04.03.23 PRAB Study Session MinutesCITY OF BOULDER
To listen to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meetings in their entirety, please go to the
following link: www.boulderparks-rec.org
Name of Board/Commission: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board RETREAT
Date of Meeting: April 3, 2023
Contact Information Preparing Summary: Rosa Kougl; 303-413-7223
Board Members Present: Jason Unger, Andrew (Bernie) Bernstein, Charles (Chuck) Brock,
Anna Segur, Elliott Hood
Board Members Absent: Anita Speirs, Sarah (Sunny) van der Star
Staff Present: Jackson Hite, Stacie Hoffmann, Mark Davison, Bryan Beary, Scott
Schuttenberg, Alison Rhodes, Rosa Kougl, Tina Briggs, Regina Elsner, Stephanie Munro, Chris
Passarelli, Maxen Jones
Guests Present: N/A
Type of Meeting: Study Session
Start Time 6:05
• Motion to approve Agenda; First motion by Hood, second motion by Unger.
• Introductions of members
BPR Discussion Item 1: Fee Policy Development
Questions and Comments regarding program types
• Is rowing under rental & access or contracted programming?
• Where do the cemeteries fit?
• Where does the high school swim team use of recreation centers fit?
• Why are the golf courses separated from other facilities?
• Where do the port-o-lets or general bathrooms fit? Would port-o-lets that go with a
special event fall under special events? Would we want to be recovering costs?
• What is Gladiator Fitness?
• Is boating in rentals and access?
• Where does Nordic skiing in the park fit?
Questions and Comments regarding program categorization
• Is the recreation priority index primarily for registered activities? Is it a semi
quantitative measure, a coordinated measure?
• Why is lifeguard training an exclusive category?
• Do other agencies have an objective way to categorize benefit?
• Is there a way for a group to appeal their categorization?
Questions and Comments regarding fees and cost recovery
• How do people appeal a fee policy?
• What is the cost recovery for tournaments and the reservoir, as they are both so
exclusive? Can they have their own line items?
• To qualify for contracted programming, is there a need for a proposal for community
benefits like scholarships?
• What is the process for when somebody has a proposal for a program?
• Do the soccer field rentals have any requirements around scholarships and access?
• What are the six benchmarks in Colorado?
• Do adult sports leagues have any financial aid or scholarships?
• When things are completely subsidized and free, there is sometimes misuse of those
activities. For example, free childcare could easily be misused by someone who does not
really need the services and is taking advantage of the system. A nominal fee is one way
to take care of that.
• There is community benefit in playing golf together and getting out whereas the golf
range is something that so many people do and its less fee sensitive. There’s limited
community benefit to someone just hitting a ball all by themselves.
• It is a big service to offer camps at a very low cost without a lot of recovery. It seems
there is a struggle to fit it in the spectrum.
• Is the general fund subsidy used primarily for recreation subsidies for low-income
Other comments and questions related to funding recreation.
• Has the use of recreation centers increased?
• Is there a business plan for the recreation centers?
• Are there limited hours of operation due to staffing levels?
• Are we directed by the City Council to consider non-residents who work in the city as
• If you increase the range of the youth age, does that mean less recovery? Can you add a
teen rate ranging from 13-18 years of age?
• It would be great to see teams back into our facilities and being active again.
BPR Discussion Item 2: BPR Capital Investment Strategy (CIS): 2023-2029
• Does the City Charter specify that the Planning Board has to approve capital
expenditures? Is this presentation being given to them?
• How do we provide our recommendations to the City Council?
• Is the board going to be provided with the materials needed to review the planned
statement for the June meeting?
• How are the costs on future needs determined?
• With the asset management software, can you track every asset?
• Does Beehive have any functionality around the life cycle analysis?
• Is Beehive able to determine the age of assets?
• Can we get more specifics; the magnitude of costs for these projects?
• How do we prioritize how we spend money enhancing parks, so we are meeting the
needs of all corners of the town?
•There are parts of town with aging infrastructure.
•There is a good expenditure on bathrooms, with so many people using bathrooms today,
are we looking at different investments other than the traditional bathroom.
•There are a lot of advancements in green infrastructure, is this a source of future
•We need to take care of the facilities that are providing the most revenue and we need to
take care of our disabled citizens.
End Time 9:08 pm
Approved by: Attested:
___________________ _____________________
Charles Brock Rosa Kougl
Vice-Chair BPR Staff
Date: ______________ Date: ___________ 5/1/2023 5/1/23