAL LONG-TERM BIKE STORAGE SPACES OUTDOOR DECK FREIGHT ELEV. LEVEL 1: 57,799 GSF FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION (FFE): 5255.50'317'-7 1/8"ELECTRICAL WATER ENTRY HAZ MAT STOR. HAZ MAT STOR. EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL L1 RECEPTION UTILITY YARD 145'-11 1/4"200'-3 7/8"BICYCLE PARKING: • OFFICE / TECHNICAL BUILDING • 1 BICYCLE SPACE PER 1,500 SF OF BUILDING AREA, WITH A 75% / 25% SPLIT BETWEEN LONG-TERM SECURE PARKING AND SHORT-TERM VISITOR PARKING • 112,600 SF / 1,500 SF = 75.07 TOTAL BICYCLE PARKING SPACES - 57 LONG-TERM SECURE SPACES, INDOOR - 19 SHORT-TERM VISITOR SPACES, OUTDOOR BICYCLE PARKING: THE LONG-TERM BICYCLE PARKING ADDRESSES THE DESIGN STANDARDS CRITERIA: (A) THE BICYCLE PARKING IS LOCATED INSIDE THE BUILDING IN A LOCKED ROOM AND WILL BE PROVIDED WITH AN ACCESS-CONTROLLED ENTRANCE FOR TENANT EMPLOYEES. (B) THE BICYCLE PARKING IS LOCATED INSIDE THE BUILDING IT SERVES. (C) LIGHTING LEVELS AND UNIFORMITY WILL BE BASED ON IESNA LIGHTING LIBRARY RECOMMENDATIONS TO MEET ADEQUATE LIGHTING SYSTEM DESIGN WITH ADDITIONAL CODE-REQUIRED EMERGENCY LIGHTING. SEE EXTERIOR LIGHTING / PHOTOMETRIC PLAN EL-101 FOR WALL, PEDESTRIAN POLE, AND BOLLARD LIGHTING ALONG SIDEWALK / ROUTE TO BUILDING ENTRANCE AND LONG-TERM BIKE STORAGE ROOM. (D) ADEQUATE AREA SHALL BE PROVIDED AROUND WALL-MOUNTED BIKE RACKS AND E-BIKE PARKING FOR MANEUVERING. THE ROOM IS INTERIOR TO THE BUILDING AND WILL NOT CONFLICT WITH PEDESTRIANS NOR PARKED CARS. (E) THE BICYCLE ROOM IS INTERIOR TO THE BUILDING, SEPARATED FROM AUTO PARKING. 227'-6 5/8"139'-0"92'-11 3/4" ACID NEUTRALIZATION WALNUT STREET24'-0"WELLNESS OFFICE / LAB FLEX L1 LOBBY PANTRY GAME ROOM DEMARC IT RISER STAIR 01 49.6' 2 5 ' - 0 " LOW POINT OF NATURAL GRADE STAIR 03 FREIGHT ELEV. STAIR 02 OUTDOOR DECK MEN'S RR WOMEN'S RR FUTURE TENANT OFFICE OPEN TO LOBBY BELOW LEVEL 2: 54,801 GSF LANDING ELEC 139'-0"317'-7 1/8"145'-11 1/4"200'-3 7/8"92'-11 3/4" 227'-6 5/8" WOMEN'S RR MEDITATION CONFERENCE UTILITY IT RISER JANITOR IT RISER STAIR 01 JANITOR FUTURE TENANT LAB RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | A-101LEVEL 01 AND LEVEL 02 FLOOR PLAN 2023.06.025 1" = 30'-0" LEVEL 01 FLOOR PLAN 1" = 30'-0" LEVEL 02 FLOOR PLAN Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW MECHANICAL MECHANICAL OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW POP-UP ROOF WITH CLERESTORY GLAZING. LOBBY BELOW. ROOF TOP RACK-MOUNTED PV PANELS, TYP. AT FLAT ROOF AREAS MECH. EQUIP. MECH. EQUIP.139'-0"60 MIL ADHERED MEMBRANE ROOF TAPERED TO INTERNAL DRAINS DAYLIGHTING INTO LANDSCAPING PER CIVIL ENGINEERING WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS MECH. EQUIP. 60 MIL ADHERED MEMBRANE ROOF TAPERED TO INTERNAL DRAINS DAYLIGHTING INTO LANDSCAPING PER CIVIL ENGINEERING WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTSMECH. EQUIP. ARCHITECTURAL SCREEN / MECH EXHAUST "CHIMNEY" ROOF TOP 145'-11 1/4"317'-7 1/8"92'-11 3/4" 227'-6 5/8"200'-6"*NO ELEV. STOP AT THIS LEVEL. SHAFT IS STRUCTURAL-ONLY. MECH. EQUIP. MECH. EQUIP. ROOFTOP SOLAR PV ARRAY, TYPICAL, LAYOUT / EXTENT TBD METAL PANEL ROOFING, TYP. AT SLOPED ROOFS ARCHITECTURAL SCREEN / MECH EXHAUST "CHIMNEY" R I D G E V A L L E Y V A L L E Y V A L L E Y VALLEY R I D G E R I D G E RIDGE RIDGE RIDGE VALLEY R I D G E V A L L E Y R I D G E R I D G E V A L L E Y V A L L E Y CONCEALED GUTTER AT ROOF EDGE STAIR 02 ENCLOSURE ROOF POP-UP ROOF WITH CLERESTORY GLAZING. LOBBY BELOW. CONCEALED GUTTER AT ROOF EDGE METAL PANEL ROOFING, TYP. AT SLOPED ROOFS 60 MIL ADHERED MEMBRANE ROOF TAPERED TO INTERNAL DRAINS DAYLIGHTING INTO LANDSCAPING PER CIVIL ENGINEERING WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS MECH EQUIP. MECH EQUIP. MECH EQUIP. MECH EQUIP. 60 MIL ADHERED MEMBRANE ROOF TAPERED TO INTERNAL DRAINS DAYLIGHTING INTO LANDSCAPING PER CIVIL ENGINEERING WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS CONCEALED GUTTER AT ROOF EDGE CONCEALED GUTTER AT ROOF EDGE200'-6"317'-7 1/8"145'-11 1/4" SCREEN INTEGRAL TO EQUIPMENT 92'-11 3/4"139'-0"227'-6 5/8" ARCHITECTURAL SCREEN / MECH EXHAUST "CHIMNEY" MECH. EQUIP. MECH. EQUIP. STD RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | A-102LEVEL 03 FLOOR PLAN AND ROOF PLAN 2023.06.025 1" = 30'-0" MECHANICAL LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 1" = 30'-0" OVERALL ROOF PLAN Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" D C B A EXHAUST CHIMNEY 162'-8" SITE UTILITY 98'-0" INSULATED STEEL SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS, TYP. GL-02 WD-01 BR-01 MP-01 GL-01 ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" ROOF PEAK 147'-0" SCULPTURE: TBD MP-02 MP-02 MP-04 WD-01 7'-11"15'-8"MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT REQUESTED BUILDING HEIGHT MODIFICATION 94'-1" = 5249.6' AND IS THE LOWEST POINT OF NATURAL GRADE WITHIN 25'-0" FEET OF TALLEST SIDE OF THE BUILDING. LOW POINT 94'-1" TYP TYP TYPWD-01 TYP TYP BR-01 TYP TYP GL-01GL-01 GL-02 A-600 6_______ A-600 5_______45'-0"52'-11"LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" 1234576 EXHAUST CHIMNEY 162'-8" SITE UTILITY 98'-0" MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT GL-01 WD-01WD-01 MP-01 GL-01 MP-04 MP-04 GL-02 MP-01 GL-01 WALNUT STREET ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" ROOF PEAK 147'-0" SCULPTURES: TBD BR-01 BR-01 GL-01 ? MP-02 CUT-OUT PLATE METAL LETTERS EXTERNALLY ILLUMINATED BY CANTILEVERED DOWNLIGHTS ABOVE SIGN AREA: 9'-6" X 1'-3" AREA: 12 SF TOP OF SIGN IS AT 16'-4" AFF TO ALIGN WITH CANOPY. SIGN CAN BE LOWERED TO ALIGN WITH ADDRESS ON TRANSOM GL-02 WD-01 15'-8"7'-11"45'-0"94'-1" = 5249.6' AND IS THE LOWEST POINT OF NATURAL GRADE WITHIN 25'-0" FEET OF TALLEST SIDE OF THE BUILDING. REQUESTED BUILDING HEIGHT MODIFICATION LOW POINT 94'-1" A-601 7_______A-601 8_______ A-602 4_______ TYP TYP TYP TYP GL-12 TYP WD-01 TYP TYP BR-01 MP-01 MP-02 TYP TYP BR-01 MP-05 52'-11"MP-01 -METAL PANEL MP-02 -METAL ROOFING MP-04 -METAL PANEL MECHANICAL SCREEN BR-01 -DARK BRICK WD-01 -WOOD-LOOK ACCENT GL-01 -GLAZING MATERIALS LEGEND GL-02 -SHADOW BOX AT GLAZING MP-05 -PERFORATED, BACK- LIT METAL PANEL RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | A-200NORTH AND EAST ELEVATIONS 2023.06.025 1" = 20'-0"1 NORTH ELEVATION - SIDE 1" = 20'-0"2 EAST ELEVATION - SIDE CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO MUNICIPAL CODE: 9-7-6. -Building Height, Conditional. (b) BC, BR, IS,IG, and IM District Review Criteria: For the purposes of this subsection, adjacent properties are properties which directly abut the subject property or are located directly across a right-of-way that is less than eighty feet wide from the subject property. In the BC-1, BC-2, BR-1, BR-2,IG, IM, IS-1, and IS-2 zoning districts, principal building height may be increased by up to five feet in excess of the maximum height set forth in Section 9-7-1, "Schedule of Form and Bulk Standards," B.R.C. 1981, if: (1) The property is not adjacent to any residential district; and (2) The property is not adjacent to any property designated for low, medium, or high density residential uses in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. 9-7-7. -Building Height, Appurtenances. (a) Appurtenances: Appurtenances may be added under the following circumstances: (1) The addition of an appurtenance to a building is permitted if it does not cause the building height to exceed the height allowed in this section, considering, for this purpose only, the uppermost point of the appurtenance to be the uppermost point of the roof. (2) The city manager may approve additions of appurtenances to buildings causing a building height to exceed the maximum permitted height if the following standards are met: (A) There is a functional need for the appurtenance; (B) The functional need cannot be met with an appurtenance at a lesser height; and (C) Visible materials and colors are compatible with the building to which the appurtenance is attached. (3) No appurtenance may have useable floor area except for mechanical equipment installations; have more than twenty-five percent coverage of the roof area of the building; or be more than sixteen feet in height. For the purposes of this paragraph,coverage means the total area enclosed by the screening and roof area means the outside top covering of a building which is parallel to the ground. (4) All mechanical equipment is screened from view, regardless of the height of the building, unless in the opinion of the city manager such screening conflicts with the function of the mechanical equipment. The city manager will determine if the screening of the equipment is adequate in form, materials and color based on the following criteria: (A) Screening is consistent with the building design, colors and materials; (B) Appurtenances are placed on the portion of the roof which is least visible from adjacent streets and properties; (C) The height of the screen is the minimum appropriate to adequately screen the mechanical equipment; and (D) Screening does not increase the apparent height of the walls of the building. The use of parapet walls to screen mechanical equipment is discouraged. The height of parapet walls should be the minimum necessary to screen mechanical equipment. M-1-26. –Mechanical Equipment & Appurtenances (a) Intent.Mechanical equipment and appurtenances can have a negative visual impact and detract from the quality of the design of a building. The purpose of the standards of this section is to ensure that the visual impact of mechanical equipment and appurtenances is minimized. (b) Mechanical Equipment in Building.Mechanical equipment shall be located within the building, unless the applicant demonstrates the equipment is necessary for the function of the building and locating the equipment within the building would conflict with the equipment's function. (c) Rooftop Mechanical Equipment.Any rooftop mechanical equipment, including without limitation vents, ventilators, skylights, and antennas, and excluding solar energy and wind energy conversion systems, shall meet the following standards: (1) Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be located consistent with one of the following methods: (A) Incorporate equipment into the roof design consistent with the applicable standards of Section M-1-21, "Cap Types," B.R.C. 1981. (B) Set the equipment back a minimum of twenty feet from any Type A or B frontage facade. (2) The requirements of Section 9-7-7, "Building Height,Appurtenances," B.R.C. 1981, shall be met. NOTE: SIGNAGE NOT APPROVED BY THIS PLAN SET. SIGNAGE REQUIRES SEPARATE REVIEW AND APPROVAL. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" DCBA EXHAUST CHIMNEY 162'-8" ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" ROOF PEAK 147'-0" BR-01 SCULPTURES: TBD MP-04 MP-01 MP-02 WD-01 BR-01 OPEN TO AMENITY DECK BEYOND MP-02 GL-01 GL-01 GL-01 15'-8"7'-6"45'-5"MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT REQUESTED BUILDING HEIGHT MODIFICATION LOW POINT 94'-1" A-603 2_______ A-603 3_______ A-604 4_______ TYP GL-01 TYP GL-02 TYP BR-01 TYP TYP GL-02 TYP TYPWD-01 BR-01 TYP TYP WD-01BR-01BR-01 BR-01 BR-01 MP-05 94'-6" = 5250.0 AND IS THE LOWEST POINT OF NATURAL GRADE WITHIN 25'-0" FEET OF TALLEST SIDE OF THE BUILDING. LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" 1 2 3 4 5 76 EXHAUST CHIMNEY 162'-8" SITE UTILITY 98'-0" WALNUT STREET ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" ROOF PEAK 147'-0" MP-04MP-04 MP-01 WD-01 MP-02 MP-01 MP-01 WD-01 BR-01 OPEN TO AMENITY DECK BEYOND MP-02WD-01 GL-02 GL-01 HALO-ILLUMINATED REVERSE PAN-CHANNEL SIGN SIGN AREA: 19'-3" x 2'-6" AREA IS 48 SF TOP OF SIGN IS 25'-0" AFF 15'-8"MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT 7'-6"MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT REQUESTED BUILDING HEIGHT MODIFICATION 94'-6" = 5250.0 AND IS THE LOWEST POINT OF NATURAL GRADE WITHIN 25'-0" FEET OF TALLEST SIDE OF THE BUILDING. 95'-6" = 5251.0 AND IS THE LOWEST POINT OF NATURAL GRADE WITHIN 25'-0" FEET OF TALLEST SIDE OF THE BUILDING. REQUESTED BUILDING HEIGHT MODIFICATION LOW POINT 94'-1" LOW POINT 94'-1"45'-5"TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP BR-01 TYP TYP BR-01BR-01 TYP WD-01 TYP GL-02 TYP GL-01 TYP LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" H IGFE EXHAUST CHIMNEY 162'-8" ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" ROOF PEAK 147'-0" WALNUT STREET BR-01 WD-01 MP-01 SCULPTURE WD-016'-6" 15'-8" MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT REQUESTED BUILDING HEIGHT MODIFICATION LOW POINT 94'-1" A-601 7_______ A-601 8_______ TYP SCULPTURES: TBD WD-01 GL-01 GL-02 WD-01WD-01 TYP TYP TYP GL-01 TYP BR-01 GL-01 GL-02 TYP TYP TYP BR-01 MP-05 MP-01 -METAL PANEL MP-02 -METAL ROOFING MP-04 -METAL PANEL MECHANICAL SCREEN BR-01 -DARK BRICK WD-01 -WOOD-LOOK ACCENT GL-01 -GLAZING MATERIALS LEGEND GL-02 -SHADOW BOX AT GLAZING MP-05 -PERFORATED, BACK- LIT METAL PANEL RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | A-201SOUTH AND WEST ELEVATIONS 2023.06.025 1" = 20'-0"2 SOUTH ELEVATION - WALNUT STREET - PRIMARY 1" = 20'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION - SIDE 1" = 20'-0"3 SOUTH EAST ELEVATION - PRIMARY NOTE: SIGNAGE NOT APPROVED BY THIS PLAN SET. SIGNAGE REQUIRES SEPARATE REVIEW AND APPROVAL. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 5255525152535254525652575250 524952495250 5251 5251 52495249 5 2 4 8 5 2 4 9 5250 5249 5 2 5 0 5251 52525253525352535251 5252 5253 5 2 5 0 52495251 5252 52535253 52.16 52.19 51.27 50 50 49 49 5 1 50 48 49 50 51 52 535451.00 51.50 51.53 3.0%3.5% 3 .8 %5.1%3.7%3 .8 %0.7%1.7%1.4%1.8%1.7%2 .4 % 3 .2 %2.2%2.0%2.6%2.8%50.02 5 0 4 95152 5 3 47.89 48.62 52.72 50.39 1.5%1.2%2.3% 2.3% 2.4% 2.5%2.2%2.2%2.2%2.2%2.3% 2.8% 2 .8 % 2 .3 %2.3%2.3%2.4%2.6%2.3%2.1%2.3%2.1%2.0%1.9%1.8%2.3%2.5%2.6%3.3%4.0%3.5%3.3%2.0%2.4% 1.7% 1 .1 % 1 .8 % 1 .8 % 48.252.1% 1 .9 %2.4%2.3%2.3%2.3%2.2%2.3%505152535450 5 1 51 5 2 52 504951525150 4951 51.72 51.97 7.0%11.2%15.9%17.7%9.8%10.0%7.3%6.8%20.7%10.7%12.6%52.23 53.00 5 0 5 1 5 2 5 3 0.6%2.6%3.0%2.8% 52.88 2 .9 %2.8%3.1% 3 .4 % 3.0%1.6%0.7% 52.40 52.15 52.41 52.41 51.99 52.36 52.94 53.28 52.88 53.06 50.95 50.92 49.09 48.60 49.90 48.87 49.69 48.45 49.50 4.5%5.3%3.1%0.7%0.7% 0.7%14.5%14.3%0.7%0.7% 49.18 50.39 49.24 50.50 50.272.3%2.3%2.3%2.3%2.3%2 .3 % 2.6% 2.6% 51.77 51.51 51.34 51.43 15.0%14.7%52.41 52.08 54.82 5.0%3 .1 % 4 .2 % 7 .1 % 4 .5% 4.4% 7 .2 % 8 .1 % 9 .3 %5.3%5.3%2.7%1.9%3.6%2.2%2.2%2 1.8 % 1 7 .8 % 1 7 .8 % 35.3% 50.34 49.37 50.15 49.42 5253 5151.87 55.50 54.65 48.87 2.2%1.0%1 .9 % 2 .5 % 2.5%1.0%2 .0 % 3 .0 % 4 .4% 6 .4 %1.3%2.6%3 .4 % 3.1% 1.2% 50.81 47.50 47.50 1.8%1.9%2 .2 %2.0%2.3% 2 .4 %52 53 54 5 5 52 5 3 5 4 1.5% 1.1% 2 .1% 7.1% 8.3% 6.8% 5 .4 % 3.6% 2 .5 % 1 .3 %0.6%53.35 53.71 50.88 10.1% 12.2% 14.2% 16.2% 2 3 .1 % 25.0% 27.3% 2 8 .9% 49.91 49.93 48.91 ME 51.72 3136 CF MIN 2191 CF MIN 5255525152535254525652575250 524952495250 5251 5251 52495249 5 2 4 8 5 2 4 9 5250 5249 5 2 5 0 5251 52525253525352535251 5252 5253 5 2 5 0 52495251 5252 52535253 52.16 52.19 51.27 50 50 49 49 5 1 50 48 49 50 51 52 535451.00 51.50 51.53 3.0%3.5% 3 .8 %5.1%3.7%3 .8%0.7%1.7%1.4%1.8%1.7%2 .4 % 3 .2 %2.2%2.0%2.6%2.8%50.02 5 0 4 95152 5 3 47.89 48.62 52.72 50.39 1.5%1.2%2.3% 2.3% 2.4% 2.5%2.2%2.2%2.2%2.2%2.3% 2.8% 2 .8 % 2 .3 %2.3%2.3%2.4%2.6%2.3%2.1%2.3%2.1%2.0%1.9%1.8%2.3%2.5%2.6%3.3%4.0%3.5%3.3%2.0%2.4% 1.7% 1 .1 % 1 .8 % 1 .8 % 48.252.1% 1 .9 %2.4%2.3%2.3%2.3%2.2%2.3%505152535450 5 1 51 5 2 52 504951525150 4951 51.72 51.97 7.0%11.2%15.9%17.7%9.8%10.0%7.3%6.8%20.7%10.7%12.6%52.23 53.00 5 0 5 1 5 2 5 3 0.6%2.6%3.0%2.8% 52.88 2 .9 %2.8%3.1% 3 .4 % 3.0%1.6%0.7% 52.40 52.15 52.41 52.41 51.99 52.36 52.94 53.28 52.88 53.06 50.95 50.92 49.09 48.60 49.90 48.87 49.69 48.45 49.50 4.5%5.3%3.1%0.7%0.7% 0.7%14.5%14.3%0.7%0.7% 49.18 50.39 49.24 50.50 50.272.3%2.3%2.3%2.3%2.3%2 .3 % 2.6% 2.6% 51.77 51.51 51.34 51.43 15.0%14.7%52.41 52.08 54.82 5.0%3 .1 % 4 .2 % 7 .1 % 4 .5% 4.4% 7 .2 % 8 .1 % 9 .3 %5.3%5.3%2.7%1.9%3.6%2.2%2.2%2 1 .8 % 1 7 .8 % 1 7 .8 % 35.3% 50.34 49.37 50.15 49.42 5253 5151.87 55.50 54.65 48.87 2.2%1.0%1 .9 % 2 .5 % 2.5%1.0%2 .0 % 3 .0 % 4 .4% 6 .4 %1.3%2.6%3 .4 % 3.1% 1.2% 50.81 47.50 47.50 1.8%1.9%2 .2 %2.0%2.3% 2 .4 %52 53 54 5 5 5 2 5 3 5 4 1.5% 1.1% 2.1% 7.1% 8.3% 6.8% 5 .4 % 3.6% 2 .5 % 1 .3 %0.6%53.35 53.71 50.88 10.1% 12.2% 14.2% 16.2% 2 3 .1 % 25.0% 27.3% 2 8 .9% 49.91 49.93 48.91 ME 51.72 3136 CF MIN 2191 CF MIN EL. 93.5' EL. 119.17' EL. 102.5' EL. 49.37' EL. 51.7' EL. 119.17' EL. 102.5' EL. 93.5' EL. 50'99'-2 1/4"136'-4"62'-6 1/8"EL. 52.5' EL. 51' EL. 93.5' EL. 119.17' EL. 102.5' EL. 119.17' EL. 102.5' EL. 93.5' EL. 51.5' EL. 102.5' EL. 102.5' EL. 102.5' EL. 102.5' EL. 53.5' EL. 53.5' EL. 53.5' EL. 53' EL. 52.1' EL. 52.5' EL. 53' EL. 52.85' EL. 53.2'81'-6 5/8"183'-3 3/4"60'-3 3/4"60'-3 3/4"60'-2 3/4"60'-2 3/4"60'-3 1/2" RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE VIEW #| | | A-400SHADOW ANALYSIS 2022.09.30 1" = 40'-0"A-400 1 DEC 21ST SHADE STUDY 2PM 1" = 40'-0"A-400 2 DEC 21ST SHADE STUDY 10AM A B C D E F66.30 f t 68.90 f t 67.30 f t 66.30 f t 65.50 f t A B G 46.40 f t 108.60 f t 30.00 ft68.40 ft50.60 ft6.52 f t 8.89 f t 7.48 f t 6.25 f t 6.67 f t Existing Easement G 117.10 ftSolar Analysis - Proposed Building 2023.02.24 1881 9th STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 SITE PLAN VIEW #| | 2023.02.243404.28 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 5255525152535254525652575250 5249524952495249 5 2 4 8 5 2 4 9 5250 5249 5 2 5 0 5251 52525253525352535251 5252 5253 5 2 5 0 5251 5252 52535253 52.16 52.19 51.27 50 50 49 49 5 1 50 48 49 50 51 52 535451.00 51.50 51.53 3.0%3.5% 3 .8 %5.1%3.7%3 .8 %0.7%1.7%1.4%1.8%1.7%2 .4 % 3 .2 %2.2%2.0%2.6%2.8%50.02 5 0 4 95152 5 3 48.62 52.72 50.39 1.5%1.2%2.3% 2.3% 2.4% 2.5%2.2%2.2%2.2%2.2%2.3% 2.8% 2 .8 % 2 .3 %2.3%2.3%2.4%2.6%2.3%2.1%2.3%2.1%2.0%1.9%1.8%2.3%2.5%2.6%3.3%4.0%3.5%3.3%2.0%2.4% 1.7% 1 .1 % 1 .8 % 1 .8 % 48.252.1% 1 .9 % 5 1 51 5 2 52 5150 4951 51.72 51.97 9.8%10.0%10.7%12.6%52.23 53.00 5 3 0.6%2.6%3.0%2.8% 52.88 2 .9 %2.8%3.1% 3 .4 % 3.0%1.6%0.7% 52.40 52.15 52.41 52.41 51.99 52.36 52.94 53.28 52.88 53.06 50.95 50.92 49.09 48.60 49.90 48.87 49.69 49.50 4.5%5.3%3.1%0.7%0.7% 0.7%14.5%14.3%0.7%0.7% 49.18 50.39 49.24 50.50 50.272.3%2.3%2.3%2.3%2.3%2 .3 % 2.6% 2.6% 51.51 51.34 51.43 15.0%14.7%52.41 52.08 54.82 5.0%3 .1 % 4 .2 % 7 .1 % 4 .5% 4.4% 7 .2 % 8 .1 % 9 .3 %5.3%5.3%2.7%1.9%3.6%2.2%50.34 49.37 50.15 49.42 5253 5151.87 55.50 54.65 48.87 2.2%1.0%1 .9 % 2 .5 % 2.5%1.0%2 .0 % 3 .0 % 4 .4% 6 .4 %1.3%2.6%3 .4 % 3.1% 1.2% 50.81 47.50 47.50 1.8%1.9%2 .2 %2.0%2.3% 2 .4 %52 53 54 5 5 1.5% 1.1% 2 .1% 7.1% 8.3% 6.8% 5 .4 % 3.6% 2 .5 % 1 .3 %0.6%53.35 53.71 50.88 10.1% 12.2% 14.2% 16.2% 2 3 .1 % 25.0% 27.3% 2 8 .9% 49.91 49.93 PAVERS R=10' R=26' 52.00 FG 51.50 FG INV 48.66 3136 CF MIN 2191 CF MIN 5255525152535254525652575250 5249524952495249 5 2 4 8 5 2 4 9 5250 5249 5 2 5 0 5251 52525253525352535251 5252 5253 5 2 5 0 5251 5252 52535253 52.16 52.19 51.27 50 50 49 49 5 1 50 48 49 50 51 52 535451.00 51.50 51.53 3.0%3.5% 3 .8 %5.1%3.7%3 .8 %0.7%1.7%1.4%1.8%1.7%2 .4 % 3 .2 %2.2%2.0%2.6%2.8%50.02 5 0 4 95152 5 3 48.62 52.72 50.39 1.5%1.2%2.3% 2.3% 2.4% 2.5%2.2%2.2%2.2%2.2%2.3% 2.8% 2 .8 % 2 .3 %2.3%2.3%2.4%2.6%2.3%2.1%2.3%2.1%2.0%1.9%1.8%2.3%2.5%2.6%3.3%4.0%3.5%3.3%2.0%2.4% 1.7% 1 .1 % 1 .8 % 1 .8 % 48.252.1% 1 .9 %2.2.2%2.3%505152535450 5 1 51 5 2 52 5150 4951 51.72 51.97 9.8%10.0%10.7%12.6%52.23 53.00 5 3 0.6%2.6%3.0%2.8% 52.88 2 .9 %2.8%3.1% 3 .4 % 3.0%1.6%0.7% 52.40 52.15 52.41 52.41 51.99 52.36 52.94 53.28 52.88 53.06 50.95 50.92 49.09 48.60 49.90 48.87 49.69 49.50 4.5%5.3%3.1%0.7%0.7% 0.7%14.5%14.3%0.7%0.7% 49.18 50.39 49.24 50.50 50.272.3%2.3%2.3%2.3%2.3%2 .3 % 2.6% 2.6% 51.51 51.34 51.43 15.0%14.7%52.41 52.08 54.82 5.0%3 .1 % 4 .2 % 7 .1 % 4 .5% 4.4% 7 .2 % 8 .1 % 9 .3 %5.3%5.3%2.7%1.9%3.6%2.2%50.34 49.37 50.15 49.42 5253 5151.87 55.50 54.65 48.87 2.2%1.0%1 .9 % 2 .5 % 2.5%1.0%2 .0 % 3 .0 % 4 .4% 6 .4 %1.3%2.6%3 .4 % 3.1% 1.2% 50.81 47.50 47.50 1.8%1.9%2 .2 %2.0%2.3% 53 54 5 5 1.5% 1.1% 2.1% 7.1% 8.3% 6.8% 5 .4 % 3.6% 2 .5 % 1 .3 %0.6%53.35 53.71 50.88 10.1% 12.2% 14.2% 16.2% 2 3 .1 % 25.0% 27.3% 2 8 .9% 49.91 49.93 PAVERS R=10' R=26' 52.00 FG 51.50 FG INV 48.66 3136 CF MIN 2191 CF MIN EL. 87' EL. 112.67' EL. 96' EL. 50.5' EL. 52.5' EL. 112.67' EL. 96' EL. 87' EL. 50.8' EL. 49.9'56'-0 1/4"20'-10 3/4"95'-4 7/8"57'-5 1/4"EL. 52.8' EL. 50.8' EL. 87' EL. 112.67' EL. 96' EL. 112.67' EL. 96' EL. 87' EL. 51.5' EL. 96' EL. 96' EL. 96' EL. 96' EL. 53.5' EL. 53.5' EL. 53.5' EL. 53' EL. 52.1' EL. 52.5' EL. 53' EL. 53' EL. 53.2'24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"27'-8 1/2"147'-0 1/4" RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE VIEW #| | | A-401SHADOW ANALYSIS 2 2022.09.30 1" = 40'-0"A-401 1 CODE COMPLIANT BASELINE DEC 21ST SHADE STUDY 2PM 1" = 40'-0"A-401 2 CODE COMPLIANT BASELINE DEC 21ST SHADE STUDY 10AM97.80 ft2.65 ft9.66 ftThis code compliant baseline study has been performed to show the shadow cast by a forty-five-foot building located at the required se tback (12' on the west boundary, 20' on the north boundary). A B C D E F48.20 f t 51.70 f t 50.10 f t 49.00 f t 47.70 f t 12.00 ft A B G 29.70 f t24.14 f t 27.53 f t 25.94 f t 25.01 f t 23.39 f t 2.00 f t49.00 ft30.50 ft91.40 f t Code Compliant Baseline Study Existing Easement 2022.12.23 1881 9th STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 2023.02.24RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 SITE PLAN VIEW #| | 2023.02.243404.28 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review NOTE: SIGNAGE NOT APPROVED BY THIS PLAN SET. SIGNAGE REQUIRES SEPARATE REVIEW AND APPROVAL. RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | A-500SIGNAGE 2023.04.284 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" B A EXHAUST CHIMNEY 162'-8" SITE UTILITY 98'-0" ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" ROOF PEAK 147'-0" LOW POINT 94'-1" LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" 1 SITE UTILITY 98'-0" ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" A-600 4 129 LOADING 216 FUTURE TENANT LAB 301 MECHANICAL A-600 3 A-600 2 LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" MAX HEIGHT 150'-0" 1 LOADING DOCK 95'-6" LOADING DOCK 95'-6" SITE UTILITY 98'-0" ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" ROOF PEAK 147'-0" A-600 1 A-600 4 Sim A-600 3 Sim A-600 2 Sim 127 ELECTRICAL 216 FUTURE TENANT LAB INTERIOR JOINT SEALANT SHEET METAL FLASHING EXTERIOR SHIM INTERIOR JOINT SEALANT CURTAINWALL SYSTEM INTERIOR JOINT SEALANT PREFINISHED INSULATED METAL WALL PANEL WOOD-LOOK METAL EXTRUSION WOOD-LOOK METAL EXTRUSION APPROX. 6" BLANKET INSULATION METAL STUD FRAMING INTERIOR JOINT SEALANT JOINT SEALANT CURTAINWALL SYSTEM SHEET METAL FLASHING INSULATED PREFINISHED METAL WALL PANEL INTERIOREXTERIOR WOOD-LOOK METAL EXTRUSION WOOD-LOOK METAL EXTRUSION APPROX. 6" SHIM BLANKET INSULATION METAL STUD FRAMING PREFINISHED INSULATED METAL WALL PANEL FLASHING INSULATED PREFINISHED METAL ROOF PANEL METAL STUD FRAMING BLANKET INSULATION BLOCKING CLT ROOF DECK LEVEL 01 100'-0" SITE UTILITY 98'-0"2'-0"PREFINISHED INSULATED METAL WALL PANEL METAL STUD FRAMING CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB CONCRETE FOUNDATION RIGID FOUNDATION INSULATION MEETING IECC THICKNESS AND DEPTH REQUIREMENT BLANKET INSULATION JOINT SEALANT SHIM CURTAINWALL SYSTEM JOINT SEALANT INTERIOR EXTERIOR INSULATED METAL PANEL WOOD-LOOK METAL EXTRUSION WOOD-LOOK METAL EXTRUSION RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | A-600WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILS 2023.06.025 1/4" = 1'-0"8 NORTH ELEVATION - SIDE 1/4" = 1'-0"6 WALL SECTION 1 1/4" = 1'-0"5 WALL SECTION 2 1 1/2" = 1'-0"3 CURTAINWALL HEAD AT METAL PANEL 1 1/2" = 1'-0"2 CURTAINWALL SILL AT METAL PANEL 1 1/2" = 1'-0"4 ROOF EAVE AT METAL PANEL 1 1/2" = 1'-0"1 FOUNDATION DETAIL 1 1/2" = 1'-0"7 JAMB AT METAL PANEL Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review ROOFING MEMBRANE OVER PARAPET METAL COPING SEALANT METAL CLIP TO ANCHOR ?1" / 1'-0" LEVEL 01 100'-0" CURTAINWALL SILL JOINT SEALANT SILL FLASHING CURTAINWALL GLAZING GLAZED ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL SHEET MEMBRANE FLASHING JOINT SEALANT INTERIOR JOINT SEALANT LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" SITE UTILITY 98'-0" A-601 5 A-601 4 LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" LOADING DOCK 95'-6" LOADING DOCK 95'-6" SITE UTILITY 98'-0" A-601 4 Sim 101 VESTIBULE 01 A-601 1 PREFINISHED INSULATED METAL PANEL FINISH AT PARAPET. PARAPET COPING TO MATCH. TAPERED ROOF INSULATION. SLOPE TO DRAIN COMPOSITE DECK AT FLAT ROOF. RE: STRUCTURAL CURTAINWALL SYSTEM,TYP WOOD FRAMED AND FINISHED VESTIBULE WITH GLAZED INFILL WOOD-LOOK METAL EXTRUSIONS TO FORM VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SLATS / CANOPY SUPPORTED BY STRUCTURAL STEEL. CANOPY TO RECEIVE HORIZONTAL GLAZED COVER. LEVEL 01 100'-0" RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | A-601WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILS 2023.06.025 1 1/2" = 1'-0"5 PARAPET CAP AT MTL PNL 1 1/2" = 1'-0"4 CURTAIN WALL DETAIL AT ENTRY 1 1/2" = 1'-0"6 PLAN DETAIL AT CURTAIN WALL 1/4" = 1'-0"7 WALL SECTION 1 1/4" = 1'-0"8 WALL SECTION 2 1 1/2" = 1'-0"1 VESTIBULE THRESHOLD Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" SITE UTILITY 98'-0" ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" ROOF PEAK 147'-0" LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" LOADING DOCK 95'-6" LOADING DOCK 95'-6" SITE UTILITY 98'-0" ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" A-602 1 A-602 2 207 FUTURE TENANT OFFICE 103 AMENITY A-604 5 MECHANICAL 132'-8" INTERIOR JOINT SEALANT SHEET METAL FLASHING WOOD-LOOK METAL EXTRUSION EXTERIOR INTERIOR JOINT SEALANT CURTAINWALL SYSTEM SHIM INTERIOR JOINT SEALANT INSULATED METAL BACK-UP PANEL WITH INTEGRAL BRICK TIES FLASHING MORTAR NET LOOSE LINTEL WOOD-LOOK METAL EXTRUSION APPROX. 1'-0" INSULATED METAL BACK-UP PANEL WITH INTEGRAL BRICK TIES BRICK VENEER METAL STUD FRAMING V A R IE S BLANKET INSULATION LEVEL 01 100'-0" SHIM INTERIOR JOINT SEALANT JOINT SEALANT CURTAINWALL SYSTEM SHEET METAL FLASHING WOOD-LOOK METAL EXTRUSION INSULATED METAL BACK-UP PANEL WITH INTEGRAL BRICK TIES INTERIOREXTERIOR ? FLASHING WEEP VENT MORTAR NET SOLID GROUT WOOD-LOOK METAL EXTRUSION RIGID FOUNDATION INSULATION MEETING IECC THICKNESS AND DEPTH REQUIREMENT APPROX. 1'-0" RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | A-602WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILS 2023.06.025 1/4" = 1'-0"5 EAST ELEVATION - SIDE 1/4" = 1'-0"4 WALL SECTION 3 1 1/2" = 1'-0"2 CURTAINWALL HEAD AT BRICK VENEER 1 1/2" = 1'-0"3 PLAN DETAIL - OUTSIDE CORNER AT BRICK VENEER 1 1/2" = 1'-0"1 CURTAINWALL SILL AT BRICK VENEER Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" ROOF PEAK 147'-0" LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" F LOADING DOCK 95'-6" LOADING DOCK 95'-6" SITE UTILITY 98'-0" A-601 1 Sim A-603 1 103 AMENITY LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" E LOADING DOCK 95'-6" LOADING DOCK 95'-6" SITE UTILITY 98'-0" ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" ROOF PEAK 147'-0" 138 OUTDOOR DECK 207 FUTURE TENANT OFFICE MP-02 BR-01 WD-01 WD-01 MP-05 GL-01 GL-01 GLULAM TRUSS, BEAM, AND COLUMN. RE: STRUCT. CURTAINWALL SYSTEM SHIM SEALANT JOINT SEALANT PREFINISHED INSULATED METAL PANEL PANEL CLOSURE BY MFGR. SHEET METAL FLASHING RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | A-603WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILS 2023.06.025 1/4" = 1'-0"4 SOUTH ELEVATION - WALNUT STREET - PRIMARY 1/4" = 1'-0"2 WALL SECTION 1 1/4" = 1'-0"3 WALL SECTION 2 1 1/2" = 1'-0"1 CURTAINWALL HEAD AT AMENITY DECK Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" ROOF PEAK 147'-0" LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" E LOADING DOCK 95'-6" LOADING DOCK 95'-6" SITE UTILITY 98'-0" ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" A-602 2 Sim A-604 5 A-602 1 Sim 207 FUTURE TENANT OFFICE A-604 2 Sim LEVEL 01 100'-0" LEVEL 02 116'-4" MECHANICAL 132'-8" E SITE UTILITY 98'-0" ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" A-604 2 A-604 1 A-601 5 Sim 207 FUTURE TENANT OFFICE ROOF VALLEY 138'-0" FLASHING BRICK VENEER INSULATED METAL BACK-UP PANEL WITH INTEGRAL BRICK TIES PREFINISHED INSULATED METAL ROOF PANEL CLT ROOF DECK METAL STUD FRAMING BLANKET INSULATION PREFINISHED INSULATED BACK PANEL BEHIND CURTAINWALL GLAZING AT GL-02 SHADOW BOX, TYP. CAPLESS CURTAINWALL MULLION, TYP. LEVEL 01 100'-0" RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | A-604WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILS 2023.06.025 1/4" = 1'-0"7 SOUTH ELEVATION - WALNUT STREET - PRIMARY 1/4" = 1'-0"4 WALL SECTION 5 1/4" = 1'-0"6 WALL SECTION 4 1 1/2" = 1'-0"5 ROOF AT BRICK - SOUTH WALL 1 1/2" = 1'-0"2 SHADOW BOX DETAIL 1 1/2" = 1'-0"1 SHADOW BOX FLOOR DETAIL Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group HEIGHT MODIFICATION Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group HEIGHT MODIFICATION Neighboring Building Heights. Google Office Height (approx.): Stories: Pfizer Height (approx.): Stories: Rudi's Organic Bakery Height (approx.): Stories: LaSportiva Retail Factory Store Height (approx.): Stories: Moros Fabrication & Standard Metal Works Height (approx.): Stories: Modular Robotics Height (approx.): Stories: Rocky Mountain Rescue Group Shredder Indoor Ski & Snowboard School General Air Service & Supply Height (approx.): Stories: +40'-0" 3 Stories +40'-0" 3 Stories +35'-0" 1-2 Stories 24'-0" 1 Story 15'-0" 1 Story 18'-0" 1 Story 16'-0" 1 Story 20'-0" 1 Story 20'-0" 1 Story Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SNHU Innovation and Design Education Building / HGA CONCEALED MECHANICAL Precedent Project. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group CLOSED LAB CLEAN ROOMMECHANICAL MEZZANINE ROBOTICS DRY LAB BIOLOGY WET LAB HIGH-BAY CEILINGS POSSIBLE TENANTS Typical Interior Lab Conditions. SHANNON Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE bcycle INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE stair accessing cafe + lobby LOADING / SERVICE PARKING LOT with eV-READY car-charging stationsADJACENT GOOGLE PARKING LOT rain & pollinator gardenopen-airmechanicaldrop-offSER V ICE / F IRE LANEADA PARK ING solar pv p a n e l ssolar pv panelsENTRY + exit PROPERTY LINE canopy trees raised crosswalk with change in paving material visitor bike parking EXERCISE EQUIPMENT bike storage + locker / shower WALNUT ST. lands c a p e d e d g e M O N U M E N T SI G Nsignsignpublic amenity stair ramp ARTWORK ARTWORK AMENITY DECKopen space + outdoor amenity spaceLANDSCAPED EDGE entrance lobbyentrancePE DE S TR IAN PA TH bike lane perimeter p a t h EXISTING R A I L R O A D stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group THE SITE Circulation Plan. SHANNON Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group FLOOR PLANS Level 1 Level 2 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group MECHANICALMECHANICAL for tenant expansion and base building MECHANICAL for tenant expansion and base building FUTURE TENANT open / closed labs FUTURE TENANT open / closed labs FUTURE TENANT open / closed labs FUTURE TENANT open / closed labs service / loading corridors service rooms / vertical ventilation SERVICE ELEVATORvert. ventilationstructure mechanical structure mechanical structure mechanical structure mechanical western views western views10-916-4 16-45-73730EXHAUST CHIMNEY 162-8 ROOF PEAK 147-0 MECHANICAL 132-8 LEVEL 02 116-4 LEVEL 01 100-0 LOADING DOCK 94-1 5-73730roof peak. height to help conceal mechanical exhaust chimney clad in material to match look and feel of building exterior door access to mechanical SECTION DIAGRAM Section Diagram 95'-6" Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review FD FD FD FD FD FD FDFD FD FD FD UP UP UP WALNUT STREET WALNUT STREET RIDGEWAY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (FFE = 5255.50') 8'-0"8'-0"LANDSCAPE PLAN LEGEND PROPERTY LINE / ZONE LOT BOUNDARY BUILDING OVERHANG HANDRAIL GUARDRAIL STAIRS WALL / WALL W/ SKATE STOPS CONC. PAVING W/ CONTRACTION JOINTS (R.O.W.) CONC. PAVING (PEDESTRIAN) CONC. PAVERS (PEDESTRIAN) CONC. PAVERS (VEHICULAR) EXPANSION JOINT BENCH BICYCLE RACK (TYPE 1) B-CYCLE STATION MOVEABLE TABLES AND CHAIRS WASTE RECEPTACLES BOLLARD LIGHT POLE LIGHT PLANTING AREA RAIN GARDEN DECOMPOSED GRANITE SITE BOULDERS PLANTERS SCULPTURE BASE INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE NOTE: SIGNAGE NOT APPROVED BY THIS PLAN SET. SIGNAGE REQUIRES SEPARATE REVIEW AND APPROVAL. SHEET LEGEND PROPERTY LINE / ZONE LOT BOUNDARY BUILDING OVERHANG EASEMENT 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN HIGH HAZARD PLANTING AREA RAIN GARDENRG PA RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE VIEW #| | | L-100LANDSCAPE PLAN 2023.06.025 1" = 30'-0" SITE PLAN N 0'15'30'60' 5' DECOMPOSED GRANITE PERIMETER PATH BELOW BUILDING SERVICE & LOADING DOCK SERVICE AREA TRANSFORMER & UTILITY SERVICE AREA HEAVY DUTY EMERGENCY ACCESS TURNAROUND WALLED RAIN GARDEN RE: CIVIL CONCRETE RETAINING WALL COMPACT PARKING 8'X15' COMPACT PARKING 8'X15' STANDARD PARKING 9'X19' STANDARD PARKING 9'X19' STANDARD PARKING 9'X19' 5' DECOMPOSED GRANITE PERIMETER PATH 5' CONCRETE PATH ENTRY MONUMENT SIGNAGE VEHICULAR SITE ACCESS B-CYCLE PUBLIC BIKE SHARE STATION SITE LOW POINT 6' LANDSCAPE BUFFER 6' LANDSCAPE BUFFER 6' LANDSCAPE BUFFER EXISTING ACCESS EASEMENT 5' DECOMPOSED GRANITE PERIMETER PATH 5' CONCRETE ACCESS PATH ADJACENT PROPERTY PARKING LOT LANDSCAPE BUFFER COVERED PLAZA CONCRETE PAVERS PRIVATE SIDEWALK CONCRETE PAVERS CENTRAL RAIN GARDEN CONCRETE PAVER PLAZA BIKE REPAIR SHORT TERM BIKE PARKING 16' PARKING LOT LANDSACPE BUFFER COMPACT PARKING 8'X15' SEATING 6' CONCRETE WALKCONCRETE WITH ARCHITECTURAL FINISH BOLLARD LIGHTS TRUNCATED DOMES MONUMENTAL CONCRETE ENTRY STAIRS ADA PARKING 9'X19' RECEPTACLES RECEPTACLES 8' PLANTED TREELAWN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY (NO TREES DUE TO UTILITIES) 8' CONCRETE SIDEWALK PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY BENCH RECEPTACLES INDOOR SECURE BIKE PARKING ENTRY 6' SANDSCAPE FINISH CONCRETE WALK 8' PLANTED TREELAWN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY 8' CONCRETE SIDEWALK PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT CONCRETE STAIRS HANDRAILS HANDRAIL PROPERTY LINE INTERPRETVE SIGNAGE CAFE TABLES SITE BOULDERS SITE BOULDERS SANDSCAPE FINISH CONCRETE WALK CONCRETE SITE WALL GUARDRAIL SITE WALL SCULPTURE-TBD PLANTERS OVERHEAD CANOPY BUILDING OVERHANG INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE POLE LIGHTING SITE BOULDERS PLANTERS BENCH BENCH BENCH SITE BOULDERS BIKE PARKING (x2) LONG TERM BIKE PARKING SITE BOULDERS HANDRAILS INTERPRETIVE SIGN500 Y E A R FLO O D P LA IN STORMWATER EASEMENT 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN EASEMENTPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE EASEMENT PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEEXERCISE AREA - CRUSHER FINES PAVING 5' DECOMPOSED GRANITE PERIMETER PATH 6' LANDSCAPE BUFFER GABION WALL (RE: CIVIL) INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE FOOD GARDEN 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN EXISTING BUILDING / SHARED EDGE AT PROPERTY LINE LOUVERED SCREEN SINGLE EV CHARGER DUAL EV CHARGER Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review FD FD FD FD FD FD FDFD FD FD FD (1) PIN BRI (1) ACE VRD (1) ACE JPN (1) PIN BRI (1) QUE ALB (1) PIN BRI (1) PIN BRI (1) ULM ACC (1) ULM ACC (1) PIN BRI (1) PIN STW (1) PIN BRI (1) QUE CRI (5) QUE GAM (4) ACE SMT (1) ACE FLM (3) QUE CRI (1) ACE FLM (1) ACE GRI (1) ACE GRI (1) ACE GRI (2) ACE GRI (2) ACE GRI (1) ULM ACC (1) QUE BIC (1) COR TUR (1) ACE BAI (1) ULM ACC (1) QUE BIC (1) COR TUR (1) ACE BAI (1) ULM ACC (1) QUE BIC (1) COR TUR (1) ACE BAI (1) ULM ACC (1) QUE BIC (1) COR TUR (1) ACE BAI (1) ULM ACC (1) QUE BIC (1) COR TUR (1) ACE BAI (1) ULM ACC (1) COR TUR (1) QUE BIC (1) COR TUR (1) ACE BAI (1) QUE BIC (1) COR TUR (1) ACE BAI (1) QUE ALB (1) QUE CHE (1) QUE CHE (53) ERI UTU (72) RHU GRO(58) CHA MIL (76) ERI UBR (55) ART FIL (37) RHU LAC (38) CAR DAR (19) PTE TRI (20) FOR NEM (1) QUE BIC (1) ACE BAI (3) QUE CRI (1) QUE MAC (1) ACE BAI (58) YUC GLA (1) QUE MAC (1) PIN GNR (35) ERI UBR (1) PIN STW (1) PIN BRI (1) ULM ACC (1) ULM ACC (3) PIC GLO (7) SAL ARE (7) PIC NID (3) PIN HIL (14) CHR GTR (12) AMO LEA (5) ERI UTU (7) ART FIL (3) CHR GTR (4) YUC FIL (10) CHR GTR (8) JUN SWO (9) AMO LEA (4) ART FIL (2) ERI UTU (1) YUC FIL (4) YUC FIL (4) ERI UTU (6) ART FIL (3) CHR GTR (4) YUC FIL (4) ERI UTU (3) CHR GTR (6) ART FIL (3) YUC FIL (8) ART FIL (3) ART FIL (1) HES PAR (8) HES PAR (15) AGA TRU (28) ART FIL (1) HES PAR (4) ART FIL (3) CHR GTR (4) ERI UTU (4) YUC FIL (6) ART FIL (1) CHR GTR (5) ART FIL (2) ERI UTU (1) YUC FIL (1) YUC FIL (1) PIN GNR (1) PIN GNR (2) PIN GNR (12) AMO LEA (5) YUC FIL (7) ART FIL (1) ART FIL (1) YUC FIL (2) PIN GNR (1) HES PAR (1) HES PAR (3) YUC FIL (9) CAR DAR (4) PIC GLO (9) PIC NID (26) SAL ARE (7) PIN HIL (5) CHR GTR (10) ERI UTU (13) ART FIL (7) YUC FIL (2) CHR GTR (6) ART FIL (3) YUC FIL (3) ERI UTU (6) ART FIL (3) ERI UTU (2) CHR GTR (3) YUC FIL (1) YUC FIL (5) ART FIL (1) CHR GTR (2) ERI UTU (1) CHR GTR (2) ERI UTU (5) ART FIL (1) YUC FIL (4) YUC FIL (3) CHR GTR (6) ART FIL (4) ERI UTU (2) ERI UTU (1) CHR GTR (5) ART FIL (1) YUC FIL (2) CHR GTR (3) ERI UTU (3) YUC FIL (6) ART FIL (2) CHR GTR (6) ART FIL (3) YUC FIL (3) ERI UTU (2) CHR GTR (6) ART FIL (3) YUC FIL (3) ERI UTU (5) CHR GTR (6) YUC FIL (11) ART FIL (9) ERI UTU (2) CHR GTR (3) ERI UTU (3) YUC FIL (6) ART FIL (2) CHR GTR (6) ART FIL (3) ERI UTU (3) YUC FIL (2) CHR GTR (3) YUC FIL (3) ERI UTU (6) ART FIL (1) CHR GTR (2) YUC FIL (4) ART FIL (3) ERI UTU (8) CAR DAR (50) ART FIL (35) ERI UTU (11) CHR GTR (8) JUN SWO (10) YUC FIL (6) PIN GNR (34) CHR GTR (6) PIN GNR (4) CAR AME (1) QUE MAC (11) RHU LAC (1) FOR NEM (1) FOR NEM (1) FOR NEM (28) YUC FIL (16) ERI UTU(1) CHR GTR (11) CER LED (1) QUE CHE (1) QUE MAC (6) CAR AME (1) QUE ALB (1) OST VIR (1) CEL OCC (1) QUE CHE (1) OST VIR (1) CEL OCC (1) QUE MAC (1) QUE ALB (1) QUE CHE (1) OST VIR (1) OST VIR (1) CEL OCC (1) QUE ALB (1) QUE CHE (1) QUE MAC (1) QUE ALB(1) OST VIR (1) CEL OCC (1) QUE CHE (1) CEL OCC (1) QUE MAC (1) QUE ALB (1) QUE CHE (1) QUE ALB (1) LIQ STY (1) LIQ STY (1) ACE BAI (1) ACE MTN (1) QUE CHE (1) ACE BAI(1) ACE MTN (3) QUE CRI (2) QUE CRI (1) ACE MTN (1) QUE MAC (1) QUE CHE (1) ACE BAI (1) ACE MTN (1) QUE MAC (2) PRU CHO (1) PRU CHO (17) RHU LAC (1) PRU CHO (1) ULM ACC (1) ULM ACC (2) PRU CHO (1) QUE CHE (1) QUE MAC (1) CEL OCC (1) CEL OCC (1) PIN BRI (12) ERI UBR (1) PIN BRI (5) CAR DAR (13) ERI UTU (25) ART FIL (1) HES PAR (1) ERI UTU (3) PIC GLO (4) PIN HIL (4) PIC NID (6) SAL ARE (1) QUE MAC (74) AMO LEA UP UP UP FD FD FD FD FD FD FDFD FD FD FD WALNUT STREET RIDGEWAY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (FFE = 5255.50') RG RG PA PA PAPA PA L-201 1 5251 5 2 5 2 WALNUT STREET L-201 2 9.PMX-02 9.PMX-06 9.PMX-02 9.PMX-02 9.PMX-05 9.PMX-02 9.PMX-02 9.PMX-02 9.PMX-04 9.PMX-03 9.PMX-01 9.PMX-03 9.PMX-01 9.PMX-01 9.PMX-06 9.PMX-06 9.PMX-05 9.PMX-05 9.PMX-02 9.PMX-04 9.PMX-06 9.PMX-02 9.PMX-01 9.PMX-01 9.PMX-03 9.PMX-02 9.PMX-01 9.PMX-01 9.PMX-01 9.PMX-03 9.PMX-03 9.PMX-07 9.PMX-07 9.PMX-07 9.PMX-07 9.PMX-07 9.SMX-03 9.SMX-01 9.SMX-01 9.SMX-01 9.SMX-01 9.SMX-01 9.SMX-01 9.SMX-01 SHEET LEGEND PROPERTY LINE / ZONE LOT BOUNDARY BUILDING OVERHANG EASEMENT 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN HIGH HAZARD PLANTING AREA RAIN GARDENRG PA HYDROZONES LEGEND ZONE 1: SOUTHERN EXPOSURE FULL SUN VERY LOW WATER ZONE 2: SOUTHWEST EXPOSURE FULL SUN LOW WATER ZONE 3: SOUTHEAST EXPOSURE PART SUN / PART SHADE LOW WATER ZONE 4: NORTHEAST EXPOSURE PART / FULL SHADE MEDIUM WATER ZONE 5: EAST EXPOSURE FULL SHADE LOW WATER ZONE 6: RAIN GARDEN EXPOSED ALL SIDES FULL SUN LOW WATER RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE VIEW #| | | L-200TREE PLANTING 2023.06.025 1" = 30'-0" TREE PLANTING FAGACEAE QUERCUS MACROCARPA PROPOSED 23% FAGACEAE QUERCUS PRINUS PROPOSED 15% SAPINDACEAE ACER MIYABEI 'MORTON' PROPOSED 31% SAPINDACEAE ACER SACCHARUM 'BAILSTA' PROPOSED 31% FAMILY GENUS SPECIES EXISTING/PROPOSED PERCENTAGE TREE DIVERSITY TABLE - WALNUT ST CER LED 11 CERCOCARPUS LEDIFOLIUS / CURL-LEAF MOUNTAIN MAHOGANY B&B, INDEX... VERY LOW 20' B&B - ACE VRD 1 ACER PALMATUM DISSECTUM 'VIRIDIS' / VIRIDIS JAPANESE MAPLE MEDIUM 4'-8' B&B 2" ACE JPN 1 ACER JAPONICUM / FULLMOON MAPLE MEDIUM 10-12' B&B 2" ACE GRI 7 ACER GRISEUM / PAPERBARK MAPLE MEDIUM 25' B&B 2" ORNAMENTAL TREES QTY BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT CAL PIN STW 2 PINUS STROBIFORMIS / SOUTHWESTERN WHITE PINE LOW 90' 5` HT. - PIN BRI 9 PINUS ARISTATA / BRISTLECONE PINE LOW 15' 5` HT. - EVERGREEN TREES QTY BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT CAL ULM ACC 12 ULMUS X 'MORTON' TM / ACCOLADE ELM MEDIUM 55' B&B 2" QUE CRI 12 QUERCUS ROBUR X ALBA CRIMSCHMIDT' / CRIMSON SPIRE OAK LOW 40' B&B 2" QUE CHE 11 QUERCUS PRINUS / CHESTNUT OAK LOW 65' B&B 2" QUE MAC 11 QUERCUS MACROCARPA / BURR OAK LOW 70' B&B 2" QUE GAM 5 QUERCUS GAMBELII / GAMBEL OAK LOW 20' B&B 2" QUE BIC 8 QUERCUS BICOLOR / SWAMP WHITE OAK LOW 55' B&B 2" QUE ALB 8 QUERCUS ALBA / WHITE OAK LOW 65' B&B 2" PRU CHO 6 PRUNUS VIRGINIANA / CHOKECHERRY LOW 25' B&B 2" OST VIR 5 OSTRYA VIRGINIANA / AMERICAN HOPHORNBEAM LOW 30' B&B 2" LIQ STY 2 LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA / SWEET GUM MEDIUM 60' B&B 2" COR TUR 8 CORYLUS COLURNA / TURKISH FILBERT LOW 45' B&B 2" CEL OCC 7 CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS / COMMON HACKBERRY LOW 50' B&B 2" CAR AME 10 CARPINUS CAROLINIANA / AMERICAN HORNBEAM MEDIUM 30' B&B 2" ACE BAI 12 ACER SACCHARUM 'BAILSTA' / FALL FIESTA® SUGAR MAPLE MEDIUM 60' B&B 2" ACE MTN 4 ACER MIYABEI 'MORTON' / STATE STREET™ MIYABE MAPLE MEDIUM 40' B&B 2" ACE SMT 4 ACER GRANDIDENTATUM 'SCHMIDT' / ROCKY MOUNTAIN GLOW® MAPLE LOW 25' B&B 2" ACE FLM 2 ACER GINNALA 'FLAME' / FLAME AMUR MAPLE STREET TREE LOW 15'-20' B&B 2" DECIDUOUS TREES QTY BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZONE HEIGHT CONT CAL TREE PLANTING SCHEDULE : N 0'15'30'60' 1" = 60'-0" HYDROZONES N IRRIGATION DESIGN INTENT: 1. ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS WILL BE WATERED BY A PERMANENT, AUTOMATIC UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION SYSTEM. IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE WILL CONFORM TO THE WATER CONSERVATION AND IRRIGATION STANDARDS LISTED IN SECTION 9-9-12 “LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING STANDARDS” OF THE CITY OF BOULDER MUNICIPAL CODE AND WILL PROVIDE EFFICIENT WATER USE AND MINIMAL WASTE OF WATER. 2. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WILL BE ZONED TO CORRELATE TO THE ORGANIZATION OF PLANTS INTO HYDROZONES WITH SIMILAR WATERING REQUIREMENTS, ADAPTABILITY, AND SUN EXPOSURE. 3. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL FEATURE SMART MANAGEMENT CONTROLS THAT ADJUST FOR RAINFALL, SOIL MOISTURE, AND OTHER WEATHER FACTORS. 4. LANDSCAPED AREAS WILL BE IRRIGATED AS FOLLOWS: a. TREES & SHRUBS – DRIP b. PERENNIALS & GROUNDCOVERS – DRIP c. NATIVE SEED – SPRAY SHRUBS 5 GAL CONT ORNAMENTAL TREES 1 1/2" CAL EVERGREEN TREES 5' HT DECIDUOUS TREES 2" MIN. PLANT SIZES - INTERNAL SIZE SHRUBS 5 GAL CONT ORNAMENTAL TREES 1 1/2" CAL EVERGREEN TREES 5' HT DECIDUOUS TREES 2" MIN. PLANT SIZES - R.O.W.SIZE Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review FD FD (28) SAL SUP 9.SMX06 (35) ERI UBR (35) ERI UTU (95) VER BIP (73) PEN STR (35) RAT COL (8) CAR DAR 9.SMX06 (12) ERI UBR (13) ERI UTU (17) HEL SEM (45) VER BIP (25) ART FIL (50) SAL SUP (51) PEN STR SHEET LEGEND PROPERTY LINE / ZONE LOT BOUNDARY BUILDING OVERHANG EASEMENT 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN HIGH HAZARD PLANTING AREA RAIN GARDENRG PA RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE VIEW #| | | L-201STREETSCAPE PLANTING 2023.06.025 1" = 10'-0" STREETSCAPE PLANTING - AREA 1 1" = 10'-0" STREETSCAPE PLANTING - AREA 2 N 0'5'10'20' N 0'5'10'20' VER BIP 140 VERBENA BIPINNATIFIDA / NATIVE VERBENA LOW 1 QUART 12" O.C. SAL SUP 93 SALVIA X SUPERBA / PERENNIAL SAGE LOW 1 QUART 18" O.C. RAT COL 67 RATIBIDA COLUMNIFERA / YELLOW PRAIRIE CONEFLOWER LOW 1 QUART 12" O.C. PEN STR 124 PENSTEMON STRICTUS / ROCKY MOUNTAIN PENSTEMON LOW 1 QUART 18" O.C. AST NVA 79 ASTER NOVAE-ANGLIAE / NEW ENGLAND ASTER LOW 1 QUART 18" O.C. PERENNIALS QTY BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT SPACING HEL SEM 41 HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS / BLUE OAT GRASS LOW 1 GAL 2' O.C. ORNMENTAL GRASS QTY BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT SPACING ERI UTU 48 ERICAMERIA NAUSEOSA SSP. NAUSEOSA VAR. NAUSEOSA / DWARF RUBBER RABBITBRUSH VERY LOW 5 GAL 3' O.C. ERI UBR 47 ERICAMERIA NAUSEOSA GLABRATA / TALL GREEN RABBITBRUSH VERY LOW 5 GAL 4' O.C. CAR DAR 13 CARYOPTERIS X CLANDONENSIS 'DARK KNIGHT' / DARK KNIGHT BLUEBEARD LOW 5 GAL 3' O.C. ART FIL 75 ARTEMISIA FILIFOLIA / SAND SAGEBRUSH LOW 5 GAL 2' O.C. SHRUBS QTY BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT SPACING STREETSCAPE UNDERSTORY PLANTING SCHEDULE: Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review TREE LEGEND DECIDUOUS TREES CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME ACE FLM ACER GINNALA 'FLAME' / FLAME AMUR MAPLE STREET TREE ACE SMT ACER GRANDIDENTATUM 'SCHMIDT' / ROCKY MOUNTAIN GLOW® MAPLE ACE MTN ACER MIYABEI 'MORTON' / STATE STREET™ MIYABE MAPLE ACE BAI ACER SACCHARUM 'BAILSTA' / FALL FIESTA® SUGAR MAPLE CAR AME CARPINUS CAROLINIANA / AMERICAN HORNBEAM CEL OCC CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS / COMMON HACKBERRY COR TUR CORYLUS COLURNA / TURKISH FILBERT LIQ STY LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA / SWEET GUM OST VIR OSTRYA VIRGINIANA / AMERICAN HOPHORNBEAM PRU CHO PRUNUS VIRGINIANA / CHOKECHERRY QUE ALB QUERCUS ALBA / WHITE OAK QUE BIC QUERCUS BICOLOR / SWAMP WHITE OAK QUE GAM QUERCUS GAMBELII / GAMBEL OAK QUE MAC QUERCUS MACROCARPA / BURR OAK QUE CHE QUERCUS PRINUS / CHESTNUT OAK QUE CRI QUERCUS ROBUR X ALBA 'CRIMSCHMIDT' / CRIMSON SPIRE™ OAK ULM ACC ULMUS X 'MORTON' TM / ACCOLADE ELM EVERGREEN TREES CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME PIN BRI PINUS ARISTATA / BRISTLECONE PINE PIN STW PINUS STROBIFORMIS / SOUTHWESTERN WHITE PINE ORNAMENTAL TREES CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME ACE GRI ACER GRISEUM / PAPERBARK MAPLE ACE JPN ACER JAPONICUM / FULLMOON MAPLE ACE VRD ACER PALMATUM DISSECTUM 'VIRIDIS' / VIRIDIS JAPANESE MAPLE CER LED CERCOCARPUS LEDIFOLIUS / CURL-LEAF MOUNTAIN MAHOGANY B&B, INDEX KEY 1256D DECIDUOUS SHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME AMO LEA AMORPHA CANESCENS / LEADPLANT ART FIL ARTEMISIA FILIFOLIA / SAND SAGEBRUSH CAR DAR CARYOPTERIS X CLANDONENSIS 'DARK KNIGHT' / DARK KNIGHT BLUEBEARD CHA MIL CHAMAEBATIARIA MILLEFOLIUM / DESERT SWEET CHR GTR CHRYSOTHAMNUS NAUSEOSUS GRAVEOLENS / TALL GREEN RABBITBRUSH ERI UBR ERICAMERIA NAUSEOSA GLABRATA / TALL GREEN RABBITBRUSH ERI UTU ERICAMERIA NAUSEOSA SSP. NAUSEOSA VAR. NAUSEOSA / DWARF RUBBER RABBITBRUSH FOR NEM FORESTIERA NEOMEXICANA / NEW MEXICO PRIVET HES PAR HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA / RED YUCCA PTE TRI PTELEA TRIFOLIATA / COMMON HOPTREE RHU GRO RHUS AROMATICA 'GRO-LOW' / GRO-LOW FRAGRANT SUMAC RHU LAC RHUS TYPHINA 'LACINATA' / CUTLEAF STAGHORN SUMAC SAL ARE SALIX ARENARIA / SILVER CREEPING WILLOW EVERGREEN SHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME AGA TRU AGAVE PARRYI TRUNCATA / ARTICHOKE PARRY'S AGAVE JUN SWO JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM 'WOODWARD' / WOODWARD COLUMNAR JUNIPER PIC NID PICEA ABIES 'NIDIFORMIS' / BIRD'S NEST NORWAY SPRUCE PIC GLO PICEA PUNGENS 'GLOBOSA' / DWARF GLOBE BLUE SPRUCE PIN GNR PINUS DENSIFLORA 'GLOBOSA' / GLOBE JAPANESE RED PINE PIN HIL PINUS SYLVESTRIS 'HILLSIDE CREEPER' / HILLSIDE CREEPER SCOTCH PINE YUC FIL YUCCA FILAMENTOSA / ADAM'S NEEDLE 1235D YUC GLA YUCCA GLAUCA / SOAPWEED UNDERSTORY LEGEND BOU GR2 BOUTELOUA GRACILIS / BLUE GRAMA GRASS CAL BCY CALAMAGROSTIS BRACHYTRICHA / KOREAN FEATHER REED GRASS HEL SEM HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS / BLUE OAT GRASS SCH LIT SHIZACYRIUM SCOPARIUM / LITTLE BLUESTEM ASM HUB AMSONIA HUBRICHTII / ARKANSAS BLUESTAR AST NVA ASTER NOVAE-ANGLIAE / NEW ENGLAND ASTER PEN STR PENSTEMON STRICTUS / ROCKY MOUNTAIN PENSTEMON RAT COL RATIBIDA COLUMNIFERA / YELLOW PRAIRIE CONEFLOWER SAL SUP SALVIA X SUPERBA / PERENNIAL SAGE SAN GRE SANTOLINA ROSMARINIFOLIA / GREEN SANTOLINA VER BIP VERBENA BIPINNATIFIDA / NATIVE VERBENA ORNAMENTAL GRASSES CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME PERENNIALS CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1881 9TH STREET SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE VIEW #| | | L-202PLANTING SCHEDULES 2023.06.025 SPOROBOLUS CRYPTANDRUS / SAND DROPSEED LOW CALAMOVIFOLIA LONGIFOLIA / PRAIRIE SANDREED LOW ANDROPOGON HALLII / SAND BLUESTEM LOW ANDROPOGON GERARDII / BIG BLUESTEM LOW SORGHASTRUM NUTANS / YELLOW INDIANGRASS LOW PASCOPYRUM SMITHII / WESTERN WHEATGRASS LOW SCHIZACYRIUM SCOPARIUM / LITTLE BLUESTEM LOW BOUTELOUA CURTIPENDULA / SIDEOATS GRAMA LOW ACHNATHERUM HYMENOIDES / INDIAN RICEGRASS LOW PANICUM VIRGATUM / SWITCHGRASS LOW BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZON E PAWNEE BUTTES PBSI NATIVE SANDYLAND MIX ACHILLEA TOMENTOSA / WESTERN YARROW LOW SPHAERALCEA COCCINEA / SCARLET GLOBEMALLOW LOW RATIBIDA COLUMNIFERA / UPRIGHT PRAIRIE CONEFLOWER LOW RUDBECKIA HIRTA / BLACKEYED SUSAN LOW DALEA PURPUREA / PURPLE PRAIRIE CLOVER LOW COREOPSIS TINCTORA / SHOWY PLAINS COREOPSIS LOW DRYMOCALLIS ARGUTA / PRAIRIE CINQUEFOIL LOW CHAMAECRISTA FASCICULATA / PARTRIDGE PEAS LOW HELIOPSIS HELIANTHOIDES / OXEYE SUNFLOWER LOW PENSTEMON AGNUSTIFOLIUS / NARROWLEAF PENSTEMON LOW HELIANTHUS MAXIMILIANA / MAXIMILLIAN SUNFLOWER LOW AMORPHA CANASCENS / LEADPLANT LOW GAILLARDIA PULCHELLA / INDIAN BLANKET LOW DESMANTHUS ILLINOENSIS / ILLINOIS BUNDLEFLOWER LOW SYMPHYOTRICHUM LAEVE / BLUE ASTER LOW BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZON E PAWNEE BUTTES PBSI NATIVE PRAIRIE WIDFLOWERS SEED MIX SCHEDULE: 9.SMX-04 (TOTAL AREA: 7,487 SF) DESCHAMPSIA CESPITOSA / TUFTED HAIRGRASS LOW KOELERIA MACRANTHA / PRAIRIE JUNEGRASS LOW POA SECUNDA / SANDBERG BLUEGRASS LOW FESTUCA ARIZONICA / ARIZONA FESCUE LOW ELYMUS GLAUCUS / BLUE WILDRYE LOW ELYMUS TRACHYCAULUS / SLENDER WHEATGRASS LOW BROMUS MARGINATUS / MOUNTAIN BROMEGRASS LOW ELYMUS LANCEOLATUS PSAMMOPHILUS / STREAMBANK WHEATGRASS LOW BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZON E PAWNEE BUTTES PBSI NATIVE MOUNTAIN MIX ACHILLEA TOMENTOSA / WESTERN YARROW LOW SPHAERALCEA COCCINEA / SCARLET GLOBEMALLOW LOW RATIBIDA COLUMNIFERA / UPRIGHT PRAIRIE CONEFLOWER LOW RUDBECKIA HIRTA / BLACKEYED SUSAN LOW DALEA PURPUREA / PURPLE PRAIRIE CLOVER LOW COREOPSIS TINCTORA / SHOWY PLAINS COREOPSIS LOW DRYMOCALLIS ARGUTA / PRAIRIE CINQUEFOIL LOW CHAMAECRISTA FASCICULATA / PARTRIDGE PEAS LOW HELIOPSIS HELIANTHOIDES / OXEYE SUNFLOWER LOW PENSTEMON AGNUSTIFOLIUS / NARROWLEAF PENSTEMON LOW HELIANTHUS MAXIMILIANA / MAXIMILLIAN SUNFLOWER LOW AMORPHA CANASCENS / LEADPLANT LOW GAILLARDIA PULCHELLA / INDIAN BLANKET LOW DESMANTHUS ILLINOENSIS / ILLINOIS BUNDLEFLOWER LOW SYMPHYOTRICHUM LAEVE / BLUE ASTER LOW BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZON E PAWNEE BUTTES PBSI NATIVE PRAIRIE WIDFLOWERS SEED MIX SCHEDULE: 9.SMX-03 (TOTAL AREA: 8,549 SF) INLAND SALTGRASS / DISTICHLIS SPICATA LOW CANADA WILDRYE / ELYMUS CANADENSIS LOW BOTTLEBRUSH SQUIRRELTAIL / ELYMUS ELYMOIDES LOW BLUE GRAMA / BOUTELOUA GRACILIS LOW ALKALI SACATON / SPOROBOLUS AIROIDES LOW ALKALIGRASS / PUCINELLIA DISTANS LOW PASCOPYRUM SMITHII / WESTERN WHEATGRASS LOW BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZON E PAWNEE BUTTES PBSI NATIVE ALKALI MIX ACHILLEA TOMENTOSA / WESTERN YARROW LOW SPHAERALCEA COCCINEA / SCARLET GLOBEMALLOW LOW RATIBIDA COLUMNIFERA / UPRIGHT PRAIRIE CONEFLOWER LOW RUDBECKIA HIRTA / BLACKEYED SUSAN LOW DALEA PURPUREA / PURPLE PRAIRIE CLOVER LOW COREOPSIS TINCTORA / SHOWY PLAINS COREOPSIS LOW DRYMOCALLIS ARGUTA / PRAIRIE CINQUEFOIL LOW CHAMAECRISTA FASCICULATA / PARTRIDGE PEAS LOW HELIOPSIS HELIANTHOIDES / OXEYE SUNFLOWER LOW PENSTEMON AGNUSTIFOLIUS / NARROWLEAF PENSTEMON LOW HELIANTHUS MAXIMILIANA / MAXIMILLIAN SUNFLOWER LOW AMORPHA CANASCENS / LEADPLANT LOW GAILLARDIA PULCHELLA / INDIAN BLANKET LOW DESMANTHUS ILLINOENSIS / ILLINOIS BUNDLEFLOWER LOW SYMPHYOTRICHUM LAEVE / BLUE ASTER LOW BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZON E PAWNEE BUTTES PBSI NATIVE PRAIRIE WIDFLOWERS SEED MIX SCHEDULE: 9.SMX-02 (TOTAL AREA: 5,597 SF) NASSELLA VIRIDULA / GREEN NEEDLEGRASS LOW SPOROBOLUS CRYPTANDRUS / SAND DROPSEED LOW PASCOPYRUM SMITHII / WESTERN WHEATGRASS LOW BOUTELOUA CURTIPENDULA / SIDEOATS GRAMS LOW BUCHLOE DACTYLOIDES / BUFFALOGRASS LOW BOUTELOUA GRACILIS / BLUE GRAMA LOW BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZON E PAWNEE BUTTES PBSI NATIVE PRAIRIE MIX ACHILLEA TOMENTOSA / WESTERN YARROW LOW SPHAERALCEA COCCINEA / SCARLET GLOBEMALLOW LOW RATIBIDA COLUMNIFERA / UPRIGHT PRAIRIE CONEFLOWER LOW RUDBECKIA HIRTA / BLACKEYED SUSAN LOW DALEA PURPUREA / PURPLE PRAIRIE CLOVER LOW COREOPSIS TINCTORA / SHOWY PLAINS COREOPSIS LOW DRYMOCALLIS ARGUTA / PRAIRIE CINQUEFOIL LOW CHAMAECRISTA FASCICULATA / PARTRIDGE PEAS LOW HELIOPSIS HELIANTHOIDES / OXEYE SUNFLOWER LOW PENSTEMON AGNUSTIFOLIUS / NARROWLEAF PENSTEMON LOW HELIANTHUS MAXIMILIANA / MAXIMILLIAN SUNFLOWER LOW AMORPHA CANASCENS / LEADPLANT LOW GAILLARDIA PULCHELLA / INDIAN BLANKET LOW DESMANTHUS ILLINOENSIS / ILLINOIS BUNDLEFLOWER LOW SYMPHYOTRICHUM LAEVE / BLUE ASTER LOW BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZON E PAWNEE BUTTES PBSI NATIVE PRAIRIE WIDFLOWERS SEED MIX SCHEDULE: 9.SMX-01 (TOTAL AREA: 29,778 SF) SEDUM MAT LOW FLAT BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT PERENNIAL LAYER 9.PMX-07: ENTRY GROUND COVERS GROUNDCOVER LAYER: 9.SMX-04 (SEE SEED MIX SCHEDULE) SALVIA X SUPERBA / SAGE LOW 1 QUART PANICUM VIRGATUM 'PRAIRIE SKY' / SWITCHGRASS LOW 1 QUART EUPATORIUM MACULATUM / JOE PYE WEED LOW - MEDIUM 1 QUART MONARDA FISTULOSA / WILD BERGAMOT LOW 1 QUART LIATRIS PUNCTUATA / BLAZING STAR LOW 1 QUART DESCHAMPSIA CESPITOSA / TUFTED HAIR GRASS LOW 1 QUART DALEA PURPUREA / PURPLE PRAIRIE CLOVER LOW 1 QUART ARTEMISIA LUDOVICIANA / WHITE SAGEBRUSH LOW 1 QUART AMSONIA HUBRICHTII / HUBRICHT'S BLUESTAR LOW-MEDIUM 1 QUART BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT PERENNIAL LAYER 9.PMX-06: NORTH, SOUTH RAIN GARDEN PERENNIAL OVERLAY GROUNDCOVER LAYER: 9.SMX-03 VINCA MINOR ' ARGENTEOVARIEGATA' MEDIUM 1 QUART DRYOPTERIS FILIX-MAS / MALE FERN MEDIUM 1 QUART CONVALLARIA MAJALIS / LILY OF THE VALLEY MEDIUM 1 QUART CHASMANTHIUM LATIFOLIUM / INLAND SEA OATS MEDIUM 1 QUART BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT PERENNIAL LAYER 9.PMX-05: EAST FAÇADE GROUNDCOVER PLANTING SCHEDULE GROUNDCOVER LAYER: 9.SMX-03 THALICTRUM FENDLERI / FENDLER'S MEADOW-RUE MEDIUM 1 QUART MONARDA FISTULOSA / WILD BERGAMOT MEDIUM 1 QUART FRASERA SPECIOSA / GREEN GENTIAN MEDIUM 1 QUART MIRABILIS MULTIFIDA / DESERT FOUR-O-CLOCK MEDIUM 1 QUART HEUCHERA PARVIFLORA / LITTLEFLOWER ALUMROOT MEDIUM 1 QUART GALIUM ODORATUM / SWEET WOODRUFF MEDIUM 1 QUART DRYOPTERIS FILIX-MAS / MALE FERN MEDIUM 1 QUART AQUILEGIA VULGARIS / ROCKY MOUNTAIN COLUMBINE MEDIUM 1 QUART ANEMONE MULTIFIDA 'ANABELLA WHITE' / WINDFLOWER MEDIUM 1 QUART ALCHEMILLA MOLLIS 'THRILLER' / LADY'S MANTLE MEDIUM 1 QUART BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT PERENNIAL LAYER 9.PMX-04: EAST, NORTH ENTRY SHADE GARDEN UNDERSTORY PLANTING SCHEDULE GROUNDCOVER LAYER: 9.SMX-05 (SEE SEED MIX SCHEDULE) SPHAERALCEA COCCINEA / SCARLET GLOBEMALLOW LOW 1 QUART PENSTEMON VIRENS / BLUEMIST BEARDTONGUE LOW 1 QUART PENSTEMON SECUNDIFLORUS / SIDEBELLS PENSTEMON LOW 1 QUART OENOTHERA HOWARDII / HOWARD'S EVENING PRIMROSE LOW 1 QUART ERIOGONUM UMBELLATUM / SULFUR FLOWER LOW 1 QUART ALLIUM TUBEROSUM / GARLIC CHIVES LOW 1 QUART ALLIUM SPHAEROCEPHALON / DRUMSTICK ALLIUM LOW 1 QUART ALLIUM CHRISTOPHII / STAR OF PERSIA LOW 1 QUART ACHNATHERUM CALAMAGROSTIS / SILVER SPIKE GRASS LOW 1 QUART BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT PERENNIAL LAYER 9.PMX-03: CREVICE GARDEN UNDERSTORY PLANTING SCHEDULE GROUNDCOVER LAYER: 9.SMX-02 (SEE SEED MIX SCHEDULE) SCHIZACYRIUM SCOPARIUM / LITTLE BLUESTEM LOW 1 QUART PENSTEMON STRICTUS / ROCKY MOUNTAIN PENSTEMON LOW 1 QUART EREMERUS STENOPHYLLUS / FOXTAIL LILY LOW 1 QUART PENSTEMON BARBATUS / BEARDLIP PENSTEMON LOW 1 QUART MUHLENBERGIA REVERCHONII / UNDAUNTED MUHLY GRASS LOW 1 QUART GAURA LINDHEIMERI / WHIRLING BUTTERFLIES LOW 1 QUART ECHINACEA PALLIDA / PALE PURPLE CONEFLOWER LOW 1 QUART ARTEMISIA FRIGIDA / FINGED SAGE LOW 1 QUART AGASTACHE RUPESTRIS / LICORICE PLANT LOW 1 QUART BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT PERENNIAL LAYER 9.PMX-02: MAIN ENTRY UNDERSTORY PLANTING SHEDULE GROUNDCOVER LAYER - 9.SMX-01 (SEE SEED MIX SCHEDULE) RATIBIDA PINNATA LOW 1 QUART LIATRIS PUNCTUATA LOW 1 QUART DALEA PURPUREA LOW 1 QUART ASTER NOVAE-ANGLIAE LOW 1 QUART ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA / BUTTERFLY WEED LOW 1 QUART ARTEMISIA LUDOVICIANA / WHITE SAGEBRUSH LOW 1 QUART ARTEMISIA FRIGIDA / FINGED SAGE LOW 1 QUART ACHILLEA TOMENTOSA / COMMON YARROW LOW 1 QUART BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT PERENNIAL LAYER 9.PMX-01 : WEST, SOUTH, EAST BOUNDARY WRAP UNDERSTORY PLANTING SCHEDULE FESTUCA SAXIMONTANA / ROCKY MOUNTAIN FESCUE LOW POA SECUNDA / SANDBERG BLUEGRASS LOW FESTUCA ARIZONICA / ARIZONA FESCUE LOW BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZONE PAWNEE BUTTES PBSI NATIVE LOW GROW MIX ACHILLEA TOMENTOSA / WESTERN YARROW LOW SPHAERALCEA COCCINEA / SCARLET GLOBEMALLOW LOW RATIBIDA COLUMNIFERA / UPRIGHT PRAIRIE CONEFLOWER LOW RUDBECKIA HIRTA / BLACKEYED SUSAN LOW DALEA PURPUREA / PURPLE PRAIRIE CLOVER LOW COREOPSIS TINCTORA / SHOWY PLAINS COREOPSIS LOW DRYMOCALLIS ARGUTA / PRAIRIE CINQUEFOIL LOW CHAMAECRISTA FASCICULATA / PARTRIDGE PEAS LOW HELIOPSIS HELIANTHOIDES / OXEYE SUNFLOWER LOW PENSTEMON AGNUSTIFOLIUS / NARROWLEAF PENSTEMON LOW HELIANTHUS MAXIMILIANA / MAXIMILLIAN SUNFLOWER LOW AMORPHA CANASCENS / LEADPLANT LOW GAILLARDIA PULCHELLA / INDIAN BLANKET LOW DESMANTHUS ILLINOENSIS / ILLINOIS BUNDLEFLOWER LOW SYMPHYOTRICHUM LAEVE / BLUE ASTER LOW BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME HYDROZONE PAWNEE BUTTES PBSI NATIVE PRAIRIE WIDFLOWERS SEED MIX SCHEDULE: 9.SMX-05 (TOTAL AREA: 8,182 SF) SAN GRE 721 SANTOLINA ROSMARINIFOLIA GREEN SANTOLINA LOW 1 GAL SAL SUP 18 SALVIA SUPERBA PERENNIAL SAGE LOW 1 GAL AMS HUB 6 AMSONIA HUBRICHTII ARKANSAS BLUESTAR LOW 1 GAL CODE QTY BOTANICAL COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT PERENNIALS SCH LIT 1,186 SHIZACYRIUM SCOPARIUM LITTLE BLUESTEM LOW 1 GAL CAL BCY 88 CALAMAGROSTIS BRACHYTRICHA KOREAN FEATHER REED GRASS LOW 1 GAL BOU GR2 1,836 BOUTELOUA GRACILIS BLUE GRAMA GRASS LOW 1 GAL CODE QTY BOTANICAL COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT ORNAMENTAL GRASSES YUC GLA 58 YUCCA GLAUCA SOAPWEED LOW 5 GAL YUC FIL 115 YUCCA FILAMENTOSA ADAM'S NEEDLE LOW 5 GAL PIN HIL 14 PINUS SYLVESTRIS 'HILLSIDE CREEPER' HILLSIDE CREEPER SCOTCH PINE LOW 5 GAL PIN GNR 19 PINUS DENSIFLORUS 'GLOBOSA' GLOBE JAPANESE RED PINE LOW 5 GAL PIC GLO 11 PICEA PUNGENS 'GLOBOSA' DWARF GLOBE BLUE SPRUCE MEDIUM 5 GAL PIC NID 20 PICEA ABIES 'NIDIFORMIS' BIRD'S NEST NORWAY SPRUCE MEDIUM 5 GAL JUN SWO 16 JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM 'WOODWARD' WOODWARD COLUMNAR JUNIPER LOW 5 GAL AGA TRU 15 AGAVE FARRYI TRUNCATA ARTICHOKE PARRY'S AGAVE LOW 5 GAL CODE QTY BOTANICAL COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT EVERGREEN SHRUBS SAL ARE 39 SALIX ARENARIA SILVER CREEPING WILLOW LOW 5 GAL RHU LAC 65 RHUS TYPHINA 'LACINATA' CUTLEAF STAGHORN SUMAC LOW 5 GAL RHA GLO 72 RHAMNUS FRANGULA ALDER BUCKTHORN LOW 5 GAL PTE TRI 19 PTELEA TRIFOLIATA COMMON HOPTREE LOW 5 GAL HES PAR 15 HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA RED YUCCA LOW 5 GAL FOR NEM 23 FORESTIERA NEOMEXICANA NEW MEXICO PRIVET LOW 5 GAL ERI UTU 147 ERICAMERIA NAUSEOSA SSP. NAUSEOSA VAR. NAUSEOSA DWARF RABBITBRUSH LOW 5 GAL ERI UBR 76 ERICAMERIA NAUSEOSA GLABRATA TALL GREEN RABBITBRUSH LOW 5 GAL CHR GTR 116 CHRYSOTHAMNUS NAUSEOSUS GRAVEOLENS TALL GREEN RABBITBRUSH LOW 5 GAL CHA MIL 58 CHAMAEBATIARIA MILLEFOLIUM DESERT SWEET LOW 5 GAL CAR DAR 47 CARYOPTERIS X CLANDOENSIS 'DARK KNIGHT' DARK KNIGHT BLUEBEARD LOW 5 GAL ART FIL 237 ARTEMISIA FILIFOLIA SAND SAGEBRUSH LOW 5 GAL AMO LEA 107 AMORPHA CANASCENS LEADPLANT LOW 5 GAL CODE QTY BOTANICAL COMMON NAME HYDROZONE CONT DECIDUOUS SHRUBS UNDERSTORY PLANTING SCHEDULE: Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review NOTE: INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS GRADE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, PER GEOTECH TOP OF PAVEMENT / BOTTOM OF BIKE RACK COPLANAR BIKE RACK ON PAVEMENT TYPE 1 BIKE RACK SURFACE MOUNT CONNECTION; RE: MANUFACTURER RING BIKE RACK CONCRETE FOOTING AND REINFORCEMENT; RE: STRUCTURAL 2"6" CORE DRILL 3" PREPARED SUBGRADE, PER GEOTECH PAVEMENT TYPE 1 PROFILE, RE: CIVIL MIN. 3'-0" ADJACENT PLANTING 4"1'-6"2'-3 1/4"2'-0 7/8" FRONT ELEVATION SECTION ALUMINUM PANEL FRAME 12'-0"ALUMINUM SUPPORT RIB EXTRUDED ALUMINUM LOUVER ALUMINUM PANEL POST BASE PLATE CONCRETE FOOTING, RE: STRUCTURAL EQ EQ 5'-0" O.C. MAX BASIS OF DESIGN PRODUCT: MANUFACTURER: PALMSHIELD (WWW.PALMSHIELDLOUVERS.COM) PRODUCT: ATLAS INDUSTRIAL LOUVER OPTIONS: HORIZONTAL FINISH/COLOR: POWDERCOATED/TBD RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE VIEW #| | | L-300LANDSCAPE DETAILS 2023.06.025 MULTI-USE PATH SECTION DETAIL TREES AND SHRUBS PLANTING DETAILCONCRETE WALK AND MULTI-USE PATH JOINTS 1" = 1'-0" BIKE RACK 1/2" = 1'-0" UTILITY YARD FENCE Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 442 17 1/2" 103 4" 781 30 3/4" 80" 2030 2238 88" 202 8" 209 8 1/4" 2238 88" 13 3/4" 350 585 23" GRADE THREADED RODS INCLUDED WOOD SEATING AND BACK NOTE: INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS 4'-11"1'-0 3/4" 1'-8"1'-0"3'-9" 7'-6"AISLE3'-0"3'-9"NOTE: INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS 917 ∅36" 737 29" 810 31 3/4" 30 1 1/4" ADJUSTABLE GLIDE NOTE: INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS 508 20" 844 33 1/4" 494 19 1/2" 543 21 3/8" 429 16 7/8" NON-MARRING GLIDES NOTE: INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS NOTES: -FRAME: ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION -THERMORY (N. WHITE ASH) OR ALUMINUM SLATS -FREESTANDING OR SURFACE MOUNT -SITE PIECES RECOMMENDS STAINLESS STEEL DROP-IN ANCHORS W/ FLAT HEAD FOR SURFACE MOUNT APPLICATIONS -SHIPS FULLY ASSEMBLED 2'-6 3/4" 2'-3 1/2"2'-7" NOTE: INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE VIEW #| | | L-301LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 2023.06.025 3/4" = 1'-0" BENCH 3/4" = 1'-0" BIKE REPAIR STATION WITH PUMP 1" = 1'-0" CAFE TABLE 1" = 1'-0" CHAIR TYPE 2 - DINING 1" = 1'-0" CHAIR TYPE - ADIRONDACK Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review NOT TO SCALE 3. CONTRACTORS NOTE: FOR PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATION VISIT www.CADdetails.com/info 1. INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. NOTES: 2. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. REFERENCE NUMBER 2894-019. FRONT VIEW TOP VIEW ISOMETRIC VIEW NOTE: APPROX. 190 LBS. 12"16"24" PLANTER TYPE 1 NOT TO SCALE 3. CONTRACTORS NOTE: FOR PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATION VISIT www.CADdetails.com/info 1. INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. NOTES: 2. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. REFERENCE NUMBER 2894-019. FRONT VIEW TOP VIEW ISOMETRIC VIEW NOTE: APPROX. 540 LBS. 15"23"36" NOT TO SCALE 3. CONTRACTORS NOTE: FOR PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATION VISIT www.CADdetails.com/info 1. INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. NOTES: 2. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. REFERENCE NUMBER 2894-028. FRONT VIEW TOP VIEW ISOMETRIC VIEW NOTE: APPROX. 990 LBS. 23"38"38" 4. PROVIDE INTEGRATED PLUMBING CONNECTION FOR IRRIGATION.4. PROVIDE INTEGRATED PLUMBING CONNECTION FOR IRRIGATION.4. PROVIDE INTEGRATED PLUMBING CONNECTION FOR IRRIGATION. PLANTER TYPE 2 PLANTER TYPE 3 NOTE: INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS NOTE: INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS NOTES: -FRAME: ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION -3/8" ALUMINUM GLIDES W/ 1/2" PRE-DRILLED COUNTERSUNK HOLES FOR SURFACE MOUNTING -SITE PIECES RECOMMENDS STAINLESS STEEL DROP-IN ANCHORS W/ FLAT HEAD -SHIPS FULLY ASSEMBLED 1'-2" 2'-3" 3'-6 3/8" 3/8" laser-cut litter + recycle symbols keyed cam lock BACK FRONT RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE VIEW #| | | L-302LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 2023.06.025 1/2" = 1'-0" PLANTERS 1" = 1'-0" WASTE RECEPTACLE Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review LARGE STONE (12" - 24" THICKNESS, LENGTH VARIES ) BURY 1_ 3 OF FULL HEIGHT MEDIUM STONE (4" - 6" THICKNESS, LENGTH VARIES BURY 1_ 2 OF FULL HEIGHT SMALL STONE (2"-3" THICKNESS, LENGTH VARIES BURY 1_ 2 TO 3_ 4 OF FULL HEIGHT *1' - 18" MAX. *3" MIN. *NOTES: 1. SPACING BETWEEN SITE BOULDERS TO VARY BETWEEN APPROXIMATELY 18" MAX TO 3" MIN. DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTING2/31/3CRUSHED STONE MULCH PLANTING SOIL TO BE EQUAL PARTS TOPSOIL, COMPOST, AND SQUEEGEE10'-0"25'-0"2'-0"4 EQ RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE VIEW #| | | L-303HARDSCAPE MATERIALS 2023.06.025 1/4" = 1'-0" CONCRETE FINISH AT DROP-OFF 1/4" = 1'-0" CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN PAVERS 1 1/2" = 1'-0"L-303 3 SITE STONE & PLANTING Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review POSSIBLE END OF 24" CMP/FES POSSIBLE STORM LINE 23 19 33 24 22 21 20 18 15 14 13 16 17 25 26 27 28 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 31 30 29 32 X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X WALNUT STREET WALNUT STREET TREE REMOVAL & PROTECTION LEGEND EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED BY LISCENSE TREE SERVICE EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE VIEW #| | | L-400TREE INVENTORY 2023.06.025 1" = 40'-0" TREE INVENTORY MAY BE HAZARDOUS TYPICAL FORM REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SPECIES MAY BE SEVERELY MISSHAPEN LITTLE CORRECTIVE WORK REQUIRED MAY SHOW SEVER SIGNS OF DISEASE OR INJURY NO APPARENT SIGNS OF DISEASE OR MECHANICAL INJURY POOR GENERAL STATE OF DECLINE OR DEAD GOOD AVERAGE CONDITION AND VIGOR FOR THE AREA TREE MAY BE SALVAGABLE WITH PROPER CARE EXCEPTIONAL FORM REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SPECIES MAY SHOW EVIDENCE OF DISEASE OR INJURY NO CORRECTIVE WORK REQUIRED MAY LACK CHARACTERIST FORM FOR SPECIES NO APPARENT SIGNS OF DISEASE OR MECHANICAL INJURY IN NEED OF CORRECTIVE PRUNING EXCELLENT SPECIMEN TREE, HEALTHY WITH GOOD VIGOR FAIR BELOW AVERAGE CONDITION AND VIGOR FOR THE AREA CONDITION DESCRIPTIONS: 38 Malus sp 12" FAIR N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN. NO CONSTRUCTION IMPACT. 37 Ulmus sp 13" FAIR N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN. NO CONSTRUCTION IMPACT. 36 Ulmus sp 13" FAIR N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN. NO CONSTRUCTION IMPACT. 35 Ulmus sp 13" FAIR N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN. NO CONSTRUCTION IMPACT. 34 Ulmus sp 13" FAIR N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN. NO CONSTRUCTION IMPACT. 33 Ulmus sp 25" FAIR N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN. NO CONSTRUCTION IMPACT. 32 Ulmus sp 13" FAIR N/A DECIDUOUS TREE TO BE REMOVED. SITE DESIGN CONFLICT. 31 Ulmus sp 40" FAIR N/A DECIDUOUS TREE TO BE REMOVED. SITE DESIGN CONFLICT. 30 Ulmus sp 30" POOR N/A DECIDUOUS TREE TO BE REMOVED. POOR CINDITION. SITE DESIGN CONFLICT. 29 Ulmus sp 40" POOR N/A DECIDUOUS TREE TO BE REMOVED. POOR CONDITION. SITE DESIGN CONFLICT. 28 Catalpa bignonioides 4" GOOD N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN, PROTECT C.R.Z. (PARCEL G) 27 Catalpa bignonioides 4" GOOD N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN, PROTECT C.R.Z. (PARCEL G) 26 Catalpa bignonioides 4" GOOD N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN, PROTECT C.R.Z. (PARCEL G) 25 Catalpa bignonioides 4" GOOD N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN, PROTECT C.R.Z. (PARCEL G) 24 Catalpa bignonioides 4" GOOD N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN, PROTECT C.R.Z. (PARCEL G) 23 Catalpa bignonioides 4" GOOD N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN, PROTECT C.R.Z. (PARCEL G) 22 Catalpa bignonioides 4" GOOD N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN, PROTECT C.R.Z. (PARCEL G) 21 Catalpa bignonioides 4" GOOD N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN, PROTECT C.R.Z. (PARCEL G) 20 Catalpa bignonioides 4" GOOD N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN, PROTECT C.R.Z. (PARCEL G) 19 Catalpa bignonioides 4" GOOD N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN, PROTECT C.R.Z. (PARCEL G) 18 Catalpa bignonioides 4" GOOD N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN, PROTECT C.R.Z. (PARCEL G) 17 Catalpa bignonioides 4" GOOD N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN, PROTECT C.R.Z. (PARCEL G) 16 Picea pungens 4" FAIR N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. EVERGREEN TREE TO REMAIN. NO CONSTRUCTION IMPACT. 15 Picea pungens 4" FAIR N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. EVERGREEN TREE TO REMAIN. NO CONSTRUCTION IMPACT. 14 Picea pungens 4" FAIR N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. EVERGREEN TREE TO REMAIN. NO CONSTRUCTION IMPACT. 13 Picea pungens 4" FAIR N/A ADJACENT PROPERTY. EVERGREEN TREE TO REMAIN. NO CONSTRUCTION IMPACT. 12 Pinus nigra 15" FAIR N/A EVERGREEN TREE TO BE REMOVED. UTILITY CONFLICT. SITE DESIGN CONFLICT. 11 Picea pungens 18" FAIR N/A EVERGREEN TREE TO BE REMOVED. UTILITY CONFLICT. SITE DESIGN CONFLICT. 10 Pinus nigra 16" FAIR N/A EVERGREEN TREE TO BE REMOVED. UTILITY CONFLICT. SITE DESIGN CONFLICT. 9 Pinus nigra 16" FAIR N/A EVERGREEN TREE TO BE REMOVED. UTILITY CONFLICT. SITE DESIGN CONFLICT. 8 Pinus nigra 12" FAIR N/A EVERGREEN TREE TO BE REMOVED. UTILITY CONFLICT. SITE DESIGN CONFLICT. 7 Pinus nigra 17" FAIR N/A EVERGREEN TREE TO BE REMOVED. UTILITY CONFLICT. SITE DESIGN CONFLICT. 6 Pinus nigra 15" FAIR N/A EVERGREEN TREE TO BE REMOVED. UTILITY CONFLICT. SITE DESIGN CONFLICT. 5 Pinus nigra N/A N/A N/A AT TIME OF ARBORIST INVENTORY, THIS SURVEYED TREE NO LONGER EXISTS. 4 Picea pungens N/A N/A N/A AT TIME OF ARBORIST INVENTORY, THIS SURVEYED TREE NO LONGER EXISTS. 3 Pinus strobus 35" FAIR N/A EVERGREEN TREE TO BE REMOVED. UTILITY CONFLICT. SITE DESIGN CONFLICT. 2 Pinus strobus N/A N/A N/A AT TIME OF ARBORIST INVENTORY, THIS SURVEYED TREE NO LONGER EXISTS. 1 Ulmus sp N/A N/A N/A AT TIME OF ARBORIST INVENTORY, THIS SURVEYED TREE NO LONGER EXISTS. PRIVATE TREES NUMBER SPECIES DBH CONDITION MINICIPAL ID NOTES N/A - - - - - - PUBLIC TREES NUMBER SPECIES DBH CONDITION MINICIPAL ID NOTES EXISTING TREE INVENTORY LIST: FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE EMERALD ASH BORER AND THE QUARANTINE, VISIT EABcolorado.com 8900 CO HWY 93, GOLDEN REPUBLIC LANDFILL 1830 WELD COUNTY ROAD 5, ERIE FRONT RANGE LANDFILL 1441 WELD COUNTY ROAD 6, ERIE DENVER REGIONAL LANDFILL * THE FOLLOWING SITES WILL BE ACCEPTING ASH TREE MATERIALS WITHIN THE QUARANTINED AREA: 6. ASH TREES MUST BE REMOVED BY A LISCENSED TREE ARBORIST. 5. ITEMS THAT FALL UNDER THE QUARANTINE INCLUDE LOGS, GREEN LUMBER, NURSERY STOCK, WOOD CHIPS, STUMPS, ROOTS, BRANCHES, AND FIREWOOD, ACCORDING TO THE NEWS RELEASE. EXCEPTIONS TO THE QUARANTINE INCLUDE SEEDS, LEAVES, KILN-DRIED, PROCESSED FIREWOOD, AND FINISHED WOOD PRODUCTS WITHOUT BARK, ACCORDING TO THE STATE'S ORDER. 4. THE QUARANTINED AREA INCLUDES ALL OF BOULDER COUNTY AND MORE. 3. THE EMERALD ASH BORER IS AN NVASIVE SPECIES RESPONSIBLE FOR KILLING MORE THAN 50 MILLION ASH TREES ACROSS 21 U.S. STATES SINCE 2002, ACCORDING TO OFFICIALS. 2. THE QUARANTINE PROHIBITS MOVING UNTREATED ASH TREES OR THEIR PARTS OUT OF THE COUNTY AND SURROUNDIGN AREAS. 1. BOULDER COUNTY IS CURRENTLY UNDER AN ASH TREE QUARANTINE FOLLOWING THE DISCOVERY OF THE EMERALD ASH BORER, A DESTRUCTIVE PEST THAT THREATENS THE TREES. ASH TREE QUARANTINE: 16. CONTRACTOR TO RETURN ALL EXISTING CITY TREE GRATES TO BOULDER FORESTRY DEPARTMENT. 15. ALL TREE PROTECTION STANDARDS OF CH 3 AND 1 OF THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS SHALL BE MET WITH PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO GRADING IMPACTS, LIMITATIONS OF STOCKPILING, SOIL COMPACTION PREVENTION AND VEHICULAR ROUTES. TREE PROTECTION FENCING SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY SITE DISTURBANCE AND REMAIN IN PLACE FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. ONLY HAND DIGGING MAY OCCUE WITHIN THE DRIPLINE OF ANY TREE TO BE PRESERVED. PROVIDE SUFFICIENT IRRIGATION THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION TO MAINTAIN THE LONG TERM HEALTH OF THE TREES. 14. REFER TO FORESTRY DWG NO. 3.12 FOR TREE PROTECTION DETAIL 13. REMOVAL OF TREES MUST BE PERFORMED BY A BOULDER LISCENSED TREE SERVICE. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED FROM CITY FORESTER PRIOR TO REMOVAL OF TREES WITHIN THIS PROJECT. 12. ALL WORK WILL BE SUBJECT TO NOISE ORDINANCE REGULATIONS. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING TREES, BUILDINGS, AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WATERING AND MAINTENANCE FOR ALL TREES WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS. 9. FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF TREE PROTECTION FENCE WITH OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, CONDUIT, CONNECTIONS IF DISRUPTED BY CONSTRUCTION OR REMOVALS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE OR REPAIR TO ORIGINAL CONDITION ALL BUILDINGS, UTILITIES, AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS NOT DESIGNATED FOR REMOVAL THAT ARE DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE SITE DEMOLITION OPERATIONS WITH ALL OTHER TRADES PERFORMING WORK ON THE PROJECT. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL THOUROUGHLY REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS EXISTING AREAS SHOWN FOR DEMOLITION. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PUT IN PLACE TREE PROTECTION FENCING, BARRICADES, SIGNAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS DESCRIBED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCING DEMOLITION OPERATIONS. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE AWARE THAT UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS MAY EXIST THAT ARE NOT SHOWN IN THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LIGHTING CONDUITS & IRRIGATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE IF THESE UNKNOWN IMPROVEMENTS ARE FOUND OR DAMAGED. 2. CONTRACTOR SALL CONTACT ALL UTILITY LOCATOR SERVICES AND VERIFY ALL SERVICE LINES AND EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF WORK PRIOR TO COMMENCING DEMOLITION OPERATIONS. CALLUTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO TO LOCATE SITE UTILITIES AT 1-800-922-1937 OR 303-534-6700 3 DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCING THE WORK. 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL DEMOLITION WITH OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. TREE REMOVAL & PROTECTION NOTES: N 0'20'40'80' ARBORIST INVENTORY NOTES: 1. THIS MAP IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT OR AN IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO DEPICT TREE INVENTORY INFORMATION REQUESTED BY THE CITY OF BOULDER. 2. THE LOCATION OF ON SITE AND ADJACENT SITE PRIVATE TREES, THEIR SPECIES, CONDITION, AND DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT, ARE SHOWN ACCORDING TO AN ABRORSCOPE™ TREE INVENTORY PREPARED BY BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS, LICENSE NO. ______________, DATED XX-XX-XXXX. 3. THE LINEAL UNITS SHOWN HEREON ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. 4. THE LAST CIVIL FIELD INSPECTION OF THIS SITE WAS ON SEPTEMBER 8, 2021. 5. THE LAST ARBORIST INVENTORY OF THIS & ADJACENT SITES WAS ON DECEMBER 9, 2022. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review UP UP UP FD FD FD FD FD FD FDFD FD FD FD RIDGEWAY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (FFE = 5255.50') WALNUT STREET WALNUT STREET OPEN SPACE LEGEND PLANTING: PERIMETER BUFFER & LANDSCAPE SCREEN BUILDING SERVICE AREAS DRIVEWAY OPEN SPACE: GARDENS & LANDSCAPING PLANTING: NORTH RAIN GARDEN PLANTING: INTERIOR PARKING LOT RAIN GARDEN PLANTING: INTERIOR PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING OPEN SPACE: PAVING & PROGRAM AREAS RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE VIEW #| | | L-500OPEN SPACE DIAGRAM 2023.06.025 1" = 30'-0" OPEN SPACE DIAGRAM RIGHT OF WAY IMPROVEMENTS ALONG WALNUT ST INCLUDE A NEW 8' DETATCHED CONCERETE SIDEWALK & 8' TREELAWN. DUE TO DESIRE TO REDUCE IRRIGATION DEMAND COOL SEASON BLUEGRASS LAWN SHALL NOT BE USED, INSTEAD REPLACED WITH NATIVE & XERIC SHRUB PLANTING. DUE TO UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONFLICT A PORTION OF REQUIRED R.O.W. STREET TREES SHALL NOT BE USED, INSTEAD REPLACED WITH NATIVE & XERIC SHRUB PLANTING. A 20' WIDE LANDSCAPE EASEMENT ALONG THE SOUTHERN PERIMETER FEATURES THE SITE MONUMENT SIGNAGE AND CONTINUES THE SCULPTURAL LANDFORM AS A PLANTED... TWO STABILIZED DECOMPOSED GRANITE PATHS LINE THE EAST AND WEST SITE PERIMETER, CREATING A WELLNESS LOOP AND CONNECTING TO A FUTURE PAVED MULTI-USE PATH... EV CHARGING STATION PARKING IS LOCATED OPPOSITE OF THE ACCESS DRIVEWAY & ALONG THE BUILDING'S PRIMARY CIRCULATION PATH TO SUPPORT CONVENIENCE OF... ACCESSIBLE PARKING IS LOCATED OPPOSITE OF THE ACCESS DRIVEWAY & ALONG THE BUILDING'S PRIMARY CIRCULATION PATH. AN ENTRY PLAZA IS FLANKED WITH SPECIMEN TREES AND COVERED AWNING AND AN OUTDOOR CAFE PLAZA FEATURES A VARIETY OF SEATING AND DINING OPTIONS ARANGED... A SMOOTH AND DIRECT ACCESSIBLE PATH, ALONG WITH TWO SETS OF MONUMENTAL STAIRS CLIMB UP THE DRAMATICALLY LANDSCAPED SCULPTURAL LANDFORM TO TWO RAISE... VISITOR PARKING AND DROPOFF IS LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE WALNUT STREET SITE ENTRANCE AND IS HIGHLIGHTED THROUGH DECORATIVE PAVING, UNIQUE LANDSCAPING & LOW LEVEL PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING. BACK OF HOUSE SERVICE AREA AND PARKING AREA ARE PRIMARILY LOCATED WITHIN THE FLOODPLAIN AREA AND THUS, SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH DURABILITY AND PERMABILITY AS PRIMARY AND SECONDARY GOALS. SITE GRADING CHANNELS STORMWATER TOWARDS ONE OF TWO DECORATIVE & INTERPRETIVE RAIN GARDEN / EXTENDED DETENTION POND FACILITIES, LANDSCAPED TO RESTORE NATIVE HABITAT ONCE LOST TO THE SITE'S PREVIOUS WAREHOUSE USE. THE SITE DESIGN AIMS TO RAISE THE BUILDING ABOVE FLOOD LEVEL BY UTILIZING SCULPTURAL LANDFORM INSPIRED BY THE DRAMATIC FORMATIONS OF THE FLATIRONS. LANDFORM CREATES PLANTED BERMS AND VALLEYS, WHERE SEATING AREAS, PLAZAS AND RAIN GARDENS ARE TUCKED BETWEEN NATIVE LANDSCAPE AND DRAMATIC BOULDER... SUCH SITE PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS CREATE A LARGE BUILDING FOOTPRINT, PARKING AREA & SERVICE AREA. ALLTHEWILE, A MAJORITY OF THE SITE AREA NATURALLY SITS WITH... THE SITE IS DESIGNED TO ACCOMODATE THE MODERN NEEDS OF A STATE-OF-THE-ART RESEARCH FACILITY AND ITS DIVERSE RANGE OF INHABITANTS, FROM RESEARCHERS, SCENTISTS, OFFICE WORKERS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES TO DELIVERIES AND SPECIALTY NEEDS WITH STRICT TOLERANCES. SITUATED WITHIN THE BOULDER JUNCTION COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FOOTHILLS PKWY & PEARL ST, THE RIDGEWAY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CENTER PROJECT WILL PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN TRANSFORMING A LONG OVERLOOKED BUT RAPIDLY CHANGING COMMERCIAL AREA NEAR DOWNTOWN INTO A CENTER OF SUSTAINABLE EMPLOYMENT AND TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT. WRITTEN STATEMENT : ** Limitations on proposed street trees are due to utility conflicts underneath Walnut Street sidewalk to ensure 10' clear of utilities and keep spaced at 30-35' between each tree. * Required parking based off of 280 standard parking space calculation less 25% parking reduction. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TURF GRASS 25% MAX 0 SF 0% TOTAL AMOUNT OF HIGH WATER USE ZONES 50% MAX 0 SF 0% TOTAL NUMBER OF INTERNAL SITE LANDSCAPE SHRUBS 259 259 100% NUMBER OF STREET TREES 13 13 100% NUMBER OF INTERNAL SITE LANDSCAPE TREES 52 57 110% PERIMETER PARKING LOT LANDSCAPED AREA 5088 12551 247% INTERIOR PARKING LOT TREES 32 35 108% INTERIOR PARKING LOT LANDSCAPED AREA 6458 6626 103% INDOOR LONG TERM PARKING 57 57 100% OUTDOOR SHORT TERM PARKING 19 20 105% TOTAL NUMBER OF BIKE PARKING 76 77 101% ACCESSIBLE STALLS 7 7 100% COMPACT CAR STALLS 111 111 52% TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING LOT STALLS 281 212 25% REQUIRED PROVIDED PERCENTAGE LENGTH OF STREET FRONTAGE - WALNUT 536 - TOTAL USABLE OPEN SPACE 77,706 35% SERVICE / DRIVE / UTILITIES 25,121 11% TOTAL PARKING LOT AREA 64,581 29% TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE 57,797 26% TOTAL LOT SIZE 225,205 - AREA (SF) PERCENTAGE LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS TABLE : TOTAL LOT SIZE 225,205 100% TOTAL USABLE OPEN SPACE 77,706 35% OPEN SPACE: PAVING & PROGRAM AREAS 19,160 9% OPEN SPACE: GARDENS & LANDSCAPING 33,412 15% OPEN SPACE: PERIMETER BUFFER & LANDSCAPE SCREEN 12,551 6% OPEN SPACE: NORTH RAIN GARDEN 3,426 2% OPEN SPACE: INTERIOR PARKING LOT RAIN GARDEN 2,531 1% OPEN SPACE: INTERIOR PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING 6,626 3% TOTAL HARDSCAPE (NOT USABLE OPEN SPACE) 147,499 65% PARKING LOT 64,581 29% DRIVEWAY 10,288 5% SERVICE AREA 14,833 7% BUILDING 57,797 26% TYPE OF USE AREA (SF) PERCENTAGE OPEN SPACE: 7. ALL NEW TREES SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 10' AWAY FROM ANY EXISTING WATER OR SEWER UTILITY LINES OR FROM LIGHT POLES OR OVERHEAD UTILITY POLES. ALL... 6. PROTECTIVE MAINTENANCE: AN APPLICANT FOR CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL SHALL PROVIDE MAINTENANCE AND CARE FOR ALL EXISTING TREES REQUIRED TO BE PROTECTED IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT TO ANY PROJECT OR CONSTRUCTION SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT WARRANTY PERIOD TO ENSURE THAT EXISTING TREES SURVIVE AND ARE NOT DAMAGED. REFER TO CHAPTER 3 OF THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR ALL TREE PROTECTION... 5. AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR ALL NEW LANDSCAPING AND NEW OR EXISTING STREET TREES IF ONE DOES NOT CURRENTLY EXIST. INSTALL A SMART SYSTEM THAT ADJUSTS FOR RAINFALL, SOIL MOISTURE, AND OTHER WEATHER FACTORS FOR ALL NEW IRRIGATION ZONES. 4. GRAVEL, ROCK MULCH, OR CRUSHER FINES SHALL BE REMOVED FROM UNDER STREET TREES AND REPLACED WITH ORGANIC MULCH. NEW ROCK OR GRAVEL MAY NOT BE USED IN NEW PLANTING AREAS AND MAY ONLY BE USED IN SPECIFIC ORNAMENTAL FEATUREs IN LIMITED AREAS (SUCH AS THE BOTTOM OF A FRAINAGE SWALE OR DRY RIVER BED) OR AS PEDESTRIAN PATH OR PATIO. DENVER BOTANIC GARDEN SQUEEGEE MULCH PLANTING STANDARD MAY APPLY TO ANY NATIVE & XERIC PLANTING AREAS WHERE ORGANIC MULCH... 3. ALL NEW PLANTING BEDS AND A 3-FOOT DIAMETER RING AT THE BASEOF NEW TREE WITHIN SOD OR SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE MULCHED WITH ORGANIC MULCH AT LEAST 4" DEE... 2. SITE PREPARATION AND ALL PLANTING FOR NEW PLANTING AREAS OR DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE COMPLETED, AT A MINIMUM, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF BOULDER DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, SITE PREPARATIONSHALL INCLUDE TILLING THE SOIL TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF SIX INCHES BELOW THE FINISHED GRADE, TOGETHER WITH SOIL AMENDMENTS THAT ARE APPROPRIATE TO ENSURE THE HEALTH AND SUSTAINABILITY OF THE LANDSCAPE TO BE PLANTED. 1. LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE: (A) NOTHING SHALL BE PLANTED BETWEEN OCTOBER 15 AND MARCH 1 WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CITY. STOCK, OTHER THAN CONTAINER-GROWN STOCK, SHALL NOT BE PLANTED BETWEEN JUNE 1 AND SEPTEMBER 1 WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CITY. BARE ROOT STOCK SHALL NOT BE PLANTED AFTER APRIL 3 OR IF PLANTS HAVE BEGUN TO LEAF OUT. (B) NOTHING SHALL BE PLANTED DURING FREEZING OR EXCESSIVELY WINDY, HOT, OR WET WEATHER OR WHEN THE GROUND CONDITIONS CANNOT BE PROPPERLY WORKED FOR DIGGING, MIXING, RAKING, OR GRADING. (C) NOTHING SHALL BE PLANTED UNTIL THE ADJACENT SITE IMPROVEMENTS, PAVEMENTS, IRRIGATION INSTALLATION AND FINISH GRADING IS COMPLETED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TEST THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM IN THE PRESENCE OF THE... LANDSCAPE NOTES: N 0'20'40'80' OUTDOOR FITNESS AREA SHADE GARDEN CREVICE GARDEN SHORT TERM BIKE PARKING INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE ENTRY PLAZA CAFE PATIOPERIMETER WALKING PATHPERIMETER WALKING PATH PERIMETER WALKING PATHSCULPTURE, TBD NOTE: SIGNAGE NOT APPROVED BY THIS PLAN SET. SIGNAGE REQUIRES SEPARATE REVIEW AND APPROVAL. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Δ Δ Δ 1881 9TH STREET #303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 T RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 | SITE REVIEW #5| 2023.06.02 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver |DEMOLITION PLAN | C-002 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Δ Δ Δ 1881 9TH STREET #303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 T RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 | SITE REVIEW #5| 2023.06.02 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver |GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN | C-100 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Δ Δ Δ 1881 9TH STREET #303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 T RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 | SITE REVIEW #5| 2023.06.02 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver |OVERALL UTILITY PLAN | C-200 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Δ Δ Δ 1881 9TH STREET #303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 T RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 | SITE REVIEW #5| 2023.06.02 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver |HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN | C-300 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 1881 9TH STREET #303 BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 T RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 | SITE REVIEW #5| 2023.06.02 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver |EASEMENT EXHIBIT | C-500 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Δ Δ Δ WB-40 - Intermediate Semi-Trailer 33 17.8 Max 46° Horiz Max 10° Vert 3 23.5 4 25.5 2.5 3 12.5 WB-40 - Intermediate Semi-TrailerOverall Length 45.499ftOverall Width 8.000ftOverall Body Height 13.500ftMin Body Ground Clearance 1.334ftTrack Width 8.000ftLock-to-lock time 4.00sMax Steering Angle (Virtual) 20.30°WB-40 VEHICLE TRACKINGEXH-1 REVISION DESCRIPTIOND'WNDES'DDATENO.DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JOB #: DATE: © JVA, INC.WALNUT LIFE SCENCE CAMPUS3825 WALNUT STBOULDER, CO 80301SHEET NO. 3398c 09/28/2022 CFG/SBP MGR/TJD MGR/TJD JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Δ Δ Δ Boulder Fire Truck - Large 48 7.75 21 4 23 Boulder Fire Truck - LargeOverall Length 48.000ftOverall Width 8.000ftOverall Body Height 10.241ftMin Body Ground Clearance 0.671ftTrack Width 6.910ftLock-to-lock time 6.00sMax Steering Angle (Virtual) 40.00°FIRETRUCK VEHICLE TRACKINGEXH-2 REVISION DESCRIPTIOND'WNDES'DDATENO.DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JOB #: DATE: © JVA, INC.WALNUT LIFE SCENCE CAMPUS3825 WALNUT STBOULDER, CO 80301SHEET NO. 3398c 09/28/2022 CFG/SBP MGR/TJD MGR/TJD JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | EL-100COVERSHEET AND LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE 2023.06.025 ABBREVIATIONS (D) DEMOLISH (E) EXISTING TO REMAIN (ERL) EXISTING TO BE RELOCATED (R) RELOCATE A AMPS AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR AFG ABOVE FINISHED GRADE BOH BACK OF HOUSE EM EMERGENCY ETD EMERGENCY TRANSFER DEVICE G, GND GROUND LTG LIGHTING MAX MAXIMUM MIN MINIMUM MISC MISCELLANEOUS N NEUTRAL NC NORMALLY CLOSED NEC NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE NEMA NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION NIC NOT IN CONTRACT NL NIGHT LIGHT NO NORMALLY OPEN NTS NOT TO SCALE OC ON CENTER OCC OCCUPANCY OFCI OWNER FURNISHED, CONTRACTOR INSTALLED STD STANDARD TYP TYPICAL UNIV UNIVERSAL VOLTAGE UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED V VOLTS XFMR TRANSFORMER LUMINAIRES LOWER-CASE LETTER(S) NEAR LUMINAIRE DENOTE SWITCH LEG(S) CIRCUITS EMERGENCY NORMAL N/A a RECESSED RECTANGULAR LUMINAIRE, DRAWN TO SCALE SURFACE MOUNTED RECTANGULAR LUMINAIRE, DRAWN TO SCALE STRIP LUMINAIRE, LENGTH TO SCALE WALL MOUNTED RECTANGULAR LUMINAIRE, LENGTH TO SCALE (NUMBER OF MOUNTING POINTS WILL VARY WITH THE LUMINAIRE LENGTH AND ARE NOT INDICATED.) RECESSED DOWNLIGHT LUMINAIRE SURFACE MOUNTED CEILING LUMINAIRE PENDANT MOUNTED LUMINAIRE LINEAR PENDANT MOUNTED LUMINAIRE, LENGTH TO SCALE (NUMBER OF MOUNTING POINTS WILL VARY WITH THE LUMINAIRE LENGTH AND ARE NOT INDICATED.) WALL MOUNTED LUMINAIRE WALL MOUNTED VERTICALLY ORIENTED LUMINAIRE WALL MOUNTED RECESSED LINEAR LUMINAIRE, LENGTH TO SCALE EXIT SIGN, FILLED SIDES INDICATE ILLUMINATED ANNOTATION, ARROWS INDICATE DIRECTIONAL GRAPHICS N/A WALL MOUNTED EXIT SIGN, FILLED SIDES INDICATE ILLUMINATED ANNOTATION, ARROWS INDICATE DIRECTIONAL GRAPHICS N/A EXIT SIGN WITH EMERGENCY BATTERY PACK WALL MOUNTED EXIT SIGN WITH EMERGENCY BATTERY PACK EMERGENCY BATTERY PACK, NUMBER OF LAMPS NOT INDICATED WALL MOUNTED EMERGENCY BATTERY PACK, NUMBER OF LAMPS NOT INDICATED I ILLUMINATED SIGN, OR ELEMENT RECESSED LINEAR WALL WASH LUMINAIRE, LENGTH TO SCALE RECESSED WALL WASH LUMINAIRE I WALL MOUNTED ILLUMINATED SIGN, OR ELEMENT RECESSED ACCENT LUMINAIRE SURFACE MOUNTED ACCENT LUMINAIRE SURFACE MOUNTED WALL WASH LUMINAIRE MONOPOINT LUMINAIRE TRACK LIGHTINGN/A CONTINUOUS SOURCE LUMINAIRE, PATH AS INDICATEDN/A WALL MOUNTED MULTI-LAMP ACCENT LUMINAIRE, NUMBER OF LAMPS NOT INDICATED UNDERCABINET TASK LUMINAIRE MULTI-LAMP ACCENT LUMINAIRE, NUMBER OF LAMPS NOT INDICATED FIBER OPTIC REMOTE SOURCE STEP LUMINAIRE INIGHT LIGHTNOVERCOUNTER TASK LUMINAIRE LUMINAIRE IDENTIFICATION, SEE LUMINAIRES SCHEDULEN/A L01 EMERGENCY WITH REMOTE BATTERY PACK, NUMBER OF LAMPS NOT INDICATED WALL MOUNTED EMERGENCY WITH REMOTE BATTERY PACK, NUMBER OF LAMPS NOT INDICATED PENDANT MOUNTED ACCENT LUMINAIRE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NIWALL MOUNTED STROBE LIGHT PENDANT MOUNTED WALL WASH LUMINAIRE RECESSED VOLUMETRIC LUMINAIRE, DRAWN TO SCALE LINEAR PENDANT MOUNTED WALL WASH LUMINAIRE, LENGTH TO SCALE SITE/ LANDSCAPE/ GARAGE LUMINAIRES LIGHTING STANDARD: LUMINAIRE, POLE, AND BASE CIRCUITS EMERGENCY NORMAL POST TOP LUMINAIRE ILLUMINATED BOLLARD IN-GROUND LUMINAIRE ADJUSTABLE IN-GROUND LUMINAIRE SURFACE MOUNTED GARAGE LUMINAIRE SURFACE MOUNTED SHIELDED GARAGE LUMINAIRE, LINES INDICATE NUMBER AND POSITION OF SHIELD(S) WALL PACK PENDANT MOUNTED GARAGE LUMINAIRE PENDANT MOUNTED SHIELDED GARAGE LUMINAIRE, LINES INDICATE NUMBER AND POSITION OF SHIELD(S) LIGHTING CONTROLS LOWER-CASE LETTER(S) NEAR SWITCH DENOTE SWITCH LEG(S)a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tem 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review C-24" C-18" C-10" D-10" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.8 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 2.4 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.2 1.1 0.8 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.3 1.1 0.5 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.6 1.3 0.6 1.1 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.2 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.2 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.4 1.8 1.0 0.2 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.6 1.1 1.7 2.0 1.9 1.4 1.0 0.9 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.1 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.8 1.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.3 0.6 1.2 1.8 1.9 2.0 1.8 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 1.2 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.6 1.2 1.7 1.3 1.6 2.0 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.1 0.8 0.9 1.3 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.3 0.2 2.2 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.3 1.6 1.8 1.5 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.9 1.4 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.8 1.3 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.1 0.2 2.4 2.6 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.7 1.4 0.9 1.0 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.6 1.3 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 2.1 2.4 2.4 0.7 0.6 0.2 1.4 1.9 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.8 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 3.6 1.9 2.5 1.1 1.6 0.7 1.6 2.4 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 3.6 1.4 2.9 0.5 0.6 2.1 3.7 0.3 0.3 2.0 3.9 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 2.1 1.3 3.6 1.3 0.2 1.6 2.2 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.2 0.6 0.2 0.2 1.2 3.0 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.9 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.2 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.1 0.6 0.2 0.5 1.4 1.6 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.2 0.9 1.1 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.9 1.5 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.3 1.8 1.4 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 1.9 1.1 0.3 1.0 0.8 1.3 0.9 1.2 1.7 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.4 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.4 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 3.5 3.0 0.5 1.7 1.3 1.7 0.9 1.3 1.8 1.3 1.5 1.9 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.1 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5 4.0 0.7 1.2 1.5 1.1 1.0 1.4 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 2.5 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.9 1.1 1.5 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.2 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.3 1.9 1.2 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 2.0 2.6 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.8 2.0 2.1 1.7 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.1 0.8 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.2 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.1 2.3 1.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.9 1.4 1.4 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.9 1.5 1.7 1.4 2.0 1.8 1.2 1.3 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.9 1.3 0.9 0.9 1.5 1.7 1.3 1.8 1.5 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 1.8 1.0 1.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.4 1.9 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.8 1.4 1.5 1.3 1.7 1.6 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.8 1.3 0.8 0.9 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.6 1.4 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 3.4 0.3 0.3 1.1 0.3 1.4 0.8 1.5 1.3 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.2 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 4.0 0.1 0.7 0.4 0.5 1.0 1.8 1.4 1.1 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.1 1.2 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 2.8 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.8 1.2 2.1 1.3 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.1 1.2 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.4 1.1 0.2 0.5 1.9 2.3 1.4 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.9 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.4 0.9 0.7 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.1 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.9 0.3 0.9 0.7 1.1 1.5 1.1 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 1.1 1.7 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.1 0.8 0.9 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.9 1.5 0.9 0.9 1.5 1.7 1.4 1.8 1.4 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.3 0.4 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.2 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 1.1 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.1 0.8 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.7 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.4 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 2.5 0.5 0.8 2.5 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.2 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5 4.0 0.5 0.9 1.2 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.1 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1.4 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.4 3.7 2.6 2.3 EA1 EA1 EA1 EA1 EA1B EA1B EA1 EA1 EA1 EA1 EA1 EA1 EA1 EA1 EA1B EA1B EA1B EA1A EA1A EA1 EB1 EB1 EB2 EW2EW2EW2EW2 EA1 EA1 EA1 EA1 EB1 EB1 EA1A EA1A EA1B EB2A EB2A EB2A EW1A EL-101 2 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY (TYP.) EG1 EW1A EW1A EW1A EW1A EB2AEB2 EB2A EB2AEB2A EB2A EB2A EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB2A EB2 EW4 EW4 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EB2A 15.02 EB2 EB2A EB2 (TYP.) EG1 15.02 EW5 EW5 EW5 EW5 (TYP.) ES1 (TYP.) ES1 EB2A EB2 EB2A EB1 EB1 EB1 EB1 EA1 EB1 EP1 F E 16 17 15.04 (TYP.) EP2 (TYP.) EP2 (TYP.) EP2 RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | EL-101PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 2023.06.025 ENTITLEMENT NARRATIVE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH BOULDER MUNICIPAL CODE, SECTION 9-9-16 THE SITE HAS BEEN DESIGNED WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS. • 0.2 FC MAXIMUM AT PROPERTY LINE • CANOPY LIGHTING SHALL BE FULL CUTOFF OR COMPLETELY CONFINED TO THE GROUND SURFACE DIRECTLY BENEATH THE PERIMETER OF THE CANOPY. • MAXIMUM CCT OR 3000K. • ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: • 5.0 FC MAX AT BUILDING ENTRIES • 5.0 FC MAX AT PARKING AREAS • 3.0 FC MAX AT PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS • 2.0 IN OUTDOOR STORAGE • 10:1 MAXIMUM UNIFORMITY (MAX / MIN) • 8,500 LUMEN MAXIMUM IN PEDESTRIAN AREAS • 14,000 LUMEN MAXIMUM IN PARKING AND PEDESTRIAN AREAS ALL EXTERIOR BUILDING MOUNTED AND SITE LIGHTING SHALL BE AUTOMATICALLY CONTROLLED VIA PHOTOCELL AND ASTRONOMICAL TIMECLOCK THROUGH NETWORKED LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEM. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DOCUMENTATION, L-200 FOR ANTICIPATED HEIGHTS OF MATURE TREE CANOPIES. REFER TO ARCHITECTURE FOR SIGNAGE AND WAYFINDING ELEMENTS ON SITE. SHEET NOTES 15.02 MONUMENT SIGNAGE & DECORATIVE BOULDER LOW OUTPUT ADJUSTABLE FLOOD LIGHTS. COORDINATE AIMING WITH LIGHTING DESIGNER. FINAL PLACEMENT AND BEAM ANGLE OF FLOOD LIGHT EFFECT SHALL BE COMPLETELY CONTAINED WITHIN SIGN AND STRAY LIGHTING SHALL BE ELIMINATED. 15.04 DECORATIVE RING PENDANT TO BE DIMMED INDEPENDANTLY FROM OTHER SITE / FACADE LIGHTING. ZONE SHALL BE PROGRAMMED AND LOCKED AT FACTORY TO PROVIDE A MAXIMUM LIGHT LEVEL TRIM OF 50% OUTPUT OF THE INITIAL DELIVERED LUMENS. LIGHT LOSS FACTOR HAS BEEN ADJUSTED TO 0.5 TO ACCURATELY REPRESENT THIS HIGH END TRIM SETTING. DIM SETTINGS SHALL BE FACTOR PROGRAMMED SUCH THAT LIGHTING ZONE SHALL NEVER EXCEED 50%. PHOTOMETRIC CALCULATION NOTES A. FINAL LOCATIONS AND QUANTITIES OF LIGHTING MAY CHANGE WITH FINAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS; PHOTOMETRIC LEVELS AND MAXIMUM LIGHT LEVELS WILL BE MAINTAINED. B. CALCULATIONS ASSUME LIGHT LOSS FACTOR (LLF) OF 1.0, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. a. EP1 LLF = 0.5 C. ALL LUMINAIRE LUMEN OUTPUTS FROM PHOTOMETCS ARE INITIAL LUMEN RATING. D. CALCULATION GRID IS PLACED AT GROUND HEIGHT ON A 10' X 10' SPACING. E. THE FOLLOWING LUMINAIRES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE PHOTOMETRIC CALCULATION: a. 'EG1' b. 'EW4' c. 'EC1' 1" = 30'-0"EL-101 1 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0"EL-101 2 LEVEL 1 OUTDOOR CANOPY SDP SEQUENCE OF OPERATION SCULPTURE & SIGNAGE INDIRECT LIGHTING -ON 30 MIN BEFORE DUSK, OFF 30 MIN AFTER DAWN, ADDITIONALLY OFF DURING THE HOURS BETWEEN 12AM AND 6AM. FACADE WALLPACKS AND ENTRY DOWNLIGHTS -ON 30 MIN BEFORE DUSK, OFF 30 MIN AFTER DUSK. WALKWAY LIGHTING -ON 30 MIN BEFORE DUSK, OFF 30 MIN AFTER DAWN, DIM TO 50% OUTPUT BETWEEN 12AM AND 6AM. PARKING -ON 30 MIN BEFORE DUSK, OFF 30 MIN AFTER DAWN, DIM TO 70% OUTPUT BETWEEN 12AM AND 6AM. PHOTOMETRIC CALCULATION SUMARY POINT GRID AVERAGE FOOTCANDLES (FC) MAX FOOTCANDLES (FC) MIN FOOTCANDLES (FC) MAX/MIN RATIO (FC) BOULDER CODE MAX (FC) OVERALL SITE PARKING LOT PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION LOADING DOCK ENTRY CANOPY PROPERTY BOUNDARY 0.74 4.0 0.0 N/A 1.16 2.0 0.2 10.0 0.92 2.9 0.0 N/A 1.27 1.7 0.8 2.13 2.30 4.0 1.3 3.1 0.07 0.1 0.0 N/A 5.0 3.0 2.0 5.0 NOTE: SIGNAGE NOT APPROVED BY THIS PLAN SET. SIGNAGE REQUIRES SEPARATE REVIEW AND APPROVAL. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 2'-0" DIA 1'-0"3'-0" TO CURB OR CENTER IN ISLAND 3"2'-0"FROST DEPTH FOUNDATION TO BE COORDINATED WITH STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING2 3/4" OR AS REQUIRED BY POLE MANUFACTURER SECTION VIEW PLAN VIEW REFER TO SECTION BELOW CONTRACTOR SHALL USE TEMPLATE FURNISHED WITH POLE TO SET ANCHOR BOLTS. CENTER POLE ON CONCRETE BASE. CONNECT TO GROUND LUG ON POLE ANCHOR BOLTS FOR POLE AS REQUIRED BY POLE MANUFACTURER 5/8" CHAMFER EXOTHERMIC WELD OR HYDRAULIC COMPRESSION CONNECTION 6" LOOP #6 BARE STRANDED COPPER BONDING CONDUCTOR IN 1/2" MIN. PVC OR ENT SLEEVE. MINIMUM 8" RADIUS. 5/8"Ø x 10'-0" COPPER CLAD GROUND ROD TRANSITION TO RIGID METAL CONDUIT FOR RISER INSULATED BUSHING TERMINATION ANCHOR BOLT COVER NON-SHRINK GROUT BETWEEN POLE AND BASE. PROVIDE A CHANNEL THROUGH THE GROUT FOR POLE INTERIOR DRAINAGE. EXPOSED SURFACES TROWELLED SMOOTH FINISHED GRADE EXTEND TO FIRM CLEAN UNDISTURBED SOIL 1 1/2"3/4"2 19/64"11/64"3/16"1 1/2"3 3/4"(8) #5 WITH #3 TIES, TOP (3) @ 2" OC AND REMAINDER @ 12" OC. PROVIDE MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER FOR REINFORCING STEEL OF 2" ON SIDES AND 3" AT BOTTOM CONCRETE FOUNDATION TO BE COORDINATED WITH STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONCRETE BASE (3000 PSI) MINIMUM 28 DAY STRENGTH 6% AIR ENTRAINED +/-1% COORDINATE WITH ELECTRICAL ENGINEER ANCHORAGE UNIT 58" 65 7 8 " ABOVE GRADE BELOW GRADE BOLLARD TUBE ANCHORAGE UNIT 34 3 8 " 31 1 2 " BOLLARD TUBE NOTE: PLACE CONCRETE PER BOLLARD MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS FINISHED GRADE 0' - 4"16' - 0"1' - 5"1' - 6" CONCRETE POLE BASE, REFER TO DETAIL 2 ON THIS PAGE FOR ADDITIONAL INFROMATION. RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | EL-102POLE DETAILS 2023.06.025 1/8" = 1'-0"EL-102 2 POLE BASE DETAIL - SDP 3/32" = 1'-0"EL-102 3 IMPACT RATED BOLLARD - SDP 1" = 1'-0"EL-102 1 EA1 SERIES LIGHT POLE DETAIL - SDP Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | EL-103LIGHTING FIXTURE CUTSHEETS 2023.06.025 EA1/ EA1A/ EA1B EB1 EB2 ED1 EG1 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | EL-104LIGHTING FIXTURE CUTSHEETS 2023.06.025 EW1EP1EP2ES1 EW4 EW5 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3825 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301 1112 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 303 447 8202 t 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com JVA, Inc. Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver SITE PLAN REVIEW #| | | EL-105LIGHTING FIXTURE CUTSHEETS 2023.06.025 EW2 EW4 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review R I D G E W A Y S C I E N C E & T E C H N O L O G Y stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group A WRITTEN STATEMENT Contents. I. Introduction II. Context III. Project Data IV. Project Schedule V. Character Sketches VI. Site Review Criteria Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group INTRODUCTION An opportunity. Nestled within the heart of Boulder, the 5.17 acre site located at 3825 Walnut Street presents a significant opportunity for a cutting edge, two-story, science and technology development. e goal of this project is to take a stance for what it means to be a piece of Boulder, and to serve as an example of how a development can serve both the stakeholders and the community simultaneously. is document serves to outline the vision of the pr oject so it may be easily communicated to both the city of Boulder and potential investors. What possibilities exist here? Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group DESIRED OUTCOMES Iconic A facility that embodies scientific discovery, collaboration, and environmental sustainability. A world-class facility that attracts Science and Technology companies whose innovative research is the engine of scientific and technological discovery. Desirable Open, flexible, adaptable, modular, market responsive — creating a framework and strategy that will be responsive to the needs of future tenants. Smart, secure, easy to operate, efficient and energy conscious. Beneficial to the Community A building that provides a sense of pride to the city and embodies the values of Boulder. A place that encourages the community to engage with the building and discover the science happening within. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group WELL BUILDING STANDARD SMART SYSTEMS LEED CERTIFICATION OPERABLE WINDOWSCHILLED BEAM COOLING NET ZERO CARBON & ELECTRIC GEO-EXCHANGE 100% ELECTRIC TARGETING...PHOTO-VOLTAIC is project targets to meet the highest and most progressive standards of sustainability. It will serve as an example of how to build a truly modern building.TARGETING...TARGETING...SUSTAINABILITY TARGETS TONY Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group CONTEXT Boulder [and Colorado destinations]. Denver RMNP Estes Park PROJECT SITE Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group 0’ 100’50’ 200’ 400’N P P P P P P P B B B B B B B P P B P PEARL PARKWAY 30TH ST.33RD ST.38TH ST.WALNUT ST. RA I L R O A D FOOTHILLS PARKWAYTVAP PHASE 1 TVAP PHASE 2 5.17 ACRES 3825 WALNUT ST. EXISTING MULTI-USE PATH / BIKE LANE OP ARKING TING & PROPOSED BRIDGES TION PROPOSED MULTI-USE PATH / BIKE LANE EXISTING STREET GE AREA PLAN B B OP ARKING EXISTING & PROPOSED BRIDGES (VEHICLE & MULTI-MODAL) B-CYCLE STATION TRANSIT VILLAGE AREA PLAN P BUS STOP PARKING VICINITY MAP Site Connections. DANICA Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review PROPERTY LINEADJACENT GOOGLE PARKING LOT EXISTING ONE-STORY WAREHOUSE 100,805 SF WALN U T S T . stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group THE SITE Existing Conditions. SHANNON Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group THE SITE At eye level. VIEW 1 FROM FOOTHILLS PARKWAY VIEW 2 FROM SITE PROJECT SITE WALNUT ST FOOTHILLS PKWY33RDItem 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group THE SITE At eye level. VIEW 1 VIEW 2 VIEW 3 PROJECT SITE WALNUT ST FOOTHILLS PKWY33RD30THItem 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group PROJECT DATA Zoning and Proposed Building Information. Address 3825 Walnut Street West Meadow LLC 5.17 Acres/ 225,205.2 SF Light Industrial (LI) Industrial General (IG) 100 Year Adjacent to Transportation Master Plan Owner Property Size Land Use Designation Zoning Floodplain Transit Master Plan Property Information Minimum front yard landscaped setback Minimum # of off-street parking spaces per SF of floor area (non-resi) Minimum lot area (SF) Form and Bulk Standards Proposed Area Intensity Standards Minimum side yard landscaped setback from an interior lot line 20' 1:400 = 281 req. 7,000 IG 112,600 SF IG 20' 212 10 - 20% 15' *52'-11" 16' Max. 77,706 SF *ACTUAL BUILDING HEIGHT FROM LEVEL 1 (FPE) LOWER', 45' ALLOWED BY RIGHT PLUS FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION, 2-STORY HIGH BAY LAB BUILDING PLUS MECHANICAL MEZZANINE 0.5:1 112,602.6 GSF 0' or 12' 20' 40' + 5' Conditional* Minimum front yard setback for all covered and uncovered parking areas 25% Reduction: Proposed Number of Spaces Minimum Open Space on Lots (Nonresidential Uses) Minimum rear yard setback Minimum side yard landscaped setback from a street Principal Building Height Proposed Mechanical Appurtenance above Principal Building Height Open Space Provided Maximum Floor Area Ratio Allowable FAR: 225,205.2 X 0.5 = *9-7-7. Building Height Conditional: e property is not adjacent to any residential district or uses. Maximum height for principal buildings and uses City Code Standards, 10.26.20 Proposed Building Data Maximum number of stories for a building 3 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy GroupJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPTOCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPTOCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPTOCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPTOCTNOVDEC2022 2023 2024 2025 CONCEPT SUBMITTAL ˜5.5 Mo. SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL ˜6 Mo. TECH DOCUMENTS ˜7 Mo. BUILDING PERMIT ˜5 Mo. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ˜7 Mo. SCHEMATIC DESIGN ˜4 Mo. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ˜9 Mo. CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION CA Design Documents Entitlements Concept Submittal (Approx. 4.5 Mo.) Site Plan Submittal (Approx. 6 Mo.) Technical Documents (Approx. 7 Mo.) Building Permit (Approx. 5 Mo.) Schematic Design (Approx. 4 Mo.) Design Development (Approx. 7 Mo.) Construction Documents (Approx. 9 Mo.) Construction (Approx. 16 Mo.) PROJECT SCHEDULE Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy GroupCHARACTER SKETCHES Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE bcycle INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE stair accessing cafe + lobby LOADING / SERVICE PARKING LOT with eV-READY car-charging stationsADJACENT GOOGLE PARKING LOT rain & pollinator gardenopen-airmechanicaldrop-offSER V ICE / F IRE LANEADA PARK ING solar pv p a n e l ssolar pv panelsENTRY + exit PROPERTY LINE canopy trees raised crosswalk with change in paving material visitor bike parking EXERCISE EQUIPMENT bike storage + locker / shower WALNUT ST. lands c a p e d e d g e M O N U M E N T SI G Nsignsignpublic amenity stair ramp ARTWORK ARTWORK AMENITY DECKopen space + outdoor amenity spaceLANDSCAPED EDGE entrance lobbyentrancePE DE S TR IAN PA TH bike lane perimeter p a t h EXISTING R A I L R O A D stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group THE SITE Circulation Plan. SHANNON Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group FLOOR PLANS Level 1 Level 2 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group MECHANICALMECHANICAL for tenant expansion and base building MECHANICAL for tenant expansion and base building FUTURE TENANT open / closed labs FUTURE TENANT open / closed labs FUTURE TENANT open / closed labs FUTURE TENANT open / closed labs service / loading corridors service rooms / vertical ventilation SERVICE ELEVATORvert. ventilationstructure mechanical structure mechanical structure mechanical structure mechanical western views western views10-916-4 16-45-73730EXHAUST CHIMNEY 162-8 ROOF PEAK 147-0 MECHANICAL 132-8 LEVEL 02 116-4 LEVEL 01 100-0 LOADING DOCK 94-1 5-73730roof peak. height to help conceal mechanical exhaust chimney clad in material to match look and feel of building exterior door access to mechanical SECTION DIAGRAM Section Diagram Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group LOCAL ART INTERPRETIVEMULTI-MODAL TRANSPORTATION EDUCATION & POLLINATOR GARDEN SHADE TREES OVER PARKING AREA OPEN SPACE & OUTDOOR GYM INTERIOR CAFE CONCEPT COMMUNITY BENEFIT Placemaking. SHANNON Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group PAVING REFERENCE SEASONAL PLANTING PLANTING REFERENCE SITE DESIGN Proposed Site/Landscape Materials. SITE LIGHTING SALVAGED SITE CONCRETE LANDSCAPE LIGHTING Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group DARK BRICK METAL ROOFING METAL PANEL ARCHITECTURAL Proposed Exterior Materials. WOOD-LOOK ACCENT GLAZING BACK-LIT METAL PANEL Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group ARCHITECTURE CONCEPT Aerial Perspective Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group Walnut Street (Looking East) ARCHITECTURE CONCEPT Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group Southwest Corner (Looking at West Landscaping & Balcony) ARCHITECTURE CONCEPT Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group Walnut Street (Looking West) ARCHITECTURE CONCEPT Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group ARCHITECTURE CONCEPT Main Entrance Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group ARCHITECTURE CONCEPT Main Entrance (View from Rain Garden) Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group ARCHITECTURE CONCEPT North Site Path (Looking Southwest) Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group ARCHITECTURE CONCEPT Loading Area (from North Site Path) Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group ARCHITECTURE CONCEPT Mechanical Screening.MECHANICAL1 WALNUT S T .PITCH ROOFPITCH ROOFFLAT RO O F PITCH RO O F PITCH RO O F PITCH RO O F 2 3 4View 4 - Walnut St. (Looking Northeast towards the Building) Rooftop Chillers are Not Visible from Walnut St.Rooftop Chillers are Not Visible from Walnut St. N View 2 - Southwest Corner (Looking Northeast towards the Site from Walnut St. ) View 3 - Walnut St. (Looking Northwest towards the Building) View 1 - Southeast Corner of Site (Looking Northeast from Walnut St.) Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy GroupSITE REVIEW CRITERIA Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group 2.01 Unique Community Identify 2.09 Neighborhoods as Building Blocks 2.15 Compatibility of Adjacent Land Uses 2.18 Boulder Valley Regional Center & 28th Street 2.24 Commitment to a Walkable & Accessible City 2.25 Improve Mobility Grid & Connections 2.26 Trail Corridors / Linkages 2.33 Sensitive Infill & Redevelopment 2.36 Physical Design for People 2.37 Environmentally Sensitive Urban Design 2.41 Enhanced Design for All Projects 3.01 Incorporating Ecological Systems into Planning 3.22 Floodplain Management 3.23 Non-Structural Approach to Flood Management 4.01 Climate Action: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions 4.03 Energy Conservation & Renewable Energy 4.07 Energy-Efficient Land Use 4.08 Energy-Efficient Building Design 4.09 Building Construction Waste Minimization 5.18 Support for the University of Colorado & Federal Labs 6.01 All-Mode Transportation System & Safe and Complete Streets 6.03 Low Stress Walk and Bike Network 6.07 Integrated Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Programs 6.13 Access Management & Parking 6.14 Transportation Impacts Mitigated BVCP POLICIES e project conforms with many BVCP policies: Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SITE REVIEW CRITERIA RESPONSE The land use map for the area, associated with this proposal, designates the entire property as Light Industrial (LI). The proposal is for a "life sciences" facility that includes a combination of office and laboratory suitable for science and technology based research and development companies with an accessory use cafe to serve the community and building occupants. The project strives to be a facility that embodies scientific discovery, collaboration, and environmental sustainability which provides a sense of pride to the city and celebrates the values of Boulder. The project is in conformance with the BVCP Policies as identified in the BVCP Policy Analysis and supports the BVCP's Core Values in the following ways: Sustainability: From a highly efficient building envelope, photovoltaic roof panels, and geo-exchange field to achieving both Well Building Standards and LEED Certification, the Ridgeway Science and Technology project exceeds sustainability expectations. Culture of Creativity and Innovation: Through the integration of art, architecture, and building technology, the building and site design inspires creativity and innovation. A place that encourages the community to engage with the building and discover the science happening within. Identity and Sense of Place: With a truly iconic building architecture that represents the essence of Boulder, Ridgeway not only creates a sense of place but also reflects the unique environment in which it exists. The project name is derived from the signature ridgelines of the roof that mimic the iconic backdrop of the Flatirons. Ridgeway is also metaphoric for a road or path that follows the highest ridge, which is also a core principle in industry excellence that will be embodied in the future tenant. Compact, Contiguous, and Sustainable Urban Form: Taking an existing site that has an approximately 100,000 square foot industrial inefficient building, which is one-story, and turning that same area into a two-story highly efficient building, net zero carbon and net zero electric target, creates an opportunity to provide water quality and open space where there was none previously. Open Space Preservation: This redevelopment project will not encroach upon or impact any existing open space. Neighborhoods and Public Spaces: The project will be a gathering place for the science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM) community and the public at large. With the addition of a publicly accessible café where neighbors can socialize and access fresh food and drink, interpretive sign panels that will tell a story of what is happening within the building and the visible art sculptures facing Walnut St. the building will provide a place for the neighborhood that is currently lacking in this type of amenity and character. Additionally, the project will provide a multi-modal pathway that is amenitized with public outdoor workout equipment. Finally, the project proposes to include a B-cycle location on-site providing convenient rentable bikes for the community. CRITERIA 1. Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (A) The proposed site plan is consistent with the land use map and the service area map and, on balance, the policies of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. 1 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SITE REVIEW CRITERIA Environmental Stewardship and Climate Action: Ridgeway aims to meet the highest and most progressive standards of sustainability and will serve as an example of how to build a truly modern building in response to the climate crisis. From an industry certification point of view, this development is targeting NetZero carbon, core and shell electric net zero target, Well Building Standard, and LEED Certification. Economy: Boulder is quickly becoming a major hub of science and technology. This purpose-built facility will attract cutting edge companies who want to experience the Boulder quality of life. Boulder is nationally recognized as a hub for innovation and technology, boasting an impressive community of companies and institutions leading the charge in biotech, pharmaceuticals, renewable energy, aerospace, robotics and technology. Home to the University of Colorado and 17 federal laboratories, Boulder continues to attract visionary leaders from all over the world, creating a perfect research triangle between universities, private sector and federal laboratories – all with access to world-class talent. Transportation: Nestled within the heart of Boulder, within immediate adjacency of the Transit Village Area Plan (TVAP) Phase II, this project is located within half a mile of the Boulder Junction Transit Station, 30th Street Bound and Hop bus lines, will connect to a future multi-modal pathway along the BNSF railroad tracks and is immediately adjacent to the extensive bike path system. (i) The density permitted in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, or, (ii) The maximum number of units that could be placed on the site without waiving or varying any of the requirements of chapter 9-8, "Intensity Standards," B.R.C. 1981. The proposal is fully committed to considering the economics when implementation can be so critical to the development's success. The project strives to meet the broad range of BVCP policies while also providing an enduring, sustainable and market responsive building that also contributes to the broader community and while creatively enhancing the aesthetic of this industrial neighborhood. (B) The proposed development shall not exceed the maximum density associated with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan residential land use designation. Additionally, if the density of existing residential development within a three-hundred-foot area surrounding the site is at or exceeds the density permitted in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, then the maximum density permitted on the site shall not exceed the lesser of: Not applicable - BVCP land use designation for the property is Light Industrial (LI) and the density does not exceed the allowed FAR. (C) The proposed development’s success in meeting the broad range of BVCP policies considers the economic feasibility of implementation techniques require to meet other site review criteria. 2 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SITE REVIEW CRITERIA Creative design and innovative technology is the basis of how the architectural character came to life on the Ridgeway project. The site is situated in both the 100-year and 500-year flood plains and first floor level is raised up to the flood protection elevation (approximately 5 feet above natural grade) in order to build resiliency into built environment and meet the flood plain requirements. In response to this critical decision, the landscape design around the base of the building is naturally elevated and bermed with natural materials to ground the building into the make it feel of the natural environment. We have created an open, flexible, adaptable, modular, market responsive floor and site plan that is flexible to the stringent needs of future Life Sciences tenants. (i) Useable open space is arranged to be accessible and functional and incorporates quality landscaping, a mixture of sun and shade and places to gather; The perimeter walking paths, outdoor amenity café space, and landscaped areas are available for public access and use. As shown on the site plans, the design incorporates both active and passive areas for outdoor enjoyment that uses either building architecture or tree canopies for shade. The cafe space is designed to allow for an indoor-outdoor experience that gives a sense of comfort and connection to the natural environment to those who use the amenity. The project proposed to provide approximately 23% open space of the total site area. (ii) Private open space is provided for each detached residential unit;Not applicable as this light industrial project does not incorporate residential uses. (iii) The project provides for the preservation of or mitigation of adverse impacts to natural features, including, without limitation, healthy long-lived trees, significant plant communities, ground and surface water, wetlands, riparian areas, drainage areas and species on the federal Endangered Species List, "Species of Special Concern in Boulder County" designated by Boulder County, or prairie dogs (Cynomys ludiovicianus), which is a species of local concern, and their habitat; All of the site is currently covered by asphalt pavement or building and there are currently no mature trees, riparian areas or other natural features in existence on the site. In addition, there are not any water quality facilities on the site. The proposed redevelopment will increase the permeability of the site by adding landscape areas, raingardens, and water quality treatment. Plantings will be selected to reflect native, drought tolerant and pollinator beneficial species. (iv) The open space provides a relief to the density, both within the project and from surrounding development; The open space gives a generous buffer between the project site and adjacent properties. The perimeter walkway allows for maximum site circulation and the robust landscape including various tree species softens the building and helps to give a perception of lower height. (v) Open space designed for active recreational purposes is of a size that it will be functionally useable and located in a safe and convenient proximity to the uses to which it is meant to serve; Using the perimeter pathway, the project proposes to incorporate outdoor fitness opportunities that would be organized around the site for use by both the building occupants and community members. 2. Site Design Projects should preserve and enhance the community's unique sense of place through creative design that respects historic character, relationship to the natural environment, multi-modal transportation connectivity and its physical setting. Projects should utilize site design techniques which are consistent with the purpose of site review in subsection (a) of this section and enhance the quality of the project. In determining whether this subsection is met, the approving agency will consider the following factors: (A) Open Space: Open space, including, without limitation, parks, recreation areas, and playgrounds: 3 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SITE REVIEW CRITERIA (vi) The open space provides a buffer to protect sensitive environmental features and natural areas The project strives to protect all environmental and natural areas including the flood zone located to the north of the site. As such, all site elements have been designed to meet flood protection requirements. (vii) If possible, open space is linked to an area- or city-wide system.This site has provided an area for a future multi-modal pathway which will help to connect the project site with the rest of the city's bike network. (i) The open space provides for a balance of private and shared areas for the residential uses and common open space that is available for use by both the residential and non-residential uses that will meet the needs of the anticipated residents, occupants, tenants, and visitors of the property; (ii) The open space provides active areas and passive areas that will meet the needs of the anticipated residents, occupants, tenants, and visitors of the property and are compatible with the surrounding area or an adopted plan for the area. (i) The project provides for aesthetic enhancement and a variety of plant and hard surface materials, and the selection of materials provides for a variety of colors and contrasts and the preservation or use of local native vegetation where appropriate; The soft and hardscape have been designed with the intent to reflect Colorado's natural landscapes. Native plantings and trees tap into familiar colors and senses providing interest and further defining spaces for collaboration and socializing that are seemlessly integrated into landscape. These moves are interlinked with the builiding architecture creating a heightened level of site amenity and aesthetic resulting in a site development that feels at home in Boulder. (ii) Landscape design attempts to avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts to important native species, plant communities of special concern, threatened and endangered species and habitat by integrating the existing natural environment into the project; The existing site is largely impervious and little vegetation exists. Extensive planting around the site will mitigate the lack of existing plant material and is vital to the overall aesthetics of the development. To take it a step further, this project actually aims to provide habitats and plantings that are conducive for pollinators. (iii) The project provides significant amounts of plant material sized in excess of the landscaping requirements of sections 9-9-12, "Landscaping and Screening Standards" and 9-9-13, "Streetscape Design Standards," B.R.C. 1981; and In both the streetscape and internal site areas there are significantly more shrubs proposed than the quantities required which will achieve the aesthetic desires of this development as well as provide for sufficient plant material in the open space. (iv) The setbacks, yards, and useable open space along public rights- of-way are landscaped to provide attractive streetscapes, to enhance architectural features, and to contribute to the development of an attractive site plan. Full detail and attention regarding landscape has been paid along the Walnut street right-of-way. At he base of the building, earthwork berms are heavily planted with trees to ground the building and a similar strategy is proposed to help screen the parking. Not applicable as this project is not mixed-use and does not incorporate residential uses. (B) Open Space in Mixed Use Developments (Developments that contain a mix of residential and nonresidential uses) (C) Landscaping: 4 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SITE REVIEW CRITERIA (i) High speeds are discouraged or a physical separation between streets and the project is provided; High speeds within the proposed drive aisle are discouraged by providing a raised crossing where pedestrians cross over from the parking lot to the building entrance. There is also a change in paving materiality, texture, and color at the raised pedestrian crossing to further slow down vehicular traffic. Bollards and lighting area also placed to emphasize and delineate the pedestrian zone and provide priority for the pedestrian. 5mph speed limit signs will be placed in key locations. Walnut Street will be physically separated from the sidewalk through a landscaped tree lawn. (ii) Potential conflicts with vehicles are minimized; The vehicular drop-off and ADA parking spaces are provided on the building side of the drive aisle in order to minimize potential conflicts with vehicles once people are dropped-off or parked. Drop of aisle is located against the building, where off loading will occur on the passenger side of the vehicle (iii) Safe and convenient connections are provided that support multi-modal mobility through and between properties, accessible to the public within the project and between the project and the existing and proposed transportation systems, including, without limitation, streets, bikeways, pedestrian ways and trails; This site has provided an area for a future multi-modal path which will help to connect the project site with the rest of the city's bike network once complete. Additionally, the travel plan anticipates that most pedestrian traffic will approach the site from the West using the public right of way and convenient access will be provided to connect the sidewalk to the building entrance. Finally, the site has connections to the existing sidewalks and paths in the vicinity of the site including connections to the existing on-street bike lanes along Walnut Street and multi-use paths along Foothills Parkway and Pearl Street. (iv) Alternatives to the automobile are promoted by incorporating site design techniques, land use patterns, and supporting infrastructure that supports and encourages walking, biking, and other alternatives to the single-occupant vehicle; The site design provides priority to exterior bike parking compared to vehicle parking, secure long- term bike parking which includes a bike repair station, E-bike charging stations, showers, lockers, and changing facilities. Additionally, the applicant is willing to coordinate with staff to provide wayfinding to nearby amenities that are within walking distance. (v) Where practical and beneficial, a significant shift away from single-occupant vehicle use to alternate modes is promoted through the use of travel demand management techniques; A robust Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan is included in this submittal that promotes alternative transportation modes Proposed techniques include a B-Cycle station, enhanced bike parking amenities, Ecopasses and more as outlined in the TDM. (vi) On-site facilities for external linkage are provided with other modes of transportation, where applicable; The City's transportation Master Plan outlines a future multi-modal pathway that runs along the BNSF Railroad property adjacent to the project site. The project includes the area allocation for this future multi-modal path to be built once the connections are constructed. Additionally, the TVAP outlined a new collector street to be built which would connect Frontier Ave to Walnut street under the train tracks. However, the project team has determined this connection to be infeasible due to distance, engineering and the flood plain. This has been reviewed by Planning Board, TAB and Staff, who support the removal of this connection from the TVAP documentation. We understand city council has indicated to remove this connection, per the TVAP Phase II session study on 9/22/2022. (D) Circulation: Circulation, including, without limitation, the transportation system that serves the property, whether public or private and whether constructed by the developer or not: 5 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SITE REVIEW CRITERIA (vii) The amount of land devoted to the street system is minimized; and The internal vehicular access drives are designed to the required dimensions for firetruck and service access. The drive aisles within the parking areas are minimized to reduce traffic speed but provide reasonable circulation. (viii) The project is designed for the types of traffic expected, including, without limitation, automobiles, bicycles, and pedestrians, and provides safety, separation from living areas, and control of noise and exhaust. All modes of transportation were taken into consideration for the development of this site's circulation and connection to existing infrastructure. Noise and exhaust related to circulation will not be increased as a result the project. (i) The project incorporates into the design of parking areas measures to provide safety, convenience, and separation of pedestrian movements from vehicular movements; The proposed parking area is connected to the building entrance with a raised crossing where pedestrians can safely cross the main drive aisle. Additionally, the vehicular drop-off and ADA parking spaces are located on the building side of the drive aisle in order to provide safe and accessible entry into the building's main entrance. (ii) The design of parking areas makes efficient use of the land and uses the minimum amount of land necessary to meet the parking needs of the project; The parking area is minimized through the use of compact spaces, efficient drive aisle circulation, and an overall parking reduction of 25% for the proposed project. (iii) Parking areas and lighting are designed to reduce the visual impact on the project, adjacent properties, and adjacent streets; and Parking areas are screened from the public right of way and adjacent properties through the use of earthwork and landscaping. The lighting in the parking areas is designed to meet photometric standards that balance the safety of users without impacting the adjacent properties. Additionally LEED Light Trespass credit is being pursued which ensures appropriate luminaire BUG ratings are kept back from property boundaries to limit light trespass. (iv) Parking areas utilize landscaping materials to provide shade in excess of the requirements in Subsection 9-9-6 (d), "Parking Area Design Standards," and Section 9-9-14, “Parking Lot Landscaping Standards,” B.R.C. 1981. A robust tree canopy is provided in the parking area to allow for ample shade that exceeds the minimum standards and also provides landscaping to reduce the visual impacts of the internal required drives and provide shade to reduce heat island effect. (i) The building height, mass, scale, orientation, and configuration are compatible with the existing character of the area or the character established by an adopted plan for the area; The building facades are mostly composed of brick, glass, and high-quality metal panel with wood- look accents to enhance the overall character of the industrial neighborhood. The primary wing of the building is oriented to activate Walnut Street with the cafe amenity space on the ground floor with an additional second level amenity deck on the most visible corner of the site from Walnut. Both of these spaces help to activate the street with people enjoying the view of the Flatirons and the rest of the city. (E) Parking: (F) Building Design, Livability, and Relationship to the Existing or Proposed Surrounding Area: 6 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SITE REVIEW CRITERIA (ii) e height of buildings is in general proportion to the height of existing buildings and the proposed or projected heights of approved buildings or approved plans for the immediate area; e proposed building height is in general proportion to the height of existing neighborhood. e conditional height allowance in this area is 45' (40' base height with a 5' bonus for not being located adjacent to a residential area). However, the project is requesting a height modification to exceed this requirement by 7' 11". e proposed height of the building is in direct response to the function of the use which requires more building height to accommodate mechanical penthouses and ductwork within the building. In addition, the signature ridge lines of the roof architecture are designed with function in mind. While iconic in nature, they also help conceal the large mechanical equipment required for lab operations rather than using typical screening methods associated with rooftop mechanical. e ridge lines consistently fold along the roof of the building creating flexible interior spaces for lab expansions which may accommodate class A tenants with higher lab requirements. Additionally, the building is elevated approximately 5’ to meet the flood protection elevation requirements. Overall, the perceived height of the building is similar to the conditional height allowance in the code. (iii) e orientation of buildings minimizes shadows on and blocking of views from adjacent properties; A shadow study was conducted and is included in the submitted documents. Please note that the shadow extends into the easement to the West of the property and the applicant intends to coordinate this issue with staff. A comparative shadow analysis has been provided per the "Additional Application Requirements for Height Modification" checklist. e site’s location, the nature of the adjacent properties, and the building's mass and scale limit the negative viewing impacts others will have to the mountains and Flatirons. e building is intentionally positioned farther away from the property line to the East that the minimum required setback in order to help mitigate the shadow and view impacts of the proposed building. (iv) If the character of the area is identifiable, the project is made compatible by the appropriate use of color, materials, landscaping, signs, and lighting; e proposed design fits within the character of the existing industrial neighborhood but also stands out in a way that progresses the industrial and eclectic nature of the neighborhood that exists today and provides enhanced architectural standards for future redevelopment. (v) Projects are designed to a human scale and promote a safe and vibrant pedestrian experience through the location of building frontages along public streets, plazas, sidewalks and paths, and through the use of building elements, design details and landscape materials that include, without limitation, the location of entrances and windows, and the creation of transparency and activity at the pedestrian level; Ample windows are provided along the Walnut street frontage to provide transparency and landscape features soften the building edge to create an active vibrant pedestrian experience. e café has outdoor seating which creates activity and gives the building a presence on Walnut St. putting the most social areas of the project at the forefront. e main building entrance is adjacent to the most social space of the project in the cafe. is along with signage and an extended canopy canted towards Walnut St. delivers a pedestrian experience that allows the neighborhood to engage with the project while respecting tenant operations. Pedestrian circulation at the entrance is empasized with upgraded paving materials and public artwork integrated into landscape design and circulation make the entrance and cafe highly visible from the right-of-way in addition to accomodating bicycles and access to vehicular parking. Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SITE REVIEW CRITERIA (vii) For residential projects, the project assists the community in producing a variety of housing types, such as multifamily, townhouses and detached single family units, as well as mixed lot sizes, number of bedrooms and sizes of units; Not applicable. (viii) For residential projects, noise is minimized between units, between buildings, and from either onsite or offsite external sources through spacing, landscaping, and building materials; Not applicable. (x) A lighting plan is provided which augments security, energy conservation, safety, and aesthetics; See the submitted photometric and lighting plan which expands on this with the proposed design. Lighting for nighttime use is important to a science building where tenants require safe, well-lit environments, even during night shifts. Careful attention to the selection of LED or high-efficiency fixtures will adhere to a safe, secure, and aesthetic quality. As with all other aspects of sustainability, energy conservation is at the core of both fixture selection and desired lighting levels that still meet the desired levels in an urban environment. (xi) The project incorporates the natural environment into the design and avoids, minimizes, or mitigates impacts to natural systems; The landscape design is a critical feature to help integrate the building and site design into a natural setting that does not exist today. (xii) Buildings minimize or mitigate energy use; support on-site renewable energy generation and/or energy management systems; construction wastes are minimized; the project mitigates urban heat island effects; and the project reasonably mitigates or minimizes water use and impacts on water quality. The proposed building is targeting net-zero ready design. In order to accomplish this goal, highly efficient mechanical systems are proposed including a geo-exchange field and the energy use will be offset with on-site solar panels located on the roof of the building. As a result of the building user having a high energy demand, additional energy needs will be offset with the purchase of off-site solar dedicated to this particular project. A building wide energy monitoring system will be installed in order to measure and track the energy usage and offsets. The water usage will be reduced through the installation of low-flow fixtures where appropriate. Water quality is handled on site before being released back into the ground water system. Additionally, the landscape and light colored materials help to offset the heat island effect of the project. (xiii) Exteriors of buildings present a sense of permanence through the use of authentic materials such as stone, brick, wood, metal or similar products and building material detailing; Authentic materials are intentionally integrated into the building facades to reflect the anticipated office and lab uses. The building is designed into two wings with the south facing office wing on Walnut St. using brick to create texture complimenting the exterior architecture while also being approachable at human scale. The north-south oriented wing is clad in high quality metal panel to better represent the utilitarian function of the lab uses within. Additionally the proposed design is further articulated beyond the roof ridgeline to break up the overall massing and consider pedestrian scale and context integration. (xiv) Cut and fill are minimized on the site, the design of buildings conforms to the natural contours of the land, and the site design minimizes erosion, slope instability, landslide, mudflow or subsidence, and minimizes the potential threat to property caused by geological hazards; The building is located in the proposed position in order to minimize its footprint in the floodplain, allow for natural site drainage and minimize the amount of site grading required for construction. 8 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SITE REVIEW CRITERIA (xv) In the urbanizing areas along the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan boundaries between Area II and Area III, the building and site design provide for a well-defined urban edge; Not applicable. The project is located in Area I within the City’s boundaries. (xvi) In the urbanizing areas located on the major streets shown on the map in Appendix A Of this title near the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan boundaries between Area II and Area III, the buildings and site design establish a sense of entry and arrival to the City by creating a defined urban edge and a transition between rural and urban areas. Not applicable. The project is located in Area I within the City’s boundaries. For the purpose of ensuring the maximum potential for utilization of solar energy in the City, all applicants for residential site reviews shall place streets, lots, open spaces, and buildings so as to maximize the potential for the use of solar energy in accordance with the following solar siting criteria: (i) Placement of Open Space and Streets: Open space areas are located wherever practical to protect buildings from shading by other buildings within the development or from buildings on adjacent properties. Topography and other natural features and constraints may justify deviations from this criterion. (ii) Lot Layout and Building Siting: Lots are oriented and buildings are sited in a way which maximizes the solar potential of each principal building. Lots are designed to facilitate siting a structure which is unshaded by other nearby structures. Wherever practical, buildings are sited close to the north lot line to increase yard space to the south for better owner control of shading. Within the site, the building is positioned primarily in a North-South orientation in order to reduce shading on the parking and open space and maximize views form within of the Flatirons. The L-shape extends to the north of the property boundary while the lower leg helps to hold the Walnut street edge. (iii) Building Form: The shapes of buildings are designed to maximize utilization of solar energy. Buildings shall meet the solar access protection and solar siting requirements of section 9-9-17, "Solar Access," B.R.C. 1981. The iconic folded roof forms are intentionally designed to be south facing in order to maximize solar energy production on the roof. The slope of the roof is such that the north facing roofs can also be used for solar power with a small percentage of energy loss. (iv) Landscaping: The shading effects of proposed landscaping on adjacent buildings are minimized.The adjacent buildings will have minimal shading from new proposed landscape. The building location and rooflines have been designed to maximize solar production. (G) Solar Siting and Construction: 9 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1881 9TH ST. SUITE 303 BOULDER, CO 80302 USA DATE 06.02.2023 Written Statement JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SITE REVIEW CRITERIA Not Applicable. Not Applicable. Not Applicable. The off-street parking requirements of section 9-9-6,, "Parking Standards," B.R.C. 1981, may be modified as follows: (i) Process: The city manager may grant a parking reduction not to exceed fifty percent of the required parking. The planning board or city council may grant a reduction exceeding fifty percent. The project is requesting a 25% reduction of required parking. Please reference the TDM Plan for more information. "This TDM Plan supports an alternative travel mode reduction supported by the various TDM alternatives available in the City of Boulder and the TDM measures proposed by the applicant." (ii) Criteria: Upon submission of documentation by the applicant of how the project meets the following criteria, the approving agency may approve proposed modifications to the parking requirements of section 9-9-6, "Parking Standards," B.R.C. 1981 (see tables 9-1, 9-2, 9-3 and 9-4), if it finds that: (a) For residential uses, the probable number of motor vehicles to be owned by occupants of and visitors to dwellings in the project will be adequately accommodated; (b) The parking needs of any non-residential uses will be adequately accommodated through on street parking or off-street parking; (c) A mix of residential with either office or retail uses is proposed, and the parking needs of all uses will be accommodated through shared parking; (d) If joint use of common parking areas is proposed, varying time periods of use will accommodate proposed parking needs; and (e) If the number of off-street parking spaces is reduced because of the nature of the occupancy, the applicant provides assurances that the nature of the occupancy will not change. Not Applicable.(L) Additional Criteria for Off-Site Parking: (K) Additional Criteria for Parking Reductions: (H) Additional Criteria for Poles Above the Permitted Height: (I) Land Use Intensity Modifications: (J) Additional Criteria for Floor Area Ratio Increase for Buildings in the BR-1 District: 10 Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Travel Demand Management Plan RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Boulder, Colorado Prepared for Stantec Architecture, Inc. 1112 Pearl Street Boulder, CO 80302 Prepared by LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. 1889 York Street Denver, CO 80206 (303) 333-1105 September 30, 2022 Revised: December 23, 2022 Revised: June 2, 2023 LSC #220080 Attachment D - Applicant’s TDM Plan Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Introduction This Travel Demand Management (TDM) Plan has been prepared for the Ridgeway Science and Technology redevelopment in Boulder, Colorado. The site is located south of Pearl Parkway, north of Walnut Street, and east of 33rd Street. The site currently includes a mix of light industrial and warehouse with a retail storefront and is proposed to be redeve- loped as a life sciences building. Full movement access exists to Walnut Street in multiple locations. The access to Walnut Street will be consolidated into one full movement loca- tion to reduce vehicle/pedestrian conflict points which is a goal of the City. The location of the site with respect to the surrounding land uses and roadway system is shown in Figure 1. The conceptual site plan is shown in Figure 2. This TDM Plan supports a 20 percent alternative travel mode reduction for vehicle-trips and a 25 percent reduction in parking supported by the various TDM alternatives avai- lable in the City of Boulder and the TDM measures proposed by the applicant. Existing Alternate Travel Modes Description The following existing conditions contribute to the transportation demand management goals of the City of Boulder. The site is well-positioned to make good use of these existing opportunities. Existing Transit Service The Regional Transportation District (RTD) is the governing body responsible for fixed- route transit (public transportation) service throughout the Denver metropolitan area, in- cluding Boulder. Figure 3 shows the existing bus stops and transit routes within the vicinity of the site, including the following routes: 205 206 208 BOLT BOUND FF6 (no longer listed on RTD website - suspended or cancelled) FLEX (no longer listed on RTD website - suspended or cancelled) HOP J (no longer listed on RTD website - suspended or cancelled) Ridgeway Science and Technology TDM Plan (LSC #220080) June 2, 2023 LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. Page 1 Attachment D - Applicant’s TDM Plan Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Demand-responsive services are available to both seniors and persons with disabilities through Via (formerly Special Transit). Established in 1979, this non-profit provides safe and affordable rides in accessible buses to people with limited mobility. Rides are sche- duled in advance and have a 30-minute pick-up window. Existing Bicycle and Pedestrian Network The City of Boulder maintains an extensive bicycle and pedestrian network throughout the City. Figure 4 shows bicycle and pedestrian routes within the vicinity of the site. In addition, many of the streets in the project vicinity have attached or detached sidewalks. There are a number of B-Cycle locations in the area that employees will be able to connect to via the B-Cycle location proposed on-site by the applicant. Ridgeway Science and Technology TDM Plan (LSC #220080) June 2, 2023 LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. Page 2 Attachment D - Applicant’s TDM Plan Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review SITE Map Figure 1 Vicinity Scale: 1"=600' Approximate Scale Ridgeway Science & Technology (LSC #220080)Ridgeway Science and Technology TDM Plan (LSC #220080) June 2, 2023LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. Page 3 Attachment D - Applicant’s TDM Plan Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Ridgeway Science and Technology TDM Plan (LSC #220080) June 2, 2023LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. Page 4 Attachment D - Applicant’s TDM Plan Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Ridgeway Science and Technology TDM Plan (LSC #220080) June 2, 2023LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. Page 5 Attachment D - Applicant’s TDM Plan Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Ridgeway Science and Technology TDM Plan (LSC #220080) June 2, 2023LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. Page 6 SITE LEGEND: Designated Bike Route On-Street Bike Lane Multi-Use Path Paved Shoulder Attachment D - Applicant’s TDM Plan Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Strategy for Life Sciences The City of Boulders draft commercial development toolkit packages are shown in Table 1. The site currently includes a mix of light industrial and warehouse with a retail storefront and is proposed to be redeveloped as a life sciences building with about 112,600 square feet of office and laboratory uses. The core elements section of the table shows elements required of all new developments, including meeting the short- and long- term bicycle parking code; participation in eGo car share and B-Cycle bike share where appropriate, pedestrian and bicycle enhancements; consideration of showers and changing facilities; and establishing a transportation information center. Three package elements are available under City of Boulder standards, Packages A, B, and C. Package A is the most advantageous for the site. Package A includes establishing a BECO Pass Program and management of off-street parking where applicable. Table 2 shows the actions the applicant intends to take to increase the percentage of alternative travel modes utilized by the site. The applicant proposes a B-Cycle location on the site. This is to address the last mile dilemma when relying on bus transit. Arapahoe Avenue (SH 7), 30th Street, and Pearl - Parkway are all bus transit corridors with B-Cycle locations located near existing bus stops as seen when comparing the details in Figures 3 and 4. An alternative travel mode reduction of 20 percent is targeted for the proposed land use. The applicant is proposing 212 parking spaces which is less than the 281 parking spaces required by Code. This results in the request for a 25 percent parking reduction which is supported by this Travel Demand Management Plan. An alternative travel mode reduction of 20 percent and a parking reduction of 25 percent are supported by the TDM measures proposed by the applicant combined with the propo- sed use and location consistent with the Boulder Revised Code. Ridgeway Science and Technology TDM Plan (LSC #220080) June 2, 2023 LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. Page 7 Attachment D - Applicant’s TDM Plan Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Ridgeway Science and Technology TDM Plan (LSC #220080) June 2, 2023 LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. Page 8 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ * ‐ ‐ ‐ CTN = community transportation network, and refers to a set of high‐frequency bus routes defined by the City of Boulder. *Note: Business Eco Pass already provided by RTD for CAGID and UHGID. Source: City of Boulder, 2011.CORE ELEMENTSPACKAGE ELEMENTSTable 1 TDM Toolkit Element Toolkit Packages ‐ Multiple Business/Developer ‐ Multiple Business Development ‐ Developer Attachment D - Applicant’s TDM Plan Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Ridgeway Science and Technology TDM Plan (LSC #220080) June 2, 2023 LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. Page 9 Outside CTN Buffer Package A Meet Short-Term Bicycle Parking Code The applicant is proposing 24 short-term bicycle parking spaces which exceeds the requirement of 19 short-term bicycle parking spaces. Meet Long-Term Bicycle Parking Code The applicant is proposing 57 long-term secure and covered bicycle parking spaces which meets the requirement of 57 long-term bicycle parking spaces. Ratio of MOV Mode Share The applicant will include ridesharing information in its employee orientation packets. This may include eGo Car sharing, B-Cycle bike sharing, DRCOG’s RideArrangers, and ride sharing with Uber/Lyft. Pedestrian Enhancements Improvements will be made to the existing sidewalks around the site as appropriate. Bike Enhancements The site has connections to the existing sidewalks and paths in the vicinity of the site including connections to the existing on-street bike lanes along Walnut Street and multi-use paths along Foothills Parkway and Pearl Parkway. The applicant is proposing a private on-site bike repair station and e-bike charging stations as well as a proposed B-Cycle location to help connect employees to other B-Cycle locations near bus transit stops along Arapahoe Avenue (SH 7), 30th Street, and Pearl Parkway. The applicant will also be constructing a buffered on-street bike lane adjacent to the site. Showers - Conditional The proposed building includes showers and lockers for employees. Changing Facilities - Conditional The proposed restrooms and showers will serve as suitable changing facilities. Transportation Information Center/ Access/Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) Network The site will include transportation information in its employee packets/employee orientation process. The information will also be available in interior brochure racks within the building. The applicant will participate in future surveys conducted by the City regarding travel modes. BECO Pass Participation The applicant will establish a BECO-Pass program for employees. The applicant will require tenants to pay the cost of providing BECO Passes to their employees for a period of three years per their lease agreement. Coordination will be needed with City staff to determine the appropriate size of the program. Managed Off-Street Parking - Conditional The applicant is proposing 212 parking spaces which is less than the 281 parking spaces required by Code. This results in the request for a 25 percent parking reduction which is supported by this travel demand management plan. The applicant will require tenants per lease agreement to establish an Alternative Transportation Subsidy Fund of $100 per year per employee to be provided to employees that do not need a parking space for the year. The fund could be used for things such as B-Cycle, Lime Scooter, or car share memberships, etc. Table 2 Ridgeway Science and Technology TDM Plan TDM Toolkit Element CORE ELEMENTSPACKAGE ELEMENTSAttachment D - Applicant’s TDM Plan Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Attachment E - Applicant’s Vested Rights Form Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review R I D G E W A Y S C I E N C E & T E C H N O L O G Y stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SUMMARY TVAP Local Connector Road Feasibility of Connection Local Collector Road - Underpass Local Collector Road - Overpass Local Collector Road - At Grade Multi Modal Connection on South Side of BNSF tracks Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 60 Transit Village Area Plan • Boulder, Colorado60 Transit Village Area Plan • Boulder, Colorado Connections Explanation Connections Explanation 62. Local connection:This road will connect Frontier Avenue to Walnut Street and include an underpass at the railroad tracks. This will signifi- cantly improve access to this area and support the planned increase in land use intensity. This connection was suggested by the property own- ers with the understanding that they will pay for the full cost of this street and underpass. 63. Local connection: This connection provides stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group TVAP Local Connector Road In 2007, TVAP identified a collector road underneath the BNSF tracks connecting Walnut to Frontier It does not appear that there was a feasibility study for this connection at that time We are proposing to redevelop the Walnut property, we must go through the formal process to remove this con- nection from the plan Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group Feasibility of Connections P P P P P P P B B B B B B B P P PEARL PARKWAY 30TH ST.33RD ST.38TH ST.WALNUT ST. RA I L R O A D FOOTHILLS PARKWAYTVAP PHASE 1 TVAP PHASE 2 5.17 ACRES 3825 WALNUT ST. EXISTING MULTI-USE PATH / BIKE LANE OP ARKING TION PROPOSED MULTI-USE PATH / BIKE LANE EXISTING STREET PROPOSED TVAP CONNECTOR STREET GE AREA PLAN B B OP ARKING PROPOSED BRIDGE (VEHICLE & MULTI-MODAL) B-CYCLE STATION TRANSIT VILLAGE AREA PLAN P BUS STOP PARKING Research Included: • Discussion with BNSF • JVA looked at feasibility of overpass and underpass • Reached out to prior property owner • Cost estimation Looked at three options: • Overpass • Underpass • At-grade Crossing Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group Local Collector Road - Underpass • Technically infeasible • Cost over $10million • Located within the 100-year floodplain • To make the ramping work, it would ex- tend beyond the sidewalk edges of Wal- nut St. and in the vehicular right of way Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group Local Collector Road - Overpass • Technically infeasible • Located within the 100-year floodplain • To make the ramping work, it would extend beyond the sidewalk edges of Walnut St. and in the vehicular right of way • Dissect both sites with a bridge that is nearly as high as the Foothills Parkway & Pearl Parkway overpass • Bifurcated the site visually and creating a large wall-like structure that would obstruct public views • Create a significant physical barrier impacting connectivity and accessibility. • Require variances from the Design and Construction Standards (DCS) to achieve the vertical ramping necessary to clear the train tracks • Require additional property beyond what Conscience Bay owns) Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review BNSF publishes position statements to clarify BNSF’s position on the subject matter. The information contained in a position statement is neither exhaustive nor exclusive to all circumstances or individuals. The relevance and implementation of these recommendations may be affected by local, state, or federal statutes, other rules or regulations, and differing project conditions. Position statements are not intended to provide any approval of a public agency project. Nothing in this position statement, supersedes or supplements the terms of a governing agency agreement with BNSF. The position statement should not be relied upon as being inclusive of all BNSF’s policies on the subject matter, but only as a resource. BNSF takes great care in publishing position statements and reserves the right to rescind or modify these statements at any time. Approved by Craig Rasmussen, AVP Engineering Services and Structures Date Approved: August 16, 2017 BNSF Position on At-Grade Trails and Parallel Roadways This generally addresses Agency Sponsored projects that include parallel roadways or pedestrian, bicyclist, or multi-use trails on or adjacent to BNSF right-of-way (ROW). Parallel trails and roadways: •In general, public parallel roadways or trails are not allowed on BNSF property. BNSF ROW is reserved for railroad infrastructure to ensure that current customer demands are met and to support future expansion needs. •BNSF’s maintenance and inspection roads are for the duties of operating, maintaining, and inspecting track. Public uses of railroad service roads are not acceptable for public roadway or trail use. •BNSF rail bridges are designed to carry train traffic and are not designed for multimodal use. Trails parallel and/or attached to railroad bridges are not allowed. •If trail is adjacent to BNSF property, fencing should be installed along the trail to keep users off of BNSF property. •Trail construction and maintenance shall not reduce the BNSF ROW or adversely impact train operations during construction. •Increased pedestrian activity adjacent to active track increases exposure points to train movement and potential for trespassing. Efforts to deter trespassing should be included in any trail project. BNSF will consider accommodating parallel roadways within BNSF ROW when the new roadway will eliminate one or more at-grade crossings. Trails crossing BNSF tracks at-grade: •BNSF may accommodate trails that cross the tracks or BNSF ROW. •Trails crossing the tracks at-grade must cross adjacent to an existing public at-grade crossing. Stand-alone at-grade trail crossings are not allowed. •The trail should cross the railroad tracks at a 90-degree angle. •Trail crossing must meet the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, (MUTCD). •Trail owners must enter into the proper license agreement with BNSF and be responsible for the ownership and maintenance of the trail. •BNSF may require specific trail features at its discretion. Trails combined with drainage structures are not allowed. For guidance on grade separated trails, refer to the Union Pacific Railroad – BNSF Railway Guidelines for Railroad Grade Separation Projects. stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group Local Collector Road - At Grade • Not allowed by BNSF. Would require closure of another at grade crossing in Boulder Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group Multi Modal Connection on South Side of BNSF tracks • With respect to future connectivity, there is a multi-modal path shown along the south side of the tracks (shown in TMP Connections Plan attachment). • is multi-modal alignment is shown on our redevelop ment plans. • It would be required to be located outside of the railroad ROW per the BNSF requirements and entirely on Con- science Bay property. Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review ADJACENT GOOGLE PARKING LOT EXISTING ONE-STORY WAREHOUSE 100,805 SF WALN U T S T . stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group EXISTING SITE Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review LOADING / SERVICE ADJACENT GOOGLE PARKING LOT drop-offSERVICE / FIRE LANEpedest r i a n p a t h bike l a n e entranceENTRY + exit PROPERTY LINE WALN U T S T .POTENTIAL PEDESTRIAN PATHLANDSCAPED EDGEpedestrian pathpedestrian path bike lane MULTI- M O D A L R E S E R V A T I O N EXISTING RAI L R O A D POTENTIAL PEDESTRIAN PATHstantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SITE DIAGRAM Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group SITE CONNECTIONS P P P P P P P B B B B B B B P P PEARL PARKWAY 30TH ST.33RD ST.38TH ST.WALNUT ST. RA I L R O A D FOOTHILLS PARKWAYTVAP PHASE 1 TVAP PHASE 2 5.17 ACRES 3825 WALNUT ST. EXISTING MULTI-USE PATH / BIKE LANE OP ARKING TION PROPOSED MULTI-USE PATH / BIKE LANE EXISTING STREET PROPOSED TVAP CONNECTOR STREET GE AREA PLAN B B OP ARKING PROPOSED BRIDGE (VEHICLE & MULTI-MODAL) B-CYCLE STATION TRANSIT VILLAGE AREA PLAN P BUS STOP PARKING Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy GroupSUBMITTED MATERIALS Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Date: July 1, 2022 To: Transportation Advisory Board From: Conscience Bay Company Re: TVAP Connection We have been referred to the City of Boulder’s Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) to request a variance to remove a connection from the 2007 City of Boulder Transit Village Area Plan - TVAP). TVAP identified a collector road underneath the BNSF tracks connecting Walnut to Frontier. It does not appear that there was a feasibility study for this connection at that time, and now that we are redeveloping the Walnut property, we must go through the formal process to remove this connection from the plan. Our team has conducted a technical review of the feasibility of providing this connection. As part of that review, we met with BNSF and reached out to the previous land owner who was involved in TVAP. Our engineers at JVA studied this connection (see attached Underpass Feasibility Study) and determined it was impractical and would cost over $10 million to achieve. This area is located in the 100-year floodplain and to make the ramping work, it would extend beyond the sidewalk edges of Walnut St. and in the vehicular right of way. An overpass on top of the rail was also studied (see attached Overpass Feasibility Study) and rendered the same outcome. In addition, an overpass would dissect both sites with a bridge that is nearly as high as the Foothills Parkway & Pearl Parkway overpass, bifurcating the site visually and creating a large wall-like structure that would obstruct public views and create a significant physical barrier impacting connectivity and accessibility. In addition, an overpass would need variances from the Design and Construction Standards (DCS) to achieve the vertical ramping necessary to clear the train tracks and require additional property beyond what Conscience Bay owns) With respect to future connectivity, there is a multi-modal path shown along the south side of the tracks (shown in TMP Connections Plan attachment).. This multi-modal alignment is shown on our redevelopment plans. It would be required to be located outside of the railroad ROW per the BNSF requirements and entirely on Conscience Bay property. Attached are the following materials that demonstrate the technical, financial and regulatory challenges with providing any local road or multi modal connection between Walnut and Frontier Avenue: ●Context Map and Project Location ●Transportation Master Plan showing multi modal connections ●TVAP Connections Plan ●Proposed Circulation Plan ●Email from BNSF ●BNSF Position Paper on at grade trails ●Email to previous property owner ●JVA Underpass Feasibility Study ●JVA Overpass Feasibility Study ●Email re: Overpass feasibility from JVA We look forward to discussing this with you on July 11th. stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group COVER LETTER Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review CONTEXT MAP e site [and zoning districts] Pearl St. Mall Boulder Creek e foothills PROJECT SITE stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group CONTEXT MAP & PROJECT LOCATION Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 60 Transit Village Area Plan • Boulder, Colorado60 Transit Village Area Plan • Boulder, Colorado Connections Explanation Connections Explanation 64 Transit Village Area Plan • Boulder, Colorado Connections Explanation between the Wilderness Place development and the redevelopment areas along Old Pearl. This is a key link in reconnecting these neighborhoods and establishing a grid in this area, and will pro- vide a travel option to the major arterials of 30th Street and Foothills Parkway. 47. Multi-use path:This path along the east side of the railroad tracks provides access from Pearl Parkway to the future rail platform. It will pro- vide a safe, off-road alternative for those who do not wish to bike on roads. It also provides a connection to the planned multimodal system along Pearl Parkway and the ditch. 48. Multi-use path:This connection provides access to the path along the east side of the railroad tracks from the west end of Old Pearl Street, con- necting the street system to the path system. 49. Alley connection:This connection provides access through the High-Density Residential-2 development and could be a narrow street depending on the site design of redevelopment in this area. It is intended to be flexible in loca- tion pending site design. 50. Pedestrian connection: This connection pro- vides access to the south end of the rail platform from the street system in Wilderness Place. 51. Multi-use path: This connection provides direct access to the rail platform and track crossing from the street system in Wilderness Place. 52. Multi-use path:This multi-use path along the west side of the railroad tracks provides access from Goose Creek to the future rail platform. This connection provides a safe, off-road alterna- tive for those who do not wish to bike on Junction Place or other roadways to the rail plat- form and connects to the Goose Creek multi- modal path and multimodal paths to the south, including the connection to Twenty Ninth Street. 53. Multi-use path:This path provides a connection from Wilderness Place to the path along Foothills Parkway. 54. Local connection:This connects Center Green Court to the cul-de-sac to the south with the intent of providing a finer street grid for improved mobility and access. It should also pro- vide sidewalks for pedestrians. This connection will occur only when the adjacent parcels rede- velop. It is intended to be flexible in location pending site design. 55. Multi-use path:This path will continue the existing path along the west side of Foothills Parkway and contribute to a complete bike facili- ty along Foothills Parkway. Given the limited opportunities to cross Foothills Parkway, this will be a companion facility to the multimodal path along the east side and will provide a primary north-south off-road bike facility from the Boulder Creek Path to Valmont Road. 56. Multi-use path:This short connection is flexi- ble and intended to illustrate a bike connection from the multi-use path along Foothills Parkway to Center Green Court. 57. Local connection:This connection will connect Center Green Court and Wilderness Place south of Valmont Road. This connection will occur only when the adjacent parcels redevelop and should provide sidewalks for pedestrians. 58. Multi-use path:This facility will continue the multi-use path on the west side of Foothills Parkway to the north and will tie into the exist- ing multi-use path to the north. 59. Bike route:This bike facility provides a connec- tion from properties north of Valmont Road to the protected crossing of Valmont Road. 60 and 61. Pedestrian connection:The enhanced crossings of Valmont Road and the pedestrian connections to the north are intended to provide connections into the neighborhoods to the north. The connections are intended to be flexi- ble in location pending further investigation but reflect the priority of having the Transit Village area well-connected to the surrounding commu- nity. 62. Local connection:This road will connect Frontier Avenue to Walnut Street and include an underpass at the railroad tracks. This will signifi- cantly improve access to this area and support the planned increase in land use intensity. This connection was suggested by the property own- ers with the understanding that they will pay for the full cost of this street and underpass. 63. Local connection: This connection provides access to the large land-locked parcel along stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group TVAP CONNECTIONS PLAN Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review Δ Δ Δ 33 17.8 Max 46° Horiz Max 10° Vert 3 23.5 4 25.5 2.5 3 12.5 WB-40 - Intermediate Semi-TrailerOverall Length 45.499ftOverall Width 8.000ftOverall Body Height 13.500ftMin Body Ground Clearance 1.334ftTrack Width 8.000ftLock-to-lock time 4.00sMax Steering Angle (Virtual) 20.30°VEHICLE TURNING EXHIBIT (WB-40)FIG-2 REVISION DESCRIPTIOND'WNDES'DDATENO.DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JOB #: DATE: © JVA, INC.WALNUT LIFE SCENCE CAMPUS3825 WALNUT STBOULDER, CO 80301SHEET NO. 3398c 06/02/2022 CFG / SBP TJD MGR/TJD Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group PROPOSED CIRCULATION PATH Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review From:Nichols, Rafer To:Daniel Aizenman Cc:Danica Powell <danica@trestlestrategy.com> Subject:RE: 3825 Walnut Redevelopment & BNSF Rail Date:Thursday, June 16, 2022 10:26:51 AM Attachments:image003.png 1. Would BNSF support/oppose a collector road connection under the tracks? BNSF would neither support or oppose this. 2. Would BNSF support/oppose an at grade road or multi use path crossing? BNSF would oppose a new at grade crossing of any type. Please reference position paper provided. 3. Would BNSF support/oppose an overpass? BNSF would support an overpass if that’s what project stakeholders desired. 4. Would BNSF allow a multi modal path to be built within or immediately adjacent to the BNSF ROW? Please reference position paper provided. Best, Rafer Nichols, PE Manager Public Projects (AZ, CO & NM) BNSF Railway rafer.nichols@bnsf.com Office: (303) 480-6586 From: Daniel Aizenman <daniel@cbayco.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2022 9:52 AM To: Nichols, Rafer <Rafer.Nichols@BNSF.com> Cc: Danica Powell <danica@trestlestrategy.com> <danica@trestlestrategy.com> Subject: 3825 Walnut Redevelopment & BNSF Rail *** This email includes an ATTACHMENT from outside of BNSF and could contain malicious links. Ensure email is from a trusted sender before opening the attachment. Never enter your login credentials if prompted. Click the Email Alert button on the Outlook toolbar to send SPAM email to Security. EXTERNAL EMAIL Dear Rafer, I am writing to you regarding our current new ground-up development called Ridgeway Science and Technology office building located on 3825 Walnut St. just south of the BNSF rail line (see attached proposed site plan). We recently submitted, presented, and received comments from the City of Boulder as part of the Concept Review process, and are currently preparing to submit our Site Review. We have been referred to the City of Boulder’s Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) to request a variance to remove a connection from a 2007 City of Boulder planning document (Transit Village Area Plan - TVAP). In this document, a collector road was identified underneath the BNSF tracks connecting Walnut to Frontier. It does not appear that there was a feasibility study for this connection at that time, and now that we are redevelopment the Walnut property, we must go through the formal process to remove this connection from the plan. The meeting is scheduled for July 11th. It has been suggested by other community members and organizations that they would like an “at grade” crossing or overpass. We believe both of these are unfeasible, and our understanding is the City is in general agreement. Our engineers at JVA studied this connection (see attached 2382c- Figure1- Underpass) and determined it was impractical and would cost over $10 million to achieve. To make the ramping work, it would extend beyond the sidewalk edges of Walnut St. and in the vehicular right of way. An overpass on top of the rail was also studied and rendered the same outcome, on top of dissecting both sites with a bridge that is nearly as high the Foothills Pkway & Pearl Parkway over pass, dissecting the site visually on a way that creates a large wall-like structure that impairs views from adjacent future buildings. In addition, there are two other city documents (2019 Low Stress bike network and 2019 Transportation Plan) that show a multi-use path shown in the BNSF ROW along the south side of the railroad tracks. The City has indicated that there are no plans to build this multi-use path, and we wanted to check in with BNSF on their desire/plans/objections to build a multi-use path within the right of way and/or immediately adjacent to the tracks. In order to proceed, we are providing additional information to the City and TAB in advance of the July 11th meeting. We would like to understand the opinion of BNSF on the following: 1. Would BNSF support/oppose a collector road connection under the tracks? 2. Would BNSF support/oppose an at grade road or multi use path crossing? 3. Would BNSF support/oppose an overpass? 4. Would BNSF allow a multi modal path to be built within or immediately adjacent to the BNSF ROW? Before your formal written response, we would like to schedule a short call with you and go over each of these questions and materials. Can you please let us know a time that works for you? Thanks in advance for you consideration. Warm regards, Daniel Aizenman Director of Development and Design Conscience Bay Company daniel@cbayco.com (979) 739 8422 929 Pearl Street, Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80302 https://www.cbayco.com/ stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group EMAIL FROM BNSF Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review BNSF publishes position statements to clarify BNSF’s position on the subject matter. The information contained in a position statement is neither exhaustive nor exclusive to all circumstances or individuals. The relevance and implementation of these recommendations may be affected by local, state, or federal statutes, other rules or regulations, and differing project conditions. Position statements are not intended to provide any approval of a public agency project. Nothing in this position statement, supersedes or supplements the terms of a governing agency agreement with BNSF. The position statement should not be relied upon as being inclusive of all BNSF’s policies on the subject matter, but only as a resource. BNSF takes great care in publishing position statements and reserves the right to rescind or modify these statements at any time. Approved by Craig Rasmussen, AVP Engineering Services and Structures Date Approved: August 16, 2017 BNSF Position on At-Grade Trails and Parallel Roadways This generally addresses Agency Sponsored projects that include parallel roadways or pedestrian, bicyclist, or multi-use trails on or adjacent to BNSF right-of-way (ROW). Parallel trails and roadways: •In general, public parallel roadways or trails are not allowed on BNSF property. BNSF ROW is reserved for railroad infrastructure to ensure that current customer demands are met and to support future expansion needs. •BNSF’s maintenance and inspection roads are for the duties of operating, maintaining, and inspecting track. Public uses of railroad service roads are not acceptable for public roadway or trail use. •BNSF rail bridges are designed to carry train traffic and are not designed for multimodal use. Trails parallel and/or attached to railroad bridges are not allowed. •If trail is adjacent to BNSF property, fencing should be installed along the trail to keep users off of BNSF property. •Trail construction and maintenance shall not reduce the BNSF ROW or adversely impact train operations during construction. •Increased pedestrian activity adjacent to active track increases exposure points to train movement and potential for trespassing. Efforts to deter trespassing should be included in any trail project. BNSF will consider accommodating parallel roadways within BNSF ROW when the new roadway will eliminate one or more at-grade crossings. Trails crossing BNSF tracks at-grade: •BNSF may accommodate trails that cross the tracks or BNSF ROW. •Trails crossing the tracks at-grade must cross adjacent to an existing public at-grade crossing. Stand-alone at-grade trail crossings are not allowed. •The trail should cross the railroad tracks at a 90-degree angle. •Trail crossing must meet the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, (MUTCD). •Trail owners must enter into the proper license agreement with BNSF and be responsible for the ownership and maintenance of the trail. •BNSF may require specific trail features at its discretion. Trails combined with drainage structures are not allowed. For guidance on grade separated trails, refer to the Union Pacific Railroad – BNSF Railway Guidelines for Railroad Grade Separation Projects. stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group BNSF POSITION PAPER Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review From:Ben Woolf To:Daniel Aizenman Subject:Fwd: Walnut Street Boulder Date:Monday, June 20, 2022 11:00:59 AM FYI From: Chris King <cking@dpccompanies.com> Sent: Monday, June 20, 2022 10:50 AM To: Ben Woolf - Conscience Bay Company (ben@cbayco.com) <ben@cbayco.com> Subject: RE: Walnut Street Boulder Hi Ben, we checked around and its been too long. Doubtful we every engaged since our program was never to redevelop. Hope all is well. Chris Christopher R. King President & CEO 7800 East Union Avenue, Suite 800 Denver, CO 80237 Direct: (720) 528-3341 Cell: (303) 324-5874 From: Chris King Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2022 10:36 AM To: Ben Woolf <ben@cbayco.com> Subject: Re: Walnut Street Boulder Hi Ben, its been a long time. I am on a plane and tied up thru Thursday. I can get into it then. Been so long I don’t remember at all but Tony Kill in my office may. On Jun 14, 2022, at 10:03 AM, Ben Woolf <ben@cbayco.com> wrote: Chris, I hope all is well. I’m reaching out because I have a question about the Walnut Street property we purchased from DPC in 2013. We are working on a redevelopment plan to build a life sciences/tech focused office building. We are working through the city process. As part of the process we have been referred to the Transportation Advisory Board (“TAB”) to remove a connection that was promised by the past owner as part of the Transportation Village Area Plan (“TVAP”) adopted in 2007. Here is a link to the plan for your reference. See attached as well for the specific connections plan. https://bouldercolorado.gov/sites/default/files/2021-03/transit-village-area-plan.pdf On page 64, line item 62, you’ll see the promise. Did DPC own the property when TVAP was created and this promise was made? If so, do you remember if any feasibility studies were done and if the information portrayed in this document is accurate? Do you think DPC has any files/documentation on the creation of this connection plan? As part of this process, the City of Boulder has asked us to contact the previous owner. Thank you, Ben Ben Woolf Conscience Bay Company ben@cbayco.com (303) 218-8314 929 Pearl Street, Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80302 Christopher R. King President & CEO DPC Companies 7800 East Union Avenue, Suite 800 Denver, CO 80237 stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group EMAIL TO PREVIOUS PROPERTY OWNER Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group UNDERPASS FEASIBILITY STUDY Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review FIGURE 1FRONTIER ST, BOULDER - OVERPASS FEASIBILITY STUDYJUNE 29, 2022stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group OVERPASS FEASIBILITY STUDY Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 1 Jones, Shannon From:Mark G. Rocheleau <mrocheleau@jvajva.com>Sent:Thursday, June 30, 2022 3:42 PMTo:Jones, Shannon; Sharon B. Procopio; Milnick, BrianCc:Cody F. Gratny; Thornton, Tony; Buhr, Dana; Serna, SuzanneSubject:RE: Ridgeway - TAB Materials Attachments:Figure 1 - Frontier St Overpass Feasibility Study - 2022-06-29.pdf Hi Shannon, JVA has analyzed the overpass option for crossing the BNSF Railroad, and as expected, the overpass would not work without requiring modifications to Walnut Street and Frontier, or obtaining some fairly drastic variances from the City. We’ll first note that our analysis utilized some historical data and linework that is likely close to 10-years old since the project’s survey did not capture much of the analysis area. Elevations may have changed due to site revisions across the various sites. In the PDF, you’ll see the plan layout and a vertical profile. - The analysis shows a clearance of around 14-feet from the tops of the train tracks, assuming 6-inches above the ground, and this clearance extends entirely over the BNSF ROW. o With the cumulative height of the bridge structure, RR clearance, and vehicular fall protection, this overpass may extend over 24-feet above grade - City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards were used for a Collector road at 35 MPH. Due to the street, and algebraic differences in the slopes, two 200-foot vertical curves extend from each end of the BNSF ROW, and slope down at max 6% until it hits existing grades. - The Walnut street connects to existing grade right at Walnut Street, but this would not be a compliant connection due to needing a sag vertical curve to balance the connection. In turn, this would require applying for a variance to steepen the road slope. We assume this road slope variance would not be granted due to the fact that the structure would likely be open air / or elevated and find itself icing quicker than other roads causing unsafe and slippery conditions for the intersection at Walnut St and Frontier Overpass. - The Frontier St connection has less length to be able to connect to the existing Frontier Street, and you can see that a 6% max slope extends beyond the north edge of the existing Frontier Street. Similar to the Walnut St connection, a vertical curve would be needed, so this further extends the overpass drive to connect to existing conditions. o City of Boulder DCS requires 300-foot centerline radius, and to feasibly get this to connect to the existing Frontier Street by turning west, it may encroach into the existing Conscience Bay warehouse o Additionally, this revision will block the only vehicular public access to the eastern commercial businesses past the overpass - A 60-foot ROW is proposed, which extends into multiple properties. To limit the impact to these existing sites, almost the entire length of the Frontier St Overpass improvements would need retaining walls. - Stormwater will be an issue as neither street connections have underground stormwater infrastructure to capture and convey stormwater. Untreated heavy storm events may send strong stormwater flows into existing ROWs, and cause minor flooding issues To sum up the analysis above, the Frontier Street Overpass would not be feasible without some accepted variances to the Boulder DCS, impacts to existing businesses, eminent domain due to impact to existing businesses, stormwater concerns, and potential strong public opposition due to westerly viewing obstructions. MARK G. ROCHELEAU he/him/his , P.E., CFM | Senior Project Engineer JVA, Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street, Boulder , CO 80302 Direct: 303.565.4886 | Mobile: 720.689.4827 | Office: 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com | LinkedIn | Twitter Boulder | Fort Collins | Winter Park | Glenwood Springs | Denver stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group EMAIL RE: OVERPASS FEASIBILITY STUDY Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group BNSF Requirements for Parallel Trails & Roadways • In general, public parallel roadways or trails are not allowed on BNSF property. BNSF ROW is reserved for railroad infra- structure to ensure that current customer demands are met and to support future expansion needs. • BNSF’s maintenance and inspection roads are for the duties of operating, maintaining, and inspecting track. Public uses of railroad service roads are not acceptable for public roadway or trail use. • BNSF rail bridges are designed to carry train traffic and are not designed for multi-modal use. Trails parallel and/or at- tached to railroad bridges are not allowed. • If trail is adjacent to BNSF property, fencing should be installed along the trail to keep users off of BNSF property. • Trail construction and maintenance shall not reduce the BNSF ROW or adversely impact train operations during con- struction. • Increased pedestrian activity adjacent to active track increases exposure points to train movement and potential for tres- passing. Efforts to deter trespassing should be included in any trail project. Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy Group BNSF Requirements for Trails Crossing BNSF Tracks BNSF will consider accommodating parallel roadways within BNSF ROW when the new roadway will eliminate one or more at-grade crossings. Trails crossing BNSF tracks at-grade: • BNSF may accommodate trails that cross the tracks or BNSF ROW. • Trails crossing the tracks at-grade must cross adjacent to an existing public at-grade crossing. Stand-alone at-grade trail crossings are not allowed. • e trail should cross the railroad tracks at a 90-d egree angle. • Trail crossing must meet the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, (MUTCD). • Trail owners must enter into the proper license agreement with BNSF and be responsible for the ownership and mainte- nance of the trail. • BNSF may require specific trail features at its discretion. Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review stantec.com STANTEC ViBE 1112 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 USA DATE 07.11.2022 TAB Presentation JVA Consulting Engineers Trestle Strategy GroupTHANK YOU Attachment F - Applicant’s TAB Presentation Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS DATE OF COMMENTS: November 18, 2022 CASE MANAGER: Shabnam Bista PROJECT NAME: RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LOCATION: 3675 WALNUT ST REVIEW TYPE: Site Review REVIEW NUMBER: LUR2022-00041 APPLICANT: DANICA POWELL, TRESTLE STRATEGY GROUP DANIEL AIZENMAN, CONSCIENCE BAY COMPANY MICHAEL MELUN ANTHONY THORNTON, STANTEC DESCRIPTION: Site review for the redevelopment of property at 3675 and 3825 Walnut Street to create 112,600 square foot new life science facility that includes research and development space and laboratory space suitable for science and technology. I.REVIEW FINDINGS Additional information and revisions to the plan documents are required as indicated below. Revised plans must be submitted by 1/17/2023 for this application to remain active. Please contact staff with any questions or concerns. II.CITY REQUIREMENTS The section below addresses issues that must be resolved prior to project approval. Access/Circulation David Thompson, 303-441-4417 1.In meeting the site review criteria for circulation, revise the site plans to provide a shared path from the Walnut right-of-way to the building’s front entrance area that can be used by both pedestrians and bicyclists. 2.Staff appreciates the pedestrian drop off area being shown on the plan but is concerned that one drop-off space might result in vehicle queuing and obstruct vehicle circulation. The applicant should consult with the project traffic engineer to discuss if a longer pedestrian drop-off area is warranted for the project. 3.Pursuant to Section 206 of the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design revise the site plans to show and label the accessible route(s) from the accessible parking spaces to the entrance of the building. areas. 4.Revise the Grading Plan to demonstrate the accessible route(s) meets the vertical and cross-slope standards for accessibility. 5.In meeting the site review criteria for circulation, revise the site plans to provide a three-foot wide landscape buffer between the 10’ wide multi-use path (path) and the off-street loading / delivery area. This to provide a separation between the path and the off-street loading / delivery area. Staff will also require a fence to be installed within and along the edge of the 3’ wide landscape buffer to prohibit the turning trucks from encroaching (overhanging) into the area of the path. Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS 6. This project is impacted by the City’s Low Stress Walk and Bike Network Plan (Plan) that was adopted as part of the City’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The Plan has identified the requirement to enhance the existing bike lane on westbound Walnut Street to the standards of a buffered bike lane. In meeting the site review criteria for circulation, the project will be responsible for constructing an 8½ foot wide buffered bike lane (2’ buffer + 6½’ bike lane measured from the curb face) on westbound Walnut Street for the length of the property’s frontage along Walnut Street. Staff will support the buffered bike lane being constructed adjacent to a 10’ wide westbound travel lane. Revise the site plans to show the buffered bike lane and adjust the width of the public access easement to be dedicated to the city along Walnut Street accordingly. Drainage Erik Saunders, 303-441-4493 1. The outlet structure of north storm water facility is shown to discharge to a proposed manhole, however, it is unclear to what infrastructure the manhole is to connect. In addition, there are a number of pipes,/culverts/end sections, etc. that have been identified on the background survey, but have no clear alignments/ outfalls/ discharge points etc. Update plans as necessary to clearly identify and describe all onsite and offsite stormwater and drainage facilities, pipe and other infrastructure on the north side of the site. 2. The drainage design proposes to utilize a cobble infiltration basin, however no infiltration has been presented in this submittal. In addition, given the significant slopes in the area of the proposed infiltration area and adjacency to the public sidewalk, the proposed SCM seems to be a poor fit for this location (and treatment methodology?). Consider managing the stormwater along the west side of the structure with a low-gradient vegetated swale using the swale criteria and clearly define an appropriate outfall location. Revise plans accordingly. 3. While the Drainage Repot discusses some site limitations that suggest the central EDB is a preferred SCM selection to a bioretention facility, the small contributing area will result in orifice diameters that will be a continuous maintenance burden. Further, the nature of the contributing basin will result in some ponding even in very minor events, and that runoff will tend to be of poor quality given the first-flush characteristics, likely resulting in an unattractive or dead feature with significant maintenance requirements. The applicant should consider either combining facilities to send all site runoff to a larger north facility, redesigning the central facility to bioretention or creating several smaller bioretention facilities with shallower design depths. 4. The site drainage design proposes to utilize an existing sidewalk chase drain outfall to the public right-of-way (ROW), however, discharge to the ROW through sidewalk chase drains is discouraged and, if allowed, must comply with the "Policy on Installation of Sidewalk Chase Drains", Feb. 2001. As such, since the site is to see complete redevelopment, and alternate discharge locations are available, efforts should be made to eliminate discharge south to the ROW. All runoff from the site is conveyed eastward to Boulder Creek, so maintaining small scale drainage patterns is not a significant consideration for this project. Priority should be focused on minimizing impacts to the public ROW. Revise plans and Report accordingly. 5. The plans include notation stating that certain stormwater infrastructure could not be located due to health and safety concerns. It is unclear as to the specific nature of these concerns, but soils/sediments adjacent to the railroad should be evaluated for contamination to determination if remediation is necessary due to the proposed infiltration SCM. Update plans and Report as necessary. 6. The Preliminary Stormwater Report (Report), contains several errors, omitted information, 7. The Detention Pond Volume Calculations worksheet is incomplete. Pond volume calculations must include a 10% volume increase to address freeboard considerations and volume must be evaluated with both the 10-yr and 100-yr volumes in accordance with section 7.12(B) of the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards (DCS). 8. The Preliminary Stormwater Report includes MHFD Design Procedure forms for the proposed SCMs, however, these forms are incomplete as most sections have not been populated. Revise forms and Report accordingly. 9. Given the shallow groundwater depth identified in the Preliminary Stormwater Report and Geotechnical Investigation, additional discussion of potential groundwater impacts and/or mitigation measures must be included in the Report. Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS Revise plans and Report accordingly. Engineering David Thompson, 303-441-4417 1. Revise the Site Development Plans to replace the section of the decomposed granite path with concrete where the path connects to both the multi-use path and the Walnut Street sidewalk. This to ensure the decomposed granite material does not encroach into either the public sidewalk or the multi-use path. Erik Saunders, 303-441-4493 2. The proposed easement exhibit shows three separate easements to be dedicated with most of each overlapping others. Access, Utility and Drainage easements required along the central access spine should be dedicated as a single combined easement for all necessary purposes. The combined easement should be described with the minimum dimensions required to meet all easement requirements. Drainage facilities not requiring additional easement for utilities or emergency access purposes may be dedicated separately as Drainage/ Water Quality easements. Revise plans accordingly. Landscape Christopher Ricciardiello, 303-441-3138 1. LANDSCAPE PLAN: Provide a Landscape Plan in accordance with Land Use Code Section 9-2-14(d)(13), B.R.C. 1981. While not required in the initial Site Review submittal, the applicant is responsible for providing detailed plant species, specification of landscape treatment and materials information for the entire development site by the final submittal for Site Review Approval. 2. STREET TREES: Per 9-9-13(b), street trees shall be planted along the full length of public and private streets. The Walnut St. frontage measures about 544’ which translates to a required total of street trees along this frontage of 14 trees. When landscape improvements are triggered relative to proposed new development in accordance with the Land Use Code Section 9-9-12(b)(1), B.R.C. 1981, the applicant is responsible for providing large maturing street trees (over 45' mature height), 30’ – 40’ spacing, within 4’-5’ of the existing attached sidewalk, and a minimum of 10' from underground utilities. See Land Use Code 9-9-13(b), B.R.C. 1981 – Streetscape Design Standards. Street trees proposed for planting shall be deciduous species with an installed size of no less than 2” caliper and shall be selected only from the current City of Boulder Approved Tree List. Examples of acceptable species for this use are State Street Maple, (Fall Fiesta, Caddo, Legacy) Sugar Maple, Common Horsechestnut, Pecan, Shagbark Hickory, Western Catalpa, Common Hackberry, Sugar Hackberry, Turkish Filbert, Kentucky Coffeetree, Sweetgum, White Oak, Swamp White Oak, Shingle Oak, Bur Oak, Chinkapin Oak, Chestnut Oak, Japanese Pagodatree, (Accolade or David) Elm. If deviating from one of these species, coordinate selection with staff. Revise the landscape Plan to include street tree plantings as defined above while specifying multiple approved species (Boulder Design and Construction Standards, Table 3-2) to ensure plant diversity. The applicant has stated within the Open Space Diagram text, “Total amount of proposed street trees includes existing trees being preserved. Limitations on proposed street trees are due to utility conflicts on Walnut Street to ensure 10' clear of utilities and keep spaced at 30-35' between each tree.” The Tree Planting Plan and the Streetscape Planting Plan propose a long stretch of the Walnut St. frontage lacking in street trees. Staff recognizes possible utility conflicts with standard street tree locations; however, if street trees are not able to be planted in the planting strip between back of curb and the sidewalk, they must be accommodated along the private property side of the sidewalk. Work with staff to achieve required street tree planting for the Walnut St. frontage. 3. EXISTING TREES/TREE INVENTORY: Provide a Tree Inventory in accordance with Land Use Code Section 9-2-14(d)(18), B.R.C. 1981 to include “the location, size, species, and general health of all trees with a diameter of six inches and over measured fifty-four inches above the ground on the property or in the landscape setback of any property adjacent to the development. The inventory shall indicate which trees will be adversely affected and what if any steps will be taken to mitigate the impact on the trees. The tree inventory shall be prepared by a certified arborist that has a valid contractor license pursuant to Chapter 4-28, "Tree Contractor License," B.R.C.”. The Tree Inventory submitted with the Site Review information is lacking in species, size, and condition data. 4. LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS CHART: Total Landscape Area – The applicant is responsible for providing an accurate and complete Landscape Requirements Chart in accordance with Land Use Code 9-9-12(d)(1)(J), B.R.C. 1981. There appears to be a discrepancy in Total Landscape Area [Total Lot Size (225,205) -Total Building Area (57,799) and Total Parking Lot Area (74,832)]. The final difference relating to this equation calculates to 92,574 sf using the area(s) stated in the Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS submitted Landscape Requirements Chart. The applicant stated Total Landscape Area is 74,832 sf. Verify the accuracy of this calculation. Subsequent calculations are based on the accuracy of this equation. Total Interior Parking Lot Landscaped Area – The Landscape Requirements Chart indicates that there is no interior parking lot landscape area provided. The Landscape Plan shows numerous interior parking lot landscape areas. Provide compiled area measurement of interior parking lot landscape in the Landscape Requirements Chart and verify that interior parking lot landscaping area meets the requirements in Land Use Code 9-9-14, B.R.C. 1981. Some interior parking lot planting areas along the east edge of the parking lot appear to have no curb treatment. Provide curb separated planting areas in these locations meeting the dimension requirements of interior parking areas in 9-9-14(d)(8). Walnut Street Frontage – The length of street frontage on Walnut St. is stated by the applicant in the chart as 1,953.5’. Staff measured Walnut St frontage as 544’. Revise this value accordingly and provide street trees commensurate with the accurate value (see street tree comment). Tree and Shrub Quantities – After revising the Total Landscape Area, revise the quantity requirements and provisions of trees and shrubs on-site. Turf Grass – While it is evident that tree and shrub plantings will proliferate internal to the site based on the proposed landscape plan, there is a question as to the quantity of turf grass proposed. The Landscape Requirements Chart indicates that there is no turf grass proposed for the development site. However, there are multiple landscape areas that appear to be neither shrub nor tree planting beds. These areas do not have landscape treatment designations leading to the conclusion that at the very least, they could be turf grass areas. Verify the accuracy of this. 5. LANDSCAPING SITE REVIEW CRITERIA: In development of the landscape-related submittals for Site Review, provide a narrative, landscape plan, and tree inventory (9-2-14(d), B.R.C. 1981) detailing proposed landscape improvements consistent with the Landscape Site Review Criteria (9-2-14(h)(2)(C), B.R.C. 1981. 6. RAIN GARDEN DESIGN: The landscape submittal for 3675 Walnut St. indicates proposed plazas and gathering areas integrated with the adjacent rain garden. The close proximity of the rain garden to these pedestrian-related amenities requires detailed design with a sensitivity toward interactive users of the surrounding space/landscape. Define how the rain garden will be designed, developed, and planted as an amenity in the landscape rather than a single-purposed storm water facility. 7. LANDSCAPE WATER CONSERVATION/XERISCAPE: Provide strategies/methodologies relating to water conservation in the landscape and inclusion of xeriscape principles in the proposed landscape design for 3675 Walnut St. In addition, provide data regarding the total amount of proposed high water use landscape zones within the development property and the total amount of proposed high water use turf grass within the development property. Legal Documents Julia Chase, 303-441-3052 1. Legal Documents The Boulder Revised Code requires an applicant to list the specific elements of a site review plan in which the applicant seeks to create vested rights. To properly create those rights, please list the specific elements you wish to create vested rights in. The code gives examples of what may be listed, including type of use, density, building height, building footprint location and architecture. This could look something like this: Site Review (Case No. LUR2022-00041): A parking reduction, a height modification, the building footprint location, the floor area for the building, and the building architecture. Instead of listing exact numbers, the Applicant may wish to keep the description general enough that it will suffice since the approved numbers (such as square footage) may differ from what is listed in the form depending on the conditions of approval the approving body may impose. Please note that uses are not approved in a site review.” Also, please review the following code section below applicable to establishing Vested Rights, in particular the notice requirements that are the responsibility of the applicant is 9-2-20(b)(3), B.R.C. shown below in bold: 9-2-20. - Creation of Vested Rights. (b) Establishing a Vested Property Right: In order to establish a vested property right as defined in § 24-68-102(5), Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS C.R.S., for a site specific development plan, the applicant shall meet all of the following requirements: (1) Public Hearing Required: For those site specific development plan approvals not requiring a public hearing before the planning board, the applicant shall request, in writing, that its application be referred to the planning board for hearing under the city manager's discretionary power pursuant to paragraph 9-2-7(b)(1), B.R.C. 1981. The city manager will refer any such requested application to the planning board for public hearing pursuant to Subsection 9-4-4(d), B.R.C. 1981. (2) Elements of Plans to Be Vested: The applicant shall state clearly in its application those specific elements of the plan in which the applicant seeks to create vested rights, including, without limitation, type of use, density, building height, building footprint location and architecture. (3) Notice of Approval: If a site specific development plan is approved by the planning board, the applicant shall cause a notice advising the general public of the site specific development plan approval and the creation of a vested property right to be published in a newspaper of general circulation no later than fourteen days following final approval. Further, the applicant shall provide the city manager with the newspaper's official notice of said publication no later than ten days following the date of publication. 2. Upon resubmittal, provide another sheet which show the proposed structure along with the existing parcel line. Indicate on this sheet whether the parcel line is to be removed through the subdivision process. Miscellaneous David Thompson, 303-441-4417 1. TDM Plan: Revise the description, discussion and TDM strategies of the project’s TDM Plan to be consistent with the proposed land use for the project which is not commercial but rather a life sciences facility that includes a combination of office and labs. 2. TDM Plan: In support of the requested parking reduction, revise the TDM Plan to discuss how the site parking will be managed in support of the requested parking reduction. This discussion should include if a “parking cash-out” or paid parking will be established with the project depending on the number of tenants to be accommodated by the project. 3. TDM Plan: Revise the TDM Plan to identify a first and last mile TDM Strategy to assist employees in getting to the transit stops located on Arapahoe Ave and 30th Street. 4. TDM Plan: Revise the TDM Plan to discuss and incorporate into the project’s TDM Plan the Boulder BCycle Station being proposed on the site that is shown on the landscape plans. 5. Sheet C-400 “Easement Exhibit”: Revise the easement exhibit sheet to show the 15’ wide public access easement being dedicated to the city for the 10’ multi-use path consistent with technical drawing shown on Sheet L-300. 6. Revise the site review application to update the vicinity map to show infrastructure that has been constructed by both the city and by development projects on the southside of Pearl Parkway. Parking David Thompson, 303-441-4417 1. Bicycle Parking Spaces: Revise the site plans to show how the bicycle parking requirements were calculated. In support of the requested motor vehicle parking reduction additional bicycle parking spaces should be provided. 2. Revise Sheet L-300 to include the detail for the short-term bicycle racks to be used for the project meeting the design criteria contained in Section 2.11(G)(2) of the DCS. 3. Long-Term Bicycle Parking Area: Revise the Architectural Plans to demonstrate the long-term bicycle parking area is meeting the design standards for long-term parking contained in Section 9-9-6(g)(4) of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981. 4. Short-term Bicycle Parking Spaces: The location of the short-term bicycle parking does not meet the design criteria for short-term bicycle parking which requires short-term bike parking to be located within fifty feet of the main building’s entrances. Revise the site plans to relocate the short-term bicycle parking closer to the building’s main entrance in meeting Section 9-9-6(g)(3) of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981. Plan Documents Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS Shabnam Bista, 303-441-1896 1. Staff appreciates the solar on the roof of the building. The concept plan proposed shade structures with the solar panels on the surface parking. The plans should indicate use of passive design elements such as solar shading awnings, more landscaping throughout the parking structure, urban heat island mitigation and water wise landscaping to meet the Site Review criteria: (h)(2)(E )(iv) "parking areas utilize landscaping materials to provide shade in excess of the requirements in Subsection 9-9-6(d), and Section 9-9-14, "Parking Lot Landscaping Standards," B.R.C. 1981."; (h)(2)(F)(xi) “the project incorporates the natural environment into the design and avoids, minimizes, or mitigates impacts to natural systems;” (h)(2)(F)(xii) “buildings minimize or mitigate energy use; support on-site renewable energy generation and/or energy management systems; construction wastes are minimized; the project mitigates urban heat island effects; and the project reasonably mitigates or minimizes water use and impacts on water quality.” 2. Include an open space program diagram showing how the private and public outdoor areas are programmed such as the outdoor gym equipment area. 3. Please provide a circulation plan that clearly demonstrates multi-modal movement through the site and building. The plan should show circulation for pedestrians, bicycles, vehicles, loading and back of house to address the Site Review criteria: (h)(2)(D)(iii) "safe and convenient connections are provided that support multi-modal mobility through and between properties, accessible to the public within the project and between the project and the existing and proposed transportation systems, including, without limitation, streets, bikeways, pedestrian ways and trails;" (h)(2)(D)(iv) "alternatives to the automobile are promoted by incorporating site design techniques, land use patterns and supporting infrastructure that supports and encourages walking, biking and other alternatives to the single-occupant vehicle;" 4. Staff appreciates the modern design of the building and the transparency of the building. Provide details indicating the construction of window and door assemblies of the typical wall or exterior cladding types for the head, jamb, and sill. Include dimension(s) from the finish face of the exterior cladding to the window frame. This includes the typical details for the assorted wall assemblies of stone, wood, or metal cladding, etc. In addition please provide information on the window transparency materials and other passive design elements to address Site Review criteria: (h)(2)(F)(xi) “Buildings minimize or mitigate energy use; support on-site renewable energy generation and/or energy management systems; construction wastes are minimized; the project mitigates urban heat island effects; and the project reasonably mitigates or minimizes water use and impacts on water quality; “ 5. The final selection of building materials and finishes, including paint, windows, doors, exterior cladding, and other architectural features should be noted on the plans. Provide a materials sample board comparing existing and new proposed materials in a digital format. 6. Provide additional perspectives from the multi-use path looking southwest, from the southwest corner of the building looking at the balcony, the loading area to the rear of the building, and the landscaping to the west of the building. 7. All of the development and architectural plans including the document labeled "HghtList_3825 Walnut" should be integrated into the same drawing set. Review Process Shabnam Bista, 303-441-1896 During the concept plan review, staff noted that the site is impacted by TVAP Phase 2 and recommended that the applicant amend the TVAP Connections Plan to remove the connection impacting the property. Planning Board, City Council and the Transportation Advisory Board were supportive of the decision. The planned connection is a new local street to connect Walnut Street to Frontier Ave that includes an underpass at the railroad tracks. Please provide a separate written statement summarizing the discussion with the boards and commissions and the applicant's request to amend the connections plan. Per the TVAP document (pg. 43) elimination of a local street requires Planning Board and City Council approval. This will be done simultaneously with the Site Review Application. Utilities Erik Saunders, 303-441-4493 1. The Utility Report and plans indicate a 10" dead-end water distribution main is required for this project to provide Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS domestic service and fire protection flows. However, current city standards limit water main pipe construction to 8" or 12" diameter. Revise plans and (U) Report as necessary. 2. The Utility Report lists Peak Day model outputs with 18 GPM as the flow rate, however, the Max. Day peaking factor is 2.5 resulting in a flow of 45 GPM. Revise Report accordingly. 3. The proposed fire hydrant locations do not meet City standards with regard to fire access distance. Per section 5.10(A) of the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, (DCS), fire hydrants shall be located such that no exterior portion of any building is greater than 175 feet of fire access distance from the nearest hydrant, (fire access distance is the distance measured along public or private roadways or fire lanes accessible to fire equipment, as would be traveled by motorized firefighting equipment). As such: It shall be necessary to include an additional hydrant along the west side of the structure to ensure adequate coverage for the west and north sides. In addition, fire hydrants are required to be installed with public rights-of-way or public easements in accordance with subsection 5.10(A)(2) of the DCS. It is unclear if the Ingress, Egress and Parking easement is to be retained (and amended) for fire the required fire access, but modifications, if required, must be made in accordance with section 2.10 of the DCS. Revise plans to show an additional fire hydrant constructed within a public utility easement laid out as prescribed in section 4.04 of the DCS. Easements shall be a minimum of 25 feet in width and extend at least 10 feet beyond the hydrant assembly. 4. The plans include notation stating existing overhead utilities infrastructure to be removed, relocated or replaced. Per section 4.07 of the DCS, existing overhead utilities replaced or relocated must be placed underground. Revise plans to show all existing overhead utilities infrastructure along the south side of the site adjacent to Walnut Street to be placed underground. Zoning Shabnam Bista, 303-441-1896 1. Outdoor Lighting: Please provide the maximum uniformity ratio for the drive access exceeds the allowable 10:1 for industrial zone. Please clearly define the specific use areas that are used to calculate the uniformity ratios. Please include vehicular circulation areas, and common public areas. 2. Outdoor Lighting: White light sources that include, without limitation, metal halide, fluorescent, or induction lamps, but excluding incandescent and halogen lamps, shall be required for any light fixture which exceeds two thousand four hundred lumens that is within a parking lot, vehicular circulation, or pedestrian use area. Please revise the lights within the parking lot to meet the lumens stated in Section 9-9-16(d)(2). III. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS 1. Addressing, Alison Blaine, Address Administrator - 303-441-4410, blainea@bouldercolorado.gov Each new building is required to be assigned a street address following the city’s addressing policy. The city is required to notify utility companies, the County Assessor’s office, emergency services and the U.S. Post Office of proposed addressing for development projects. Please submit an Address Plat and list of all proposed addresses as part of the Technical Document Review process. 2. Area Characteristics and Zoning History, Shabnam Bista, 303-441-1896 The properties located at 3825 and 3675 Walnut St., are in the Industrial-General (IG) zoning district. Per Section 9-5-2(c )(4)(A) IG zone district is defined as “General industrial areas where a wide range of light industrial uses, including research and manufacturing operations and service industrial uses, are located. Residential uses and other complementary uses may be allowed in appropriate locations.” There is existing warehouse and manufacturing uses on the property. To the west of the property is the Google corporate offices. To the north of the property, across the railroad tracks, and to the south of the property are additional manufacturing and industrial uses. 3. Legal Documents, Julia Chase, 303-441-3052 The Applicant will be required to sign a Development Agreement, if approved. When staff requests, the Applicant shall provide the following: a. an updated title commitment current within 30 days; and b. documentation confirming authority to bind. Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS 4. Review Process, Shabnam Bista, 303-441-1896 The project includes two separate lots under the same ownership and the lots are being used as one lot. Staff recommends pursuing a Lot Line Elimination simultaneously for the process of developing the two parcels as one lot. Pursuant to section 9-12-4, “Elimination of Lot Lines,” B.R.C. 1981, lot lines forming the boundary between two or more conforming platted lots located within the same subdivision may be eliminated through a replatting process. The subject approval must meet all of the requirements of section 9-12-4, B.R.C. 1981 for a Lot Line Elimination. Pursuant to subsection 9-12-4(e), B.R.C. 1981, staff is required to notify planning board of the disposition of a replat application. The subject approval is not subject to call-up or appeal. 5. Signage, Shabnam Bista, 303 441 1896 The applicant should note that signage on the property. Please note this is not an approval of the sign and it will need a separate sign permit subject to the city’s sign code. IV. FEES Please note that current development review fees include a $131 hourly rate for reviewer services following the initial city written comments. Please see the P&DS Questions and Answers brochure for more information about the hourly billing system. Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS January 23, 2023DATE OF COMMENTS: CASE MANAGER:Shabnam Bista RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYPROJECT NAME: 3675 WALNUT STLOCATION: REVIEW TYPE:Site Review REVIEW NUMBER:LUR2022-00041 APPLICANT:DANICA POWELL, TRESTLE STRATEGY GROUP DANIEL AIZENMAN, CONSCIENCE BAY COMPANY MICHAEL MELUN ANTHONY THORNTON, STANTEC DESCRIPTION:Site review for the redevelopment of property at 3675 and 3825 Walnut Street to create 112,600 square foot new life science facility that includes research and development space and laboratory space suitable for science and technology. I. REVIEW FINDINGS Additional information and revisions to the plan documents are required as indicated below. Revised plans must be submitted by 3/24/2023 for this application to remain active. Please contact staff with any questions or concerns. II. CITY REQUIREMENTS The section below addresses issues that must be resolved prior to project approval. Drainage Erik Saunders, 303-441-4493 1. The outlet structure of north storm water facility is shown to discharge to a proposed manhole, however, it is unclear to what infrastructure the manhole is to connect. In addition, there are a number of pipes,/culverts/end sections, etc. that have been identified on the background survey, but have no clear alignments/ outfalls/ discharge points etc. Update plans as necessary to clearly identify and describe all onsite and offsite stormwater and drainage facilities, pipe and other infrastructure on the north side of the site.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Updated 01/20/23: Based on the email communication between city staff and the applicant related to drainage design at the northeast corner of the site and a desire to construct new/replacement stormwater infrastructure to help alleviate some of the grading challenges, a revised drainage design and updated Report are anticipated as forthcoming. Revise plans and report as necessary. 2. The Preliminary Stormwater Report includes MHFD Design Procedure forms for the proposed SCMs, however, these forms are incomplete as most sections have not been populated. Revise forms and Report accordingly. 3. Given the shallow groundwater depth identified in the Preliminary Stormwater Report and Geotechnical Investigation, additional discussion of potential groundwater impacts and/or mitigation measures must be included in the Report. Revise plans and Report accordingly. Engineering Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 3675 WALNUT ST Page 2 of 3 Erik Saunders, 303-441-4493 The proposed easement exhibit shows three separate easements to be dedicated with most of each overlapping others. Access, Utility and Drainage easements required along the central access spine should be dedicated as a single combined easement for all necessary purposes. The combined easement should be described with the minimum dimensions required to meet all easement requirements. Drainage facilities not requiring additional easement for utilities or emergency access purposes may be dedicated separately as Drainage/ Water Quality easements. Revise plans accordingly.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated 01/20/23: The updated configuration of the central drainage easement seems unnecessarily complicated and of little practical usefulness. Direct connection and immediate adjacency to the central emergency access/ utility easement is more logical, functional and preferred. Revise accordingly. Landscape Christopher Ricciardiello, 303-441-3138 1.LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS CHART: UPDATED COMMENT: See redline comments for those related to Landscape Requirements Chart. -- .. Total Landscape Area – The applicant is responsible for providing an accurate and complete Landscape Requirements Chart in accordance with Land Use Code 9-9-12(d)(1)(J), B.R.C. 1981. There appears to be a discrepancy in Total Landscape Area [Total Lot Size (225,205) -Total Building Area (57,799) and Total Parking Lot Area (74,832)]. The final difference relating to this equation calculates to 92,574 sf using the area(s) stated in the submitted Landscape Requirements Chart. The applicant stated Total Landscape Area is 74,832 sf. Verify the accuracy of this calculation. Subsequent calculations are based on the accuracy of this equation. Total Interior Parking Lot Landscaped Area – The Landscape Requirements Chart indicates that there is no interior parking lot landscape area provided. The Landscape Plan shows numerous interior parking lot landscape areas. Provide compiled area measurement of interior parking lot landscape in the Landscape Requirements Chart and verify that interior parking lot landscaping area meets the requirements in Land Use Code 9-9-14, B.R.C. 1981. Some interior parking lot planting areas along the east edge of the parking lot appear to have no curb treatment. Provide curb separated planting areas in these locations meeting the dimension requirements of interior parking areas in 9-9-14(d)(8). Walnut Street Frontage – The length of street frontage on Walnut St. is stated by the applicant in the chart as 1,953.5’. Staff measured Walnut St frontage as 544’. Revise this value accordingly and provide street trees commensurate with the accurate value (see street tree comment). Tree and Shrub Quantities – After revising the Total Landscape Area, revise the quantity requirements and provisions of trees and shrubs on-site. Turf Grass – While it is evident that tree and shrub plantings will proliferate internal to the site based on the proposed landscape plan, there is a question as to the quantity of turf grass proposed. The Landscape Requirements Chart indicates that there is no turf grass proposed for the development site. However, there are multiple landscape areas that appear to be neither shrub nor tree planting beds. These areas do not have landscape treatment designations leading to the conclusion that at the very least, they could be turf grass areas. Verify the accuracy of this. 2.REDLINE LANDSCAPE COMMENTS: Due to the complexity of the follow-up review for Landscape, comments were provided on the plans labeled DevPlns_3825Walnut_12-23-2022_v1. See redline landscape set (DevPlns_3825Walnut_12-23-2022_v1_P&DSRedlines) for comprehensive Landscape comments. Plan Documents Shabnam Bista, 303-441-1896 UPDATE 1/20/2023 The open space diagram in L-500 should be revised to not include the interior public lobby and cafe in the total open space calculation per Section 9-9-11(e), B.R.C. 1981. Please update the open space diagram. Include an open space program diagram showing how the private and public outdoor areas are programmed such as the outdoor gym equipment area. III. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS 1. Addressing, Alison Blaine, Address Administrator - 303-441-4410, blainea@bouldercolorado.gov Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 3675 WALNUT ST Page 3 of 3 Each new building is required to be assigned a street address following the city’s addressing policy. The city is required to notify utility companies, the County Assessor’s office, emergency services and the U.S. Post Office of proposed addressing for development projects. Please submit an Address Plat and list of all proposed addresses as part of the Technical Document Review process. 2. Area Characteristics and Zoning History, Shabnam Bista, 303-441-1896 The properties located at 3825 and 3675 Walnut St., are in the Industrial-General (IG) zoning district. Per Section 9-5-2(c )(4)(A) IG zone district is defined as “General industrial areas where a wide range of light industrial uses, including research and manufacturing operations and service industrial uses, are located. Residential uses and other complementary uses may be allowed in appropriate locations.” There is existing warehouse and manufacturing uses on the property. To the west of the property is the Google corporate offices. To the north of the property, across the railroad tracks, and to the south of the property are additional manufacturing and industrial uses. 3. DRCOG's RideArrangers program is now called Way to Go. Staff recommends updating this term in all related documents. 4. Legal Documents, Julia Chase, 303-441-3052 The Applicant will be required to sign a Development Agreement, if approved. When staff requests, the Applicant shall provide the following: a. an updated title commitment current within 30 days; and b. documentation confirming authority to bind. 5. Review Process, Shabnam Bista, 303-441-1896 The project includes two separate lots under the same ownership and the lots are being used as one lot. Staff recommends pursuing a Lot Line Elimination simultaneously for the process of developing the two parcels as one lot. Pursuant to section 9-12-4, “Elimination of Lot Lines,” B.R.C. 1981, lot lines forming the boundary between two or more conforming platted lots located within the same subdivision may be eliminated through a replatting process. The subject approval must meet all of the requirements of section 9-12-4, B.R.C. 1981 for a Lot Line Elimination. Pursuant to subsection 9-12-4(e), B.R.C. 1981, staff is required to notify planning board of the disposition of a replat application. The subject approval is not subject to call-up or appeal. 6. Signage, Shabnam Bista, 303 441 1896 The applicant should note that signage on the property. Please note this is not an approval of the sign and it will need a separate sign permit subject to the city’s sign code. IV. FEES Please note that current development review fees include a $131 hourly rate for reviewer services following the initial city written comments. Please see the P&DS Questions and Answers brochure for more information about the hourly billing system. V. APPROVAL CONDITIONS ON CASE The section below provides conditions that will need to be met if your project is approved. 1. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the Applicant shall submit a financial guarantee in a form acceptable to the Director of Public Works, in an amount equal to the cost of providing eco-passes to the employees of the development for a period of three years after issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review DATE OF COMMENTS: March 17, 2023 CASE MANAGER: Shannon Moeller PROJECT NAME: RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LOCATION: 3675 WALNUT ST REVIEW TYPE: Site Review REVIEW NUMBER: LUR2022-00041 APPLICANT: DANICA POWELL, TRESTLE STRATEGY GROUP DANIEL AIZENMAN, CONSCIENCE BAY COMPANY MICHAEL MELUN ANTHONY THORNTON, STANTEC DESCRIPTION: Site review for the redevelopment of property at 3675 and 3825 Walnut Street to create 112,600 square foot new life science facility that includes research and development space and laboratory space suitable for science and technology. I. REVIEW FINDINGS Additional information and revisions to the plan documents are required as indicated below. Refer to ‘Next Steps’ below. Contact staff with any questions or concerns. II. CITY REQUIREMENTS The section below addresses issues that must be resolved prior to project approval. Drainage Erik Saunders, 303-441-4493 The outlet structure of north storm water facility is shown to discharge to a proposed manhole, however, it is unclear to what infrastructure the manhole is to connect. In addition, there are a number of pipes,/culverts/end sections, etc. that have been identified on the background survey, but have no clear alignments/ outfalls/ discharge points etc. Update plans as necessary to clearly identify and describe all onsite and offsite stormwater and drainage facilities, pipe and other infrastructure on the north side of the site. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Updated 01/20/23: Based on the email communication between city staff and the applicant related to drainage design at the northeast corner of the site and a desire to construct new/replacement stormwater infrastructure to help alleviate some of the grading challenges, a revised drainage design and updated Report are anticipated as forthcoming. Revise plans and report as necessary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated 3/17/23: Based on the updated drainage design, discharge of collected runoff from the north stormwater quality facility relies on a piped crossing of the adjacent property to the east and outfall onto the CDOT right-of-way at the base of the north approach of Foothills Drive. Since the current site storm water design is predicated on proposed improvements on private and public property outside the city's control, it shall be necessary to receive and provide evidence of preliminary approval for the proposed improvements. Provide all required documentation at the time of the next submittal and any design revisions required to satisfy comments/ requirements issued by others. Update accordingly. Engineering Erik Saunders, 303-441-4493 The plans show a proposed crossing of private geothermal related improvements of the public utility/drainage/emergency access easement. The crossing is shown to occur at an angle where generally orthogonal crossings are required. Revise plans accordingly. Plan Documents Shannon Moeller, 303-441-3216 1. Please order the sheets in the following order: architectural, landscape, civil, photometric. At the time of a final Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review submittal, all sheets in the plan set should be noted with a consistent preparation date for reference in the disposition that will be prepared for the Planning Board hearing. 2. On the cover sheet / sheet A-100, please remove the reference to IBC allowable building height to avoid confusion with city land use code height limitations. 3. On the cover sheet / sheet A-100, please list all requested modifications from the land use code. Staff’s understanding is that the proposal requires the following modifications. Please list any others requested. Modifications: - 9-7-1, "Schedule of Form and Bulk Standards,” B.R.C. 1981 to allow a 51’-6” high building where a maximum of 45’ is otherwise permitted; - 9-9-6, “Parking Standards,” B.R.C. 1981 for a 25% parking reduction to provide 212 spaces where a minimum of 281 are required; - 9-9-15, “Fences and Walls,” B.R.C. 1981 to allow a 12-foot high utility screen wall where a maximum of 7-feet fence or wall is permitted. 4. On sheet L-100 and any other relevant sheets, ensure that parking space sizes are accurately labeled. Standard spaces appear to be drawn to correct size, but label needs to be corrected to 9’ x 19’ rather than 8’ x 19’. 5. In the chart on sheet L-500, the areas listed below indicated as “not useable open space” are areas that generally may be counted as contributing to minimum open space standards. So long as these areas are planted per city landscaping standards, it appears they may contribute; coordinate with landscape and planning staff and update chart as necessary. (Non-landscaped detention basins, as opposed to landscaped rain gardens, would not contribute to open space standards.) 6. In the chart on sheet L-500, revise the total number of required parking spaces consistent with the written statement. Staff’s understanding is that a total of 281 spaces are required and that a 25% parking reduction is proposed, to provide 212 spaces. 7. On one of the site plans that depicts existing grading, please note the location of the low point from the building and its elevation for reference. 8. Signage is not approved by this plan set and requires separate sign permit review and approval. In most cases staff recommends removal of signage from the plan set to avoid confusion. If signs are to be depicted, include a note on all sheets that include signage: “Signage not approved by this plan set. Signs require separate permit review and approval.” 9. The rooftop mechanical coverage calculation on sheet A-100 is incorrect (1.3% vs. 13%) and needs to be updated to address the new rooftop a/c units that were added with this resubmittal. The rooftop a/c units need to be screened per 9-7-7, B.R.C. 1981. 10. The chimney appurtenances depicted on the elevation sheets as updated with this resubmittal now appear to exceed the 16’ height limitations for rooftop appurtenances per 9-7-7(a)(3), B.R.C. 1981. Revise accordingly. Review Process Shannon Moeller, 303-441-3216 Please coordinate with engineering staff as necessary to ensure all required items are provided prior to scheduling a Planning Board hearing, including preliminary approval for off-site easement and concurrence from CDOT. III. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review 1. Prior Informational Comments, Shannon Moeller, moellers@bouldercolorado.gov, 303-441-3216 Please refer to prior review comments for previously provided informational comments. 2. NEXT STEPS, Shannon Moeller, moellers@bouldercolorado.gov, 303-441-3216 Revisions to the plan documents are required. Resubmittal materials that address the comments herein shall be uploaded through the “Attachments” tab in the CSS portal (https://energovcss.bouldercolorado.gov/EnerGov_Prod/SelfService/#/home) using the naming conventions in the Electronic Submittal Requirements for Development Review/ Plan case document available here: https://www-static.bouldercolorado.gov/docs/PLAN_Electronic_Submittal_Requirements-1- 202003271056.pdf?_ga=2.260365892.81114261.1618766662-289936432.1616386805. Resubmittals should have the following components: • Development Review Resubmittal form (https://bouldercolorado.gov/sites/default/files/2021-06/PLNResub.pdf) • A written response identifying all changes made, saved as a PDF file. (See requirements). • FULL set of electronic drawings and/or affected documentation addressing the review comments. (Named as specified in the requirements). • Revised plans must include the date of ALL revisions. These must be saved as PDFs. (See requirements). The application deadlines for the review track system can be found at https://bouldercolorado.gov/plan-develop. Fees shall be paid, and files uploaded to the customer self-service portal for resubmittals by 10 AM on the application deadline. Staff is happy to meet with you to discuss these comments in detail at your convenience. IV. FEES Please note that current development review fees include a $131 hourly rate for reviewer services following the initial city written comments. Please see the P&DS Questions and Answers brochure for more information about the hourly billing system. V. APPROVAL CONDITIONS ON CASE The section below provides conditions that will need to be met if your project is approved. 1. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the Applicant shall submit a financial guarantee in a form acceptable to the Director of Public Works, in an amount equal to the cost of providing eco-passes to the employees of the development for a period of three years after issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review DATE OF COMMENTS: May 19, 2023 CASE MANAGER: Shannon Moeller PROJECT NAME: RIDGEWAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LOCATION: 3675 WALNUT ST REVIEW TYPE: Site Review REVIEW NUMBER: LUR2022-00041 APPLICANT: DANICA POWELL, TRESTLE STRATEGY GROUP DANIEL AIZENMAN, CONSCIENCE BAY COMPANY MICHAEL MELUN ANTHONY THORNTON, STANTEC DESCRIPTION: Site review for the redevelopment of property at 3675 and 3825 Walnut Street to create 112,600 square foot new life science facility that includes research and development space and laboratory space suitable for science and technology. I. REVIEW FINDINGS Corrections are required on the item before proceeding to a Planning Board hearing. Please coordinate with the case manager and the corrections will be reviewed under a shorter review period, most likely 2 weeks. Refer to ‘Next Steps’ below. Contact staff with any questions or concerns. II. CITY REQUIREMENTS The section below addresses issues that must be resolved prior to project approval. Drainage Erik Saunders, 303-441-4493 The outlet structure of north storm water facility is shown to discharge to a proposed manhole, however, it is unclear to what infrastructure the manhole is to connect. In addition, there are a number of pipes,/culverts/end sections, etc. that have been identified on the background survey, but have no clear alignments/ outfalls/ discharge points etc. Update plans as necessary to clearly identify and describe all onsite and offsite stormwater and drainage facilities, pipe and other infrastructure on the north side of the site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated 01/20/23: Based on the email communication between city staff and the applicant related to drainage design at the northeast corner of the site and a desire to construct new/replacement stormwater infrastructure to help alleviate some of the grading challenges, a revised drainage design and updated Report are anticipated as forthcoming. Revise plans and report as necessary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated 3/17/23: Based on the updated drainage design, discharge of collected runoff from the north stormwater quality facility relies on a piped crossing of the adjacent property to the east and outfall onto the CDOT right-of-way at the base of the north approach of Foothills Drive. Since the current site storm water design is predicated on proposed improvements on private and public property outside the city's control, it shall be necessary to receive and provide evidence of preliminary approval for the proposed improvements. Provide all required documentation at the time of the next submittal and any design revisions required to satisfy comments/ requirements issued by others. Update accordingly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated 05/19/23: As stated above, preliminary approval from the adjacent property owner, including acknowledgement of dedication of a public drainage easement, shall be necessary prior to Site Review approval. Please provide acknowledgement and acceptance of improvements and encumbrances related to stormwater discharge across the adjacent private property addressed as 3865 Walnut. Also, please provide letter or correspondence from CDOT clearly confirming interpretation Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review of section 12.4.3 of the CDOT Drainage Design Manual as it relates to "pre-development discharge rates". Engineering Erik Saunders, 303-441-4493 The plans show a proposed crossing of private geothermal related improvements of the public utility/drainage/emergency access easement. The crossing is shown to occur at an angle where generally orthogonal crossings are required. Revise plans accordingly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated 05/19/23: Further encroachments within the public utility/ drainage /emergency access easement of private drainage improvements, (inlet and piping not approaching an orthogonal crossing), must be corrected to meet standards prior to Site Review approval. Update easement alignment such that the west edge is not impacted by the inlet box and consider a reroute of the central raingarden inlet pipes to more closely cross easement at approximately ninety degrees. Plan Documents Shannon Moeller, 303-441-3216 The identified low point of the building needs to be taken from the lowest point within 25' of the "tallest side" of the building, where the "tallest side" means "that side whose lowest exposed exterior point is lower in elevation than t he lowest exposed exterior point of any other side of the building" per 9-7-5, B.R.C. 1981. Practically, the easiest way to find the low point of a building would be to extend a 25' radius from all exterior points of the building and find the lowest point of natural grade within that radius. The building itself appears to sit on an area of the site where portions of the existing grade are at least as low as 5250'. This would change the overall height of the building slightly. Staff recommends including a topographic survey as part of the resubmittal and labeling the existing grade on the site plan near all sides of the proposed building for clarity. The low point identified on the site plan can be labeled simply as "low point." III. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS 1. Prior Informational Comments, Shannon Moeller, moellers@bouldercolorado.gov, 303-441-3216 Please refer to prior review comments for previously provided informational comments. 2. NEXT STEPS, Shannon Moeller, moellers@bouldercolorado.gov, 303-441-3216 Corrections to the plan documents are required. Resubmittal materials that address the comments herein shall be uploaded through the “Attachments” tab in the CSS portal (https://energovcss.bouldercolorado.gov/EnerGov_Prod/SelfService/#/home) using the naming conventions in the Electronic Submittal Requirements for Development Review/ Plan case document available here: https://bouldercolorado.gov/sites/default/files/2022-04/Online%20Dev%20Rev%20Application%20Guide%20- %2004072022.pdf. Resubmittals should have the following components: • Development Review Resubmittal form (https://bouldercolorado.gov/sites/default/files/2021-06/PLNResub.pdf) • A written response identifying all changes made, saved as a PDF file. (See requirements). • FULL set of electronic drawings and/or affected documentation addressing the review comments. (Named as specified in the requirements). • Revised plans must include the date of ALL revisions. These must be saved as PDFs. (See requirements). IV. FEES Please note that current development review fees include a $131 hourly rate for reviewer services following the initial city written comments. Please see the P&DS Questions and Answers brochure for more information about the hourly billing system. Attachment G - DRC Comments Item 5B - 3675 Walnut Site Review