05.25.22 HAB PacketCITY OF BOULDER HOUSING ADVISORY BOARD MEETING AGENDA DATE: May 25, 2022 TIME: 6 PM LOCATION: Zoom Meeting – link posted day of meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL / 6:00 p.m. 2. AGENDA REVIEW 3. WELCOME NEW PLANNING BOARD LIAISONS a. John Gerstle b. Mark McIntyre (alternate) 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. April 27, 2022 – See attached 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION / 6:05 p.m. a. Open comment 6. MATTERS FROM THE BOARD / 6:10 p.m. a. Affordable Homeownership Program Overview (Informational Item) o Eric Swanson, Homeownership Program Manager 10-minute Presentation followed by Q&A o 2019 Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey – Summary of Results, prepared by RRC Associates – See attached b. Letter to Council urging action on TVAP Phase II and the Planning Reserve (Decision) o Review and potentially finalize draft letter from the Chairs – Email from Chairs c. July HAB Retreat (Feedback) 7. MATTERS FROM STAFF / 8:40 p.m. o Regional Affordable Housing Implementation proposal o Council Study Session (Oct. 27) to discuss middle income homeownership regarding an update to the Inclusionary Housing program and implementation of the Downpayment Assistance Pilot 8. DEBRIEF MEETING AND CALENDAR CHECK / 8:50 p.m. 9. ADJOURNMENT / 9:00 p.m. Informational Item: Updates and education; no action to be taken Feedback: Discussion of board processes and items of interest; may result in action Input: Discussion and comments to shape staff work on housing issues, projects and policies; no action to be taken Decision: Vote on board processes, work plan, agenda items, etc. Recommendation: Vote on the board’s input to city council For more information, please contact the HAB Secretary at 303.441.3097, or via Email at bollert@bouldercolorado.gov. Board agendas are available online at: https://bouldercolorado.gov/boards-commissions/housing-advisory-board. Please note agenda item times are approximate. HOUSING ADVISORY BOARD Summary Minutes: 04/27/22 Virtual (Zoom)    BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Michael Leccese, Chair Daniel Teodoru, Vice Chair Julianne Ramsey Juliette Boone Philip Ogren Jennifer Livovich Terry Palmos BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Jay Sugnet Tiffany Boller Corina Marin 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 6:01pm Leccese declared a quorum at 6:01pm 2. WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBERS Leccese welcomed Julianne Ramsey and Philip Ogren 3. AGENDA REVIEW 4. APPROVAL OF March 30, 2022 MINUTES Boone motioned to approve minutes, Palmos seconded – approved 7-0 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mark Fearer – brought concerns about rent control 6. MATTERS FROM COUNCIL a. East Boulder Subcommunity Plan (Recommendation) • Leccese opened floor for discussion • Teodoru motioned - “The Housing Advisory Board unanimously supports the plan and appreciates all the staff and community effort that went into the plan and recommends that Planning Board and City Council adopt the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan.” – Seconded by Palmos, board voted 7-0 to approve • Leccese to email support for adoption to planning board and city council on behalf of HAB 7. MATTERS FROM THE BOARD a. Chair / Vice Chair Annual Elections (Decision) Boone motioned to elect Leccese for chair, Teodoru seconds - Board votes 7-0 to approve Leccese as Board Chair Palmos motioned to elect Teodoru as Vice chair, Boone seconds Nomination Board votes 7-0 to approve Teodoru as Vice Chair b. Jan. 22 Boulder City Council Retreat Outcomes Discussion continued • Area III Planning Reserve – urge council to move forward with hiring consultant and provide guidelines on how to involve community with a plan/vision. Leccese recommended HAB add topic to next month’s meeting to discuss in more detail and make recommendation. • ADUs – HAB supports the implementation of more ADUs. Boone recommended presentation on economic impact. Add topic to next months agenda to discuss in more detail for possible vote on recommendation on policy to increase ADUs in Boulder. • (TVAP) Transit Village Area Plan (Boulder Junction) Part II – board agreed there needs to be improvement with retail, character, design, and transit in next phase. Add item to next months agenda and make formal recommendation on this topic. • Board would like to request future presentation on transit and housing density. Ogren would like to explore possible developments regarding “car light living” 8. MATTERS FROM STAFF a. Sugnet – Planning board will be meeting Thursday to appoint new ex-officio b. Sugnet – Brought to board’s attention the shift to start meeting in person in June • HAB to return to in-person/hybrid meetings in June: o Leccese - in person o Livovich - home o Ramsey - in person o Ogren - in person o Palmos - in person o Teodoru - hybrid o Boone – home/hybrid (listening sessions in-person) c. Sugnet – explained update to Affordable Housing Dashboard 9. DEBRIEF MEETING AND CALENDAR CHECK Leccese – Possible agenda items: • Make recommendations on planning reserve and Boulder Junction • Presentation on ADUs and current policies for a future recommendation • Update on deed-restricted for-sale homes in Boulder Next meeting – Wednesday, May 25th 10. ADJOURNMENT Teordoru motion to adjourn, second by Leccese 8:02pm APPROVED BY _________________________________ Board Chair _________________________________ DATE 1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS PREPARED FOR CITY OF BOULDER HOUSING & HUMAN SERVICES PREPARED BY RRC ASSOCIATES, APRIL 24, 2019 REVISED MAY 15, 2019 2019 BOULDER AFFORDABLE HOMEOWNER SURVEY 2 OUTLINE •Methodology •Respondent housing & demographic characteristics •Housing satisfaction •Home purchase decision factors •Financial security & housing costs •Summary of major themes 3 METHODOLOGY Survey distribution 1.Mail: Survey mailed to 727 affordable homeowners in early March (full list). ▪10 returned as undeliverable; 717 presumed delivered (98.6%). ▪Survey included online response option at www.boulderhousingsurvey.com. ▪Random drawing for one of three $50 gift certificates offered as thank you/incentive. 2.Email: Email invitation to subgroup of 673 owners on March 27. Reminder on April 2. Survey response •385 total responses •196 online responses (51%), 189 mailback responses (49%) •Response rate 53.0% •95% confidence interval +/-3.4% 4 RESPONDENT HOUSING & DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS 5 HOUSING TYPE ▪Majority of respondents lived in condos (57%), followed by townhouse or duplex homes (22%), and single-family homes (20%). ▪Graphs throughout this presentation illustrate both the overall results (all respondents), and results segmented by overall satisfaction with home. ▪57% of respondents are “very satisfied” with their home; 34% are “somewhat satisfied;” and 10% are “neutral,” “somewhat dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied.” Note: The charts in this report break out the results by respondents’ overall satisfaction with their home. Overall, 10% of respondents are “very dissatisfied,” “somewhat dissatisfied,” or “neutral” about their home; 34% are “somewhat satisfied;” and 57% are “very satisfied” (these results are also shown graphically in slide 16). The portion of the graph outlined above shows the results / opinions of these respective groups. For example, among respondents who are “very satisfied” with their home, 55% live in a condo, and 20% in a townhouse / duplex. Of respondents who are “dissatisfied/neutral,” 60% live in a condo. 6 BEDROOMS & BATHROOMS ▪Respondents have an average of 2.1 bedrooms and 1.8 bathrooms. 7 LOCATION OF HOME ▪Respondents live in a variety of complexes, led by Dakota Ridge (11%), Northfield Commons (9%), Holiday Neighborhood (8%), and Northfield Village (7%). 8 AGE OF RESPONDENT ▪Respondents have a diversity of ages, primarily distributed from 25 to 74. 9 HOUSEHOLD INCOME ▪Respondents have a diversity of household incomes, with a median of approximately $56,000, and an average of approximately $61,000. 10 RACE AND ETHNICITY ▪Most respondents are White (82%+) and non -Hispanic (89%+). 11 LONG-TERM DISABILITY ▪12% of respondents have a household member with a long-term disability. 12 TIME IN BOULDER VALLEY ▪Respondents have lived in their residence for a diversity of time (with similar shares 1-5 years, 5-10 years, and 10-20 years). ▪Most respondents have lived 10+ years in the Boulder Valley (73%). ▪Most respondents plan on staying in the Boulder Valley for a considerable period of time (79% 10+ years). 13 PERSONS, WORKERS, RETIREES & CHILDREN IN HOUSEHOLD ▪Respondents have an average of 2.1 people per household, of whom 1.3 are employed. ▪15% of respondent households have retirees, and 35% have children aged 17 or under. 14 PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT OF WORKERS IN HH ▪Among households with employed persons, an average of 0.97 people work in the City of Boulder, 0.23 people work at home at least 50% of the time, and 0.35 people commute elsewhere. 15 HOUSING SATISFACTION 16 OVERALL SATISFACTION WITH HOME ▪Most respondents are “very satisfied” (57%) or “somewhat satisfied” (34%) with their home. ▪10% are “neutral,” “somewhat dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied.” 17 SATISFACTION WITH ASPECTS OF HOME ▪Respondents express highest satisfaction with selected locational aspects of home, e.g. bike path/trail access (75% very satisfied), location of home -all things considered (74%), & proximity to open space (65%). ▪Satisfaction is lowest for storage space (34% very/somewhat dissatisfied) and sound levels (22% very/ somewhat dissatisfied). 18 SATISFACTION WITH ASPECTS OF HOME: COMPARISONS BY OVERALL SATISFACTION WITH HOME ▪Respondents who rate their overall satisfaction with their home as “very satisfied” also tend to express the highest levels of satisfaction with specific attributes of their home. Conversely, those who are “dissatisfied/neutral” tend to express the lowest satisfaction. ▪The narrowest gaps between “very satisfied” and “dissatisfied/neutral” residents tend to be for locational aspects of the home, e.g. bike path/trail access, proximity to bus stops, proximity to schools, etc. ▪The widest gaps between “very satisfied” and “dissatisfied/neutral” residents tend to be for other attributes, e.g. sound levels (1.4 point gap), overall cost of home (1.4 pt), type of home (1.2 pt), energy efficiency (1.2 pt), size of home (1.0 pt), layout/design of home (1.0 pt), storage space (0.9 pt), and sense of safety (0.8 pt). Average satisfaction rating (1=Very dissatisfied / 3=Neutral / 5=Very satisfied) 19 ARE YOU GLAD YOU PURCHASED HOME? WOULD YOU PURCHASE IT AGAIN? ▪Almost 9 in 10 are glad they purchased their home / would purchase their home again (89%). ▪Respondents who are dissatisfied/neutral about their home are much less likely to do it again (55%) than those who are somewhat satisfied (86%) or very satisfied (96%). Would purchase again –any comments on response? (154 comments) Wouldn’t purchase again –any comments on response? (41 comments) 20 HAVE THERE BEEN ANY SURPRISES TO YOU AS A HOMEOWNER? ▪About half of respondents experienced surprises as a homeowner (49%). ▪Respondents who are dissatisfied/neutral about their home are much more likely to have experienced surprises (91%) than those who are somewhat satisfied (54%) or very satisfied (38%). (If yes, there have been surprises) Please describe: (173 comments) 21 LIKELIHOOD OF & REASONS FOR MOVING ▪12% plan to move within the next five years, and additional 31% might move. ▪Top reasons for moving: live in larger home (45%), want detached home (35%), change in family/personal situation (35%). ▪Respondents who are dissatisfied/neutral about their home are more likely to say they will move (27%) than those who are somewhat/very satisfied (11-9%). 22 DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS? (178 COMMENTS | CLOUD SHOWS WORDS MENTIONED 3 OR MORE TIMES) ▪Respondents expressed a wide range of opinions in often-extensive comments. Many expressed appreciation and gratitude for the affordable housing program; others cited concerns regarding HOAs, program rules, appreciation caps, etc. (Slide #38 summarizes comment themes in more detail) 23 HOME PURCHASE DECISION FACTORS 24 IMPORTANT FACTORS IN DECISION TO PURCHASE HOME ▪A variety of factors were important, led by overall cost of home (80%), location of home (76%), and size of home (62%). 25 IMPORTANT FACTORS IN DECISION TO PURCHASE HOME VS. AVERAGE SATISFACTION ▪The items most widely viewed as important are overall cost of home (80%) and location of home (76%). ▪For these two items, satisfaction is very high with location of home (74% very satisfied), and moderately high with cost of home (54% very satisfied, 25% somewhat satisfied, 21% neutral or dissatisfied). Lower importance/ higher satisfaction Lower importance/ lower satisfaction Higher importance/ higher satisfaction Higher importance/ lower satisfaction 26 MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR ▪For a majority of owners, the overall cost of the home was the single most important factor (53%), followed by location of home (20%) and size of home (11%). 27 SECOND MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR ▪The items rated second most important were largely similar to the factors rated most important, but with different levels of emphasis, led by location of home (26%), overall cost of the home (23%), size of home (15%), and layout/design of home (11%). 28 TWO MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS ▪For a majority of owners, the overall cost of the home was one of the two most important factors (75%), followed by location of home (46%), size of home (27%), and layout/design of home (15%). 29 IMPORTANCE OF BEING IN BOULDER & OWNING ▪When they were looking for their current home, most owners said it was “extremely important” for them to be able to buy (81%), and for the home to be located in the City of Boulder (69%). 30 FINANCIAL SECURITY & HOUSING COSTS 31 FINANCIAL SECURITY ▪Most respondents feel “somewhat secure” (56%) or “very secure” (27%) about their current financial situation. In contrast, 17% feel “not too secure” (12%) or “not at all secure” (5%). ▪Most respondents’ sense of financial security has improved since they bought their home (68%), while 17% have experienced no change, and 14% have experienced a decline. ▪Respondents who are very satisfied with their home are much more likely to say their financial security has “improved significantly” (43%) than those who are somewhat satisfied (21%) or dissatisfied/neutral (9%). 32 HOUSING COST EXPECTATIONS ▪HOA fees and assessments have been “much more” (32%) or “somewhat more” (33%) than expected for most respondents (65%). ▪Owners who feel dissatisfied/neutral about their home are more likely to say HOA costs have been “much more” than expected (65%) than those who are somewhat satisfied (39%) or very satisfied (21%). ▪In contrast, much lower shares say costs have been higher than expected for maintenance and repairs (29%), utilities (25%), and mortgage payment (7%). 33 COST OF MORTGAGE ▪Among those paying a mortgage, the average monthly mortgage payment is $875 (median $850). 34 COST OF HOA ▪The large majority of respondents live in an HOA (95%). ▪Among those paying HOA fees, the average monthly cost is $241 (median also $241). ▪Roughly half of respondents living in an HOA have had lump sum special assessments in the time they’ve owned their home (52%), including a larger 70% of those dissatisfied or neutral about their home. 35 COST OF UTILITIES ▪The average monthly cost of utilities is $121 (median $100). 36 HOUSING COSTS ▪Summing up mortgage, HOA and utilities, residents are paying an average of $1,234/month (median $1,225/month). 37 HOUSING COSTS: INCOME RATIO ▪Respondents are paying an average of 29% of their income toward mortgage, HOA monthly fees, and utilities (median 25%). (Ratio exclude HOA special assessments, out of pocket repairs, etc.) ▪36% of respondents are paying in excess of 30% of their income towards housing. 38 RECAP OF THEMES •Many positive indicators of satisfaction •57% very satisfied, 34% somewhat satisfied with home •89% glad they purchased / would purchase again •68% have had improved financial security since purchasing •Most plan to stay in their home for the next 5+ years •In comments, many respondents express gratefulness, appreciate the ability to stay in Boulder, feel pride of ownership, less financial stress, home has allowed for life changes, etc. •Potential areas for improvement / further evaluation •49% have had surprises as a homeowner •65% say HOA costs have been higher than expected •29% say maintenance & repair costs have been higher than expected •Variety of additional concerns expressed in comments, e.g: •HOAs: High/increasing HOA costs and assessments, with impacts to affordability and concerns about resaleability; concerns about HOA management; differing perspectives of free -market & affordable owners •Limits on appreciation / falling behind market / unable to move to market home / trapped in current unit •Restrictive program rules, e.g. insufficient incentives for capital improvements & maintenance, limits on ability to rent short-and long-term, difficult to move to a different home in affordable program, allow for changes in life circumstances, income limits are restrictive relative to market, etc. •Poor construction (e.g. defects, finishes; unequal to market units); poor maintenance by previous owner 39 SUMMARY OF RESULTS THANK YOU! PREPARED FOR CITY OF BOULDER HOUSING & HUMAN SERVICES PREPARED BY RRC ASSOCIATES, APRIL 24, 2019 REVISED MAY 15, 2019 2019 BOULDER AFFORDABLE HOMEOWNER SURVEY 2019 CITY OF BOULDER AFFORDABLE HOMEOWNER SURVEY APPENDICES MAY 15, 2019 1. Cover letter & survey questionnaire 2. Crosstabulation tables 3. Comment responses to open-ended questions PREPARED FOR CITY OF BOULDER HOUSING & HUMAN SERVICES PREPARED BY RRC ASSOCIATES 1. Cover Letter & Survey Questionnaire City of Boulder Housing & Human Services 1300 Canyon Boulevard ∙ P.O. Box 791 ∙ Boulder, Colorado 80306 303-441-3157 ∙ Fax 720-564-2188 ∙ www.boulderaffordablehomes.com AFFORDABLE HOMEOWNER SURVEY Dear Boulder Affordable Homeowner, WHAT’S THIS ABOUT? The City of Boulder is evaluating how its affordable homeownership programs can best serve current and future residents. As a purchaser/owner of a permanently affordable home, your input is needed so we can understand how our programs are working and where we can improve. HOW YOU CAN HELP: You can support this effort by taking a few minutes to complete the enclosed survey about your experience as a homeowner. This survey is anonymous and confidential, and results will be tabulated and analyzed by an independent survey firm, RRC Associates. ONE RESPONSE: In an attempt to capture as many responses as possible, this survey is being distributed by mail and e-mail. You might receive this survey more than once. Please only complete one survey per household. MAIL OR ONLINE: Either complete the survey on paper and mail it back within 10 days in the enclosed postage-paid envelope, or take the survey online at this website: www.BoulderHousingSurvey.com We appreciate your feedback and thank you for your time! Sincerely, Jay Sugnet, Senior Planner City of Boulder Housing and Human Services 303.441.4057 or sugnetj@bouldercolorado.gov BOULDER AFFORDABLE HOMEOWNER SURVEY PRIZE ENTRY To enter the prize drawing, detach and enclose this entry form: First name_______________________________________ Email_______________________________________ OR Daytime Phone_______________________________ THREE winners will be randomly selected to each receive a $50 Visa gift card. To enter the drawing, follow the directions at the bottom of the page. Or, you can enter the drawing after completing the survey online. Winners of the random drawing will be contacted by phone and/or email. Si necesita esta información en español, llame al 303-441-3157. 1 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Instructions and notes: 1. Please complete the survey within 10 DAYS, and return it in the postage-paid envelope provided. 2. You may also complete the survey online at www.BoulderHousingSurvey.com. 3. All results are anonymous and confidential, and will be reported in group form only. Thank you for your time and participation! ABOUT YOUR HOME 1. In what type of home do you live?  Single-family home  Townhouse / duplex  Condo  Other: ________________________________ 2. How many of the following are in your home? # bedrooms AND # bathrooms 3. How would you rate your Very Somewhat Somewhat Very overall satisfaction with your home? Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied (Circle number which best represents your opinion) 1 2 3 4 5 4. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your home? (Circle number which best represents your opinion) And which items were important in your decision to purchase your home? (Check all that apply) Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Check if item was important SIZE / DESIGN / COST Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied in decision to purchase 1. Size of home 1 2 3 4 5  2. Type of home (condo, townhouse, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5  3. Layout / design of home 1 2 3 4 5  4. Storage space 1 2 3 4 5  5. Energy efficiency 1 2 3 4 5  6. Overall cost of home (mortgage, HOA, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5  7. Sound levels (from other units, roads, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5  Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Check if item was important LOCATION Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied in decision to purchase 8. Location of home, all things considered 1 2 3 4 5  9. Proximity to bus stops 1 2 3 4 5  10. Bike path/trail access 1 2 3 4 5  11. Proximity to open space 1 2 3 4 5  12. Sense of safety 1 2 3 4 5  13. Proximity to shopping & restaurants 1 2 3 4 5  14. Proximity to schools 1 2 3 4 5  ABOUT YOUR HOME PURCHASE DECISION 5. Which two items were most important in your decision to purchase your home? (Enter numbers from items 1-14 above, or describe if other) ______ Most important (or describe if other: __________________________________________________________________) ______ Second most important (or describe if other: ___________________________________________________________) 6. When you were looking for your current home, how important was it to you for the home to be located in the City of Boulder?  Extremely important  Very important  Moderately important  Slightly important  Not at all important 2 7. When you were looking for your current home, how important was it to you to be able to buy your home (rather than rent)?  Extremely important  Very important  Moderately important  Slightly important  Not at all important 8. Have your housing costs been more, less, or about the same as you expected for the following items? (Check box in each row which best represents your opinion) Much Somewhat About the Somewhat Much Not More More Same Less Less Applicable 1. Mortgage payment (principal, interest, taxes, insurance) ...       2. HOA fees and assessments ..................................................       3. Utilities ...................................................................................       4. Maintenance and repairs .....................................................       9. Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation?  Not at all secure  Not too secure  Somewhat secure  Very secure  Prefer not to respond 10. How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home?  Improved significantly  Improved slightly  No change  Declined slightly  Declined significantly Any comments on your response? _____________________________________________________________________ 11. Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?”  Yes → Any comments? ____________________________________________________________________________  No → Why not? __________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Have there been any surprises to you as a home owner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?  Yes → Please describe: ____________________________________________________________________________  No ABOUT YOUR HOUSEHOLD 13. How many people live in your household, including yourself? ....._______ people, including myself How many of these persons are currently employed? ......................_______ people, including myself (enter 0 if none) How many of these persons are retired? .............................................._______ people, including myself (enter 0 if none) How many of these persons are aged 17 or under? ............................_______ people (enter 0 if none) 3 14. (If any members of your household are currently employed) Where do the employed persons in your household work? Worker #1 Worker #2 Worker #3 Place of work  .........................  .........................  ............ Work at home 50%+ of the time (telecommute, home workshop, etc.)  .........................  .........................  ............ City of Boulder  .........................  .........................  ............ Longmont / Niwot  .........................  .........................  ............ Louisville / Lafayette / Superior / Erie  .........................  .........................  ............ Broomfield  .........................  .........................  ............ Denver Metro area  .........................  .........................  ............ Other: ____________________________________________ 15. How long have you lived in your current residence? How long have you lived in Boulder Valley, and how much longer do you plan on living in the Boulder Valley? (Check one box in each column) Lived in Current Lived in Will Continue to Live Residence Boulder Valley in Boulder Valley Less than 6 months .........................  ...........................  ............................  6 months up to 1 year .....................  ...........................  ............................  1 up to 5 years..................................  ...........................  ............................  5 up to 10 years................................  ...........................  ............................  10 up to 20 years ..............................  ...........................  ............................  More than 20 years .........................  ...........................  ............................  16. Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years?  Yes  Maybe  No 17. (IF YES OR MAYBE) What are the main reasons you plan to move or might move? (Check all that apply)  Live in larger home  Live in smaller home  Live in less expensive home  Live in a nicer home → Please identify what would be nicer:______________________________________________  I live in attached housing (condo, townhouse) and want a detached home  I live in a detached home and want an attached home  I want to rent  I want to buy a market rate unit  I want to move to a different neighborhood or home in Boulder  I want to live in a different city / area – where? ________________________________________________  Change in family/personal situation (e.g. having children, getting married, getting divorced, retirement, etc.)  Other: ____________________________________________________________________________________ FOR GROUPING / STATISTICAL PURPOSES ONLY … (all responses are anonymous & confidential) 18. Which category includes your age?  18 - 24  35 - 44  55 - 64  75 or older  25 - 34  45 – 54  65 - 74  Prefer not to respond 19. Which best describes the total gross annual income of your household (before taxes)?  Less than $30,000  $50,000 to $59,999  $80,000 to $89,999  $120,000 or more  $30,000 to $39,999  $60,000 to $69,999  $90,000 to $99,999  Prefer not to respond  $40,000 to $49,999  $70,000 or $79,999  $100,000 to $119,999 20. What is your current monthly mortgage payment (including property taxes and insurance, if applicable)? $____________________ monthly OR  Mortgage paid off 4 21. Is your home part of a Homeowners Association (HOA)?  Yes  No  Unsure 22. (IF YES) What are your current monthly HOA dues? $_____________ monthly OR  Don’t pay HOA dues 23. (IF YES) In the time you have owned your home, have there been any lump sum special assessments ?  No  Yes → Please indicate the approximate year(s) and amount(s) for your unit, and what the assessment was for, if you recall: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 24. What is your average monthly cost for utilities (electricity, gas, water, sewer, and trash )? (Exclude internet / phone / cable TV) $____________________ monthly OR  Don’t pay, all are included in HOA dues 25. In what neighborhood or complex do you live? _______________________________________ OR  Prefer not to respond 26. Are you of Chicano/Chicana/Mexican-American, Latino/Latina, or Hispanic origin?  Yes  No  Prefer not to respond 27. Which best describes your race ? (Please select all that apply)  White  Asian or Pacific Islander  American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut  Black or African American  Other, please specify: ____________________  Prefer not to respond 28. Does anyone in your household have a long-term disability?  Yes  No  Prefer not to respond 29. Do you have any other comments or suggestions? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your time and input! Please return your survey in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. 2. Crosstabulation Tables 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No In what type of home do you live? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Other - Write In TOTAL n = Number of bedrooms in your home: 0 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL Average n = Number of bathrooms in your home: 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 TOTAL Average n = 20%100%9%17%23%20%13%14%22%16%10%22%15%20%20%15%19%14%13%24% 22%100%31%21%20%22%25%26%19%26%24%20%27%23%20%28%21%7%27%23% 57%100%60%60%55%56%60%57%57%58%64%57%55%55%57%56%60%79%59%51% 2%2%2%2%3%2%2%2%2%2%2%3%2%1%3% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 381 75 83 216 35 124 212 317 40 167 176 19 42 195 92 118 132 61 53 42 111 204 1%1%3%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%0% 22%3%4%34%22%21%23%23%15%25%21%21%31%24%16%21%22%32%17%24%23%21% 50%23%65%54%56%52%48%49%57%51%50%37%52%45%61%50%50%46%55%64%55%45% 21%46%28%11%11%21%23%21%18%19%21%26%17%24%14%21%20%17%25%10%16%26% 6%26%4%8%3%7%5%8%4%7%16%4%9%7%5%5%4%2%3%8% 1%3%2%0%3%1%1%1%2%2% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 2.1 3.0 2.3 1.7 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.0 2.1 2.4 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.2 1.9 2.0 2.2 381 74 83 215 36 124 212 318 40 167 177 19 42 196 92 117 132 63 53 42 112 204 35%24%14%45%39%37%32%36%25%36%33%32%50%35%27%34%37%39%30%45%32%33% 11%11%4%14%14%16%8%11%15%13%10%26%12%9%11%14%8%6%15%7%12%11% 33%28%37%34%25%31%36%32%40%31%36%21%17%35%39%31%35%31%36%33%38%31% 10%11%24%4%6%7%11%10%3%7%10%5%7%10%8%9%7%13%9%10%5%11% 5%10%11%1%14%6%4%4%15%7%5%11%5%5%5%4%5%8%4%9%5% 2%7%4%0%2%3%3%2%2%3%2%3%3%2%3% 4%10%6%2%3%2%6%5%3%5%4%5%10%2%8%5%4%3%6%5%2%6% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 1.8 2.2 2.2 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.8 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.9 377 72 83 214 36 122 210 314 40 165 175 19 42 192 92 116 130 62 53 42 111 202 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 1 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = 2%1%3%2%22%2%3%4%1%6%3%2%2%2%3%2%2%7%1%2% 3%5%4%36%1%26%7%1%11%5%3%4%3%10%6%10%5%2% 4%3%6%3%42%3%10%7%1%11%5%4%1%1%2%8%8%5%4%3% 34%29%33%35%100%31%41%37%29%44%48%34%23%21%36%46%36%32%50%24% 57%67%54%55%100%63%21%45%69%28%40%57%70%76%55%35%48%46%41%70% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 4.4 4.6 4.3 4.4 2.2 4.0 5.0 4.5 3.5 4.1 4.7 3.8 4.2 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.4 4.0 4.2 4.0 4.3 4.6 373 73 80 211 36 125 212 311 39 165 174 18 40 190 93 117 127 63 50 41 109 200 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey How satisfied are you with the following size/design/cost aspects of your home? And which items were important in your decision to purchase your home?OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Size of home 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = Type of home (condo, townhouse, etc.) 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = Layout / design of home 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = 1%1%0%6%1%1%2%1%2%2%0% 8%4%14%7%21%15%1%7%15%13%4%11%12%8%8%7%10%2%13%10%12%4% 7%4%5%9%15%10%4%5%15%8%6%22%5%7%8%6%10%6%4%14%10%3% 33%31%33%34%29%41%29%32%43%32%34%28%38%36%25%32%29%44%32%38%38%31% 51%60%48%50%29%33%65%55%28%46%55%39%43%49%60%55%49%48%51%36%40%61% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 4.3 4.5 4.1 4.3 3.6 3.9 4.6 4.3 3.8 4.1 4.4 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.1 4.4 4.2 4.0 4.1 4.5 367 70 80 208 34 117 207 315 40 167 174 18 42 194 92 118 129 62 53 42 110 203 1%1%2%6%2%0%1%5%2%1%2%2%1%2%2%5%2%0% 7%1%6%9%29%11%1%5%20%11%3%22%14%5%5%3%8%2%19%10%14%3% 11%1%12%13%12%20%5%10%13%14%9%6%14%12%10%9%11%15%8%24%11%7% 31%10%38%35%29%44%23%30%35%32%29%28%31%34%25%30%27%46%25%29%41%26% 50%87%42%41%24%24%69%53%28%41%58%44%38%48%59%56%52%36%49%33%33%62% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 4.2 4.8 4.1 4.0 3.4 3.8 4.6 4.3 3.6 4.0 4.4 3.9 3.9 4.2 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.1 4.0 3.8 3.9 4.5 365 68 81 207 34 117 205 315 40 166 174 18 42 194 91 117 130 61 53 42 110 202 2%3%2%9%2%0%1%5%4%2%3%3%3%5%1%1% 7%7%9%7%12%14%3%6%18%8%7%6%7%8%5%8%6%8%8%10%9%5% 10%10%13%9%21%13%6%8%25%16%6%11%19%10%7%6%13%8%15%12%12%9% 39%38%43%38%44%50%32%39%40%37%41%39%26%41%41%42%37%46%30%31%50%35% 42%45%33%44%15%22%58%46%13%36%47%44%45%38%47%44%40%34%47%43%28%49% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 4.1 4.2 3.9 4.2 3.4 3.8 4.4 4.2 3.4 3.9 4.3 4.2 4.0 4.0 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.0 4.2 4.0 4.0 4.2 364 69 79 208 34 115 206 314 40 165 174 18 42 193 91 117 129 61 53 42 110 201 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 2 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey How satisfied are you with the following size/design/cost aspects of your home? And which items were important in your decision to purchase your home?OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Storage space 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = Energy efficiency 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = Overall cost of home (mortgage, HOA, etc.) 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = 11%13%6%13%29%19%5%10%28%14%10%33%7%12%11%5%16%13%13%26%12%8% 22%19%14%27%15%29%19%23%18%23%20%40%25%15%21%22%21%26%14%21%24% 9%9%9%9%15%9%8%9%13%11%8%11%10%9%8%6%12%10%9%7%10%9% 29%31%35%26%24%31%30%29%28%28%29%33%24%28%30%31%25%32%28%29%36%25% 28%29%36%25%18%12%38%30%15%24%33%22%19%26%36%37%25%24%23%24%22%34% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 3.4 3.4 3.8 3.3 2.9 2.9 3.8 3.5 2.9 3.3 3.6 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.7 3.7 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.4 3.5 366 70 80 208 34 117 206 315 40 167 174 18 42 194 92 117 130 62 53 42 111 202 4%9%4%16%5%2%3%13%7%2%12%2%5%2%3%2%7%10%7%3%4% 11%10%13%10%22%17%5%9%25%12%9%18%19%10%7%4%13%13%17%20%12%9% 17%17%15%18%28%23%13%18%15%18%17%29%24%16%12%16%16%25%17%27%16%16% 32%38%37%27%22%31%33%32%28%35%28%24%26%34%33%33%35%26%27%22%32%32% 36%26%35%40%13%24%47%38%20%28%44%18%29%35%46%44%34%30%29%24%37%38% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 3.8 3.6 3.9 3.9 2.9 3.5 4.2 3.9 3.2 3.7 4.0 3.2 3.6 3.9 4.1 4.1 3.9 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.9 3.9 364 69 79 207 32 117 206 313 40 165 174 17 42 194 91 118 129 61 52 41 111 201 4%6%5%21%3%2%3%10%7%1%29%10%2%3%1%4%8%8%10%4%3% 9%1%8%13%21%15%4%8%23%15%5%18%24%9%3%3%5%19%23%10%15%6% 8%10%9%6%6%16%3%7%10%11%5%12%8%7%5%11%8%6%15%5%8% 25%19%25%26%21%32%20%25%28%25%24%24%21%31%16%20%30%26%23%22%28%24% 54%70%53%50%30%32%70%57%30%42%66%29%33%50%71%70%51%39%40%44%48%58% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 4.2 4.6 4.1 4.0 3.2 3.8 4.5 4.2 3.5 3.8 4.5 3.1 3.5 4.2 4.5 4.6 4.2 3.7 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.3 364 69 80 206 33 117 206 313 40 166 174 17 42 193 92 118 128 62 52 41 110 202 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 3 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey How satisfied are you with the following size/design/cost aspects of your home? And which items were important in your decision to purchase your home?OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Sound levels (from other units, roads, etc.) 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = Location of home, all things considered 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = Proximity to bus stops 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = 9%7%6%12%33%13%4%7%31%13%5%11%10%11%5%4%8%18%15%10%15%6% 12%7%9%15%15%16%10%11%21%15%9%28%12%10%15%12%15%3%19%7%15%11% 15%14%13%15%24%16%13%15%23%16%15%22%21%13%15%14%16%25%9%15%12%18% 24%22%23%27%9%31%23%25%21%23%25%6%38%28%14%23%22%23%34%27%27%22% 39%49%50%31%18%24%50%43%5%33%46%33%19%37%49%47%40%31%23%41%31%42% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 3.7 4.0 4.0 3.5 2.6 3.4 4.1 3.9 2.5 3.5 4.0 3.2 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.0 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.8 3.4 3.8 365 69 80 207 33 117 206 315 39 167 173 18 42 195 91 118 129 61 53 41 111 202 1%1%1%3%2%0%1%5%2%2%2%2%2%2%0% 4%2%5%12%6%0%2%15%5%2%6%5%4%2%3%2%6%6%2%5%2% 2%1%2%1%3%3%0%1%5%1%2%5%1%2%1%2%3%2%2%1% 20%23%23%17%12%27%18%19%28%24%18%39%24%20%14%19%21%16%21%14%26%18% 74%76%70%75%71%62%81%78%48%68%79%56%67%73%82%77%73%73%72%81%65%78% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 4.6 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.8 4.7 4.0 4.5 4.7 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.5 4.7 368 70 81 208 34 117 208 318 40 168 176 18 42 196 93 118 131 63 53 42 111 205 2%3%2%3%3%1%2%3%4%1%6%10%1%2%3%6%1%3% 4%1%9%3%3%3%4%4%3%5%4%11%10%3%4%3%2%10%6%2%3%6% 14%7%23%14%15%16%13%14%20%15%13%6%7%17%15%14%18%8%13%19%15%14% 18%20%13%20%35%26%11%17%33%24%15%22%33%16%17%10%25%16%25%26%20%17% 61%71%54%60%44%51%70%63%43%52%68%56%40%63%63%72%54%62%51%52%61%62% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 4.3 4.6 4.1 4.3 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.2 4.5 4.1 3.9 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.3 363 69 80 205 34 117 203 312 40 168 171 18 42 194 92 115 130 61 53 42 110 200 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 4 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey How satisfied are you with the following size/design/cost aspects of your home? And which items were important in your decision to purchase your home?OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Bike path/trail access 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = Proximity to open space 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = Sense of safety 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = 1%1%1%3%0%1%3%2%1%2%1%2%2%2%1% 1%1%0%1%1%1%2%1%1%2%1% 8%6%8%9%12%9%6%7%18%8%9%28%17%6%5%3%8%10%15%10%6%9% 15%14%16%15%18%20%12%13%25%17%13%17%29%13%14%14%16%13%15%19%16%14% 75%80%75%74%71%69%80%78%55%72%76%56%51%78%80%81%73%75%67%71%76%76% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 4.6 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.7 4.7 4.3 4.6 4.6 4.3 4.3 4.6 4.8 4.8 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.6 363 70 80 204 34 115 205 313 40 166 173 18 41 194 92 118 130 60 52 42 111 200 1%1%3%3%1%1%3%1%1%1%1%1%1%2%2%1% 3%1%5%12%4%1%3%10%5%2%6%2%5%1%1%5%3%2%5%5%2% 11%6%9%14%15%13%8%11%10%10%12%39%12%9%10%5%13%10%19%19%13%9% 20%20%28%18%18%29%16%19%33%27%16%6%32%22%16%21%22%25%13%24%22%19% 65%72%60%64%53%54%74%67%45%57%71%50%54%63%72%73%59%62%64%52%58%71% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 4.4 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.1 4.3 4.6 4.5 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.0 4.4 4.4 4.6 4.6 4.3 4.5 4.4 4.2 4.3 4.6 362 69 80 204 34 114 205 312 40 166 173 18 41 193 92 117 129 60 53 42 110 200 2%1%1%2%6%3%0%1%5%2%6%2%2%1%3%2%5%2%1% 5%4%3%6%12%9%2%4%10%7%2%11%12%5%2%3%5%5%8%10%5%3% 9%6%8%10%21%12%5%7%20%11%7%28%10%7%8%10%4%10%13%14%8%7% 28%24%26%30%24%37%23%28%25%31%27%11%32%31%23%30%30%25%25%21%33%26% 57%64%63%52%38%40%70%60%40%49%64%44%44%55%67%56%58%61%52%50%51%62% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 4.3 4.5 4.5 4.2 3.8 4.0 4.6 4.4 3.9 4.2 4.5 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.6 4.4 4.3 4.4 4.2 4.0 4.3 4.4 364 70 80 205 34 115 206 314 40 167 173 18 41 194 92 118 130 61 52 42 111 201 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 5 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey How satisfied are you with the following size/design/cost aspects of your home? And which items were important in your decision to purchase your home?OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Proximity to shopping & restaurants 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = Proximity to schools 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 5 - Very Satisfied TOTAL Average n = 2%3%4%1%3%2%2%3%4%1%6%7%1%2%4%2%4%3%3% 7%3%6%7%8%7%6%8%8%6%17%10%6%6%6%5%10%6%10%6%7% 16%6%21%18%15%25%11%14%28%19%13%17%34%12%18%15%15%18%17%17%16%15% 28%30%29%27%24%29%27%28%23%25%33%11%17%28%32%33%25%25%25%36%29%25% 48%59%40%47%61%34%53%49%40%45%48%50%32%53%42%47%50%45%49%38%46%51% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 4.1 4.4 3.9 4.1 4.5 3.8 4.2 4.2 3.9 4.0 4.2 3.8 3.6 4.3 4.1 4.2 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.2 363 70 78 206 33 116 205 312 40 166 172 18 41 195 90 116 130 60 53 42 111 199 1%3%3%1%3%1%1%5%3%3%2%1%1%2%2%2%2%1%2% 1%3%1%3%1%1%1%5%1%1%2%2%2%1% 49%19%40%62%59%47%48%47%59%52%46%61%65%47%44%45%51%49%52%61%44%48% 13%20%17%10%6%15%14%13%11%13%15%11%10%13%18%17%12%11%12%20%16%11% 36%58%38%27%35%32%38%38%24%31%39%28%18%38%37%37%36%37%32%17%38%39% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 3.8 4.3 3.8 3.6 3.8 3.7 3.9 3.9 3.5 3.7 3.9 3.7 3.4 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.5 3.9 3.9 344 69 77 189 34 112 189 298 37 159 165 18 40 186 84 109 126 57 50 41 103 192 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 6 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey How satisfied are you with the following size/design/cost aspects of your home? And which items were important in your decision to purchase your home?OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Check if item was important in decision to purchase: Overall cost of home (mortgage, HOA, etc.) Location of home, all things considered Size of home Layout / design of home Sense of safety Bike path/trail access Type of home (condo, townhouse, etc.) Proximity to open space Sound levels (fromother units, roads, etc.) Storage space Proximity to bus stops Energy efficiency Proximity to shopping & restaurants Proximity to schools TOTAL n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pr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 7 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Which two items were most important in your decision to purchase your home?OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No First Rank Overall cost of home (mortgage, HOA, etc.) Location of home, all things considered Size of home Type of home (condo, townhouse, etc.) Layout / design of home Proximity to open space Energy efficiency Sound levels (from other units, roads, etc.) Bike path/trail access Proximity to shopping & restaurants Other (1) Sense of safety Proximity to bus stops Storage space Proximity to schools TOTAL n = Second Rank Location of home, all things considered Overall cost of home (mortgage, HOA, etc.) Size of home Layout / design of home No second choice Sense of safety Type of home (condo, townhouse, etc.) Other (1) Sound levels (from other units, roads, etc.) Proximity to schools Bike path/trail access Proximity to open space Storage space Energy efficiency Proximity to shopping & restaurants Proximity to bus stops Other (2) TOTAL n = 53%42%56%55%47%54%53%52%57%52%55%71%61%52%52%54%55%51%46%50%49%56% 20%8%23%22%28%21%18%20%17%23%16%14%15%21%24%20%15%26%25%23%28%15% 11%18%12%9%9%9%13%12%11%10%12%7%12%10%15%12%13%9%10%13%11%12% 5%20%4%1%3%7%5%5%6%6%5%2%8%1%3%7%4%8%5%4%6% 4%2%3%5%2%6%4%3%2%5%5%3%3%5%2%9%5%2%4% 1%2%2%1%1%3%1%1%5%1%1%1%4%3%1%1% 1%3%1%2%1%2%1%2%2%2%2% 1%2%2%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%2%1%1% 1%2%1%3%1%1%1%1%1%1%2%1% 1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1% 1%1%1%3%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%2% 1%3%3%1%1%1%1%1%1%2%1% 1%2%1%1%1%0%3%1%1%2%1%1% 0%1%1%0%1%1%1%1% 0%2%3%0%1%7%2%3% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 343 65 78 192 32 109 194 300 35 157 164 14 41 184 88 111 125 57 48 40 103 192 26%23%24%30%22%27%27%26%22%23%30%27%29%26%27%28%26%29%20%24%26%27% 23%27%22%21%22%19%25%23%22%22%22%21%23%25%25%20%22%26%24%21%23% 15%14%17%16%19%11%16%16%16%15%15%20%5%18%13%11%20%19%10%20%17%14% 11%6%13%11%19%12%10%11%8%12%11%27%19%8%10%13%6%12%16%10%11%11% 5%5%8%4%3%8%4%5%5%6%4%7%7%4%4%3%7%2%8%2%5%6% 3%5%5%3%4%4%3%5%4%2%7%2%3%6%3%4%3%4%2%4%4% 3%11%2%3%4%3%3%4%7%4%1%3%4%2%2%2%3%3% 2%2%3%2%2%3%2%5%4%1%2%3%2%2%2%2%6%2%4%1% 2%2%3%2%3%2%1%5%2%1%5%2%1%2%2%2%2%2% 2%3%1%2%2%2%2%3%1%7%2%2%1%4%2%2%2%2% 1%3%2%2%1%3%1%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%1% 1%3%3%2%1%1%5%2%1%2%1%2%2%2%2%2%1% 1%3%3%1%6%2%1%2%1%1%2%2%1%3%2%2%1%2% 1%2%1%1%3%2%1%2%1%2%1%3%2%3%2%2%2% 1%1%2%2%1%1%1%1%2%2%1%2%1%2% 1%2%3%1%1%1%3%1%1%5%1%2%2%2% 0%1%1%0%1%1%1%1% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 351 66 78 199 32 113 198 306 37 160 168 15 42 188 89 114 126 59 50 41 107 195 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 8 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Which two items were most important in your decision to purchase your home?OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Top 2 Combined Overall cost of home (mortgage, HOA, etc.) Location of home, all things considered Size of home Layout / design of home Type of home (condo, townhouse, etc.) Sense of safety Other (1) Proximity to open space Sound levels (from other units, roads, etc.) Energy efficiency Bike path/trail access Proximity to schools Proximity to shopping & restaurants Storage space Proximity to bus stops Other (2) TOTAL n = 74%68%78%74%69%71%77%74%76%73%76%67%81%74%76%77%75%71%70%73%67%78% 46%30%47%51%50%48%44%46%38%45%46%40%43%46%51%47%41%54%44%46%53%41% 26%32%28%24%28%19%29%27%27%24%27%27%17%28%28%23%33%27%20%32%27%26% 15%8%15%16%19%13%15%15%11%14%16%27%24%11%13%18%8%20%16%15%13%15% 8%30%4%3%3%10%8%8%5%8%8%7%2%12%2%5%11%5%10%7%7%9% 4%8%5%3%3%5%4%4%5%5%2%7%2%3%7%3%5%5%4%2%4%5% 3%2%4%3%3%3%3%3%5%5%1%2%3%3%3%2%2%6%2%6%1% 3%5%3%4%2%2%8%3%2%5%3%1%3%2%6%5%3%2% 3%2%3%3%4%2%2%5%3%2%5%3%2%3%4%2%3%3% 3%5%1%2%3%2%3%3%3%2%2%3%4%2%3%2%2%4% 2%2%3%3%2%2%2%3%1%3%3%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2% 2%5%1%2%3%2%2%2%3%1%13%2%2%1%4%4%5%2%2% 2%1%3%2%2%2%1%2%3%1%3%2%2%2%2% 2%3%4%1%6%2%1%2%2%1%2%2%1%4%2%2%2%2% 1%2%2%3%2%1%1%5%1%2%5%1%1%2%4%1%2% 0%1%1%0%1%1%1%1% 193%194%192%193%197%188%194%193%189%193%193%187%190%194%194%195%192%195%188%195%192%193% 351 66 78 199 32 113 198 306 37 160 168 15 42 188 89 114 126 59 50 41 107 195 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 9 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No When you were looking for your current home, how important was it to you for the home to be located in the City of Boulder? 1 - Not at all important 2 - Slightly important 3 - Moderately important 4 - Very important 5 - Extremely important TOTAL Average n = When you were looking for your current home, how important was it to you to be able to buy your home (rather than rent)? 1 - Not at all important 3 - Moderately important 4 - Very important 5 - Extremely important TOTAL Average n = 1%2%3%0%1%5%1%1%5%2%1%1%6%2%1% 2%1%2%3%3%2%2%2%10%3%2%5%4%3%2%2%4%10%2%1% 6%6%7%6%3%5%8%6%8%7%6%7%7%6%5%5%10%9%5%5%7% 21%21%26%19%24%27%18%21%20%21%22%11%26%24%15%14%27%19%26%21%22%20% 69%71%64%70%71%64%71%70%57%69%69%84%60%65%78%78%67%70%55%64%69%71% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 4.5 4.6 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.2 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.2 4.4 4.5 4.6 366 70 81 206 34 118 205 318 40 167 177 19 42 195 93 117 132 63 53 42 112 204 0%1%1%3%1%2%1%2% 2%1%3%4%0%2%2%2%2%3%1%1%2%5%4%1% 16%10%16%19%15%21%14%15%30%17%14%16%19%17%12%15%14%21%21%19%16%16% 81%90%81%78%85%74%86%83%68%80%84%84%76%80%87%84%83%75%79%79%79%83% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 4.8 4.9 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.7 4.9 4.8 4.6 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.8 4.8 4.7 4.8 4.7 4.8 4.8 367 70 81 207 34 118 206 319 40 168 177 19 42 196 93 118 132 63 53 42 112 205 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 10 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Have your housing costs been more, less, or about the same as you expected for the following items?OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Mortgage payment (principal, interest, taxes, insurance) 1 - Much More 2 - Somewhat More 3 - About the Same 4 - Somewhat Less 5 - Much Less Not Applicable TOTAL Average n = HOA fees and assessments 1 - Much More 2 - Somewhat More 3 - About the Same 4 - Somewhat Less 5 - Much Less Not Applicable TOTAL Average n = Utilities 1 - Much More 2 - Somewhat More 3 - About the Same 4 - Somewhat Less 5 - Much Less TOTAL Average n = Maintenance and repairs 1 - Much More 2 - Somewhat More 3 - About the Same 4 - Somewhat Less 5 - Much Less Not Applicable TOTAL Average n = 1%3%1%6%1%0%1%3%2%1%6%2%1%1%2%2%2%2%1% 6%12%4%4%3%10%3%6%3%6%5%11%12%5%3%2%5%8%13%2%4%7% 75%77%79%72%81%74%74%74%79%74%77%56%63%78%76%74%78%73%69%74%74%75% 11%7%10%12%3%11%12%11%5%11%10%17%12%11%10%15%9%8%10%12%12%10% 6%4%4%7%3%3%9%6%8%6%5%11%2%5%8%9%5%5%4%7%7%6% 2%3%3%2%2%2%3%2%2%7%1%2%1%2%5%2%2%2%2% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 3.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.1 3.1 3.0 3.2 3.2 3.1 352 69 78 197 31 112 201 306 38 160 171 18 38 190 91 116 127 57 51 41 109 194 32%7%40%37%65%39%21%30%43%46%17%42%56%31%25%21%32%40%45%31%37%29% 33%20%35%36%24%32%36%33%33%30%37%26%32%32%39%34%35%37%25%36%34%32% 25%42%17%23%9%19%32%27%13%14%36%16%7%28%28%32%24%21%19%29%21%27% 4%6%7%2%3%4%4%4%3%4%3%5%3%5%7%3%2%2%4%5% 1%3%1%2%1%3%1%2%2%1%2%2%2%2%1%1% 5%22%1%0%6%5%4%8%5%5%16%6%2%5%5%2%8%2%4%6% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 2.1 2.7 1.9 1.9 1.5 1.9 2.3 2.1 1.8 1.8 2.3 1.7 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.8 2.0 1.9 2.1 348 54 80 205 34 111 194 303 37 160 166 16 41 185 91 111 125 62 49 41 108 191 5%11%4%3%15%5%3%5%5%8%1%5%7%5%2%2%5%5%11%7%4% 20%26%25%17%21%24%17%20%20%20%19%21%38%22%11%15%24%21%23%24%17%21% 62%61%63%60%62%61%63%61%65%57%67%58%43%60%72%63%60%63%60%62%61%62% 10%1%9%14%9%12%11%8%12%10%16%10%9%12%14%10%8%6%10%13%8% 3%6%3%1%5%3%3%2%4%2%4%3%7%2%3%5%2%4% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 2.9 2.5 2.8 3.0 2.6 2.8 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.8 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.1 2.8 2.8 2.6 3.0 2.9 2.9 366 70 80 207 34 117 206 318 40 167 177 19 42 195 93 118 131 63 53 42 112 204 10%23%9%7%21%16%5%8%23%14%4%26%19%10%5%5%11%11%17%15%8%10% 19%25%19%17%24%22%16%18%23%27%11%26%26%19%13%19%16%16%30%15%18%19% 53%39%55%56%41%53%55%54%45%43%63%37%40%55%58%50%57%58%42%50%56%52% 8%6%10%8%6%4%11%9%5%7%10%5%7%6%14%12%8%3%6%13%7%8% 7%6%4%10%3%3%11%8%3%5%10%5%5%7%10%14%4%5%6%8%7%8% 2%1%4%2%6%2%2%3%3%4%1%2%4%1%3%6%4%2% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 2.8 2.5 2.8 3.0 2.4 2.6 3.1 2.9 2.4 2.6 3.1 2.4 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.1 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.8 2.9 2.8 355 68 77 201 32 114 200 308 39 161 173 19 41 187 92 116 127 58 53 40 108 199 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 11 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure TOTAL n = How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly Declined significantly TOTAL n = 5%5%6%6%15%7%3%5%11%7%4%100%2%8%20%10%6%5% 12%6%13%14%15%17%8%12%16%18%7%100%2%12%10%37%15%11%12% 56%67%49%56%48%58%56%56%53%54%57%100%52%64%60%41%51%58%55% 27%22%32%26%21%19%33%28%21%21%32%100%46%21%22%2%24%25%28% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 350 63 79 200 33 113 195 304 38 164 165 19 42 196 93 112 126 60 51 41 107 194 32%34%33%32%9%21%43%36%10%23%41%5%30%56%100%24%30%35% 36%39%32%36%32%39%34%36%35%38%33%17%36%41%29%100%33%38%35% 17%13%21%17%35%25%11%16%28%19%16%28%14%18%14%100%26%17%16% 10%10%7%12%21%9%8%9%23%17%5%6%36%10%1%70%12%12%9% 4%4%6%4%3%6%3%4%5%4%5%50%10%1%30%5%3%5% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 366 70 81 206 34 118 205 318 40 167 177 18 42 196 93 118 132 63 53 42 112 204 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 12 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Yes No TOTAL n = Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing? Yes No TOTAL n = 89%93%88%88%55%86%96%100%82%95%78%85%90%91%97%89%82%79%76%83%95% 11%7%13%12%45%14%4%100%18%5%22%15%10%9%3%11%18%21%24%17%5% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 359 67 80 203 33 113 204 319 40 165 176 18 41 191 92 117 128 61 52 41 110 203 49%38%57%48%91%54%38%45%78%100%61%71%49%40%35%52%52%67%50%55%45% 51%62%43%52%9%46%62%55%22%100%39%29%51%60%65%48%48%33%50%45%55% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 345 63 77 196 33 112 194 304 37 168 177 18 41 183 87 110 123 60 51 40 103 197 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 13 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey About your household OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No How many people live in your household? 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL Average n = How many of these persons are currently employed? 0 1 2 3 TOTAL Average n = How many of these persons are retired? 0 1 2 TOTAL Average n = How many of these persons are aged 17 or under? 0 1 2 3 4 TOTAL Average n = 42%15%28%55%56%39%41%41%48%48%37%47%57%41%35%37%41%42%58%34%46%42% 27%18%24%31%26%25%28%28%20%23%31%21%17%26%37%32%22%31%21%44%23%25% 15%24%23%9%9%17%15%15%18%15%14%16%5%16%16%17%20%8%6%12%13%16% 12%30%16%4%6%13%12%11%15%10%12%11%14%12%8%10%13%13%12%7%15%11% 4%10%8%0%3%4%4%4%2%5%5%7%4%2%4%3%5%4%2%3%5% 1%3%1%2%0%1%1%1%1%2%1%1%2%1%1% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 2.1 3.1 2.6 1.6 1.7 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.1 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.1 361 67 79 206 34 114 204 316 40 165 177 19 42 191 92 115 131 62 52 41 112 204 13%4%9%17%24%12%12%12%20%18%9%5%26%12%9%9%8%21%27%10%11%15% 47%45%41%50%50%45%47%46%50%48%47%63%50%48%41%50%47%44%42%37%55%44% 38%43%49%33%24%41%40%40%28%32%43%32%21%38%49%40%43%34%29%54%34%37% 2%7%1%0%3%2%2%2%3%2%1%2%2%1%2%2%2%2%3% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.4 1.2 1.3 361 67 79 206 34 114 204 316 40 165 177 19 42 191 92 115 131 62 52 41 112 204 85%85%91%83%85%88%83%86%78%82%89%95%69%88%88%91%89%77%69%90%89%81% 14%13%9%17%12%12%16%13%23%18%10%5%31%11%12%7%11%21%31%10%11%17% 1%1%0%3%1%1%1%1%1%2%2%1% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% .2 .2 .1 .2 .2 .1 .2 .1 .2 .2 .1 .1 .3 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .3 .1 .1 .2 361 67 79 206 34 114 204 316 40 165 177 19 42 191 92 115 131 62 52 41 112 204 65%43%46%79%74%57%69%67%55%67%63%63%62%65%68%64%62%68%75%68%63%66% 18%21%29%13%18%20%17%16%30%18%19%21%17%19%17%17%23%15%10%20%17%18% 13%27%16%7%9%18%10%12%15%13%12%16%19%11%11%13%13%11%13%12%17%11% 3%6%8%0%3%4%3%2%4%2%5%1%4%2%5%2%2%4% 1%3%1%2%0%1%1%1%1%2%1%1%2%1%1% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% .6 1.0 .9 .3 .4 .7 .5 .6 .6 .5 .6 .5 .6 .6 .5 .6 .6 .6 .4 .4 .6 .6 361 67 79 206 34 114 204 316 40 165 177 19 42 191 92 115 131 62 52 41 112 204 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 14 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Individual 1: Where do the employed persons in your household work? City of Boulder Work at home 50%+ of the time (telecommute, home workshop, etc.) Louisville / Lafayette / Superior / Erie Longmont / Niwot Denver Metro area Other (please describe) Broomfield TOTAL n = Individual 2: Where do the employed persons in your household work? City of Boulder Work at home 50%+ of the time (telecommute, home workshop, etc.) Louisville / Lafayette / Superior / Erie Denver Metro area Other (please describe) Longmont / Niwot Broomfield TOTAL n = Individual 3: Where do the employed persons in your household work? City of Boulder Broomfield Other (please describe) Longmont / Niwot Louisville / Lafayette / Superior / Erie TOTAL n = 69%75%67%69%67%72%67%69%68%73%66%50%77%73%63%69%71%71%61%68%67%70% 18%21%20%16%19%13%21%18%13%16%19%28%10%16%21%18%19%12%21%21%18%18% 6%5%8%5%9%6%6%10%4%6%10%5%9%7%4%8%5%3%10%5% 4%3%3%6%7%5%4%5%3%4%5%6%4%7%4%4%6%5%5%3%5% 3%7%3%4%2%4%3%3%4%3%11%4%1%2%4%4%3%3%4%3% 3%3%3%2%7%3%3%3%3%2%4%6%3%4%1%3%8%8%3%2%4% 0%1%1%0%1%1%2%1% 104%106%107%102%104%105%104%105%100%104%104%100%100%105%102%103%103%110%103%103%104%105% 316 63 75 170 27 101 180 280 31 140 161 18 30 171 86 107 119 51 38 38 102 173 62%70%71%51%56%61%63%63%58%66%57%100%60%59%61%57%65%62%63%50%58%67% 12%3%16%15%11%15%11%13%8%11%13%10%13%11%14%4%24%19%5%19%11% 11%9%13%10%13%10%11%8%9%9%20%8%13%6%15%14%6%23%8%9% 10%6%11%12%7%13%9%17%2%16%12%11%14%5%14%6%14%14%7% 8%9%5%9%33%4%7%8%13%5%12%4%12%5%5%6%9%3%9% 4%3%3%6%4%5%5%5%4%20%1%7%6%4%5%5%6%4% 4%3%8%3%2%6%4%8%4%5%20%3%4%4%7%5%3%5% 111%103%126%106%100%107%114%112%100%109%111%100%130%108%111%114%105%124%100%109%111%111% 141 33 38 68 9 46 84 128 12 56 75 5 10 75 46 49 55 21 16 22 36 81 33%33%50%100%25%29%100%40%33%100%20%67%50%38% 22%17%50%67%29%20%33%40%33%50%100%13% 22%17%100%33%25%14%40%40%50%50%25% 11%17%25%14%33%50%13% 11%17%25%14%100%50%13% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 9 6 1 2 2 3 4 7 1 5 3 1 5 1 2 3 2 2 1 8 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 15 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Where do the employed persons in your household work? (All workers in household) City of Boulder Work at home 50%+ of the time (telecommute, home workshop, etc.) Louisville / Lafayette / Superior / Erie Denver Metro area Other (please describe) Longmont / Niwot Broomfield TOTAL n = 97%111%103%90%89%100%96%98%94%100%93%78%100%98%95%94%103%96%87%97%87%102% 23%22%28%22%21%20%26%24%16%21%25%28%13%22%27%24%21%22%28%24%25%23% 11%11%15%9%15%10%11%13%8%10%17%8%17%11%11%14%8%16%13%9% 8%3%12%8%4%5%10%7%10%4%10%11%9%7%8%7%10%5%11%9%6% 7%9%7%6%18%6%7%7%3%9%7%6%3%10%3%8%3%12%13%8%3%9% 7%6%4%8%7%7%7%7%3%6%7%6%7%5%10%7%6%8%5%8%5%7% 3%3%4%2%4%3%3%3%2%4%7%3%2%2%4%4%3%3%3% 155%165%172%146%139%156%159%157%142%150%156%128%147%155%163%156%155%165%146%166%144%159% 318 65 75 170 28 101 181 282 31 141 162 18 30 172 86 108 119 51 39 38 102 175 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No How long have you lived in your current residence? Less than 6 months 6 months up to 1 year 1 up to 5 years 5 up to 10 years 10 up to 20 years More than 20 years TOTAL n = How long have you lived in Boulder Valley? 1 up to 5 years 5 up to 10 years 10 up to 20 years More than 20 years TOTAL n = And, how much longer do you plan on living in the Boulder Valley? Less than 6 months 6 months up to 1 year 1 up to 5 years 5 up to 10 years 10 up to 20 years More than 20 years TOTAL n = 3%4%1%3%3%3%2%3%3%4%3%5%2%1%7%2%2%3%3% 5%4%5%5%4%6%5%5%5%7%6%3%5%4%8%2%5%2%6% 30%29%25%33%21%38%27%31%23%28%33%11%31%34%26%32%32%31%21%43%38%23% 32%28%42%29%38%23%37%31%38%31%33%26%24%28%45%35%33%28%26%29%34%31% 28%26%23%29%35%30%26%27%35%31%25%53%33%27%21%24%23%31%43%21%21%33% 2%7%4%3%2%2%2%3%2%2%11%5%1%2%3%1%2%6%2%3% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 361 68 79 205 34 115 203 316 40 167 175 19 42 192 91 116 130 61 53 42 112 204 7%3%3%9%11%6%7%6%6%6%7%8%8%4%7%5%7%8%10%8%5% 21%24%26%19%7%23%23%23%6%19%24%6%18%20%29%22%24%25%6%28%22%19% 33%34%32%33%39%32%31%32%41%33%30%22%26%32%40%33%35%33%27%36%32%32% 40%39%39%39%43%39%39%39%47%41%39%72%49%40%27%38%36%35%59%26%38%43% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 335 62 72 193 28 108 191 296 34 154 164 18 39 179 84 109 121 55 49 39 102 191 1%2%1%4%1%0%1%7%1%2%3%1% 1%1%1%1%1%1%1%3%1%1%2%6% 8%7%7%10%16%9%7%8%11%9%8%7%8%7%13%8%4%18%7%28%16%1% 11%7%16%12%16%13%11%11%14%14%9%14%15%13%8%11%11%11%14%8%16%10% 21%25%21%18%12%23%22%21%21%23%19%7%28%20%22%14%28%22%20%17%15%25% 58%59%56%58%52%54%59%59%54%52%62%64%48%60%56%65%56%49%55%39%54%63% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 322 59 70 184 25 101 189 289 28 149 159 14 40 167 85 107 115 55 44 36 95 189 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 16 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Yes Maybe No TOTAL n = (If yes or maybe) What are the main reasons you plan to move or might move? (Check all that apply) Live in larger home Change in family/personal situation (e.g. having children, getting married, getting divorced, retirement, etc.) I live in attached housing (condo, townhouse) and want a detached home I want to buy a market rate unit Live in a nicer home - Please identify what would be nicer: Other: I want to live in a different city / area where? I want to move to a different neighborhood or home in Boulder Live in less expensive home I want to rent I live in a detached home and want an attached home TOTAL n = 12%9%4%16%27%11%9%10%25%12%11%21%14%11%11%9%11%18%13%100% 31%21%38%33%30%47%22%29%48%35%26%32%29%33%29%30%34%31%30%100% 57%71%58%51%42%41%68%61%28%53%62%47%57%56%60%62%55%52%57%100% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 359 68 79 203 33 114 203 314 40 165 175 19 42 189 92 115 128 62 53 42 112 205 45%43%44%45%29%53%43%50%20%43%51%27%45%48%40%40%56%41%31%52%43%31% 35%24%36%37%29%30%39%39%17%37%33%9%30%38%33%50%37%16%23%38%37%6% 35%39%40%57%41%24%30%50%37%33%9%35%36%36%30%47%31%19%38%36%13% 24%10%39%23%38%29%17%20%40%24%23%18%35%23%24%22%27%19%27%33%23%13% 22%19%22%23%38%31%8%18%40%24%19%9%40%21%17%20%24%16%27%21%23%13% 20%24%11%23%14%20%22%20%17%17%23%27%15%19%24%18%13%34%23%21%16%44% 17%29%22%14%14%17%18%16%20%17%12%27%20%18%14%6%21%19%27%24%14%19% 12%19%11%11%19%10%11%10%17%13%10%30%10%12%10%13%3%23%14%11%13% 8%11%9%5%9%9%8%7%13%4%18%20%7%2%6%5%6%23%10%7%13% 2%4%3%3%2%3%3%1%10%1%2%2%3%4%5%2% 1%3%1%5%1%1%1%1%5%1%2%4%2%1% 221%167%239%227%248%244%195%216%230%231%211%145%285%222%202%204%247%188%231%260%214%163% 170 21 36 111 21 70 76 137 30 86 73 11 20 91 42 50 62 32 26 42 111 16 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 17 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Cost of living OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No What is your average monthly mortgage payment (including property taxes and insurance, if applicable)? Do not pay mortgage / mortgage paid off $1 - $200 $200 - $399 $400 - $599 $600 - $799 $800 - $999 $1,000 - $1,199 $1,200 - $1,399 $1,400 - $1,599 $1,600 - $1,799 $1,800 - $1,999 $2,200 - $2,399 TOTAL Average Median n = 7%5%4%9%11%3%8%8%3%6%8%17%5%9%6%7%10%6%5%4%9% 0%1%1%0%1%1%2%1% 1%1%2%3%1%2%3%1%5%1%1%2%3%2%2%2% 11%3%4%15%11%11%11%10%19%9%13%6%12%11%8%13%10%9%12%8%11%12% 21%11%6%28%21%23%19%21%19%21%20%33%22%21%17%24%21%16%22%34%20%19% 24%15%27%26%25%23%24%23%28%29%19%22%20%25%26%23%25%26%20%18%24%24% 14%18%20%11%21%16%13%14%19%12%16%11%7%14%18%15%12%14%18%16%15%13% 11%19%20%5%4%10%12%11%6%10%11%11%2%12%10%12%10%14%6%11%9%12% 6%13%9%3%7%8%5%6%6%7%5%17%10%6%2%4%7%2%12%8%10%4% 2%8%4%2%3%3%1%3%5%2%2%1%3%3%2%1%4% 2%6%4%4%2%1%3%3%2%2%3%2%2%3% 0%2%1%0%1%1%1%1% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% $875 $1,145 $1,056 $735 $806 $885 $889 $879 $833 $859 $888 $944 $734 $910 $862 $873 $903 $817 $865 $858 $919 $853 $850 $1,174 $1,051 $746 $839 $857 $860 $857 $809 $850 $862 $848 $715 $866 $870 $853 $850 $855 $835 $825 $900 $845 339 62 70 198 28 108 194 302 32 154 167 18 41 177 87 109 121 58 50 38 107 191 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 18 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Cost of living OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Is your home part of a Homeowners Association (HOA)? Yes No TOTAL n = (If belong to HOA) What are your current monthly HOA dues? Less than $100 $100 - $199 $200 - $299 $300 - $399 $400 - $499 $500 - $599 $600 - $699 TOTAL Average Median n = (If belong to HOA) In the time you have owned your home, have there been any lump sum special assessments? Yes No TOTAL n = 95%75%97%100%100%94%94%95%93%95%94%84%100%94%98%94%95%95%94%98%96%94% 5%25%3%6%6%5%8%5%6%16%6%2%6%5%5%6%2%4%6% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 359 67 78 205 34 114 202 314 40 166 174 19 42 189 92 113 130 62 53 42 112 202 10%58%5%0%3%10%12%11%6%7%12%6%13%10%11%10%10%8%5%5%14% 16%24%22%12%9%10%22%16%17%15%17%13%10%15%20%23%11%17%14%10%17%18% 49%18%44%58%48%51%46%49%46%45%53%38%61%49%45%44%51%50%52%57%50%46% 21%29%23%36%23%17%19%31%26%17%38%29%18%19%17%23%19%24%15%24%20% 2%3%3%2%2%4%3%1%2%2%2%2%8%1%1% 1%2%3%2%1%1%2%1%2%3%1%3%3% 1%2%2%1%1%1%1%6%1%1%2%2%3%1%1% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% $241 $103 $254 $271 $269 $261 $223 $240 $249 $263 $220 $289 $265 $235 $237 $229 $249 $241 $246 $269 $256 $224 $241 $80 $277 $246 $265 $250 $234 $241 $237 $260 $232 $277 $265 $231 $241 $239 $242 $239 $255 $247 $245 $238 335 50 73 203 33 105 188 295 35 155 163 16 41 176 88 105 121 58 50 40 105 187 52%51%49%53%70%51%48%50%69%48%52%71%43%49%57%49%53%56%52%48%58%49% 48%49%51%47%30%49%52%50%31%52%48%29%57%51%43%51%47%44%48%53%42%51% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 330 51 71 199 30 104 188 290 35 150 161 14 40 172 89 106 118 57 48 40 103 184 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 19 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Cost of living OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No What is your average monthly cost for utilities (electricity, gas, water, sewer, and trash)? (Exclude internet / phone / cable TV) $0 - none, or all included in HOA dues $1 - $49 $50 - $99 $100 - $199 $200 - $299 $300 - $399 $400 - $499 $500 - $599 Over $1,000 TOTAL Average Median n = 2%1%2%2%2%2%2%1%2%3%2%2%2%2%3%2% 8%13%6%4%9%7%8%8%7%13%10%2%12%4%5%10%7%7%8% 38%6%20%55%41%38%38%38%35%41%37%42%38%34%46%42%40%37%25%46%40%34% 34%40%52%24%38%39%30%34%32%34%32%42%35%33%31%27%31%40%46%32%34%35% 14%41%19%5%13%13%16%14%16%12%17%11%10%17%15%14%17%10%15%12%12%16% 4%11%7%1%3%4%4%3%8%2%4%5%5%4%1%2%5%6%2%2%5%4% 0%1%1%0%1%1%1%1% 0%2%1%0%1%1%1%1% 0%1%1%0%1%1%1%1% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% $121 $198 $156 $84 $113 $116 $125 $120 $125 $109 $130 $125 $111 $126 $111 $110 $130 $120 $122 $104 $109 $131 $100 $200 $120 $70 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $93 $100 $100 $98 $100 $90 $78 $100 $110 $110 $90 $99 $100 346 63 75 199 32 112 193 304 37 162 166 19 40 183 89 106 125 62 52 41 110 192 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 20 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Cost of living OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Sum of selected monthly housing costs: mortgage, HOA, and utilities (but excluding HOA special assessments) $0 - $199 $200 - $399 $400 - $599 $600 - $799 $800 - $999 $1,000 - $1,199 $1,200 - $1,399 $1,400 - $1,599 $1,600 - $1,799 $1,800 - $1,999 $2,000 - $2,199 $2,200 - $2,399 $2,400 - $2,599 TOTAL Average Median n = 0%1%1%0%1%1%1%1% 5%3%3%5%7%3%5%5%4%6%18%2%5%4%3%7%6%3%2%7% 2%1%4%4%1%3%2%3%3%2%2%6%2%3%5%3%3%2% 5%2%1%7%4%5%6%5%10%5%5%5%5%6%5%3%9%8%4%7% 14%5%6%18%11%17%13%14%17%14%14%11%20%14%12%15%17%12%10%21%15%12% 22%19%9%28%19%22%22%22%17%22%23%28%23%23%18%23%22%19%20%24%20%22% 19%16%27%17%26%16%19%18%27%20%16%28%8%19%21%21%14%21%22%13%24%17% 12%14%17%10%15%17%9%12%13%13%12%6%8%15%12%15%10%10%14%18%10%12% 12%22%19%7%11%13%12%12%13%13%11%28%5%11%13%9%15%10%12%13%14%11% 4%7%6%3%4%4%4%3%4%8%4%2%2%9%2%5%3%4% 3%7%7%4%3%3%3%1%4%8%3%1%1%3%7%2%5%2% 2%3%4%3%2%1%2%2%2%2%2%2%3% 0%2%1%0%1%1%1%1% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% $1,234 $1,457 $1,455 $1,097 $1,185 $1,250 $1,241 $1,238 $1,191 $1,217 $1,239 $1,317 $1,104 $1,262 $1,218 $1,210 $1,288 $1,165 $1,229 $1,227 $1,277 $1,208 $1,225 $1,512 $1,430 $1,119 $1,257 $1,230 $1,220 $1,230 $1,240 $1,207 $1,195 $1,350 $1,068 $1,246 $1,236 $1,200 $1,255 $1,190 $1,257 $1,183 $1,264 $1,190 328 58 70 191 27 107 185 293 30 152 160 18 40 172 84 103 117 58 49 38 106 181 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 21 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Cost of living OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Ratio of selected monthly housing costs (mortgage, HOA, utilities) to monthly income (Approximate; income assumed to be midpoint of categories) 0% - 9.9% 10% - 19.9% 20% - 29.9% 30% - 39.9% 40% - 49.9% 50% + TOTAL Average Median n = 2%2%2%3%4%1%3%3%1%4%3%1%5%6%2%2%3%2% 27%25%20%31%35%32%25%28%27%24%30%19%18%23%44%37%24%29%17%56%23%23% 34%35%39%32%15%33%37%34%31%32%35%38%34%37%28%36%44%29%15%28%35%36% 18%21%23%16%23%19%17%18%23%21%15%13%23%15%13%22%23%15%8%21%19% 9%8%8%10%8%10%10%9%15%8%12%13%11%9%7%7%4%13%24%3%8%11% 8%10%8%9%15%5%9%9%4%14%4%31%21%6%1%2%7%5%26%6%10%8% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 29%30%31%28%31%28%29%29%30%32%26%43%35%29%22%23%28%29%41%23%30%30% 25%27%26%25%26%26%24%25%28%27%24%29%27%26%21%22%25%28%39%19%26%26% 296 52 61 176 26 98 166 265 26 136 147 16 38 159 75 87 106 56 46 36 91 166 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Prefer not to respond Dakota Ridge Northfield Commons Holiday Neighborhood Northfield Village Iris Hollow / Tabriz Flats North Boulder Village at Boulder Creek Steel Yards Kalmia 38 Peloton Wellman Creek Washington Village Poplar True Corner Downtown Boulder Wild Sage Cohousing Landmark Lofts Northern Lights Sanitas Terrace Uptown Broadway Wonderland Creek Rosewood Trailcrossing at Lee Hill Central Boulder Four Mile Corner Four Mile Creek 12.5%21.9%9.5%10.7%3.0%12.1%14.3%13.7%5.1%9.9%14.6%5.9%9.5%13.7%9.0%13.8%12.2%14.8%8.0%11.9%10.3%14.0% 11.0%1.6%18.3%18.2%15.0%8.2%9.7%20.5%13.6%9.1%11.8%14.3%9.3%14.6%13.8%10.6%4.9%14.0%9.5%12.1%10.9% 8.7%4.7%16.2%7.1%6.1%6.5%10.7%9.0%7.7%9.3%9.1%11.8%11.9%7.1%11.2%9.2%7.3%9.8%10.0%11.9%5.6%9.8% 7.8%4.7%5.4%8.6%3.0%7.5%9.2%8.7%2.6%4.9%11.0%17.6%14.3%4.9%10.1%4.6%10.6%6.6%8.0%7.1%9.3%7.3% 7.0%6.3%12.2%5.1%7.5%7.7%7.7%2.6%6.2%8.5%9.5%6.0%7.9%6.4%8.9%8.2%2.0%4.8%6.5%7.8% 5.2%4.7%7.6%18.2%7.5%2.0%4.3%10.3%7.4%3.0%11.8%4.8%6.6%2.2%3.7%6.5%4.9%6.0%11.9%3.7%4.1% 3.2%6.3%1.4%3.0%3.0%2.8%3.6%3.3%2.6%3.1%3.7%5.9%3.8%3.4%5.5%2.4%4.0%4.8%2.8%2.6% 3.2%5.6%6.1%4.7%1.5%3.3%2.6%3.7%3.0%4.4%3.4%0.9%4.9%4.9%2.0%2.4%4.7%2.6% 2.6%4.1%3.0%6.1%1.9%2.6%2.7%2.6%3.1%2.4%4.8%2.2%3.4%3.7%1.6%3.3%2.0%2.4%4.7%1.6% 2.0%1.6%6.8%0.5%3.7%1.5%2.0%2.6%2.5%1.2%2.7%2.2%0.9%4.1%1.6%4.7%1.0% 2.0%3.6%3.0%1.9%2.0%2.3%2.5%1.2%2.4%2.7%1.1%1.8%3.3%1.6%2.4%2.8%1.6% 1.7%8.1%0.9%2.6%2.0%1.2%2.4%7.1%1.6%2.8%6.0%3.1% 1.7%3.0%1.9%1.5%1.7%1.9%1.2%2.7%1.1%4.6%0.8%3.7%1.0% 1.7%9.4%1.9%1.5%1.3%2.6%1.2%1.8%2.4%1.6%1.1%1.8%0.8%1.6%4.0%2.4%0.9%2.1% 1.5%2.5%0.9%2.0%1.3%1.2%1.8%2.4%1.1%2.2%0.9%1.6%3.3%7.1%0.9%0.5% 1.5%2.5%2.8%0.5%1.3%2.6%0.6%1.2%5.9%0.5%2.2%0.9%1.6%1.6%2.0%4.8%1.9%0.5% 1.2%2.0%0.9%1.5%1.3%1.2%1.2%4.8%0.5%1.1%1.8%1.6%2.0%2.4%1.6% 1.2%2.0%0.9%1.5%1.0%2.6%2.4%1.1%1.1%0.9%0.8%3.3%2.4%0.9%1.0% 1.2%1.6%2.7%2.0%1.0%2.6%1.2%1.2%1.6%1.1%1.8%1.6%2.1% 0.9%1.6%2.7%0.9%1.0%1.0%0.6%1.2%0.5%2.2%1.8%2.0%1.6% 0.9%1.5%0.9%1.0%1.0%1.2%0.6%1.6%0.9%4.0%1.9%0.5% 0.9%4.7%0.9%1.0%1.0%1.2%0.6%1.1%1.1%0.9%0.8%1.6%1.6% 0.9%3.1%1.4%1.5%1.0%0.6%0.6%1.1%1.1%0.9%3.3%1.6% 0.9%4.7%1.5%1.0%0.6%1.2%1.1%1.8%1.6%0.9%1.0% 0.6%1.0%6.1%5.1%1.2%2.4%0.5%0.8%2.0%1.9% 0.6%2.7%0.9%0.5%0.7%1.2%0.5%1.1%0.9%2.0%0.9%0.5% 0.6%2.7%1.0%0.7%0.6%0.6%1.1%0.8%2.0%0.9%0.5% 0.6%1.0%1.0%0.7%1.2%2.2%0.8%1.6%1.0%(cont.) Page 22 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No In what neighborhood or complex do you live? Kalmia 4-plex HOA Kalmia Estates Keewaydin Majestic Heights Martin Acres Nomad Co-housing Violet Hollow Yarmouth Way Silver Sage Cohousing Remington Post 17th and Yarmouth 4 plex Across from Canyon America Arborwood Baseline Sub boulder creek Brandon Creek Cattail Cove Complex East Boulder Goose Creek Grapewood greenbelt meadows Hobo Hollywood Jasmine Park Kalmia Kings Ridge Mountain Terrace/ Lower Table Mesa Near Colorado University North Village Habitat Park East Silver Maple Village (Ideal Market) Stonewall Place Stratford Park West Table Mesa Vineyard Lane Whittier Square Yarmouth Ave Yarmouth Park 4645 Broadway Harmony Haven HOA NFC Noble Park Shanahan Ridge 8 0.6%1.0%1.0%0.7%1.2%2.2%0.8%1.6%1.0% 0.6%2.7%3.0%0.5%0.7%1.2%2.4%0.5%4.0%0.9%0.5% 0.6%1.6%1.4%3.0%0.9%0.7%0.6%0.6%2.2%0.9%0.8%1.0% 0.6%3.1%0.9%0.5%0.3%2.6%0.6%0.6%0.5%1.1%1.8%1.0% 0.6%3.1%0.9%0.5%5.1%1.2%1.1%0.8%2.0%2.4%0.9% 0.6%1.4%0.5%3.0%0.5%0.3%2.6%0.6%0.6%5.9%1.1%0.8%1.6%0.9%0.5% 0.6%3.1%1.0%0.7%1.2%5.9%0.5%0.9%2.0%1.0% 0.6%2.7%0.9%0.5%0.7%0.6%0.6%1.1%1.6%1.0% 0.6%1.0%0.5%0.7%1.2%2.4%0.5%0.8%2.0%1.0% 0.6%1.0%0.9%0.5%0.7%1.2%1.6%0.9%0.5% 0.3%0.5%0.5%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.8%2.4% 0.3%1.4%3.0%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.8%0.5% 0.3%1.6%3.0%0.3%0.6%0.5%2.0%0.5% 0.3%1.4%3.0%0.3%0.6%1.1%1.6%0.5% 0.3%0.5%0.5%0.3%0.6%0.5%1.6%0.5% 0.3%0.5%0.9%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.8%0.9% 0.3%0.5%0.5%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.8%0.5% 0.3%1.6%0.5%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.9%0.5% 0.3%1.4%3.0%2.6%0.6%1.1%0.8%0.9% 0.3%1.4%0.5%0.3%0.6%1.1%0.8%0.9% 0.3%1.4%0.9%0.3%0.6%5.9%1.6%0.9% 0.3%0.5%3.0%2.6%0.6%0.5%1.6%2.4% 0.3%0.5%0.5%0.3%0.6%0.5%2.0%0.5% 0.3%1.6%0.5%0.3%0.6%0.5%1.6%0.5% 0.3%0.5%0.5%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.9%0.9% 0.3%0.5%0.9%0.3%0.6%2.4%1.6%0.5% 0.3%0.5%3.0%2.6%0.6%1.1%1.6%2.4% 0.3%1.4%0.9%0.3%0.6%0.5%1.6%0.9% 0.3%1.4%0.9%2.6%0.6%0.5%0.8%2.4% 0.3%1.6%0.9%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.8%0.9% 0.3%0.5%0.9%0.3%0.6%2.4%1.6%0.5% 0.3%1.4%0.9%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.8%0.5% 0.3%1.4%0.5%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.9%0.9% 0.3%0.5%0.5%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.9%0.5% 0.3%0.5%0.9%0.3%0.6%0.5%1.6%0.5% 0.3%0.5%0.5%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.9%0.5% 0.3%1.6%0.5%0.3%0.6%5.9%2.0%0.9% 0.3%1.6%0.5%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.9%0.5% 0.3%1.4%0.5%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.8%0.5% 0.3%0.5%0.5%0.3%0.6%1.1%0.9%0.9% 0.3%0.5%0.5%0.3%0.6%0.5%0.9%0.5% 0.3%0.9%0.3%0.6%1.1%1.6%0.9% 0.3%0.5%0.9%2.6%0.5%0.8%0.9% 0.3%1.4%0.5%2.6%1.1%0.8%0.9% 0.3%1.6%0.5%0.3%1.1%0.9%0.5% 0.3%1.4%0.3%0.6%5.9%2.0%0.5% 0.3%0.5%0.5%0.3%0.5%0.8%0.9% (cont.) (cont.) Page 23 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Sunnyside - Jay Road Pleasantview Knoll TOTAL n = 0.3%0.5%0.5%0.3%0.5%0.8%0.9% 0.3%1.6%0.5%0.3%0.9%0.9% 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% 344 64 74 197 33 107 196 300 39 162 164 17 42 182 89 109 123 61 50 42 107 193 (cont.) 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Demographics OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Which category includes your age? 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 – 54 55 - 64 65 - 74 75 or older Prefer not to respond TOTAL n = Which best describes the total gross annual income of your household (before taxes)? (Average income is calculated based on the midpoints of the ranges; $20K for <$30K category; and $130K for $120K+ category) Less than $30,000 $30,000 to $39,999 $40,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $59,999 $60,000 to $69,999 $70,000 or $79,999 $80,000 to $89,999 $90,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $119,999 $120,000 or more Prefer not to respond TOTAL Average n = Does anyone in your household have a long-term disability? Yes No Prefer not to respond TOTAL n = 15%4%14%19%15%16%14%16%8%14%17%5%7%15%22%15%20%13%4%33%23%7% 25%33%32%20%15%29%24%26%23%24%24%21%21%25%28%27%27%27%13%17%32%22% 25%36%22%22%26%28%23%24%28%21%28%32%21%26%24%28%22%24%25%29%20%27% 18%15%22%17%24%15%19%18%23%23%13%32%14%20%15%16%15%18%30%12%16%20% 12%7%6%16%18%6%13%11%18%13%13%11%21%13%5%9%13%11%17%10%5%17% 4%3%5%4%4%4%3%4%3%10%1%4%3%1%5%11%4%4% 1%1%4%0%3%2%1%2%2%1%5%1%1%2%2%2%1%2% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 357 67 78 203 34 113 201 313 40 166 172 19 42 187 92 113 128 62 53 42 111 201 14%9%7%18%15%11%15%15%11%17%12%22%29%12%8%5%13%18%29%10%9%18% 8%6%4%9%12%8%7%7%13%10%6%28%12%6%5%5%1%15%21%2%11%7% 13%9%8%15%18%12%13%13%16%13%13%6%20%14%10%13%13%8%17%7%12%15% 16%14%12%19%12%20%15%16%13%14%16%17%17%19%10%13%22%20%6%17%17%15% 10%11%14%9%12%10%10%10%11%10%10%5%11%14%11%12%7%8%12%10%10% 7%9%9%6%9%7%8%7%8%4%10%6%5%10%5%7%8%10%4%12%5%8% 6%6%12%3%8%6%6%5%7%5%5%7%5%7%6%7%2%2%9%5% 6%6%11%4%5%7%6%3%4%6%2%4%10%7%6%7%2%5%6%6% 5%12%3%4%9%6%5%5%5%6%5%11%6%7%6%6%2%6%20%4%3% 5%6%7%4%6%5%5%5%3%3%7%6%3%13%9%4%5%7%3%6% 10%12%14%8%6%8%12%10%13%11%9%6%5%7%12%16%10%3%6%5%14%9% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% $61,151 $69,828 $70,938 $55,931 $58,226 $63,510 $61,193 $61,505 $57,576 $56,931 $64,263 $52,353 $43,718 $60,405 $74,188 $70,904 $62,939 $56,780 $44,388 $73,846 $60,632 $58,583 317 58 64 188 31 104 176 279 33 145 156 17 39 173 80 94 114 59 49 39 95 180 12%14%10%11%18%11%11%12%13%15%9%26%21%10%9%11%9%19%11%5%12%13% 85%80%86%87%79%83%88%85%83%82%87%74%71%86%90%85%90%79%81%93%83%86% 3%6%4%2%3%6%2%3%5%3%4%7%4%1%4%2%2%8%2%5%2% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 353 66 77 201 34 111 199 308 40 164 170 19 42 184 92 108 129 62 53 42 108 200 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 24 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Demographics OVERALL In what type of home do you live? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your home? Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing?Overall, how do you feel about your current financial situation? How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Do you anticipate moving out of your home within the next five years? Single-family home Townhouse / duplex Condo Dissatisfied / Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Yes No Yes No Not at all secure Not too secure Somewhat secure Very secure Improved significantly Improved slightly No change Declined slightly or significantly Yes Maybe No Are you of Chicano/Chicana/Mexican- American, Latino/Latina, or Hispanic origin? Yes No Prefer not to respond TOTAL n = Which best describes your race? (Please select all that apply) White Prefer not to respond Asian or Pacific Islander Black or African American Other, please specify: American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut TOTAL n = 3%5%3%2%3%2%4%3%2%3%5%2%4%4%2%5%2%2%2%4% 89%86%90%90%85%88%90%89%90%90%89%100%90%88%93%90%91%84%91%88%90%89% 8%9%8%7%12%11%6%8%10%8%8%5%10%2%6%8%11%8%10%8%8% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 354 64 77 204 34 112 199 309 40 166 169 19 42 185 92 111 127 62 53 42 110 199 82%73%81%86%73%78%86%82%79%84%81%89%79%79%92%87%82%77%77%80%85%81% 10%15%6%9%15%13%7%10%11%9%10%5%12%11%2%5%9%13%17%10%8%11% 7%11%10%5%9%7%7%8%5%5%9%5%7%9%5%5%10%8%6%10%7%7% 1%3%1%1%1%1%1%2%1%2%3%1%2%2% 1%3%1%0%3%3%1%5%2%1%2%2%1%1%2%2%1%2% 0%0%0%0%1%1%1%1% 102%102%101%102%100%102%102%102%100%101%102%100%100%102%103%102%102%100%102%102%102%101% 353 66 77 201 33 110 201 310 38 164 170 19 42 185 92 111 128 61 52 41 109 200 24 Apr 19 Source: RRC Associates Page 25 3. Respondent Comments 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Comments Responses Table of Contents In what type of home do you live? (other)...................................................................... 1 Most important factor in your decision to purchase your home: Other ........................ 1 Second most important factor in your decision to purchase your home: Other ............ 2 How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? ..... 3 Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” (Yes) ................................................................................... 9 Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” (No) .................................................................................. 14 Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing? (Yes, please describe) ....................... 16 Where do the employed persons in your household work? (Other) ............................. 23 What are the main reasons you plan to move or might move? I want to live in a nicer home, (please identify what would be nicer): ............................................................... 24 What are the main reasons you plan to move or might move? I want to live in a different city/area, (location): ...................................................................................... 25 What are the main reasons you plan to move or might move? (Other) ........................ 26 (If you have had lump sum special assessments in the time you have owned your home) Please indicate the approximate year(s) and amount(s) for your unit, and what the assessment was for, if you recall: ................................................................................. 27 Which best describes your race? (Other) ...................................................................... 28 Do you have any other comments or suggestions? ...................................................... 29 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 1 In what type of home do you live? (other) Type of home (other) 4-plex Carriage house carriage house above 3 garages Carriage house above 3 garages Detached unit but do not own walls, roof Fourplex Loft Studio Most important factor in your decision to purchase your home: Other Most Important Factor in Home Purchase (Other) 3 bedroom And backyard Backyard space Beautiful mountain view Boulder Buses for schools Design (non-attached carriage home that is considered condo) Detached unit (not attached to other units) Flat entry, no stairs Garage or basement for storage would be perfect Ground floor Having our own home! Home business How the house felt when we walked through it. I am only able to drag 2 items to the right. Bike path/lane access was also very important. I am very happy and grateful for my home. I wouldn't be able to live in Boulder if it wasn't for this home. I work in Boulder. So I am forever grateful I co-founded the community I got to build my house (200 hours of sweat equity) with people who were to become my neighbors and still are for the past 15 years - amazing neighborhood because of this community aspect where we had to help each other and get to know each other before we knew each other. I have more to contribute if you would like to call me. I love my home. It offers everything above. I think this question is rather moot. The item that was 'most important' in my decision to buy the home was whatever was available in the affordable housing program. It's not like there were tons of options and I'm going to submit my name to the lottery for only certain ones. Make sense? It was wonderful getting out of the rent market in Boulder Just qualifying for affordable housing as a single person Light (windows), air circulation, no shared walls 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 2 Most Important Factor in Home Purchase (Other) Location and availability were most important. Location, good schools Natural sunlight One was available Proximity to bike path. Having two floors Unattached garage Multiple bathrooms Ability to garden Decent HOA fee Proximity to work before I retired- sense of space was tight Safety- at the time I had 2 young daughters Size of yard That the buildings were well maintained, and the community was fiscally responsible in order to maintain affordability. Iris Hollow condos failed miserably on both fronts, making this condo very stressful and ultimately financially untenable. The view towards the west is the main reason I chose my place. Since I bought it 3 buildings have been built in front of my building and I have lost about 40 to 50% of that view. This unit was available and we qualified for it. View of mountains; 2nd story west/south facing Wanted to invest rather than rent We needed an affordable space for our growing family. Also, we already lived in the unit as tenants. We needed to be able to afford it Second most important factor in your decision to purchase your home: Other 2nd Most Important Factor in Home Purchase (Other) Affordability but HOA is too high and rising, I wish I'd purchased with no HOA Amount of sunlight/windows=lots At least 3 bedrooms Availability in affordable housing process Close to mtn Effective, open HOA Feeling of spaciousness Garage space HOA fee covers snow removal, grass cut, etc. How home it feels I wish there was a way to ride my bike to work Light/cleanliness Living close to where worked Next to open space ranch that goes right up to panoramic view of foothills Nice vista (views) close to community garden Number of bedrooms Personal growth, safety Quality of construction School and workplace 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 3 2nd Most Important Factor in Home Purchase (Other) Sense of community and neighborhood Sense of safety and access to trails SFD w/ yard Space The rising of HOA dues and differences in living standards are affecting my level of satisfaction We are very happy with our home! We wanted a single family home How has your sense of financial security changed since you purchased your home? Sense of Security Comments on Response Declined significantly At the time I bought my unit I made just over the income threshold so was in the moderate income level. The unit I bought was bigger than I wanted, but there were not any units available that were smaller and less expensive available to moderate income buyers. So, I have more space and more expense than I would have preferred to buy. My income has decreased considerably and I am now struggling to keep the unit. Declined significantly hoa fees have gone up from $125 a month to $300 a month. Its becoming unaffordable living Declined significantly I will be 70 in July. I thought home would be paid off by now, I still owe $160,000; my daughter is disabled. I am still working as a private duty LPN. Declined significantly I'm making far more money now than I did when I purchased my condo in 2014. However, the high dues (nearly $350/month to 2 HOAs and climbing), plus repeated assessments due to HOA's poor financial planning, plus the board's insistence on continuing to work with a property manager that does neither preventative maintenance nor competitive bidding (leading to assessments for emergency repairs totaling $7300 in 3 years and counting), have turned my 'permanently affordable' condo into a financial black hole, at any price. Now that I'm having to flee this mess, and leave Boulder because if it, the city's inflexibility on program rules which are vastly biased against sellers in mismanaged communities is placing huge obstacles to selling my condo. Because of this inflexibility, I may miss an opportunity to transition to one of the few good, reasonably priced, market rate housing options in the county. Adequate program design, and city staff doing more than lip service, would have prevented this mess. Declined significantly Significant car accident resulting in disability, aging Declined significantly The cost of housing in Boulder is so high that I will never be able to afford anyplace else to live. I will be stuck in my small affordable condo forever. As a single person on a modest income, I have no other housing choices in Boulder. Declined significantly The great recession hit me hard. In a career where I was told they could find volunteers to do my job as I was let go. Ageism made it difficult to find new employment. Minimal savings, no partner, no trust fund made times difficult. Declined significantly The HOA dues keep going up, they are not affordable. I lost my job. 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 4 Sense of Security Comments on Response Declined significantly Three weeks after purchasing my condo I was laid off from my job. This has created an increase challenge for me financially but I have been able to manage through unemployment benefits, Medicaid, and supplementary work. I hope this will change in the next 2 months. Declined slightly As costs rise and income does not, I worry about not being able to afford to be old and about my HOA's financial stability Declined slightly Because of the way my condo was designed/built, the new water heater I needed cost almost 5K! Seems a lot for an affordable unit Declined slightly Declined slightly - I have serious health issues -but, 10 yrs later, I am active and thriving and out-living my money. Declined slightly financial security has declined somewhat due to chronic illness progression Declined slightly HOA cost of living in Boulder continues to increase faster than my rates being self employed Declined slightly HOA special assessments and increases Declined slightly I retired Declined slightly I wish I would have known about the costs of being a homeowner--including adding grass and landscaping to our home-this was not provided. Maintenance expenses would have been great to be ready for--some help from the city knowing what we'd be in for would have been great! Declined slightly I work a BCH and the pay has not kept up the the cost of living. Increase in HOA fees, taxes and replacing appliances because the home was purchased when the appliances were old, matched against low equity, makes it hard to justify staying in Boulder. Declined slightly Making less money now. Declined slightly Not related to Aft. Hsp. Program- difficult for seniors when costs keep escalating- i.e. water, HOA, repairs (furnace, AC, stove, windows, paid all of these) Declined slightly On PERA, no SS and have inherited debts Declined slightly Retired, but working part-time Declined slightly Rising HOA costs that were 'hidden' at the time of purchase have caused me to work 3 jobs in order to live in Boulder, even in the affordable program. Declined slightly The program operates as a one size fits all rules-based restrictive program that doesn't account for varying situations and needs. It has been extremely challenging to afford to send my son to college after being denied the ability to rent my home for 4 years. It has been financially VERY draining to try to remodel and maintain a 1950s era home that was in terrible shape when I bought it. There needs to be WAY WAY more flexibility in your rules. Declined slightly This has nothing to do with my home ownership. Other expenses have increased more than expected. Declined slightly We feel somewhat trapped in our home, it's in need of so many repairs. It's challenging to come up with that money. The value of the home will not appreciate accordingly. The value increases so slowly we feel it will cost most to sell it in fees that we will make out of it and not afford down payment Declined slightly We had children No change Cost of living=income (which is fixed Social Security) No change Disabled veteran 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 5 Sense of Security Comments on Response No change I am grateful to have a fixed mortgage payment - this is something that helps me to remain in Boulder while the cost of pretty much everything else (food, transportation) increases. No change I appreciate the city's program because otherwise we would not be able to live here let alone purchase anything. We are still living within our means even though our home costs have been higher than estimated. No change I purchased my home 14 years ago. I am more financial secure than I was then it does not have to do with buying my home. No change Mortgage has gone up, salary the same No change Mortgage is ok, but plus HOA makes it significantly higher No change My financial situation has not changed in regards to my income, but the monthly HOA fee, which was already on the high end of what I could afford when I purchased, has increased drastically in the few years since I purchased. It is now 2/3 the cost of my mortgage, and I worry I will lose my home if nothing is done to help this situation. No change Still trying to pay the bills. Thankful for our home. No change The development in this area is way too much, and the other drawbacks are greatly exacerbated by it. I expect to have to move out of state in the next year or so to find something I can afford and actually feel at home in. No change The HOA / utilities matches my mortgage and that has been a huge problem. No change The resale cap is wildly too restrictive. I was forced to accept the terms of the affordable housing program; what was promised was not what was delivered. No change This is A better model for getting out of poverty in contrast to renting, however it could be even better if you used the model of habitat for humanity where after 20-30 years of ownership the owner is lifted from the program and may sell that home for just below market rate. No change We had to take out a home equity loan to replace all windows (they were originally installed incorrectly) and other major repairs, so we have no equity left in home Improved slightly Again, I really wanted to be in the city of boulder - it had to do with which affordable homes were available. Sometimes the rate of increase in the home value doesn't seem fair with regard to what's really going on in the housing market in general. the increase in value was less than what I expected. Improved slightly Although the Affordable housing program gives much more security than renting which I did for many years-- I feel trapped in this house since it will never go up in value and the market rate houses in Boulder and the rest of the country have skyrocketed. In other cities I know affordable homeowners are given a chance to buy out their original market rate cost so that they have a chance to move out of being the underclass. Improved slightly As a new build, our HOA dues have gone up significantly as they were way too low when established by the builders. I now feel that our HOA dues ($358/month) makes our home borderline unaffordable even though our mortgage is quite affordable ($998/month). I would do more research on the HOA and how much is going into reserves, etc. if I were purchasing again as our home are almost unaffordable to the income limit set by City of Boulder when the high HOA is taken into account. 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 6 Sense of Security Comments on Response Improved slightly Children grown and gone and I now get social security Improved slightly Each of us work two jobs in order to live/eat in Boulder Improved slightly HOA dues continue to go up, hopefully it will not become a burden as I age and retire. Improved slightly HOA fees almost double since the purchase of the home Improved slightly HOA fees are too high all things considered Improved slightly HOS is too high Improved slightly I am secure with my mortgage but HOA fees continue to rise which is a financial strain Improved slightly I didn't realize that small home repairs can end up costing a lot of money and take a lot of time. However, I am happy to be learning how to make these repairs on my own. It makes me feel really independent and I like that I have complete control over my housing situation. Improved slightly I feel financially secure but not physically secure. Three major original construction defects coupled with the previous owner's failure to maintain the home cause me significant ongoing stress. The roof underlayment was shorted on one side at the time of build and water had intruded into the east wall for 18 years and was ignored by previous owner. The wall is sure to be full of mold. The excess flux on the original copper plumbing in the crawl space was left in place rather than wiped off. The copper pipes are slowly corroding. The previous owner failed to have a plumber correct one leak - she hired a handyman - so the crawlspace experienced major moisture intrusion and had to be mitigated for mold. The contractor used sodium hypochlorite and paint which does not kill mold. It's still there, just covered up. The original plumber also failed to correctly install the bathtub. More water intrusion into the ceiling below. City inspectors failed to identify any of these builders defects. I have extreme mold sensitivities and so far have been ok but I am one exposure away from homelessness or needing to evacuate. In addition, the previous owner damaged everything. The walls, doors, landscaping, everything was done incorrectly or has holes in it. She did nothing to maintain the home, and I am stuck with tens of thousands of dollars in deferred maintenance or incorrectly performed maintenance because she refused to contract with a professional. There is significant water damage under the kitchen sink. The entire kitchen and bathroom have been abused, and need to replace everything but the City requires that each room be re-done in its entirety. Which I can't do. I would like to split the remodel into two segments, but the City disallows. I get wildly differing bids from contractors but if I split the bathroom into two segments it would be significantly more affordable. I need help from the City in managing remodels and not just turning in two bids. Not only that but contractors come out to look at the work, and I never hear from them again. The 'smaller' projects can't compete with the wealthy people in Boulder who spend many tens of thousands of dollars on larger projects and remodels. Improved slightly I feel more wise, but less secure Improved slightly I feel very lucky to be here, however, I wish my house was 'initially' affordable like my friend at Iris Hollow years ago so I could then sell and get in the market to buy a market rate house. However, since it is permanently affordable and 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 7 Sense of Security Comments on Response didn't appreciate at all in the 1st 2 years and since it has only gone up 1-2% here and there, it does not set me up for being able to ever leave this house. Improved slightly I have owned my home for over 10 years. I missed the opportunity to purchase a market value home in 2011 when prices were lower. So while I have an affordable home, which I appreciate, I am no closer to a market value purchase. Improved slightly I lived in a condominium at Horizon West here in Boulder. I've gained more living space (sq footage), but I still have about the same expenses with utilities, HOA fees (slightly higher here and a slightly lower mortgage payment depending on interest rates, etc) The advantage of being here is that I'm still in Boulder and with the crazy appreciation of property here in Boulder, I can still afford to live here and enjoy all the 'the everything' that is Boulder!! (Parks, hiking/biking trails, Sr Center, BIFF, climate and interesting well-educated people),.SOOO much. Plus the 'happiest city' in the U,S. Improved slightly It is incredibly helpful to be able to afford a home in Boulder while working for a nonprofit. Improved slightly My employee cut out cost of living raises in 2009 and I've not been able to get ahead since then Improved slightly Predictable increase in salary with BVSD helps a lot! Improved slightly Sense of life plan security much higher Improved slightly slightly improved due to inheritance Improved slightly Social Security kicked in (not enough for my life but I still work, so has improved my living situation) Improved slightly Thank you for the program. Improved slightly The house has allowed me to work part-time while our child is a toddler Improved slightly This housing was an absolute a necessity thing for us and we are very grateful to City of Boulder Affordable Housing Program, that we got this . But we always loved a single home with lot more outside space and little yard at least. But we didn't have any choice and time to wait. The HOA seems to be very irresponsible because twice our car was broken into my assigned parking I informed the HOA through email and over the phone no actions were taken at all. There is no surveillance camera too and we have let HOA know no actions. Also, there is no any community garden or pool or something like that. It would be very good if we had something like that so kids could have fun instead go out and pay every time. It's just a suggestion. More improvements is needed on HOA part and bring out with ideas how can we all community get together in some kind of garden pool park etc Improved slightly When we purchased our homes as new builds from the builders, the HOA fee charged ($303/month per unit) was not at all appropriate to ensure the reserves, etc. needed for the organization to be fiscally responsible. We have struggled over the past few years to raise dues to make the HOA more secure, which is hard to do when low income affordable homeowners are not all in financially secure positions with their current situations. At this point, our HOA is already $100 more/month than when I purchased the home in 2013 and will likely go as high as $500/month. We are unsure how this will impact the income levels allowed during the sale process as this is a significant difference in price and 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 8 Sense of Security Comments on Response affordability and should be reflected in the income levels permitted in order for folks to be able to afford these homes. Improved slightly while my personal expenses are on track & expected, the HOA expenses & costs of maintenance are ridiculously high - it is not 'affordable' for that reason. Improved significantly Before I bought my house, I was paying nearly 75% of my income for rent Improved significantly Buying this home has allowed me to change careers to be a life coach which is what I really want to do! I'm very glad I decided to purchase it. Improved significantly Except for recent assessments, buying was a great idea Improved significantly Higher income/employment has drastically improved this Improved significantly HOA has gone up plus there was a $300 assessment for 2018 Improved significantly Housing cost stabilization and have since married (two income household). Improved significantly I am grateful I have a fixed mortgage and that I am not renting for I wouldn't be able to afford to rent in Boulder. Improved significantly I am much happier. Improved significantly I am now married, 2 incomes helps a lot Improved significantly I am very happy to own my single family home. It is my future and my present security Improved significantly I can't even tell you how grateful I am to be securely in a townhome in Boulder!! Improved significantly I could never save when I was renting Improved significantly I do not worry about increases Improved significantly I don't have to move to Longmont or beyond Improved significantly I feel so lucky and privileged to be living in an affordable home. I love my home and enjoy greater financial security as a result Improved significantly I feel very fortunate to have a mortgage to call my own - right here in Boulder. Improved significantly I feel very, very fortunate to have bought a home. I am single and a teacher; without a spouse I probably would never have been able to purchase a home here. Improved significantly I have had control over my expenses, I pay more on principal when I can and that helps me plan for retirement. Improved significantly I know I'll always be able to afford Improved significantly I thought I wouldn't be able to stay in Boulder, and might have to move back to another state for free rent Improved significantly I'm 'in the flow' of the extra expenses that come with owning a house. I have gotten several raises since buying my home. Improved significantly Love the program! I recommend it to everyone that I think would be interested. We would buy a single family home if there were more available. Thanks! Improved significantly Much cheaper than rent Improved significantly My first home purchase- thank you for being able to invest in my home rather than renting! Improved significantly My mortgage for a new 3 BR single family home is $600 less than my rent was for a 2 BR townhouse Improved significantly My mortgage is about half of what Boulder renters pay each month! Improved significantly No Improved significantly not sure how I will manage eventual retirement 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 9 Sense of Security Comments on Response Improved significantly Our current home is a major piece in our family planning. Improved significantly Our HOA is very unsettled. We get a new management company every year due to miss management They over charge us for our dues. And they keep raising our dues. Very unethical. And illegal! Improved significantly Overall monthly cost is less than renting and more stable Improved significantly Owning a home in Boulder feels so good!! Improved significantly Smartest thing I did in my 20's! Improved significantly Stable payment means able to root here socially Improved significantly The house is a significant life changer Improved significantly The stability of owning this home has positively affected my confidence and belief in my ability and I perform better in my job Improved significantly This enabled me to 1) get out of debt, 2) invest in my business and hire an employee Improved significantly This program has allowed me to get on my feet financially and stay there. Improved significantly Used to pay $1800 in rent for a 3BR townhome, rent was going up every year and it was impossible to get ahead, especially with 3 young children. This has afforded us to start paying off debt! It has gone up and down with employment Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” (Yes) Would you Purchase Again? (Yes) A garage or carport would be nice Absolutely Absolutely Absolutely Absolutely- so happy with it Absolutely! Best thing ever! Absolutely! I never would've purchased a home without this program! Absolutely! I recommend the program to lots of people. Absolutely!!! Absolutely. I am so grateful that Boulder continues to support this program. Absolutley. I am so grateful for this opportunity and it has changed by life and my kid's lives. AFFORDABLE All good - have been enjoying owning home in Boulder Although energy efficiency wasn't a factor when I was choosing a home, it is one of the things I have come to greatly appreciate... I pay less in energy costs in this home than I paid renting apartments before that were 1/3 of the size. Amazing opportunity for families, rent in Boulder is almost impossible for low-middle class families to afford and ever get ahead... this allowed us to start paying off debt and get off the 'system'! No longer dependent on state resources!!!! 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 10 Would you Purchase Again? (Yes) As I watch neighbors sell there homes for 800K or more, and mine ~320K, I'm beginning to rethink whether I'd do it again! because no other viable options existed to live in Boulder Beside previously stated HOA dues issue, I am very satisfied with my home Beyond grateful But I am VERY uphappy with skyrocketing HOA fees and lack of good HOA management But serious disappointed by lack of BHP/City support and follow up over 23 years But wish the appreciation were higher But, a different condo complex with lower HOA Cohousing community is better than I imagined Dealing with Flatirons Habitat for Humanity was a terrible and traumatic experience for my whole family Definitely YES. We love this house! Did not anticipate the builder's defects that the City inspectors failed to identify and the previous owner's extreme neglect and poor decisions. I will spend tens of thousands of dollars just to recover from both. Equity very important Extremely satisfied! Could never have lived in Boulder without the Affordable program. Given the nature of real estate market in Boulder, we feel fortunate to have had our current residence. Our thanks and appreciation to the Boulder Affordable housing program. Glad I purchased - might be a problem if HOA keeps increasing Glad I purchased, but feel trapped. I can't afford anything else in Boulder and home barely appreciates. Feels like the train is leaving without me! Grateful to have steady mortgage payment instead of outrageous rents due to greedy landlords in Boulder Gratitude Great community here, good fit for us great decision but stairs going up will become an issue as I age--knees. Love the neighborhood--quiet and no one lets their dog bark for more than 60 seconds. I know because I'm retired and and home most of the days and THANK GOD, it’s quiet and I don't have to deal with irresponsible neighbors or dog control. I'm soooo happy about that. Also, I watch the crime reports in the Boulder Camera--very few problems out here ---so far. Hope it remains that way. Great experience since it was my first time buying a home! Great home and location! Home improvement with credit over 10 year olds Homeownership provides specific material advantages that are very helpful for one with a lower-end income; likewise more opportunity for creativity. However we hope it doesn't flood in the future However, I feel trapped in a smaller place due to market and making middle income salary that is too high for most homes for sale in the program now I am fortunate to have windows 360* and be above grade and live in cohousing with great people I am glad to have purchased it. If 'do-over,' perhaps would wait (but demand does not make that easy). I am grateful for this program I am paying much less for housing per month I am so grateful to Boulder's Affordable Housing! 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 11 Would you Purchase Again? (Yes) I am very glad for living here I am very happy with my home and generally glad I purchased, but I worry about the extremely high and rapidly rising HOA fees. There are no affordable home options in Boulder that don't have an HOA fee attached, and this is a regular monthly fee that dramatically impacts affordability, yet currently NOTHING is being done to address the affordability of the HOA fee itself. The price of the home is controlled, and therefore the mortgage and property taxes are proportionally affordable, but not the HOA fees. I worry I will lose my home due to this if nothing changes. I am very happy with my purchase and would not have been able to afford to live in Boulder if not for this wonderful program. I now am able to bike to work and do my shopping easily. I am very, very happy with this home and with this program! I feel so fortunate. I can stay in Boulder, thank you I could not afford to live in Boulder if I had not purchased. It is disappointing that we will need to leave town to find a larger home I do feel that the city's annual increase in the selling price of the house is too small, especially if inflation becomes an issue in the economy. I do not regularly receive income for my line of work (self-employed) and had no better option. I got married, so it would be nice if I had 2 bedrooms I like my condo- the HOA is A LOT- makes this decision hard I like my house and my neighbors I like the home ownership program I love my apt I love my home and neighborhood, HOA is a big issue I love my home outside of it being very small for 6 people I love my home, but being mixed with market rate housing has some pros and cons. There is definitely a noticeable difference between the haves and have nots. My unit does not include laundry, air conditioning, or ceiling fans whereas the other units do (something I learned after purchasing). Since my unit is smaller and therefore pays less HOA fees, I sometimes finding myself defending my right to access community amenities from other members of the community. I love my home, but the growing financial burdens are no longer worth the sacrifice to live in Boulder. I love my house! I feel incredibly fortunate to own it I love my house! I have a lot of pride in ownership. I love my place and though I don't have the resources to make some of the upgrades that I wanted to do when I moved in, I am happy that I was in the program for two years, stuck it out and would definitely would go through the process again if needed. I love where I live. I would not have been able to buy a home in Boulder without affordable housing assistance. I purchased in 2011, after the recession. I hesitate saying definitely yes since had I purchased outside the program, I may have had less quality or location advantage but could have profited from the appreciation outside of the program. Can't predict the future, though, and I've been very satisfied overall. I really like the unit I bought and would not have been able to if it were not for the affordable housing program. I was very fortunate! I wish the city had inspected it better- windows, not good condition I would choose a larger home to make room for life changes 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 12 Would you Purchase Again? (Yes) I would definitely do this again I would have purchased sooner. I would have to participate in the city's housing program because there's no other way I could afford to own a home in Boulder. I wish the City weren't so involved in my home ownership. (the rules) It feels like the City is my Mom and Dad. I would hope to find a home with a basement to finish I would like to apply for 3 bed room or more space house I would love a 3 bedroom, we are 3 in the house, and less stairs I would purchase again. I wish there were more options in the program for homes with a garage and/or yard. The layout of my condo is weird - it shares an outer entrance with a renter which feels like a lack of privacy. I may have held out for a different home if I felt good about the options in the program. I would, however the quality of the home in how it was built is terrible. I would hope the city could ensure that the homes in the affordable housing program are built with more intergrity and higher quality. As a new homeowner I assumed the house wouldn't have significant maintenance issues and other capital improvement needs within the first 3 years, however myself and ALL of my neighbors have experienced several flooding issues due to poor quality of material used (pipes breaking or pipes that were never attached properly) Yarmouth Way. I've had to invest several thousands into fixing the issues because of the poor quality of the building. I'd like to have a garden, but I'm on the 3rd floor I'd love a garden path and utility sink- minor short comings I'd love to find a larger unit with a back yard and porch. I'd prefer a garage, and/or 2nd bedroom, but the low cost of my current home is a weighing benefit if we have a chance to do over again, we will find single home with low HOA. the HOA is $328 per month now. Can't imagine what it will be in next five years. If we would have qualified for a home with 3 bedrooms we would have taken that opportunity. However we have enjoyed our current home I'm able to save faster, but not to the point where I see myself buying a market rate house in the next 10 years I'm concerned about how high our HOA is becoming and being able to resell to someone in the program. I'm glad I bought this home, but I would not buy an affordable home again in the future. I'm glad- may not do a do-over but wanted a NEW home I'm happy because I was living in my truck, once my lease expired I'm not sure. yes, if the contstruction and materials used were better or defects were repaired immediately It enabled me to live/work in Boulder It enabled me to stay in Boulder It helped me out so much when I needed it most It is good for them, who can't rapidly increase their income and stay in lower living cost It is nice to not have to answer to a landlord and not to have to worry about a lease ending It is the only thing that let's me age in place It was a very good decision and timing was very good. I'm not sure we could get an equivalent home in Boulder now... It was an experiment with AHA and Wolff Lyon to have this sweat equity portion of the buying process and it has been amazing. Managing our own HOA has been tough but worth it as I have friends whose HOA 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 13 Would you Purchase Again? (Yes) dues are exorbitant and ours have remained low because of low overhead and we all work together to keep our community looking great and operating a low expense with money in reserves. Several neighbors have done a lot of work over the years to make this situation sustainable. A couple neighbors are not so helpful, but the majority have taken the lead and it is an incredible situation where we can keep costs low, maintain our community space together through workdays, and feeling like we are safe knowing each other is there for one another. I am a single woman and I am lucky to have people around me that I can rely on if need be. Larger, too small, no storage Living in Boulder city limits was the most important. I wish I had a space for a garden though. Love my home Love the location Lower taxes, allowed us to have a kid Maybe Might have held out for a 2 BR, but pleased overall Most definitely! I feel like I at least have the chance to save money here. If I had continued to rent, the prices could have kept going up every month and it would have made it so I could never save money. My only 'do-over' would be purchasing at market rate for market appreciation. Near my working place No doubt, I would do it again No regrets, thus far, because we hear of skyrocketing housing costs. Not sure- affordable was the only way here in Boulder, not my wish because of the low profit Only way we could buy a decent place to live in town Owning our condo has made it possible for us to live without as much stress around finances. Purchasing an affordable housing unit was the best decision ever! So glad for Boulder permanently affordable housing!!! So grateful! Love it! Love it! Happy! Happy! So grateful! Best decision So happy So nice not having to deal with landlords or renewal paperwork. Love being able to say that we own our home So so happy to be home! This place is perfect! Thank you for the opportunity Thank you for this opportunity !! Thank you! The affordability and location of my home are both excellent. I am concerned about the massive development of CU across the street. This plus the decision to remove one lane of car travel in each direction of Colorado Ave. in favor of bus lanes makes me concerned that my current location will become a less desirable place to live. The affordable housing program has allowed me to live in Boulder, so I am very appreciative of that. The benefits outweigh the escalating costs (somewhat) The HOA fee will eventually cause us to HAVE to leave This home or others in the program (more bedrooms) 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 14 Would you Purchase Again? (Yes) This opportunity has been one of the best things that's ever happened to me. Though I would consider more carefully the other residents nearby since my upstairs neighbor has three times caused damage in my home. Unfortunately I've had my home long enough that the value of the home is less in today's dollars than the original cost—purely based on the inflation of the dollar. Very glad, meets my needs Very thankful...maybe wish I could have bought with better opportunity as an investment. Was the only way I would own in Boulder We are very grateful for this opportunity to improve our lives, especially now that we have a baby on the way We love our house. We love the decision- we hike so much! We really appreciate the program and that it allowed us to purchase a home in Boulder. We speak highly of it to friends We thank our lucky stars EVERY DAY! We would not be able to buy without City of Boulder help We're very grateful!!! Wish I had waited for a better fit Wish there is a way to buy out of the program Wished we would have moved to keep with Boulder housing market Would be ideal if I had a backyard though and better HOA. HOA fees are extremely high for the very little we get from HOA. Yes Yes I am glad that I have a helper over my head and don't have to pay rent and that money go nowhere. I'm building my asset. Yes I would absolutely do it again if I'm allowed to do it again. But now single home with some space outside so I could do my garden and yard. Yes, I love my home and that it is very affordable! It's not perfect but I'm very thankful. Yes, we would because we are both teachers and this home has allowed us to live in the town where we teach. Yes, we would purchase our home again if given the chance. The surroundings are peaceful and beautiful and we love it. Yes-though I would have put less money down so that I had more money to help equip our home w additional storage, etc. Are you glad that you purchased your home? Would you purchase it again if you had the chance for a “do-over?” (No) Would you Purchase Again? (No) Bad investment- fixed appreciation Because BVSD did not allow our child w/disabilities back to his neighborhood school Because I cannot afford the market house anymore after the big bump of the market price Because of the extreme conflict of the HOA, the living situation is pretty bad 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 15 Would you Purchase Again? (No) Because with the way the value increases are calculated, you actually lose money owning a home through the affordable program Being in affordable housing has made it impossible to earn any $ on the home, which is very disappointing. Excessive Microwave radiation from 14 Smart meters outside home I didn't have a place to live at that point, so that forced my hand I feel trapped- wish I'd bough in Gunbarrel those year ago. I am unable to afford anything in the regular market and really need to move I guess I'd like a little more space, a second bedroom I would have waited for a market rate property to be available. I would not have a do-over. I'm very content I would not purchase an older home nor recommend anyone else do so given the tight restrictions on capital improvements. Its a terrible financial deal for anyone. I would only purchase new construction in your program. I would not purchase in the program because HOAs make affordable housing extremely affordable and the City has yet to step in and offer guidance I would purchase a different home that was better constructed & nicer I'm happy to be in the housing program; I wouldn't be able to own without it. And overall I'm happy with the house. It was hard to pick between yes and no. It's that I've learned some things about myself regarding home ownership. Were I to choose again, I would want a smaller house, and I'd prefer a garage over a basement. I thought I would be fine with caring for the yard, but I'd prefer not to. It is too noisy and there are many repair issues, the building is not very sound It's not the walkable neighborhood we were led to believe we'd get. As my neighbor's homes have sky rocketed in value, it's tough to see my place gain no value. I'm able to stay in Boulder, but I'm always strapped for money in this expensive town. I'm surrounded by pricey restaurants, cars, and homes and don't feel I fit in. Loss of equity from a regular priced home. I can now only afford to buy another affordable home because housing prices have gone up so much! Missing out of market appreciation is a big regret My house and location wonderful. I do not need more space but I wish I had different space. I love to entertain and the layout is terrible for that. I am unable to afford anything else in Boulder but no longer qualify for the middle income levels. I am just over the limit. I feel strongly that the city needs to adjust the income levels. I can afford more but nothing at market rate in Boulders current market. No way to gain from owning once I would sell it- as previously described- habitat for humanity has a better model here Not a good design for aging, stairs inside Not this type HOA condo Obviously, had I known the market would rise as much as it did in surrounding areas, I would have purchased market value as the same price home in 2013 would have appreciated quite a bit. Further, now knowing how insecure the HOA is based on the inappropriately low fees charged by the builders makes me worry about future large special assessments and/or continued significant increases in HOA dues. I also have an amazing neighbor now, but if someone else moves in, with the lack of quality sound proofing between walls and between our house and the garages, I worry about the impact on our home. Lastly, the poor quality of the finishes were unknown given it was a new build but makes the 10 and 20 year wait for updates on flooring and kitchen to get equity in the house per Boulder Affordable rules very challenging even with the best of care. 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 16 Would you Purchase Again? (No) Poorly run HOA, problems with Affordable Housing Department Purchased before it was built and was given something other than what I had agreed upon, appreciation is less than I expected considering the median income and house prices in boulder Shortcuts in building have created expensive and complicated repairs. I would rent if I could afford it and if amount was stable. The appreciation and HOA dues The building has turned out to be a money pit. H.O.A. dues have increased a lot to make repairs. The city program radically changed the terms of our moderate income housing deal at the last second. I bought my home at market rate, but was saddled with 1.8% appreciation over the last 20 years and am now ghetttoized into affordable housing, meaning I am now so far behind the real estate market that I will never be able to leave affordable housing. The neighbors like to listen to music with heavy bass that travels through our walls. It's driving my girlfriend to consider leaving me. Too expensive We bought it and ended up having to sink major $ into it We had building flaws, went to court and won. Reconstruction of the whole block. Unconscionable what builder, Markel did or not do, cut corners. The City of Boulder Affordable Housing took no responsibility. City inspectors were immune from the lawsuit. When bought this home market was low and we could make more equity, now our home is not worth as much other properties When I bought my home, I could have bought similarly priced, but not as nice or close to trails. The price of those is not $100,000 more than mine. This is a wonderful program, but can also be a trap. Wish we had more options. It was pretty rundown and needs more work that we can put into it. Many of the neighboring cottage are in similar shape and we feel embarassed living here, surrounded by fancy Boulder houses Would NEVER have purchased a lower unit, I can hear everything upstairs Would prefer a single family home Would way prefer space/storage and minimal HOA fees of a single home Have there been any surprises to you as a homeowner, i.e. items you wish you had been better informed about before purchasing? (Yes, please describe) Surprises as a Homeowner 3 Assessments to cover building maintenance that has been described as “faulty construction.” The city and developers should take more responsibility for these issues and inform the potential buyers of the risks. A house designed for a person with a disability needs a garage. HOA very limited by lack of support by neighbors. Again, the HOA dues issue Banks of 14-28 smart meters outside home. Basement can't stand (need bow go in) if pipe broken go down and fix difficult Being saddled with an out of control, for profit HOA organization, bent on gouging affordable homeowners all the way to the bank 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 17 Surprises as a Homeowner Challenges with HOA’s and CoHousing communities. How do us poor folks make sure the roofs and heaters are going to be fixed in the future when other market rate owners cashing in within a couple years vote for expensive DJ’s at parties and patio furniture City does not protect you against other affordable owners not obeying HOA laws and putting in non soundproof flooring. once you are in the housing all they care about is their own interest City Housing Prgm deceitful: prior to purchase, told that no bldg allowed to contain only affordable units to prevent builder from bldg poor quality units - my bldg and others are affordable only w/matching poor quality. Another is despite having all 3 FICOs in 800s, I had to pay higher mortg rates simply because unit was affordable & lack of mortg providers having competitive rates. 3rd, incredibly poor quality of unit, which was new construction - 3 pgs of improper installs, defective materials & poor quality workmanship. 4th: I had to pay more for mechanicals as City severely limits choices for them - HW heater, a/c, etc due to hi efficiency reqs, but interestingly the City allows builders to install windows and kitch/bath vents which allow for significant air/heat loss; 5th the City’s unwillingness to ensure HOA fees remain affordable; 6th selling my affordable issues - there's more City permit won't allow a basement suite Clubhouse lie, HOA dues lie, quality of construction lie, who owns the land Compared to my previous situation, my bills are higher than expected but over all I would not count that ss a deterrent to OWNING my home. Especially given its purchase price, location and comfort. I am very proud to be where I am at! Cost of HOA Didn't realize it would be such a trap to be in the program Energy efficiency of our home. Windows, heating system are all in rough shape and I’m not sure our inspector would've caught it if he had been looking. Escalating HOA fee Except for how bad the HOA can be and they can raise the HOA charge by so much. Expensive HOA fees, poor HOA, electrical wiring through home incorrect Flood plain and easement concepts could have been an area of better understanding. But, my house is out of the flood plain now. I wish the Smart Grid City experiment had never happened in my life. I've been disabled since they put the thing on my house, and in the neighborhood. Also, about the cell towers on Golden West. It’s not fair that my neighborhood is bathed in RF with levels up to 500 microW/m2, while many neighborhoods, residential areas are virtually natural. For my particular situation, that there are separate HOAs within the same division. It is logical, and yet problematic. Garage is small- cannot park in the garage Good surprise- ability for short term rental enabled me to care for again parent Habitat refused to make repairs in any home in our HOA, even during the first year of the warranty. Flatirons Habitat for Humanity needs to be investigated for all the ways it screws over their homeowners. Having noisy upstairs neighbors! Hoa amount and repairs within my community. HOA and increases and escalations HOA cost increases HOA costs HOA costs & lack of control over them (even as a board member); lack of knowledge of board members who do not seem to want to educate themselves as to their responsibilities, rules, laws, etc HOA costs more than expected and does not pay for what it's worth. 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 18 Surprises as a Homeowner HOA costs, Airbnb restrictions, changes made to rental policies HOA dues- $392 currently HOA dues and not informed that affordable housing does not inform purchasers that these costs may increase significantly and that affordable housing offer NO assistance with these increases HOA dues increasing significantly HOA dues not affordable- keep going up. The city should have a sliding scale for HOA dues. HOA dues- they were advertised at 50% less than what they actually are HOA dues/issue with leaking in garage/storage since day 1. Not addressed by construction company. Construction Co (Deneuve) very sneaky and not responding to concerns. HOA dynamics! Hoa fees HOA fees HOA fees and rules are awful HOA fees are charged based on size of unit, I live alone in a large unit, feel exorbitant HOA fees going up every year. HOA fees have almost doubled HOA fees have increased excessively HOA fees increased by approx. 50%. HOA is slightly less than half of my overall Mortgage, it is more than I can afford HOA fees- rising every year- from $125/month to $265/month and continuing upward. Should have separate rate for AFFORDABLE housing HOA increased by $5.00 w/in same month HOA is a nightmare, has increased from $300/month to $380/month, can barely afford HOA issues- water metering/submetering for townhome units HOA rising and many appliances that were cheap and had to be replaced. Wish I had finished basement early on HOA run by same folks since early years, no election, lack of accountability to owners for accounting when asked for documentation and more hoa was $75 pre purchase ..... was not ever reasonable HOA was already high, but increased by $200 soon after moving in. HOA is very poorly managed. HOA was priced by builder at low cost to sell, this was not upfront, so now our HOA's continue to increase significantly which is difficult HOA's weren't disclosed properly Homeless population has increased and overall sense of security is lower Homeowner class should be taken before fill out the application form How appreciation is calculated. I thought it would be calculated as a percentage increase from previous year value not on purchase price How often my mortgage has been sold (5 times in 6 years) How other units on our level flooded during the flood How to more carefully do a walk-through with the builder and ask for remedies before moving in How vexing HOA's can be in mixed-deed situation I am paying HOA reserves for the next resident. I am not compensated as a homeowner, for improving and maintaining my home (i.e. can't add to resale value). 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 19 Surprises as a Homeowner I didn't realize my HOA dues would keep increasing- now over 1/3 of my mortgage! That's not affordable housing. I didn't realize HOA dues would keep going up. I'd never been part of an HOA before and didn't realize the kinds of problems that could arise with other owners. I failed to comprehend the major maintenance issues related to construction defects that the City inspector failed to identify and the major neglect and poor decisions made by the previous owner. I had to pay my realtor out of pocket for my unit since somehow my listing allowed the developer to do this to me. I had to pay out of pocket for several construction defects and do not feel that my home met building code. I do not feel very secure about HOA fees, since affordable units are in the minority. I like my place more than I expected I took a home buying course in Boulder over 2-3 Saturdays 15 years ago and I had to redo it because time expired. That was frustrating but when I took it in Denver off Santa Fe, I learned more in one evening than in the 3 Saturdays in Boulder. I think new homeowners should be able to work with mortgage people who are sensitive to their situation. Diane Cunningham was amazingly helpful and knowledgeable and held my hand through this process. I sent her to several friends and they all had the same experience. I understood I could always have a roommate and did not understand it had to be approved- as well as friends and family even visiting! I was a bit disappointed in how much the HOA costs for how little we receive such as common amenities. Other buildings have gyms, theaters, pools, etc. and their HOA fee is much less than what we pay. I wish we could find a better system for less money or have more common amenities. I was not told that both units in the duplex are on the same water supply and meter. It wouldn't have affected decision, but it shouldn't have been a surprise. I wasn't able to get into a homeowner’s class (full with waiting lists) until a week before my closing. This fulfilled the requirements, but it was too late for me to apply many of the valuable things I would have learned from this class. Also, I specifically asked about removing PMI from my mortgage payment through using the assessed value of the home and was told it wasn't possible, then 4 years later I learned it is possible and was able to remove PMI, though I had to pay for an additional assessment. I wish I had not paid PMI unnecessarily for 4 years. I wish I had hired a better inspector I wish I had known about the huge construction projects on three sides on my neighborhood that started about a year after I moved in and are on-going... these projects have increased noise, parking disputes, congestion, traffic and dog poop in the neighborhood. I really won't benefit from any increase in property value when the projects are complete the way my market-rate neighbors will. I wish I knew and understood the purchasing process (before, during, after) for real estate MUCH better -- it's complicated and not that easy to get information, though I tried to be absolutely informed and understanding of the process, I fell short of that. I wish it had been set up to facilitate getting solar PV panels and solar water heaters. I wish my affordable housing neighbors as a whole would have been better informed of what it costs to fund the HOA to healthy levels. It seems that they expect costs to maintain the homes exteriors to be lower than they are and it is a struggle to raise dues. I wish we had been educated on the importance of the home inspection I would buy this house earlier if I had been better informed I would like to pass my property to my children 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 20 Surprises as a Homeowner Imbalance of HOA costs between market rate and PA homes. HOA costs have stabilized some as other homes have gained renters and that has helped but in the early 2010's costs went up substantially. I won't be able to retire until my late 60's. Inability to have any sort of out building increase in HOA's I wish I had a choice of an affordable home with a small yard that I would keep up rather than HOA's Increase in HOA's, some of the rules with that Increasing HOA per month is very high Insurance on special assessments, insurance on hail damage deductible It would be good to provide potential buyers with information about homeowners insurance. What is covered and not covered and how much coverage they should have (ballpark suggestions). Landscaping costs lawn maintenance ($ and time) and general home repair (timeline and $) Maintenance issues More secure hoa dues. No price gouging Most work wasn't permitted and I'm going to have to do it over again with permits. My HOA dues went up quite a bit. There is a perceived divide between condos and ingle family homes needs and desires in my neighborhood. My HOA finances were not what I was lead to think they were Neighbor dynamics, electrical issues, temperature issues No a/c, common space can be rented out and made unavailable to HOA members Noise Noise from neighbors Not enough money in H.O.A. reserve fund to keep up with repairs--dues increased to make up the difference. Not really, HOA fees doubled over 8 years, that's about it Nothing really big. I'm mostly just disappointed in how much my HOA fees are and how little my housing complex seems to do with that money for how much I pay each month. I had heard that complaint from others who owned houses but just didn't fully realize how frustrating it was. I also recently learned that if your toilet is leaking, you should fix it right away because it can have a big impact on your water bill. Only that my water stopped working when the home was only 3 years old and it cost $1200 to repair Only the HOA Our HOA fees have gone up exponentially. I with it could be controlled increased like our value increase Our house is old and it seems that over the year previous owners update some of the features. However, our electric lines seems to be messed up...and it seems it would be quite expensive to fix it all. Our Master HOA is interesting. There is definitely feelings of “againstness”' by “regular” homeowners to affordable homeowners. Overall home maintenance and repairs Planning budget for repairs and maintenance over time Poor construction led to sue builders. HOA over doubled and keeps increasing. Being a part of a master Assn. has challenges since there are million dollar homes/townhomes and condos with different expectation and financial concerns Poor upkeep by previous owners because fixed appreciation, no storage power distribution between market rate home owners and those in affordables 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 21 Surprises as a Homeowner Pre-existing problem Quality of home- no windows, low grade fixtures, finished, sound issues, insurance (unit above leaked onto mine 1 month after purchase- I had to pay for reno) Rise in HOA fees, parking issues See above explanation with regards to the specific community Since the HOA owns the roof, I can't put up solar panels. Snow plow issues in the middle of the night, homeless/transients hanging around. Some bad relations among neighbors, but it's ok Some of the maintenance issues Sound proofing- living in condo. I wish I would have looked more into this issue That a neighbor who didn't deserve to be in the program, got in because of some illegal doings and it shows!! That Boulder's public transportation (RTD) does NOT serve ELDERLY FOLKS in city affordables to own or to rent That I could purchase another home while still owning this one That the HOA dues are not adjusted people in this program That the HOA fees go up every year. That the HOA is not regulated by Affordable Housing That there were 2 HOA dues. Never thought that the HOA would be more than my mortgage. Also the special assessment. That to finish the basement was not going to cost $25k but instead was going to cost $65k. And now we need new windows and driveway. Older home with old windows, driveway in bad shape The 2 HOA we are under, oliday ace Flatirons Habitat for Humanity is a badly run organization that left us homes that have serious problems based on poor building The amount of expensive special assessments by our HOA to cover repairs/maintenance on the building. The annual return has been way less than expected The appreciation in value determined by the program has been less than the inflation of the dollar over the time period of my home ownership. Essentially my home is with less now that what I paid for it. The building was badly built, to make it affordable and has many problems the construction, development plans The continuous increase of HOA fees with less service from landscaping and snow removal. But I also understand that everything goes up so it would have been difficult to predict how much, how often, and need for reserves initially The cost to repair items because I rented for so many years before purchasing the condo The developer/builder was at fault for many design/construction errors and had to be sued to get most of them corrected. Some were never fixed, which is disappointing The expense to do basic improvements to compensate for cheap, poor craftsmanship of affordable homes put affordable owners at a great disadvantage The HOA fees are a burden. Particularly those for the master HOA. We live in a mixed neighborhood that is comprised of affordable and market rate units. We have an HOA for our affordable units where I live but the master HOA is comprised of market rate large single family homes that are worth over $1M. The financial mindset of the master HOA members in single family homes is very different than the affordable homes and the HOA undertakes a lot of vanity projects in the nearby park that has no amenities. As an affordable homeowner I have to pay the same fees for the master as the single families, and they have 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 22 Surprises as a Homeowner raised it by 20%, resulting in fees for an empty park of over $360 a year. This is not affordable for low income families and this should be better thought out about how master fees can burden low income homeowners (in addition to the regular HOA fees). The HOA is a nightmare, mismanaged and expensive The HOA is not financially stable and the fees keep going up. The home is older, 1960 build and there have been more repairs than expected. The homeless shelter and number of intoxicated people in my neighborhood is concerning. I never worried about my safety before. The limitations on a very small HOA that has little time or sources to pursue common problems. The percentage of maximum appreciation went from 4.5% max to 3.5% max The potential for HOA costs to increase significantly, even though I understand the prudence in the increase. The quality of the materials in the home should be better if the city is going to limit when they will be replaced The rest at which HOA fees would grow The restrictions around renovations The rise of HOA fees by a 1/4 with more increases likely as well as the lack of soundproofing and the poor construction/finishing such as carpets (literally nails/tacks sticking out which the builders would not address), cabinets, etc. and we are intensely careful with our home and very “type A” in terms of cleanliness and care. The time period in which one could change something about the home and receive potential earnings back. For example, the kitchen and ground floor are the most highly trafficked and used space, yet if you need to replace the flooring, you have to wait 10 years in main floor and 20 years in the kitchen. It seems in order to cost save, everything is low quality and therefore breaks down very fast. We have to wait years to replace what is falling apart if we’d like to see any of that additional funds added on to the value of the home. The upstairs bedrooms were not wired for ceiling lights/fans The ventilation does not work at all The windows were under warranty with previous owner. The inspection noted problems with the windows. This would have been the ideal time for window replacement before change in ownership. The workmanship on the building and the construction flaws There was a change to the amount of equity we could earn each year that homeowners could opt into. I didn't feel well-informed on this decision and we didn't opt in. Now I wish we could have been encouraged to do so. I wish we had another opportunity for this since I don’t think a letter provided enough information for this important decision. Too many to list Too much light at night from businesses traffic noise on the street and speeding unwarrantable nature of the Steel Yards Upgrades to water heater, furnace costs (very hard to recoup costs) Utilities have doubled from when I lived in Lafayette and HOA went up- water bill has doubled 8 use the same amt. of water Warranty and things to look for earlier. 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 23 Surprises as a Homeowner What the capital improvement restrictions would mean for a very old home that was in terrible shape. That remodeling would be considered upkeep and maintenance. I wish I had had a much better understanding of how slowly the home would appreciate. While I am grateful for our low mortgage & the affordability of the house itself, I wish I would have had more understanding that because this home is slotted to remain very affordable, no improvements will increase the value. While we knew it wouldn't be a big money making investment, we didn't realize that it would feel like going backwards b/c it needs so many repairs/improvements at this point While the house was under warranty, the warranty basically didn't cover anything. All the issues we've had with the house were not covered by warranty. I would have wanted to know more about my rights under the warranty and who was responsible for what. Windows are bad/noise level awful Wish we were aware of the road getting put in next to our home, super concerned about the safety of this - 90 degree turn next to our fence and daughter's playhouse, high speed limit and people already speeding down it, even with it being a closed road! Also wish we were aware of the neighborhood issues - seems to be a high turnover two doors down with shady characters living there (one seen panhandling on the corner). . With regards to the HOA, it might have been good to know exactly how under-funded they are. But I probably would have bought anyway...? Where do the employed persons in your household work? (Other) Employment Location All of Boulder County All over All over As previously indicated, I was laid off three weeks after I moved in. I am working part time as a yoga instructor but currently do not have a full time job and I am actively pursuing one! Aurora Commute all over did work in Boulder, will be working in Thornton beginning April 1, 2019 Disable vetran using GI bill currently than I will get job Flight attendant. Trevels Fort Collins Fort Collins and Loveland Freelance Golden Gunbarrel I am a photographer and work in Boulder and elsewhere Loveland Lyons Nederland out of state work place Split between Boulder/Denver 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 24 Employment Location Started in Nederland, transferred to Boulder, then transferred to Greeley. Was working in city of Boulder but lost job of cancer Westminster Work in home What are the main reasons you plan to move or might move? I want to live in a nicer home, (please identify what would be nicer): Move to a Nicer Home A 2 BR house A place with more windows (I only have windows on the front of the home so the rest of the home is very dark and dreary, especially given how it was constructed), no shared walls and better finishes as well as a 3rd bedroom so we can host guests/have a place for my aging parents, etc. A yard- small one Ample closet and storage. A place to keep my bike inside. Outdoor space like a porch, small yard, or balcony. at least a nice/private patio or varanda. more storage space Backyard, more storage, more opportunity for capital improvements Basement/backyard better constructed - this place was constructed with very cheap materials & corners cut - I would buy something more aesthetically pleasing and with fewer maintenance and repair costs better finishes better layout, bigger kitchen, a yard Better sound proofing, overall quality of complex is fair Both layout and more space Enough space to have my office in the home Finished basement, nicer finishes Have a yard and less traffic noise Higher quality building materials would make a world of difference I wish I had a little extra room I'd like more space (1 more bed) and a/c, but could not afford it In better condition and surrounded by other homes in better condition Less noise, more private, yard less stairs, stop hearing my neighbors thru my walls, garage, more storage, built properly home, not subjected to negligent & corrupt HOAs & their property mgmt, no more builder-grade or even poorer quality than builder grade anything, outdoor space, get more home appreciation, less City prgm restrictions, 3-bdrm instead of 2-bdrm, better mortg rates, better constructed home Light, yard for kid :) Location to trails; better for having friends over (for kids too) More soundproof More storage- a heated unit not in crawl space with dirt floor and not accessible by closet foor with detached ladder 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 25 Move to a Nicer Home Natural light! Sound proofing, storage (garage), nice finishes nicer finish, yard, quiet Not as cheaply made, no HOA, quieter Single family home; less neighbor noise Sound proofing, less HOA costs Space, yard, garage Storage, garage, bedrooms The HOA does a terrible job of upkeep Updated kitchen, bathrooms, new carpt Would like a garden Would love to have gas range and slightly nicer finishes. What are the main reasons you plan to move or might move? I want to live in a different city/area, (location): Move to a Different City/Area Arvada, Wheatridge, Denver, Broomfield, maybe Longmont Buena Vista, CO Denver Denver Denver France to be near my daughter as I get older and more frail I don't know, but I can't afford to continue living in Boulder. I would like to live in a city with more racial, economic, and cultural diversity and affordability. Lafayette Less expensive area, like the Southeast Longmont Lyons Maybe New Mexico or Idaho. I really want to have my own small farm one day and I don't think I can afford to do that in Boulder Valley. At the very least I would like a house with a big yard and right now there is just a shared side yard at my place but I asked the HOA about putting in a garden and it got really complicated so I stopped pursuing that and just started gardens at a couple friends houses. Midwest New York City or Denver Not sure- just might want a change Out of population boom Out of state to be near family Outside Boulder, maybe CO, where it is less expensive Planning to relocate to Steamboat Springs. Cannot handle the noise and traffic anymore. Want fewer constant maintenance costs in retirement. Ridgway, CO somewhere cheaper and green, maybe Bloomington Indiana? 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 26 Move to a Different City/Area Somewhere warmer in winter Somewhere with less congestion, better air quality Somewhere with less entitled jerks Up in the mountains a little Where there are less students. wherever my job takes me Wyoming What are the main reasons you plan to move or might move? (Other) Reasons for a Move (Other) Boulder feels like a plutocracy to me. The nearest restaurant to me the price of dinner is $80. Boulder needs to put more effort into getting and retaining a critical mass of low and middle income residents But currently am unable to even consider purchasing a different home in Boulder Can't afford to move because we have almost no equity (1%) in our condo. You should allow 6% so we can afford to move someday. Change in employment, new prospects Cost of HOA!!! Death Depends on health and aging, may move closer to my son and his family Employment reasons Health concerns living on 2nd floor with exterior stairs HOA costs too high I am 70+ want to move to a Boulder affordable senior housing I have had an injury which leaves me susceptible to further injury, in the intense Radio Frequency Radiation of this city. I love my home but may not have a choice - if I can no longer afford the monthly HOA fee, I will have to move. I worry about being able to sell as no one who qualifies for affordable housing could afford this monthly fee, and I'm not able to rent, so I don't know what will happen. I need to escape the financial mess this housing program and poorly governed/managed community has put me in. I would like a garage I would like a yard/land I would like more storage, perhaps a garage or basement If age/disability should keep me from living on my own If job took me elsewhere, but most likely not If must move, likely to less expensive town/state If we have another child. Layout is awkward; NOISE within building and outside is a misery Live in a 2 bedroom condo. Now have 2 kids and a dog so need another bedroom and would like a yard. Live in a house with a yard. More control over how my money is spent 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 27 Reasons for a Move (Other) More room with kids My son is 6 now, but he will eventually need his own room. But we have been very happy in our current home. NO HOA! No logical reason, just change, maybe new city No plans as such The HOA and it's multiple issues with the board, etc. Want a home with a different layout and just a bit of outside space Would like a home with a garage Would only move to co-op farm - highly unlikely Yard (If you have had lump sum special assessments in the time you have owned your home) Please indicate the approximate year(s) and amount(s) for your unit, and what the assessment was for, if you recall: Lump Sum Assessments 250 281 3000 $1400-2018 $2500-2018-2019 $997.00 for painting the exterior of the condo in 2018 %200-$300 property update.(paving) ~6-7k over the past 6 years 2010 - $8000 (i think...) 2017- $872 new stairs; 2019-2019- $4045 new roofs 2017-$881 2018-$1470 2019- $2616.74 2017, 2018, 2019 $9500- roofs (flat and pitched); staircases 2018 for $500 new window box 2018- stair repair $1400; 2018/19 rood repais $4000 - can barely afford and no warning 2018, $1200, roofing renovation 2018: $1800 - new staircase 2019: $3500 - roof repairs 2019 - $1844 201? - ? 2019 - $230 - fixing an imbalance from 2018 3 assessments in 2017-19 so far, totaling $7300 for my unit. All for major emergency repairs that could have been mitigated or delayed if the property manager had done preventative maintenance. Exterior stairwell replacement, peaked & flat roof replacements. Judging by reserve study, building condition, financials and continued lack of maintenance, more major assessments are extremely likely. Especially for replacement of stucco, decks and covered stairways, railings and mitigating water damage & mold from through-the-wall air conditioner cutouts. 30 years of mortgage and 2200000 the amount. And I don't remember the assessment. At least twice >$2,000 each time, once currently 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 28 Lump Sum Assessments But perhaps will occur if roof replacements are more expensive than reserve Can't recall the date, but maybe about 2008? Due to developer setting orignal HOA fees artificially low so that we had unreasonably low reserves Change the blinds Don't remember even the one that is due now which will be my second assessment Early 2000's, for maintenance, about $150 (more than once) Edifice repairs and hardware replacement for HVAC system upwards of 5000 However, I got a letter saying that the monthly HOA cost would increase by 11.71% = $24 = $229. This is not good for me nor do I see HOA doing that great of job. Snow removal sucks, landscape is trash, dump is a mess I cannot recall I think so- water leak/catching up on mispayment from other HOA In past 5 years, there was increase from $17 to $245 It was actually right before I purchased in 2015. Don't know the specific amount for my unit, but it was $120,000 to re-do the roof (7 year loan). Jan 2019 for expenses from last year for landscaping, security, and insurance ~350$70 multiple years, for different amounts, including one over $4,000 No, but the HOA fees increase consistently every year and significantly. It's a terrible HOA. Repair of balcony Some small ones, but HOA fees have increased significantly! Fore pretty poor service too- little shoveling, pest management, or them enforcing codes Stairs and Roof - more than 5K The assessment was for new garage doors. There was a lawsuit with the builder. Had that not gone our way, residents would have covered an expensive roof replacement, so I feel like we got lucky to some extent There wasn't a special assessment, but the H.O.A. had to get a bank loan and our dues were raised accordingly. 2015/2016 ? They increased HOA dues instead of special assessment Three in the past 3 years plus a substantial bump in dues several years ago Two- a total of $5400 We were fortunate in this complex to catch the problems with original constructor before the owner's liability. Took him to court and won the funds necessary for major improvements Which best describes your race? (Other) Race (Other) Anglo Pakistan European American Human 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 29 Do you have any other comments or suggestions? Comments/Suggestions Affordable housing is a wonderful program that helps lots of people to have a better living situation. I am so thankful for the City of Boulder! Affordable housing is the ONLY way I would be able to live in the City of Boulder. Unfortunately we've spent a lot of money on the house even though it was new when we moved in. The poor quality of how it was built is really unacceptable. My neighbors and I have considered filing a class action lawsuit given the severity of issues - and all of the issues are the same (poor quality of pipes, or pipes not being connected). All of us had flooding in our basement from the same issue. All of us had to replace our counter tops because they bowed (within the first year), all of us have heating/cooling issues. I would implore the city to hire an inspector to ensure that the building material isn't the lowest possible. It really doesn't make for a long term housing solutions - we can't afford all the upkeep and we have savings that we've had to use in order to make it work. I thought I'd be adding to my savings and not minimizing it due to the house. I understand its expensive to built these units but please ensure the developers are hiring good quality folks to build. Coburn built these units and it's the worst quality in homes I think I've ever seen, it's embarrassing really. Affordable housing, in my opinion, should be playing a proactive and active role in oversight of HOA boards and HOA property management Again, HOA (Boom Properties) fees are excessive, esp. when you consider the home value/mortgage payment- it does not seem to be equitable given home/market value owners are paying the same amount as those in the Affordable Program after income caps. I also think the Affordable Program should do regular inspection on ALL unuts to ensure owners are following all city codes Allow affordable homes to be sold at market rate after a certain number of years of owner-occupancy -- maybe 15 years. Give owners some way to be able to afford to purchase a market-rate home in Boulder after many years of owning an affordable home. Allowing people to list their home after purchaing a larger (different) home in the program would be ideal. Feel too risky to list my current place without knowing lottery results for a prospective new home Am very happy with my affordable home. My only concern is the multi levels, as I get older As I mentioned above I believe the city needs to think about the current income limits and how they relate to salaries and the current housing market in Boulder. I would really love to move to a market rate home but cannot afford it. I don't qualify for middle income either. It makes me want to leave Boulder. Frustrating. As with most program with good intention, there must be a way up and out to grow- graduate at one point, when my family grew and we still qualified for affordable housing, the city did not allow us to move into another affordable home because of the rules of selling your home before buying another one. we would have had to sell our home, move into an apartment and hope that one day we were picked to move into another home- which was to risky. so our family of 6 now lives in a 1500sq ft home. while I love our home, it would have been great to move into a home slightly bigger than the one we have now. At thie time I purchased my home, I only made <$50K. Now, I'm married and this purchase has allowed me to save for a family home Be more friendly to people with disabilities. Boulder Affordable is a life line for seniors who have lived and worked in Boulder for years. Sometimes I think they should be given a preference especially with the rental prices in Boulder and seniors move towards fixed incomes. Can the property be inherited? Why can't HOA dues be adjusted for affordability? Mine have gone up more than 35% in 6 years whereas fixed income had increased 1%- 4 out of 6 years. 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 30 Comments/Suggestions City should have their own inspection check BEFORE purchase, after contract Clarify family friendly and accessibility policies. Collect aggregate data on size of families to see if family friendliness policies are serving small families as well as those with 2+ children. Classism, gentrification, exclusion, agism, descrimination toward affordable City of Boulder owners by SOME market price owners. Many owners (market value) HOA own 2-3 other homes around country and Europe. Eric from the City of Boulder is an amazing worker. I give kudos to him. Few complaints about some neighbors, I would suggest the program be more family friendly and more rules for having a nice community around Give elderly as much reference as families in buying ffordable to buy resale homes. Work with RTD to extend and return service to new neighborhoods that serve o longer driving persons and to add shelters to bus stops. Grateful for this program and my condo!! Great program! Great program! Wish more affluent communities had a similar one. Thank you! HOA dues are skyrocketing, getting unaffordable. Construction defect has caused water leak damage close to 1 million to fix. Expect large special assessment. Deneuve Construction is terrible, non responsive to concerns since day 1. Please do not work with Deneuve any longer. HOA dues going up without any significant changes to improving landscaping, maintenance, consistent snow removal, or addressing pet waste left in the front yards of the properties. I am appreciative of owning my home within the city limits of Boulder! HOA dues increased so that the unit would no longer be affordable to someone in the original income bracket for this house HOA fees are steep with what we receive from them- one reason previous family moved out of the unit and Boulder proper I actually really like my condo and the neighborhood where I live. However the H.O.A. situation has been really bad. I know that Affordable Housing is not responsible for H.O.A.'s, but the high costs defeat the whole purpose of the idea. I know a lot of people who have H.O.A. dues that are as high or higher than their mortgage. It is like having two mortgage payments. I have had many times when I wasn't sure if I would be able to stay in Boulder because of this situation. I am so grateful for the affordable housing program. I'm not sure I would have been able to purchase my first home otherwise. I'm grateful to be able to live in the community where I work I am so happy with my home! I only wish I had a yard and that my house was further from the highway but otherwise it's perfect! I am so thankful for this program, it has enabled me to get on track at financial secure and still be abel to live in the city I walk in. Thank you, God bless I appreciate the ability to improve one's home for a better resale price. However, after installing a $20,000 solar PV system I was only able to improve my resale price by $3,000. Also, even that amount has been depreciated by your system, even though solar panels lose only 0.5% per year. That is my only real complaint. I appreciate you all and truly love owning my new condo! Thank you for all your hard work. I believe the program is an extremely necessary one for those who cannot afford to live in the city that they work in. I would not be able to live here, close to my granchildren, if not for this wonderful and valuable program. Keep up the great community work! 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 31 Comments/Suggestions I consider myself incredibly fortunate to live in Boulder, and I am eternally grateful to the city for thinking about the future this way. I do not think developers should be able to buy out of the affordable housing program. That defeats the purpose and lets the greed of Boulder continue. I don't understand how the increase in appreciation goes up each year. Why wouldn't it be 3% every year? What happens when I pay off my mortgage? I know a lot of friends in this program and they are struggling with HOA dues and special assessments. I have friends who have ridiculous HOA dues and they are in affordable houses with market rate houses in the same HOA. That doesn't seem to be working. My whole neighborhood is in the same situation. I am lucky that I had time to be on our Board and other neighbors were willing to step up and help manage our 14 family neighborhood. It's a LOT of work to maintain a neighborhood on your own, but we had time invested before we moved in so we cared about our neighbors ahead of time and made it work and continue to make it work. It would be great if boulder had HOA support for those neighborhoods who are trying to manage themselves. It's hard to figure out how much to put in reserves, when to get roofing and painting for the whole neighborhood, etc. Also, a few of us have solar. It would have been nice to allow that to be included in our mortgage so those who sold and left didn't have to pay their solar separately. One more perk is getting an Ecopass because of a lot of work from volunteers in the Holiday Neighborhood to keep it going. If you would like to come to one of our HOA meetings or meet with our board, we would be happy to connect in person. I don't understand how the program lifts people up, if we aren't able to take advantage of appreciate on unit I feel extremely fortunate to have purchased this home I feel incredibly lucky to live in the same town that I work in and deeply love, which could never have happened without this program. It has fostered a foundational sense of well being and stability. Thank you! I feel our HOA is not woth the price I have a lot of gratitude for the City of Boulder's affordable housing program. I was priced out of the real estate market 10 yrs ago and it was my dream to be a homeowner in Boulder. This program made that dream a reality. I made an investment. I'm earning equity and I'm no dealing with the exorbitant rental rates! I have been told that these condo complexes should NOT have passed inspections. Underneath the building are the cheapest materials used for duct work. But oh well right? It's an affordable home I have enjoyed living in this condo. I thank the City of Boulder for making affordable homes available to me. I purchased this condo in 2001 I hope there can be more affordable housing in Boulder for more families. I just re-read the Boulder Weekly article on Iris Hollow and their special assessments. There was some discussion of the responsibility of the City to help these homeowners. I can look at it from both sides, having been our HOA president twice, and attending workshops and getting information online. 1. The initial and following HOA Boards were negligent in not having appropriate fees to enable a fully funded reserve fund. 2. The homeowners were responsible for asking about the reserve funding of their HOA before purchasing their homes, although they probably did not know what a reserve fund was. 3. The Affordable Housing Education (that I think is required) should give more information about special assessments and reserve funds, so that purchasers know what questions to ask before the commit to a purchasing a home. This means they should get specific reserve fund information directly from the HOA Board, and not just a 'we have plenty of money in the bank' response. If the HOA cannot provide that information, it is a red flag. I love Boulder Affordable plan. Thanks for all you do. 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 32 Comments/Suggestions I love Boulder and have lived here for many years. Markel cut corners and after winning law suit we had reconstruction for over a year. We received no compensation and had to live through it with plastic over the windows. My main concern is skyrocketing HOA dues which are nearly half my mortgage. There should be a sliding scale, esp for seniors. Thank you for doing this survey. I love Boulder- my new place really saved me. I feel more secure with a house payment versus rent I love my home I love my home and am extremely grateful to be able to work in non-profit serving my community. It is stressful to live in an extremely neglected home that is water damaged due to construction defects and previous owner's neglect and poor choices. Bathtub installed incorrectly - water intrusion. Roof underlayment installed incorrectly - water intrusion. Excess flux on copper pipes in crawlspace not cleaned off - water intrusion. Previous owner damaged all walls, doors, and window blinds. Expensive to repair. Previous owner failures: (1) to repair kitchen faucet leak - water intrusion; (2) bathroom fixtures are all damaged or failing; (3) Kitchen cabinets and countertop damaged beyond repair; (4) All appliances are damaged; (5) Major landscaping problems due to inappropriate planting of trees too large or for lot size. I am doing the best I can to slowly address all of these issues. But my best efforts are hampered by the inability to find trustworthy and competent contractors. I think affordable homeowners need major education about avoiding water intrusion. And help with maintenance projects and maintaining their homes. There are many people who cannot tolerate living in water damaged homes because they will become very ill, chemically sensitive, and can become homeless or die. Professional mold 'mitigation' does not help these folks. Once the biome has been compromised, it can never be safe again. The City needs to help owners steward City homes so they don't become unsafe for habitation. Thank you. I love my place so much, THANK YOU! I love that we have this program in Boulder. As a native, it's the only way I can afford to own my own place. I might be good to inform people that living in 'permanently affordable' housing does not mean that things like HOA fees won't go up. People seemed to be surprised that our HOA had to raise fees because of the increasing cost of services in Boulder. We got comments like 'That's not fair! This is supposed to be permanently affordable housing!' We had to point out that the alternative would be to wait for the HOA to have a major expense and then have a special assessment. I really appreciate this program for always wanted to live/work in Boulder. Grew up in Loveland. Just wish it was larger (only 1 BR, no storage, and less noisy). I am in the 55+ age group. Thank you! I strongly feel low income peopel should be able to do some short term (Airbnb) type rentals. It's hard enough to live in Boulder let alone go on a vacation. Being able to rent would help cover our costs. It's unfair ther so many restrictions. I understand our units are not to be used as money makers but allowing us to rent a week ot two a year seems fair and reasonable I think that the allowed annual appreciation being based on the original purchase price of the unit rather than the previous end-of-year (eoy) value becomes unfair to the owner over time. In my case, the original purchase price was $245K. The allowed selling price at the end of 2018, after about 8 years of ownership, was $286k. If the allowed appreciation was 2% for 2019 (for example), then the formula allows for .02 * 245,000 = $4900. If it were based on the previous years eoy value the appreciation would be .02 * 286,000 = $5720. 4900 / 286,000 = .017 or 1.7%. So, in fact I'm not getting 2% appreciation I'm getting 1.7% for the year. I view this as unfair and a misrepresentation of the appreciation I should be getting. The longer you own your unit the more you are penalized. The original purchase price value the annual appreciation is based on becomes completely irrelevant relative to the current value of the unit. I think that the city should allow short term rentals (like month to month) to help supplement incomes because many of the human services jobs pay poorly. You need us to take care of the community. My daughter is away at college, I don't want to rent her room long term, I want her to be able to come home 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 33 Comments/Suggestions for her breaks and stay in her own room. Renting for 6 plus months does not allow for this option. The equity in the homes should be supplemented by taxes on the multimillion dollar homes. The equity earned in affordable homes barely pays for the maintenance and repairs or replacement of appliances. As the homes get older, these expense go up. This is a disincentive to invest in the home. It would be nice if you offered carrots and not so many sticks. $100 credit to replace an appliance is not enough when owners who buy a 10 year old home, the burden is on that person to replace all the appliances, they get nothing for it and the next owner gets to enjoy the new appliances. The credit should be based on depreciation. You buy new appliances and you move in two years you get $500.00 credit on an appliance, you leave in 10 years you get very little. Living in Boulder and working in the Human Services field is very challenging. Employers are not compensating for the increase in the cost of living and the cost of living in Boulder. Most people commute, and now I observe, more people are leaving Colorado because they cannot make ends meet and the beauty is not longer worth the cost. This trend will impact Boulder when you can't get employees to staff your hospital or your schools. We need other income options! Being able to rend a room however we want would be very helpful. I think the grace period for renting the home should be 2 years. This provides more flexibility to sort out life, and still doesn't contribute to a systemic abuse of the affordable program. It takes people more than a year to know whether or not they like their new job enough to catalyze a chain of changes that can't be reversed. I very much appreciate Boulder's Affordable Housing Program. I'd never have been able to purchase a home in Boulder without it I was recently notified that I could not continue using my downstairs bedroom with bathroom as an Airbnb rental. I made $3000 last year, I only rented to females. Very safe. This is hardship for a person who is 70 and still working and still owing $160,000 on mortgage. I was very happy with the services and response I rec'd from the City of Boulder Affordable Home program. With the exception that I was given wrong information about whether my current home would be available to me to buy as a single person, everyone was well informed. (We found out the person who told us that was new to the program, and didn't know about the special case). I am so grateful for the program! My one suggestion is to HOUND INTO PEOPLE'S HEAD when they sign up that they should also IMMEDIATELY sign up for the PIE grant too. I wish I had done that when I started looking for houses because then the grant could have been put toward my downpayment, closing fees, etc. But as it is now, it worked out fine. Thanks so very very much! I wish it is easier to shift in bigger space house or once we pay off the mortgage it can be ours and not permanently affordable. So that our house value will be good later in future. or once you pay off your loan the house is out of city of Boulder permanent affordable house program can be owned. I wish my HOA fee could be reduced, since I'm just 1 resident in a 3 redroom, I use far fewer resources covered by HOA than neighbors, like water, sewage, etc. I wish that improvements could be a bit easier/more supported. We desperatly need to replace our carpets but can't afford to. Also kitchen updates and bathroom updates would be nice prior to 20 years I wish the city would have done more of a proper inspection when there homes were being built. My place is not energy efficient, in fact, I believe some areas aren't even insulated. Also, there should be more of an economic benefit to individuals that stay in their home long term because they financially need to. More incentives to repair, upgrade or fix up homes. I wish there was a way to purchase another home in the affordable program without selling your home, reentering the program and entering the fair selection process again. It definitely discourages from making a second, third, etc. purchase in the affordable program (like searching for a larger home) if you still qualify 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 34 Comments/Suggestions to be in the program because it's unrealistic to sell your current home without having another housing situation lined up. I wish there were better incentives for home improvements. I think that our contractor cuts some corners. And, we'll never be able to buy anything else in Boulder, even if we sell after our 30 year mortgage is paid off I would have expected more support from the Housing Authority when there was substantial damage to my unit from my upstairs neighbor not once but three times. He did not have the condo owners insurance required by the by-laws so I and my insurer bore the entire brunt of the damages. I would have expected that the Housing Authority would have had more of an investment in protecting what is to a certain extent their property as well. I would like to extend our family but we don't have a room to do that and we can't afford to buy anything bigger in Boulder unless it's affordable-living home and we don't do that because we already have home. As far as I know, we would have to sell this first and apply again. We cannot risk it like that. I would love to see Boulder Affordable housing reconsider the income limits to purchase affordable homes in lieu of varying HOA fees as well as potentially the amount of appreciation allowed (within reason to maintain the integrity of affordable homes). Further, I'd love to see the program add more stringent guidelines for builders in relation to finishes and potentially even be at the sale walk-throughs with the new homeowners to ensure a better understanding of the level of finishes actually provided and/or allow for some revisiting of the 10/20 year expectations for remodeling in order to get equity. If I had an opportunity to buy a two-bedroom apartment on a single floor. I certainly would have done that. It makes sense in terms of aging. Has affordable housing thought about offering assistance to aging residnece to make safety improvements- shower hand bar, etc.? If you can require new buildings to include a/c if they do for all non-affordable units, that would be great. I'm grateful for the opportunity. Thank you I'm grateful to and for your program and to have been able to afford my beautiful townhome. Love my home, love Boulder, love the Boulder consciousness for understanding we need affordable housing. Just wish the HOA's could get it together and stop raising the fees every year and giving fewer services. Welcome to inflation and reserves. I'm hoping the city can educate potential homeowners on how HOA fees can affect the affordability of units. Additionally, our community has so many issues due to construction flaws that are affecting our Affordable housing owners. I hope the city can help near some of this burden as the community is mixed and forcing affordable homeowners out of the program and out of the city. I can not and have not recommended this program to anyone who asks and has considered buying into this program. Also because of the income restrictions, I no longer qualify for the program, despite the fact that I work 3 jobs to afford my current place and am over the limit by approx $1000. Can the limits be raised? There is no way that I can afford a market rate unit with my extra $1000 in income. Finally, the lack of inventory needs to be addressed. I am a single male looking to move into a larger unit and start a family soon, however because of the lack of multi bedroom units and the restrictions on those, it doesn't seem possible in this city. I'm very grateful for the affordable housing program, but sometimes worry that even though I'm able to save a good amount of money living here, that the prices of home in Boulder will continue to outpace my income as a teacher in Boulder. Thanks for asking for feedback Install affordable housing management as a local, not for profit org where each household would be given a monthly statement denoting useage of elec, gas, water, and sewer and a list of forseeable exp expected by the community. Such transparency would imbue owners with a sense of responsibility and a state in lowering consumption. 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 35 Comments/Suggestions Institute some HOA rules and regs. Many affordable homeowners that I know are being taken advantage of Is it possible to provide some kind of follow up/ supervision/ education/accountability for HOA's ? It has been incredible to have this home and we would love to be able to move and let another fmaily have this home eventually but the incentives to keep these homes up and update them is not there due to the limited appreciation. They are really starting to show their age and I do worry I would not have enough funds for major HOA funds It seems like the calculation of appreciation should be calculated such that the percentage is based on the previous year's value not the sale price from many years back. The lack of compounding interest makes it difficut to increase capital enough to be able to move out with a down payment big enough to stay in Boulder It would be helpful if there was more incentive to do upkeep on the home. At this time, only a few updates are reimbursable. Some of the materials used in the home were very inexpensive and need to be replaced rather soon into owning the home. I'd like to see some allowance for general upkeep in addition to the percentage allocated for home sale. Additionally, builders should be asked to use better materials for permanently affordable homes. It would be helpful to have a list of reputable handymen/women form the Affordable Housing Program - all think Boulder owners are rich and gouge or scam you. Also would be good to have better neighbors: I have 1 that has SEVEN cars (3 or 4 of which don't run) and we have limited parking. His son lives part time in a van in the driveway It's not really affordable if the HOA is more than the mortgage. We are having major issues with water damage and the stucco resulting in multiple problems. There has been little or no proactive maintenance for many years so there are bigger issues to fix. They were unable to go back to the builders with the issues because they were out of state. Love my home/HOA is the only thing wish I could put the brakes on Make a limit on how much HOA fee,s can go up for affoedable homeowner. Make considerations for adjustable appreciation if a person is in the home for over 10 years. Many of the properties get sold over and over raising the price of the affordable unit but those of us who keep it without all of the added selling costs get no incentive. More affordable housing. Easier path to purchase of another Affordable home, ie: giving current Affordable home owners some priority in moving to another affordable home they qualify for without having to go through the whole process. More opportunity for capital improvements also the replacement for defective single pane windows should be less than 20 years. I think it would also be worth to look into replacing carpet with laminate flooring. We live in affordable housing for a reason and hardwood floor is not as durable as laminate. Should be some incentive/partial reimbursement for replacing 10+ yr old carpet. My 23 year old son has mental illness and is unable to work. He sometimes comes and stays with me. My lift is a lot less stressful since buying the condo, I can afford to take care of myself My primary complaint has been the patio, low-grade concrete was used and it began chipping almonst immediately Need more multi-room middle income opportunities so families can stay in town. Even with improved financial security made possible by the program, it is desappointing to be forced to leave town as we require more space No No 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 36 Comments/Suggestions No No, thank you for the opportunity to live in Boulder On question about utilities, trash and water are included in HOA and electricity and gas are individual. At the moment, HOA is trying to get water to be billed individually too but it requires a change in the HOA covenant and it's very hard to get anything changed in the covenant with the current rules. In general, the HOA covenants are really hard to work with and hard to adapt to the community needs. The main issue is that the required participation rate of 67% for a vote on a change in the covenant is never attained... It would be nice for the city of Boulder to provide more training opportunities for HOA board members. Once you are in the program I believe you are unlikely to leave the program. You become financially trapped- income never catches up with housing prices Our children are really bright. Living in Boulder, (which was only an option through affordable housing) gave them an advantage in terms of an excellent education that prepared them for college. Both our boys got scholarships to excellent universities which is a source of joy and pride for our family Our household is 1 white 4 Latino/Hispanic. I think greater emphasis should be placed on diversity in selecting homeowners as the affordable housing community I live in is almost all white. Our lives have significantly improved with our home purchase. We are more secure, can work on building assets for retirement or emergency, our kids have more space, and we are overall less stressed than when we were renting. Overall it has been a very nice place. Problems with homeless, sleeping and hiding in our bushes, liquor bottles and trash, crushing pills under our steps, stolen bike, stolen baby trailer, cars brokien into, etc. Overall the affordable housing program has been a great benefit. It is unlikely I could have afforded a home in Boulder county otherwise. I have been able to commute to work and live in the same city, often using alternative transportation. Thank You! Overall, it seems like the max income levels are far too low. Maybe they make sense based soley on home cost, but once you factor in HOA- it's not enough to cover monthly payments. Also, would be great to have the HOA verified, mine was advertised way lower than actual costs. There are so many policies/rules with the the city, but nothing for HOA's. Not all of units are affordable homes. Ownership is the source of dignity. HOA issues are challenging in a mixed-deed setting. Getting that better papered is key to middle income in mixed-deed community Parking is a huge issue in this community; many of the market-rate condos have 3 bedrooms with 3 extra cars. Only 1-2 garage spaces per unit, little storage. Units were poorly built, and HOA fees are high to repair roofs and exterior damages. $527/mo is super high considering we just get landscaping and snow removal- house has barely been an investment because of it Parking is such a huge issue in this complex it would have been such a great idea if 3 bedrooms apartments are alloyed at least 2 parking spots ? Because it's easy guess that at least there would be more than two people be living in. And at least two cars be home. Just an idea or some kind of parking space for the owners ? Please do something about constantly growing HOA fees for sortable housing. Within few years, HOA fees will be more than my mortgage Please help regulate the HOA fees. I understand there will be rising costs but with mixed housing neighborhoods the needs and desires of the single family homes should not weigh on those of us living in affordable homes Potential affordable homeowners should be aware of frustration potentai and realistic costs for maintenance and repairs costs they will need to pay. Flatirons Habitat for Humanity should be investigated for their corrupt business practices. 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 37 Comments/Suggestions Prevent an HOA increase or have better quality HOA services. I think overall facility is fair. I really appreciate you guys helping me get in a home, so much better than living in my truck or paying very high rent. We have an issue with parking- there's a shortage. My gripe is that we have all these parking spaces and yet the workers from across the street park here. Recently attended (2/27) CO Legistlative/Habitat for Humanity Conference. I'm not getting the impression that the state Legistaltion is taking the housing issue seriously. Continiously building multiplexes & highrise apts is a Band-Aid to the problem, not a concrete solution for families. High rent imposed on college-age students and seniors is an injustice imposed on people with limited budgets Since I purchased my condo in 2011, I have had to retire due to a disability. I live on Social Security adn am thankful every day to be living affordably in an excellent community with great neighbors, good managements, ADA facilities, nearby shopping and buses and security. Thank you, Affordable Boulder! You've made possible living in surroundings that are perfect for me. God bless you! Some of my neighbors have a much higher HOA dues and it's very difficult for them to afford. The master HOA seems to resent the condo/affordable folks complaints about dues increases as an insult. Quality of home is not great but this program is amazing and I hope it grows. I have the BEST NEIGHBORS ever!!! Some of the places I looked at when I was looking, looked like run down rentals. People don't fix them up because they can't afford to and there is no money in it for them when they sell. Super pleased with how the Affordable Housing program is run! Edy and Eric did a great job for me. Prepare folds for potential difficulty of getting a mortgage loan at Steel Yards properties as best you can! Thank you for allowing updrades with the Capital improvements program, very grateful for this program and all that if has done for us! Thank you for makign it possible for my family to own a home in Boulder! Without the C.O.B. Affordable Homeownership program, there is NO WAY we would be able to afford to own a home in Boulder Thank you for my life opportunities in this special home! I teach music lessons here privately and play in local orchestras. Artist and musician salaries cannot compete with other professions, to qualify to live near where they work, without this support and subsidy. Every day I feel indebted Thank you for providing affordable housing; it has made a great difference in my quality of life!!! HOA dues are an issue as they consistently go up every year disproportionate to my income....it started at $136 per month and is now $300 per month; I think that this is a problem for lower income people; most people in my neighborhood are no doubt at a much higher income level and can even afford to buy units as 'investments' so that their college students can live there while attending college (which has caused noise and parking problems in my neighborhood...) Thank you for running the Permanently Affordable Housing program. It has added so much to our way of life. Thank you for this great program! Thank you for this program! Thank you for this program. I wish we initially purchased a 3 bedroom instead of two but couldn't get a big enough mortgage. I'll be sad to move if we decide we need to. Will stay as long as we can. Love my neighbors in our fourblex. You did not ask about sexual orientation and I think that an important stat to have too. We are a same sex family. I think the only one in our neighborhood. Thank you for this program.... low-middle income hard working families deserve the same security as higher income families - this program allows for that to happen, and gives families a chance to get ahead in life!!! THANK YOU!!! Thank you for your interest in plans or thoughts of afdbl hsg members Thank you! 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 38 Comments/Suggestions Thank you! 15 years ago, I would have never been able to buy my home without Boulder Affordable Housing. Thank you---thank you for helping our family stay in Boulder where we are active members of the community and work in helping professions. Thanks for the help to make Boulder a nice place for Living. Thanks so much! I don't know how I would have survived in Boulder without this opportunity. I love my home and am so appreciative of all of your efforts! Best wishes to you all. The Affordable Home ownership program is a huge blessing and I am very grateful to be a part of it. Thank you. The affordable housing program has too many restrictions yet keeps us vulnerable to market changes. Market rate HOA fees should have some checks and balances with the City. I had to pay thousands of dollars for my realtor and several repairs on a home that I did not get support for by the City that I can NEVER recover. Although overall my home is beautiful, many homeless people live outside about 30 feet from my home. I wish there was more affordable housing since from what I've read the cost of housing is a primary reason people are homeless. Its a constant reminder that this city is designed for the super- wealthy and I am part of this underclass. Aside from buying a burrito, I cannot shop anywhere on main street (Pearl) in my home town since its not designed for people with lower or moderate incomes. I've lived in Boulder for more than 10 years. Although there has bit lip-service to diversity and inclusiveness, I have not seen any measurable improvement in any of this. The city should have much more affordable housing to create a community. Or the City should even organize events that would be appealing for people in the affordable community to not feel so isolated since typically we are in the minority where we live. A head count tax on employers who make say $1B a year or more (and higher say for $100B-- yes Boulder has encouraged this, not diversity) is necessary. Otherwise our City is only going to be represented by the super-wealthy and people that work for the super-wealthy companies. The Affordable Housing Program is terrific. We love our home, and we love that we were able to get it way below market value. Working with City staff was a pleasure and you all made it easy to stay on top of all the paperwork, and were abundantly friendly in our interactions. The issues with our home are minimal in comparison to the value we received in being able to purchase this home. The Capital Credit program is outdated and the committee is not open to updating the rules. It is insane that LVP flooring is not allowed as a capital credit while ceramic tile is, given that LVP flooring in the number choice of new homeowners, is waterproof, scratch resistant to many things including dogs (even hardwood isn't!). Additionally, the Asset Program Manager was rude, defensive, and closed-minded when I voiced concerns about the flooring credit rules being outdated. The city needs to seriously look at the dangers of Microwave radiation from 'smart' utility (electricity and gas) meters as probably detrimental to human health. The city really needs to enforce the policies of affordable housing. It shouldn't be taken for granted and the city, HOA, and police need to work together to not give up on house owners that take this program for granted! The developer definitely put in cheap windows that although double paned don't seem to be energy efficient as I can feel the cold air come through them. The drip system for the plants was very bad when this condo was new, but thanks to my complaining it is getting better, as of last Fall 2018. A carport would be nice. The HOA is a disaster and has always been non-harmonious. I HATE IT! We cannot afford a manager. Do not trust some of the volunteers. Believe $ has been misappropriated into personal hands and cannot do a thing. I HATE it! 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 39 Comments/Suggestions The homeownership program is wonderful. I'm so thankful. My only concern is the HOA dues- mixing lower income with higher income in the same neighborhood seems to bring lots of issues. I'm sure you've heard the pool issue in Dakota Ridge. I wish some of the dues could be separate from the rest of the neighborhood. The permanently affordable housing program can be a double-edged sword. While it's great to be able to afford to live in a nice but expensive area, the fact that my home's value doesn't keep pace with market rates makes it impossible to break out of permanently affordable homeownership. I won't be able to sell my home for a high enough amount that I could afford to buy into a market rate property. This is not necessarily a problem but it does limit my options. Not sure what the solution to this would be. In addition I've heard that ever increasing monthly HOA assessments as well as special assessments have hit some permanently affordable homeowners very hard. This has not been a problem for me but is a big one for others. It's been so long since my initial orientation that I don't remember how thoroughly this was covered. Either way it would be good to make sure that anyone buying into a home under the jurisdiction of an HOA be adequately informed about this. Coverage for loss assessment can be obtained through most homeowners policies for a minimal amount. Not sure how practical it would be for the city to provide assistance to anyone facing unaffordable assessments but it would be good to look into the possibility. Overall I think the permanently affordable housing program is a good one but if I think of anything that might improve or enhance it I'll let you know. The resale restrictions are so tight that they trap people in their units. Like many cities, allow those who have lived in their unit for more than 20 yrs to have the resale restrictions to disappear. Allow people to buy out of the program- whatever the city's contribution was, the person can pay 20%/yr interest on that to buy out. The city's contribution is defined as assessed value vs price paid There is not incentive for homeowner to invest in home, i.e. 20 years end of life: roof, furnace, windows, appliances...but no $ benefit to make back $, so the previous owner did not maintain. Need to evaluate program, so this burden does not get passed to one buyer There needs to be a program to financially grant homeowners with assistance to maintain their houses in the program over 50 years old. We can't afford to move, but can't afford new windows, we have a child with disabilities. We are in debt for a loan on the basement, that cannot be recovered in capital gain of $25 There should be a track for people who want to move or transition into market rate housing - I would no longer qualify for other affordable housing and do not have enough equity in my home (despite paying down my mortgage significantly over the years) since the value has not risen at even close to market rate, nor do I have enough income to move. I'm now trapped in a place that I hate and is wasting my money. There should be some allowance, at least, for people who want to move to other, equal or better, affordable housing, which would not diminish the stock of housing and would give people hope for other options. This city seems unwilling or unable to put in the intensive work that is needed to ensure that the properties in the program are indeed permanently (not just initially) affordable. this program is probably beyond fixing, and is likely to create more hardship around housing costs and Boulder, not less. I recommend that the city devise a plan for sunsetting the program and transitioning properties out of it. Just give up. It's not working, and the city seems very unlikely to do what needs to be done to make it functional. This has been a wonderful opportunity for me! Thank you!! This is a great program. The HOAs have been the most challenging, between cost raises, their finances getting in the way of getting accepted for a mortgage, want to paint the building and increase fees, even though it's not needed, but eveything else is great. 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 40 Comments/Suggestions This program has made me feel more financially secure. It was like winning a small lottery. This program was the best thing that could've happened to my family. As a divorced women who has always lived and worked in Boulder as a social worker, it allowed me and my kids to stay within the city limits, go to the same schools and keep our social circles intact. I cannot thank you all enough. I've felt safe and supported by this community and my family has been able to thrive because of this program. This survey is very good. Thanks for caring for us. To expand on one response: I've worked at the same company for 18 years now, and until last year the office was located in Boulder. When the rent on the office space increased significantly, we were forced to move out of town. Tying the value of the house to average salaries in Boulder is problematic. Many people here are wealthy because of inheritence or single business sales. This isn't reflected in their annual salaries because they don't have to work. I paid 2/3 of market rate for my house. If someone bought my house today, they'd probably pay 1/3 of market rate. That doesn't feel equitable to me. Unfortunately, my neighbor's HOA was terrible when we porchased our home. The builder was charging not enough money for HOA fees and overcharged for price of home. Since then, our HOA fees have significantly gone up and I fear that our home is in danger of not qualifying future buyers in the affordable program becuase of the HOA fees combined with price of home We absolutely could not live in Boulder, or the surrounding area if it were not for this program. We have been able to not worry about our bills as much and move forward in our lives. We have good jobs now and I honestly don't know how anyone can live in Boulder on our salaries without some help. We are very thankful to the Affordable housing program. We appreciate being able to rent out our unit once every 7 years. We are so grateful for this program, and these particular houses, and would not be able to live in Boulder County at all without it! However, in my opinion, now that they are 25 years old and in need of a facelift as well as many repairs, I think you should re-evaluate and make it worthwhile for cottage owners to keep their homes in better condition. Need better storage options and yard space We are so thankful this program exsists. We never would have been able to own a home in Boulder where we work and where our children attend school We are thrilled this program exists but the HOA fees make it almost market rate. But we feel very fortunate to be in Boulder. Wish there was more incentives to improve your home without having to pay all the costs before 10, 20 years. We are VERY SATISFIED with our home! We can't say enough about this program, and we hope it is expanded to help many many more people as it has done for us. Thank you so much! We've loved living in Boulder. We are natives and are thankful we can afford to stay here due to the affordable housing program. When I purchased my home in December 2014, my HOA fee was $300. That was on the high end of what I could afford but I also could not find any affordable homes without HOA fees of at least $200, and most were $250 or more. I asked about this and was told the HOA was very healthy and unlikely to rise more than a few percent each year. Now, just over 4 years later, my HOA fee is $426. That is a 42% increase in just 4 years. I have a decent job, but I only get a 'cost of living' raise every year, which is about 1.7%. Sooner or later, I won't be able to afford my HOA payments. When that happens, I worry I won't be able to sell, as I can't imagine who could qualify for low income housing but yet afford these monthly payments. I'm not allowed to rent, so my only option would be to default on my HOA payment. I read a report from the Affordable Housing Task Force written in 2010 identifying this issue and proposing solutions, none of which have been implemented or even any progress made at all that I'm aware of, nearly 10 years later. 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 41 Comments/Suggestions The only help the City of Boulder program is willing to give is 'Get involved with your HOA and vote on your budgets'. Well, affordable units represent ~10% of our total homeowners at my condo, so we collectively have no voting power - and anyone who could afford these condos at the market rate is simply not living with the same financial constraints as the affordable owners are. My concerns have fallen on deaf ears, the response is a dismissive 'no one likes when rates go up but we all have to deal with it', meanwhile my HOA has a social committee throwing wine-tasting parties, completely unconcerned with costs. I love my home and am proud of my city and our commitment to affordable housing, but this issue is making my affordable home UNaffordable, and I'm afraid I'll lose my home and be priced out of Boulder entirely. PLEASE take action! You've been aware of this problem for a decade or more!! We need your help! Where can I get information on how HOA works/or is it ok for a neighbor to have cameras everywhere pointing at all neighbors and having his car alarm sound everytime someone is outside? Wouldn't that be a privacy concern with the camera? While I appreciate that the program is not designed as a way to purchase investment property, the rules are so restrictive that it becomes virtually impossible to have a life change and maintain one's status as a homeowner within the program. Avenues that would help lower income folks gain a little extra leg up (such as Airbnb or renting the home for more than one year) are not allowed, while the continually more wealthy population of Boulder is allowed to put extra money in their pockets with such ventures. There must be a way to find a middle ground for affordable homeowners. While I wouldn't want to do this on a regular basis, I wish there was an opportunity to do a short-term rental (1-2 weeks) once or twice a year so I could rent my place when I go on vacation to make that a more affordable possibility. While I'm grateful for the housing program, there are many opportunities to improve. Further, housing prices have sky-rocketed to the extent that unless you're a millionaire, single family homes are out-of- reach for the overwhelming majority, especially those aged 60+. I'd like the housing program to offer single-level homes that are not condos and not located by the RR tracks, flight paths or other undesirable areas and not make it so difficult to sell your existing unit and purchase another affordable unit. Address the issues I previously commented on. I'd like to buy an affordable unit that has 3 bdrms & not be restricted to just 2 bdrms. Address ever-increasing HOA dues and stop the pushback & excuses! If the City can buy & run an electric utility, it can do something constructive to keep HOA fees reasonable, otherwise the program's units will no longer be affordable and the City will then deal w/lots of foreclosures. While the initial cost of purchase was affordable, ongoing costs are not. This is primarily due to poor design and shoddy construction- utility and repair costs are outrageous. Quality of life is poor due to noise levels. However, I feel I am trapped here because I cannot afford to move, having not built up any significant equity. There should be opportunity to move to market housing. Wish I'd had choice of a place with no HOA and where I would be responsible for my own lawn etc. Wish the construction, materials, and appliances were of higher quality. Problems with roofs leaking and garage leaks. Problems in my unit are ice and moisture inside windows and moisture inside of one closet, preventing me from using it, so paying for storage space. Cracking outside stucco walls. I've replaced the stone and hot water heater. Wish the high increases in HOA fees, it will be difficult to see my home to lower income families according to how my property will be classified. It would be nice if high HOA was considered with which level of income can purchase Would have preferred gardening and space Would like program to allow for improvements in house that can be at least partially recouped on sale of house. There are some allowances for this, but would like more latitude with perhaps a lower rate of reimbursement. 2019 City of Boulder Affordable Homeowner Survey Respondent Comments RRC Associates 42 Comments/Suggestions Would like to have the chance to discuss some issues further. Easier for me to speak than write due to chronic illness symptoms. You need to do something about the outrageous HOA fees/assessments for those of us in affordable units. It's ruining the program