BJP2-Focus Group 3-PresentationBoulder Junction Phase 2 P&DS – Comprehensive Planning Focus Group Meeting #3 July 2023 Introductions Project Progress What We Heard Preliminary Proposed Amendments Breakout Sessions Next Steps Boulder Junction Focus Groups Property & Business Owners Daily Users Advocacy Groups Design & Development City Staff Project Progress We are here Focus Group Meeting #2 •Discuss alternatives for land use, transportation connections & character May 9 & 10 May 17 Open House #2 •Discuss alternatives for land use, transportation connections & character June 8 City Council Study Session •Discuss alternatives for land use, transportation connections & character TODAY Focus Group Meeting #3 •Discuss preliminary proposed amendments based on public, Board, and Council input Planning Board Information Item July 25 Planning Board Hearing (tbd) City Council Hearing (tbd) Aug 22 Sep 21 What We Heard 8 Focus Group Meetings 2 Open Houses 2 Online Questionnaires 3 Site Tours 1 Internal Worksession 1 Multi-Board Working Group Meeting 3 Outreach Events 1 City Council Study Session PHASE 2 DESIRES •Maintain and encourage local/small businesses (light industrial, services, retail, etc.) •Provide additional green space and outdoor space •Allow more housing and mixed-use opportunities •Add more bike and pedestrian connections •Make it feel more like Boulder •Consider a regional or cultural attraction •Create a gateway experience •Evaluate better/safer connections to adjacent neighborhoods VIEWS BY FOCUS GROUP TYPE •Advocacy group: emphasized child safety, areas focused on families and small businesses, housing across the Goose Creek Corridor, and city support to reduce reliance on cars •Daily users: emphasized internal connections, maintaining neighborhood services, and opportunities for jobs for locals •Development & design: emphasized external connections and placemaking elements, questions on how infrastructure improvements will be funded, and mechanisms to support small businesses •Property & business owners: expressed caution with requiring ‘too much mixed use’, emphasized adaptive reuse, organic change, architectural variety, and innovation, creativity and eclectic vibe south of Goose Creek Boulder Junction Phase 2KEY QUESTIONS 1.Does council agree with the possible changes to transportation connections? 2.Does council agree with the potential land use changes being considered? 3.Does council agree with the proposed approach to Place Types and gathering spaces to better define urban design and character? LAND USE Council Feedback MUTOD throughout to allow the greatest level of flexibility Additional feedback: Explore ways to preserve/enhance opportunities for light industrial and services Additional refinement through Place Types and other regulations to guide future development Future Rail Transit Station TRANSPORTATION Council Feedback YES, agreement on potential changes to Transportation Connections plan Additional feedback: Continue to explore using connections to break down larger blocks Evaluate additional bike/ped connections (particularly in the south area) URBAN DESIGN & OUTDOOR SPACE Council Feedback YES, use Place Types to describe the character of future outcomes and identify future areas for outdoor gathering spaces PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Proposed Land Use 1.Allow flexibility for housing, mix of uses, and taller/larger buildings 2.Maintain light industrial and service uses 3.More green areas and gathering spaces 1.MUTOD land use is the most flexible land use category 2.MUI applied to Old Pearl (still allows residential, but prioritizes other uses on ground floor) 3.PK-U/O identifies desire for enhancements along Goose Creek What We Heard How It Is Addressed PROPOSED AMENDMENTS – LAND USE Land Use Category Description MUTOD Mixed Use Transit Oriented Development Mixed use, transit-oriented neighborhoods rich with amenities and services. MUI Mixed Use Industrial Vibrant, walkable, working neighborhoods that offer employers, employees and residents a variety of local services and amenities. PK-U/O Parks, Urban and Other Public lands used for a variety of active and passive recreational purposes or flood control purposes. OS-DR Open Space, Development Rights (or Restrictions) Land with existing conservation easements or other development restrictions. Proposed Transportation Connections 1.Enhance internal pedestrian and bicycle network 2.Use connections to break down larger blocks into more urban character 3.Balance visionary ideas with feasibility 1.People-focused connections are prioritized over vehicular 2.Several multi-use paths and sidewalks added 3.Altered or removed infeasible connections What We Heard How It Is Addressed PROPOSED AMENDMENTS – TRANSPORTATION CONNECTIONS 2 conversions of local roads to multi-use paths 3 new/extended multi-use paths 1 underpass removal PROPOSED AMENDMENTS – TRANSPORTATION CONNECTIONS 2 conversions of local roads to multi-use paths 3 new/extended multi-use paths 1 underpass removal (clean-up) Proposed Design Character 1.Utilize Goose Creek as an amenity 2.Create outdoor gathering spaces 3.Improve retail viability 4.Keep Boulder fun(ky)! 1.Pedestrian focus along Goose Creek (opportunity for signature bridge crossing) 2.Multiple outdoor space locations identified for a variety of outcomes 3.Concentrate retail at activity nodes (not everywhere) 4.Refine architectural character, gathering spaces, etc. through future steps What We Heard How It Is Addressed PROPOSED AMENDMENTS – URBAN DESIGN Innovation TOD (Residential) Flexible opportunities for light industrial and commercial uses, while integrating public-facing retail and transit supportive attainable housing options Residential uses with units at the ground floor and/or on upper floors Neighborhood TOD Reimagines existing auto-oriented commercial areas into highly walkable and transit supportive environments Flexible opportunities for office, commercial and residential uses Live/Work Mix of light industrial, retail, arts/education spaces, office, and residential uses Creative environment that is eclectic, artsy, funky and offers flexible opportunities for adaptive reuse and development PROPOSED AMENDMENTS – URBAN DESIGN Gathering Spaces Primary locations near rail station, Goose Creek, and southern area Secondary locations near Center Green Ct, Wilderness Loop, and Old Pearl Pedestrian Corridors & Paseos Additional layer to Transportation Connections Plan Fine-grained network of pedestrian/bicycle connections Variety of materials, landscape, amenities (not just sidewalks) Breakout DISCUSSIONS BREAKOUT ACTIVITY 1.Break out into three groups (mix and mingle!) 2.Land Use, Transportation, Urban Design stations – ~15 minutes each 3.Urban Design – RETAIL NODES 4.Report out What do you love?What can you live with?What can’t you live with? Why?What are we missing? 1.THANK YOU! for your participation, honest feedback, and helping us understand our current community needs 2.Public hearings with Planning Board and City Council – please provide comments! 3.Planning Board recommends approval of amendments, City Council makes final decision Next Steps Planning Board Information Item July 25 Planning Board Hearing (tbd) City Council Hearing (tbd) Aug 22 Sep 21 Updating the Plan is just the first step! (We have created the menu and now need to write the recipes) 1.Revise the Comprehensive Plan land use map 2.Identify major infrastructure needs, timing, and funding plans 3.Create and update various regulations 4.Changes to zoning (willing landowners only!) Future Work Thank you !!!