1 | May 25, 2023
Boulder Junction Phase 2
Focus Group Meeting #2 Summary
This document provides a summary of key takeaways from the Focus Group meetings in May 2023 for the Boulder
Junction Phase 2 project led by the City of Boulder’s Comprehensive Planning Group.
About the Focus Groups:
Community engagement will occur throughout the Boulder Junction Phase 2 project, including the use of focus
groups. There are four focus groups that each include 10-15 participants representing a diverse cross-section of
community members who bring a variety of viewpoints, expertise, and experience. Focus groups are tasked with
(a) sharing their experience or perspective of the outcomes of Phase 1, (b) providing regular feedback on
alternatives and recommendations for Phase 2, (c) assisting with identifying challenges, barriers, and unintended
impacts for implementing Phase 2 and achieving the Transit Village Area Plan’s goals, (d) and building consensus
around key recommendations. Below is a summary of each focus group:
• Advocacy Focus Group – consists of members that are local advocates for social, environmental
and/or economic issues.
• Daily Users Focus Group – consists of members who live and/or work in the Boulder Junction area.
• Design & Development Focus Group – consists of members who are part of the local development
community, which includes developers, real estate professionals, urban designers, architects and
• Property & Business Owners Focus Group – consists of members who own a property or business
within the Boulder Junction area.
Feedback from all focus groups will be used to inform project progress and updates.
Meeting Objectives:
1. Review feedback received from Focus Group Meeting #1 and Open House Meeting #1.
2. Create a shared understanding of how feedback was used to guide alternatives to land use, transportation
connections, and urban design and character of the area.
3. Discuss alternatives for a potential plan amendment and receive feedback on them.
Overview of Feedback from all Focus Groups:
The Focus Groups generally agreed with the proposed transportation connections. If possible, additional
connections should be provided to cross Pearl Parkway and Pearl Parkway should be updated to be more
pedestrian-friendly. The Pearl Parkway underpass should be prioritized to better connect the areas and additional
connections could be provided in the southern portion of Phase 2 south of Pearl Parkway.
The Focus Groups agreed that there should be more flexible land uses that would provide a greater range of land
uses across all of Phase 2. There was agreement to move away from the Transit Village Area Plan’s proposed land
uses and to land uses that would provide more opportunity for housing and vertical and horizontal mixed use.
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The area north of Goose Creek may be the best location for a residential-focused area, with comfortable streets
that are walkable and family-friendly. The area between Goose Creek and Pearl Parkway could continue to build
from the existing infrastructure and local businesses to become a more creative environment that could
incorporate adaptive reuse and new development that would provide opportunities for a wide range of businesses.
The area south of Pearl Parkway could potentially have a similar character as the area between Goose Creek and
Pearl Parkway. There could be activated streets throughout the area and there should also be a focus on activating
Goose Creek and North Boulder Farmer’s Ditch. The areas south of Goose Creek could be an opportunity for more
organic or grass-roots type of development and improvements. Goose Creek and Pearl Parkway don’t necessarily
need to be the boundaries for different character areas and could consider how a certain character should be
mirrored across the creek or parkway.
The Focus Groups would appreciate more public space and would like to know if there is some guarantee to get
the public space. There could be additional locations of public space along Goose Creek to take advantage of that
amenity and especially since the city may have more control over that land. The public space proposed near the
tracks and Pearl Parkway may not be the best location. It could be moved south of Pearl Parkway and adjacent to
North Boulder Farmer’s Ditch. If possible, the future public spaces should incorporate playgrounds or play
elements to make them family friendly.
3 | May 25, 2023
This focus group consists of members that are local advocates for social, environmental and/or economic issues.
Meeting Date: May 10, 2023, from 12:00-2:00pm
Meeting Summary:
Focus Group Members In Attendance
Anita Speirs
Jane Hummer
Claudia Thiem
Darcy Kitching
Meredith Olsen
Crystal Gray
Sally Haselschwardt
Siana Teelucksingh
Kevin Crouse
Tiffany Richards
Sean Haney
Angela Bevacqua
Kyle Williams
Mike Reichert
Jonathan Singer
Lenz Jn Francois
Djenane Jean Charles *attended the Daily Users
Focus Group meeting
Transportation Connections:
• Most agreed with the proposed transportation connections.
• Should consider traffic flow of streets and how land uses may impact that.
Land Use:
• Generally disagreed with the Transit Village Area Plan’s proposed land uses and their location.
• Generally agreed with allowing a residential-focused, mixed use environment throughout Phase 2 (MUTOD
land use).
• Mixed feedback on allowing a residential-focused, mixed use environment north of Goose Creek, and a
light-industrial, mixed use environment south of Goose Creek.
• Concern of the area remaining affordable for businesses as light industrial develops.
• Would like to understand what the city can do to ensure any future amenities proposed can reduce the
need to rely on cars.
• Appreciate the focus of housing across the Goose Creek corridor and hope that could be considered as
part of the preferred approach.
• Mixed use designation could provide additional walkability.
• Active streets could be desired as long as there is understanding of what they are and how they might vary.
• There should be additional space for families and children to gather, recreate and play.
• Child safety is important and should be incorporated wherever possible.
4 | May 25, 2023
Urban Design & Character:
• The group discussed the general character of the area and agreed there could be more areas that are
focused towards families and small businesses.
Public Space:
• Public space should be maximized in the area.
• It may not make sense to have public space near the tracks.
• Spaces for families and children should be incorporated throughout.
• Because the city doesn’t own land, there should be other ways to encourage or require public space on
private property.
1. Will applying new land uses that are more flexible create a slower process for future development?
Answer: No, different land uses that are identified as part of this project will not create a slower
5 | May 25, 2023
This focus group consists of members who live and/or work in the Boulder Junction area.
Meeting Date: May 10, 2023, from 5:00-7:00pm
Meeting Summary:
Focus Group Members In Attendance
Ryan Bonick
Jasmine Rodriguez
Michael Hulet
Sarah Warner
Del Kreiser
Hans Hyttinen
Kari Klein
Tara Spies
Marianne Okal
Aleka Mayr
Michele Marie
Theresa Halsey
Tom Kunstman
Lauren Lambert
Tupak Barrios Palacios Luna
Lisa Oshop
Djenane Marlhen Jean Charles
Transportation Connections:
• Most agreed with the proposed transportation connections.
• There is a desire to have a vehicular connection over Goose Creek.
• Pearl Parkway is difficult to cross and there should be additional connections across it.
• New connections should be provided in a way to deter people from illegally crossing the tracks.
• Concern of potentially too many connections and would like to ensure all connections are needed.
Land Use:
• Generally disagreed with the Transit Village Area Plan’s proposed land uses and their location.
• Mixed feedback with allowing a residential-focused, mixed use environment throughout Phase 2 (MUTOD
land use).
• Generally agreed on allowing a residential-focused, mixed use environment north of Goose Creek, and a
light-industrial, mixed use environment south of Goose Creek.
• Interested in any option that would provide more green space.
• If jobs could be protected for people who live in the area, then it would be more desirable to have a higher
quantity of jobs.
• Feel like incorporating other land uses, like commercial, is counterintuitive to the goal of making the area
more walkable.
Urban Design & Character:
6 | May 25, 2023
• Current buildings are overwhelming, and buildings could be staggered or spread out.
• Smaller buildings and more unique spaces could be incorporated.
Public Space:
• Doesn’t make sense to propose any public space too close to major roads.
7 | May 25, 2023
This focus group consists of members who are part of the local development community, which includes
developers, real estate professionals, urban designers, architects and planners.
Meeting Date: May 9, 2023, from 8:00-10:00am
Meeting Summary:
Focus Group Members In Attendance
Ross Holbrook
Daniel Aizenman
Chester Harvey
Jerry Shapins
Danica Powell
Jenna Reilly
Erin Bagnall
Jeptha Sheene
Matt Grandsaert
Tom Volckhausen
Bryan Bowen
Michael Leccese
Chris Hamilton
John Koval
Bradley Wilson
Susan Osborne
Adela Aguirre (community
Transportation Connections:
• Most agreed with the proposed transportation connections.
• Connectivity to the adjacent areas is the most important of an accessibility plan and there should be more
importance placed on how people will get into and out of the area.
• The underpass proposed to go under Pearl Parkway along North Boulder Farmer’s Ditch is very important
for access and crossing that major street.
• Phase 1 has good connections but the surrounding streets, like 30th Street, are busy and can be
• There is concern around how connections will be phased and funded, and the feasibility of some
connections shown in the plan.
• Traffic should be slowed on Pearl Parkway because it creates an unpleasant pedestrian environment.
• If possible, there should be design solutions and/or updates to Pearl Parkway to make it easier for
pedestrians to cross.
• There should be additional connections south of Pearl Parkway
• .
Land Use:
• Generally disagreed with the Transit Village Area Plan’s proposed land uses and their location.
8 | May 25, 2023
• Generally agreed with allowing a residential-focused, mixed use environment throughout Phase 2 (MUTOD
land use).
• Mixed feedback, or disagreement, on allowing a residential-focused, mixed use environment north of
Goose Creek, and a light-industrial, mixed use environment south of Goose Creek.
• Current market studies don’t show support for industrial uses.
• There is concern of having industrial uses, or even encouraging them in the Phase 2 area.
• This is an important area to consider more flexible land uses and density.
• Concern of how small businesses could be supported and understanding what will work best for them.
Urban Design & Character:
• Placemaking elements need to be incorporated throughout the entire public realm and within streets.
• The original character district boundaries could be maintained.
• Area 1 may not need active ground floors since there is not much visibility for certain uses.
• Can look to activate ground floors through residential uses.
• To maintain some unique character of the area, more thought needs to be put in to how local or small
businesses will be supported.
• Small retail may be difficult to support depending on the location.
• Some areas should be able to be developed naturally and not be overregulated.
Public Space:
• Difficult to relate to the locations and understand what the public space can really be.
2. Can you explain a bit more about the Mixed Use Industrial uses?
Answer: The Mixed Use Industrial land use category would not require industrial uses, but would
allow things like light industrial uses. This type of land use would still be able to be flexible to market
needs and allow residential.
9 | May 25, 2023
This focus group consists of members who own a property or business within the Boulder Junction area.
Meeting Date: May 9, 2023, from 12:00-2:00pm
Meeting Summary:
Focus Group Members In Attendance
Demi Michelau
Derek Anderson
Raj Rawat
Duane Boyle
Vajra Rich
Henry Koren
Sharon Solomon
Michael Wang
Jeremy Gruber
Joseph Vigil
Clay Phipps
Roy Young
Simone Smead
Mark Gerwing
Adriana Palacios Luna
Kristin Lawrence
Patrick Keane
*Connected but did not stay in the meeting due to problems with audio.
Transportation Connections:
• Most agreed with the proposed transportation connections.
• The area should be very walkable and bikeable.
• Pearl Parkway needs to be updated so it’s more pedestrian-friendly and accessible to cross.
• Concern of transportation connections that are shown going through people’s property.
Land Use:
• Generally disagreed with the Transit Village Area Plan’s proposed land uses and their location.
• Generally agreed with allowing a residential-focused, mixed use environment throughout Phase 2 (MUTOD
land use).
• Mixed feedback, or disagreement, on allowing a residential-focused, mixed use environment north of
Goose Creek, and a light-industrial, mixed use environment south of Goose Creek.
• Would like to see if alternatives could include additional detail like the number of units vs. number of
potential tenants.
• There is potential for small scale technical uses and other uses that would benefit from more flexibility.
• The Mixed Use Industrial use could be seen as being more flexible, at least for commercial and business
• Should be cautious of adding too much mixed use.
Urban Design & Character:
10 | May 25, 2023
• The Phase 2 area should be pedestrian-friendly.
• More architectural variety should be encourages.
• North Boulder Farmer’s Ditch and Goose Creek should be activated.
• Gateway elements should be incorporated.
• For Area 2, there should be more adaptive reuse and grassroots type of improvements.
• Would like to see the area south of Goose Creek to be more innovative, creative or include more art.
Public Space:
• Incorporate additional public space.
• Consider moving the public space at the west end of Old Pearl Street and adjacent to the tracks to connect
better to adjacent properties and the crossing over the tracks.
• Utilize Goose Creek and enhance it by incorporating usable public space or amenities.
3. Will property be taken to allow for public improvements like new roads?
Answer: No. The transportation connections shown are conceptual and show the intent for
connections. Location of any new roads will be further studied and implementation of them will be
coordinated with development if/when it happens.