More on Prairie Dogs!From:elizabeth@elizabethblackart.com To:Dave Kuntz; Jon Carroll; Michelle Estrella; Brady Robinson; OSBT-Web Subject:More on Prairie Dogs! Date:Thursday, July 6, 2023 8:26:36 PM Attachments:PDF_For_OSBT_7_6_23From_HEAL.pdf External Sender Hello OSBT, We have put together a packet of information for you about staff’s proposed changes to prairie dog management on OSMP’s irrigated agricultural properties, which you can find in the attached PDF. (Dave and Brady, we already gave you a hard copy of this PDF. Michelle and Jon, if you would like a hard copy, just let me know where to drop one off.) The PDF includes: Questions we hope you will consider asking staff about their proposal. Our revised spreadsheet of Category A, B, C, and D properties with new information on prairie-dog-occupied irrigated acres from Heather Swanson and water rights from Andy Pelster. Key Takeaways from the information in this spreadsheet. A map of the properties in question to show their locations and agricultural significance. We realize that this is a ton of information to look through and fit into your very busy schedules. Brady has asked us to make a short list of a few “Asks”, to narrow down the key things that we want. We are pulling that together and hope to have it to you by tomorrow. If you have any questions about any of this information, or would like to see some of the properties, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Thank you very much for your service and your consideration of this contentious subject, Elizabeth Black Elizabeth Black 303-449-7532h 720-839-5576c Elizabeth@ElizabethBlackArt.com 4340 N 13th St Boulder CO 80304 To Unsubcribe, click on Elizabeth@ElizabethBlackArt.com and tell me to remove you. Hello OSBT, We have compiled some information for you to look at before your July 12th meeting. Included are: • Our revised spreadsheet of Category A, B, C, and D properties with new information from staff. • Key Takeaways from the information in the spreadsheet. • A map of the properties in question to show their locations and agricultural significance. We hope you will ask staff the following questions, which will address some neighbor concerns. CATEGORIES • Will staff add a firm commitment to this proposal that at least half of prairie-dog-removal-acreage will be in the Northern Project Area each year going forward? • Will category language be revised to include 1) Categories are descriptive, not prescriptive, 2) Properties can change categories as conditions change, 3) Staff will remove prairie dogs from properties in multiple categories each year, and 4) Category D properties will be redesignated only with approval of neighbors bordering the property, after a transparent public process, and after a vigorous attempt to first remediate the property. • Definitions of Categories A-D are different in the 6/14 packet from definitions of Categories A-D in staff’s slide presentation on 6/14. What are the correct Category definitions? EXTENT OF ANNUAL LAND CLEARING • Are staff planning to clear prairie dogs from the entirety of the listed properties, or only the irrigated portions of the properties? If staff is only clearing prairie dogs from the irrigated portions, how will the cleared portion and neighboring landowners be protected from prairie dog incursion and damage from the remaining prairie dogs on the unirrigated land? How effective have OSMP’s barriers been? • OSMP has cleared 346 acres of prairie dogs from 2020-2022. (Source: Andy Pelster Prairie Dog Report to public 12/21/22, see image page 2. 359-13=346) However, the acreage of prairie-dog-occupied irrigable lands has decreased by only 157 acres from 2020-2022 because of rapid prairie dog population growth. (Source: Andy Pelster Prairie Dog Report to public 12/21/2022, see image page 2. 1041-884=157) Only 45% of all removals decrease the number of occupied irrigated acres; 55% of removals have only matched the population growth on irrigable acres. Increasing lethal control to 200 acres/year, which Council approved, would result in bigger annual decreases in occupied lands, and fewer prairie dogs killed in the long run. Will lethal control be increased to 200 ac./yr.? Will an in-house PERC crew make 200 ac./yr. of lethal control possible? If not, why not? BARRIERS & COST SHARING PROGRAM • A barrier cost-sharing program is recommended by prairie dog advocates, the Prairie Dog Working Group and neighbors. There is NO apparent community opposition to it. Staff say legal problems have blocked the barrier cost-sharing program progress for the last 3 years. What are the legal problems? What are possible solutions to the legal problems? Will staff draft an ordinance to fix the legal problems? • Barriers are the program’s largest single expense. Will the in-house PERC crew install barriers in addition to their other duties, helping to decrease barrier costs and increase efficiencies? REDESIGNATIONS • Currently, when prairie dogs are relocated, Colorado Parks and Wildlife requires OSMP to first get approval of neighbors bordering the receiving site. Neighbors want OSMP to also first get their approval for redesignation of an OSMP ag property, using the same process as for a receiving site. What is the current public process for redesignation of a property? How does redesignation of a property change OSMP’s management options for controlling prairie dogs when the redesignated land becomes severely degraded by prairie dogs? How can staff make redesignation more transparent and public? Will staff first get bordering neighbors’ approval before redesignating a property, just as is done for receiving sites? WATER • Water rights can be purchased, rented, moved or exchanged. Have these options been studied for ag properties in the Northern Project Area which staff considers “water-short” properties? With what results? MONITORING OF DAMAGE TO ALL LANDS WITH UNCONTROLLED PRAIRIE DOGS • The You-Tube video of soil erosion on OSMP properties (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8772QvgDzA) shows clear damage to OSMP ag lands with uncontrolled prairie dogs. Does staff monitor the extent of damage to properties with uncontrolled prairie dogs, and have clear guidelines for how much damage is too much? At what levels of soil erosion and vegetation degradation will staff consider and advocate for lethal control of prairie dogs on OSMP’s unirrigated lands and grassland preserves? Thank you very much for your attention to this very complex issue. Elizabeth Black & Paula Shuler  1041 Irrigated Occupied Acres in 2020 minus 884 Irrigated Occupied Acres in 2022 equals a 157 Acre Decrease in Irrigated Occupied Acres from 2020-2022.  359 Acres Removed minus 13 Acres Removed in 2018 equals 346 Acres Removed from 2020- 2022. PowerPoint Slides from Andy Pelster ’s Prairie Dog Report to public, 12/21/22 Descriptive Analysis of Category A, B, C, & D Properties KEY TAKE-AWAYS 1. Only 53% of the prairie dogs currently occupying these 31 properties are slated for removal, according to information from staff. 2. After the 749 Irrigable Occupied Acres on all 31 properties are cleared, remaining prairie dogs will continue to proliferate on 671 acres of 20 of these properties, on their un-irrigable portions. 3. Staff projects the current rate of removals from irrigated portions of these 31 properties to remain the same, at 100-150 acres of removals/year. Assuming that there is no further expansion of any of these colonies (a false assumption), it will take 5-8 years to clear all “Irrigable Occupied Acres” of all 31 properties. 4. However, factoring in recent colony growth rates, removing 100-150 acres of prairie dogs/year results in a net decrease of only 45-68 acres/year. Factoring in recent colony growth rates, it will take 11-17 years to clear all “Irrigable Occupied Acres” of all 31 properties at current removal rates. 5. The 671 acres on the 20 properties where prairie dogs have not been removed will continue to experience severe soil erosion, exotic weed infestations, further soil health and native vegetation degradation, exceptionally poor neighbor relations, and will be unleasable. 6. Almost all properties have excellent and extremely valuable water rights. Water rights can be purchased, rented, moved or exchanged for properties with sub-optimal water rights. The sources of our information in this spreadsheet include: 1. Date and cost of property acquisition, plus total acreage of property: Spreadsheet titled “OSMP Real Estate Acquisitions”, by Mo Valenta, 10/24/18. 2. State Agricultural Land Designation: Map of Agricultural Lands of State-wide Significance, Grassland Ecosystem Mater Plan, OSMP, page 101. 3. Condition of Property on Acquisition: Council Agenda packets https://boulder.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/ for property acquisition and lands suitable for diversified vegetable production. 4. Water Rights information: Council Agenda packets https://boulder.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/ property acquisition and “Water Rights by Property” by Andy Pelster, OSMP. 5. Acres Currently occupied by prairie dogs: Prairie dog census tables at https://open-data.bouldercolorado.gov/datasets/ “OSMP Prairie Dog Colonies All Years”. Updated: 5/12/23 6. Irrigable Occupied Acres: “p.dog overlap with irrigable lands fall 2022” by Heather Swanson OSMP. 7. Acres of Prairie Dogs remaining after removal from irrigable portion calculated by subtracting Irrigable Occupied Acres from Currently Occupied Acres on each property. Boulder Valley Ranch-Lore-Ellison, Brewbaker-Stratton and Canino-Iannacito-Stepanek properties were lumped together in some staff totals, and so are treated as group entities in parts of this analysis. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Black 720-839-5576 Elizabeth@ElizabethBlackArt.com or Paula Shuler 303-324-9888 pshuler@mac.com. TOTALSDate AcquiredAcquisition Cost to taxpayersTotal AcreageState Agricultural Lands DesignationCondition on AcquisitionWater rights at Acquisition or per OSMP spreadsheetCurrently Occupied AcresIrrigable Occupied AcresAcres of PD's remaining after removal from irrigable portion$33,180,3913571.091421.722749.3671.685 Category A- Ready to GoProperty DesignationIn/out of project area Current MngmtDate AcquiredAcquisition Cost to taxpayersTotal AcreageState Agricultural Lands DesignationCondition on AcquisitionWater rights at Acquisition or per OSMP spreadsheetPD Occupied Acres on entire propertyPD Occupied Acres on irrigable portionAcres of PD's remaining after removal from irrigable portionAutrey Outside; Transition 7/25/89$1,169,698173.17Prime Agricultural Lands"129 acres historically hayed and aftermath grazed. 22 acres historically grazed."37 or 62 shares of the South Boulder Canon Ditch, and 1 share of the McGinn Ditch; Burke-Hodgson lateral; 7.5557.50Teller Middle Outside; Transition 2/25/84$1,556,488345.58State-wide Ag Significance"124 acres suitable for diversified vegetables"143 shares Leyner Cottonwood, 4 shares Marshallville and Dry Creek ditches, 119 water days2.4022.40Teller/Bell North Outside; Transition 4/3/92$620,00063.99Prime Agricultural Lands plus State-wide Ag Significance"51 acres suitable for diversified vegetable production"190 shares Leyner Cottonwood, 1 share Cottonwood #2, 8 shares Andrews Farwell, Marshallville and Dry Creek ditches, 119 water days46.9917.929.09Hartnagle Outside;Removal 6/5/97$530,00088.28Prime Agricultural Lands"All of property suitable for vegetable production"80 shares Dry Creek Davidson Ditch, 103 days of water; 1/3rd of storage water rights Teller lake4.7774.80Warner Outside; Removal 9/20/90$433,40059.25Prime Agricultural Lands"33 acres suitable for vegetable production"75 shares Leyner Cottonwood #2 Ditch 139 days of water; 1/3rd of storage water rights Teller lake4.7334.70Andrus Center Outside; Transition 12/31/77$389,208118.56State-wide Ag Significance?168 shares North Boulder Farmers Ditch for all of Andrus0.20.60McKenzie (E of trail) Outside; Removal 8/12/74$625,000229.8State-wide Ag Significancehayfield131.5 shares Boulder & Whiterock Ditch; 2 shares Farmers Ditch68.87534.933.975SUBTOTALSAcquisition Cost to taxpayersTotal AcreageCurrently occupied acresIrrigable occupied acresAcres of PD's remaining after removal from irrigable portion$5,323,7941078.63135.53272.863.065 Category B- Some investment required and/or ecological or other challenges existProperty DesignationIn/out of project area Current MngmtDate AcquiredAcquisition Cost to taxpayersTotal AcreageState Agricultural Lands DesignationCondition on AcquisitionWater rights at Acquisition or per OSMP spreadsheetPD Occupied Acres on entire propertyPD Occupied Acres on irrigable portionAcres of PD's remaining after removal from irrigable portionBVR Lore-Ellison Inside;Grassland Preserve5/8/92$690,00075.17State-wide Ag Significancehay fields and pasture18 shares (66 ac ft/share) of Farmers ditch for all of BV Ranch Properties For all BVR prop: 533.73261.7 for all BVR prop; 41.4 here272.03 for all BVR PropertiesBVR 103 Inside;Grassland Preserve1/1/73$900,000628.09State-wide Ag Significancehay fields and pasture18 shares (66 ac ft/share) of Farmers ditch for all of BV Ranch Properties For all BVR prop: 533.73261.7 for all BVR prop; 168.2 here272.03 for all BVR PropertiesTeller S/ Anderson N Outside;Transition1/17/92$902,400140.25Prime Agricultural Lands?102.5 shares Davidson Ditch; 40 shares Dry Creek Davidson Ditch42.19422.919.294Straty-Cline Outside;Removal5/26/98$995,00071.4State-wide Ag Significance"13 acres suitable for diversified vegetables, rest to hay/grazing"96 shares North Boulder Farmers ditch for 142 days7.6337.60SUBTOTALSAcquisition Cost to taxpayersTotal AcreageCurrently occupied acresIrrigable occupied acresAcres of PD's remaining after removal from irrigable portionSUBTOTALS$3,487,400914.91583.557292.2291.324 Category C- Significant investment required and/or substantial ecological or other challenges existProperty DesignationIn/out of project area Current MngmtDate AcquiredAcquisition Cost to taxpayersTotal AcreageState Agricultural Lands DesignationCondition on AcquisitionWater rights at Acquisition or per OSMP spreadsheetPD Occupied Acres on entire propertyPD Occupied Acres on irrigable portionAcres of PD's remaining after removal from irrigable portionBennett Inside;Transition 6/7/07$3,563,000122.44State-wide Ag Significance"45 acres suitable for grass hay production, cow calf operation"66 units CBT, 9 shares Lefthand Ditch, ownership of Bennett Reservoir #1 with 8.57 acre feet; 2 shares New Table Mountain Ditch66.56845.920.668Brewbaker North pasture Inside; Removal 6/11/96$700,000138.4State-wide Ag Significance?153 shares Lefthand Ditch Company through Crocker and Crow-John ditches Brewbaker +Stratton =101.72963.9 for Brewbaker-Stratton; 17.9 here37.83 for all Brewbaker Stratton propBrewbaker North of fence Inside; Removal Included aboveIncluded aboveIncluded aboveState-wide Ag Significance?Sharing with Brewbaker North pasture 153 shares Lefthand Ditch Company through Crocker and Crow-John ditches included above63.9 for Brewbaker-Stratton; 26.2 here37.83 for all Brewbaker Stratton propStratton SW Inside; Removal 12/13/07$3,213,00070.41State-wide Ag Significance"grazing/hay production; 10 acres suitable for vegetable production"40 shares of Lefthand Ditch Company, ownership of 3 non-adjudicated year-round pondsBrewbaker+Stratton=101.72963.9 for Brew.-Strat.; 18.9 here37.83 for all Brewbaker Stratton propSteele Inside;Transition 2/22/00$190,00095State-wide Ag Significance"30 acres irrigated pasture, with rest mixed grass prairie"75 shares Lefthand ditch company through North Tollgate Ditch79.36125.453.961Henriksen Inside;Grassland Preserve6/25/97$414,12838.93State-wide Ag Significance?0.25 shares Farmers Ditch, 16.6 acre-feet~104.55.5Papini Inside;Grassland Preserve11/13/07$1,330,00077.42no designation"Land suitable for agricultural production"3/4 share Farmers ditch (50 ac-ft), several ponds on site; "property holds good potential for irrigation"~190.318.7Belgrove (N of creek) Outside; Transition 6/13/80$1,577,00089.05no designationhay pasture with grazingPart of BVR's Farmers ditch shares62.58262.50Andrus North Outside; Transition 12/31/77$389,208118.56State-wide Ag Significance?168 shares North Boulder Farmers Ditch for all of Andrus13.1475.87.347Minnetrista Outside;Transition 12/1/80$650,00097Locally important Ag Land?46.75 shares Boulder & White Rock Ditch; CBT water in 202259.17758.70SUBTOTALSAcquisition Cost to taxpayersTotal AcreageCurrently occupied acresIrrigable occupied acresAcres of PD's remaining after removal from irrigable portion$12,026,336847.21411.564267144.006 Category D- Restoration to irrigated agriculture unlikely in near futureProperty DesignationIn/out of project area Current MngmtDate AcquiredAcquisition Cost to taxpayersTotal AcreageState Agricultural Lands DesignationCondition on AcquisitionWater rights at Acquisition or per OSMP spreadsheetPD Occupied Acres on entire propertyPD Occupied Acres on irrigable portionAcres of PD's remaining after removal from irrigable portionBVR Lore-Ellison (S of trail) Inside; Grassland Preserve5/8/92$690,00075.17State-wide Ag SignificanceHay fieldGets tail water from other parts of BVRanch~57261.7 for all BVR prop; 52.1 here272.03 for all BVR PropertiesBennett North Inside; Transition 6/7/07$3,563,000122.44State-wide Ag Significance"45 acres suitable for grass hay production, cow calf operation"66 units CBT water, 9 shares Lefthand Ditch, Bennett Reservoir #1 with 8.57 Ac/Ft.66.56818.747.868Abbott Inside; Transition 1/14/02$750,00050.72State-wide Ag Significance"Dryland and irrigated, smooth brome, excellent condition, wet meadow. Hay and grazing"First right of refusal to purchase 20 shares of Lefthand ditch upon acquisition; 12 shares Wright ditch.21.479210Waldorf Inside; Mult. Obj. Area4/15/02$1,300,00074.4State-wide Ag Significance"50% prairie dog occupation"Spring on property; 10 shares of Lefthand ditch45.93528.917.035Ryan Inside; Mult. Obj. Area11/28/01$1,332,50070.01State-wide Ag Significance"mesas, spring drainages and irrigated pastures, hay plus grazing"13 shares of Lefthand ditch; perennial spring29.1310.728.431IBM South Inside;Removal 10/29/97$3,700,000153.9no designationhay fieldDryland; irrigation water can't reach. Creek runs through.55.23613.641.636CaninoOutside;Irrigable part is Mult. Obj. Area 12/28/90$252,50037.89State-wide Ag Significance?10 shares North Boulder Farmers Ditch and 2.033 shares Boulder and Left Hand Ditch shared with Iannacito; 8 units CBT 40.45 includes Iannacito & Stepanek22.917.55IannacitoOutside;Irrigable part is Mult. Obj. Area 6/19/90$184,00038.08State-wide Ag Significance?Shared water rights with Canino; plus 7 units CBTIncluded in CaninoIncluded in CaninoIncluded in CaninoStepanek Outside;Mult. Obj. Area6/7/95$288,75034.04State-wide Ag Significance??Included in CaninoIncluded in CaninoIncluded in CaninoKaufman Outside;Prairie Dog Conservation 12/18/74$282,11173.7State-wide Ag Significance??32.2711.520.77SUBTOTALSAcquisition Cost to taxpayersTotal AcreageCurrently occupied acresIrrigable occupied acresAcres of PD's remaining after removal from irrigable portion$12,342,861730.35291.069117.3173.29