3F -Ord 8523 Use Table Standards PresentationPhase Two: Module One Draft Ordinance 8523 Use Table and Standards Planning & Development Services Project background 2018 Planning Board annual letter to City Council Subcommittee formed 2019 Opportunity Zone focus Public engagement Subcommittee continues to meet Phase One completed 2020 Phase Two begins Continued Subcommittee work Public engagement Work paused in Fall 2020 due to staffing levels Phase two project schedule Module Two: Industrial/ EBSP Implementation Summer/Fall 2022 Module One: Functional Fixes Spring 2022 Module Three: Neighborhoods and Neighborhood Centers Fall/Winter 2022-2023 Simplifying the Use Table and streamlining the regulations where possible, making the Use Standards & Table more understandable and legible. Creating more predictability and certainty in Chapter 9-6 Use Standards of the Land Use Code. Aligning the Use Table and permitted uses with the BVCP goals, policies and land use designations. Identifying community-desired land use gaps in the Use Standards and Table, and better enabling the desired land uses in identified neighborhoods as well as in commercial and industrial districts. Initial goals Module One Changes: Ordinance 8523 Boulder’s use table has become increasingly complex over time Simplify table by consolidating all standards in one section Consolidate similar uses that require multiple lines in the table Table structure and specific use standards Allowed by right for 15,000 square feet or less of floor area per lot or parcel, otherwise prohibited. (Manufacturing uses in MU-4 and BCS) (a) Daycare Centers: The following criteria apply to any daycare center except home daycares: (1) Fencing is provided around outdoor play areas. (2) If the use is adjacent to an arterial, collector, or minor arterial as shown in Appendix A, "Major Streets," of this title, off-street loading and unloading areas are provided. (3) Adequate off-street parking is provided for employees, volunteers, and visitors. (4) Child daycare facilities are properly licensed by the State Department of Social Services. (5) For nursery care (any child under the age of eighteen months), the facility provides fifty square feet of useable indoor floor area per child or a total of six hundred square feet of useable floor area, whichever is greater. (6) For child care other than nursery care, the facility provides thirty square feet of useable indoor floor area per child or a total of six hundred square feet of useable floor area, whichever is greater. (7) All child day care facilities shall provide a minimum of seventy-five square feet of usable outdoor play area per child or a total of two thousand four hundred square feet of useable outdoor play area, whichever is greater. (8) In the MH and RH-6 zoning districts, the use shall not provide care to more than fifty persons, not including employees. (9)In the RM-1, RM-3, RH-1, RH-2, RH-3, RH-4, RH-5, RH-7, and MU-3 zoning districts, the use may only be approved pursuant to Section 9-2-15, "Use Review," B.R.C. 1981. L14 Specific use standards Restaurants, brewpubs, and taverns outside of the University Hill general improvement district that are: over 1,500 square feet in floor area or which close after 11 p.m. Use table qualifiers Limited use standards Conditional use and use review standards Example: Restaurants •Consolidate eight rows into one •Relocate characteristics from each line into specific use standards (A) In the RH-3 and RH-7 zoning districts, restaurants, brewpubs, and taverns are allowed by right if the use meets the following standards, and are otherwise prohibited: (i) The use has a maximum floor area of 1,000 square feet; (ii) Total outdoor seating area is not more than 350 square feet; and (iii) The use closes no later than 11 p.m. Functional fixes Table abbreviations Outdated uses Use types and definitions Use categories Cell changes Language consistency and formatting Planning Board Recommendation On a motion by S. Silver seconded by L. Smith the Planning Board voted 5-0 (J. Boone, M. McIntyre absent) to recommend that City Council adopt Ordinance 8523, amending Title 9, “Land Use Code,” to update and simplify the use table and use standards to make them more understandable and legible, as part of Phase Two of the Use Table and Standards project. Questions?