BJP2-MultiBoard Working Group-Mtg 2-Summary Boulder Junction Phase 2
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Board Representative Attended (Y/N)
BJAGID– Parking Ryan Cook
BJAGID – TDM Sue Prant
Design Advisory Board Brendan Ash
Environmental Advisory Board Hernan Villanueva
Housing Advisory Board Michael Leccese
Human Relations Commission Anna Pavlenko
Open Space Board of Trustees Jon Carroll (missed first half)
Parks and Recreation Advisory
Elliott Hood
Planning Board Kurt Nordback
Transportation Advisory Board Tila Duhaime
Alex Weinheimer (Alt.)
KEY MEETING TAKEAWAYS | Land Use, Urban Design, Transportation Connections
• Some board members expressed support for the MUI land use designation along Old Pearl to encourage
on-going access to jobs and community services, while others were not particular to MUI or MUTOD in the
area as they felt both would achieve successful outcomes.
• Some board members expressed a continued concern around RTD and their commitment to bring rail
service to Boulder Junction (and fully restore bus service).
• The TAB member expressed interest in reducing the number of proposed underpasses (south/west corner,
in particular) and that staff investigate at-grade crossing opportunities in the area instead.
• Several board members suggested staff consider the Pearl Parkway crossing at Foothills. It was suggested
that opportunities exist for enhancement and to connect the existing multi-use path (north) with the
proposed multi-use path (south).
• The PB member also recommended we continue to include a rail crossing on the west side of Foothills as
the proposed multi-use path continues south. There is an opportunity to mirror a similar design that occurs
on the east side of Foothills where the path crosses over the railroad and Walnut Street.
• Several board members suggested staff explore possibilities for the Wilderness Place “loop” (some say it
functions like an island). Several board members suggested we consider closing a portion of Wilderness
Place off (the south/east corner) to allow for pedestrian only access.
Subject: BJP2 Multi-Board Working Group Meeting #2
Meeting Date: 07-20-23
Meeting Time: 6pm – 8pm
Meeting Location: Zoom
Meeting Attendees: Kristofer Johnson, Chris Ranglos, Becca Hieb,
BJP2 Multi-Board Working Group Members
Boulder Junction Phase 2
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• Several members remarked that retail is too dispersed in Phase 1 and liked the idea of concentrating retail
around future nodes of activity.
• The PRAB member suggested that the priority for him and the rest of their board is to add as much access
to parks as possible, especially given this is going to be largely a newly developed residential area with a lot
of families (potentially). If we can’t provide park access within Boulder Junction, let’s ensure we are
providing good access to nearby parks (East Mapleton, Howard Heuston, etc.). Consider Goose Creek as
an opportunity to bring additional pocket parks to the area.
• The DAB member expressed the importance of gathering space #6 in the southern area as an opportunity
to serve as flood control in addition to open space and landscape area.
• Several board members said the working group is useful in understanding the views and opinions of those
from other boards, however, many board members expressed discomfort and confusion on how to engage
the rest of their board members in a useful way. One board member recommended staff consider
developing a key question that each board liaison could then take back to their board for feedback.
• One board member questioned if the working group was doing the public a disservice by substituting for
more accessible information updates and discussion at individual board meetings.