Item 4A - 1111 SpruceMEMORANDUM
TO: Planning Board
FROM: Alison Blaine, Case Manager
DATE: June 21, 2023
SUBJECT: Call Up Item: The Registry Boutique Hotel Use Review (LUR2020-00005): Use Review for a
proposed thirty-seven (37) room boutique hotel located at 1111 Spruce St in the Downtown-2
(DT-2) zoning district. Hotel Uses require a Use Review in the DT-2 zoning district. The call
up period expires on Jul. 19, 2023.
Attached is the disposition of approval of a Use Review to allow the adaptive reuse of an office building into a 37-room
boutique hotel located in the Downtown 2 (DT-2) Zoning District. Pursuant to the “Use Standards” in section 9-6-1,
B.R.C 1981, a Use Review is required for hotel uses in this zoning district. Refer to Attachment B for staff’s analysis of
the Use Review Criteria.
Background. The subject property is located a block north of the Pearl Street Mall in Downtown Boulder. The five (5)
story, 20,039 square foot, forty-nine (49) foot tall building was constructed in 1982 and has most recently been used as
office space. Refer to Figure 1 for an aerial photo and Figure 2 for a photo of the site.
The site is zoned Downtown-2 (DT-2),
which is defined as “a transition area
between the downtown and the
surrounding residential areas where a
wide range of retail, office, residential, and
public uses are permitted. A balance of
new development with the maintenance
and renovation of existing buildings is
anticipated, and where development and
redevelopment consistent with the
established historic and urban design
character is encouraged” in section 9-5-
2(c)(3)(A), B.R.C. 1981.
The site is located in a transitional area between
downtown and the surrounding neighborhood. The site is
located within the Mapleton Local Historic District
residential area which provides an eclectic mix of public,
retail, restaurant, office, personal service, and residential
uses. The proposed boutique hotel will adaptively reuse
an existing office building that was built in 1983. No
exterior changes will be made to the building.
The site is also located within the Downtown Business
Improvement District (BID) and the Central Area General
Improvement District (CAGID) and not required to have
any off-street parking.
Project Site
Figure 1: Vicinity Map
Figure 2: Site Photo
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
Figure 3: Zoning Map
Project Proposal. The applicant is requesting approval of Use Review to allow the adaptive reuse of an office building
to a boutique hotel located at 1111 Spruce Street near Downtown Boulder. Pursuant to the “Use Standards” in section
9-6-1, B.R.C 1981, hotel uses in the DT-2 zoning district may be permitted with approval of a Use Review.
The space previously has been used as office space. No exterior alterations or new additions are proposed. The
property is located within CAGID and is not required to have off-street parking; however, the ownership currently leases
fifty (50) parking spaces from the City of Boulder’s Parking Services within the 11th Street and Spruce Street parking
garage. In accordance with 9-9-6(b) (3) Nonresidential Motor Vehicle Parking Requirements, B.R.C. 1981,
nonresidential uses located in the Downtown Zoning districts within a parking district do not require any off-street
vehicular parking spaces. The building owner holds fifty (50) quarterly CAGID parking permits for use at the 1100
Spruce Street Garage that transfer with the subject property's location. The applicant also requests the designation of
two (2) on-street loading stalls directly in front at the curb, which are not required as part of this Use Review application.
The proposed hotel will continue to utilize those off-street parking spaces as part of the hotel’s parking management
Refer to Attachment C for the applicant’s proposed plans, and Attachment D for the applicant’s written statement.
Review Process. Pursuant to section 9-6-1, B.R.C., hotels as a principal use may be permitted in the DT-2 zoning
district with approval of a Use Review. Per section 9-4-2, B.R.C. 1981, applications for Use Review are subject to call
up by the Planning Board. No modifications from the development code have been requested. The proposal meets all
other development standards for the zoning district and does not trigger or require Site Review. Refer to Attachment A
for conditions of approval.
Analysis. The proposal was found to be consistent with the relevant Use Review criteria of Subsection 9-2-15(e),
“Criteria for Review,” B.R.C. 1981. The proposed use is consistent with the zoning and will provide a service and
convenience to the neighborhood. The management plan sufficiently addresses the use’s potential effect on residential
neighbors, with strategies to mitigate possible negative impacts. Refer to Attachment B for staff’s analysis of the review
Project Site
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
Public Comment. Required public notice was provided in the form of written notifications to property owners within
600 feet of the subject property. In addition, a public notice sign was posted on the property. All public notice
requirements of Section 9-4-3, “Public Notice Requirements,” B.R.C. 1981 were met. Staff has not received any public
Conclusion. Staff finds that the proposed project meets the relevant criteria of Section 9-2-15, “Use Review,”
B.R.C. 1981 (refer to Attachment B). This application was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on
Jul. 5, 2023 and the decision may be called-up before Planning Board on or before Jul. 19, 2023. Questions about the
project or decision or requests to call up the approval should be directed to the Case Manager, Alison Blaine at
A.Signed Disposition of Approval
B.Staff Analysis of Use Review Criteria
C.Applicant’s Proposed Plans
D.Applicant’s Written Statement
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and
criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-2, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development.
DESCRIPTION: Use review to convert an existing office building (The Registry) into a boutique
hotel. The 20,039 square foot building will have 37 rooms.
APPLICATION: Use Review, LUR2023-00023
ZONING: Downtown 2 (DT-2)
CASE MANAGER: Alison Blaine
VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: No; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right under Section 9-2-
20, B.R.C. 1981.
Approved On: July 5, 2023
Brad Mueller, Director of Planning & Development Services
This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two
weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date
above mentioned.
Appeal to Planning Board Expires: July 19, 2023
Final Approval Date: July 20, 2023
Attachment A - Disposition of Approval
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
Address: 1111 SPRUCE ST 2
Pursuant to Section 9-2-12 of the Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the Applicant must begin and
substantially complete the approved development within three years from the date of final approval, or in compliance
with the phasing plan if one was approved. Failure to "substantially complete" (as defined in Section 9-2-12) the
development within three years or in compliance with the phasing plan, if one was approved, shall cause this
development approval to expire.
1.The Applicant shall ensure that the development shall be in compliance with all plans prepared by the
Applicant on May 18, 2023 and the written statement dated May 19, 2023, all on file in the City of Boulder
Planning Department, except to the extent that the development may be modified by the conditions of this
2.The Applicant shall not expand or modify the approved use, except pursuant to Subsection 9-2-15(h),
B.R.C. 1981.
3.The Applicant shall comply with all previous conditions contained in any previous approvals, except to the
extent that any previous conditions may be modified by this approval, including, but not limited to, the following:
the Development Agreement recorded at Reception No. Film 1551, Reception No. 00948402.
4. This approval shall be limited to The Registry, a boutique hotel. Any changes in ownership shall be subject
to the review and approval of the Planning Director. The purpose of such review shall be to inform such
subsequent user of this space that it will be required to operate the boutique hotel in compliance with the terms
of this approval.
5.All exterior changes to the building and the approved site plan shall require a Minor Modification to the
Approved Site Plan pursuant to Subsection 9-2-14(k), B.R.C. 1981.
Attachment A - Disposition of Approval
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
Address: 1111 SPRUCE ST 2
Legal Description
(1111 Spruce Street)
Lot 8,
Block 119,
Boulder, according to the Plat recorded June 20, 1868 in Book 2 at Page 31,
County of Boulder,
State of Colorado.
Attachment A - Disposition of Approval
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
SECTION 9-2-15
Criteria for Review: No use review application will be approved unless the approving agency finds
all of the following:
(1)Consistency with Zoning and Non-Conformity: The use is consistent with the purpose of
the zoning district as set forth in Section 9-5-2(c), "Zoning Districts Purposes," B.R.C. 1981, except
in the case of a non-conforming use;
The subject property is proposed to be a thirty-seven (37) room boutique hotel. Hotel uses require a
Use Review in the DT-2 zoning district. Currently used as office space, the site is located on the
north side of Spruce Street between 11th Street and Broadway in a Downtown 2 (DT-2) Zoning
District within the Downtown Subarea Plan.
The DT-2 District is defined as under section 9-5-2, B.R.C. 1981 as
“A transition area between the downtown and the surrounding residential areas where a wide
range of retail, office, residential, and public uses are permitted. A balance of new
development with the maintenance and renovation of existing buildings is anticipated, and
where development and redevelopment consistent with the established historic and urban
design character is encouraged.”
The subject property is also located within the Downtown Boulder Business Improvement District
(BID) and the Central Area General Improvement District (CAGID), which allows for no parking
The applicant’s management plan states the hotel will operate 24 hours a day. On-site property
management will be present Monday-Friday from 9am to 5pm while a 24 hours concierge service
will be present during all hours of the day. The hotel will be operated by an estimated 15 employees.
The subject property has two existing off-street parking spaces located in the rear of the site,
accessed from an alley, and will be used for hotel operations only. The owner leases fifty (50)
quarterly parking permits for the current office uses to park within the City’s parking structure.
Those off-site parking spaces will be repurchased from the City quarterly and used by a valet service
provided by the hotel’s operators.
(2)Rationale: The use either:
(A) Provides direct service or convenience to or reduces adverse impacts to the
surrounding uses or neighborhood;
The proposed hotel will provide an additional thirty-seven (37) short-term hotel
lodging spaces within direct proximity to downtown Boulder and the Pearl Street
Mall. Parking will be provided off-site within a City-owned downtown parking garage
serving businesses in the CAGID.
Attachment B - Staff Analysis of Use Review Criteria
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
(B) Provides a compatible transition between higher intensity and lower intensity
The proposed boutique hotel will adaptively reuse an existing office building in the
DT-2 Zoning District. The DT-2 Zoning District promotes a variety of permitted uses,
including hotels as a Use Review. The hotel will continue to utilize 50 parking permits
for customer parking at an off-site City parking garage, which will minimize parking
pressures in the surrounding vicinity.
N/A (C) Is necessary to foster a specific city policy, as expressed in the Boulder Valley
Comprehensive Plan, including, without limitation, historic preservation, moderate
income housing, residential and non-residential mixed uses in appropriate locations,
and group living arrangements for special populations; or
N/A (D) Is an existing legal non-conforming use or a change thereto that is permitted
under subsection (f) of this section;
3)Compatibility: The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed
development or change to an existing development are such that the use will be reasonably
compatible with and have minimal negative impact on the use of nearby properties or for residential
uses in industrial zoning districts, the proposed development reasonably mitigates the potential
negative impacts from nearby properties;
The proposal is to adaptively reuse the existing property as a 37-unit boutique hotel located in the
DT-2 Zoning District. The DT-2 Zoning Districts is a transitional area between downtown and the
surrounding residential areas that permits a variety of uses, including hotel uses as a Use Review.
The space previously has been used as office space. No exterior alterations or new additions are
proposed. Hotel parking will lease 50 spaces at an existing off-site downtown parking garage.
(4)Infrastructure: As compared to development permitted under Section 9-6-1, "Schedule of
Permitted Uses of Land," B.R.C. 1981, in the zone, or as compared to the existing level of impact of a
non-conforming use, the proposed development will not significantly adversely affect the
infrastructure of the surrounding area, including, without limitation, water, wastewater, and storm
drainage utilities and streets;
The existing infrastructure in the area will be adequate to serve the proposed use, and there will be
no additional impacts associated with the use. The property is located within CAGID and is not
required to have off-street parking; however, the ownership currently leases fifty (50) parking spaces
from the City of Boulder’s Parking Services within the 11th Street and Spruce Street parking garage.
The proposed hotel will continue to utilize those off-street parking spaces as part of the hotel’s
parking management plan.
(5)Character of Area: The use will not change the predominant character of the surrounding
area or the character established by adopted design guidelines or plans for the area; and
As mentioned above, the character of the area immediately surrounding the site is a transitional area
Attachment B - Staff Analysis of Use Review Criteria
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
between downtown and the surrounding residential area which provides an eclectic mix of public,
retail, restaurant, office, personal service, and residential uses. The proposed boutique hotel will
adaptively reuse an existing office building and make no exterior changes to the building. Staff finds
that the proposed use will have little effect on the existing character of the surrounding area and will
continue to add vitality to the downtown area.
(6)Conversion of Dwelling Units to Non-Residential Uses: There shall be a presumption
against approving the conversion of dwelling units in the residential zoning districts set forth in
Subsection 9-5-2(c)(1)(a), B.R.C. 1981, to non-residential uses that are allowed pursuant to a use
review, or through the change of one non-conforming use to another non-conforming use. The
presumption against such a conversion may be overcome by a finding that the use to be approved
serves another compelling social, human services, governmental, or recreational need in the
community including, without limitation, a use for a day care center, park, religious assembly, social
service use, benevolent organization use, art or craft studio space, museum, or an educational use.
Not applicable to this case (no conversion of residential to non-residential – the space to be used for
a hotel is existing office space.
Attachment B - Staff Analysis of Use Review Criteria
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
north1113 Spruce Street Hotel: Conceptual Landscape PlanTebo Properties311 28th Street, Boulder, Colorado0 5 10 20Flatirons, Inc.Surveying, Engineering & Geomaticswww.FlatironsInc.com16406
New Bike Rack w/ Clear Zone
New Street Tree in Grate
Updated Landscaping
PUD Landscape Plan
Scale: 1” = 20’
1. At the time of Building Permit application, a Landscape Plan
will be submitted meeting the planting plan criteria approved
at the time of the PUD. Should the threshold of of
9-9-12(b)(1), B.R.C. 1981be met, the Plan will meet the
current landscape standards.
2. Two (2) new approved Street Trees will be installed in
tree grates per Drawing Number 3.03 of the City of
Boulder DCS.
3. Three (3) new Short-term Bicycle Racks to be located within
50’ of entrance. Exact location and design/type to be
finalized at building permit in coordination with final
landscaping and site improvements. Racks to be installed
per Drawing Number 2.52.B of the City of Boulder DCS.
Attachment C - Proposed Plans
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
&2 &,//2 2//-
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&/2( &,//2 2//-
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Secure Long-Term
Bike Parking Room
Attachment C - Proposed Plans
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
Attachment C - Proposed Plans
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
Attachment C - Proposed Plans
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
Attachment C - Proposed Plans
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
Attachment C - Proposed Plans
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
Attachment C - Proposed Plans
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
Tebo Properties | 1111 Spruce St
Land Use Review Application | Written Statement
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Boutique Hotel 2
Parking Management 3
Landscaping 4
Use Review Criteria 4
1. Consistency with Zoning and Non-conformity.4
2. Rationale 5
3. Compatibility.5
4. Infrastructure.6
5. Character of Area.6
6. Conversion of Dwelling Units to Non-Residential Uses.6
Management Plan 6
Hours of Operation 6
Guest Arrival and Departure Times 6
Parking Management 7
Amenities Offered 7
Coordinated Times for Deliveries and Trash Collection 7
Techniques and Strategies to Mitigate Impacts 8
Security Plan 8
The Facility’s Drug and Alcohol Policy 8
Neighborhood Outreach and Communication 8
Sustainability Initiatives 8
The owners of 1111 Spruce Street, also known as The Registry, are proposing to change the use
of the building from its current use of office to hotel. The 20,039 square foot building would be
repurposed to a 37-room boutique hotel. The 4-story (plus basement) structure is 45 feet tall and
sits on 0.16 acres, is zoned DT-2, and is within the Mapleton Historic District. Current use of the
Attachment D - Written Statement
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
building is office, and there is an existing PUD on the property. Per the underlying zoning, the
desired new use of the property is a boutique, small, local downtown hotel. The property is
located within the City’s Downtown Boulder Business Improvement District (BID) and the Central
Area General Improvement District (CAGID).
Boutique Hotel
The future 37-room hotel will feature on-site property management staff during traditional
business hours and a designated business loading zone adjacent to the hotel entrance. An
estimated 15 employees will operate the hotel. The hotel is located in an excellent downtown
location, 1 block off of Pearl Street in a very walkable and transit rich neighborhood. The proposed
use would have minimal impact on the neighborhood, as no special events would occur onsite.
The hotel would appeal to families visiting college students, business visitors and extended
families during holidays and summer months. For an example of the type of small downtown,
boutique hotel anticipated for this adaptive reuse please see the George Hotel in Montclair, NJ.
Anticipated amenities for guests include a laundry room, indoor and outdoor bicycle storage, a
small gym, and a small business center. The hotel is not anticipated to host events nor is it
anticipated to feature a restaurant/bar. There is an existing elevator in the building. The hotel will
incorporate sustainability practices, including water and energy conservation.
As a small boutique hotel, there will be no entertainment services nor any events hosted at the
hotel. There will be no electronic amplifiers on-site. There is a small deck area on the top floor that
may be utilized by guests (seating would be limited to small tables). The on-site property
Attachment D - Written Statement
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
management and 24 hour concierge staff will ensure loitering does not take place and that
property/facility are maintained. Employee staff will be responsible for preventing littering and
maintaining an orderly appearance of the property and facility.
On-site employees and on-site cameras will provide continual oversight and monitorization of the
property and guest comfort.. All individual hotel rooms will be locked and made accessible to
guests in accordance with standard hotel practices.
Parking Management
The Property is located within CAGID and is not required to have on-street parking; however, the
ownership currently leases 50 parking spaces from the City of Boulder’s Parking Services within
the 11th St. and Spruce St. parking garage. The future hotel would like to utilize two on-street
parking spaces located directly in front of the building for valet and on TNC (UBER/Lyft) purposes.
Loading zone stalls would be for all members of the public to use, not for the exclusive use of the
Our project team has met with Community Vitality and Parking Services to discuss the potential
utilization of these spaces, and will continue to discuss through the Use Review process. Key
elements of the parking arrangement would include:
●If used as valet stalls by the hotel, they would follow the same agreement as the
Boulderado example given – valet operates outside the right-of-way from the hotel entry
area. Valet would park vehicles not only for the hotel, but all visitors wishing a valet
operation to park them, and the fee for the hourly rate would match the on-street
prevailing rate in the district. These stalls could also be used for the Transportation
Network Companies (TNC).
●There is a loading zone along the east side of 11th Street from Morrison Alley to the edge
of the Pearl Street Mall. The proposed hotel may also use this area and will be mindful of
the existing intended use and associated hours. TNC’s and taxi use begins at 6:00 PM.
Loading zone times, to serve the adjacent businesses, are during the day until 6:00 PM.
●We will also continue to coordinate with Community Vitality and Ryan Noles,
Transportation Division, to assist in assessing the curbside use in both of these areas.
There are currently 2 vehicle parking spaces in the rear of the property which will be utilized for
deliveries and additional services. Bicycle parking is provided on the property in the form of both
long-term and short-term. Guests to the hotel will be encouraged to take the bus or utilize other
rideshare options to Downtown Boulder. Twelve bicycle parking spaces are required for the 37
room hotel. Six of the twelve bicycle parking spaces are required to be short-term bicycle parking
spaces with the remaining six spaces being long-term bicycle parking spaces. Bike parking will be
designed to the standards for both long-term and short-term bicycle parking can be found in
section 9-9-6(g) of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981 and section 2.11 of the City's Design and
Construction Standards.
Attachment D - Written Statement
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
The property is subject to P-82-59, which approved the existing 20,039-SF, along with a 49 foot tall
building through the PUD and Height Review process. Noted PUD condition of approval states “no
residential units are included in the proposal. They may be added if they meet parking and open
space requirements.” The proposed boutique hotel falls within the City classified lodging uses (not
residential uses) and would utilize the existing building “as is” and does not propose any exterior
changes to the structure. Internal room layout will utilize existing floorplans, plumbing and internal
The existing on-site landscaping loosely follows that of the original PUD. Overtime, some trees
have been removed, plants have been replaced and the sidewalk SOD around the street trees have
been replaced with brick. Minor landscaping updates are planned; however, these will not change
the overall layout nor structure to existing pathways, walls, or trash enclosures. Updates will be
focused along Spruce Street and will focus on meeting current code requirements while including
the required number of bicycle parking spaces and street trees.
Use Review Criteria
1.Consistency with Zoning and Non-conformity.
The use is consistent with the purpose of the zoning district as set forth in Section 9-5-2,
“Zoning Districts Established”, B.R.C. 1981, except in the case of a non-conforming use;
Response: The property is located within Downtown 2 zoning district which the City
defines as “A transition area between the downtown and the surrounding residential areas
where a wide range of retail, office, residential, and public uses are permitted. A balance of
new development with the maintenance and renovation of existing buildings is
anticipated, and where development and redevelopment consistent with the established
Attachment D - Written Statement
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
historic and urban design character is encouraged.” (BVRC 9-5-2(c)(3)(A)). While the use is
permitted in this zone after a use review approval, it will be located within very close
proximity to several other lodging uses in the Boulder downtown area (Boulderado, St.
Julien, the Bradley). Placing a hotel in this heavily visited area will further support the
economic vitality of Boulder’s various retail and dining opportunities. This Boutique Hotel
is subtle in nature and operations in comparison to the other much larger downtown
hotels, will continue to act as a buffer to the surrounding residential community to the
north, and will have no negative impacts to the neighboring community. Interior renovation
and improvement of this existing building while maintaining the exterior design is in
alignment with the DT-2 definition while maintaining the character of the Mapleton Historic
The use either:
a. Provides a direct service or convenience to or reduces adverse impacts to the
surrounding uses or neighborhood;
b. Provides a compatible transition between higher intensity and lower intensity uses;
c. Is necessary to foster a specific city policy, as expressed in the BVCP, including
without limitation, historic preservation, moderate income housing, residential and
non-residential mixed uses in appropriate location, and group living arrangements
for special populations; OR
d. Is an existing legal non-conforming use or a change thereto that is permitted under
subsection (e) of this section.
Response: Located on the periphery of the Boulder downtown area, a new boutique hotel
enhances the transitional area between the larger downtown area that features large and
well established hotels, numerous offices, countless retail and dining opportunities, and
taller buildings towards the smaller residential community to the north downtown. This
boutique hotel is small in comparison to the nearby larger hotels and does not expand the
building footprint or size. The hotel’s operations will be quiet and will not have an impact
on the nearby residents. Onsite property management and 24 hour employee presence
and video surveillance ensures the hotel operations are maintained and non-burdensome
to neighbors.
The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed development or
change to an existing development are such that the use will be reasonably compatible with
and have minimal negative impact on the use of the nearby properties;
Response: The adaptive reuse of the existing office building into a boutique hotel in this
location is fully compatible as it is situated with close proximity to other well established
hotels and other various uses near the Boulder downtown area. There will be no negative
impact to the nearby properties as onsite property management and 24 hour employee
presence and video surveillance will ensure the hotel operations are maintained and
Attachment D - Written Statement
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
non-burdensome to neighbors. The boutique hotel will be quiet in nature and not feature a
restaurant or bar, nor will it host any events.
As compared to development permitted under Section 9-6-1, “Permitted Uses of Land”,
B.R.C. 1981, in the zone, or as compared to the existing level of impact of a nonconforming
use, the proposed development will not significantly or adversely affect the infrastructure of
the surrounding area, including without limitation, water, wastewater, and storm draining
utilities and streets.
Response: Nearby instructure will not be impacted as a result of transforming the use
from offices to a hotel.
5.Character of Area.
The use will not change the predominant character of the surrounding area.
Response: No exterior changes are proposed to the existing building. The building will
maintain its facade character and will not impact the overall character of the Mapleton
Historic District. The use is permitted via use review and is located nearby other well
established hotels and other various uses.
6.Conversion of Dwelling Units to Non-Residential Uses.
Conversion of Dwelling Units to Non- Residential Uses: There shall be a presumption against
approving the conversion of dwelling units in the residential zoning districts set forth in
Subsection 9-6-1(d), B.R.C. 1981, to non-residential uses that are allowed pursuant to a use
review, or through the change of one non-conforming use to another non- conforming use.
The presumption against such a conversion may be overcome by a finding that the use to
be approved serves another compelling social, human services, governmental, or
recreational need in the community including, without limitation, a use for a day care center,
park, religious assembly, social service use, benevolent organization use, art or craft studio
space, museum, or an educational use.
Response: N/A
Management Plan
Hours of Operation
The hotel will operate 24 hours a day. On-site property management will be present
Monday-Friday from 9am to 5pm while a 24 hours concierge service will be present at all times.
The hotel will be operated by an estimated 15 employees.
Guest Arrival and Departure Times
Traditional hotel check-in/chek-out times will occur. Arrival (check-in) times will take place after
4pm and departure (check-out) times before 11am. Guests are welcome to come and go as they
Attachment D - Written Statement
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
desire. The 24 hour concierge service and day time on-site property management will ensure
guest and property safety are maintained. Guests will have access to the hotel at all times.
Parking Management
Two parking spaces in the rear of the building will be for hotel operations only. Guest parking will
be provided in the form of curb-side valet services 24 hours a day. This valet service is not only
available to hotel guests, but also to the general public. The valet services location is provided by
2 on-street parking spaces that are paid for by the hourly rate that matches the on-street
prevailing rate in this parking district. Vehicle parking for those who use the hotel’s valet service is
to be located in one of the hotel’s permitted 50 parking spots located within the City’s parking
garage at 11th and Spruce. These 50 parking permits are to be repurchased from the City of
Boulder’s Parking Services department quarterly.
Amenities Offered
Kitchen: There will be no on-site food service provided to site visitors or employees. There will be
no on-site kitchen for guest use.
Laundry: On-site laundry facilities will be made available to guests. Laundry will either be
performed by the hotel’s staff for a fee or guests will have the opportunity to use coin-operated
laundry machines. The laundry room will be inspected daily by the management team to ensure
overall cleanliness and equipment safety.
Bicycle Parking: Bicycle parking will be provided at a ratio of 1 bicycle parking space per 3 guest
rooms. 50% of all bicycle parking spaces will be secured long-term, while the remaining 50% will
be provided as short-term (per code). Long-term bicycle parking is located on the first floor in the
form a secured/lockable room. Long-term bicycle storage will be made available to hotel
employees and guests upon request. Only hotel employees may access the room; however,
guests may accompany hotel employees to the long-term bicycle storage room. Bicycles are
permitted in both the elevator and staircase. Six bicycles are permitted within the long-term
bicycle room.
Gym: A small onsite exercise room will be provided to guests. This room will be inspected daily by
the management team to ensure overall cleanliness and equipment safety.
Business Center: A small office will be available for guests for the purpose of professional work
including computing and printing. The business center will be inspected daily by the management
team to ensure overall cleanliness and equipment performance.
Coordinated Times for Deliveries and Trash Collection
Deliveries to 1111 Spruce will include mail, consumable supplies, and some larger equipment.
Mail deliveries may be expected on as many as 6 days per week [per USPS] and deliveries by
Fedex/UPS up to 5-6 days per week. All deliveries will enter through the main entrance to the
building. Trash, compost and recycling pickups will take place once per week per Western
Attachment D - Written Statement
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce
Disposal’s collection schedule. A large dumpster(s) in the rear of the building will be provided to
ensure all trash is properly contained and allocated.
Techniques and Strategies to Mitigate Impacts
As a small boutique hotel, there will be no entertainment services nor any events hosted at the
hotel. There will be no electronic amplifiers on-site and there are no outdoor congregation zones.
The on-site property management and 24 hour concierge staff will ensure loitering does not take
place and that property/facility security are maintained. Employee staff will be responsible for
preventing littering and maintaining an orderly appearance of the property and facility.
Security Plan
On-site employees and on-site cameras will provide continual surveillance and monitorization of
the property and guest safety. All individual hotel rooms will be locked and made accessible to
guests in accordance with standard hotel practices.
The Facility’s Drug and Alcohol Policy
The hotel is a smoke-free (tobacco and marijuana) hotel and does not permit smoking anywhere
on the premises or in the rooms. The hotel will not provide any alcohol sales to guests or the
general public on-site (no bar and no mini-bars).
Neighborhood Outreach and Communication
1111 Spruce St. hotel is committed to being a good neighbor to the surrounding community. We
plan on continuing an active dialogue with surrounding community members and the City of
Boulder to provide timely and transparent information regarding our transition to a hotel and
future operational activities. Proper engagement methods and best practices include maintaining
open lines of communication while implementing an open-door policy with our neighbors that
builds face-to-face relationships and alleviates any issues that may arise in a constructive
environment. Using our proposed engagement framework, 1111 Spruce intends to develop long
lasting relationships that strengthen our immediate Downtown Boulder community.
Sustainability Initiatives
The Hotel will strive to implement multiple sustainability measures as feasible to reduce the
overall environmental impact. Sustainability initiatives will focus on water conservation and
proper waste allocation management.
Attachment D - Written Statement
Item 4A - 1111 Spruce