Hearing re 568 14th Street, Boulder, CO RosallFrom:nolan rosall To:Historic Preservation Cc:Marcy Cameron; Nolan Rosall; Sharon Rosall Subject:Hearing re: 568 14th Street, Boulder, CO. HIS 2022-0009 Date:Tuesday, May 24, 2022 11:56:24 AM External Sender Public comment re: the Historic Preservation Demo Review/Application regarding 568 14th Street, Boulder, CO. HIS 2022-00092 Hearing scheduled for June 1, 2022. The house located at 568 14th Street has important Historic value to the history of Boulder in terms of its prior ownership by Helen Carpenter, its existing preserved architectural character, and its early period of construction. Helen Carpenter played a significant role in the history of Boulder and of the University of Colorado, being one of its first female administrators. We believe it is imperative that any renovations, modifications or demolitions to the existing residence be completed carefully and only in accordance with Historic Preservation guidelines. Any work should retain the existing scale and architectural character of this structure. Nolan and Sharon Rosall 616 14th Street Boulder, CO 80302 303-589-6323 rosall@comcast.net Rosall