05.25.22 HAB MinutesHOUSING ADVISORY BOARD  Summary Minutes: 05/25/22  Virtual (Zoom)      BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Michael Leccese, Chair Daniel Teodoru, Vice Chair Juliette Boone Philip Ogren Terry Palmos BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:  Jennifer Livovich Julianne Ramsey   STAFF PRESENT:  Jay Sugnet Tiffany Boller Eric Swanson Kurt Firnhaber 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL / 6:01 p.m. 2. AGENDA REVIEW 3. WELCOME NEW PLANNING BOARD LIAISONS Leccese welcomed John Gerstle 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Boone motioned to approve 04.27.22 minutes, Ogren seconded. Board approved unanimously. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION / 6:08 p.m. 6. MATTERS FROM THE BOARD / 6:16 p.m. a. Affordable Homeownership Program Overview o Eric Swanson, Homeownership Program Manager - Presentation b. Letter to Council urging action on TVAP Phase II and the Planning Reserve o Table until next month so rest of bord can get and read copy c. July HAB Retreat o Teodoru – if in person, does not believe a facilitator would be necessary. If virtual, would like a facilitator like last year. o Palmos – in person, outside, is preference o Boone – in person, outside, is preference o Ogren - in person, outside, is preference o Board would like to wait until able to have retreat in person, push to August or September depending on when we can return to in person. 7. MATTERS FROM STAFF / 7:17 p.m. o Regional Affordable Housing Implementation. The City of Boulder is proposing to provide services to other Boulder county jurisdictions to administer affordable ownership and rental homes to provide efficiencies and consistency across the region. o Council Study Session (Oct. 27) to discuss middle income homeownership regarding an update to the Inclusionary Housing program and implementation of the Down payment Assistance Pilot o Leccese – would like to devote time at June or July meeting to discuss 8. DEBRIEF MEETING AND CALENDAR CHECK / 7:25 p.m. a. Ogren – Would like to be able to control the changing of display names by the public b. Leccese – would like to return to reviewing the rules at the beginning of each meeting for the public’s benefit c. Teodoru – Would like to look into the issues brought up about HOAs impacting affordable housing in a future meeting d. Lecesse – Next meeting is Wednesday, June 22 – requests to have something informational on ADUs and create recommendation for Council in July for ADUs. Would like Planning Director or Comprehensive Planning Manager to join the meeting for and introduction / questions if available. 9. ADJOURNMENT / 7:38 p.m. a. Palmos Motion to adjourn, Ogren seconded. Approved 5-0. APPROVED BY      _________________________________  Board Chair      _________________________________  DATE