07282022 Reimagine Policing final submissionCouncil Study Session July 28, 2022 Summer, 2021 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA o Questions for council o Background o Environment o Reimagine Policing Process o Values & Focus Areas o Draft Strategies 1 -13 o Funding Needs o Next Steps o Questions for council PRESENTATION OVERVIEW 1.Does council have any input on the draft Reimagine Policing plan? 2.Does council have any questions about Engagement Window IV or the next steps in the Reimagine Policing project? Questions for Council Background 1.Purpose of City Master Plans a)Planning delivery and funding of services b)Facilities c)Programs & Policies 2.Consistent with : a)Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan b)Community Sustainability, Equity + Resilience Framework 3.Master plan lengths vary 4.Master planning process ~ 2 years 5.Police department master plan last updated in 2013 Racial Equity Instrument Step 1: Establishing the Outcome Environment Photo credit: CNN Workload and Staffing Analysis •Changes in calls for service Crime Trends •Increases across the country & locally National and Local Police Reform •Transparency, role of police, budget, and reallocation The Work Cross-departmental Team •Police Department leadership •Project Manager –Housing and Human Services •City Equity Manager •City Manager’s Office •Comprehensive Planning •Finance •Communications and Engagement •Independent Police Monitor Process Subcommittee •Community members –Mallory Kates, Marina LaGrave •Council members –Rachel Friend, Tara Winer Process •Engagement Window I: Hopes Values and Concerns (June-Aug. 2021) •Develop draft Values, Focus Areas (Aug.-Oct. 2021) •Engagement Window II: Check In on Draft Values, Focus Areas (Oct. 2021) •Engagement Window III: Learning Together (Dec. 2021-July 2022) •Develop draft: Reimagine Policing Plan (Mar.-July 2022) Racial Equity Instrument Step 2: Collect Data Values We feel safe in our community when: Free to enjoy public and private spaces without fear of harm Laws are enforced equitably Police resources and alternative responses applied professionally and appropriately Demonstrate compassion, support basic needs to be free from crime for all Criminal behavior met with fair and just accountability balanced with resourcing underlying issues Community policing building relationships to address problems Racial Equity Instrument Step 2: Collect Data I.Partnering with Community II.Ensuring Right Response, Role for Police III.Providing Leadership in Preventing/Reducing Crime IV.Serving as a Trusted Partner in Racial Equity, Support for Vulnerable Populations V.Recruiting & Supporting a Professional Workforce with Integrity VI.Modeling Transparency & Accountability Focus Areas Racial Equity Instrument Step 3: Determining Benefit & Burden Draft Strategies Right Response, Role Partner w/Community Racial Equity and Vulnerable Populations Focus Areas (1) Alternative Responses to Community Problems CIRT HHS Fire Department (pilot program) Racial Equity Instrument Step 4: Develop Strategies Draft Strategies Partner w/Community Racial Equity and Vulnerable Populations Professional Workforce w/Integrity (2) Recruit & retain diverse workforce with diverse perspectives 30x30 initiative Work w/diverse community leaders Focus Areas Racial Equity Instrument Step 4: Develop Strategies Draft Strategies Right Response, Role Partner w/Community Racial Equity and Vulnerable Populations Professional Workforce w/Integrity Transparency, Accountability Preventing, Reducing Crime (3) Best practices, evidence- based models Stratified Policing ICAT CALEA Focus Areas Racial Equity Instrument Step 4: Develop Strategies Draft Strategies Right Response, Role Partner w/Community Preventing, Reducing Crime (4) Staffing for community problem solving Hiring officers to meet Rule 60 recommendations Focus Areas Racial Equity Instrument Step 4: Develop Strategies Draft Strategies Right Response, Role Racial Equity and Vulnerable Populations Transparency, Accountability Preventing, Reducing Crime (5) Transparency in stop, arrest and use of force data Analysis of enforcement Information on dashboards Focus Areas Racial Equity Instrument Step 4: Develop Strategies Draft Strategies (6) Continuous improvement and independent review in complaints Use of force investigations Police Oversight Panel Right Response, Role Partner w/Community Racial Equity and Vulnerable Populations Transparency, Accountability Focus Areas Racial Equity Instrument Step 4: Develop Strategies Draft Strategies Right Response, Role Partner w/Community Racial Equity and Vulnerable Populations Professional Workforce w/Integrity Transparency, Accountability (7) Training & Engagement Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ABLE) Community involvement w/police training Crisis Intervention Certification Bias and Microaggression Training Focus Areas Racial Equity Instrument Step 4: Develop Strategies Draft Strategies Right Response, Role Partner w/Community Racial Equity and Vulnerable Populations Transparency, Accountability Preventing, Reducing Crime (8) Information and Outreach Public Data Portal Community Engagement Incident Blotter Focus Areas Racial Equity Instrument Step 4: Develop Strategies Draft Strategies Right Response, Role Racial Equity and Vulnerable Populations Transparency, Accountability Preventing, Reducing Crime (9)Improving service through technology Unmanned aircrafts Axon partnership for reducing weapons harm Virtual Reality Training Focus Areas Racial Equity Instrument Step 4: Develop Strategies Draft Strategies Professional Workforce w/Integrity(10) Holistic employee wellness program Peer support team Cardiac wellness program On-going education Focus Areas Racial Equity Instrument Step 4: Develop Strategies Draft Strategies Right Response, Role Racial Equity and Vulnerable Populations(11) Responding to climate change Enhanced response capability for natural disasters Electrification of fleet and enhanced building efficiencies Focus Areas Racial Equity Instrument Step 4: Develop Strategies Draft Strategies Preventing, Reducing Crime(12) Partnerships to leverage external resources Partnership with federal agencies CU-Boulder Police Academy Focus Areas Racial Equity Instrument Step 4: Develop Strategies Draft Strategies Right Response, Role Professional Workforce w/Integrity(13) Right space to do the work Addressing needs for more space with Facilities Master Plan Focus Areas Racial Equity Instrument Step 4: Develop Strategies Controlling for Disparities 1.Body Worn Camera Audits 2.Early warning systems to review a)Traffic stop data b)Misconduct c)Serious misconduct d)Photo enforcement violations e)Auto accidents f)Use of force 3.Crime Prevention strategy 4.Training –Implicit Bias 5.Bias & Microaggression training 6.ICAT Model 7.Police Oversight Panel 8.Senate Bill 217 a)All stop data consensual and nonconsensual •Fully funding implementation over five-year period includes: •$1.77M in one-time expenditures •$3.89M in ongoing costs phased in •Department is almost exclusively funded by city general fund Funding Needs Next Steps •Engagement Window IV (August/September) •Revised draft plan released (October) •Opportunity for community members to comment (October) •Council final review of Reimagine Policing Plan (December) •Racial Equity Instrument Step 5: Evaluation which takes back to Step 2: Collect Data (2023) Questions for Council 1.Does council have any input on the draft Reimagine Policing plan? 2.Does council have any questions about Engagement Window IV or the next steps in the Reimagine Policing project?