03.08.23 OSBT MinutesApproved as amended 4-12-23
Action Minutes
Meeting Date March 8, 2023
Record of this meeting can be found here: https://bouldercolorado.gov/government/watch-board-
meetings (video start times are listed below next to each agenda item).
Karen Hollweg Dave Kuntz Caroline Miller Michelle Estrella Jon Carroll
Dan Burke Jeff Haley Jennelle Freeston Lauren Kilcoyne Heather Swanson
Leah Case Brian Anacker Lynn Riedel Phil Yates Samantha McQueen
Katie Knapp Bethany Collins Marni Ratzel Kacey French Megan Grunewald
Lisa Dierauf Don D’Amico Frances Boulding
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Approval of the Minutes (04:08)
Caroline Miller moved the Open Space Board of Trustees to adopt the minutes from Feb. 8, 2023 as
amended. Dave Kuntz seconded. This motion passed unanimously.
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public Participation for Items not Identified for Public Hearing (32:50)
Lynn Segal spoke on several topics, including asking about any financial deficit and the cost of upcoming
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Matters from the Board (37:43)
Karen Hollweg read the City Staff Land Acknowledgement.
The Board asked several questions under, “Comments/Questions from Trustees on Written Information
memos or public comment.” Regarding the “Update on revenues from codified special activities, permits,
and fees”, the Board asked about the fee study and what costs this will include. They also asked how
potential profits from permitting programs would be handled. Regarding the “Boulder Open Space
Conservancy (BOSC) 2022 Annual Report” the Board asked about donations and if we are required to
have a donor list. Staff will work with the City Attorney’s Office to determine what additional financial
information we should be seeking and sharing. Regarding the “Fort Chambers / Poor Farm Site
Management Plan Update” the Board asked if the language could be updated on the project website to
show that staff have compiled inventory work to inform a site planning process and following the review
of the tribal representatives will be releasing an inventory.
Dave Kuntz read a proclamation for Karen Hollweg recognizing her service on the OSBT.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Colorado Tallgrass Prairie Natural Area and White Rocks Natural Area
Updates and Amendments; Proposed Coal Creek Tallgrass Prairie Natural Area (1:21:45)
Lynn Riedel, Senior Ecologist, presented this item.
The Board discussed the listing of rare plant species and why not calling attention to them is important,
how the state natural areas program was created, and their appreciation to staff for work on this project.
Public Comment:
Lynn Segal spoke in favor of the proposed designations.
Dave Kuntz moved the Open Space Board of Trustees to update section 3A of the Articles of
Designation for the Coal Creek Tallgrass Prairie Natural Area to show that under 3A: The
Property contains a high-quality remnant of a once-extensive area of tallgrass prairie on the glacial
outwash surfaces that dot portions of the Front Range. The tallgrass prairie remnant contains a
unique and distinctive blend of Great Plains and Southern Rocky Mountain montane plant
communities that are rare and sensitive in the state and global context. Undisturbed examples of
glacial outwash features are rare today along Colorado’s Front Range. The alluvial geologic surface
on the Rocky Flats Mesa, stable for over one million years, provides conditions for tallgrass prairie
and montane plant species to thrive in an otherwise semi-arid climate. See Exhibit C for a complete
list of tracked plant communities known to occur on the Property. Karen Hollweg seconded. This
motion passed unanimously.
Karen Hollweg moved the Open Space Board of Trustees to recommend to City Council to 1) enter
into the amended and restated articles of designation (AODs) including boundary changes for the
White Rocks and Colorado Tallgrass Prairie state natural areas, and 2) approve the articles of
designation establishing a new state natural area, Coal Creek Tallgrass Prairie, at the OSMP-
managed Jewel Mountain and Van Vleet-JeffCo properties, and 3) authorize the City Manager to
sign the three articles of designation. Dave Kuntz seconded. This motion passed unanimously.
AGENDA ITEM 5 - Consideration of a request from Craig and Nicole Harrison and Real
investments, LLC for a permanent, nonexclusive water service line easement for the installation
and maintenance of four Left Hand Water District meters and water lines across Boulder Valley
Farm Open Space consistent with the disposal procedures of Article XII, Section 177, of the City of
Boulder Charter (2:19:00)
Bethany Collins, Real Estate Senior Manager, presented this item.
The Board asked about ownership distinction on a few of the properties, Russian olive removal, and other
construction provisions.
Public Comment:
Dave Kuntz moved the Open Space Board of Trustees to approve and recommend that City
Council approve the conveyance of a permanent, nonexclusive water service line easement to Craig
and Nicole Harrison and Real investments, LLC for the installation and maintenance of four Left
Hand Water District water lines across that area of Boulder Valley Farm Open Space as generally
depicted on Attachment B consistent with the disposal procedures of Article XII, Section 177, of the
City of Boulder Charter. Michelle Estrella seconded. This motion passed unanimously.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Matters from the Department (2:39:15)
Phil Yates, Communications Senior Program Manager, and Katie Knapp, Environmental Planner
Principal, presented the “Tribal Nation Consultation and Engagement Update”. The Board asked about
how these archives of stories and reports will be saved and if the markers at Fort Chambers will be
removed or further signage will be added; suggestion to prioritize these conversations was expressed by
the Board.
Brian Anacker, Policy Advisor Senior, Heather Swanson, Interim Open Space and Mountain Parks
Deputy Director, Resource and Stewardship Division, and Ann Lezberg, Ecologist, presented the Science
and Climate Resilience Update part 2: Adaptive Management, funded research & publications. The Board
asked about types of thresholds including for prairie dog receiving sites and observed versus reported
voice and sight compliance and impact. The Board additionally asked about controlling the spread of New
Zealand mud snails and what the budget is for the funded research program.
Michelle Estrella departed the meeting at 10:30 p.m.
Dan Burke gave several verbal updates including on the approval of the Adjustment to Base (ATB) by
council, e-bike council dates have been scheduled, the OSMP-hosted open house on April 25, and
updated signage in the Chautauqua Meadow.
ADJOURNMENT – The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
These minutes were prepared by Megan Grunewald and Leah Case.