BJP2-MultiBoard Working Group-Mtg 1 PresentationBoulder Junction Phase 2 P&DS –Comprehensive Planning Multi-Board Working Group Meeting #1 May 2023 Welcome & Introductions Project Background Alternatives & Discussion Next Steps Welcome! WHAT IS THIS?WHO IS THIS?WHY IS THIS? Multi-Board Working Group WHAT IS THIS? •Concept using Boulder Junction as pilot •Liaisons from relevant boards receive updates and offer feedback throughout a project •Bring forward additional input from member boards to the project team •NOT: a replacement for required board processes (eg, Planning Board hearing) Multi-Board Working Group WHO IS THIS? •Boulder Junction GID –Parking •Boulder Junction GID –TDM •Design Advisory Board •Environmental Advisory Board •Housing Advisory Board •Human Relations Committee •Open Space Board of Trustees •Planning Board •P&R Advisory Board •Transportation Advisory Board Multi-Board Working Group WHY IS THIS? •Encourage multi-disciplinary conversations •Increase efficiency of gathering feedback from multiple boards •Actively resolve issues and address conflicting board feedback Expectations for Liaisons •Meet on a recurring basis during a project •Openly discuss information and recommendations •Communicate project updates back to boards •Gather feedback from other board members to share at future meetings Expectations for Staff •Coordinate meeting dates and agendas •Provide materials to review in advance •Send presentations and meeting summaries after the meeting •Be available for questions and clarifications A few notes on future meetings •Will be open to the public for viewing (24 hrs notice) •Can invite PMT staff particularly when discussing a specific topic Introductions •Project team •Working Group members: •Name and board you represent •Time of service on your board •What is your board’s interest in this project? •Why did you volunteer to participate in this working group? PROJECT BACKGROUND How should future development in the Phase 2 area of Boulder Junction BE GUIDED? Pearl Parkway Valmont Road Foothills Parkway •Adopted in 2007 •Guides future development for Boulder Junction Transit Village Area Plan Transit Village Area Plan Transit Village Area Plan Valmont Road Transit Village Area Plan Foothills Parkway Transit Village Area Plan Transit Village Area Plan 30thStreet Transit Village Area Plan 30thStreet Transit Village Area Plan –Phases Phase 1 Transit Village Area Plan –Phases Phase 1 Phase 2 Transit Village Area Plan –Phases Phase 1 Phase 2 (Phase 2A) 15 years old Pearl Parkway Valmont Road Foothills Parkway 15 years old Pearl Parkway Valmont Road Foothills ParkwayHow has the community’s needs changed over 15 years? 15 years old Pearl Parkway Valmont Road Foothills ParkwayHow has the community’s needs changed over 15 years? Are a few revisions necessary? Evaluate potential alternatives for: LAND USE Do the proposed land uses still apply to current and future needs? Transit Village Area Plan –Proposed Land Use High Density Residential 2 •Two -to five-stories •Stacked flats and lofts •Underground or structured parking Transit Village Area Plan –Proposed Land Use Industrial Mixed Use 1 •One-to three-story buildings •Light and service industrial •Small-scale technical offices with live/work units or residential mixed vertically or horizontally •Structured or surface parking Transit Village Area Plan –Proposed Land Use Industrial Mixed Use 2 •Three-to four-story buildings •Residential, office, or industrial •Structured parking Transit Village Area Plan –Proposed Land Use Office Industrial •Two -to three-story industrial/office buildings •Intensification of existing office/industrial areas •Mix of structured and surface parking Evaluate potential alternatives for: TRANSPORTATION CONNECTIONS Do any adjustments to the transportation connections need to be made? Evaluate potential alternatives for: CHARACTER (urban design) Do the guidelines reflect the desired building and public realm character? Define steps for: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Define steps for: FUNDING & PHASING Define steps for: REGULATION Community Engagement Broad Community Engagement Focus Groups (4) 1.Daily Users (i.e., residents, employees) 2.Property & Business Owners 3.Advocacy (i.e., advocacy representatives for youth, equity, housing etc.) 4.Development & Design Focus Group Meeting #1 •Discuss outcomes of Phase 1 and opportunities for Phase 2 March 8 & 14 Open House #1 •Project background, outcomes of Phase 1 and opportunities for Phase 2 April 17 Open House: 40+ attendees Online Questionnaire: 80+ responses Focus Group Meeting #2 •Discuss alternatives for land use, transportation connections & character May 9 & 10 May 17 Open House #2 •Discuss alternatives for land use, transportation connections & character Open House: 60+ attendees Online Questionnaire: *still receiving responses June 8 City Council Study Session •Project Update Community Engagement •Receive feedback on preferred approach for Phase 2 Public Hearings •Planning Board and City Council Public Hearings for Plan Amendment Phase 1 OUTCOMES 2010 2005 2014 2015 2017 2019 2023 Pre-TVAP 2005 Steelyards TVAP Adoption 2008 2005 2014 2015 2017 2019 2023 2008 TVAP Adoption Historic Depot 2014 2010 2005 2015 2017 2019 2023 2014 Griffis Apartments TVAP Adoption 2014 2010 2005 2015 2017 2019 2023 2014 Boulder Depot TVAP Adoption Boulder Depot, RTD Station and Hyatt hotel as seen from Junction Place 2015 2010 2005 2014 2017 2019 2023 2015 Goose Creek Bridge TVAP Adoption 2015 2010 2005 2014 2017 2019 2023 2015 Junction Place (south) TVAP Adoption 2015 2010 2005 2014 2017 2019 2023 2015 Boulder Depot Plaza TVAP Adoption 2019 2010 2005 2014 2015 2017 2023 2019 S’Park Phase One TVAP Adoption 2023 S’Park Phase 2 2010 2005 2014 2015 2017 2019 2023 TVAP Adoption 2023 REVE 2010 2005 2014 2015 2017 2019 2023 TVAP Adoption 2023 30 Pearl 2010 2005 2014 2015 2017 2019 2023 TVAP Adoption Pre-TVAP 2005 Pre-TVAP 2005 Post -TVAP 2023 Pocket Park RTD Rail Station Fire Station 3 + 30th/Bluff Intersection PHASE 1 KEY OUTCOMES •1,400 new housing units, with 300 of them being affordable units •Form Based Code was applied to the area •Several new transportation connections •Multi-use path improvements to Goose Creek and North Boulder Farmer’s Ditch •Two general improvement districts created to achieve Transportation Demand Management strategies •Range of other public improvements, such as public art and many urban design enhancements •The area is on the early stages of experiencing a variety of new mixed-use urban developments and will continue to evolve over time. Potential Alternatives & DISCUSSION PHASE 1 FEEDBACK •Varied architecture •Mix of residential types offered at a range of prices •Mixed use land use •New and different public realm elements •Transformation from industrial to mixed use •Mobility network and walkability •Depot Square and future pocket park PHASE 2 FEEDBACK •Maintain or encourage local/small businesses •Provide additional green space •Consider a regional or cultural attraction •Placemaking that contributes to a Gateway experience •Better defined character reflecting Boulder •Additional transportation connections •More housing and mixed use •Consider connection to adjacent neighborhoods Transportation ALTERNATIVES TRANSPORTATION Guiding Framework •Ensure the area is walkable and bikeable by providing additional connections, especially north/south and over the tracks •Incorporate additional local streets and alleys to create smaller blocks and a well-connected street grid •Update Pearl Street and Pearl Parkway to make them more walkable and increase pedestrian comfort •Incorporate additional green infrastructure and high- quality materials within streets TRANSPORTATION Existing Conditions TRANSPORTATION TVAP Proposed Connections Future Transit Station TRANSPORTATION Proposed Connections Future Transit Station TRANSPORTATION Proposed Connections Description Extend multi-use path to Valmont Road & connect to Wilderness Place Add multi-use path across Goose Creek Additional local roads to form smaller blocks Additional alleys for better connectivity and building access Extend pedestrian path up to multi-use path Future Transit Station TRANSPORTATION Proposed Connections Description Extend multi-use path to Valmont Road & connect to Wilderness Place Add multi-use path across Goose Creek Additional local roads to form smaller blocks Additional alleys for better connectivity and building access Extend pedestrian path up to multi-use path Future Transit Station TRANSPORTATION Proposed Connections Description Extend multi-use path to Valmont Road & connect to Wilderness Place Add multi-use path across Goose Creek Additional local roads to form smaller blocks Additional alleys for better connectivity and building access Extend pedestrian path up to multi-use path Future Transit Station TRANSPORTATION Proposed Connections Description Extend multi-use path to Valmont Road & connect to Wilderness Place Add multi-use path across Goose Creek Additional local roads to form smaller blocks Additional alleys for better connectivity and building access Extend pedestrian path up to multi-use path Future Transit Station TRANSPORTATION Proposed Connections Description Extend multi-use path to Valmont Road & connect to Wilderness Place Add multi-use path across Goose Creek Additional local roads to form smaller blocks Additional alleys for better connectivity and building access Extend pedestrian path up to multi-use path Future Transit Station TRANSPORTATION Discussion Extend multi-use path to Valmont Road & connect to Wilderness Place Add multi-use path across Goose Creek Additional local roads to form smaller blocks Additional alleys for better connectivity and building access Extend pedestrian path up to multi-use path Description Future Transit Station Land Use OPTIONS •Maximize opportunities for housing •Allow mixed-use throughout •Preserve existing business uses and allow for new local businesses •Encourage a variety of housing types LAND USE Guiding Framework LAND USE Option #1 TVAP (no change) Proposed Land Use Land Use Description Building Character Total Area OI Office Industrial Industrial, office buildings 2-3 stories 33% IMU1 Mixed Use Industrial 1 Light & service industrial, small-scale technical offices, and mixture of residential 1-3 stories 17% IMU2 Mixed Use Industrial 2 Residential, office or industrial uses 3-4 stories 32% HDR2 High-Density Residential 2 Stacked flats and lofts 2-5 stories 10% OS Open Space Greenway or open space N/A 8% Future Transit Station 400 -600 2,600 –2,800 Potential Residential Units Potential Jobs LAND USE Option #2 Mixed Use Residential Focused Proposed Land Use Land Use Description Building Character Total Area MUTOD Mixed Use Transit Oriented Development Mixed use, transit- oriented neighborhood with amenities 3-4 stories 92% PK-U/O Park, Urban & Other Public land used for a variety of active and passive recreation or flood control N/A 7% OS-O Open Space, Other Natural lands N/A 1% Future Transit Station 1,100 –1,300 1,100 –1,300 Potential Residential Units Potential Jobs LAND USE Option #3 Mixed Use Residential + Industrial Proposed Land Use Land Use Description Building Character Total Area MUTOD Mixed Use Transit Oriented Development Mixed use, transit- oriented neighborhood with amenities 3-4 stories 38% MUI Mixed Use Industrial Diverse housing, commercial, retail, office, and light industrial 3-4 stories 44% HR High Density Residential Attached residential units and apartments 3-4 stories 10% PK-U/O Park, Urban & Other Public land used for a variety of active and passive recreation or flood control N/A 7% OS-O Open Space, Other Natural lands N/A 1% Future Transit Station 800 –1,000 1,300 –1,500 Potential Residential Units Potential Jobs LAND USE Options Summary & Discussion OPTION 1 (TVAP no change)OPTION 2 OPTION 3 800 –1,000 1,100 –1,300 400 -600 Option 3 Option 2 Option 1 1,300 –1,500 1,100 –1,300 2,600 –2,800 Option 3 Option 2 Option 1 POTENTIAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS POTENTIAL JOBS Urban Design ALTERNATIVES URBAN DESIGN Guiding Framework •Ensure the area is accessible and pedestrian-friendly •Define what the character is for the area •Encourage more architectural variety and interest •Provide space along buildings to allow for seating or planters •Activate North Boulder Farmer’s Ditch and Goose Creek •Increase the implementation of green infrastructure •Incorporate Gateway Elements •Ensure the area is accessible and pedestrian-friendly •Define what the character is for the area •Encourage more architectural variety and interest •Provide space along buildings to allow for seating or planters •Activate North Boulder Farmer’s Ditch and Goose Creek •Increase the implementation of green infrastructure •Incorporate Gateway Elements URBAN DESIGN Guiding Framework Update the General Guidelines URBAN DESIGN Guidelines Wilderness Place Old Pearl Pearl Parkway Character Districts URBAN DESIGN Place Types Place Type 1 Place Type 2 Place Type 3 Place Types describe the design intent and performance expectations for development They are like character districts, but provide additional guidance organized around a topic URBAN DESIGN Place Types Place Type 1 Place Type 2 Place Type 3 Place Types further define: URBAN DESIGN Place Types Place Type 1 Place Type 2 Place Type 3 Place Types further define: Ground floor uses URBAN DESIGN Place Types Place Type 1 Place Type 2 Place Type 3 Place Types further define: Uses above the ground floor URBAN DESIGN Place Types Place Type 1 Place Type 2 Place Type 3 Place Types further define: Streetscape character URBAN DESIGN Place Types Place Type 1 Place Type 2 Place Type 3 Place Types further define: Building character URBAN DESIGN Character How should each area look and feel, or evolve over time? URBAN DESIGN Character Main street environment that offers a variety of activity and visual interest, especially on the ground floor URBAN DESIGN Character Live/work environment that creates a greater exchange between local business customers and workforce by infusing new residential into commercial areas URBAN DESIGN Character Innovation environment that offers flexible opportunities for light industrial and commercial uses (e.g., coffee shops, bakeries, space for artists) URBAN DESIGN Character Residential environment with units at the ground floor and/or on upper floors URBAN DESIGN Character Creative environment that is eclectic, artsy, funky and offers flexible opportunities for adaptive reuse and development. URBAN DESIGN Discussion Main street environment that offers a variety of activity and visual interest, especially on the ground floor Live/work environment that creates a greater exchange between local business customers and workforce by infusing new residential into commercial areas Innovation environment that offers flexible opportunities for light industrial and commercial uses (e.g., coffee shops, bakeries, space for artists) Residential environment with units at the ground floor and/or on upper floors Creative environment that is eclectic, artsy, funky and offers flexible opportunities for adaptive reuse and development. Public Space ALTERNATIVES PUBLIC SPACE Guiding Framework •Incorporate additional public space •Encourage public space near access to the new transit station •Enhance Goose Creek •Incorporate additional green space PUBLIC SPACE Potential Locations Public Space Defined .Privately owned, publicly accessible Seating, planters, plaza space, etc. Opportunity for events Additional amenities and access along Goose Creek PUBLIC SPACE Discussion Public Space Defined .Privately owned, publicly accessible Seating, planters, plaza space, etc. Opportunity for events Additional amenities and access along Goose Creek 1.June 8 –City Council Study Session, Project Update 2.Next Multi-Board Working Group Meeting •Feedback on the preferred approach •Thursday, July 20th? Next Steps