FW Caroline Miller.From:Huntley, Sarah
To:Friend, Rachel
Cc:Rivera-Vandermyde, Nuria; Tate, Teresa; Burke, Dan; CouncilMembers; OSBT
Subject:FW: Caroline Miller.
Date:Friday, July 7, 2023 9:58:48 AM
Forwarding email from a constituent …
From: Lynn Segal <lynnsegal7@hotmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 10:46 PM
To: Friend, Rachel <FriendR@bouldercolorado.gov>
Cc: Tate, Teresa <tatet@bouldercolorado.gov>; Burke, Dan <burked@bouldercolorado.gov>; Rivera-Vandermyde, Nuria <rivera-
vandermyden@bouldercolorado.gov>; Hollweg, Karen <HollwegK@bouldercolorado.gov>; Rivera-Vandermyde, Nuria <rivera-
vandermyden@bouldercolorado.gov>; Tate, Teresa <tatet@bouldercolorado.gov>; Friend, Rachel <FriendR@bouldercolorado.gov>; Benjamin, Matthew
<BenjaminM@bouldercolorado.gov>; Wallach, Mark <WallachM@bouldercolorado.gov>; Folkerts, Lauren <folkertsl@bouldercolorado.gov>; Speer, Nicole
<speern@bouldercolorado.gov>; Brockett, Aaron <BrockettA@bouldercolorado.gov>; Yates, Bob <yatesb@bouldercolorado.gov>; Winer, Tara
<winert@bouldercolorado.gov>; Joseph, Junie <JosephJ@bouldercolorado.gov>; WRAB <WRAB@bouldercolorado.gov>; OSBT <OSBT@bouldercolorado.gov>;
boulderplanningboard <boulderplanningboard@bouldercolorado.gov>; TAB <tab@bouldercolorado.gov>; Environmental Advisory Board
<environmentaladvisoryboard@bouldercolorado.gov>; Housing Advisory Board Group <HousingAdvisoryBoardGroup@bouldercolorado.gov>; Human Relations
Commission <hrc@bouldercolorado.gov>; Burke, Dan <burked@bouldercolorado.gov>; boulderplanningboard <boulderplanningboard@bouldercolorado.gov>;
randall weiner <randall@randallweiner.com>; astolzmann@bouldercounty.gov; Grunewald, Megan <grunewaldm@bouldercolorado.gov>; Huntley, Sarah
<Huntleys@bouldercolorado.gov>; Aulabaugh, Shannon <aulabaughs@bouldercolorado.gov>; Burke, Dan <burked@bouldercolorado.gov>; Steven Telleen
<stelleen@comcast.net>; Jeff McWhirter <jeff.mcwhirter@gmail.com>; margaret.lecompte@gmail.com; lisa@mother-house.org; lisa.sweeney-miran@bvsd.org;
suzanne delucia <sdelucia@frontrangebusiness.com>; alan delamere <wadelamere@comcast.net>; Pomerance, Stephen <stevepom335@comcast.net>;
hal.hallstein@gmail.com; Peter Mayer <peter.mayer@waterdm.com>; plan boulder <advocate@planboulder.org>; Travis Hugh Culley
<travishughculley@gmail.com>; ben binder <bbinder@ddginc.com>; timothy <timothy@schoechle.org>; darren oconnor <constanciodarren@gmail.com>; Elam,
Carolyn <elamc@bouldercolorado.gov>; lisa@mother-house.org; lisa.sweeney-miran@bvsd.org; Guiler, Karl <guilerk@bouldercolorado.gov>; Llanes, Sandra
<llaness@bouldercolorado.gov>; Pannewig, Hella <pannewigh@bouldercolorado.gov>; braddsegal <braddsegal@gmail.com>; Koehn, Jonathan
<koehnj@bouldercolorado.gov>; jonathan hondorf <jonathanhondorf@aol.com>; isabel morales <isabel.oliveramorales@gmail.com>; External-Sam Weaver
Subject: Re: Caroline Miller.
Why do you think Caroline was concerned?
Me? I suppose it is not the council that should be negotiating fiduciary land use matters toward the advisory board that serves them. That would be a
conflict of interest. OSBT advises council, that direction, not the reverse. It is perfectly fine to have such a discussion publicly.
It is peculiarly nefarious when those councilors are the members of a subcommittee dedicated to the biggest land use issue to ever come down
between the city and the state since CU itself was positioned in Boulder instead of Canon City. Thats why we have government arranged the way it is.
The less powerful advises the more powerful, because the more powerful have the last word. There is the right to vote, but when no means yes, the
voter him/herself becomes disenfranchised and the whole system breaks down. It's a delicate balance subject to a cascade of ill effects when many
parts of the system are intimately integrated and any one element goes out of balance.
The same conversation went on this very day at the county on the proposed Kamemoto conservation easement vacation for a development, before
annexation by the City of Longmont. Was $2.3 M worth it? Was 1:1 acre worth it at CU? To me, there's no price you can put to it. Priceless.
Land disposal for CU South should have been put to a vote of the people. As should Kanemoto. The cart doesn't come before the horse.
From: Friend, Rachel <FriendR@bouldercolorado.gov>
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 9:25 PM
To: lynnsegal7 <lynnsegal7@hotmail.com>
Cc: Tate, Teresa <TateT@bouldercolorado.gov>; Burke, Dan <BurkeD@bouldercolorado.gov>; Rivera-Vandermyde, Nuria <Rivera-
Subject: Fwd: Caroline Miller.
Hi .
I had a conversation with Hal Halstein and Sam Weaver at some point during my tenure on council, wherein Hal shared his concern that a 1:1 acre trade of land
disposed by OSBT for land given back to OSMP would not be sufficient to make up for the high quality land OSBT was being asked to give up. Rather,
OSMP would likely deserve/need additional acreage (a multiplier of the disposed of acres, essentially) of the lower quality habitat to make up for the loss of
higher quality habitat.
Council members are allowed to chat with // listen to advisory board members’ concerns. I thought (and still think) Hal’s perspective was quite reasonable; can
you explain why you are concerned?
I do not know the dates Sam and I shifted on and off the CU South subcommittee, which existed before and after our tenures on it. Sam and I I started shortly
after my tenure began — so likely sometime late 2019, and ended sometime after the upstream re-analysis occurred, so perhaps early 2021. I imagine this
information is available somewhere in the public record, or you could CORA it; but I don’t have it at my disposal and it is not my job to fulfill CORA requests.
Rachel Friend (she)
City Council Member
(720) 601-0163
From: Lynn Segal <lynnsegal7@hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2023 11:30 PM
To: Hollweg, Karen <HollwegK@bouldercolorado.gov>; Rivera-Vandermyde, Nuria <rivera-vandermyden@bouldercolorado.gov>; Tate, Teresa
<tatet@bouldercolorado.gov>; Friend, Rachel <FriendR@bouldercolorado.gov>; Benjamin, Matthew <BenjaminM@bouldercolorado.gov>; Wallach, Mark
<WallachM@bouldercolorado.gov>; Folkerts, Lauren <folkertsl@bouldercolorado.gov>; Speer, Nicole <speern@bouldercolorado.gov>; Brockett, Aaron
<brocketta@bouldercolorado.gov>; Yates, Bob <yatesb@bouldercolorado.gov>; Winer, Tara <winert@bouldercolorado.gov>; Joseph, Junie
<JosephJ@bouldercolorado.gov>; WRAB <WRAB@bouldercolorado.gov>; OSBT <OSBT@bouldercolorado.gov>; boulderplanningboard
<boulderplanningboard@bouldercolorado.gov>; TAB <tab@bouldercolorado.gov>; Environmental Advisory Board
<environmentaladvisoryboard@bouldercolorado.gov>; Housing Advisory Board Group <HousingAdvisoryBoardGroup@bouldercolorado.gov>; Human Relations
Commission <hrc@bouldercolorado.gov>; Burke, Dan <burked@bouldercolorado.gov>; boulderplanningboard <boulderplanningboard@bouldercolorado.gov>;
Grunewald, Megan <grunewaldm@bouldercolorado.gov>; Huntley, Sarah <Huntleys@bouldercolorado.gov>; Aulabaugh, Shannon
<aulabaughs@bouldercolorado.gov>; Burke, Dan <burked@bouldercolorado.gov>
Cc: Steven Telleen <stelleen@comcast.net>; Jeff McWhirter <jeff.mcwhirter@gmail.com>; margaret.lecompte@gmail.com; lisa@mother-house.org;
lisa.sweeney-miran@bvsd.org; suzanne delucia <sdelucia@frontrangebusiness.com>; alan delamere <wadelamere@comcast.net>; Pomerance, Stephen
<stevepom335@comcast.net>; hal.hallstein@gmail.com; Peter Mayer <peter.mayer@waterdm.com>; plan boulder <advocate@planboulder.org>; Travis Hugh
Culley <travishughculley@gmail.com>; ben binder <bbinder@ddginc.com>; timothy <timothy@schoechle.org>; darren oconnor
<constanciodarren@gmail.com>; Elam, Carolyn <elamc@bouldercolorado.gov>; lisa@mother-house.org; lisa.sweeney-miran@bvsd.org; Guiler, Karl
<guilerk@bouldercolorado.gov>; Llanes, Sandra <llaness@bouldercolorado.gov>; Pannewig, Hella <pannewigh@bouldercolorado.gov>; braddsegal
<braddsegal@gmail.com>; Koehn, Jonathan <koehnj@bouldercolorado.gov>; jonathan hondorf <jonathanhondorf@aol.com>; isabel morales
Subject: Re: Caroline Miller.
External Sender
I need my questions answered, and since I don't exactly know who is accountable to which ones, answer if you know it to be yourself/s. Otherwise
Nuria will have a lot on her plate.
Consider the following regarding Caroline's removal from OSBT.
Events to be connected in some kind of time flow chart:
Phone-call of Sam and Rachel to Hal about land disposal in 2020 - date needed.
Land disposal procedure changes initiated. date needed.
Land disposal procedure changes delayed from 2020 to Nov. 2021
Rachel and Sam initiate and are assigned to CU South Subcommittee - date needed.
Rachel leaves the CU South Subcommittee - date needed.
Jane Brautigam quits city manager. Oct. 2020
Open space disposal referendum matter that was to come to a vote, what happened with that? and proposed date.
CU South ballot measure Nov. 2022 was worded to make voters think a "no" meant no to CU, when it meant yes. And a runoff election proposed for
fairness is provided for 3 choices between those without the most remote distinction for mayor.
The 9 Nov. 2022 meeting continued uneventfully after Carolines short planned declaration from 2:23 to 8:00 minutes on the tape, a total of 5 min. 37
sec. Why was this the case, if there was really such concern that her statement disrupted and caused mistrust in the Board? Michelle even took the
trouble to ask Karen to let Caroline know about a Monday event announced after she left. Yet when Karen solicited a response to Caroline's remarks,
no one said a peep. I did, I cared to speak of it in my short 3 min., and I am not even a colleague of hers on the board. Cite 1:05:07 on the tape. Most
importantly, I have been following these meetings and noticed not one instance of any irregularity that suggested distrust in the board before and
after 9 Nov.'22. Yet there was a report from Caroline of impropriety on the matter of a phone-call from Rachel and Sam to Hal on a multiplier to
facilitate land disposal on CU South in 2020. That was reported out immediately, yet I saw nothing going on way back then.
Dave started when Kurt Brown ended his tenure in 2019. When started? When appointed chair?
Caroline started 2020.
Michelle Estrella started 2021.
Jon Carroll started 2022.
Brady Robinson started 2023 probably when Karen Hollweg left.
E-mail addresses are changed. bouldercolorado.gov suffixes on the website are no longer allowed for OSBT. Why? What other governmental entities
does this effect?
What are the circumstances of Hal Hollstein leaving the board and what was the date?
Nuria, when was security deployed to OSBT meetings as Dave said happened? Was that following 9 Nov., as he suggests was a reaction to it?
When specifically? Where I never saw security deployed at OSBT meetings and I follow them regularly.
Regarding the 18 May field trip Caroline missed. Why did she indicate someone said it was cancelled due to rain? On 31 Nov. Brady said it was a
"humdinger," they were rained out. Michelle said they came into this building and discussed p-dogs, the city's aggression on managing them. Dave
interceded it was an excellent opportunity to interact w/staff not only on p-dogs, but in general.
Specific regulation is that she must miss "three consecutive regular meetings" quote by Tate, in order to be in violation. The board is expressly advised
to look upon actions, not content. Caroline missed two such meetings on two occasions in her whole tenure of three years. There was much
discussion about 9 Nov., but that was a shrewd distraction, one that even the Board and the Council itself actually admitted, and they did this by way
of disallowing discussion on the very substance of it and colluding with the false and biased advice of the city attorney. Reminds me of Joe de
Raismes. Caroline was damned and gaslighted and set up to fail for speaking the truth, no matter what she did, and then discharged without cause.
Dave refused to even release the very resolution calling for her removal, when she asked for it preceding the 31 May meeting dedicated to the
subject, in order that she could prepare. He falsely charged her with attending only five of the eleven meetings (since 9 Nov.) - his math is even bad,
he declared she attended only five, when it was eight, and seven if 9 Nov. was considered absent, out of eleven. Numbers seem to be thrown out
indiscriminately. But I have laboriously gone through every meeting and posted her presence for you in a time line on the subject line e-mail,
Caroline's attendance.
See 6-14-23 OSBT at 1:35 where minutes are corrected. Michelle had concerns of Carolines absences from 4 of the last 6 business meetings but she
corrected the minutes to say she meant 4 in the last 6 months of business meetings, and had checked the video and it had just been mis-transcribed.
This came from two different OSBT members, the uncorrected hyperbole by Dave, the chair and Michelle, who at least corrected herself. Dave failed
to note Caroline attended 30 out of 30 meetings preceding this. Dave himself has only been on OSBT himself since 2019.
With the Lisa Sweeney Miran firing, the POP panel went on strike, but Caroline is the solitary member of OSBT with enough diligence to police the
process by striking, and then she is attacked and maligned for it. So, in an analogy with the police situation, nobody is monitoring criminal behavior
by internal city officials cracking down on dissent within their own ranks with city business, they need the Police Oversight Panel because they
are not policing themselves.
On the 15 June Council meeting, Matt moved to remove Caroline. Tara seconded Matt, and said "I want to agree with that and say that we embrace
differences of opinion in this city, so it's not about that, so I wanna agree with Matt about what it really IS about, dereliction of duty". After this
when they were deliberating the Police Oversight Panel partial moratorium, (a strike by all POP members, analogous to Caroline's solitary strike of 9
Nov.), Tara promoted a community "feedback" session on the POP to which she would attend. She didn't. With Caroline, she promoted no such
feedback and distracted attention to false failures of attendance. This might as well be Russia. If Tara was sincere, she would have promoted robust
healthy discussion of the differences she claims exist in the city, instead of dumbing down the message by conflating her opinions with that of her
fellow council members.
Why was there no indication that anything was wrong in the meetings since 9 Nov.? Why didn't Dave bring up Caroline's issues of 9 Nov. publicly,
especially if they weren't even clear? They weren't for me, but I actually addressed it real time at open comment, and provided context.
At 2:25:45 on 5-10-23 they're laughing, they seem to be doing just fine.
Why did Caroline resume attending meetings on 14 Dec. after 9 Nov., when she stated her case and left? And if there was such a vacuum of trust
indicated by Dave, why did I see no problem in six months of observation of uneventful perfectly productive meetings? Also, I saw no security that
Dave said was requested as he alleged was provoked by her 5 min. 37 sec. statement 9 Nov. There was no security in any subsequent meeting. What
happened with that?
I wonder about the status of investigation and appeal for Caroline and re-appointment of the vacated position. (A second POP member resigned after
Lisa was fired and the rest of the POP supported a work moratorium preceding ordinance changes). How is it a solution to re-appoint someone to
OSBT that is in a state of unresolved disrepair? Or one that is allegedly dysfunctional for the last 7 months, if it even actually ever was? I never had
the slightest evidence of that from my observation. Watch past meetings for yourselves.
Like Dan Ellsberg quoted someone, "you don't have to be an ichthyologist to tell a fish stinks".
From: Lynn Segal <lynnsegal7@hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2023 9:14 AM
To: Steve Pomerance <stevepom335@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Caroline Miller.
Three dates:
11-9-22 OSBT- Caroline's statement of concerns at the onset of the meeting. She then leaves.
5-31-23 - Special meeting of the OSBT to discuss a resolution, (which she was not privileged to receive upon her request), regarding Caroline's
removal from the board.
6-15-23 - CC meeting where Caroline has 15 min. to argue her case, OSBT chair Dave refutes it and Tara interrupts Caroline's narrative asking her to
specify her commentary to the phone-call of 2020, actually exposing the fact she even knew of this phone call. That's what I gave you at 1:57:22.
Tara won't answer me how she knew about it in the first place.
Dave suddenly could no longer support Caroline's assent to board vice-chair at 2:00:00 on 6-15-23 on the tape, and this was supposed to take
place recently, long after this incident of Dave's concern on 11-9-22, 7 mos. ago. I distinctly remembered the 9 Nov. meeting, not understanding
what was coming down and concerned because I liked Caroline's contributions in the meetings, I'd followed for 2 years. I don't get it. Why wasn't she
fired 7 mos. ago? Meanwhile, in March Dave asked her to fill the vice-chair position, until he didn't 3 wks. later. WHAT happened?
OSBT continued uneventfully as I followed them until the end of May, when these concerns suddenly emerged. The phone-call was in 2020 so that
couldn't have been the problem, or they would have fired her back then. Caroline was appointed as 5-year Trustee in March of 2020, against Rachel's
support of Matt Benjamin, who was competing for the position.
I hope I covered some of this in many letters copied to you, they may not have actually transmitted. You may not have taken the time to read them
anyway, but you should.
From: Steve Pomerance <stevepom335@comcast.net>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2023 8:08 AM
To: Lynn Segal <lynnsegal7@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Caroline Miller.
I have no clue about any of this. Maybe you could provide some context?
On Jun 23, 2023, at 7:50 AM, Lynn Segal <lynnsegal7@hotmail.com> wrote:
1:57:22 on the 6-15-23 CC tape.
From: Steve Pomerance <stevepom335@comcast.net>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2023 6:18 AM
To: Lynn Segal <lynnsegal7@hotmail.com>
Cc: Margaret Lecompte <margaret.lecompte@gmail.com>; Gordon MCCurry <gmccurry@mccurryhydro.com>
Subject: Re: Caroline Miller.
What phone call are you talking about?
And where is it described or transcribed or whatever?
On Jun 23, 2023, at 2:02 AM, Lynn Segal <lynnsegal7@hotmail.com> wrote:
Did this phone-call by Sam and Rachel to Hal in 2020 asking about a multiplier to facilitate land disposal for CU South elicit the
delay on procedural changes to land disposal OSBT had initiated, delayed them until Nov. 2021? Did this time window
somehow provide a path to push ahead a deal on CU South, one in a constellation of events like the CU South Subcommittee
formation that ultimately led to the misleading ballot measure language?