03.22.23 HAB MinutesHOUSING ADVISORY BOARD Summary Minutes: 03/22/23 HAB Members In person: Brenton Building, 1136 Alpine Ave, Community Virtual (Zoom) BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Michael Leccese, Chair Danny Teodoru, Vice Chair Terry Palmos Philip Ogren Julianne Ramsey Karen Klerman STAFF PRESENT: Jay Sugnet Tiffany Boller Lisa Houde Karl Guiler 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL / 6:01 p.m. 2. WELCOME NEW HAB MEMBER Karen Klerman 3. AGENDA REVIEW 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. February 22, 2023 – Palmos Motions to approve, Teodoru seconded. Approved 5-0, with Klerman abstaining 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION / 6:08 p.m. a. Open comment i. David Adamson 6. Philip Ogren – Shared information regarding the Airport Community Conversation a. Some options: Grow it, improve it, or decommission all or part as per the Comprehensive Plan directive “…the city will work with the community to reassess the potential for developing a portion of the airport for housing and neighborhood- serving uses”. b. Leccese – would like Ogren to present an update at the next meeting after he attends the next airport meeting in April and discuss with HAB any feedback to be provided . 7. MATTERS FROM THE BOARD / 6:22 p.m. a. ADU Code Update i. Staff presentation – Lisa Houde, P&DS ii. Public comment 7:03pm 1. Mark Fearer 2. Lynn Segal iii. Board questions, discussion and recommendation