05.09.22 TAB Agenda 4 - DRCOG TIP C I T Y O F B O U L D E R TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: May 9, 2022 AGENDA TITLE: Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the proposed project submittals for the Denver Regional Council of Governments 2022-2025 Transportation Improvements Program Subregional Project Selection Process PRESENTER/S: Natalie Stiffler, Interim Director of Transportation and Mobility Gerrit Slatter, Principal Transportation Projects Engineer Valerie Watson, Transportation Planning Manager Jean Sanson, Principal Transportation Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Boulder is proposing to submit transportation project funding applications to the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) as part of the 2022-2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The purpose of this agenda item is to share the city’s proposed list of subregional project applications for council review and consideration. This DRCOG TIP call for project applications was issued May 2, 2022 and applications are due June 24, 2022 to Boulder County and DRCOG. With the input of the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB), the city’s proposed projects both further the adopted TMP and are competitive in terms of the DRCOG TIP application scoring criteria. Projects are also in support of the DRCOG Metro Vision Plan and will advance safety improvements to the Boulder Core Arterial Network (CAN) and regional multimodal corridors. The projects summarized in Attachment A of this memorandum are presented for TAB’s review and consideration of a motion to recommend City Council authorize the city to submit up to all four projects for the 2022-2025 TIP. The TIP process requires that the city manager sign the submittal form for the final projects sent to DRCOG. The four projects are: •30th Street Preliminary Design (CO7/Arapahoe - CO119) •CO93/Broadway & Table Mesa and CO93/Broadway & Regent Transit Priority Intersections •Baseline Enhanced Transit Stops & Protected Bike Lanes (30th Street – Foothills Parkway) •US36/28th Street West Side Multi-Use Path (Four Mile Canyon Creek Bridge – Jay Road) 05.09.22 TAB Agenda 4 - DRCOG TIP Page 1 of 12 BACKGROUND DRCOG is the region’s Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) which is responsible for the preparation of the TIP. The TIP is the primary mechanism by which federal transportation funds flow to local governmental agencies and implements capital improvements to further completion of the 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (MVRTP) which is the fiscally constrained, long-range transportation plan for the Denver metropolitan region. The TIP project selection process is typically conducted every four years by DRCOG in cooperation with CDOT and RTD to identify the projects and management actions expected to be completed by CDOT, RTD, local governments and other project sponsors. All projects receiving federal funds must be in the MVRTP and the TIP and meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act. In addition to being adopted by the DRCOG Board of Directors, the TIP must also be approved by the governor and incorporated into the State Transportation Improvement Program. The City of Boulder has submitted for TIP funding since the program’s initiation in the 1990s. Federal transportation funding provides an ability to complete priority projects in the City of Boulder’s TMP by leveraging city transportation dollars and funding from other partners with federal funding. Current TIP projects that are currently in, or will start construction in 2022 include: the 30th & Colorado Bicycle and Pedestrian Underpass; the North Broadway (Violet Avenue – US 36) Reconstruction; 28th Street Improvements (Iris – Canyon); and the East Arapahoe Multi-Use Path and Transit Stop Enhancement projects. The City is also receiving TIP funds to purchase six electric HOP buses, with expected delivery in 2023. ANALYSIS With the assistance of TAB, the city’s TIP development process used the following criteria developed by staff and TAB to determine the projects recommended for submittal to DRCOG: •Subregional Benefit: Projects located on or connecting to the Core Arterial Network (CAN) that is a subset of Boulder’s Transportation Master Plan or regional multimodal Northwest Area Mobility Study (NAMS) corridor and provides benefit to multiple municipalities •Vehicle Miles Traveled/Greenhouse Gas Reduction: Projects that increase person throughput via transit and bicycle priority infrastructure •Safety: Projects located on the DRCOG High Injury Network corridor and high crash location •Equity: Projects that benefit equity population demographics •Project Readiness: Projects that have completed design drawings and/or city has a high level of confidence the project can be completed within TIP timeframe •Cost Effectiveness: Projects that have the potential to leverage partner funds (mainly CDOT, Boulder County, or CU) and timing of partner fund availability 05.09.22 TAB Agenda 4 - DRCOG TIP Page 2 of 12 The four projects suggested for submittal were determined to advance the priorities of the city’s TMP and reflect the priorities and principles of the city’s transportation investment policies, as well as maximize the ability to receive funding under the DRCOG criteria. These projects are: •30th Street Preliminary Design (CO7/Arapahoe - CO119) •CO93/Broadway & Table Mesa and CO93/Broadway & Regent Transit Priority Intersections •Baseline Enhanced Transit Stops & Protected Bike Lanes (30th Street – Foothills Parkway) •US36/28th Street West Side Multi-Use Path (Four Mile Canyon Creek Bridge – Violet) COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND FEEDBACK Several outreach efforts were implemented to notify adjacent property owners and the community about the TIP submittal process and the projects being considered for the TIP. There is a project webpage that includes information about the TIP process, projects being considered for submittal and opportunities for public input. A mailing was sent to approximately 3,300 property owners, residents and businesses adjacent to potential TIP projects and other interested stakeholders in the community notifying them of the upcoming grant application process and adjacent proposed projects. Community members were invited to review project factsheets and informational videos, provide online feedback, and schedule virtual office hours with staff. This information was also included in a city press release and social media postings by the city and TAB members. Twenty-six people provided verbal or written feedback online or via virtual office hours. Many people offered suggestions on specific concepts to consider during the project design phases, with an emphasis on pedestrian and bicyclist safety, separating vehicles from bicyclists, and ensuring adequate traffic flow. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The four projects (detailed in Attachment A) supported by staff for submission for the 2022-2025 DRCOG Subregional TIP project selection process are: •30th Street Preliminary Design (CO7/Arapahoe - CO119) •CO93/Broadway & Table Mesa and CO93/Broadway & Regent Transit Priority Intersections •Baseline Enhanced Transit Stops & Protected Bike Lanes (30th Street – Foothills Parkway) •US36/28th Street West Side Multi-Use Path (Four Mile Canyon Creek Bridge – Jay Road). It should be noted that, based on TAB feedback and additional staff analysis, the northern extent of this project, which was originally Violet Avenue, has been truncated to terminate at Jay Road; thereby reducing the project cost from $8.5M to $3.5M. Staff requests that TAB endorse submitting these four projects to Council for TIP applications to DRCOG Subregional TIP project selection process. TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD ACTION REQUESTED 05.09.22 TAB Agenda 4 - DRCOG TIP Page 3 of 12 TAB is asked to review the proposed projects and provide a recommendation to City Council to endorse submitting the six projects from this proposed set of projects for the 2022-2025 TIP. Suggested Motion Language: Motion to recommend to City Council to approve the proposed submittal to the Denver Regional Council of Governments for the 2022-2025 Transportation Improvements Program Subregional Project Selection Process NEXT STEPS This item is scheduled for the May 17, 2022 City Council meeting for their consideration of a motion of approval of projects to submit for funding. The remaining due dates for the 2022 - 2025 TIP timeline are shown below: June 24, 2022 Subregional project applications due July – August 2022 Subregional project evaluation, scoring and selection August – Sept 2022 Subregional projects amended into 2022-2025 TIP DRCOG will open a subsequent 2024-2027 TIP call for subregional project applications in December 2022 and staff anticipates recommending another set of subregional projects for TAB consideration in late-summer/early-fall 2022. ATTACHMENT A – Subregional TIP Project Abstracts 05.09.22 TAB Agenda 4 - DRCOG TIP Page 4 of 12 Project Sponsor: City of Boulder Project Title: 30th Street Preliminary Design (CO7/Arapahoe - CO119) Project Phases: Design Background/ Project Justification: 30th Street is a primary north-south travel corridor in the City of Boulder providing connections and access to Boulder Junction at Depot Square RTD bus station, University of Colorado, and the central business district including Google and the 29th Street Retail District. Importantly, the project’s 2.5-mile stretch of 30th Street will connect two of the region’s highest priority BRT corridors – CO 119 BRT with service to Longmont and CO 7 BRT with service to I-25. The arterial is lined with multi-family housing, including income-restricted housing, senior housing, student housing, and CU family housing. It is also lined with thousands of jobs, a considerable share of the city's retail, including several grocers. This 2.5-mile stretch of roadway has the opportunity to be a continuous walkable, bikeable corridor rich with destinations, and access to local and regional transit. It is also an essential corridor for active transportation and will extend the 30th Street protected bicycle facilities to be constructed south of CO7/Arapahoe in 2023. The corridor has an average ADT greater than 20,000 with the north segment being located on DRCOG’s High Injury Network and the south segment identified by DRCOG as Critical Corridor. Project Description: This project proposes to conduct preliminary and final design for protected bicycle facilities and transit stop improvements. The project will develop and evaluate conceptual transportation design options to improve multimodal (pedestrian, bicycle, transit and vehicle) travel along 30th Street and will include preliminary engineering and cost estimates for transportation improvements. The preliminary engineering plans will provide facilities for users of all ages and abilities, help meet the city’s Vision Zero goal of eliminating fatal and serious injury collisions, and improve travel conditions for transit users, pedestrians and bicyclists by addressing travel comfort and security. This project helps to meet both subregional and regional travel needs by providing improved transit, bicycling, and walking facilities for residents, non-residents and visitors accessing local and regional destinations such as the University of Colorado and dense employment areas within the Boulder Junction area. This project is consistent with the Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan, TIP focus areas and NAMS by providing walking and bicycling facilities design for all ages and abilities to upcoming BRT service corridors and enhanced transit stops. Funding Breakdown in $1,000s (by program year)1 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Total DRCOG Requested Funds $200,000 $600,000 $ $800,000 CDOT or RTD Supplied Funds2 $ $ $ $ Local Funds (Funding from sources other than DRCOG, CDOT, or RTD) $40,000 $160,000 $ $200,000 Total Funding $240,000 $760,000 $ $1,000,000 Attachment A - Subregional TIP Project Abstracts 05.09.22 TAB Agenda 4 - DRCOG TIP Page 5 of 12 Project Location/ Map: Visuals/ Images: Attachment A - Subregional TIP Project Abstracts 05.09.22 TAB Agenda 4 - DRCOG TIP Page 6 of 12 Project Sponsor: City of Boulder Project Title: CO93/Broadway & Table Mesa and CO93/Broadway & Regent Transit Priority Intersections Project Phases: Design/Environmental/Construction Background/ Project Justification: The CO93/Broadway corridor is a key regional transit corridor, carrying the last four miles of the FasTracks-funded Flatiron Flyer route between US 36/Table Mesa and downtown Boulder Station, as well as numerous other regional and local transit routes, including the DASH service between Boulder, Louisville and Lafayette. Pre-pandemic, northbound CO93/Broadway carried 37 buses per hour in the a.m. peak. However, this corridor also experiences significant traffic congestion in the peak periods, impacting transit travel times and reliability. For example, in the southbound direction, scheduled transit travel times on the corridor increase from 11 minutes off-peak to 19 minutes during peak periods, and on-time performance falls from 85% to 70% in the p.m. peak. Identified in the 2014 Northwest Area Mobility Study (NAMS), the primary purpose of the US36/28th Street and CO93/Broadway Transit Priority Intersection project is to improve travel time and reliability for RTD’s Flatiron Flyer BRT service, along with other regional transit routes, future arterial BRT service, and local transit. Improvements will benefit mobility, air quality, transit travel speeds and reliability, and safety at key intersections benefiting numerous regional BRT corridors. Project Description: The project includes design and construction of (1) intersection improvements to provide transit priority at CO93/Broadway & Table Mesa and CO93/Broadway & Regent intersections; and (2) an analysis of CO93/Broadway general purpose lane conversions to Business Access Transit lanes between Table Mesa Drive and 18th Street, with lane restriping and signage as feasible. Funding Breakdown in $1,000s (by program year)1 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Total DRCOG Requested Funds $ $ $2,640,000 $2,640,000 CDOT or RTD Supplied Funds2 $1,500,000 $ $ $1,500,000 Local Funds (Funding from sources other than DRCOG, CDOT, or RTD) $ $ $660,000 $660,000 Total Funding $1,500,000 $ $3,960,000 $4,800,000 Attachment A - Subregional TIP Project Abstracts 05.09.22 TAB Agenda 4 - DRCOG TIP Page 7 of 12 Project Location/ Map: Visuals/ Images: Attachment A - Subregional TIP Project Abstracts 05.09.22 TAB Agenda 4 - DRCOG TIP Page 8 of 12 Project Sponsor: City of Boulder Project Title: Baseline Enhanced Transit Stops & Protected Bike Lanes (30th Street – Foothills Parkway) Project Phases: Design/Environmental/Construction Background/ Project Justification: Baseline is a principal east-west arterial that connects Boulder to other communities in the sub-region, such as Louisville, Lafayette and Erie and becomes CO-7 at the intersection with SH-287. Further, it provides regional multimodal connections consisting of bike and transit choices between South/Central Boulder and the CU-Williams Village area to other areas in Boulder and communities to the east. Currently, there are some features along the corridor with bike lanes of various types and conditions along the corridor. Additionally, Baseline Road provides transit service to Boulder and the surrounding region via RTD Route 225 which connects to Lafayette and the Lafayette Park and Ride. Project Description: Multimodal enhancements to the Baseline Road corridor will include: • Raised concrete median curb separators for a protected bike lane. Baseline has 12’ lanes that could be reduced to create more space for both a raised protected median and an existing 5’ wide bike lane. Repurposing the space within the existing street cross section will provide sufficient space for a protected bike lane facility. • Floating bus stops. Implementing floating bus stops would eliminate the need for bus operators to slow down for people bicycling near at bus stops and eliminate the need for operators to merge back with traffic. It would also ensure people bicycling could travel without being obstructed by a bus stopping in the bike lane. • Bus stop consolidation. This stretch of Baseline is 0.8 miles in length and has approximately 7 eastbound stops and 5 westbound stops. By consolidating the stops into 3-4 locations in each direction, the stop spacing could provide improved service, provide some operational savings, and reduce the number of bus stops that need to be maintained. • Protected bicycle intersection treatments at key intersections such as at Mohawk Drive. • Pedestrian safety improvements at key locations and intersections. The 30th Street in intersection is consistently one of the locations with the highest number of pedestrian vehicle collisions. Funding Breakdown in $1,000s (by program year)1 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Total DRCOG Requested Funds $600,000 $0 $2,600,000 $3,200,000 CDOT or RTD Supplied Funds2 $ $ $ $ Local Funds (Funding from sources other than DRCOG, CDOT, or RTD) $200,000 $0 $600,000 $800,000 Total Funding $800,000 $0 $3,200,000 $4,000,000 Attachment A - Subregional TIP Project Abstracts 05.09.22 TAB Agenda 4 - DRCOG TIP Page 9 of 12 Project Location/ Map: Visuals/ Images: Attachment A - Subregional TIP Project Abstracts 05.09.22 TAB Agenda 4 - DRCOG TIP Page 10 of 12 Project Sponsor: City of Boulder Project Title: US36/28th Street West Side Multi-Use Path (Four Mile Canyon Creek Bridge - Violet) Project Phases: Design/Environmental/Construction Background/ Project Justification: US36/28th Street is a state highway and a northern and southern gateway to Boulder for employees, visitors, students, and residents. Planning for this corridor beginning in the early 2000’s, with a complete street design that incorporates a separated multi-use path for safe and comfortable pedestrian and bicycle travel from the south end of the city to the north end. This project will complete the final northern segment of the US36/28th street multi-use path as part of this corridor-wide improvement effort and will support access to safe, comfortable and connected active transportation facilities. US36/28th Street is identified by DRCOG as both a corridor on the DRCOG High Injury Network and an Active Transportation Corridor. This segment of US36/28th Street has experienced an inordinately high number of fatal and serious injury crashes involving bicyclists and pedestrians, with 2 fatalities and 17 serious injuries between 2015 and 2019. The proposed project will provide a safe and separated facility for pedestrians and bicyclists and complete a major missing link and connection for local and regional travel. It will also provide direct access to a number of local and regional routes, such as the Flatiron Flyer between Boulder and Denver and the BOLT (future CO119 BRT) between Boulder and Longmont. During recent local planning efforts to maximize the benefits of regional transit improvements, the community identified their interest and need to have a continuous pedestrian and bicycle facility and improved connectivity from North Boulder to CO119 BRT, the Flatiron Flyer, and Boulder Junction. Project Description: The project will construct a 10-foot wide, bi-directional, concrete multi-use path for bicyclists and pedestrians on the west side of US36 from Fourmile Canyon Creek Bridge to Violet Avenue. It will include the installation of storm sewer system improvements, signage and wayfinding, and at least 20 bicycle parking spaces. Higher density residential and employment growth is expected to continue in this area of North Boulder for several more years; however, there are no continuous sidewalks or off- street bicycle facilities on either side of US36/28th Street between Fourmile Canyon Creek and Violet. Extending the multi-use path from Fourmile Creek bridge north will provide direct connections to a number of employment centers, as well residential neighborhoods, schools, parks and recreational sites. Funding Breakdown in $1,000s (by program year)1 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Total DRCOG Requested Funds $1,360,000 $0 $5,440,000 $6,800,000 CDOT or RTD Supplied Funds2 $ $ $ $ Local Funds (Funding from sources other than DRCOG, CDOT, or RTD) $425,000 $ $1,275,000 $1,700,000 Total Funding $1,785,000 $ $6,715,000 $8,500,000 Attachment A - Subregional TIP Project Abstracts 05.09.22 TAB Agenda 4 - DRCOG TIP Page 11 of 12 Project Location/ Map: Visuals/ Images: Attachment A - Subregional TIP Project Abstracts 05.09.22 TAB Agenda 4 - DRCOG TIP Page 12 of 12