08.22.22 PRAB PacketPARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Virtual Meeting 6:00 p.m., August 22, 2022 100 Years of Excellence Boulder Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Members 2022 Charles Brock Elliott Hood Mary Scott Anita Speirs Jason Unger Sarah van der Star Pamela Yugar Mission Statement BPRD will promote the health and well- being of the entire Boulder community by collaboratively providing high- quality parks, facilities and programs. Vision Statement We envision a community where every member’s health and well- being is founded on unparalleled parks, facilities and programs. Goals of the Master Plan 1. Community Health and Wellness 2. Taking Care of What We Have 3. Financial Sustainability 4. Building Community 5. Youth Engagement 6. Organizational Readiness AGENDA All agenda times are approximate /͘ APPROVAL OF AGENDA (2 minutes) II͘ FUTURE BOARD ITEMS AND TOURS (2 minutes) II/͘ PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (15 - 30 minutes) This portion of the meeting is for members of the public to communicate ideas or concerns to the Board regarding parks and recreation issues for which a public hearing is not scheduled later in the meeting (this includes consent agenda). The public is encouraged to comment on the need for parks and recreation programs and facilities as they perceive them. All speakers are limited to three minutes. Depending on the nature of your matter, you may or may not receive a response from the Board after you deliver your comments. The Board is always listening to and appreciative of community feedback. VII͘ NEXT BOARD MEETING: 6:00 p.m. Monday, September 26 - Virtual VIII.ADJOURN IV.CONSENT AGENDA (5 minutes) A.Approval of Minutes from July 25, 2022B.Updates from the Director of Parks and RecreationC.Parks and Recreation Project UpdatesD.Parks and Recreation Operations Updates V.ACTION ITEMS A.BVSD Joint Use Agreement (10 minutes) VI.MATTERS FROM THE DEPARTMENT A.Safety in BPR parks, facilities and programs (30 minutes) VII.MATTERS FROM BOARD MEMBERS A.PRAB Retreat Planning (verbal) (5 minutes) B.PRAB Matters (verbal) (5 minutes) 1 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD FUTURE BOARD ITEMS UPDATED: August 17, 2022 AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER REGULAR MEETING August 22: Virtual • BVSD Joint Use Agreement (a) 10m • Safety in BPR parks, facilities and programs 30m (md) • PRAB Retreat Agenda Planning (mb) • PRAB Matters (mb) Total Meeting Time: 1 hr 15 min (Includes 30 minutes for public participation and consent agenda) September 26: Virtual • Historic Place Plan (HiPP) project update (md) • Downtown Vision Planning 30m (md) • 2023 Master Plan Implementation and Planning Workplan Update (md) • Downtown Vision Plan (md) 30m • PRAB Retreat Agenda Review (mb) • PRAB Matters (mb) • Reservoir Annual After Action Review (consent) • 2023 Budget Updates (consent) October 24: TBD • Reservoir Annual After Action Review – (d/i) • Micromobility Pilot Review (T+M dept, d/i?) • PRAB Retreat Final Prep (mb) • Board and Commission Inclusion (mb) • PRAB Matters (mb) November 28: TBD • Flat Irons Golf Facility project update (md) • Golf Course Restaurant Lease (d/i) • Pleasant View Access and Parking study project update (d/i) • Reservoir Annual After Action Review – (md) • Reservoir Operations and ANS Update (md) • Final 2022 Operating Budget (md) • PRAB Recruitment (mb) • PRAB Retreat Follow Up – Letter to Council (mb) • PRAB Matters (mb) STUDY SESSION DATE TBD: Joint Study Session on Cool Boulder Campaign Nov. 7: PRAB Retreat Department Events and Items of Interest • August 4: BPR Master Plan Acceptance and Safe and Managed Places (cc) • August 13: Valmont Skate Park and Pump Track Celebration (e) • EBCC & NBRC: Shut Downs; NBRC August 13-21; EBCC August 27- September 5 (h/c) • August 16: Planning Board Hearing: Recommended 2023 Budget • September 5: Labor Day Closure • September 15: Budget: Council Study Session • November 24: Thanksgiving Day Closure AGENDA SETTING The PRAB Chair, PRAB Vice Chair and BPR staff set the agenda for the next month on the Thursday directly following the regular PRAB meeting. PRAB members can submit agenda requests to the Chair and Vice Chair by Wednesday following the PRAB regular meeting for consideration. If time-sensitive matters arise, PRAB Chair and Vice Chair may amend the agenda as needed. LEGEND Action Item (a): A public hearing item to be voted on by the Board (public comment period provided). Procedural Item: (p): An item requiring procedural attention. Consent Item (c): An item provided in written form for consent, not discussion by the Board; any consent item may be called up by any Board member for discussion following the consent agenda. Discussion/Information Item(d/i): An item likely to be a future action item (or council item) and/or that benefits from an in-depth discussion. Matters from the Department (md): Items that will be reviewed and discussed during the meeting but not requiring as much in-depth analysis. Matters from the Board (mb): Items initiated by the Board that will be reviewed and discussed during the meeting but not requiring as much in-depth analysis. City Council Item (cc) Other Boards and Commissions (obc) Community Engagement and/or Events (e) Holiday/Closure (h/c) Italics indicate a tentative date or plan. 2 TO: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FROM: Alison Rhodes, Director of Parks and Recreation Bryan Beary, Senior Manager, Community Building and Partnerships Dennis Warrington, Senior Manager, Urban Parks Manager Jackson Hite, Senior Manager, Business Services Megann Lohman, Senior Manager, Recreation Mark Davison, Manager, Planning Regina Elsner, Manager, Natural Lands Stephanie Munro, Senior Manager, Regional Facilities SUBJECT: Consent Agenda DATE: August 22, 2022 A. Approval of Minutes July 25, 2022 3 CITY OF BOULDER BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES To listen to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meetings in their entirety, please go to the following link: www.boulderparks-rec.org Name of Board/Commission: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Date of Meeting: July 25, 2022 Contact Information Preparing Summary: Rosa Kougl; 303-413-7223 Board Members Present: Anita Speirs, Charles (Chuck) Brock, Elliott Hood, Mary Scott, Jason Unger (late arrival) Board Members Absent: Sarah (Sunny) van der Star, Pamela Yugar Staff Present: Regina Elsner, Charlotte O’Donnell, Ali Rhodes, Stephanie Munro, Jackson Hite, Rosa Kougl, Mark Davison, Jonathan Thornton, Christy Spielman Guests Present: N/A Type of Meeting: Regular Agenda Item 1: Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6p.m. A quorum was present for the conduct of business. Motion to approve agenda. First motion by Scott, second by Hood. The motion passed 4-0. Agenda Item 2: Future Board Items: Ali Rhodes, Director reviewed upcoming agenda items and tours. • No questions or comments from the PRAB Agenda Item 3: Public participation: (1) Larry McKeogh; shared concern of over-management and under-utilization of aquatic facilities, including the Boulder Reservoir PRAB had the following questions or comments to Larry McKeogh: Will continue conversations with them and report out to the board if there are any changes. (2) Susan Adams; as a member of the Board of Directors of Boulder Community Rowing (BCR). • Works closely with Colorado University - Colorado Jr. Crew (CJC). Shared concern that the CJC is seriously considering moving to afternoon practices to lessen costs because fees to early access to the Reservoir have pushed their budget. Two solutions proposed from CJC include: Allow 20 minutes early entrance before reservoir hours, allow their coaches to become compliant to insurance safety needs and allow their coaches to be lake patrols. PRAB had the following questions or comments to Susan Adams: Will continue conversations with them and report out to the board if there are any changes. (3) Lynn Segal; Expressed support for fostering swimming. Suggested that development should pay for recreation access. 4 PRAB had the following questions or comments to Lynn Segal: None Agenda Item 4: Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes from June 27 Study Session Motion to approve the minutes from the June 27 Regular PRAB meeting. Motion by Hood. Second by Unger. The motion passed 5-0. B, C, D. Updates from the Director, Project Updates, Operations & Development • Noted that the Consent Agenda has updates for Pickleball and Thunderbird Lake. • North Boulder Park. Replacing fitness equipment? Will fitness equipment be removed and not replaced, or will it stay as he feels it is heavily used. Staff will get back to PRAB with response. • Pleasantview. When there are large soccer events, it attracts many participants, parking can get crowded. Hoping to shift modes of access to keep paths clear from vehicles trying to park. • A new bike path down the Diagonal Highway. Trail dumps you into the parking lot while events are taking place. Intimidating for bikers to be in that situation. Hopefully study can shift these parameters. • Scott Carpenter Pool and Reservoir, what is current contract situation for the restaurant. Space is leased to partners with Landloch , LLC. Would like to see an RFP for a new contract. Feels that there could be higher use of space . • Intro of Rosa Kougl and Mark Davison. Agenda Item 5: Items for Discussion A. BVSD Joint Use Agreement Rhodes presented this item. PRAB had the following questions/comments: • To make fair and concise, page 27 of the agreement, in the reconciliation provision: 9b annual review of benefits, (1) what constitutes substantial disparity seems big, he can see some disagreements over that and (2) Section 4, adjusting imbalances feels repetitive of Section 2, disparity, so get rid of section 4. Otherwise found some little typos. Feels it is well written. • Agreement doesn’t say anything about tracks. What is Boulder Valley School District’s policy for making tracks available for public use? • Centennial Courts – how are costs for major maintenance issues shared between BVSD and the department. • In the GIS Survey of access to facilities and parks, BVSD properties are not included. Would like to see the properties that we have agreements with BVSD.. Agenda Item 6: Matters from the Board Members A. PRAB Meeting Schedule PRAB had the following questions/comments: • December 12th will be the December meeting, moving it away from holiday break. 5 • November meeting will stay on the 28th • Nov 7 selected forPRAB retreat B. Public Participation Format PRAB had the following questions/comments: • During public participation via zoom – we will continue without video participation in line with recent evaluation by staff. • Council is anticipated to begin hybrid meetings, lessons from that implementation will inform the roll-out of hybrid meetings to other boards and commissions. C. PRAB Retreat Planning PRAB had the following questions/comments: • November 7th for Retreat, Sunny unavailable. • Select board members to plan and run retreat. In August meeting, members will choose. For next meeting, will include a sample of previous retreat agenda. • Will this be virtual? Retreat itself could be all in person if permitted by city. Pre-reserve Climbers Club Room at Colorado Chautauqua but have an outdoor option. D. PRAB Matters PRAB had the following questions/comments: • Hood. Meet and Bleat, exceptionally well run. Parks staff there was very helpful. • Brock – can we move the event. Agenda Item 7: Next Board Meeting Next Board meeting: Monday, August 22, 6:00 p.m. (Virtual) Agenda Item 8: Adjourn Motion to adjourn. Motion by Scott. Second by Hood . The meeting was adjourned at 7:06p.m. Approved by: Attested: ___________________ _____________________ Chuck Brock in lieu of Pamela Yugar Rosa Kougl Board Members BPR Staff Date: ______________ Date: _________________ 6 B. Updates from the Director of Parks and Recreation C. Parks and Recreation Development Update The following information is intended to provide the PRAB with relevant updates on specific projects as they reach major milestones. This section is not all inclusive of all current projects and only illustrates major project updates. For a complete list of all current projects and details, please visit www.BoulderParkNews.org. Planning and Design The following projects are currently in the planning and design process that involves research, alternatives analysis, public involvement and development of planning documents and design plans to guide decision making and future capital improvements.  North Boulder Park, Playground Replacement and Shelter Renovation: In 2022, the existing playground at North Boulder Park will be replaced as part of the department’s on-going Capital Improvement Program (CIP) which allows for yearly repairs and renovations to existing playgrounds. This program focuses on playgrounds that are 25-30 years old. The playground equipment at North Boulder Park was installed in the late 1990s and needs to be replaced due to both age and vandalism.  On July 29 and 30, 2022, staff held two in-person public meetings at North Boulder Park. In addition to the two in-person meetings, an on-line questionnaire was also available to the public. The intent of the meetings and on-line questionnaire was to gauge playground users’ preferences in playground themes and styles. They also provided staff the opportunity to listen to park and playground users and hear about their experiences at the playground and park.  The Friday, July 29, 2022, in-person meeting was held from 5pm – 7pm. Approximately 50 people stopped by to talk with staff. The Saturday, July 30 in- person meeting was held from 9am – 11 am. Approximately 30 people stopped by. 46 people, mostly kids, filled out our kid friendly survey (26 from Friday, 20 on Saturday). Responses to the on-line questionnaire closed on August 4, 2022. 182 complete responses were received.  Over the next month, staff will be analyzing the feedback and questionnaire responses to find consistent themes and trends. Staff will use this information to 7 draft a concept plan for the new playground and equipment. This plan will be posted online and shared with PRAB for a final round of feedback in September. Given the limited scope of this project, the second round of community feedback will be online only. There will not be an in-person meeting.  Response to PRAB Questions and Comments: At the July PRAB meeting, PRAB had the following questions and comments regarding the playground replacement project at North Boulder Park a. Question / Comment: Will the fitness equipment at North Boulder Park be removed and/or replaced? The movable equipment is not used by adults and is often used by kids. The sense is that the stationary, body-weight equipment is frequently used by adults. i. Response: At this point, no determination on whether the existing fitness equipment should be removed, relocated, or replaced. A recommendation will be made with the concept plan that is developed over the next month and shared with the community and the PRAB. Staff has heard the comments provided by PRAB and has also had the opportunity to receive feedback from the public at the July 29 and 30 in-person meetings, as well as comments received from the on-line questionnaire. Staff will similarly consider comments from Parks Operations and Maintenance.  Early comments from the in-person meetings and on-line feedback are consistent with comments provided by the PRAB. Those comments are that the stationary equipment is popular and used by adults, but that the equipment with movable parts is not well-used by adults. Rather the movable equipment is used by younger playground users and is a safety concern for these users.  Moving forward, staff will be looking at opportunities to preserve the stationary equipment. However, consideration will need to be given to proximity to the new playground equipment that is installed, so similar safety concerns are not replicated.  Below is an approximate timeline for duration of the project:  Project kick-off: June 2022  Initial public outreach and in-person feedback: July 2022  Analysis of public feedback and concept plan development: August through September 2022  Final concept plan: September 2022  Materials purchasing and procurement: October through December 2022  Anticipated construction start date: Q1 2023  In addition to the playground replacement, the department is also coordinating with the city’s Facilities Department to renovate and improve the existing shelter and shelter restrooms. The existing restrooms will be converted to year-round, unisex, ADA compliant facilities.  More information about the playground replacement and shelter renovation can be found here.  Valmont Park 11th Anniversary Celebration a. The community was invited to celebrate Valmont Park's 11th anniversary on the afternoon of Saturday, August 13. The event highlighted the skate park 8 and bike pump track which were completed in 2021. Over 100 people enjoyed dessert food trucks, a face painter, a friendly skate race and music.  Pickleball at Foothills Community Park  To help meet the growing demand for pickleball courts in our community, staff is considering painting pickleball lines and providing portable nets at the existing inline rinks at Foothills Community Park. This would allow the rinks to host pickleball courts when not in use for inline sports.  Staff is currently collecting community feedback via an online feedback form. Posters soliciting feedback were hung at the rinks to attract current inline users. Feedback was collected from August 2 thru August 16. More than 100 community members provided feedback.  Over the next several months, staff will be analyzing the responses and will use this information to plan potential pickleball court line painting. The plan will be posted online and shared with the community via email. Given the limited scope of this project, there will not be a second round of community feedback.  Master Plan Acceptance  On Thursday, August 4th, City Council unanimously accepted the 2022 Master Plan! After almost two years of working with staff and the community to develop a plan to guide the department for the next five years, the plan received unanimous support from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning Board before being considered by City Council.  As part of the presentation to City Council, the project team developed a video to summarize the plan and next steps.  Watch the video  While the planning process is complete, now begins the work to implement the recommendations of the 2022 Master Plan. This plan has already influenced the way the department has organized and proposed the budget for 2023. In the coming months, staff will continue to plan for implementing the 2022 Master Plan through the annual action plan and 2023 workplans.  Historic Places Plan  Staff has been working with Mundus Bishop to expand their original scope of work to include several of the historical and cultural assets initially planned as an 9 internal effort. A change in staffing and management of the project required this realignment to fulfill the obligations to the granting agency with each of the 12 resources. Complete and consistent documentation for each resource is key to its successful completion. Mundus Bishop will now include the Columbia Cemetery and the Railroad Resources in their scope of work. The contract amendment will be complete this week for the additional scope.  Each of the 12 resources will be reviewed by staff and stakeholders. Pearl Steet Mall is one of the 12 resources included in the HiPP. Staff and Stakeholder meetings are scheduled for August 25 to review the Context Statement, Condition Assessment, and Treatment Recommendations. Each invite-only meeting will include a 30-minute presentation and a walking review of the site. Pearl Street Mall is one of the more complicated sites based upon the high-profile and usage. Outcomes of the meetings will be shared with the community later in the year. Upcoming community engagement for the HiPP will include all 12 resources for review and comments.  Flatirons Golf Course Facility  The Flatirons Golf Course Facility design is currently in permitting. Staff received notice that the current high volume of incoming permits and their available resources to complete reviews have resulted in delays. They are currently running approximately three/five weeks behind the anticipated response date.  Delays in response, an unprecedented cost escalation, and labor shortages in the construction industry have caused staff, consultants, and contractors to consider a later start date for this project. Evaluation is still underway for a possible early Spring start on the new building. Staff will continue to update PRAB as more information is available.  Planning Projects Underway  Staff or contractors continue to work on the following projects and will update the PRAB as major milestones are achieved:  Pleasant View Fields: Access, Parking, and Improvements Study D. Operations Update  Boulder Reservoir:  2022 After Action Review: As the peak season winds down the reservoir staff is preparing the annual After-Action Review (AAR) of the peak season and boating program. The department uses the adaptive management principles to evaluate and improve services continually. While the Boulder Reservoir Master Plan guides long-term goals, the plan also calls for annual reviews and refinements to help us achieve those goals in an ever-changing environment.  This process involves a city-sponsored questionnaire to gather feedback as one tool to inform the 2023 planning process. An annual 10 questionnaire is developed, including both consistent questions year- to-year and feedback opportunities for current issues, to understand the visitor’s perspective and respond appropriately through refinements in the operations and management of the recreation at the reservoir.  2022 AAR Timeline: • August: Internal kick off • September: Data analysis and questionnaire coordination • October: Questionnaire released, analysis of qualitative and quantitative data begins. • November: Continued analysis; Develop and Evaluate potential adjustments with leadership and the PRAB. • December: Finalize 2023 operational plan and develop communications  2022 Ironman 70.3: The reservoir hosted the Ironman 70.3 triathlon on Saturday, August 6. Ironman staff began setting up on Monday, the Reservoir was closed to the public on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. to allow for bike drop-off. The swim area was open for athletes and their families to enjoy from 2:00 pm – 6:00 p.m. Boulder Aquatics Masters hosted an Open Water Swim (OWS) Thursday morning, and the Reservoir hosted another OWS Friday morning. Friday evening Ironman offered a kids run for the participants. Reservoir staff was onsite Saturday morning at 3:30 am to welcoming Ironman staff into the facility while athletes, families, and friends arrived between 4 – 7 am. 2,158 total athletes participated in the 2022 Ironman. The City of Boulder water safety team provided water safety for the 1.2-mile swim with 25 staff on the water in addition to 5 volunteer powerboats and approximately 25 volunteer kayaks and stand- up paddleboards. During the swim 30 athletes were assisted from the water by reservoir water safety staff unable to complete the swim. There was one critical incident during the swim. This athlete was transported to Boulder community hospital and passed away on Monday. From the water, athletes went on to complete the bike and run portions of the event on the county roads and paths around the reservoir. Athletes, families, and spectators were able to enjoy food and drinks provided by partner Driftwind. The reservoir saw over 10,000 visitations over the 3-day period (not including volunteers, city of Boulder staff and Ironman staff). This event will move to June in 2023. 11  • Natural Lands  Urban Wildlife Management: In May 2022, staff collaborated with other departments and agencies to relocate an osprey nest near the entrance to the Boulder Reservoir. At that time, it was unknown if the nest would be successful due to the later timing of the nest relocation. For several weeks, volunteer reports identified that there were indeed nestlings. Unfortunately, newer reports indicate that the nest has recently been abandoned. Staff is hopeful that with the early success this year, this nesting pair will return to try again next year. • Urban Park Rangers   BPR has been working to build the Urban Park Ranger program with pilot funding from City Council awarded in May 2021. A Lead Ranger, Aaren Morrell, started with the City in early May and has since been joined by one full-time ranger and one seasonal ranger, with a second full-time ranger currently in recruitment. Since May, staff has been working to develop standard operating procedures and build the necessary elements of an enforcement workgroup, while actively patrolling the park system and developing relationships with other agencies, service providers and 12 community members. These three rangers have completed 166 patrols, made well over 1000 non-enforcement contacts, as well as almost 300 enforcement contacts to date. Enforcement contacts include contacts with community members where either a warning or a summons were issued. Staff look forward to continuing to grow this program, supporting other department and city staff as they protect the parks and educate residents and visitors on park safety, etiquette, wildlife, and conservation. • Recreation Facilities and Aquatics  North Boulder Recreation Center (NBRC): The NBRC will be closed August 13 through 21 for annual maintenance. During this time the facility will be deep cleaned, flooring will be refinished, and the tennis/pickleball courts will also be resurfaced starting the 15th. While the building is closed, all normal aquatic operations will take place at EBCC. The building will reopen Monday, August 22, the courts will remain closed until the resurfacing is completed, near Labor Day. Upon completion of the resurfacing of courts at NBRC, the space will be more multi-use, with 4 tennis courts and 8 pickleball courts.  East Boulder Community Center (EBCC): The EBCC will be closed August 27 through September 5 for annual maintenance shutdown. All normal annual maintenance will occur during this time including a deep clean of the facility and flooring refinishes. While the facility is closed the NBRC will have increased aquatic operations. Rainbow Childcare will be vacating the building during shutdown and upon reopen of the building some additional programs will begin in the ballroom and other meeting spaces.  South Boulder Recreation Center (SBRC):  Staff recently painted new pickleball lines on the tennis courts at SBRC. There are now 8 pickleball courts within the 4 tennis courts still existing, making this more of a multi-use space for the community. The addition of pickleball lines at SBRC will help to ensure access for pickleball players while the courts at NBRC are being resurfaced.  With continued heavy rains, water intrusion from an exterior wall has been discovered at SBRC. This water intrusion has delayed the gym floor installation. The Facilities Department is moving forward with work to mitigate the issue to allow the gym floor install to move forward in a timely manner. While staff hope the work will be completed during the month of September, it is possible further delays may push some of the project into October.  Staff believe that all causes of water loss in the pool at SBRC have been identified and final repairs should finish in the month of September. Target date for completion is on or before October 1. Following the repair staff will work to refill, heat, and treat the water 13 at SBRC in a timely manner to reopen the aquatic portion of the facility.  Scott Carpenter Pool: With many staff returning to high schools and colleges, the team is experiencing normal end of summer staffing level reductions, which are in addition to the ongoing national lifeguard shortage. The priority for operations for the summer season up to and including Labor Day will be Scott Carpenter Pool. After Labor Day, the priority will be to operate indoor locations instead of Scott Carpenter as variable weather in late summer and early fall reduces reliability of outdoor operations. • The leisure pool at Scott Carpenter will operate a full season as normal this year. With BVSD going back to school August 17, the leisure pool will close for weekdays starting at that time. Weekend operations of the leisure pool will continue for normal hours up to and including Labor Day. As the aquatics team recently experienced the loss of a staff member, it is possible amenities, including the slides, may not be operational on select days or times. • The lap pool will continue with normal summer operations through August 21. Starting August 22, the lap pool will be available for reduced hours, from 11am-6pm, due to staffing shortages. The lap pool will remain open through Labor Day. It is likely that Scott Carpenter Pool’s last day of operations this summer will be Labor Day due to staffing shortages. Staff are still working to determine if any September hours at Scott Carpenter will be feasible this year.  Pools Special Initiative Grant Update and Recruit Efforts: Staff continue to implement recruitment and retention efforts as part of the Pools Special Initiative. The grant measurement period ends September 30, at which time staff will prepare and report out on all measures.  The Work to Win raffle encouraged team members to work additional hours each week, with raffle tickets given out for those working 20 and 30 hours or more a week. The goal was to increase the average hours worked by existing staff members from 13 hours per week in the first two weeks of summer to just 20 hours per week. This change alone across the existing team would allow us to add about 500 operational hours weekly.  Stay Bonuses will allow staff who remained employed with us through the entire season, and work at least one full shift the two weeks following Labor Day to be eligible for an extra $1 per hour on every hour worked June through September 4. The team is hopeful this incentive will encourage anyone who is remaining local to work even just one day a week in the fall.  The More the Merrier, referral program, offers staff who refer a new employee and the new employee $100 each, awarded once the new employee 14 works 50 total hours. Employees can refer an unlimited number of new staff as long as they meet all other requirements. This program also awards existing department staff in other areas the same $100 bonus if they transfer into an aquatics position at the end of their current seasonal employment. With camps and the reservoir swim beach season coming to an end the team is hopeful we may receive some new aquatics employees this way.  In addition to grant specific initiatives the marketing team continues to support aquatic recruitment efforts. The most recent campaign builds from the superhero theme and leans into our desire to hire aquatics professionals of all ages, especially those who may have daytime availability. Lifeguarding can be a rewarding career for anyone looking to remain active, have social opportunities, and give back to the community. 15 AGENDA ITEM #5A C I T Y O F B O U L D E R PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: August 22, 2022 AGENDA TITLE: 2022 Joint Use Agreement Between the Boulder Valley School District and the City of Boulder PRESENTERS: Ali Rhodes, Director, Parks and Recreation Department Bryan Beary, Senior Recreation Manager, Community Building + Partnerships EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this item is for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) to review and consider approval of a multi-year intergovernmental agreement with the Boulder Valley School District (see Attachment A). The City of Boulder (the City) and the Boulder Valley School District (the District) have maintained intergovernmental agreements aimed at promoting the health and general welfare of the community for over sixty years. Most recently in 2016, a five-year master joint use agreement (JUA) was executed for the mutually beneficial use of all recreation facilities within the city which are owned and operated by both entities. In 2021 the parties, desirous of a continued working relationship, entered an updated one-year JUA as facility repairs were conducted at one of the shared properties. The PRAB is being asked to consider this matter and take action in the form of a motion to approve a three-year agreement. BACKGROUND: The Boulder Valley School District and the City of Boulder are mutually interested in providing educational and recreational facilities to serve students and residents. It is agreed by both parties that working together to maximize the use of existing and future recreational facilities is mutually beneficial for both parties and the broader community. In addition, the 2022 Boulder Parks and Recreation Master Plan includes direction toward the development of enhanced relationships with certain organizations including BVSD (see Building Community and Relationships – Goal 3 Strengthen and Build Partnerships). Both entities are authorized by law to organize, promote and conduct community recreation programs, to establish park areas, playgrounds and recreational facilities and to acquire, improve, maintain and operate these areas. The prior joint use agreement between BVSD and the city, entered into on July 1, 2021, expired on July 1, 2022. It is the desire of both parties to execute the proposed agreement in August to align with the academic year. 16 AGENDA ITEM #5A Recognizing the expiration of the above-referenced agreements, the city and the BVSD have developed a mutually beneficial JUA that maximizes the efficient use of existing and future recreation assets. The term of the agreement is three years beginning in August 2022. ANALYSIS: Throughout 2021 and 2022, staff representatives from both parties have worked to develop a forward-looking JUA reflecting the community’s values and enhancing the shared use of recreation facilities and assets to benefit the Boulder community and particularly area youth. Key elements of the proposed JUA include: •The term of the Agreement would be three years. •The District allows the city use of designated school district facilities including the Manhattan Middle School gymnasium during weekday evenings when not being used by the District and the Summit Charter Middle School interior rooms for camp activities during the summer months. •The city allows the District continued prioritized use of city facilities including pools at the South and North Boulder Recreation Centers, Scott Carpenter Ball Field, and Flatirons Golf Course for District-run competitive sports programs. •The use of the Tantra Park Multi-Purpose Field and adjacent Summit Charter Middle School parking lot, by the city or the District, has been clarified to recognize the shared use of these facilities and avoid scheduling conflicts. •Rental or use of these facilities, by the city or the District, to third parties is no longer permitted within the scope of the agreement to align with broader District community use polices. •Clarification on maintenance, irrigation, and management responsibilities for facilities at Centennial Middle School (tennis courts), Eisenhower Elementary School (baseball, soccer, tennis), Crest View Elementary School (sport field), BCIS High Peaks Elementary (irrigation). •A Joint Use Interagency Team (JUIT) composed of staff representatives from the District and the city will meet bi-annually to schedule the use of identified properties, explore mutually beneficial capital planning projects and discuss any contractual issues. Both the BVSD and the city are interested in cost-effectively providing students and residents access to community educational and athletic facilities while responsibly managing their respective resources. With that in mind, both entities have made a good 17 AGENDA ITEM #5A faith effort to, over time, minimize the exchange of money for use of the other party’s facilities. In the proposed JUA, over the three-year term of the agreement, the intent is that the value of the use and services enjoyed and provided by each party is substantially, equally beneficial to both parties financially. To the extent that a substantial disparity exists, staff will attempt to adjust services through additional facility allowances, or in- kind services, so that no money shall be exchanged as compensation for any single year imbalance. Essentially, the city will be providing the BVSD with continued priority scheduled access to indoor swimming pools, an outdoor baseball field, and the golf course for use by its student athlete populations. BVSD will provide the city access to district facilities for summer camp programming, and gymnasium access for programs and community use. The proposed JUA also calls for a working group composed of city and BVSD staff who will seek to identify new or existing properties that have the greatest potential to meet the recreation needs of the two organizations and the Boulder community. On a bi-annual basis, staff representatives from both parties will meet to review and discuss property use and evaluate facility conditions – including the lifecycle and capital repair schedule for facilities involved. An annual review of the exchange of benefits will focus on hours of use, costs, fees and charges and potential capital investments. Goals from the 2022 Parks and Recreation Master Plan will help to provide continued direction for aligning this use most strategically in support of community needs. On July 25, 2022 staff presented the proposed agreement to the PRAB with a recommendation for a three-year term. The PRAB sought clarification on the term “substantial disparity” in the financial reconciliation of facility use between parties. This language was crafted and negotiated to balance the District’s desire to have a JUA without financial reconciliation or exchange of funds, and the city’s strong focus on financial stewardship that seeks to understand and allocate the cost of services in order to maintain cost recovery targets (and thereby avoid unintentional subsidy). The intent the parties sought to convey in this agreement language is that the first step is always to work collaboratively through the JUIT to reduce disparities and hopefully achieve balanced use – but if that is not possible, the city reserves the right to recoup expenses with some level of discretion since it is hard to predict future community needs or facility variables cleanly and comprehensively. Initially this was triggered by a fixed dollar amount, but variability season-to-season led the parties to modify the language for more flexibility. IMPACTS: Recreation facilities are important building blocks to creating a healthy community. Throughout the implementations of the JUA, Boulder community members will witness two large government agencies working collaboratively to achieve the community’s recreation goals. 18 AGENDA ITEM #5A Economic: Fields and facilities are community assets that support both free and paid community programs. The collaborative effort between the city and the BVSD will help identify cost savings to both entities while making additional recreational opportunities available to the community. In exchange for a reduction in fees traditionally assessed to BVSD for the use of city property, the department will receive increased access to the District’s gymnasium and building inventory without incurring the capital costs associated with having to build or maintain added facilities. In partnership, BVSD will continue to enjoy these assets on a priority scheduled basis. Environmental: All fields and facilities are located in safe and environmentally friendly locations for community members. Both parties agree to maintain their respective fields and facilities throughout the term of the agreement. Social: Increased availability to recreation spaces will allow the community locations to actively recreate together. OTHER IMPACTS: Fiscal: It is anticipated that the parties will work in good faith to reduce the exchange of cash compensation over time. Staff time: The execution of this agreement will save many hours of staff time annually managing programming and scheduling duties. An existing staff member will be responsible for contract management. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff requests PRAB’s consideration of this matter and action in the form of the following motion: Motion to approve the 2022 Joint Use Agreement Between Boulder Valley School District and City of Boulder and authorize the City Manager to make minor amendments prior to or during the term of this agreement in order to ensure that the agreement is managed in a manner that is consistent with applicable laws and the policies and regulations of the City of Boulder. NEXT STEPS: Staff will consider the PRAB and public’s feedback and make any necessary revisions to the proposed agreement. If approved, staff will present BVSD with a final version of the agreement for BVSD School Board approval and an anticipated August 2022 start date. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: 2022 Joint Use Agreement Between Boulder Valley School District and City of Boulder 19 Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Boulder Valley School District No. RE-2 and the City of Boulder For Use of Recreation Fields and Facilities Intergovernmental Agreement Executive Summary This Intergovernmental Agreement (this "Agreement") is between the Boulder Valley School District No. RE-2 (the "District") and the City of Boulder (the "City") to promote the health and general welfare of the community and contribute to the enhancement of the recreational opportunities afforded to the children in the community. The District and the City may hereinafter be referred to individually as a "Party" or collectively as the "Parties." The IGA shall be for a term of three years, during which time it is the intent of both parties to operate in good faith and with continued interest in preserving an Agreement in future years. In general, and as more fully described in the Intergovernmental Agreement (the "IGA"), the District agrees to allow the City to reserve the District-designated recreation facilities for City staffed and managed programming during time such as evenings, weekends, holidays, and school breaks when the District is not using the facilities. In turn, the City agrees to allow the District to reserve for student use designated City recreation facilities. The IGA will designate the specific recreation facilities to be reserved for use and address rental fees, access, security, supervision, maintenance, custodial services, and repairs or restitution. In addition, the IGA contains a procedure for resolving disputes, a mechanism for scheduling use of the facilities, and an allocation of costs, risks, and insurance. 1 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 20 Intergovernmental Agreement between the Boulder Valley School District No. RE-2 And the City of Boulder for Use of Recreation Fields and Facilities This Intergovernmental Agreement (this "IGA") is made and entered into as of the 9 th day of August, 2022 by and between Boulder Valley School District No. RE-2 (the "District" or "BVSD") and the City of Boulder, a Colorado home rule municipality (the "City" or "COB"). The District or BVSD and the City or COB may hereinafter be referred to individually as a "Party" or collectively as the "Parties." Recitals WHEREAS the Parties are authorized to enter into this IGA pursuant to the C.R.S. § 29-1-203 et. seq. WHEREAS C.R.S. §29-1-203 authorizes/encourages school districts and cities to organize, promote, and conduct community recreation programs and activities to promote the health and general welfare of the community; and WHEREAS the District is the owner of real property in the City, including facilities and active use areas that are capable of being used by the City for community recreational purposes; and WHEREAS the City is the owner of real property in the City, including facilities and active use areas that are capable of being used by the District for school recreational purposes; and WHEREAS under appropriate circumstances, these publicly held lands and facilities should be used most efficiently to maximize use and increase recreational opportunities for the community. NOW, THEREFORE, the District and the City agree to cooperate with each other as follows: 1. Term The term of this IGA will begin on August 9, 2022 and will continue for a period of three (3) years, unless sooner terminated as provided herein. 2. Effective Date This IGA shall be effective upon approval by and the last signature of the authorized officials for the District and the City following inspection of affected property as outlined in this IGA. 3. Cooperative Agreement As provided herein, the District and the City agree to cooperate in coordinating programs and activities conducted on all their respective facilities listed in Attachment A, "City Use of District Facilities," and Attachment B, "District Use of City Facilities," both attached hereto and made a part hereof. The District and the City shall have the right to add or exclude properties during the term of this IGA, provided that any such change shall be in writing and approved by both the District and the City. Reference to "District Property" or "City Property" in this IGA shall include the facilities and the property upon which the facilities are located. As used in this IGA, "Owner" shall mean the Party to this IGA that owns a particular property and/or facility covered by this IGA, and "User" shall mean the other Party using the Owner's property and/or facility under the terms of this IGA. 2 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 21 4. Permitted Uses a. District Property i. District Use "District Use" shall be defined for this IGA as the dates and times that schools in the District are normally in session. School is typically in session from the second week in August through the end of May. District Use also includes activities scheduled by individual schools, at their own school site or at other sites covered by this IGA, that take place after school hours, on weekends, on school holidays and vacations, and at such other times as District Property is being used by the District for District- or school sponsored activities. District Use also includes athletics and other sponsored activities that support the District's students. ii. City Use When not in use by the District and subject to the schedule developed by the District and the City, the City will be entitled to use District Property as listed in Attachment A, for community recreational programming operated by the City for the benefit of the District's students, the District, and the City at large. The City shall abide by District Board Policy KF/KF-R, Community Use of School Facilities/Community Use of School Facilities--Regulation ( Attachment E ) while coordinating the City operated programming of recreational activities on the District Property. In planning programs and scheduling activities on District Property, the safety, academic, athletic, and recreational needs and opportunities of school-aged children will be the highest priority and be adequately protected. iii. No Third-Party Use This IGA between the City and the District authorizes the City operated and staffed programs only in the District's facilities and on the District's properties. No third-party usage for youth and/or adult programs is authorized. Neither Party shall be authorized to allow use by any contract service provider on the other Party's property. Any third-party seeking use of the District's facilities must go through the Community Schools Community Use program pursuant to District Board Policy/Regulation KF/KF-R, Community Use of School Facilities/Regulation the location of which are in Attachment E, "BVSD Board Policies," attached hereto and made a part hereof. b. City Property i. City Use The City shall be entitled to priority use over District use of City Property for the regular conduct of parks, recreation, and community service activities and/or programs. 3 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 22 ii. District Use When not in use by the City and subject to the schedule developed by the City and the District, the City will permit the District use of City Property as listed in Attachment B, for the District's educational and recreational activities and/or programs, provided such use by the District is in accordance with all City rules, regulations, policies, and City code provisions. 5. Compliance with Law All use of District Property and City Property shall be in accordance with state and local law, C.R.S. §29-1-203. In the case of a conflict between the terms of this IGA and the requirements of state law, state law shall govern. Any actions taken by the District or the City that are required by state law but are inconsistent with the terms of this IGA, shall not be construed to be a breach or default of this IGA. 6. Communication a. Designation of Employees The District and the City shall respectively designate an employee with whom the other Party, or any authorized agent of the Party, may confer regarding the terms of this IGA. b. Joint Use Interagency Team The District and the City shall establish a Joint Use Interagency Team ("JUIT"), composed of staff representatives of the District and the City, to develop the schedule for use of District and City Property, to recommend rules and regulations for the District and the City to adopt, to implement this IGA, to monitor and evaluate the joint use project and this IGA, and to confer to discuss interim problems during the term of this IGA. i. Annual Review The JUIT shall review this IGA once each year to evaluate this IGA, determine changes to the schedule, if any, and to propose amendments to this IGA. If the JUIT is unable to reach a solution on a particular matter, it will be referred to the District's Executive Director of Community Schools and the City's Parks and Recreation Director, or their designees, for resolution. ii. Hours of Operation The hours and time of facility use shall be reviewed and adjusted as needed every six (6) months at the JUIT meeting. 7. Scheduling Use of City Property a. Master Schedule i. Development and Priorities The District and the City shall develop a schedule for joint use of District and City Property to allocate property use by the District and the City. The District will give the City priority scheduling for facilities outlined in Attachment A. The City will give the District priority scheduling for the facilities outlined in Attachment B. 4 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 23 ii. Reviews and Revisions The JUIT shall discuss the schedule, review, and evaluate the status and condition of jointly-used properties and modify or confirm the upcoming season's schedule at the regular annual meeting or at such other times as mutually agreed upon by the District and the City. b. Scheduling of City Property The City shall have the responsibility of scheduling the use of City Property when the City and the District are not using the Property. c. Scheduling of District Property The District shall have the responsibility of scheduling the use of District Property when the City is not using the Property. Use of the District's facilities shall be in accordance with the most recent regular procedures of the District for granting permits for the use of school facilities, as set forth in the District's policy KF/KF-R, the location of which can be found on Attachment E. The District's policy may be amended from time to time; the most recent policy language should be referenced at BVSD Board Docs under the School-Community Relations policy section. 8. Documentation and Allocation of Operational Costs a. Tracking Use of Facilities The District and the City shall each track use of their respective properties under this IGA. b. Documentation of Costs The District and the City shall each maintain records of costs associated with this IGA. c. Payment of Overtime Each Party shall bear the cost of any overtime incurred by their employees in carrying out this IGA. Each Party shall provide to the other Party an accounting on an annual basis of all overtime costs incurred as a result of overtime duties carried out by their respective employees. 9. Fees and Charges a. Documentation of Fees The District and the City shall maintain records of fees and charges associated with this IGA. The record will be kept electronically and shared as requested or needed with either Party. Documentation of fees should be based on actual usage by the District and the City. b. Annual Review of Benefits i. Mutual Benefit The intent of this IGA is that it will be mutually beneficial to both the District and the City. The District's Executive Director of Community Schools and the City's Director of Parks and Recreation shall annually review the exchange of benefits derived by each Party based upon hours of use, costs, fees, and charges, or capital investments. 5 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 24 ii. Reconciliation The Parties will work in good faith to attempt to reduce any imbalance in the value of the use and services enjoyed or provided by each Party under this IGA so that this IGA is substantially, equally beneficial to both Parties financially recognizing, however, that the main purpose and mission of each Party is to provide benefits to students and community. The JUIT shall annually review the comparative use and benefits of the Parties. To the extent that the JUIT determines that there is a substantial disparity, it shall discuss the possibility of adjusting a Party's use and/or consider an allowance for in-kind services or payment. iii. Based upon Actual Usage Reconciliation will be calculated on actual usage of facilities outlined in this IGA. It is incumbent upon both Parties to review documentation of actual usage and agree on any associated financial remuneration prior to the actual compensation exchange. An anticipated financial value of usage is provided in Attachment C and in Attachment D. iv. Adjusting Imbalances As provided above, to the extent that the JUIT determines that there is a substantial disparity, it shall discuss the possibility of adjusting a Party's use and/or consider an allowance for in-kind services or payment. 10. Improvements a. Alterations The District shall obtain prior written consent of the City to make any alterations, additions, repairs or improvements to City Property. The City shall obtain the prior written consent of the District to make any alterations, additions, repairs or improvements to District Property. b. Expense Any such alterations, additions, repairs or improvements will be at the expense of the requesting Party and must comply with all applicable infrastructure codes, standards and guidelines, unless otherwise agreed. c. Improvements Requiring Adjustment to this IGA Should any facility included in this IGA require repair, renovation or other maintenance that impacts the terms of this IGA, that matter shall be discussed by the JUIT as outlined in this IGA. d. Demolition Each Party may, for good cause, require the demolition or removal of any temporary or permanent alterations, additions, repairs or improvements made by the other Party at the expense of the Party that made such alteration, addition, repairs or improvement. e. Ownership 6 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 25 The District and the City shall each retain title and possession of their respective land and facilities covered by this IGA. Capital improvements to District or City Property become the property of the owner of the property regardless of which Party made and/or paid for the improvements. 11. Interagency Training The District and the City shall operate a joint training and orientation program for key personnel implementing this IGA. Monitors for both parties and supervisors at the District and the City will go over procedures relating to the use of such things as keys, opening buildings, and responding to emergencies. This shall be an agenda item at the JUIT. The District and the City shall be responsible for ensuring their employees attend the training. 12. Supervision, Security, and Inspections a. Supervision and Enforcement i. Training The City shall train and provide an adequate number of competent personnel to supervise all activities authorized by the City on District Property. The City shall observe and ensure that all District Board Policies, including KF/KF-R, the location of which can be found on Attachment E, are followed while coordinating its activities or programs on the District's property. ii. Supervision The City shall provide a City employee on site for all indoor programs on the District Property. Outside programs shall be under the management of the City but may not have an on-site supervisor. iii. Pool Access For pool access, the City will provide a City employee to open and close the Recreation Centers if used before or after hours for District Use. The City will also supply an appropriate number of lifeguards based on City Policy. iv. Scott Carpenter Park For Scott Carpenter Park access, the City shall provide a City employee to open and close the facility when used by the District. v. No Charges Neither Party shall bill the other for Monitors or supervision of their facilities. b. Security The District shall provide only City employees with access to District Property. The District will provide keys, security cards, and training as needed to the City's identified employee(s) responsible for opening and locking District Property while supervising activities or programs. c. Inspections and Notification The User shall inspect the Owner's Property after use to ensure that sites are returned in the condition they were received. The User shall ensure the Owner is notified within 48 hours in the event that the Owner's Property 7 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 26 suffers damage during User's use. 13. Supplies & Equipment The User shall furnish and supply all expendable materials and recreational equipment necessary to carry out its programs while using the Owner's Property. An inventory of existing equipment will be noted by the JUIT and reviewed and updated on an annual basis. 14. Maintenance, Custodial Services, and Toilet Facilities a. Maintenance i. Due Care The User agrees to exercise due care in the use of the Owner's Property. The User shall keep the Owner's Property in neat order during the times of use. ii. Maintenance and Standards The Parties agree that their respective properties under this IGA will be maintained in clean, safe, and in general good repair throughout the Term or any extension thereof. Unless otherwise stated in this IGA, each Owner shall be solely responsible for the repair, maintenance, and reasonable safe operation of their properties, including and not limited to, existing or improved infrastructure on those properties such as sprinkler heads, irrigation lines, turf, fencing, backstops, goal posts, water fountains, lighting, waste receptacles, restrooms, net and flooring. iii. Level of Service - Notice The Owner will be responsible for normal maintenance of all of its properties under this IGA at basic level of service subject to normal wear and tear. The Owner shall notify its Users of any known change in condition of its properties. iv. Toilet Facilities Cleaning and maintenance of the District and the City toilet facilities shall be performed during regular custodial hours. These will be weekday daytime hours unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. v. Utilities Each of the Parties is responsible for continued operation of utilities servicing their respective properties under this IGA regardless of use or maintenance herein. b. Custodial The Owner shall make its trash receptacles available during the User's use of Owner's Property. The User shall encourage community users to dispose of trash in the trash receptacles during its use. c. Temporary Toilet Facilities The City may place temporary, portable, restroom facilities at the District's outdoor Properties with prior approval and at the discretion of the District. It shall be the responsibility of the City to maintain these facilities. 8 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 27 15. Parking Motor vehicle and bicycle parking shall be permitted in adjacent Owner parking lots by community users during the City's use or the District's use of a site on a 'first come, first served' basis. 16. Restitution and Repair Unless otherwise mutually agreed, the User shall be wholly responsible to fund the repair or replacement of any and all damage or vandalism to the Owner's Property occurring during the User's use of that Property. a. Reimbursement Procedure i. Notice The Owner shall provide notice by sending an invoice to the User's designated employee within thirty (30) days of completion of repairs or replacement of damaged Property. ii. Itemized Invoices The invoice shall itemize all work hours, equipment, and materials with cost rates as applied to the repair work. If the repair is completed by a contractor, a copy of the contractor's itemized statement shall be attached. Actual costs shall be reimbursed if less than estimated and/or fixed costs. The User shall reimburse the Owner within ninety (90) days from receipt of such invoice. 17. Disagreements a. Notice The User shall retain the right to disagree with any and all items of damage to buildings or equipment as identified by the Owner, provided this objection is made within ten (10) days of the User receiving notice from the Owner. The User shall notify the Owner of any objection in writing by letter, or email to the Owner's designated employee. The User shall clearly identify the reasons for refusing responsibility for the damages. Failure to file the objection within the prescribed time period shall be considered an acceptance of responsibility by the User. b. Investigation After proper notification, members of the JUIT, or other designated employees of the City and the District, shall make an on-site investigation and attempt a settlement of the disagreement. c. Dispute Resolution In the event an agreement cannot be reached, the matter shall be referred to the City's Parks and Recreation Director and BVSD Executive Director of Community Schools, or their designees, for resolution. d. Emergency Repairs The Owner shall have the right to make immediate emergency repairs or replacements of Property without voiding the User's right to disagree. 9 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 28 18. Liability and Indemnification Neither Party is required to indemnify the other in connection with this IGA. However, each Party assumes responsibility for its actions and omissions in the performance or failure to perform work under this Contract, as well as the actions and omissions of its agents and employees. Neither Party waives or intends to waive the limitations on liability which are provided to the Parties, their officers, and employees under the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, Section. 24-10-101 et. seq., C.R.S. 19. Insurance The Parties are each authorized under C.R.S. §24-10-115 (2)(a) to self-insure, and, pursuant to such authorization do so self-insure. The Parties further agree, without waiving any governmental immunity protections to which it and its officials or employees are entitled under C.R.S. 24-10-101, et seq., as amended, to obtain adequate insurance to cover the liability and other risks to which they may be exposed as a result of the services to be provided pursuant to this IGA, if it does not already have such insurance, to maintain such insurance throughout the term of this IGA. 20. Termination This IGA may be terminated at any time by either Party with ninety (90) days’ written notice. 21. General Provisions of the Entire IGA a. Entire IGA This IGA constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties with respect to the subject matter and nothing in this IGA shall affect any other agreement between the City and the District now in effect. This IGA shall replace, void, and supersede any and all existing or former joint use or lease agreements between the Parties which shall come under the governance of this IGA. b. No Third-Party Use Third-party usage is not permitted by either Party. Neither Party shall be authorized to allow use by any contract service provider on the other Party's property. c. Binding Effect This IGA shall be binding upon the Parties and their successors in interest. 10 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 29 d. Notice Any notice required by this IGA shall be in writing, made by hand-delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, or by email to a valid email address as stated below or as updated in the future and addressed to the following: Executive Director of Community Schools Boulder Valley School District 6500 Arapahoe Road Boulder, Colorado 80303 renee.williams@bvsd.org —- AND —- Director of City of Boulder Parks and Recreation 3198 Broadway-IRIS Center Boulder, CO 80304-2644 rhodesa@bouldercolorado.gov e. Effective Date of Notice Notice given by hand-delivery shall be effective immediately and notice by all other means shall be effective three (3) days after it is deposited in the United States mail depository correctly addressed with sufficient postage for delivery or emailed to a valid email address and to the authorized representative of the Party as indicated above. f. Colorado Law The rights and obligations of the Parties under this IGA shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with Colorado law. g. Authorized Signers The Parties represent that the individuals signing this IGA on their behalf possess full power and authority from their respective governing body or board in compliance with Colorado law. h. Waiver Waiver of any right under this IGA shall not operate as, or be construed to be, a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision of this IGA. i. No Assignment No provision of this IGA shall be assigned by either Party without prior written consent of the non-assigning Party. j. Cooperation Each Party agrees to perform all other acts and execute and deliver all other documents as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this IGA. k. Severability Each provision of this IGA shall be severable. If any provision is held 11 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 30 invalid, contrary to, or in conflict with any law or regulation by a tribunal with competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this IGA shall remain in effect. I. Days Whenever the term "day" or "days" appears in this IGA, it shall be construed as business day(s) not including holidays or weekends. m. Force Majeure Neither Party shall be liable to the other for any delay in, or failure of performance of, any promise contained in this IGA, nor shall any delay or failure constitute default or give rise to any liability for damages, if and to the extent that such delay or failure is caused by "force majeure." As used in this IGA, "force majeure" means conditions that are beyond a Party's control and include acts of God; acts of the public enemy; acts of any governmental entity that has jurisdiction over either Party in its sovereign or contractual capacity; fires; floods, epidemics; pandemics; quarantine restrictions; strikes or other labor disputes; freight embargoes; illegality; or unusually severe weather. In the event of a pandemic, such as COVID-19, the Parties acknowledge that the availability of one or more of either of their respective properties for use under this IGA may be restricted or curtailed for a period of time in a Party's sole discretion upon its determination that the action is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare or to comply with Executive Orders, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Orders, or other health agency guidance or protocols. In the case of a force majeure event, the affected Party’s representative, designated in Section 6.a., will promptly notify the other Party's representative. 22. Amendments This IGA may not be modified, nor may compliance with any of its terms be waived, except by written instrument executed and approved in the same manner as this IGA. 23. Fund Availability Financial obligations of the District or the City payable after the current fiscal year are contingent upon funds for that purpose being appropriated, budgeted, and otherwise made available. 24. No Third-Party Rights This IGA is for the benefit of the District and the City and creates no rights in third parties. Neither Party shall be authorized to allow use by any contract service provider on the other Party's property. 25. Negligence Notwithstanding any other provision of this IGA to the contrary, no term or condition of this IGA shall be construed or interpreted as a waiver, express or implied, of any of the immunities, rights, benefits, protection, or other provisions of the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, Section 24-10-101 et seq., C.R.S., as now or hereafter amended. The Parties understand and agree that liability for claims for injuries to persons or property arising out of negligence of the City or BVSD, its departments, institutions, agencies, boards, officials, and employees is controlled and limited by the provisions of Section 24-10-101 et seq., C.R.S., as now or hereafter amended. 12 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 31 (Signatures on next page) 13 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 32 DATED this _______ day of ,2022. THE CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO By: _________________________________________________________________ City Manager 1777 Broadway Boulder, CO 80302 _________________________________________________________________ Attest by City Clerk _________________________________________________________________ Approved as by City Attorney’s Office ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOULDER VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-2 By: ____________________________________ Kathy Gebhardt President, Board of Education Boulder Valley School District 6500 Arapahoe Road Boulder, Colorado 80303 ATTEST: ____________________________________ Laura Shafer Secretary, Board of Education _________________________________________________________________ Kathleen Sullivan, Legal Counsel Boulder Valley School District RE-2 14 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 33 ATTACHMENT A City Use of District Facilities Facilities not listed in this IGA may be available for rental, subject to the District's applicable Community Use rates and policies, which are updated at: https://rentals.bvsd.org/. City Use of Manhattan Middle School of Arts and Academics - Gymnasium The City has the use of Manhattan’s gymnasium for public recreational purposes. This applies to the City operated recreation programs. ► August-May usage/access (152 days) • Closed for use during school breaks, holidays, summer, school events as determined by the school calendar and administration ► Monday--Thursday, 6:00 pm-10:30 pm The City must rent through the District's Community Use program all other indoor and outdoor spaces at Manhattan Middle School of Arts and Academics. A map of the property is found in Attachment F of this Agreement. City Use of Centennial Tennis Courts There are eight tennis courts on the District's property at Centennial Middle School. Over the past several decades, the tennis courts have been scheduled, maintained, and rented by the City of Boulder as documented in successive Intergovernmental Agreements between the District and the City, including the most recent IGA, signed on July 1, 2021. The City and the District worked in good faith to repair the tennis courts and in the fall of 2021, the City completed repairs. As of November 2021, and with agreement by both Parties, the City transferred scheduling, maintenance, and rentals to the District. The District will continue to schedule, maintain, and rent the Centennial tennis courts pursuant to Board policy KF and Regulation KF-R for the duration of this Agreement and beyond unless otherwise agreed to by both Parties. The Parties recognize that the City offers fee-based tennis lessons through a Contractor who is not a City employee, nor is there a City employee on District property during the lessons. This constitutes Third Party Use and thus not allowable under the IGA. As such, the Parties agree the City will rent the Courts through the District’s Community Schools Community Use program in this situation, just as any other community member. This particular use shall be outside the terms of the IGA Should the City offer tennis lessons taught by City employees in the future, use of Centennial Tennis Courts will be re-examined and the IGA adjusted accordingly. A map of the property is found in Attachment F of this Agreement. City Use of Summit Charter Middle School In 1990, the City and District entered into an Agreement whereby the District sold the City the grass field adjacent to what is now Summit Charter Middle School in exchange for additional land adjacent to Boulder High School. Previous Joint Use Agreements established that the District was allowed to use the field for school-related purposes such as meeting statutory requirements for students’ physical education, recess, and 15 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 34 other school-related uses such as for athletics, activities, and events. When the grass field is not in use by the District, the City maintains the right to rent it to community users for revenue. Parking in that area is limited and renters of the City field regularly use and fill the District’s parking lot. When this occurs, the District’s ability to host evening, weekend, or summer educational activities at the school or provide community rentals is limited because the parking lot is utilized by the City’s renters. This also limits the District’s ability to collect revenue for maintenance of the parking lot pursuant to Board policy KF and KF-R. The City and the District worked in good faith to find a reasonable solution. The Parties agreed that the District has the right to use the adjacent field at no charge for educational and athletic activities during the school year, in evenings, and in the summer and on weekends with reasonable notice given to the City for scheduling purposes. The Parties agreed that the District has first right of refusal to use the District parking lot for educational and athletics activities, Community Use, construction and facility maintenance, and other District-sponsored activities and events. When not in use by the District, the City has the ability to utilize the parking lot for their renters with reasonable notice given to the District for scheduling purposes. Reasonable notice is defined as written notice of anticipated use by one Party which is given to the other Party no later than at the fall or spring JUIT meeting. Reasonable written notice accounts for anticipated use for the subsequent six months so as to support adequate time for scheduling. The City has the use of Summit Charter Middle School for the following reasons: ► A summer camp operated by the City of Boulder • June - July usage/access (35 days) - 7 weeks • Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm • The use of the art and music rooms, cafeteria, and courtyard for camp participants • The City of Boulder summer camp operates for 6 weeks with one additional week reserved for set up and training. ► Parking at the District parking lot for the City’s renters of the adjacent grass field when the City’s rental activities do not interfere with District activities at Summit Charter Middle School. City renters of the joint use field do not have access to the Summit Middle School building. The City will provide appropriate portable restroom facilities for City renters of the adjacent grass field so as to eliminate the need for City renters to request access to District facilities. The City must rent through the District's Community Use program for all other activities and times throughout the year. A map of the property is found in Attachment F of this Agreement. City Use of Eisenhower Elementary School – Baseball and Soccer Fields and Tennis Courts The baseball diamond, soccer field and tennis courts are largely on the District's property at Eisenhower Elementary, with portions of each falling on the City's property. The recreational area abuts the City owned Arapahoe Ridge Park. There are no easements that encumber the property to the benefit of the City or any third-party. The District retains ownership of the District portion of the property. The City retains ownership of the City portion of the property. The property line is outlined in the map on Attachment F, "BVSD Site Map and Ownership," attached hereto and made a part hereof. Based upon a review of prior agreements and available documents between the City and the District, there has been no documentation of financial exchange recorded on this property. 16 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 35 Therefore, the Parties agree that Attachment C, District Facilities Used by the City: Financial Value of Usage," attached hereto and made a part hereof, reflects "zero" as the current value of the financial exchange on this property. The following outlines the District's property and use: I. Baseball and Soccer Fields A. The District will be responsible for maintaining, scheduling and renting the baseball diamond and soccer fields. B. The District made irrigation improvements to this property in summer 2021. The District agrees to continue irrigating the District portion of the field. C. The District retains the property rights to the portion of the fields that are on the District's property. D. The City retains the property rights to the portion of the fields that are on the City's property. II. Tennis Courts A. The District and the City property line meet north of the midpoint on the tennis courts, with more than half of the courts on the District's property. B. The District retains the property rights to the portion of the tennis courts that are on the District's property. C. The City retains the property rights to the portion of the tennis courts that are on the City's property. D. The City will be responsible for maintaining, scheduling, and renting the tennis courts. The City must rent through the District's Community Schools Community Use program all other indoor and outdoor spaces, including the soccer fields and baseball field, at Eisenhower Elementary. City Use of Crest View Elementary -- Field In 1986, the District granted the City an easement on 6.5 acres of field located on the District's property at Crest View Elementary for the purpose of building and maintaining a permanent neighborhood park. The easement is granted in perpetuity so long as the land is used for the purpose granted in the easement. The District reserves the right to use the property during the school day when school is in session. In 2014, the park was renovated by the City. The review process outlined in the easement was followed. A map of the property is found in Attachment F . The District shall maintain 13.5 acres. The City shall maintain 6.5 acres. Maintenance responsibilities for each Party on their respective acreage shall be: • Playgrounds • Irrigation 17 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 36 • Turf • Landscape beds/trees • Hard surfaces (sidewalks, parking lots, etc.) • Facilities • Site amenities (signs, benches, etc.) • Snow removal • Natural lands • Waste management A map of the property is found in Attachment F of this Agreement. BCSIS - High Peaks Elementary School The District made irrigation improvements to the property in summer of 2021. The District agrees to continue irrigating the District portion of the field property. This IGA does not authorize any further improvements to the property. A map of this property is found in Attachment F . 18 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 37 ATTACHMENT B District Use of City Facilities Facilities not listed in this IGA may be available for rental, subject to the City's applicable facility use rates and policies. District Use of South Boulder Recreation Center Lap Pool – Fairview High School Swim Teams The District has the use of the City's South Boulder Recreation Center Lap Pool for use by the Fairview High School girls and boys swim teams for Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) girls and boys swim seasons. • Practice time for 24 weeks (12 weeks for girls and 12 weeks for boys during respective CHSAA seasons) ► 10 hours/week between the hours of 4:30pm – 6:30pm (6 lanes). ► 10 hours/week between the hours of 6:30-8:30 a.m. (2 lanes) ► The change in practice hours accommodates a change in bell schedule that the District adopted for high school students. Fairview High School students' school day is now 8:35am – 3:50pm. Additional time after the end of the school day is needed for students to travel to the practice location, change, and prepare for practice in the pool. • Meets for six (6) dual meets (3 meets for the girl’s season and 3 meets for the boy’s season) ► 18 hours utilizing 6 lanes The District must rent through the City for any additional usage. District Use of North Boulder Recreation Center Lap Pool – Boulder High School Swim Teams The District has the use of the City's North Boulder Recreation Center Lap Pool for use by the Boulder High School girls and boys swim teams for Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) girls and boys swim seasons. • Practice time for 24 weeks (12 weeks for girls and 12 weeks for boys during respective CHSAA seasons) ► 10 hours/week between the hours of 4:30pm – 6:30pm (5 lanes). ► The change in practice hours accommodates a change in bell schedule that BVSD adopted for high school students. Boulder High School students school day is now 8:35am – 3:50pm. Additional time after the end of the school day is needed for students to travel to the practice location, change, and prepare for practice in the pool. • Meets for six (6) dual meets (3 meets for the girl’s season and 3 meets for the boy’s season) ► 18 hours utilizing 8 lanes The District must rent through the City for any additional usage. District Use of Scott Carpenter Field The District has the use of the City's Scott Carpenter Field for use by the Boulder High School baseball team during the CHSAA season. A map of this property is found in Attachment G, "City of Boulder Site Maps and Ownership," attached hereto and made a part hereof. • Spring (March-May) 19 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 38 ► BHS Baseball scheduling has priority ► 12.5 hours/week for practice on weekdays for 12 weeks ► 4 hours/week for games on Saturdays for 12 weeks • Fall (September-October) ► BHS Baseball scheduling has priority ► 5 hours/week for practice on weekdays for 9 weeks ► 4 hours/week for games on Saturdays for 5 weeks The District must rent through the City for any additional usage. District Use of Flatirons Golf Course The District has the use of the City's Flatirons Golf Course for use by Fairview and Boulder High Schools’ girls and boys golf teams during their CHSAA seasons. Practice Practice Schedule 4 days per week, Monday-Thursday – 2 days per school each week Practice Areas – 4:30-6:00pm Use of the driving range on a space-available basis during the specified practice times, up to a maximum of 3 tee spaces during periods of public high use. Practice range balls will be provided, but may be reasonably limited when supply is constrained due to high public use. Non-exclusive use of practice areas, including chipping and putting greens. Course Tee Times Exclusive use of last 3 tee times per day – approximately 2 hours before sunset during specified practice times below. All players will check-in at the golf shop at the beginning of practice if planning to use one of the reserved tee times. Practice start times may be available earlier than specified in this agreement, and golf shop staff may release these times to team players on a daily basis one hour before, based on public use. Boys Season August 1 to August 30 beginning at 6:00pm September 1 to September 15 beginning at 5:30pm Girls Season March 1 to March 15 beginning at 4:00pm March 15 to March 30 beginning at 4:30pm April 1 to April 15 beginning at 5:30pm April 16 to May 15 beginning at 6:00pm Team Course Policies 1. No golf cart use for team players during the competitive golf season. 2. A coach must be present at all times when practice sessions are underway. 3. Any player who violates these policies, or other posted course rules, is subject to loss of team practice privileges at the discretion of the golf operations staff. Facility Use Fee $2,000 per year ($500 per full-season practice day scheduled x 4 days) Tournaments 2 league tournaments per season, per availability requested by June 1 (boys) and March 1 (girls) Player fees for tournaments include green fee and warm-up balls. Golf carts provided for coaching staff 20 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 39 Published prevailing 18 holes Junior Green Fee to be paid by the coach at check-in, on per-player basis Tournament reservation fee deposit- waived District Use of Summit/Tantra Park Multi-Purpose Field On October 25, 1990, Boulder Valley School District and the City of Boulder entered into a Special Warranty Deed regarding a parcel of land known as the “Majestic Heights - City of Boulder Parks and Recreation south district maintenance facility site lying north and east” of what is now known as Summit Middle School. In subsequent years, joint use agreements indicated shared use of that field to support daily activities and needs of the students enrolled in the adjacent school. In this continued spirit, the City and District shall work together to convey joint use of the field, known as Summit/Tantra Park Multi-Purpose Field, for the students in attendance at Summit Middle School. The City agrees that the District will not be charged for use of Summit/Tantra Park Multi-Purpose Field. This includes use of the field during the Summit school year for: ● Daily recess and physical education purposes pursuant to Colorado Department of Education requirements for public schools, ● Daily after school clubs, athletics and activities, ● Regularly scheduled District-sponsored athletics/sports programs for the benefit of students, ● Occasional evening, weekend, and/or summer use for school and/or District sponsored tournaments, activities, and school-wide special events. The City recognizes that the Summit Charter Middle School operates on a slightly different school year calendar than other District schools. The City and District agree to work together in good faith on scheduling needs. 21 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 40 ATTACHMENT C District Facilities Used by the City: 2022 Estimated Financial Value of Usage Location Hours Days Weeks Rate Total Manhattan MS Gymnasium 6pm - 10:30pm: 4.5 hrs M - R: 4 days a week, 152 days August - May: 38 weeks $60/hr x 4.5 hrs/day x 152 days $41,040 Summit MS Art & music rooms, cafeteria, and courtyard 8am - 5pm: 9 hrs M - F: 5 days week, 35 days June - July: 7 weeks $400/day x 35 days $14,000 Summit MS Parking Lot – weekday Fall and Spring, and Summer Evening Hours when not in use by District As agreed upon through JUIT and when not in use by the District 38 Weeks Annually The parking lot is fully on District property. The Parties agree the District has first right of refusal for use. When not in use by the District, the City may allow its field renters to park in the lot. $0.00 Eisenhower Elementary Tennis Courts Dawn to Dusk Sunday - Saturday 52 weeks annually The tennis courts straddle a shared property line. City maintains, schedules and rents the tennis courts. $0.00 Eisenhower Elementary Baseball and Soccer Fields Dawn to Dusk Sunday - Saturday 52 weeks annually The baseball and soccer fields are majority on District property. District maintains, schedules and rents the baseball and soccer fields. $0.00 Crest View Elementary Field Dawn to Dusk Sunday - Saturday 52 weeks annually Governed by a 1986 Easement that permits the City 6.5 acres to develop, maintain, and operate a permanent neighborhood $0.00 22 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 41 park. Total Anticipated Annual Fees for City Use of District Facilities $55,040 23 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 42 ATTACHMENT D City Facilities Used by the District: 2022 Estimated Financial Value of Usage Scott Carpenter Park Fields Hours Days Weeks Rate Subtotal Fall Practice Sept/Oct Weekdays 1 2.5 2 9 $61 $2,745 Fall Games Sept/Oct Saturdays 1 4 1 5 $61 $1,220 Spring Practice March - May Weekdays 1 2.5 5 12 $61 $9,150 Spring Games March - May Saturdays 1 4 1 12 $61 $2,928 TOTAL FALL/ SPRING $16,043 Pools Lanes Hours Days Weeks Rate Subtotal NBRC Between 4:30-6:30pm 5 2 5 24 $16 $19,200 SBRC Between 4:30-6:30pm 6 2 5 24 $16 $23,040 SBRC Between 6:30-8:30 am 2 2 5 24 $16 $7,680 Meets NBRC 6 meets @ 3 hours M-Sat 8 3 1 6 $16 $2,304 Meets SBRC 6 meets @3 hours M-Sat 6 3 1 6 $16 $1,728 Total Pool Time $53,952 24 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 43 Flatirons Golf Rate Subtotal Practice Facilities Range, Practice Greens Mon - Thurs Between 4:30-6pm Range balls included Tee Times Mon - Thurs 2 hours before sunset 3 tee times Tournaments 2 reserved per year Player fees paid by teams Carts for coaches included Facility Use Fee $500 per team 4 teams $2,000 Tantra Park Hours Days Months Rate Subtotal Multi-use field School hours; 3:00-4:30pm; 4 events annually 3:00pm-7:00p m Monday - Friday August - June Site developed for Joint-Use. $0.00 $0.00 Total Anticipated Annual District Usage Fees of City Facilities $71,995 25 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 44 ATTACHMENT E BVSD Board Policies Boulder Valley School District Board policies are regularly reviewed and updated. This IGA shall follow the most up-to-date Board policies, which are found on BVSD Board Docs under the Policies section: https://www.bvsd.org/about/board-of-education/policies The following four policies are most pertinent to this IGA: ● BVSD Board Policy ADC, Tobacco-Free Schools ● BVSD Board Policy KF, Community Use of School Facilities ● BVSD Board Regulation KF-R, Community Use of School Facilities ● BVSD Board Policy KFA, Public Conduct on District Property ● BVSD Board Policy LBD: Relations with District Charter Schools ● BVSD Board Policy JB: Equal Educational Opportunities ● BVSD Board Policy IGDJ: Interscholastic Athletics ● BVSD Board Policy ECAA: Access to Buildings (and Key Control) 26 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 45 ATTACHMENT F BVSD Site Maps and Ownership 27 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 46 28 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 47 29 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 48 30 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 49 31 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 50 ATTACHMENT G City of Boulder Site Maps and Ownership 4863-1950-8775, v. 2 32 Attachment A BVSD Joint Use Agreement 51 3198 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80304 | www.boulderparks-rec.org | O: 303-413-7200 TO: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FROM: Alison Rhodes, Director of Parks and Recreation Bryan Beary, Senior Manager, Community Building + Partnerships Dennis Warrington, Senior Manager, Urban Parks Manager Jackson Hite, Senior Manager, Business Services Mark Davison, Senior Manager, Planning Megann Lohman, Senior Manager, Recreation Regina Elsner, Senior Manager, Natural Lands Stephanie Munro, Senior Manager, Regional Facilities SUBJECT: Matters from the Department DATE: August 22, 2022 A. Safety and Security in Boulder Parks and Recreation Following the threats of gun violence at the North Boulder Recreation Center in July 2022, Boulder Parks and Recreation (BPR) leadership renewed the department’s commitment to efforts that promote safety in Boulder’s parks, facilities and recreation programs. This item outlines both short-term and long-term efforts underway. Employee Training: Each year, during the facility maintenance closures at the recreation centers, employees attend trainings more easily delivered and attended when the facility is closed. This year, at both the North Boulder Recreation Center closure (August 17) and the East Boulder Community Center closure (September 1), employees will benefit from training provided by Boulder Police and the city’s Risk Management team and coordinated by Recreation supervisors. Topics this year include: • Active Shooter • Shelter in Place and Emergency Evacuation • Child Protection • General De-Escalation • ADA Accommodation Crisis Communication Plan: To guide thoughtful, timely and helpful employee and community communications during and after critical incidents, BPR will develop a Crisis 52 3198 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80304 | www.boulderparks-rec.org | O: 303-413-7200 Communication Plan to guide the timing, tone, and content of communications during the various phases of a crisis. This will be complete by December 20222. BPR Safety Committees: It is a leading practice in Risk Management to have employee-led safety committees. Under the sponsorship of Stephanie Munro, Senior Manager for Regional Facilities, BPR is launching two safety committees to build and sustain a culture of safety with the department. The committees will represent BPR’s Land Operations and Recreation and work to use data and employee input to develop safety initiatives, procedures, training and policies. This effort is being organized now for kick-off in October 2022. General Security Plan: As part of the department’s efforts to achieve accreditation by the Commission for Accreditation of Parks and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) and by the end of 2023, BPR will develop a General Security Plan. While disparate plans exist, this General Security Plan will ensure that all areas, buildings and facilities in BPR’s jurisdiction are guided by a comprehensive security plan that is updated periodically and available at each site. The General Security Plan will address access, opening and closing procedures, fire alarm and suppression systems, emergency evacuation procedures, critical incident response procedures and training and more. 53 3198 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80304 | www.boulderparks-rec.org | O: 303-413-7200 TO: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board SUBJECT: Matters from the Board DATE: August 22, 2022 A. PRAB Meeting Dates • PRAB Retreat Agenda Planning. Two past retreat agendas are attached for reference. B. Public Participation Format At their meeting on May 3, 2022, Council reaffirmed the decision to not allow video for members of the public participating via Zoom. For more information see the May 3 minutes (item 6A) or view the meeting recording online. C. PRAB Retreat Planning (verbal) D. PRAB Matters (verbal) 54 PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Virtual - Study Session 5:00 p.m., November 16, 2020 100 Years of Excellence Boulder Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Members 2020 Raj Seymour (Chair) Allison Fronzaglia (Vice Chair) Charles Brock Mary Scott Jason Unger Tara Winer Pamela Yugar Mission Statement BPRD will promote the health and well- being of the entire Boulder community by collaboratively providing high- quality parks, facilities and programs. Vision Statement We envision a community where every member’s health and well- being is founded on unparalleled parks, facilities and programs. Goals of the Master Plan 1. Community Health and Wellness 2. Taking Care of What We Have 3. Financial Sustainability 4. Building Community 5. Youth Engagement 6. Organizational Readiness For more information on BPRD Master Plan visit the City of Boulder web site at: https://bouldercolorado.gov/pages/ parks-recreation-master-plan I.PRAB Members "Get to Know You” - 3 minutes each (5:00) A.Tell us something we don’t know about you. B.What about PRAB are you passionate about? II.Board Communication and Letter to Council (5:30) A.City Communication with PRAB – 2020 B.What communication improvements would PRAB like to see in 2021? C.Crafting the Letter to Council – What makes you sad? What makes you happy? Be prepared to discuss and bring an example for each scenario. III.Movement – Raj (6:15) A.Get up and move – let’s stretch! IV.PRAB Board Roles and how can we assist the Dept. best? (6:20) A.Resident Response Plan – Alli Fronzaglia B.Board and Commission Responsibilities Comparison – BPR Staff V.Tai Chi – Mary Scott (6:35) A.Let’s breathe! Stay Focused! VI.Onboarding/Transition Plan (6:40) A.What is the plan to help New Board Members transition successfully? B.What is the plan to transition if a new board member is chosen in 2021? C.What is the transition plan to “thank” volunteer board members for their time? VII.Next steps… (6:45) PRAB RETREAT AGENDA Purpose: Once a year, members of the PRAB participate in a study session to develop a work plan and priorities to share with staff and City Council. The retreat offers an opportunity to celebrate successes, make course corrections in work plans and chart the course ahead. 55 PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Retreat Study Session- Virtual Meeting 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m., November 15, 2021 100 Years of Excellence Boulder Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Members 2021 Raj Seymour (Chair) Pamela Yugar (Vice Chair) Charles Brock Elliott Hood Mary Scott Jason Unger Tara Winer Mission Statement BPRD will promote the health and well- being of the entire Boulder community by collaboratively providing high- quality parks, facilities and programs. Vision Statement We envision a community where every member’s health and well- being is founded on unparalleled parks, facilities and programs. Goals of the Master Plan 1. Community Health and Wellness 2. Taking Care of What We Have 3. Financial Sustainability 4. Building Community 5. Youth Engagement 6. Organizational Readiness For more information on BPRD Master Plan visit the City of Boulder web site at: https://bouldercolorado.gov/pages/ parks-recreation-master-plan RETREAT AGENDA PRAB Board Members ‘Get to Know You” – Questions sent in advance and will be asked randomly to PRAB Members throughout the evening. I. PRAB Roles and Goals for the Coming Year A. How do we want to work together? What are our goals for 2022? B. Service Area Assignments for emails received from community members – is this working? How can we modify/improve it? (see attached) C. What input do we have on Public Participation? Supporting high levels of constructive engagement, positive two-way dialogue. D. Review the City of Boulder’s Community Engagement Framework and discuss how to incorporate their identified best practices within PRAB. (See attached.) II. Parks and Recreation Master Plan discussion A. How can PRAB help staff in the update to the Master Plan. B. Are there proactive steps that PRAB could take, rather than responding to requests from input at the regular PRAB meetings? III. Movement – Let's stretch and move a bit! Led by Raj. IV. Letter to City Council A. Their request (see attached): input from all Boards on potential items to the Council's 2022-2023, two-year workplan. Are there any items we would like added to Council's plan? B. What are the specific details, and what would metrics be for success/failure? C. How would the workplan relate to work the the PRAB (and Department) is doing? V. Kahoot – PRAB Quiz 56