Item 5A - Fwd 3122 8th streetFrom:mia bertram
To:Historic Preservation
Subject:Fwd: 3122 8th street
Date:Tuesday, May 31, 2022 8:30:16 PM
External Sender
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: mia bertram <>
Date: Tue, May 31, 2022 at 8:29 PM
Subject: 3122 8th street
To: <>, <>, Tiffany Gwyther
To Whom it may Concern:
Our family lives at 3175 Broadway. Our children attend school together at Blue Sky
Kindergarten in the neighborhood. The Gwyther's have quickly become part of our
community. They are building roots in the Newlands. They have a family and need room to
grow, just as many other families in our neighborhood have. We live in a 970 sq. ft. home so
we know how hard it is to raise a family in a small home. The Gwyther's request is nothing
more than what has been granted to many other property owners in the Newlands, a full
demolition of an aging home that doesn't serve the needs of their family. I do not believe their
home is in a historic district nor on the historic register. It appears that they should have the
right to a full demolition, and have shown their commitment to the Newlands and Boulder. I
have no doubt they will use an excellent architect that will bring value to our neighborhood.
Finally, I'd like to say that the Gwyther's are very sweet and generous people, and a great
addition to our Boulder family, please grant them a full demolition permit so they can begin
their process of building their dream home in Boulder.
Thank you for your consideration.
Mia Bertram, and Matt Thompson
Mia Bertram MA LPC RPT
Mia Bertram Counseling and Play Therapy
5378 Sterling Drive Studio 5
Boulder, CO 80301
This communication & attachments are covered by Electronic Communication Privacy Act, U.S.C. Sections 2510-2521, and contains
confidential & privileged information & intended solely for individual named above.
Mia Bertram MA LPC RPT
Mia Bertram Counseling and Play Therapy
5378 Sterling Drive Studio 5
Boulder, CO 80301
This communication & attachments are covered by Electronic Communication Privacy Act, U.S.C. Sections 2510-2521, and contains
confidential & privileged information & intended solely for individual named above.