Neighbor Support for Full Demolition Permit for 3122 8th StreetFrom:Tori Wunsch
To:Historic Preservation
Cc:Tiffany Gwyther
Subject:Neighbor Support for Full Demolition Permit for 3122 8th Street
Date:Sunday, May 29, 2022 2:39:15 PM
External Sender
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for your consideration of this email sharing my support for a full demolition permit for 3122 8th Street,
Boulder, CO 80304. I am in favor of Joshua and Tiffany Gwyther building a new home. I reside at 3112 8th Street,
Boulder, CO 80304 and I live directly to the south of the Gwyther Family. Additionally, the Gwythers have already
demonstrated a commitment to matching the neighborhood’s feel while completing some smaller home
improvements. Tiffany and Josh are also very considerate, communicative, and collaborative with their neighbors
including me. Tiffany and Josh care about the community, their neighbors and the neighborhood and I trust if
granted a full demolition permit that Tiffany and Josh would seek to preserve the neighborhood's aesthetic. Should
you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. In closing, I would like to reiterate my
support for the full demolition permit for 3122 8th Street. Thank you again for your time and consideration.
Victoria E. Wunsch
3112 8th Street, Boulder, CO 80304